Smoky Mountain Estate Sale got Emotional

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hello you all are welcome to park right there and the van will be right down here to pick you up okay shutle oneway Road up there with nowhere to park Okay cool so they'll come right down here and pick you up okay awesome sounds good appreciate it no way that's cool well you're definitely in the smoking mountains we definitely are probably the coolest location for a estate sale ever what a like I can't believe we getting vaned up I know right let me roll this up let's go oh I see the van right now oh the van's coming perfect okay so let's get up to speed okay we are on spring break right now in Gatlinburg Tennessee kids are back at the cabin with freshly ordered Donuts yeah yeah so we ran out to this estate sale that he just found this morning yeah it's a fun little thing yeah man I can't believe all those horses over there that's crazy all right she's going to around here sale before Kentuck not here oh in Kentucky all right um well there is a little Park fo top but it's just like a oneway curvy street to get up there but if you buy some wonderful things we'll let you drive up there you can follow the van up and Pi your stuff up and then follow the van back down okay awesome I am so glad you did not meet that big piece of Machinery on the road oh well it might not be going up top you never need oh God all right you want to take that it doesn't matter I think if you want to stay warm for a few more minutes will you unlock from the it locks automatically been shuttle to estate I know right this is our first shuttle to an estate sale oh well you'll see why when we on the way thank you the road is good for if you're a goat if you're a goat thank you yeah but you're welcome to follow the shuttle up um if you make a purchase that doesn't fit in the van that's not a problem we've got that planned but this is the best we could figure this is perfect thank you it's the first for us too yeah what this is cool we're going up the mountain you ready I'm excited we're going to have to show the road yeah yeah they want to see I still can't get over all those beautiful horses I know they're amazing just the views in general like the clouds look crazy I know okay well hopefully they take us up for the record I'm just going to mention it was 78 degre on day one and now it's like 45° it's been going down down down freezing your little tissue up there was actually some snow on the mountains last night I know it was beautiful oh man all right ladies let's go I know take us up ladies all right this is like a little Adventure it is we're going on a rug trip yes yeah I'm Amy it's nice to meet you guys I'm DET guide this is a horse farm it's actually a beautiful horse farm to be right next to really is I know now my phone's ringing Carolyn if you if you like Pottery at all you've hit the jackpot yeah we're looking at those little raccoons hopefully they're still there oh those are are adorable oh no there's the garbage truck oh he's backing it up there we go that's interesting garbage truck he has a claw arm in the back oh he just picks him up I'm about to his way he's going right there oh we're already here cool yeah we're here oh nice pull drop while let him oh that's a cute little house thanks sir ites all right thanks for the ride thank you guys I'll be right back right back let's see are there no oh cool let's do it so cute oh still here too like that this is such a cute little [Music] spot that's cute for 12 bucks should I grab it have you guys with us before yes looking forac RAC are gone oh don't tell me that are gone third person in line he's got him stacked over oh okay that's okay you want a couple sold stickers awesome thanks so much thank you yeah thanks for the ride is that something you want to take care of now oh Stephanie's got my credit card okay but yeah yeah she wants to run it run it that's F okay look at this um this little thing right here cool oh that is cool from 1994 okay should we grab that yeah thanks again thank you fun thanks egg I wonder is she buying something is that what she's running her card for oh there's a downstairs right there oh Dam this going to be good first of all pile I just want to say it smells amazing in here it smells like wood yeah you smell very C we both said cavan at the same time I just wish we could bottle up the smells for them always so they had the full Vibe of how the spots felt some places kind of smell this is delicious this one smells good these little frogs are cute H they are cute look I have one of these oh is that the UR BR it's a no it's just a cute little rooster okay it a little carved rooster his sticker came off he's $2 we're going to send him yeah you got to get him and there's a friend so this says rooster lore a rooster in your kitchen brings good luck keep your eggs from stinking and make your biscuits rise there you go this one's five bucks sign on the bottom not a bad deal I think we're going to snack both of those too you almost have to right yeah our people love the little trinkets just like we do and I literally have one almost identical to this yeah stickers aren't holding on to great no it's cuz it's wood okay hear me out on this one look how cute that little hummingbird is they made it look like a gourd a I thought it was Pottery cuz the claz yeah but look at this oh me a dollar you want to add it actually I want to look at it one more time that is so cute that is cute I like that oh no I shook it and the stuff came out oh it's okay little what was in there little Gord insides they hollowed it out but didn't empty it out oh okay that's awesome we're going to need a spot huh we're going to need what a spot to set stuff yeah we are need to make a pile $7 I wonder if St Louis I wonder if the St Louis one's good probably not I wonder if we even have service up here I hope so we're not too far off I was expecting to go up like a long time yeah all right so we looked up that Starbucks mug it only sells for eight bucks so we're going to be passing on that guy for sure do you want to hand me some stuff and I can to go see if we can make a pile sure you sure you got that I don't know you want take that cuz those two I think will be good yeah you need help are you good I don't know I'm going right to this floww okay oh there's more cool stuff over here I don't know if I can make it is there a spot to make a pile sir there's a sold table really cool how were they oh wow that's a good deal there's all kinds of good stuff over there that's not even I'm I'm going to do it to myself you definitely would have wanted one of those right yes did you see how cute they were they super cute okay what are these little animals they probably heard me ooing and a on the mic just now cuz look at that that's mine that is cute isn't that so cool I like that he's $5 but I'm still buying it for myself oh you have to I want to see he's carving oh Jack from Hackberry Hackberry yeahuh that's not going on eBay no sorry what are you show me I don't know these kind of look interesting right who are these guys I don't know oh they're finger puppets yeah little vintage finger puppets Main in Japan interesting kind of cool H they're very cool I don't know if there's there's no price okay we just throw them in the pot yeah it's fun what are those I was looking at that too is those little trouts on the top I think so and they're it's like the top part is like metal oh that's interesting I've never SE anything that's pottery and and Brass yeah huh that's weird I'm confused weird cool those are like just weird enough that they might be something yeah I wonder if it's 10 with the tray so there is more Pottery downstairs in the kitchen so just I don't think there's any upstairs but right kind of spread out the I don't even know what some of the stuff is I don't either it's kind of abstract stuff there's that frog you were looking at online oh he's one of a bookand oh yeah a book oh wow sorry they have so many pretty things my brain's like it's hard to focus on one thing that's gorgeous oh my gosh yeah I like [Music] that how much was the Frog oh I didn't even look 30 bucks that's a door stop uh the skulls in shs ink that that has to be a doorstop right way too heavy it could work as a book shs Inc frog stop what was it show schs it changed my word this little scuba diver on a rock that's cool isn't that awesome like amethyst it's 12 bucks it's veryy cool okay I didn't hear what I don't see any with that shs ink oh really do you want me to get the spelling for you I think it was s h o a l right I think it was s c h okay let me see I'll just follow you you I'm going to go ahead and just set these oh yeah s h o a LS yeah that's what I had that's what you had okay s h o a yeah okay she'll maybe just take out door stop and leave frog yeah this frog the man that's wearing a mask nothing what nothing on the Frog Oh no just it's bringing up other stuff oh dang it okay well we'll move on from it she went down there to get somebody on price check I was trying to be nosy oh okay something was a dollar each and she was like oh was it the m mask let me go talk to him that should not be $1 are we even ready to go upstairs we didn't even finish looking in that room oh what is that that is cool isn't it six only six bucks for that vintage wait is it metal it's not metal seems like it's glass just feels weird it is glass cuz it's broken okay that looks kind of Radco ask huh yeah but it doesn't have the Radco topper okay it still looks very yeah herey let me do a Google image on it real quick and we'll find out I can do it okay since I'm already there's some pretty pretty ones over here come on little parrot actually that's probably not even a parrot is it little ornaments are nice H stained glass yeah so he sold this one was sold on Etsy for 3962 39 okay how much was he six six bucks yeah okay we'll take him then we're going to take him don't you oh yeah I love that guy he'd be cool on on any Christmas tree mhm who has a parrot Christmas tree is he is he a Parrot uh some kind of bird he looks par enough whatever we say somebody's going to tell us who knows someone will tell us what it is should we just go on up since we're right by the stairs check it out okay I feel like we've looked like partially in each room instead of fully yeah we're going to have to go once over everything yes sir it's just too much fun all right got some purses I'm going to go straight over here okay that's a nice woven one right there excuse us looks like some quality stuff up here that one looks really ni the basket wave yeah 10 bucks Valencia of Holland looked that up before and I think I was disappointed but this a lot of times that style doesn't by myself style might do it look we could hold on to it for now I'll just name off some other brands for you while you're looking that up borne how much is that one those are they're all right they're like 25 bucks yeah that's I was gu to say 25 probably this one doesn't have a price uh what else we got oh no that's the one that was good hun that's a good one remember we picked up a basket weave that was just like that it was so similar to that we picked up that bag right there and sold it already oh yeah the backpack yeah so this is good yeah good job except is that paint or is that something crusty I know this is so gross and I cringe myself out doing this but oh it's crusty it's crusty so it's going to come off that means it's going to come off versus paint that would not come off yeah sometimes you just got to be gross yep you got to got to do it got to risk your fingers so this one's Clark's oh um um this one is also Clark what does that even say that says Brooks maybe doesn't seem that great no um if these were like really cheap yeah but also we're kind of far away and I have half a trip full already yeah okay I'm definitely getting this one though getting that one okay cool all right and the last one is py I'm not familiar with that one okay the intad Ling seems a little little iffy yeah little Cheapo all right I'm gonna look just to be sure though okay cool just to be sure while you look that up I'll look up just the Clark to see if they're anything at all okay they're probably not right I mean they're it's like you know maybe 20 bucks 20 bucks okay you can look them up to be sure though okay cool okay so looks like the Clarks are like 20 25 same with the borne and then this one is even worse the P so we're going to be passing on those yes we are what kind of basket is that oh that's a crazy basket isn't that neat I've never seen one like that it's very interesting $10 so yeah didn't we just see one of these at a garage sale and he said it sold for like 400 we saw one of these the other day at Goodwill and it yeah that particular brand it was Seth Thomas was the brand made in USA and it said like all the way around so this one is not as nice but not as nice who knows that one might be nicer but they have a price at 100 100 bucks and it's big we don't want to ship it we got some more Christmas yeah some pretty close night ornaments but 200000 the years are killers on sales though you don't want the years really right no this little uh gosh Fox is cool he is cool little pillow ornament looks like a door hanger like maybe hang the door yeah maybe look at that one oh dang that's interesting I wish it wasn't $6 it's not $6 cool bit yeah oh it says 1998 I didn't even see that okay okay so they must have want a new one each year we'll pass we got the clothes linen room over here yeah figured I'd take a little peek see if we could see any uh cool vintage goodies you got to peek away wonder if this is like a cool to find like a gatlingburg t-shirt oh that would be cool like this one right here is kind of cool Don Memorial state park that is cool it's definitely older but it's not like it's 1995 okay that's cool right that's very cool all right I wonder do they have a sign that says set price for t-shirts uh maybe I think this is just like a little recipe holder photo holder I don't even know it's cool though hello there I saw some war shirt stacked up in the sold pile already oh no there's another one right here it's a little faded out yeah like the that's Lumberjack yeah definitely if it was my size I'd grab that thank [Laughter] you all right last little Peaks here made in China belt okay that's interesting headboard it's already sold someone bought that thing yeah don't sound so surprised that's interesting I'm like I love it I just wouldn't want it in yeah you know it's not very masculine we won't have it I appreciate all things I'm just surprised it's sold it's like the last thing I think it would that would sell you know okay ornaments all right are we headed I think we're going downstairs now that's what I was thinking we go hey we got to even a shirt I like that shirt somebody's going to be very happy to buy it yeah everybody always likes our locational purchased t-shirts I would definitely keep this if it was my size I would wear it if it was my size yeah ever heard of Inu Inu no well that says Inu but the bottom says doen okay Wonder it's probably pretty good 100% wool Bowman hat you going to have me your phone and I can search it up real quick yeah for the record somebody said why is Matt always taking your phone well we're recording on his guys so we share I got the recording phone you got the comping phone there we go okay let's see I'll look it up real quick all right so we got d spell it out for I think it says d o e d o e k i n k i n oh you know what that's the felt because it says doen felt doen felt so the Brand's probably that Bowman b o l l m a n b o l l m a n m a n okay trying to see if there was anything on the box famous bar probably doesn't go to it nothing okay okay but there are I need to take out that doken I think yeah okay and then we'll just go highest to see what we got going on here you I mean there's some decent ones yeah I'm okay with walking get the price we're seeing right now cuz big and yeah we haven't seen that exact like this is the closest one but it's more of a normal color you know that people would want yeah but we'll pass on it for was it like 12 or something yeah okay should we head downstairs yes let's do it okay let's see I don't know which room I'm excited to look back in again more most um you think a bird flew into that and broke it oh jeez maybe what the heck either that or a kid playing ball or something oh there you go coming from a boy dad kids playing ball they broken some windows have they yeah well one window okay it was a double pan and they broke one of the panss I want to pick this cute little bunny okay oh that's beautiful I don't know what that ISS I'm come back to that I'm going to set this down put these things I'm going to take our so stickies get that we'll put this over here I'm going to actually go look at this fun okay cool I'm just going this up really quick okay so that rabbit oh I tried to find it I did a Google in Search and the only one I found is the one listed at this estate cell this estate C so was unsuccessful but I didn't even realize there was more rooms back here oh jeez yeah I didn't even see them either oh look you want to oh little Smokey Mountain that's actually pretty cool looks like a little Whatchamacallit the ranger yeah I could wear that when I go look for my bears go I really want to see a bear you guys have no idea how obsessed he is with finding a bear I know everybody's saying like my Uber was saying is that a Dio thermal it is but also I've seen bears like at least three times that I've been here so I've got his hopes all up that he's going to see there yeah the Uber told me like and kinley's looking for him everywhere oh jeez look at all these t-shirts Parker has seen 50 imaginary Bears yeah right that's a lot of shirts for you to look through yeah okay I just Breeze through them real quick okay definitely looks like some faded shirts in here though yeah it does what is that that's cool friends of arom oh was this where that little totem was oh is that at this sale I don't know there was only two estate sales that we looked at I think you said it was at the first one we looked at and this was the first one it was the first one I bet it's gone then okay I might ask that do you want to go ask while I look through these shirts a little B yeah sure you know what I took a photo of it on we were looking at them on your phone so you send me the photo and I'll just show them okay cuz they're going to be like what the heck are you talking about all right so the doo is 90 bucks so we're going to be passing on that that absurd I look through all these shirts and stuff and there's nothing okay um you saying these too t I didn't even know they made boots so I just tried these on but yeah they have them priced at 15 bucks 15 okay yeah and they only sell for like 40 to 50 40 to 50 okay but they're like brand new those ni how they fit yeah they're I think they're too thin looking I don't know they're nice but not for me not for you those are cute too yeah I don't know what brand that encompasses though I think these are 15 also 15 oh yeah buala brala okay well I guess we could pass on them they feel heck a like so light and cheap kind of yeah all right and I looked at all the electronics and there's really nothing so okay we can uh maybe head downstairs see what they have down there oh yeah Kayla what I see it you see what the totem pole the totem pole it's right here Oh yay oh it's so small it's tinier than I thought it would be it's only $4 y it's definitely not wood either a yeah I still want to see oh I love it it's not as cool as the ones you got me though the ones you got me are like out of this world yeah well where have we found that other one um Arizona yeah we found one before that mhm oh yeah we found one in Kentucky golden Golder image presents handcrafted reproduction of the native people so he's gone back CU he's not an original totem like the ones not original and he says Alaska on the back and we're not in Alaska but it makes me happy that we found it and I know it wasn't what I thought it was yeah if it said gatlingburg we might pick it up right yeah or nothing if it was actually wood I pick it way I know you all saw kalea holding this but uh just closure on this one cuz a lot of people will be asking they'll be saying you should have got yeah so what's the issue with it it has a big hole in it big old hole so we'll pass on it and this thing looks cool too like you think it' be cool but it's made in China like newhere there's a lot of cool things in here I like this lamp the wood the whole lamp right there oh yeah let me check it out that is cool can you see the bottom it's I don't know it's cool I like it uh doesn't say anything I I meant like the I'm sorry I meant that it has more shape than just this top thing um trying to find this this is from 1927 1927 what but it I think it's monogrammed okay what does that say VP TP oh yeah VP maybe yeah I have no idea it's just bringing up all this fancy stuff okay and there's no other marking on it I like the bottom isn't it cool with the lines and amber color that is nice how much is it $10 oh okay H is it $10 coal if it didn't have the monogram maybe I don't know yeah I don't know I think that we know there's a downstairs so we should go check that and then we'll come back and C all right let's go do that there we go downstairs all right let's go a little steep careful let's see if you can make it without hitting your head caution on the top man should we tell them about how I hit my head yesterday oh my go gosh on the tree we're all running in with the kiddos we're yeah at the arcade I just smacked my head I saw it too he didn't bend down far enough knocked himself out was going fast cuz it's freezing and all the kids are running that's cool you were looking at this little angel she's I wish she wasn't $15 97 she's [Music] gorgeous okay we're here we made it I'm surprised he's not right there scanning stuff this is very interesting what that's kind of crazy that is crazy it looks like devilish or something crazy and creepy he's missing the ear though I think or the side of his face speaking of this somebody got mad at me for that one video where I said the devil was cool at Bronx auction they're like I've loved you for so long but now I don't because I said that devil was because we can like appreciate art yeah yeah anyways Everything is Everything is cool though so right yeah I mean especially something you don't see very often you don't we don't see devil stuff hardly ever and I think we're more like it's probably valuable yeah of course so and just unique is that an owl that's cool like winky but kind of cool the same down I got some old art suppli this book looks really old gardening indoors under life isn't that a cool looking book are you ready to up your garden game darling I'll garden with you all you want I want to make succulents listen succulents are easy so I started with succulents and then I graduated oh okay so you're like I still love succulents they're just you can't kill them so it's perfect place to start yeah I want to look this up though while we're walking around either they have another one of these or somebody thought about it and then ditched it right here oh cuz I showed them this upstairs yeah there's got to be more stuff up here look at these crazy Pottery butter dishes what jeez those are weird and cool someone knew what they were doing that's she did I think she made all that pottery that was upstairs cuz I saw oh yeah here's her Kil and pottery equipment looks like somebody actually bought it looks like somebody bought a lot of her Pottery worksh Shop in there they're taking it apart okay well that's good $10 for used bucket of chalk what are they thinking what the heck a lot of things are very reasonable but some things are like kind of questionable you can just tell different people price different things what do you think these were for she made a lot of them I have no stinking clue what oh wait what's that say Stony Stony white oh okay I legit like couldn't even imagine oh those have numbers on there so I wonder if that's like a piece of something see the these sticking out oh yeah like I wonder if it was if they reused something cool to make these with or something hm interesting okay I need your phone this tile is cool too oh that is pretty painted tole okay you need M Smoky Mountains do we need that I think we do I'm going to grab it after you finish your sentence smoke no I just need your phone okay show off that thing we're grabbing that right how cool is that we're in the Smoky Mountains we find a Smoky Mountain thing that's gorgeous isn't it made in Mexico okay the tile itself it was probably painted I mean doesn't mean it was painted in me made Mexico painted here I love that I don't know if this will make it out the door either that might go on the wall with is that for us or for eBay I don't know I feel like that's a good memory right there I know right I I like to get a trinket every time we go someplace for us yeah that's a good one that's a nice one what is this a puzzle of pottery oh yeah isn't that neat somebody already bought it Mike got a good little pickup right there I've never seen a piece like that before I didn't either I guess that's yeah okay took me down you okay I fall on mat and you B your head your head I would have caught you even from way over there you're not going down you're sweet uh this book nothing n i gosh they have almost too much Pottery what are these things about with these numbers you think that's just maybe marking her material this is how you get colors I think oh so these are like the different colors you can add in okay so I don't know I definitely could be wrong on that too yeah we have to guesstimate quite often yeah we don't need any more no we don't I was going to say do we need more paint brushes for the rock painting but I brought oh you got you got I brought a bunch I brought all of them it'd be cool to find oh look at this little owl thing I know I was actually look I just showed them that and I was like okay is this cool or is it dinky cuz it's really cool but it's like slightly dinky but it's hecka cool yeah it's bended wood though it's what they like bended the wood to make that right yeah I like it it doesn't have a price on it though dang it I'm not going to pay like five bucks for it all right what room do we need to check out next I'm not sure hun this one oh all the plants I just said I wanted the another jade plant okay you're going to get one right now sold oh oh no no dang it I would have buckled that in and straight drove that home for more yeah I don't think you understand that on one another this one I I wonder how old this is uh this says it's 50 years old 50 years okay yeah 100 bucks not too bad they already paid for it too they're serious they take a long time to grow so when you see them like this you got to gra that's why I wanted it imately dang it okay moving on I recognize you all do you this is too funny what are you are you vacationing we are we're here for spring break we left the kids at the cabin to come to this estate Cale real quick great I think it' be better tomorrow it seems like it's hot today yeah okay I still would have bought that bad boy though oh I'm sad like I would have really buckled that in and drove it home you know I always I when I go look you get kind of addicted yes when I go look I think now what would K I'm so happy to all the way up here in this little Hill Y what was your name I'm Ruth Ruth it is so nice to meet you I have for so long than you so much probably turning red well you know did you see me staring no stood there and [Laughter] I well this was very spur of the moment so I was lucky we ran into each other it kind of was for us too yeah um but I hope you all enjoy you got the kid y this is the first time we snuck out yeah they're all here fantastic well that's great yeah well you made my day oh I'm so glad ni thank you take care oh my gosh she was the sweetest and the cutest she was oh man oh you could use a room like this I could use a room like this dang like the nursery for all your plants oh man I'm sorry but that jade plant is going to wake me up tonight you guys I know I'm going to think about that you poor thing at least it's not here could you imagine trying to load that in the car right now for me that would be rough it would be rough it's okay we would we would make it happen though yeah okay moving on moving on watch the Jade plan away you have to pass through it one time one more time though I literally just told him probably two or three days ago that I wanted a bigger Jak plant we'll find one and there it is want some more um Driftwood yeah could always use some Driftwood I think we have enough pieces right now right um I wish this was a little less than $10 that would be fun for them to paint with their rocks oh yeah I mean as it is right now 10 bucks isn't too bad for uh four kids enjoyment okay do you think they're going to paint these and rocks or they lose their attention span after the Rocks uh yeah you're right yeah we'll just leave them stick with rocks if they still want to paint we can find more rocks there you go there you go all right the last walk by on the Jade I'm not look that you have to look at it this is like the stack I did touch it and you know what it actually needs to a little water because these are like feel it yeah this one looks a little B you can tell they're like pruned out or start to get all wrinkly that's how you know they need just needs a little bit of love they're probably not watering it for the person who's packing it yeah all right I'm sorry I really just want one okay let's walk away all right we're checking out this thing cuz it looks like the mushroom you found earlier it does look just like it I don't remember what the other one was marked but what the heck is that let me see so I I saw another one similar to this over there it had a pen in there oh so I think it's a pen holder that would be cool on a desk to have your little pen in for three bucks yeah I think we should just grab it very unique yeah we should probably go find the other one I meant to grab it earlier is that one right there too that little uh this one not really sure excuse me sir yeah probably two bucks on that one those are pretty cool interesting pen this one's way cooler to me but that one's pretty cool too with the shape mhm think we should get them both maybe get them two bucks of custom wood work piece I think so too can't beat that oh no way another tile that one's eight bucks though I like that what's that say ke West Q West that's very cool every time it says like a location I don't like it as much that ruins it for sure unless we're in that location it definitely ruins the value there you what do you got there it says antique icicles I think they're glass I'm hoping they're glass cuz it's a whole big beautiful set oh wow those are cool what the he I just listed some icicles the other day and both said sold they sold already these are gorgeous they are oh there's two different ones so we have the twist of the top and the bottom and then we have these that have that that twist looks almost like an inner twist here let me switch this over okay okay they can probably see them a little better now those are nice I like these I don't even three bucks what that would be hard to get rid of I don't stop saying that but man you're cute they're too cool we're getting them I wonder if this is something else what's oh no those are like Christmas those are like uh Crystal yeah fake Crystal they got the lawnmower running I was peeking out here they've been trying to get it running for oh yeah let's see what it's looking like is it a cool one oh okay what do you think's up with these little look happy yeah what do you think's up with these little cherub angels I don't know looks like she's holding a human heart oh I was looking at you sorry she is holding a human heart I think it might be an apple since there's all that fruit blower it looks like a heart I'm going to open this up and see if they're marked okay oh let's see made of Terracotta clay those are just interesting very interesting they are very interesting I hope they're marked oo okay they are maybe buyon I'm going to do a Lindsay search just in case okay okay yeah updates to come doing man that's a good turning radius you recording I didn't see anything on this I should probably be searching that signature though yeah see let's see b o y a n t o n [Music] okay everything not whole lot of NADA whole lot of NADA maybe it's just the person that lives here or something I mean very well could be with all this time Mak this yeah okay all right I'm going to put this away and then we check it out yeah we grab the ICL and be ready to roll I think maybe I move this box out of the way and then move that out of the way actually can we use one of these boxes okay great I'm going to start bringing our stuff over here anything you need you sure you really want those raccoons the first thing I oh he's the same one that grabbed those we were piing you got some beautiful things yeah we heard you were third in line yeah that was what we asked when we walked in the door we said where are those raccoons okay we checked out what was the total the total was $59 $59 that's not too bad so we accomplished multiple things here I got my trinket that I have to get every time we go somewhere cool okay yeah and now part of this trip is the business right off it's true that's just facts that is a fact obviously not the whole trip but part of the trip now including the travel is now right off because we worked I'm going to let you go first since you have that BX darling I wonder if we have to wait for a bus or if one's out here oh it's not here okay I want to say one more thing too for the people okay I look he want one of these oh that would be nice if we put every if we just started bringing the totes with us in the back of the truck and put it in there when we got home we just put everything on here and then I could be there's our ride okay timing all right perfect we did it e I'm really exced about the mushroom and those little icicles yeah and the per lots of things everything right I'm happy okay I'm happy let's do this thank you thank you all right we hopped off and the next C is already hopping on yeah that's efficient it for what they are working with they're doing an amazing job they really are cuz most companies would make you walk up that hill or something you know or they would have somebody at the top radio and somebody at the bottom and it would be like a whole big long wait yeah this was actually incredibly efficient and get on them for Ren that trucks are to do that that was really cool and we got to see some horses with that that's right and we got to step out of the house for a minute I know with that many kids yall know that's good yeah they're all good with their donuts they're probably watching their iPads and yeah it's all good all right so that's it that's it right that's it right that's it right I think so okay we'll see you guys soon with another video right all right I can't even see I'm like blind right now you redo that part no we're keeping it okay we're keeping it all right bye guys see you see you soon that's cute for should I grab it right here from so this is Rooster l a rooster in your kitchen brings good luck keep your eggs from stinking okay here we go this one how cute [Music] that TX Valencia Holland [Music] olland Memorial [Music] St [Music] oh
Channel: The Homeschooling Picker
Views: 157,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #ebayreseller, #workfromhome
Id: MlfXOFt5CiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 16sec (2476 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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