Smoked Rotisserie Babyback Ribs | Weber Kettle

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[Music] hey everybody its Keegan here with seared and smoked thanks for tuning in today we got a nice video for you we're gonna do some rotisserie ribs on a weber kettle rotisserie set up and we're gonna be using a new rotisserie basket that i just purchased that will actually hold multiple racks of ribs i've done this in the past as far as its using one rack in one basket but I'm really excited I found this basket with a tiered setup that we'll take a look at they can actually hold multiple racks of ribs so today we're doing two racks I think you could possibly even do three racks on this setup with a one additional accessory that they sell for this basket so thanks for tuning in it's been a while we got a co-host today as well got to have a beer right so we're drinking red stripe today it's a classic I should revisit it more often even though my doctor says I shouldn't so let's get going on this we'll show you the setup and then we'll get grilling let's do it okay so here is everything we need to get started we're doing two racks of ribs I've already taken the membrane off on the backside so we're good to go there and then I just cut them down to the length of our rotisserie basket so we'll still fit both racks in here they just won't whew these end pieces will be cut off which is totally fine so got got our rub here I'll put the ingredients I use for this rub I call my sweet love and rub because it is a little sweet and salty got a little heat not a lot of heats mainly just a nice sweet salty all-purpose rib rub chicken rub pork rub of any sort so and then in this bottle here we just have a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water in case we need to do a little spritzing along the way if the rib to get like they're looking like they're getting a little too hot so all right let's put this together so this basket is really cool it's got one side with an immovable bracing so that stays there which I'm gonna call the bottle and then the sides come off so depending on your setup you may or may not need the sides on so these pieces just pop on and off and then it comes with two racks but you can kind of move up and down the the basket so you can do these racks of ribs or anything else so I'm gonna go ahead and season up these ribs and get them arranged in the basket and show you a kind of final setup for that and then we'll get the charcoal going and get these on the smoker okay I'm always the bottom I always season the bottom of the ribs first because I guess frankly I consider them the least important of the two sides so we're just doing a light seasoning because this isn't gonna be smoked for a real long time or shooting for around an hour and a half to two hours I feel like you don't need to see some things quite as heavily because the smoke is not gonna kill a ton of the barbecue seasoning you know I always find well if you smoke things a ton or a long time like a brisket and mellows out all those flavors so we're just gonna hit this not real heavy but a nice even coating on all sides once again this is kind of just a sweet salty all-purpose rub I use it on chicken all the time and I liked a lot on these kind of faster cooks it's got a quite a bit of sugar in it so it'll get a nice little crust on the outside of the rib it'll get a nice color to you one rack in and the meaty side out the way I generally do this and then you got to kind of fish this in for the bottom rack that's set then see how this goes I think we'll just go ahead and do skewer next and just has the Philips head adjustments to walk down on your rotisserie all right so we have things in place I think this is gonna work out pretty good have the two smaller pieces in the center just kind of a float around a little bit and then so we got our two kind of full-size racks with the center kind of some end cuts in the center so this will move around a little bit I think to do this the best I would get one more of these tear one of the tiered racks just to get things tighter in there so not bad setup the way it is but I think I'm gonna order one more of these racks here some things aren't moving around in there quite as much but let's go ahead give this a shot today see how things turn out now we just need to get the truck will going and we'll get these on the smoker whoo balmy day here in IO it's like 32 degrees this is gonna be the warm day of the week so this is why we're getting outside let's take a look at our charcoal setup and then we'll get this thing on the smoker okay so this is really easy we got our pan in the center so our rotisserie is gonna go parallel with the pan and then we have a lot of charcoal on each side which is our main charcoal source and then I just I usually just put some charcoal in there on each end which serves as backup charcoal so I can just if we're in process I need to add more heat I can just take charcoal from there throw it right on top and each side if needed so usually not needed but it's kind of cold out so we'll see what happens other than that gonna lighter charcoal a little tumbleweed other than that we're gonna throw a lump into a cherry on each side before we put the ribs on and that's about it so I'll show you the rotisserie setup here in a second after we get the fire going all right I'm just trampled out and then we'll open the vents white up and get this heated up for now we're just gonna put on a rotisserie ring set up and then we're let this we got the vents wide open top and bottom and we're gonna let it heat up to about 400 degrees and then we get our ribs on okay so we are at 450 degrees so we're gonna put these ribs on I've cranked the vents down to about halfway so it should kind of mellow over time kind of slowly maybe go down is what we're shooting for so start out over 450 then it could end up around 350 400 by the time we're done and it should take about an hour and a half is what I'm guessing based on previous experience so let's get them on and we got our rotisserie motor plugged in back here that's all you got to do is just slide that right in there and because we're kind of off balance here we got more ribs on one side than the other next time it beeped I had to do three ribs three racks rid then I get one more of those at least one more of those horizontal layers divide it so because we're off off the way through off-balance a little bit you just have to attach this counterbalance to the end which comes with the rotisserie kit crank that down then we're good to let it rip here and the beauty about rotisserie ribs or any rotisserie like a rotisserie chicken is that it basically salt-based itself so you know keeps a little more moist all those drippings kind of rotate around the meat and develop a nice crust but we've got to get the top on lenka okay welcome back it's been about 45 minutes you can see that it's dropped down about 350 it's been kind of slowly dropping so we're gonna check them out and see if we need to stoke the fire at all and probably leave them on for about another 40 minutes oh look at those those are beautiful they're kind of nice glistening I haven't touched them haven't sprayed them or anything so you can see that they're just really really really juicy so this is exactly what we're looking for a lot of moisture on the outside that's the beauty every rotisserie is that it just keeps them basted so looking awesome we're not going to touch them the coals look pretty good we're just gonna come in here here on top just to make sure we don't run out of fuel so that comes in handy those few that we left on the sides that's where this helps out we can just reach in there grab a couple put them right on top nah can add any more cherry wood started out with quite a bit of cherry on there can't matter if I showed that but I did throw a couple chunks of cherry on there so I think they're plenty smoked now we just need to keep cooking cover this back up and we're just gonna be looking for pull back just looking for a little pull back on the ribs and it should be gorgeous so we'll check back in another 30 or 40 minutes okay it's been about another 15 minutes and I just checked him they're looking a little rusty so I am gonna spritz them with our apple cider water mixture and I'll do this about every 10 minutes just try to keep a little on the cooler side before we pull them but they're looking good okay spend an hour 45 minutes total probably tops you the camera but there's a fair amount of pullback going on so I'm gonna call these babies done I think they're good it might be a little less done I'm like the really thick parts but I think they're they're looking gorgeous I think we should eat these things so I'll see you guys inside we'll cut them open all right it's money time it's time to see how these ribs turned out I've looked at him obviously they look pretty good I might have been able to keep mine a little bit longer but let's cut them open give him a taste test all right like what I like to do a lot don't flip them upside down to cut up makes it easier to see where the bones are at I'm pretty easy I think they're gonna be just fine let's take a look at this guy I had a nice color on it they're good-looking rib still impressed with how glossy and really just juicy they are on the outside and inside they're just you know tons of juice in there so really pleased with the way those turned out all right we'll see how the bite is that is pretty close to perfect as far as being cooked on a rotisserie grill and see that it kind of pulled off the off the bone there so nice little bite once again just nice and tender nice little color to their little thank you not a heavy smoke ring but I'm were concerned about flavor these are hitting the spot the rubble used in that is one of my favorites it's a homemade rub it's got you know not it's got a good amount of ingredients in it but it's not overboard so it's a easy one to make it home I usually make just a huge bulk batch of it so I'll put the recipe down below in the notes for that for the show then all the other products I use as well you can find there as well so if you like what you see which I hope you do go ahead and subscribe give me a like tune back in next time and we look forward to more outdoor adventures on the grill if you have any comments any questions shoot me a note or leave me know in the comments down below and I will look forward to hanging out with you next time seared and smoked [Music]
Channel: Seared and Smoked with Keegan
Views: 24,671
Rating: 4.7258062 out of 5
Keywords: Smoking Meat, BBQ, Grilling, outdoor cooking, Pork, Weber Grill, baby back ribs, OneGrill, baby back ribs recipe, smoking meat on a charcoal grill, rotisserie ribs, rotisserie babyback ribs, pork ribs, weber kettle, fast smoked ribs, smoked pork ribs, bbq ribs on weber, smoked ribs on weber kettle, onegrill weber rotisserie, onegrill performer basket, onegrill rotisserie basket
Id: 95ogKBEm4dY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 26 2019
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