Shopping Spring Fashion Trends and Beach Cottage Garden Center HAUL - Incredible Yard Sale Home Find

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[Music] okay I have a fun fun day planned for us today it is all things spring because my mom and I are finally going to go get some plants together I told you it was going to be dangerous when my mom moved to town because now I have a thrifting putty that I can go to garage shells and stuff with and there is no stop in the two of us when we go to a garden center so my mom's been wanting to do this for a long time but we've been having like random Frost here in Oregon and so it's kind of put a damper on our little you know Garden plant but today is going to be really nice like in the low 70s and it's so beautiful already outside this weekend I got the balcony pressure washed I got a new pressure washer for myself I told you my 40th birthdays coming up and I was joking with my mom because when you get older and you start like upgrading home appliances or buying yourself a tool and you're really excited about it I'm like okay that's how I know that I have grown up now because I'm so excited about my pressure washer I just love it I love like that instant gratification and like cleaning something real good and so I got this all cleaned up now but um we might have like rain on the way so I didn't put all the cushions outside yet but I have my little Fountain going and stuff and it sounds really nice but I wanted to show you this outfit because I mentioned like kind of sharing more outfit ideas and I've also been letting you know i' I've been wanting to be like a little bit more comfortable with my clothing and I realized that I'm a person that is very much um sensitive to the way things feel like whether it's decorating in my house it's got to feel right right whether it's clothing I'm putting on my body it's got to feel good on me too I got to be comfortable in it it's got to be a nice fabric you know it's like all the things have to like fall into their little boxes but this season somebody's going to have to cut me off from wideleg pants cuz I can't stop wearing these and I got this really cute top this top is so adorable it's like a little wrap top style and I got this from thread up and I just thought it was so cute for spring cuz the colors are beautiful I love like the little ruffled sleaves and the fact that it's like a wrap style it's kind of nice it's very comfortable cuz you can adjust that part of it but I'm really happy to say that thread up has partnered with me on this video and it's like so perfect because it's all things spring so I want to show you the other pieces that I got I mean look at all the cute spring things that I scored these beautiful florals they' got some really really cute pieces on there right now and you know that's what I think is really cool about thrifting your fashion you know you're saving pieces that could otherwise be in a landfill and you're breathing new life into them and you're putting your style spin on them and plus it's really fun to get really amazing Bargains and it's Earth month right now so it's a total win-win to be thrifting I got the matching pants to this top and they're really cute more wide leg pants I know but my thought was like with a separate like this I can wear them with a jean or I can wear like the pants to match with it or wear like a different color tank with these pants and irely these are on the thinner side I'm probably going to save these for when it gets a little bit warmer maybe in the summer months but they were such a good deal my top even was it was $20.99 so if you use my code Selena right now you get 35% off your first order in free shipping at thread UPS it's like the perfect time to find some really cute pieces for spring and they have a ton of cute stuff on there right now okay I'm trying this on for you too I got this really adorable set I told you more WID leg pants I am so glad that this is a trend I'm not normally someone who is like oh a trend like I have to try that but the wide leg pant thing I am all into this everyone should be wearing these pants but these are free people and they have the really cute little like ruffle detailing all along the side and along the bottom I thought that was really sweet and then the print is super beautiful like a gorgeous floral and there's little butterflies mixed in and then this little top too this is another piece that um I could wear you know as a set with the wide leg pant or wear this you know with shorts or like a long maxi skirt or something like that I've really been focused this year on if I'm going to get something new for my wardrobe I want to get like multi-wear out of it I don't want it to be like a one and done piece I want to be able to get lots of usage out of it if that makes sense I always get something for my mom on there too she has really been wanting like some tops that are a super bold floral print and she scored on this one such a great price it has like this really nice black backdrop and I was trying to tell my mom I like no wear more color mom you need to wear color and so she found this like really bold floral that she loves and it's a nice longer length and then it's also a super soft cotton so it looks like a t-shirt but it's also super cute and dressy and my mom looks adorable in it but then these jeans oh my gosh okay if you are a gardener like me this brand and these these literally they look like new they just arrived I'm excited cuz these are a different color than the ones I than I already have but this brand doer Brand Jeans these are the most phenomenal like women's workware jeans and even if you're not working on anything you just want to be comfortable I'm telling you these jeans are like really amazing quality but they're also super expensive retail so I totally suggest like checking them out at thread up for a really great price on them but I just want to show you the seaming really quick because they have a double seaming like on the inside part of the dare I say crotch sorry but you know what I mean right like that reinforced seaming right here so these jeans are made for like bending and picking things up so they have stretch in them but they hold their stretch you don't end up like all saggy and weird right so look up this do it's like spelled like that doer you're going to love these jeans and thread Up's the place to get them because I think they're like over $100 new and you can get them like super discounted through them so anyhow that was a fun little haul I um need to go downstairs grab my keys my water because because my mom and I are going to go look at plants and we might do a little bit of thrifting today too because we always end up doing that together we're at the habitat in Beaverton right now and this one is huge I haven't been here in so long it's super organized here they have tons of things brand new furniture brand new fixtures mixed with vintage look at this beautiful table over here Mom isn't that pretty $95 oh it's a desk with this leather top I like desk they're skinny and like mine my library yeah but for a neat like entry table wouldn't that be pretty gorgeous okay we're looking for some tile for my mom's kitchen for like a trimming yeah it looks like oo those are neat though green that would be pretty yeah oh there's another box up here too $5 for the whole box mom those are cool that length well they have a ton of the green what about what's this look like hey this could work and it's beveled right here look there I go that's what you wanted these little ones yeah s idea box please don't open the box as a tile we do not sell individual pieces okay fine $44 for one box you have green over there look at these glittery ones those are funny see I could cut two yeah that color is more friendly than this this is kind of pretty yeah oh it's chalkware thought it was metal I was like that would have been cool if he was metal you chalk would be need if you had a new little room doing it's really pretty though 15 see I like even the old lamps have neat detail like that at the top have a globe at the top yeah or a fringe lamp shade look at those Shades don't oh yeah oh look at these four doll mom these are so expensive all these little oh they have a whole if you're doing like a little chandelier this like wickery retan is so trendy right now $4 I bet if you bought these online they'd be like 20 bucks a piece yeah wow oh that would be cool if you painted it nicer huh yeah it's kind of a fun fun shape to it $30 oh that'd be cool in your living room M I'm in the corner how much is that one oh 145 must be a brand new one there's some bamboo pull lamps yeah that's pretty cool look at the bamboo P ones yeah those are neat that one the little bent Hy ones at the top I like the shap at the what's in these big long boxes prob track lights oh yeah that's pretty neat though look at all these clamshell oh they're glass wow those are really nice look at the Chrome and the gold clam shell and they're brass feel good quality they're $2 for PS good deals yeah like if you're just doing a bathroom van in you where you only need a couple you know those are really nice though brushed wow two of them those are really nice well what's it say on the thing here knobs and poles I don't know it doesn't have towel bar on there 15 wow do that more wow what's that these look like caps to fencing and they put them in the hardware department you like the iron fencing this is like what I want to do yeah at the beach house to hide the icky posts around the balcony I got a bunch of Corners here yeah but I I need a lot but this is like the idea cuz you just stack them around I just found this um piece of pottery it's really different looking it's artist signed on the bottom but I can't I tried like the Google search thing and I can't find the artist yet but it looks like special the way it's finished inside I don't know I have like a feeling about this that it might be like really amazing I'm going to take I'm going to take a chance and then I'll get home do like research on it but it feels feels like a quality thing you know what I mean how sometimes you just have to like go on it well that says like three different glazes on it so they took their time to do all kinds of fancy glazes and that's all carved in to the side it's not just a picture it's carved in and even the bottom like here is really well done yeah yeah I mean you you wouldn't even have to use that for a pot to put a plant in you could use it for a salad bowl oh yeah be pretty on your countertops have your pretty I'm in a chance I feel like it's special well you got a good feeling my mom just spotted some beautiful mirrors oh wow that would be a neat bathroom well that's really big though I don't think that's too big for our bathroom that one downstairs yeah how big is your downstairs one though $55 though wow yeah these probably came from dressers huh that big ooh there are more oh wow this one's really Prett 55 too looks like they're all 45 or 55 wow yeah look at all the artwork here too for a bathroom mirror instead of just getting a oh totally yeah yeah why would you go to Like Home Depot and get the mirror if you could get something really nice no offense Home Depot boy it's getting rowdy in here people are getting wild look at all the light fixtures in here too this is an awesome store is that a watercolor I don't know it's professional thing yeah addition somebody signed it framed lean Pearson that they just put this out today too in the trop that's cool looks like those tie-dye t-shirts you like yeah somebody get this lady some plants my favorite shopping SL is more into the stuff into the shopping world yeah right and I'm into plant so now we at my kind of shopping no everyone knows I love plants cuz I learned it from you yeah this is my favorite time of year we were talking about favorite times of the year people like and mine's spring I love spring because I can go to the nurseries and guess what we don't we don't have today my husband yeah a second opinion because we don't need one cuz last year when he came he was like you need to get that what are you getting two of those for well then they ask you they're all where are you going to put that I don't know we don't know like we like I I was saying I needed um five and five and it was it was senena had to say well if you get too many I said there's never too many we can always find a place to put a plant just cram them in we can make it look Lush and nice no one ever said there are too many plants here no no not in my yard except that we left him home with the dogs today this is a ladies day love you kind we went out for lemonades and we're ready for the nursery we got our Costco lemonade today yeah 68 cents at Costco we went to AB out we looked at those tiles but my mom decided she don't need a whole case of tile yeah that was like 20 of them and I only need like five six yeah and then I'd have all these tiles left over and I I'm at the point in my life is I don't want to store little dabs of things anymore yeah like leftover projects when then I lived out in the country I had a barn to put them in so then I don't mind it's cram it full it's cram it full but now in town it's like I'm in a double car garage and I don't like to look like a mess when I open my door all right let's f Focus mom Focus plant plant what are we getting what are you going I'm looking for Shasta daisies and I like lavenders cuz at my at last house I had really pretty thing I loved around my walkway of my patio when you first walk into the my entryway I guess it's called you're like your little Courtyard Courtyard yeah and I had it lined by lavender and Shasta daisies and and by June they were beautiful it was like and it lasted all summer long and then the winter like in about what it October when I cut them all down I mean they're so forgiving those plants if you want to plant cuz I'm into plants that you can kind of you can be rough with yeah you don't have to babysit and like I'd weed eat sometimes and knock a lamb off and you know but this is like something you can just cut down to like this tall right before winter and it come back like 3 feet tall the next year yeah they're so easy yeah love stuff like I like it yeah I need grasses and we want Gua the whirling butterfly oh my God so I saw that on uh Instagram I saw this video P like you just got influenced by a plant influencer like yeah but the it blows the way it blew in the wind it was like my thing anything that like moved in the wind I still am all into it oh I love that and what was that one plan I wanted that D that's what you want oh that's Gua Gua yeah so then I influenced my momc as an influencer but I I lost one I bought four last year and I lost one so I need to buy one year another and I want some for the beach house I want like weird grasses yeah get those one make okay we need to get out of the car we've been talking about right here we need to go all right we at Forest landscape this is in Cornelius just outside of Hillsboro if you're local but it's a Wholesale Nursery but they're open to the public they have really great prices we come here quite often they don't have a big of a selection as like a like a Retail Nursery would have but the stuff they do have is typically what we like and the prices are really good here do you want me to get a cart now or yeah I feel yeah we need a cart mom my mom said her limp got better today all of a sudden she's at the nursery and so nothing's going to slow this lady down here first oh I don't know what these are I do want to get pampus grass if they have big pots oh this rock Crest is that's that pretty stuff mom I was telling you about that really creeps and comes back career that's pretty Aon it's like a golden color pastas what are this ones called herbivore not a herbivore herbivore what are they hel hel hore I don't know something like that this lady's struggling with her empty cart here oh these grasses are great mom these I have two of these in pots these look so pretty they get real full and they're bright lime green like this and they come back every year that's what you need to in around your thing I wonder if these are deer resistant I need to look up cuz that would be cool water side plant that'd be good along the Little Creek spreads by Ryon is that it's like a like a not like a tuber it's like a root system I Google out and see if they're deer resistant watch out this Le doesn't run over my feet this crazy crazy plant Le yeah that's what I was want to see oh they're irises variegated yellow flag Iris I wish you could get butterfly bushes still in there legal where did we see those forsh I think we need to look on the Underground plant Market on Marketplace for those [Music] n [Music] got all the lavenders that they had all of them and I got two rosemaries which I want to try have you ever done rosemary hair rinse did you do that in the 70s I did it Rosemary in bathtub like doesn't put it in their bathtub or in the shower like hanging over the shower I'm going to put lavender in the in the shower too I need to get on it that's what I'm going to do this year is one of those Rosemary Rines everyone was telling me that's really good for your hair and then we got the Australian Rose or Australian mint I read that it's really good for um being a deer resistant plant so that'll be perfect for the beach spot my mom has the most Thrifty tip ever I we were checking out the register cuz I got the Snap Dragons and she saw these plants that are like half dead she's like what are you going to do with those he's like I don't know we're going to throw them away she's like can I have a and so he just gave all the plants to my mom and they are they're like half dead but we know how to nurse things they're still good they just got smashed and everything yeah this is Delphinium here and I was telling my mom she should get it this comes back easy I don't know what this one is but it looks cool and then there's a ton of poppies that look like they just need to be watered like they're so dry smashed them yeah and they don't have they haven't had water in like a month these come back every year you know those will come back for sure Thrifty Mama Sheila's sassy tips Sheila's the only time I'm forward forward on buying stuff isn't nurses yeah ooh I want that okay so you know how when you're thrifting or fairy garage shell and you go oh my gosh this thing is so cool and people like swarm on you yeah so we were that we experienced this at the nursery that so that purple plant I was just sharing yeah I was turning around cuz my mom and I were trying to find the best stock and this lady runs over and she pulls the tag like out of the plant while I'm looking she's all oh and she's reading me all about the plant that like I'm I'm going to get and she's like oh you're getting that like it's in my hands and then that last Nursery I don't know maybe we're just getting kind of Punchy around people last one I said oh look at this and I turned around this lady was like 5et from me then I turned around again she was three feet from me oh she was shopping with you yeah turned around again she was like right next to me I was like holy man I turn around I got to move okay so I'm back home now and before I get into plants I wanted to show you some of the things that I thrifted well thrifted like two things but um that habitat is really great that's the big one in Beaverton I think it's off of hawen road so if you live in Washington County that that habitat is phenomenal it's massive as we were checking out my mom saw this like locked case over to the side where they have more like valuable or breakable things and I got four of these plates they're all different but they all have the authenticity certificates aren't those beautiful it looks like a painting almost I bet these are all hand painted but they're signed and it has authenticity like little certificates and I love that they're wings like the plate itself is shaped like an angel isn't that beautiful and even the coloring with my plant in here is like stunning I couldn't believe these were in such perfect condition so pretty I just imagine these like I'm someone who loves to keep my hand lotion and like lip balm and things like that next to the bed like just have a beautiful little dish like this or to put your your necklace on at the end of the day to have I don't know your jewelry all special on one of these little dishes these are so beautiful I mean I I even love the flowers like this one has like big fox gloves isn't that pretty that was a good spot of my mama's but I'm probably going to have these up on my website the Vintage I've been trying to work on that this month to get more things up there for you and these are so beautiful and they would I think they'd make like a really pretty gift too but I don't know if I would want to give one away so we are running around all day and stuff and I don't know if you can hear my voice is like kind of cutting out but I have really bad allergies today and here we are looking at PL and all these things and my my eyes burn I'm losing my voice and I need to go roote around in the cupboard and see if I can find an allergy pill cuz we have all these like um they're like the cherry blossom trees that are blooming and they're beautiful this time of year but they give someone like me the allergies so bear with me but um I did get this really beautiful Bowl this just felt special I mean all of the pattern around this is all hand done look at this it's not um it's not like a a mold this was done in these are all hand eted handcarved little designs in here and I just thought this was neat like the shape is cool because it's like geometric does it almost looks like a Japanese type Pottery design maybe I should do some research and see the pattern on the bottom here is so beautiful even like this is all textured somebody really cared about this design when they created it but I just you know I'm always a person that like goes on how I feel like I mentioned about like clothing and and decorating and especially especially when you're out thrifting like half the time I don't know what things are but I know that I think it's cool or I know I think it's beautiful and you get home and you research and I think that's what the most fun is about thrifting you don't have to be at literal know it all out there in the world that's what's fun is like you find this piece and you're like oh my gosh you look it up and you're like I knew it was cool it was really valuable you know and that's how you learn too if you're just getting new into the thrifting World um don't be intimidated and think that you have to be a no- at- all in this world to find anything because you can just go out there with a good eye and good Instinct you know when these things kind of pop up and for me I feel like this might be something that could be really valuable so I will keep you updated on what I found out about it we went to Costco as well and I wanted to show you these because the the solar lights that I shared with you in our early Beach House videos they sold out of them that maybe they'll get them again this year I don't know but Costco has a bunch of these right now if they have them online I'll look for you and I'll put them in the description box and Link them but I got one box of these so far and I put them along the driveway but these are the um Tommy Bahama lights and they have 30 lumens on the solar lights so if you're looking at like garden lights for yourself always look at the lumens cuz that will tell you how bright and like how much wattage the solar lights will have so um you want to get you know of course like as high as you can get so you can actually see so I feel like a lot of these things um they're like these dumb little plastic lights that hardly glow at all you know and I was kind of looking for something that could really light up you know a walkway so you can see where you're going at night these were really great and so I got two more boxes I got another box for up there and then I was thinking here I could put them on either side of our steps at night cuz we don't have lights out by the sidewalk and stuff so I don't want anyone to trip so this will light up the steps really nicely and they're under 40 bucks which is awesome for solar [Music] this was so beautiful I've never heard of this plant before and I know I have some Australian subscribers so if you have Australian mint near you please um let me know your care tips for these like when when do you prune them down do you prune them down do you fertilize yours I really don't know anything about this one so I'm going to have to do some research on it but it grows here in our planting zone and has this really beautiful minty smell like if you just kind of run your fingers along it's a little bit of a um like a sharper mint it's not like spearmint or anything it's a little sharper of a smell like a little more of like you like a verbina would smell it's kind of like that to me I just thought this was so pretty it's very fluffy just covered in flowers so when I was in that Nursery I did a quick little Google to see if it was deer resistant because I was really looking for things that I could bring up to the beach house cuz I kind of cleared a little spot where I can have some low maintenance plants and I have to have plants in color it's just that's in me um and but I want things that are really easy to maintain and of course resistant for the deer and elk and stuff and this said it was so yay and plus it'll be a really easy big splash of color there and this little planter I don't know what I'm going to plant this year I just got some Snap Dragons oh I want to show you those that's there's like a new variety I got I didn't know there were uh different varieties of Snap Dragons so I have to show you these cuz maybe you'll learn something too on this one okay so we went to Fred Meer cuz my mom really wanted to get Shasta daisies and we couldn't find them at any of the nurseries around and I know we're early on stuff um so I'm going to take her to Farmington Gardens I think next week cuz there are some grasses like some really cool native grasses I want to get for the beach house and stuff and I think that they they will have them it's like a bigger Nursery with lots of like really cool varieties but when we were looking at flowers like at the grocery store there were a couple different Snapdragon varieties that I hadn't heard of before so this is like the standard Snapdragon I guess snapshot and I love yellow like yellow Snap Dragons are so pretty and cheery they just get really full and they're no maintenance so I got those and I was looking at these it said they were Snapdragon and you can see like the Le is different so I was like what variety is that so this is the rocket bronze and I think that that's just the color but this variety the yellow variety grows to 10 in tall and it said that this variety grows to 30 in tall and was excellent for cut bouquet I was like now we're talking hello so I got uh two packs of six on these I always just get the smaller ones they were $3.99 snapdragons grow so fast there's not really any need to buy the big $10 thing if you can just like be patient and give it a little bit of fertilizer and stuff but this is be my first time growing these like really tall ones and so I'd love to be able to cut like a pretty Snap Dragon bouquet for years I grew these and I kept fertilizing them they I was like why are they so short and bushy I didn't realize that that was the variety and then there was a special one for for the cut bouquet but now I know and then all of these I got to bring with me to the beach house I got uh two Rosemary Maries and these are oh my gosh they're root bound and ready to go in the ground so I've never grown Rosemary and I know it's like pretty hearty and it's like somewhat invasive cuz I've seen like some of our neighbors have it and they're massive so I think that this will be a really great one for me to grow cuz it won't be something that I'll have to baby at all and it'll be nice like if we do you know barbecue chicken or something I can put Rosemary on it or stews and then I also really want to try that rosemary hair rinse because I had so many subscribers right me and tell me that that's so good for your hair and I've never done that before so if you have any like tips or you've made it yourself like let me know some people boil it I think some people make like a tea I'm not quite sure how you do it but if if you have let me know in the comments please I'd love to hear how you make your special hair R but I got two of these and I thought these would be nice too cuz I'll have some color in there in the garden as well and then one of our neighbors it didn't take me long to find a fellow plant geek in the neighborhood so funny like Pete found guys that work on the fire department and then I found the the fellow plant geek in the neighborhood we geeked out about plants and I was asking her different things that she grows in her garden and she said that anything like really fragrant that the deer and Elk will not bother said she had a bunch of lavender I was like I didn't know lavender would be okay here so I got how many did I get of these ones three of these English lavender French lavender or whatever I like this variety better than the Spanish one the Spanish lavender is really pretty but it doesn't seem to have quite as much fragrance throw as the English or the um French lavender like the skinnier ones so anyways got a bunch of these so that'll be so easy to grow and then next time I go up I just got to bring soil with me so everything will get good and established I wanted to show you the garden this time of year because it's uh nothing to be desired and so I wanted you to see how like it really like kind of dies down and then comes very very full in the um summer months but right now like the only color I have going on are Chamilia did really well well this year the one over on this side is super full lots of blooms and stuff but last year I only got one bloom on my chamelea one flower and I thought oh maybe they don't like it in these pots so I fertilized them a couple times and we have so many flowers this year so I think that's the secret I just I really have to remember that these need nutrients cuz they're in a pot here but I wanted to tell you too I got these two pots I have one on each side of the pera at HomeGoods and my mom and I went there this morning they have all kinds of garden stuff right now so if you want to get some pretty pots or new cushions for your garden and stuff they have really cute prints really beautiful pots no matter what your style is Victorian mid-century that beautiful Mexican Pottery terracotta ones and their prices are so much better than the garden centers and stuff so that's why I got our two giant ones here I don't know what like what would that be at the Garden Center like $300 probably and I think at HomeGoods they they were like $80 for those so anyhow I just wanted to tell you cuz their garden stuff goes really fast especially once Mother's Day hits they get wiped out of that stuff yesterday um I pressure washed for 7 hours my like middle of my back like between your shoulder blades it was like cramping up cuz I was um pressure washing the pergola and everything and I was like I need to call it quit in time cuz I was just out here like a nut just pressure wash and everything I could see but I I cleaned up the fountain I didn't want to do the outside because I I love the look of aged concrete I like it when the Moss starts growing on there but I don't want the water itself to look swampy so I I pressure washed and I cleaned on the inside here and just got it uh running again so I just made me realize how much I miss having our Fountain and running cuz it's such a beautiful sound but I need to get in here and like weed probably this uh weekend because when the sun comes out like this after a long time all those little weed start sprouting but I have all the panties starting to come up already these are over a foot tall irises are popping up these are all of my alums those really cool pom pom ones that are purple those are so beautiful so those are bulbs they come back every year and I'm just starting to get some leaves over here on the hydrangeas and the lilacs these are all my Lim lights and if you look back at my videos from the fall these are just phenomenal color spots back here but every year I prune them down and they get Fuller and Fuller and I get so many blooms this is such a fun variety for your garden but I'll try to insert some videos so you can see what they look like in full Glory I got something really really cool in the winter months and I didn't share it with you because it was winter so this was a garden related thing I was saving for quite a while to share with you but um I got this really beautiful three tiered stand over here and I got it for $35 at a garage sale I couldn't believe it my parents and I when when they first moved here was we went to this like farm sale and they had like a lot of horse things and actual like Farm things but the mom was there selling her Antiques and wees and she had this beautiful three- tiered plant stand and I was like are you kidding me it matches my peacock set here but she had just painted it black unfortunately it was white before so I'm going to go in and spray it white just cuz I feel like the Iron Work gets lost when it's dark like this and plus I want it to match my peacock set here but I had never seen the plant stand and it's so pretty I think what I'm going to do I don't want to do it this summer cuz it'll probably get ignored CU we're going to be working at the beach house but I would love to make this look kind of like a lettuce Garden or like a herb garden and do different tiers of things in here have like all my basil and cilantro and do like different lettuces so be like a little salad situation like a salad tiered Garden I just thought would be really cute cuz we don't have uh vegetable beds or anything here in our garden it's all flowers and so like I'd love to have something that was like just really easy like little salad niblets especially basil I love basil everything but I couldn't believe I got this for $35 it's such a beautiful piece and like I said I'd never seen one before so I think this summer though I will probably spray it might do something easy in here like succulents things I don't have to worry about but eventually I love the solad garden concept it's just too cool okay I want to show you one little thing I made and I should have shared it when it had prettier flowers and it's not half dead but this was so easy to make I did this um collaboration with like kryon spray paint for Instagram and I wanted to do something that was like fun and garden inspired but also like a really easy DIY and I got these terra cotta pots and I took an old doily and I just pinned the old doily around it with a clothes pin and sprayed it with sprayed paint and it made like the cutest little like lacy lattice design on the pot I just thought it was so adorable but I just I think something like this would make a really cute gift and Mother's Day is coming up too and in our family rather than giving bouquet we started giving our moms like live plants to put in the garden or like a nice hanging basket or something like that cuz it's just it's nice to have blooms that last a long time but I wanted to share this with you because it would also be like a super easy like craft idea if you have kids or if you have like grandkids and you want to do something fun and easy outside yeah an old doily and some spray paint I did a a little bit of spring rearranging here on the bookshelves because I I don't know my little frogs are my favorite thing probably that I've ever like thrifted and collected and they are so spring like so I really wanted them like front and center so I arranged them all together here but one thing I I'm keeping my eye out for like at Goodwill um we were at HomeGoods and I remember last year I don't know how long you've been a subscriber but I think it was last year Pete and I um got these at Nan M they're like that pink chinoiserie this type of look to it but I love this because it looks like a basket it's like this beautiful porcelain lattice work and someone had suggested that I put some kind of like topiary ball like one of those green like Mossy balls or something so when we went to HomeGoods I'm so cheap sometimes you guys we went to HomeGoods and there were $19.99 for those plastic balls and I couldn't bring myself to do it cuz I know that like if I'm patient I'll probably see you know in the fake plant department at Goodwill they'll probably have those you know a lot cheaper than 20 bucks I like I don't want to be $40 into like Fake Plastic balls so I'm just going to wait but I do think that would be pretty I want to decorate that with some Greenery like on our um our TV console and stuff cuz I think like The Greenery with this Popa pink would be super beautiful but I just been kind of having fun around the house this year I haven't really gotten anything for the house besides plants just because I've been so focused on like our renovation stuff right now it's just been really fun to have something to like put my touch on and feel like Pete n an old house a favor if that makes sense by like Reviving some life into it and it's also a really fun spot like for me when it gets closer to decorating time to be able to decorate in a style that's so different than our Victorian house and you know I was mentioning before like I feel like I have lots of loves of different kinds of things it's not just Ro rantic Victorian things but you know I also love more like textured and earthy things and softer tones and and natural fibers and things like that so I think with this house like I have it all like in the vision you know and I've been collecting things here and there but I also want things to be very intentional at this house and every time I'm there I'm just like oh my gosh it's so easy to clean because it's 600 square ft it's like the tiniest little like shoe box of a house and I mop the floors and do laundry so fast and I don't have to dust like a bunch of stuff you know like there's something about like being minimal that's like really exciting to me right now too so with things that I do bring there I'm trying to be like intentional with it and not like clutter that house up because it could easily become glittered really fast it's so small yeah I just been kind of having fun like focusing on Renovations and plant stuff right now I think that's probably why you haven't seen me like do lots of like giant Thrift hauls but but I will say that garage Hil season is just around the corner so I'm not going to say I won't because I will especially now that Mama is in town because we will all right I think I'm going to um call this a day I'm losing my voice but I hope you had fun at the Garden Center and just seeing some of my garden updates right now I'm excited you know as more color comes in into play back here becomes my little magical Sanctuary back here and it's just a beautiful place to be so I'm looking forward to do a little garden tour here for you and then as far as the beach house goes I don't know how much of like a garden tour that's going to be for quite some time because it's it's pretty ugly there if you haven't seen the cabin on the cape series I'd like to link it up here for you or down in the description box cuz I created a playlist so if you're just starting here watching my channel you can um see the entire playlist from when we got our little cabin to where we're at now cuz we're making some fun progress on it but anyhow thank you so much for watching and don't forget if you want to get some new spring pieces like I did especially pieces that you can mix and match and get more usage out of you know those pieces like that you can mix with coordinates or jeans I don't know that's just what I'm So Into right now just casual Comfort Elegance check out thread app and you can use my code Selena for 35% off your first order and free shipping so awesome thank you so much for hanging out and I will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Vintage Bombshell
Views: 64,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spring gardening, spring trends, shopping, plant shopping, garden center, thrift shopping, shopping for spring clothing, fashion trends, cottage gardening, plant haul, thrift haul, thredup shopping, garden design
Id: gVK_T-1C7UU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 55sec (2635 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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