Smoked Pastrami on the Big Green Egg (curing-to-smoking instructions)

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welcome to flaming rooster BBQ in this session we're going to do end to end smoked pastrami on the B grenade so first bit of information you need to know is you cannot cook this today over the weekend up because you've got to brine the meat for an extended period of time and what is the meat the meat is brisket I use prime brisket you can use choice brisket you want to get a brisket that's anywhere from five to ten pounds this is about a nine pound brisket on trim so I'm going to trim that down when you do trim it you're going to leave about a quarter a quarter inch layer of fat on it because fat is good for pastrami arrangers really well when you're cooking it but the first step you've got to do is you're going to brine it and you've got to brine it anywhere from two to four weeks a lot of people tell you you can do it for three to five days you can from my experience and looking at cats and how they do it which is the best in New York they use for two to four weeks and it really depends on how thick your brisket is this one is not too thick so I'm probably to do three weeks on this to 21 days in the brine so you want to get a food food safe container like a pot or food safe bucket anyone creates your brine I've got about a gallon of water in there I'm going to add these ingredients and I'll put them on the stove and simmer them until everything dissolves and then I'm going to take it off and get it to room temperature and then I'm going to actually gonna put it in the refrigerator and get it cold because you don't want to put that meat in warm water at this point cuz it's going to brine for so long so you don't want to cook it at all but basically you can play around with your brine this is a bride I like to use you could use anything but the key ingredients you must have is the pink curing salt so this is not pink Himalayan salt this is actually pink curing salt it's got sodium nitrite in it the key to that is if you don't use this and you brine your meat your meats going to be gray at the end instead of pink and last time I checked if you can invite somebody over for pastrami or brisket and it's great when you're serving it nobody's going to eat it so this is this is a keen you can get this at Whole Foods or at your local grocery store sometimes or you can get on Amazon and just just Google pink curing salt if you also want kosher salt you want that sugar so those are the basic ingredients you must have to brine it is not as well as the pickling pickling spice so you this is a must-have as well for the flavor and you can just get this at your grocery store I like add honey and I lacked a garlic so so my portions and I'll put the link below is a quarter cup of the curing salt 2 tablespoons of the pickling spice a cup of kosher salt a cup of sugar a quarter cup of honey and then five cloves of garlic so essentially what I'm going to do is I'm going to put this all in the pot I'm going to get it to room temperature after after it simmers and then I'm going to put in the frigerator and let it cool off and then while I'm doing that I'm going to trim out my brisket okay so I put all the ingredients in the pot and I basically brought it to a boil and then turn it off so the goal is to dissolve all the ingredients in there you're not going to dissolve the garlic or the pickling spice but your what you to do is open that up through the heating process so now what I'm going to do is just going to let this sit here until it cools off and then once it's cool enough I'm going to put it in the refrigerator and get it cool before I put that brisket in there okay so the pot has been in the refrigerator it's cool so the bride is ready to go and the briskets trimmed up so literally I'm just going to take this brisket and submerge it in the water until it's fully covered I've got enough water in there it's covered if you happen to not have enough water just add add cold water to it and I'm going to put the lid on that and I want to put it in the refrigerator for three weeks for 21 days and I'm not going to do anything to that water I'm just going to keep it in there it won't evaporate it'll just continue to penetrate that meat with that with that brine for 21 days all right so this pastrami has been curing in this pot for 21 days to three weeks in the refrigerator and now what you need to do because there's a lot of salt in that thing you need to drain the pot clean the pot and then you want to rinse the pastrami or the the brisket off with cold water get all that excess on the outside out and then I'm going to fill this pot back up just where it covers the brisket and I'm going to soak it for about four hours and that's going to pull some of that salt out and off the skin and I'm going to drain that I'm going to do it again for another four hours okay so I've rinsed off the brisket to get all that excess spice off of there as you can see there it is and I clean the pot it's gonna put it back in here and I'm going to cover it up with cold water and once that's done covered up I'm gonna put the lid on and I'm gonna put it back in the refrigerator for about 4 hours I'm gonna come dump the water and do that process again so you have some clean water so you're pulling all the excess salt out there so you can equalize the brisket tomorrow when I'm going to smoke it all right now you need to make your rub you'll notice this rubs a little bit different than my typical brisket rub and that there's no salt at all in this rub so you've got plenty of salt in that brine so you don't want to put salt in your rub it's it's gonna be too much but essentially what you're going to do is going to mix all these ingredients up in a bowl and mix it with a fork and make it smooth but essentially what it is is four tablespoons of black pepper 2 tablespoons of coriander ground coriander one tablespoon of mustard powder one tablespoon of brown sugar one tablespoon of paprika and then two teaspoons spoons of this of garlic powder and then two teaspoons of onion powder so again you can prep this at any time but just get that ready for the rub for for the brisket tomorrow all right so we did the two water bass with the brisket and now it's the morning of so I've taken the brisket out and I've put it on the baking sheet and patted it dry for about an hour so we're trying to get it to room temperature so the process from here on out is similar to what we would do for the standard brisket so if you watch my other video on the Franklin barbecue method we're going to follow that today so essentially we're going to do is we're going to put the rub on so I put it put my rub in a little shaker like this it makes it easy to apply and essentially I'm going to put the robe on just like I do always so I use mustard you can use whatever you want you can use olive oil or whatever oil or even just a little bit of water but essentially I'm gonna I'm going to use my mustard I'm gonna do this all around it on both sides but the mustard is an adhesive you won't taste the mustard there'll be no resemblance of mustard and end product it's just an adhesive of the meat but essentially we're going to put this rub on real thick about that thick you're going to Pat that dry and essentially you're gonna get that rub all around the brisket and you're gonna want to get that to room temperature so after I put the rub on I'm going to let sit probably an hour hour and a half in the meantime I'm going to go prep the grill for the wood in the charcoal all right so that briskets been out for about two hours now and the grill is prepping so if you haven't watched my other videos please please watch them on how to set up the wood and the heat but essentially you don't want to get this thing too hot so you just want to start with the fire stick slowly raise the temperature up and then start adding your wood so I always smoke my brisket with oak wood that's what I highly recommend and and that's it so we're going to do the Franklin method today which is I'm going to cook this at 275 I know a lot of you are thinking 225 is what's been ingrained in your brain but if you read the Franklin book or watch my video on Franklin barbecue on their brisket he does it at 275 I found it the flavor is just as good and it takes a lot less time so I've got a 9 pound brisket it's going to take you know probably 8 9 hours versus 15 hours so I've got oak in there I'm going to shut it down to get the smoke going and then I'll put the brisket on alright so I shut down the grill got a good steady stream of smoke coming out all the the bad stuffs burned out so I just have some really good smoke coming out now it rills at about 200 so I'm going to slowly raise that up to 275 if you watch my videos the key with these ceramic cookers is not to get the heat up too high because what you do that's almost impossible to get it down especially for these long smokes I'd rather put the meat on when it you got good smoke at around 200 and just let it continue to rise and then you can regulate it then but essentially I've got I got one probe on the grill temperature so I use the thermal works dual probe temperatures so this one goes to the grill service and then I've got another one that's in the meat now we're going to try to get this meat to 203 and we're going to do everything on the grill you'll if you look at what cats is does with their pastrami they do a steaming process at the end for about two hours if you've got a ceramic cooker I don't think it's necessary because you've got enough moisture in this egg or in your commode Ojo or whatever you're using to keep it steaming basically the whole time kind of why you're smoking it so you've got plenty of moisture so I think the steaming at the end process is overkill when you're doing it on these on these ceramic cookers essentially I'm going to take this brisket and get it on here I've got that meat probe in the thickest part of the meat and that's it so essentially I'm going to close that lid get that smoke going keep it going and I'm not going to open that lid until my temperature gauge on this thermo works says about 180 185 so if you've if you've watched my Franklin method we're going to we're going to get through the stall and then we're going to wrap it I'll show you that process here in a little bit but this is it for now so this thing is going to be on here for probably at least six hours like that until it gets to the stall stall should be 180 185 and then we'll be back alright the brisket has been on for about eight hours and I've been keeping it around 250 on this one since I have more time but as you can see the tip on the on the brisket is raised to 186 so the stall happens typically for me from about 178 degrees to 185 and then once you get over that it will start going up so I noticed that after it hit 184 on this one it started it's going up pretty rapidly so what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to take it off and I'm going to wrap it in this butcher paper I'm going to put it back in fat side up until it gets to 203 degrees so that thing is looking really good right now tons of moisture and good bark on that thing already so I'm not going to get any more smoke on it now but I will keep it on the big green egg you can also put it in the oven but the goal is to get it up to 203 degrees and internal temperature before you rest it so you can either put it in the oven right now or you can continue to keep it on your grill I'm going to continue to put it on the grill laughs drive after I wrap it all right so that's a wrap with butcher paper I put the meat probe back in and my tips about 185 186 on this brisket I want to leave it in there until it gets to o3 and then we'll start resting it all right it took about two more hours to get the temperature up to 203 but it's there now so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this meat probe out I'm going to go put it inside on the counter and I'm going to open it up and let it rest for at least 45 minutes to an hour all right so it's been resting for about two hours I just cut into it to see if it's it's right and it is just perfect so you see that perfect pink texture it's marbleized with the fat it's just perfect and this is about as thin as you want to serve it with the sandwiches I do it with rye bit rye bread or sourdough bread get some Dijon mustard get some pickles on the side and it's fantastic but you could just eat tons of this by itself it's just incredible so this is how it's done again as we're about to slice as you want right there Bon Appetit and remember please subscribe to flaming rooster BBQ thank you
Channel: Flaming Rooster BBQ
Views: 130,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pastrami, smoked pastrami, curing pastrami, how to cure pastrami, how to make pastrami, big green egg, the big green egg, pastrami on the big green egg, smoked pastrami on the big green egg, pastrami sandwhich, pastrami sandwhich recipe, pastrami on rye, how to make pastrami from scratch, how to make pastrami at home
Id: NmemzAHUyWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2016
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