Smoked Baby Back Ribs On The Weber Kettle

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you know sometimes the universe just spins in your favor that happened I got a sweet deal on baby back ribs that's what I'm gonna be making today [Music] hey everybody thanks for stopping by my beard needs to be trimmed again my wife told me to but I didn't listen I'll have to do it later I don't know how it is where you live but in my area of the three basic types of pork ribs spareribs trim spareribs which are done to a st. Louis cut and baby backs baby backs are usually the most expensive almost always but I got them on special they were less than five dollars per rack which is really good in the Southern California area where I live I'm gonna be cooking these ribs today on the Weber Kettle using charcoal and Hickory I want to get the temperature up to somewhere around 250 it's gonna range between 225 and 300 probably most of the cook but I want to really shoot for that 250 ish temp so before I clean these ribs up and rub them I've got to go get that Weber Kettle going get my rib rack out of here for a second I'm gonna add a good sized cup of water to the drip pan maybe bring it up about half an inch you've got a fair amount of coals in here I've got a couple tiny pieces of Hickory just to help things get going and on the bottom I have a larger piece of hickory so I'm gonna go ahead and get this going with the propane torch now let this burn for probably an hour just to get to the stage that I want it before I even put the ribs on so we're just gonna let this catch slowly build up temp probably about 15 minutes I'll put the lid on so it doesn't burn too fast meantime I got to go get those ribs ready you can already smell that Hickory Hickory and ribs just goes together perfectly so here are my two racks of baby back ribs as you can see the membrane is still on them so the first thing I've got to do is remove as much of this membrane as I possibly can most of you have probably already removed membranes from the backs of pork ribs before if you haven't I'm just going to give you a quick demonstration on how I do it now I find one of the easiest ways to do this is using a simple table knife we're gonna do is you're gonna find the bone one of the bones I like to go somewhere in the middle and you're gonna slide this knife up under there if a tears don't worry about it then you want to get a finger under there now many times this will pull up pretty easily just like it is right here if it doesn't what you do take a paper towel you grip it and pull that gives you extra grip on that so now I've just got to slide the knife under here get some more of this up so I can get a good enough grip get my fingers under there pull it up pull it this way they're membrane is off now I'm just going to repeat the process with the second rack of ribs the rub I'm gonna be using today is going to be in two parts the first is going to be this North Woods fire seasoning from Penn zis spices then after I get a good coating of that on cuz it's got a little bit heat in it you don't want it too much so if you get this you don't want too much heat don't put too much I like heat putting that on there and then on top of that I'm going to be putting a coating of brown sugar that'll help mellow that heat a little bit and sweetness from brown Mary's really well with that hickory smoke so I'm just gonna start hitting these racks with this North Woods fire rub I've tasted this before it's really really really good said it's got heat not a ton of heat it's not like super hot but enough that you know it's there and if you notice I didn't put anything on these ribs no oil no mustard I know a lot of people do that if you do that that's fine I just never have found it necessary to each his own though right there is no hard and fast rule except the food must come out tasting good let's get the other side here Wow that rub can really smell that so membrane yes or no leave it on take it off if I can I always take it off I've done it with membrane on before gotta be honest the ribs tasted just fine a little bit more - to them obviously in the back you've got that membrane stuck there get some of these edges a little bit here ends all right let's turn back over good-looking ribs and again blue glop really helps have a dirty hand clean hand now it's time for some brown sugar I'm not going to put a ton of brown sugar on here I just want it to help with cutting a little bit of the heat now I'm not going to be doing anything with these ribs like a three to one where I wrap them they're just going to be on the Weber Kettle smoking I will sauce them after probably Oh two and a half to three hours I'll put some sauce on them because at the temp we're doing this may only take about four hours I know I said I was gonna put a lot of brown sugar man I love the taste of brown sugar on ribs look at the other side okay yeah I'm putting a lot it's good that's gonna go really well with that spiciness of that pens journeys back over and you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna give these an extra little hit with that North Woods fire seasoning because it is just so good all right time to get these on the Weber Kettle so I'm gonna be putting the ribs into the vertical rack today I'm gonna be keeping them sort of back here you notice I have my blue gloves on these are not heating resistant but this isn't too hot right now after I just took the lid off so I'm gonna put the ribs in this slot in this slot I'll be rotating them every hour moving this one up that one up it's gonna be meat side facing the coals which are right over here okay so if you can see there there's a good amount of space between the two racks I could space them out and leave that slot empty but I don't want them too close to the coals I want to give that separation so this is more of an indirect like I said even though it's indirect I'm gonna be rotating those ribs when I sauce them later I will probably turn them around so that it is bone side facing the charcoal for a while but until then we're just gonna keep rotating them with the meat side facing the charcoal I'm gonna slide this rack just slightly closer okay let's get our cover on I have the upper vents choke down to about a quarter of the way just so I can try and maintain that temperature below 301 I like that shoot for 250 but I really want to try and avoid having a go above 300 if you watch the video I did recently about a adding a sensor slot to the Weber Kettle I'm using it today for the first time running the sensor probe wire to my ivation remote thermometer transmitter and I think it's gonna work fine sure makes that cord going in there a lot easier without pinching it so I'm going to be monitoring the temperature as we go along in about an hour I'll be rotating those ribs and somewhere between two and three hours I'll be saucing them for the first time so I'll bring you back when we're ready to do that hold them in the two 40s right now you have to monitor that make sure it doesn't get too high just added a couple hunks of hickory on the charcoal opened the vents a bit to get them smoking we're doing good can't for about an hour in it's time to rotate these ribs and add a little more charcoal look good first thing remove this one slide it temporarily forward move this one to the front and put this one back behind it basically they've just swapped positions oh that Northwoods fire rub smells wonderful let's get some fresh charcoal in there all those just look amazing I'm gonna put about five pieces of fresh charcoal in here and a few small pieces of hickory they are looking tasty already even after just an hour but we've got a good three hours probably still left on here but again it's all gonna depend on tenderness we will not take them off until they are tender it's four hours five hours six hours doesn't matter tenderness is the key and our Hickory is smoking let's get the lid back on so we can build back up to temp I've got the top vent almost fully open want to let that smoke get a chance to build up in there with good airflow I'll choke it back down if we need to to keep the temp somewhere around 250 ish it's been hovering between 225 and 250 for the first hour which I'm okay with good smoke okay we rolled nicely at 235 second hour time to rotate these ribs again let's get this another way slide this one back forward now you can see here still quite stiff so it's got I'm guessing at least another two hours to go that sure does look good smells good too chuckles looking good I think I'm gonna add two more briquettes the lid back on and keep cooking all right we're three hour mark I'm gonna take these ribs off for a second and sauce them see how they're doing hey those are looking good nice color on those all right let's get these often sauced Oh looking really good I'm gonna be using some garlic barbecue sauce can't remember the brand name I think we got it at Costco I'm gonna sauce these up it's really nice I'm a sauce them again in another hour depending on you know what the tenderness factor looks like you know I'm gonna put this back on bone side towards charcoal just see how gorgeous that looks get this back on and sauce the other one so I'm putting this one on both side towards the charcoal now as I take the other one off sauce it I'm going to throw a little sauce on the edges of these two not any on the backside and if you notice now I did space them out a little more with an empty slot in between just so there's plenty of airflow around these I'm gonna add about five more pieces of charcoal Tim's been holding it about to 35 a little lower than I expected but that's okay I mean low and slow is good if it takes a little longer I don't mind I'm gonna add a couple pieces of hickory on here now because with the sauce on here I want to get some of that hickory smoke marrying with that barbecue sauce all right let's get the lid back on all right we've got good hickory smoke that's the last wood we'll be adding the rest is all just gonna be heat just about four hours and we're holding it a good 243 degrees I'm gonna check these now see where we are on the tenderness front a really beautiful color on these just a rich mahogany color on these right now let's see how we're doing on tenderness here still a little too stiff you still need to pull away from the bones more got a little bit of pull hard to see there but a little bit of pull but not enough yet check this rack they're both virtually the same I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna turn this around so these can face the charcoal I can't ask for a better color than that on these ribs it's looking wonderful I'm gonna add a little more charcoal here but I want to show you something a little tip something I'm just realizing with these Webber in direct baskets that hold the briquettes if you are doing a long cook like I am here I'm four hours past you'll get ash that builds up in the bottom here just like you will in the firebox of an offset so when you add charcoal this if you want to keep good airflow coming up you got to kind of bang this get the loose ash to fall back down into the bottom of the kettle and that will get you better air flow to your fresh Paquette's when you add them I'm going to add another 5 briquettes here seems to be going about 5 briquettes per hour to keep it at that you know between it's basically been going between 235 and 250 your pets are gonna catch nicely let's get our lid back on okay so I was originally planning on this being about a four hour cook so why is it taking longer it's taken longer because I haven't really pushed the fire to get hotter once I hit that you know almost 250 I just let it sort of go keeping it between that 220 and 250 I could have pushed it higher 250 to 300 and it would have cooked faster but you know once I got going in it and it was having a really easy time maintaining a lower slower temperature I decided to go with that because low and slow really always works well especially with ribs so right now while I can maintain that between like 230 and 250 I'm gonna do that it'll probably take closer to five hours now if it takes longer takes longer you know when they're tender they're tender and that's when they'll be done alright time to check these but I think they are probably done oh yeah we've got bones pulling away see here oh yeah these are done you can see right here we've got the meat pulling away from the bones pulling back retracting it's very soft I think I've said before in many videos I don't like my ribs falling off the bone so this is just about right at the edge so these are ready I'm gonna get them off get them inside and taste them there is one of the finished racks of ribs oh it is just gorgeous just beautiful all right let's cut into this here all right let's see I think the bones are going this way let's make a cut oh yeah look at that did get a little bit of smoke ring in there which is nice finally time to taste these ribs all right oh they are still hot can you see that see that color in there super moist hmm I'm not even even bit into them yet all right here we go mmm ooh that Northwoods fire seasoning oh wow it's got a nice heat not too hot hmm oh wow see this is exactly how I like ribs not falling off the bone but tender tender tender when you bite in mmm Oh hmm very pleased with these the other nice thing about this is it shows you actually can have a really good smoking session on an ordinary kettle grill you know the weber kettle you just set it up right for indirect use the right would monitor it and this was about a five and a half hour cook and five and a half hours is generally about what baby backs are gonna take five to five and a half hours on and off set or another smoker you can cook them faster but when you're doing the lower temperatures to 25-ish it's gonna take about five and a half hours at least that's my experience this took about five and a half hours at really I would say the medium temperature it was holding most of the time was between 235 and 240 so that's almost perfect another bright mmm do have any barbecue sauce on my face mmm I hope you enjoyed this video I know I went into quite a bit of detail in the process but I like doing that you never know who might pick something up from it so I hope you've picked up something from it that's useful to you if you did enjoy it and find something useful give it a like that sure does help and if you enjoy these videos I'm putting out and you're not subscribed to my channel consider subscribing that way you'll get a notification whenever I put out a new video if you're interested in any of the items that I used in this video check the description down below I'll put links there so you can check those out yourself thanks again for watching hope you have a great evening and I'll see you again soon I'm gonna finish my rib [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Cooking With Ry
Views: 101,990
Rating: 4.9329033 out of 5
Keywords: weber grill, weber kettle, baby back ribs, smoked ribs, bbq, barbecue, smoker pit, wood smoke, cooking, grilling, ribs, pork ribs, bbq ribs, barbecued ribs, rib recipe, how to smoke ribs, how to cook ribs, cooking channel, tender ribs, how long to cook ribs
Id: j5gtUUCHKyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2017
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