Ground Beef Jerky!

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[Music] hey what's up it's susie from and today we're going to be making my ground beef jerky this is cooked low and slow on the smoker it is packed with flavor and it's a ground beef jerky but you can make it with more than just beef let's do it [Music] all right my ground beef jerky recipe starts with two pounds of lean ground beef and we really want lean meat when we're making jerky because it gives us the best chew the best final outcome it helps us remove the most amount of moisture while our jerky is dehydrating but other meats are quite lean and that would mean things like elk or venison or even turkey could work great with this recipe when i am doing my ground beef i usually shoot for a minimum ratio of 93 to 7 but you can go higher than that with less fat if that's what you have available let's add our seasonings to our two pounds of ground meat we're going to start with two tablespoons of soy sauce now when i'm making these recipes to test them i use like real measuring spoons it's very precise but today we're eyeballing it a little bit and i think that's something that you can do at home too is you start with a base recipe and then you can adjust your flavor preferences i just eyeball things because i'm cooking so often i have a pretty good feel of what two tablespoons looks like two tablespoons also of brown sugar my recipe on the website calls for light brown sugar i only had dark brown sugar in my pantry and guess what it'll work just the same there's just a little bit more of a molasses flavor to a dark brown sugar it's a little bit more bitter but i'm okay with it i'm also gonna add a whopping two tablespoons of worcestershire sauce this is a bold amount of worcestershire sauce but i think it plays really well in this recipe it lends a great umami flavor that when you bite it your lips like smack a little bit it's tangy it's rich it's absolutely delicious so don't be scared of the worcestershire sauce okay the recipe also calls for two teaspoons of kosher salt two teaspoons of black pepper two teaspoons of onion powder two teaspoons of garlic powder and a teaspoon of coriander but guess what beef rub has all of that in it so i'm just going to use my beef seasoning and shake just a little over three tablespoons into our seasoning blend here but if you don't have beef rub number one buy some because you can support one of your favorite online pit masters but additionally i you can you know follow the recipe that's in the recipe card on the website optional if you like a little bit of heat in your jerky yes todd says yes you can add a teaspoon of red pepper flakes come on todd todd wants red pepper flakes so todd gets to add the red pepper flakes can you eyeball a teaspoon wait oh you're taking it very literally okay sure oh a little more todd likes it spicy all right once you got everything in there glove up and make sure it's all evenly combined and your seasonings are distributed well throughout your meat our jerky has been mixed beautifully we're ready to make it into strips so that it smokes evenly gets that great smoke flavor all around and there are two ways i'm going to show you how to do this the first is with a jerky cannon now this is an additional purchase i'll give you guys a link in the video description if you want to check one out and get one for yourself you simply fill up the cylinder with your meat of choice and then the extruder helps you press it out into thin beautiful evenly sized strips and it goes pretty quick all right so it took me a couple tries because i'm technically deficient but my jerky cannon is loaded we're gonna squeeze our jerky mixture out onto these flat cooling racks i use these all of the time on my smoker because it allows me to transfer a lot of things on and off the smoker without having to move them individually we don't want this to stick so we're going to spray it with a little bit of cooking oil so that our jerky comes off nice and easily when it's done another great thing about these racks is they give you full access to smoke from below and up above this is kind of fun [Music] it's like painting a masterpiece [Music] so i'm doing these long but you could just do half strips you could do little bite-sized pieces i would just recommend getting some kitchen shears or a sharp knife so you can stop it in between right now i'm just stopping it by wiping it on the end of my cooling rack situation and that's what's breaking it all right there's a little bit left in my jerky can and i could probably fill another half a rack but i want to show you guys my second technique for making this if you don't have a jerky cannon at home i'm going to pop this one on the smoker so it can start cooking i've got my pellet smoker running at about 170 to 185 degrees that's our target temperature to cook these through while also adding a ton of smoke flavor and removing as much moisture as possible you can really use your favorite wood smoke here if you want a bold smoky flavor go with a bold wood like a mesquite a hickory or an oak that'll give you the biggest bang for your buck in terms of smoke flavor if you want things to stay more mild i would go with something like an alder or a pecan both great options for smoking this turkey [Music] no fancy extruder common household kitchen items to the rescue you're going to need a baking sheet a rolling pin and some parchment paper and then you're also going to need a knife or a pizza cutter and another one of those flat cooling racks i'm going to tear off a piece of parchment paper lay it flat on the bottom of my cookie sheet like so pop your ground beef jerky mixture right in the center pop pop like that and then top with another piece of parchment paper tap pop and top you can spread this out with your hands to start we're looking for an even distribution of the meat across the bottom of the cookie sheet i would say you want about an eighth of an inch thick similar to the thickness that we have with our jerky extruder you can use your rolling pin here to really evenly distribute the meat in a flat manner in between these two sheets of parchment paper [Music] trying to use your fingers to try and shape it a little bit into one mask but it's okay if you have some of the edges that are a little bit raggedy it's homemade homemade is great it can be a little bit rough around the edges all right i'm happy with that like i said not perfect edges but i think it's totally fine now you're gonna use a knife or like i said a rolling pizza cutter works great for this and we're actually just going to cut our flat mass of rolled out ground beef jerky mix into strips and you can slice these as thick or as thin as you like here i usually shoot for about an inch to an inch and a half again they're probably not gonna be perfect those ones on the end are tiny that works for me now we pull off the top layer of our parchment paper and you can see all the lines and divots that we cut into our jerky i'm actually going to go over them one more time beautiful and again with our cooling racks we're going to grab this guy coat it with a little layer of non-stick spray and then let me show you the magic trick for transferring this sheet of meat to this sheet [Music] oh i don't know about this and flip hold your applause and then we peel off that top layer of parchment and i'm okay if these right now are kind of stuck together because as it smokes they'll start to separate and when it's done cooking you can actually just break them off into individual pieces it works great you get a really similar shape a really even thickness and you don't have to have you know a specialty piece of equipment these are going on the smoker with the other ones [Music] we just hit the two hour mark into our ground beef jerky smoking process i'm gonna give a little peek at these guys and that'll help me gauge how much longer i want these to stay on the smoker with a ground beef jerky we're looking for a really vibrant red color it'll most likely have shrunk about 50 percent from its original size when we squeeze it on there and it should be bendy but not break apart so those are those are our little indicators for doneness after a quick check it looks like the first batch that we put on there with a jerky gun are about done i would say maybe 20 to 30 more minutes on that side the stuff that we rolled out and cut is definitely taking a little bit longer plus it went on later so we'll probably be pulling that off in about an hour you could see when i was bending that first batch of jerky it was really bendy we want it to be a little bit tighter than that but not quite to the breaking point so yeah we'll check back in about a half hour [Music] half hour later and our jerky gun batch of jerky should be ready to come off remember we're going to leave the other stuff on a little bit longer but i want to pull it off and show you what to look for when it's finished this is our finished jerky gun jerky from our ground beef and you can see we have a nice bend but it's not breaking apart it feels pretty firm it's not as soft as it was when we checked earlier it's got great color to it and this is awesome to eat warm off the smoker it's kind of one of the few privileges that you get from making jerky at home is you get to taste it warm and melt in your mouth right off the cooker but if you want to save it which you probably can't eat it all at once anyway you want to let it cool completely before transferring it to a zip top bag and then this will store in your refrigerator for two weeks this jerky does need to be refrigerated some don't because they include curing salts i didn't use curing salts in this recipe i don't use curing salts in a majority of my jerky recipes because i know that we can eat them before they're gonna go bad or have a chance to spoil and the smoking and dehydrating that happens really does help extend the life of this jerky you're gonna get two weeks out of this in the refrigerator versus three to five days if it was just ground beef in your refrigerator so there are some preservative qualities to it even without the curing salts so that's why we skip them at home but if you want to add a curing salt to yours you would add that during the mix phase look up a curing calculator online to make sure that you're getting the right ratio for the amount of meat that you have okay now that i covered it i can eat some seriously look at this it's so tender every bite of this ground beef jerky is just gonna melt in your mouth it's savory from the beef seasoning and the worcestershire you get a little kiss of the soy sauce and just that hint of brown sugar is enough to really balance it all out so it's not an overly savory jerky bite this is delicious what about my red pepper flakes i mean you probably couldn't put in a little bit more todd noted it could be a little spicier yeah oh my gosh this stuff is amazing you gotta try this do you know who's gonna love this when they get home from school our kids our kids love homemade jerky okay come try something backyard bbq hero oh yeah make jerky better barbecue feed the people you love like i feed todd and my kids and my kids friends and become a backyard barbecue hero as always the recipe is available at or on the hey girl hey app you can easily download to your device apple or what's the other one android it works on both we'll see you guys next time i'm gonna eat this whole stick of jerky [Music]
Channel: Hey Grill Hey
Views: 38,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: R1-bsO3P_Uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2022
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