SML Movie: PJ Crenshaw!

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all right class did you know that anteaters eat 35 000 ants a day make sure you write that down craft take notes 35 000 ants a day hey Cody doesn't your mom have to eat like 35 000 pounds of fat every day Jenny these insults are just getting lazy now can I borrow a pencil Junior you just insulted my mom why would I give you a pencil because I have to take notes I don't have another pencil I had to and one of them's missing hey Joseph can I borrow a pencil dude I just stole this one from Cody Joseph Well you aren't using it hey Penelope can I borrow a pencil no Junior get your own I'm gonna have to borrow a pencil from Roy Roy junior Roy's too cool to give you one of his pencils yeah dude if he actually gives you a pencil that means you're cool I'm gonna ask him oh Roy you're so cool yeah I don't know what you said but I like Taco Bell too um excuse me Roy your coolness oh you I don't know babe what do you want dweeb I was just wondering could I borrow one of your pencils oh no these girls bought me these pencils why would I give one to you Roy didn't it go away yeah can you go away loser I just I just need to borrow a pepper can I just borrow one absolutely not go away huh what do you say junior he said no see I told you you weren't cool enough to get one of his pencils yeah Junior Roy's just too cool hey is this Jackie choose class oh dude SPG Crenshaw Jimmy Jam's Crenshaw pair of Jamie's Crenshaw no way PJ Crenshaw what are you doing here I thought you were homeschooled by your mom yeah but I got kicked out of homeschool for sleeping with the teacher he's so cool dude I want my mom to be his teacher I want him to be my dad I want him to be my husband well PJ sit anywhere you like cool PJ Crystal hey get out of my seat but but this is my seat not anymore it's PJ's seat Now ladies you can stay but but ladies I'm cool you're not cool anymore you ladies want to sip of my Capri Sun Roaring Waters PJ just made Roy uncool there's always a bigger fish wait so Roy's not cool anymore no Junior look it's basic math PJ is so cool that anyone he says isn't cool isn't cool anymore and so he said Roy's not cool that means that Roy is no longer cool well what if I asked PJ for a pencil well Junior if Roy wouldn't give you a pencil I doubt you could even get PJ to look at you yeah you're pushing it dude well I'm gonna shoot my shot and ask oh first number for me no PJ I like your PJs yeah me too that's why I wear them Yo Quiero Pi hey um excuse me PJ Crenshaw pair of Jamie's Crenshaw Jamie James Crenshaw ew this is Luther talking to you ladies ladies that's harsh let's see what the little man has to say um I was wondering your coolness if I could borrow one of your pencils yeah like PJ would let you have one of his pencils hey hey PJ makes his own decisions yeah sure you can borrow one oh really yeah but I want it back later okay um which one can I borrow uh not that one or that one or that one or that one yeah you can have that one oh okay thank you so much PJ I'll take good care of it so Jenny what do you say I bet he said no guys he let me borrow one of his pencils what PJ Chris Bissell oh my God let me taste it off oh I feel like PJ Crystal oh I am a Crenshaw well guys I have to take care of this pencil yo PJ's so cool he let me borrow it so I can't let anything happen to it I used to be that cool crafts settle down settle down I know PJ crenshaw's cool but we gotta Focus because I want his underground first yes yes yes remember that time where I got to go to the Super Bowl and I didn't have to pay for anything I'm cool right that's the reason is he asleep of course he is he's PJ Crenshaw yeah he can sleep anywhere in his PJs yeah guys guys oh I think PJ drooled on me really lucky oh where right on my face guys have you guys seen PJ's finally let me borrow no don't you love pizza Kristoff's pencil well it was right here and I can't find it Junior you're gonna be so uncool well good guys guys dude what do you guys take it no no okay it was right here and I can't find his on the ground oh where is it you better find that pencil before tomorrow well we're gonna be so uncool dude okay I'm looking for him I'm looking for it on all right class that's the end of the lesson for today crash dismissed you can go home where is it where is it where's the pencil Junior just look for it tomorrow before school junior stop front desk leave the classroom now but I gotta look for my pencil come on Junior oh guys I'm so screwed I don't know where that pencil is yeah Junior if you don't find that pencil PJ Grinch I was gonna say you're uncool yeah and if PJ Crenshaw says you're on cool we can't hang out with you anymore dude yeah we'd be uncool by association well guys what if I just go to the store and buy a new pencil and say that's the pencil let me borrow dude PJ will yeah you can't pull a fast one on PJ Crenshaw I just don't know where that pencil could have went well maybe it's PJ hello Roy what are you doing here don't you have like a bunch of girls to hang out with yeah I got plenty of girls to hang out with they're just busy are they with PJ Crenshaw yeah but but but I don't care I don't care if they hang out with him okay well what are you doing here well I just want to come by and hang out with the boys but we're not your friends sure we are remember all the good times we had no uh well anyway can I come in and talk to you guys for a minute make it quick Roy but then you gotta get out of my house sweet who's at the door Junior it was Roy Roy who's Roy oh Roy wait that loser what he want what's up guys oh what's Roy doing here oh you're so uncool Roy well you guys used to think I was cool remember when I went to the Super Bowl and I didn't have to pay for anything yeah we heard it before dude yeah you can't keep milking that forever Roy well what about the time I got three girls pregnant cool story bro yeah not impressive Roy you might as well just get out of here all right well if I get out of here how will you find this PJ's pencil you criminal you you scoundrel why would you steal a pickle from me well because if I can't be cool then you can't be cool well but you can't do that PJ's I'll do anything to get that pencil back all right well then teach me how to be cooler than PJ Jay critcher okay first of all you will never be cooler than PJ Crenshaw and also we're not cool how are we gonna make you cool I don't know just like think of something I don't know I just want to be cool again really I got it guys what if Roy challenges PJ Crenshaw to a cool off like a cool battle and they say they see who's the coolest I will like that yeah oh yeah that is a good idea oh who's that oh let me answer the door hello hey what PJ critch y'all what are you doing here I'm here for my pencil uh well uh I don't really have your pencil foreign I know where it's at oh really why didn't you just say so well because Roy took it that loser yeah he's upstairs who's at the door Junior it was PJ Crenshaw here Jimmy's Crenshaw Jimmy James grincha yeah hey hey PJ Mr PJ I just wanted to say that I like your PJs can I get in your pjs I love my fans oh Mr PJ oh Roy stole your pencil he stole it he stole it hey it's not cool to snitch and it's also not cool to steal things I hereby decree the Junior and Roy are very uncool what I'm sorry Junior I can't talk to you anymore yeah I can't be seeing what you do oh no Mr PJ please please please don't make me uncool did you hear something no oh boy Savage do the cool off and say that if you win we're both cool hey PJ I challenge you to a cool off and the winner gets to be the coolest did you hear something again it sounded really uncool tell PJ that Roy wants to cool off I'm not supposed to be talking to you but okay uh Mr PJ Roy wants to have a cool off to see who's the coolest okay if he wants to be embarrassed I'm not gonna be embarrassed you're gonna be the one that's embarrassed when I prove that I'm the coolest all right well how about this whoever loses to cool off has to leave town and never show their face again all right deal hello hello and welcome to the first annual cool Olympics now let's meet our contestants our first contestant is Roy get home oh stop booing it's me Roy you know my my parents own a poodle grooming business and another contestant is BJ Crenshaw para Demi's grandson Jimmy John's Crenshaw all right settle down settle down damn he's cool our first event is to see who can drink the most Kool-Aid Jammers in 30 seconds Kool-Aid Jammers I only ever drink Capri Sun you're going down PJ on your mind get set go [Music] oh I can't drink anymore [Music] I did it the winner is BJ Crenshaw Barrow Daddy's friendship daddy too cool for you I'll beat you in the next game oh next event is to see who can get to the center of a Tootsie Pop faster you're going down PJ check out my tongue how am I supposed to compete with that giant tongue look at my tongue [Music] tiny tongue how are the girls gonna stick around with you with that tiny tongue ready set goals thank you all right I'm done how because of this big tongue I'm a winner Rose Roy get her looks like we're tied PJ and in this final round you're going down we'll see about that well we're tied going into the final round for the final game okay there will be a girl in the show off how to get the girl to make out with them whoever gets the girl wins oh this is easy you're going down PJ girls love me yeah right you saw me steal your girls at school it'll be that easy oh yeah well this one time this girl took me to the Super Bowl and I didn't have to pay for anything yeah I've heard your little story it's really cute but a real man pays for his own Super Bowl ticket hey you take that back Ready set go hey babe I got three girls pregnant and I left him and I don't take care of the kids oh hey I have three iPhones you can play on one of them if you want oh hey babe one time I went to a Super Bowl and I didn't have to pay for anything the girl literally flew me first class all the way to Miami well I got air pods and a PS5 my parents own a poodle shop so if you ever want a pet a poodle then you can come do that I got some green Play-Doh you can eat it with me if you want Oh but then the Super Bowl see here's the ticket right here I win you can't keep milking that for the rest of your life Roy we have a winner the coolest kid in the world is PJ Crenshaw pair of Gammy his friend Sean teddy bear and Crenshaw time to get stepping do I really have to go yeah this town ain't big enough for two cool kids but where am I supposed to go whatever a girl will pay for you oh but what if no girl will pay for me don't worry man they'll pay for you all right hey yeah keep your head up champ I'll try the end of Roy he used to be so cool he'll be cool again in another town bye Roy [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 16,873,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, pj crenshaw, cool, coolest, junior, joseph, cody, friends, show, puppet, puppets, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, logan, lance, lovell, jackie chu, penelope, roy, cool contest, coolest ever, hilarious, entertainment, laugh, joke, adventure
Id: rpunhvzEmrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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