How To Rotisserie a Ribeye Roast

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hello I'm Mike Robbo from dead cooks dinner calm and this is how to rotisserie a ribeye roast I need to trust my boneless ribeye roast every inch and a half to tie it into a tight cylinder shape so it doesn't flop around on the rotisserie after I figure out how many pieces of twine I need I cut each piece long enough to give me some extra room to tie around the roast say four times the width of the roast that seems about right I tell you the first truss about an inch in from the end of the roast I loop the twine twice around itself which is called a surgeon's knot because when you pull it tight it holds itself against the roast it doesn't slip loose making it easy for you to tie the second half of the knot repeat every inch and a half maybe two inches along the length of the roast when the roast is trust trim off any excess string from the knots we don't want it flapping loose in the rotisserie it might burn in the heat of the grill next rub the roast for the mix of salt pepper and herbs I minced fresh thyme and fresh rosemary and I'm sprinkling it all over the roast rub is a bad name for this it's really more of patting it on after we sprinkle it if you really do rub it hard you're gonna rub it all off under your fingers and it's not gonna wind up on the roast so think gentle padding to make sure it sticks while it's spinning in the rotisserie I had extra sprigs of thyme and rosemary from the poultry pack of herbs I bought for the rub so I'm going to tuck those under the trussing twine to add a little extra flavor to the roast this really is an optional step this doesn't make a big difference in flavor you've rubbed the herbs directly on the roast after all but I had these extra sprigs and it sure does look nice when it's spinning on the rotisserie so I decided to add it for the video if you don't feel like doing this extra work skip it I won't be offended now let's secure the roast to the rotisserie spit tighten on the first spit fork you want to get the roast in about the middle of the spread then take the point of the spit aim for the center of the roast and drive the spit right through the middle watch your fingers on the other end you don't want to poke yourself push the points of the spit fork into the roast or in this case they're going right around it because of how narrow the roast is on that end then slide on the other spit fork and use it to secure the roast to the spit make sure everything centered tighten down the forks and there you have it one roast ready for the rotisserie now it's time to set up the grill I already took out the grill grates and put the rotisserie motor on the rotisserie bracket and I'm going to preheat the grill by lighting burners 1 and 6 and my infrared rotisserie burner and turning them too high I put a drip pan in the center on the burner covers and preheat the grill for 10 to 15 minutes 15 minutes later the grill is ready to go let's get this roast spinning plug the point fit into the rotisserie motor set the notch in the groove on the other side of the grill make sure the drip pan is centered under the roast and turn on the rotisserie motor to get everything spinning I let the roast make at least one full revolution to make sure everything is tightened down properly and nothing is catching in the grill looks like we're good to go close the lid and let the roast cook total cooking time for the roast is going to be about an hour and 15 minutes for medium-rare but I'm gonna start checking it after a half an hour of cooking because the only way to be sure that the roast is cooked properly is by measuring the internal temperature my target is a hundred and twenty degrees Fahrenheit for a medium-rare roast not there yep let's let it cook for a while longer I've been checking the roast every 15 minutes or so and we've been cooking for about an hour and 10 minutes total time I think the roast is about ready it looks nice and golden-brown but let's check the temperature to be sure 121 degrees in the thickest part that's right where I want the roast is ready to go in the house and rest before carving the first thing we have to do once the roast is in the house is get it off of the spit and cut the trussing twine loose if we let the roast cool the beautiful browned crust on the outside we'll stick to the twine and pull away when we try to remove it from the roast as you can see if we get to the twine immediately it pulls away from the roast without any sticky you if you followed my advice and tucked extra herb sprigs underneath the trussing twine make sure to pick those off now they often have very hard woody stems and those are not good to eat and you can't really carve through them either I let the roasts rest for about 10 minutes before carving so the juices can redistribute and now for the moment of truth did I get my beautiful medium-rare oh yes that's exactly what I'm looking for carve into about half inch thick slices and surf this is Mike rubble from dad cooks dinner calm thanks for watching you
Channel: Mike Vrobel
Views: 256,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rotisserie, beef, roast
Id: 48pUN8U_Ekw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 59sec (359 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2016
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