Smoked Chuck Roast On The Weber Kettle

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today I'm smoking a chuck roast on the weber kettle that's right chuck roast I have about a five pound boneless chuck roast that I'm gonna be smoking today using hickory wood maybe a little pecan and if you've ever done chuck roast you'll understand what I'm about to say it can be just about as finicky as a brisket it's not a quick cut of meat to smoke at a low temperature in order to get tender you need to take it to its own stall and past that there are some methods that help it along and I'm going to be using one of those today which is similar to brisket which is wrapping it when it gets to about 160 165 degrees I'm going to be wrapping it in foil today not paper but until it gets to 160 degrees it's just gonna bathe in that smoke now this cook today could take nine or ten hours usually somewhere between four and six is when it's going to hit that hundred and sixty ish temperature I'm going to be starting it cold right out of the refrigerator I just took it out and we're gonna be rubbing it here in just a second I'm gonna be using two different seasonings today one is a North Woods fire seasoning from Penn zis spices the other is a 21 seasoning solute from Trader Joe's let's get to rubbing you get a good coating of this pen zis on here get both sides make sure we get the edges here thick chuck roast like this have some pretty sizable edges so you want to get this flavoring on there too don't neglect the sides want a really good coating because this is going to be bathing in the smoke for quite a while we want this coating to just sort of soak in and help build a bark now sort of the outer rub here is going to be this 21 seasonings salute from Trader Joe's same thing you want to get it on those edges I'll mention it again because I mentioned it in every video I do something like this I prefer not to use binders if you use a binder that's perfectly fine I prefer not to use anything like mustard or worse - or sauce generally and over the top of this I'm gonna give it another dusting of that pen ZZZ Northwoods fire seasoning maybe wondering what I'm gonna do with this chuck roast when it's done I haven't really decided I haven't decided if I'm gonna pull it slice it make sandwiches don't know I'm gonna wait and see how it turns out what the tenderness factor is it's the end if it's fall apart I'll pull it right now it's rubbed it's ready and the kettle is up to temp so let's get it out there and get it smoking so the temperature of the kettle right now is 279 it's gonna that's a little too high it's going to moderate when I put the meat in there and then I'll adjust the vents I'm shooting for 225 to 250 today if it hits around 250 and stays in that range I'll be happy but I don't want it to go to hot I don't want it to drop to low so we'll have to monitor this so I have about 3/4 of a basket of briquettes in there using one of the Weber briquette baskets I'm not using both of the baskets just one adding two in there would be too much heat for this I've used some you know reused charcoal in there you can see the smaller ones and then some fresh charcoal to help get it going and keep it going at the beginning I'll be adding more charcoal as we go along on the right side you can see I've got some foil there to catch some of the drippings I'm not saving the dripping I just don't want them to collect and cake down in the bottom of the kettle as much as possible as soon as I get this chuck roast on I'm gonna be adding a piece of hickory on this charcoal I'm gonna add my temperature probe on this side and try and get it as far into the center as possible so I have the grill temperature probe here the meat temperature probe here both of them running out this slot that I put in the weber kettle and that will give me good readings on the thermo Pro all day you can see right now we've got an internal meat temperature thirty-nine which is just perfect just came out of the refrigerator and the pit temp doesn't matter right now the lids off so let's get that Hickory on there get the lid back on and start smoking we're gonna give our piece of hickory just a minute to catch before we put the lid back on to start building temp back up hickories going it'll go out in a few minutes and start creating smoke let's get our lid on and build back up to temp see our temp came back up pretty quickly within about three or four minutes so I'm going to watch these temps and the vents for a minute and see what I need to do to keep them about that 250 it'll take just a little bit of adjustment I'm gonna take this upper vent down to just about three quarters just about like that and that should help keep us right around that 250 range but we'll be adjusting it all day and when I say all day I mean all day remember this is briskets little cousin the chuck roast you have to be patient with it it's all about tenderness so the grill temp is down to about I think 223 or so I got a meat temp about 95 or a little over an hour which is as good we're going great I want to add a few briquettes to this to maintain that temperature now that we're going forward and also to knock off any ash at the bottom of the briquette basket the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to knock some of this ash off just by shaking this basket I'm gonna get good flow of air down there at the bottom and I'm gonna start adding some briquettes here cuz you're a piece of hickory igniting again and I'm actually gonna put a fresh piece of hickory here right on top I'm gonna give that a minute to catch with a little more oxygen there's our chuck roast still very early in this cook we've got hours and hours and hours to go all right let's get this lid back on and I'm still gonna leave those vents that just about three-quarters we have that really nice hickory smoke smells just amazing it's gonna be perfect on this chuck roast all right we're running a little bit hot here so I'm gonna adjust the vents and we're about three and a half hours into this cook 1:46 got about 14 15 degrees to go before we wrap it but with a 284 grill temp that's a little too high so I'm gonna adjust these vents take it down a little bit below 3/4 maybe about 2/3 there we'll let that help bring that temperature down so great smoke coming out of there it's doing really well it's just a beautiful spring day today about 70 to 73 degrees perfect time to be out by the grill and I wanted to remind you if you're interested in any of the items I use in this video I'll put links in the description down below and that way you can check them out yourself let's see our temperatures doing now see 280 we're starting to come down we were at about 284 so just adjusting that top vent starts bringing it down I'll bring you back and we're getting close to wrapping it so the internal meet temperature of the chuck roast is at 153 weird about 5 hours and 45 minutes in and it's been at this 153 for about 20 minutes so every piece of meat is different the stall for this piece of meat is not at 160 or 165 it's probably closer to 153 so we're going to go ahead and take it out now and wrap it up in foil and add a little bit of apple cider to it for some moisture and let's get it out of there oh that is looking really nice look at the bark on that you know it's hard to see in this really bright sunlight but the bark on this it's just beautiful hmm all right let's get this off there move the temperature probe while we wrap this using my nitrile gloves with poly cotton liners these work really well for short uses when you're moving hot meat from one spot to another I'm gonna wrap this in two layers of foil but first I'm gonna add a small amount of apple cider vinegar so it's probably less than a quarter cup you want to wrap it tight nice and tight turn it there we go now when we're not directly touching the meat with that moisture I can just use these poly cotton gloves all right let's get this back on the grill now I'm gonna try and place the probe as close as I can to the center once again I think we got it right where it was before if you can see that it's reading 157 so we returned a few degrees of where it was so now I'm gonna get this closed up and heating back up before I do that I'm going to put a couple more pieces of charcoal in there knock the ashes down I'm probably gonna put about seven eight pieces of charcoal in there let's get the lid back on and keep cooking all right the grill temp raced up a little bit you can see 291 and I just let it because we were already in foil with that moisture wanted to kind of advance the process and we just hit 201 so we're gonna check it now for tenderness we're not necessarily gonna pull it but if it's tender enough we're gonna pull it and then put it in a pan cover it with foil it's gonna sit for 30 minutes to an hour let's go have a look and we can't really see anything here but we're gonna be probing it using the instant-read just as a tenderness testing device so let's see through the foil that's very tender see over here that's tender that's tender I think we're tender all right so I'm gonna take the temperature probe out take this off put it in a pan so I have the chuck roast still in its foil sitting in a pan with another layer of heavy duty foil over it and I'm gonna leave it sitting like this probably for 30 to 45 minutes maybe as long as an hour I'll bring you back when it's time to open it up here is the chuck roast look at that bark even after being wrapped for about I think about 40 minutes there is a wonderful bark on this mmm all right let's cut into it think I'm gonna go right about here whoo can you see that smoke ring you see I think I need to turn it for the grain I'm gonna turn it just a little bit and cut another slice this way just to see that looks good yeah look at that oh it's ready to fall apart in my hand can you see that smoke ring it is so tender look at how floppy that is all right I gotta taste this I'm not only gonna taste this chuck roast on its own I'm gonna taste it with a little bit of barbecue sauce because that's how I decided I'm gonna eat this as a sandwich a barbecue sandwich first on its own really good smoke ring I think I showed you that earlier Oh mmm that Penn's ease Northwoods fire spice does have some fire to it it's gonna go really good with some barbecue sauce mmm nice and tender completely juice eats all over my fingers hmm great smoke penetration with that Hickory I can taste the Hickory mmm this is good but now barbecue sauce hmm that is some sweet baby Ray's with that heat really good sweet and heat together another piece now with some more barbecue sauce mmm that is so good I'm extremely pleased that I decided to do a chuck roast today mmm if you decide you want to do a chuck roast either on a kettle grill like I did or in an offset smoker or an electric smoker however you do it remember low and slow just like brisket this took almost eight and a half hours I foiled it at just under six hours and then it went another two hours after that then it's sat for about 40 minutes in a pan covered with foil if you take that time you get the tenderness and you get the taste mmm the key though is to remember it's not about the time it's about the tenderness time is only a guide with this just like with brisket you're aiming for that tenderness that's why we probed to see if it was tender and it is mmm I hope you enjoyed this video feel free to check out the other videos on my channel and consider subscribing and if you do make sure you click that bell so you'll get notifications when I put out new videos I hope you all have a wonderful day and I'll see you again soon
Channel: Cooking With Ry
Views: 557,828
Rating: 4.8684573 out of 5
Keywords: cooking, cooking channel, cooking with ry, ryne pearson, ryne douglas pearson, chuck roast, weber grill, charcoal grill, how to smoke chuck roast, beef, smoking meat, dry rub, hickory smoke
Id: JTbVkLqduA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 28 2018
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