Smoked Chuck Roast on a Pit Boss Vertical Pellet Smoker

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smoked chuck roast texas-style we're doing it on the pit-boss three series this is the smallest of their vertical pellet smokers they've got a five series in the seventh series each one's a little bit bigger this is the first time I've ever cooked a chuck roast on a pellet smoker so I'm really looking forward to this I've spent a lot of time watching different YouTube videos cooking with rye cheers to your brother rye is probably the foremost authority on chuck roast on YouTube he's got a billion videos on how to do it so I'm gonna take some stuff that I learned from him and from Harry Sue combine them together and let's see what we come up with so I'm starting with this four pound chuck roast the reason I'm doing a chuck roast instead of a brisket today is because it's more affordable this is $6.99 a pound it's a four pounder got it from my butcher if you're not sure on what the chuck roast is it's actually part of the cows shoulder and neck area sits just above the brisket cut it's a tougher piece of meat because it's a working muscle but it's great for stewing for low and slow BBQ crock-pot you name it we got to do it low and slow break down the tissue and we're going to be left with a beautifully smoked salty piece of beef that we can use on sandwiches or slice it up however you want to do it but let's get into it this thing is a good-looking roast here we go I'd like to go to a butcher instead of the grocery store because normally you're not gonna find a monster like this at the grocery store they'll sell you two two and a half pounders this was a four pounder even said they could have got me a bigger one let's get this out of here [Music] so you'll notice that they've tied this off to keep it together and I like that it's probably gonna add to my cooking time just because now it's so thick if it wasn't wrapped like that it would sit more flat but I'm gonna leave it like this so what we got to do is make a rub this is what I'm getting from Harry sooo it's one of his ninja techniques but basically it's a it's a Texas rub salt and pepper and then his secret is celery salt so let's do that real quick so here's our we're gonna do 1/2 a cup of coarse sea salt does anyone know the difference between coarse sea salt and kosher salt let me know in the comments so we got that now I'm gonna do 1/2 a cup of coarse black pepper I actually picked this up from my butchers a little shout-out to knk portage market it makes my life much easier so do 1/2 a cup of that now we're gonna do 1/4 cup of celery seed so Harry sue says this really helps with the bark and the texture and a little bit of added flavor so we'll add that in there and then we'll just mix it up here like so just gonna use my hands there we go okay just like that and now we're gonna coat this whole roast with our rub now I'm not gonna use any binders like a mustard or worse you're sure I do use them a lot but today I've got some extra time so basically I'm going to get this rub on and then we're gonna let it sit and have time to absorb into the meat I just want to make sure your rub sets feel good you know we're gonna get all the sides [Music] we'll use the stuff that's on the paper just roll that around this side had it in to help it set roll it and coat it get a little bar right on here I am looking to do a nice bark on this one so we'll see how this goes I've actually never done a texas-style before usually I'm using some kind of a store-bought rub alright so I'm going to take this put it back in the refrigerator for about 45 minutes I want this to go on the smoker as cold as possible because I want to get a nice smoke ring and the colder it is the more smoke it's gonna absorb so I'll take this in and we'll be back alright so while that's resting in the refrigerator let's talk a little bit about the smoker in the settings that we're going with today so first of all and a lot of people like to know this my elevation where I live I'm at 810 feet the current temperature outside is 64 degrees it's very humid out we actually have some fog I'm not sure if the camera can pick it up I've got the cap on my smokestack at a halfway up so pit-boss says the lower the temperature you're smoking at the higher the cap should be common sense right you're getting more airflow if you're at a higher temperature you're gonna spin that down to help maintain that heat and we're shooting for 225 to 250 today so we want to stay in that range so what I've done is I've set my smoker to 225 I know that it spikes every time it puts in a big batch of pellets so I'll show you those settings down here okay so you see I've got it set at 225 that is in fact what the temperature is inside the pit I have one meat probe hooked up it's just sitting outside waiting for me to put in the meat that's actually telling us our outside temperature right now which is 64 degrees okay and then finally I need to add water to my pan so you'll notice I've got it wrapped in tinfoil just to help with the cleanup a little bit and some water in there this is my fourth time smoking on this so you can see it's starting to get nice and seasoned on the inside I cleaned the glass after every cook okay and then for my pellets I'm using the pit-boss competition blend as you can see down there I'm about half way basically all you do I've got a 40-pound bag they sell 20-pound bags as well I just dumped that in there a couple weeks ago I've still got about 20 pounds left and I'll probably have to fill this up today if I do I'll show you guys that so let me go get the truck roast we'll get it in the smoker all right so it's been about 45 minutes just took our chuck roast out let's take a look at this yeah that just looks awesome this reminds me of doing like a nice prime rib roast nicely coated so I don't want to mess with it too much let's just get it right in the smoker so you know there's no fat cap on this some I don't think it matters what side we put down so here we go get that door closed real quick let's not forget about my meat probe get that right through the center so we got some nice smoke rolling out there as it tries to recover from you having the door open hopefully you guys can see all that but just having that door open for 25-30 seconds dropped the temperature about 20 degrees and then we can see the internal temperature of the truck roast which is at 42 degrees and so we're gonna go low and slow until this hits a hundred sixty degrees it could take four hours it could take three hours who knows but when it does we'll wrap it I'm also gonna come out and spritz this once debark has set so we'll check that in about an hour we're an hour and 15 minutes into this cook I have made a couple changes so number one the pit was kind of sitting around 220 so I changed the dial to 250 to kind of keep it in that 225 to 250 range I'm not sure what it is if it's the cooler weather today that's probably what it is the last time I cooked on this it was 90 degrees outside so just one of those things you got to figure out with every cooker so after an hour and 15 minutes let's take a look down here you'll see that we're running about two thirty to thirty-five internal meat temperature is 95 degrees and as much as it pains me to have to open this door to show everyone we have to do it I gotta let you see what it looks like after about an hour and 15 minutes so let's do that alright swing the door open let's see what we got here so that so that rub is starting to set pretty nice but it's still not quite ready for me to sprint I'm gonna I would say probably another half hour I'll start to spritz gonna add some more water to my pan get that door closed and I'll come back however long it takes until I need to spritz it I'll come back and show you that we're at the two-hour mark and I'm ready to spritz so let's open this up and show you what it looks like all right real nice color see some juice coming out at the top there but all this rub is pretty set so for me that's the indication to spritz and for me I'm just using some beef broth here so we're gonna get this going help all that salt form a nice crust there we go let's get it back in and close the door you can see our internal temperature on our chuck roast is 118 degrees at our two-hour mark all right we're at the four-and-a-half hour mark current temperature internal on the meat probe is 150 we kind of stalled out there for the last hour it was stuck at 145 but now it's climbing so I'm hopeful that in a half an hour we'll be ready to pull this thing out it looks beautiful you're gonna get to see it as soon as we come back all right I can't believe it that took five and a half hours to hit 160 so that thing's a beast when it's all wrapped up like that I think that's why I took so long but take a look at this thing it looks awesome just a beautiful color get some juices running out here look at that top and bottom sides just just delicious I want to eat it right now but I can't so we're gonna wrap this up real quick go this side over hold it up and at this side it just real nice and tight that same thing we're gonna go across this way just like that now we're gonna put this back in wrapped until it hits about 190 degrees so we'll do that try and get my meat probe in exactly where it was before close the door and who knows how long this will take to get up to 190 but we'll see I figure probably two hours at least so we'll come back when it's at 190 all right we finally did it I hit 195 I've been cooking this since 11 o'clock this morning it's now 6:30 p.m. so seven and a half hours to get to 195 we're gonna take it out of the smoker real quick I'll show you that internal temperature and then we're gonna throw it in a cooler and let it rest for about an hour all right I just got it off of there put my probe back in see that they're 195 196 take that out and we'll toss it in this cooler I've got some paper towels at the bottom just in case there's any leakage and we'll come back in an hour to see how it looks and give it a taste all right it's been about 45 minutes I would like to wait longer but I'm gonna run out of daylight here soon so let me get this going give you guys a peek here we go look at that that is a beauty Wow my god the color is just incredible on that I move this foil I do have those strings on here that I need to remove there's one [Music] - and there's the third one let's get that out of there and that's just kind of fell apart here which is okay so I can see the grain is going this way so I'll cut some slices here like this [Music] oh my god you guys want to talk about a smoke ring do you see that pull apart oh my god that is intense I think that's probably has something to do with that celery seed and then of course a five-hour smoke but look this just pulls apart so if you want to pull four sandwiches you could do that still pretty hot cut some slices [Music] let me cut this one a little bit for you - just another beauty so let me get a bite of this here we go eight nine hours of cooking all day [Music] hmm that is really really good I love that simple rub strong pepper I don't get a whole lot of salt there's a little bit and then that celery seed that's pretty delicious let me try another bite that was unbelievably good the best chuck roast I've ever eaten especially smoked I've done it all different kinds of ways I've even smoked it on other cookers but this one really was special I want to thank pit boss grills for sponsoring this video I really appreciate their support and hey if you guys want to know more about this cooker I just did a banger of a video on that unboxing how to put it together and even my first cook that videos right here so check that out next and I'll see you over there [Music]
Channel: Weekend Warrior BBQ
Views: 115,132
Rating: 4.8249059 out of 5
Keywords: smoked chuck roast, chuck roast, smoking chuck roast, how to smoke chuck roast, Pit Boss, Pit Boss Grills, Pit Boss Pellet Smoker, vertical pellet smoker, pit boss 3 series, Pit Boss 5 Series, Pit Boss 7 Series, Pit Boss Copperhead, the culinary cookhouse, pellet smoker, chuck roast pellet smoker, pit boss smoker, poor mans brisket, celery seed smoke ring
Id: J5DJyfk9zv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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