Smoked Beef Short Ribs With Garlic Smashed Potatoes

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I've got six pounds of beef short ribs some potatoes some garlic and I got to get those ready because we're gonna be making smoked beef short ribs and garlic's mashed potatoes [Music] so yeah I'm gonna be firing up the Oklahoma Joe's Highland offset smoker tomorrow today we've gotta get these beef short ribs rubbed so they can sit in the refrigerator overnight with all these seasonings so first we got to get the rub ready we're starting with a tablespoon of kosher salt half a tablespoon of ground black pepper a tablespoon of granulated garlic three tablespoons of brown sugar and 2 tablespoons of Trader Joe's 21 seasonings salute I'm going to get my lid on my bowl here give it a shake I want to take a fork here and make sure any of those brown sugar bits broke down not too many clumps while we're at it let's have a taste nice sweet and savory all right let's get these short ribs rubbed up so here are our beef short ribs these are USDA choice so we've got a nice little bit of marbling in there and I'm just going to go ahead and start hitting these with our rub and these are all going to be in a container together in the refrigerator so rubs gonna rub off on the other ones but we want to try and get everybody a good coating while they're here on the rack sure you get the ends especially these big ones you want to make sure they get plenty of seasoning and yet don't forget the ends of these a lot of surface area on the ends alright so I'm happy with that now these are gonna go in the refrigerator like I said they're gonna go overnight and tomorrow we're gonna fire up the Oklahoma Joe's Highland we're going to smoke these up with some Hickory we're also gonna roast up some potatoes on there and some garlic for our garlic smashed potatoes so I'll see you tomorrow all right our beef short ribs have been soaking in the flavor of that dry rub overnight in just a minute I'm gonna get the Oklahoma Joe's Highland fired up but right now I want to get our garlic ready to go out on the Highland because these are gonna be garlic smashed potatoes we're makin to go along with these short ribs today I've got maybe 8 or 10 peeled garlic cloves here they're not huge anything like that I just want to put some nice flaky salt on them I'm just gonna drizzle a little bit of olive oil not a lot and we're just gonna create a package to hold this just like that it's not gonna be resting over direct flame or anything it's just gonna be sitting off to the side slowly roasting in there as our short ribs smoke so let's go get the Oklahoma Joe's fired up [Music] all right the Oklahoma Joe's running at about 270 issue right now really I'm shooting for more of a temperature in the 250 range down to 225 but this will moderate once we get all this beef on there and adjust the vents I have my two water pans at the smokestack side of the cook chamber and I have my ambient temperature probe pretty much dead center in the front of the cooking chamber so let's go ahead and get these short ribs on it's gonna start placing these bones side down small ones further away from the firebox [Music] I'm just gonna tuck my garlic for now in the back corner here all right we're gonna close up the Oklahoma Joe's and get smoking I'm burning Hickory today and only Hickory I love that flavor especially with short ribs good fire going don't need to do anything right now but I'll check it as the day goes on and add as we need to I have the side door closed but the damper fully open right now that seems to be a good setting so these short ribs today are going to be going until they're tender that's probably going to be somewhere in the four to five hour range for this size of short rib and the temperature I'm running could be a little longer though as I mentioned all the adjusting the vents on the Oklahoma Joe's Highland to keep us in that 250 issue Ainge somewhere between 225 and 250 is optimum for me so we'll be back out here in a couple hours to check see if we need to spritz anything and in a little while we're gonna be getting our potatoes ready to go on the smoker so we can make our garlic smashed potatoes so I'll see you back here in a while when we start getting those potatoes ready all right our short ribs have been going for about an hour out on the Oklahoma Joe's Highland but right now I want to get our potatoes prepared so we can get ready to make those garlic smashed potatoes so what I have here are four russet potatoes these are medium size potatoes and they've been peeled and I'm just gonna cut them in half now let's get these in some foil you just want to sort of arrange them there in the center I'm gonna drizzle a little olive oil on these we're gonna give them a good coating of flaky salt with cracked black pepper here just want to roll these around in here get the sides coated in the oil and these seasonings and we're gonna create a nice foil pouch for these to hang out in while they're on the smoker all right I'm going to give this a second wrap of foil and then we're gonna head out to the smoker check our short ribs and get these on alright let's give our short ribs a look and get these potatoes on those are looking mighty good [Music] looking at these they're looking good but I do want to give them a spritz this is a 50/50 mix of apple juice and apple cider vinegar [Music] I want to do a little shifting here I'm gonna move these back slightly and away from the firebox don't want them to cook too fast and I'm gonna place my potato pack right there all right let's get the lid closed and keep smoking [Music] all right let's check our fire and see how we're doing looking good added a couple pieces of hickory about 15 minutes ago we're burnin good nothing to do here let's close it up and keep smoking we'll check our short ribs again in probably an hour or two it's gonna be several hours before they're tender so they're just going to keep smoking see you back here a couple hours all right our short ribs have been going for about four hours time to give them a check and I'm pretty sure we're going to put them in foil pans right now to finish up probably for a final hour those are looking gorgeous [Music] all right we're gonna check for tenderness temperatures secondary but let's just see how we're doing that ones showing 193 I don't know if you can see that and that's fairly tender but not done yet the smaller ones are more tender obviously they're looking great this is the perfect time we're gonna get them into some foil pans all right I was able to mostly fit them in one foil pan instead of two which is perfect I'm just gonna add a little bit of water to the bottom first maybe half a cup I'm also gonna spritz these again with that 50/50 mix of apple juice and apple cider vinegar get a generous spray [Music] we're gonna get foil on this and get it back on the Oklahoma Jones [Music] all right I want to go ahead and get our garlic and our potatoes off of here because these are gonna go inside to be ready to prepare those garlic smashed potatoes [Music] there's gonna close this up keep these going I'm guessing they're gonna have about an hour more all right our beef short ribs have gone an hour in the foil pan let's check them I've got nothing to complain about with the looks of these let's just see they're feeling nice and tender probe going in and out just sliding in and out alright these are coming off we're gonna take him inside leave them covered to rest while we get our garlic smashed potatoes ready from time to time I get comments on my videos saying you always make everything perfect you never make a mistake well I do make mistakes but when I'm making the videos I'm trying to make food that people would want to eat and that I'd want to eat so I've usually made things before and the stuffs gonna come out good take a look at the garlic I made today kind of got away from me I think I went about two hours too long on the smoker I shouldn't have put it on at the beginning should have put it on maybe an hour before the short ribs are gonna come off that would have softened it nicely so yeah we got some charred garlic nuggets here we're not gonna be using these fortunately had some more garlic went ahead and toasted that up in the toaster oven just kind of softened it roasted it so that's what we're gonna be using today so this it's out of here so what I have here is a stick of butter that's just been softened at room temperature and I've got a head of roasted garlic that's been peeled and we're gonna add everything in there you're gonna take a fork and we're gonna start mashing everything together if you wanted to you could put this in a blender food processor now I kind of doing it like this just try and press those pieces of garlic down break them up a bit you're still going to have big chunks of garlic in this big pieces so at this stage right here I've still got more mashing to do but I'm going to add some salt and cracked black pepper and we're going to continue mixing this and mashing and that's looking pretty good big chunks of garlic but it's been mashed a bit you've got all the juices from it mixed in with the butter all right let's get our potatoes ready so we can get this garlic butter on them all right so here are seven of eight potato halves oh I've stole one to eat but that's all right it was a good taste test she said they taste good just as they are but we need to smash these now there's different ways you can smash these you could use the back of a big spoon you could use a fork you could use a potato masher but really what you're trying to do is smash these into one sort of piece so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna use my hands here take one press it down see what you're doing you're almost creating like a little potato pancake we're just smashing them down [Music] now we're just going to put a generous amount of our garlic butter on these put right on top of each one here make sure everybody gets enough splattered a little bit here I'm just gonna wipe that up I just want to spread them around on here because it's gonna melt plenty when we put these back on the Oklahoma Joe's Highland so let's get them out to the smoker they're gonna spend about 15 maybe 20 minutes on there then we're gonna bring them in and we're gonna eat these with our beef short ribs all right we're gonna get our smashed garlic potatoes or garlic smashed potatoes or whatever they are on the Oklahoma goes Highland we're gonna give them about 15 or 20 minutes and we'll check them but I think they'll be done by then [Music] all right the hit temp is it 231 I haven't added any wood in quite a while because we're just doing these garlic smashed potatoes at the end here so let's see how they're doing we've been going for about 20 minutes looking good all that butter is melted got a little bit of browning around the edges I'm gonna get these off get them inside and we're gonna have a taste of these with those beef short ribs all right so here are several of our finished smoked beef short ribs great bark on them as you can see if you're out there and you feel like making a comment saying things like this or burned this is called bark it's the same as on a brisket or a chuck roast or anything like that you want that crusty exterior it's not burned it's that development of the bark there's a lot of flavor in here from that rub and from the smoke but what I like to do now with short ribs like this because you could just pick this up and eat them but we're gonna eat them with those garlic smashed potatoes I want to take the meat off so what I'm gonna do is I'm just going to take my knife run along the bone and there's your bone then I want to slice this up oh nice smoke ring I hope you can see that there ended up with a really nice smoke ring on these I'm actually gonna cut these into some smaller pieces too a lot of juice in here my last video I said oh I can wait to taste and then I went ahead and tasted this time I am gonna wait to taste no I'm not going to wait to taste over really good let me sitting here hockey puck in this stuff around cuz it tastes so good mmm let's go ahead and cut this big boy off right here and there's still some meat on the edges of these bones here you can eat this off I will later let's go ahead and slice into here oh yeah [Music] we just taste one of this one too [Music] that hickory really works well with beef in this sort of application out there given it those four or five hours absolutely terrific flavor alright I'm gonna go ahead and cut the rest of these up then we're gonna get those garlic smashed potatoes over here and have a taste of them together alright so here we have our garlic smashed potatoes lots of garlic on there you can just smell it in the air our slices of these really gorgeous looking beef short ribs and I'm just gonna dive in because it's time to taste so first I want to get some of these garlic smashed potatoes here really emphasizing the garlic portion of this so let's see oh do you like garlic you're like butter you like potatoes this is a really good combination of those three things very great garlic flavor in this and the creaminess of the butter on top those potatoes have some substance beneath it and the smoke that they got at the end here really really nice but - these are good now I already took a couple tastes of the beef short rib so it's no surprise here but I hope you can see just the smoke ring that developed on these just beautiful and here let's have a taste I think these are the best beef short ribs I made I just checked with my wife and I think we both agreed these are the best beef short ribs that I've made these just turned out amazing fantastic smoke ring fantastic flavor tenderness juiciness everything came together in these the smoked flavor of that hickory out on the Oklahoma Joe's Highland five hour cook time for not wrapped in one hour wrapped that's not a bad investment of time to get this result now let's have a little bit of the potatoes with the short rib mm-hmm I mean it's beef and potatoes but the pairing of these two things those super tender and juicy beef short ribs with those garlic smashed potatoes just really perfect together another bite of these potatoes are really awesome yeah I messed up that initial batch of garlic but I got to tell you I think we recovered okay flavor is on point with those the garlic flavor surprisingly isn't overpowering in these potatoes you would think with those big old cloves of garlic that were just smashed down in the butter that you'd have such an overpowering tastes when you bite in you don't it was really actually nice and mellow and what else can I say about the beef but I wouldn't change a thing so if you like beef short ribs like I do they are basically brisket on a stick if you do them like I did today whether it's on an off set smoke or a kettle some other smoker give them that time a great rub maybe wrap them for that last hour to just enhance the tenderness and you're gonna get results just like this those are fantastic
Channel: Cooking With Ry
Views: 90,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking, cooking channel, cooking with ry, ryne pearson, ryne douglas pearson, ribs, beef ribs, potatoes, smoked ribs
Id: AcSLgdvpEXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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