SML Parody: The Reindeer Problem!

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ah Christmas this is like my favorite holiday I'm going to enjoy my favorite time of year oh Chef peepi what Braxton I'm hanging up ornaments I don't care I need you to make sure the ham and the cookies and all the other food is ready for tomorrow it's no problem Bowser it's very simple oh man Cody I'm so excited for Christmas I can't believe it's already Christmas Eve what are you doing for Christmas oh well Hanukkah ended over a week ago so I'm just counting the days to when we get to go back to school oh well that's that's lame how do you think Santa how does Santa like fly like fly around you know junior he uses his slay his reindeer yeah I know yeah yeah I know but like how how high up is he there cuz like I mean I've never seen him in the sky before and like I mean he he how is he how does he like breathe up there cuz it doesn't it get like really hard to breathe yeah I don't know he must not be going that high yeah maybe but like how cool would it be to like fly with Santa and like deliver present with Santa I think we'll be on the good list forever we'll be on the nice list forever if we do that well how exactly do you plan on flying Junior you don't really have a flying machine well I suggest that we get a reindeer and then we use its magic to fly up with hold on Junior a reindeer that you can find in the wild will not be able to use magic well then how does Santa's reindeer have magic I don't know I guess he made them magic well can't you make them magic no Junior what well can't you like invent something that makes it magic yes Junior oh you've been my friend for how long now you should know by now that I can invent anything anything in the world okay Cody well I mean I mean I guess get to inventing then like like yeah that'll be awesome all right cool we're about to fly with Santa Claus hell yeah all right Junior I'm done oh you're done Cody why do all your inventions always look like household items oh well I always just find something random in my house and use that as the frame of my inventions oh so what's it do okay so well you have to somehow lure a reindeer into here then we go and cook it in the oven at 350° and then it'll come out magical yeah no that that that sounds really good but we got a lord over here and we just need to get a reindeer near us do you know how to do that should we call like a like a reindeer hunter or something yeah I know the perfect one all right hey did somebody call reindeer expert oh yeah that was us so we need to get a reindeer tonight so that we can put it in this magical pot that'll give the reindeer magic and then we can just ride on its back and fly around with Santa and help him deliver presents so we can be on the nice list forever okay wait so you want to grab a reindeer put it in a pot cook it in an oven against its will to give it magical powers hoping that it won't die so that you can go and see Santa Claus at the North Pole yes and we can be on the nice list forever oh that sounds so much fun can I come uh I I won't charge anything if you let me come oh yeah of course we can just fly around with Santa it'll be awesome oh this is going to be so fun let's go all right we're in reindeer Forest we should be able to see any reindeers around here well do you see any uh there's one sleeping right there oh okay cool it's right there I'll just get in the pot real quick all right it's in the pot now let's get out of here all right Cody put him in remember 350° I know Junior I'm the one who invented this all right it's in the oven and after about 5 minutes the reindeers going to be coming flying out can't wait oh this is going to be so amazing who's at the door I'll go get it okay I wonder who's at the door wait what hey we let ourselves in okay who are you I'm CA I'm Dia and we understand that you guys you and a couple of kids poached rain rain and put it in some machine and we just want to ask what you might be doing with that reindeer okay yeah uh so Cody nut kiss that you know you have to know about him oh the kid that invents just everything yeah yeah he works for us all the time yeah see he actually built a machine that causes reindeers to be magical and he's trying to take his friend Junior over to the North Pole with Santa Claus me as well so we can all be on the Nic list yeah you see you you can't do that you see you can't just cheat the Nic list that way and also you cannot deliver with Santa that is a job for him himself oh I I I didn't realize how serious this was I'm sorry I'll uh I'll stop right now and I'll go let them know that they can't do it okay Cody I just checked my ring cameras and there are two federal agents at my door looking for the reindeer uhoh uh well it doesn't matter it's already going to be done anyway like right now oh really yeah yeah we got to fly away oh Cody why did that happen because we stood in the crossfire who junior look at that whoa It's So Majestic come over here reindeer we got to get to the North Pole hop on Junior all right all right Cody you ready yeah I'm ready Junior all right to the North Pole we go hey kids it's illegal what you're doing here you need to get off that reindeer oh no Cody I knew he would switch wait no and there gone uh uh okay all right Cody all right Cody hold on I think I think I think I have this thing under control all right that's great Junior I just need you to find a safe place to land okay okay all right Cody it's kind of cold but I think this is a pretty good spot to land yeah I like how nice and open it is what are you guys doing in my home who are you who are you I am the abominable snow monkey and you're trespassing trespassing what where are we look look like we're we're we're just trying to find the North Pole we're trying to find s Village can you help us out and we'll be on our way the North Pole you're not at the North Pole dude you're you're in the middle of Greenland wait Greenland Greenland Cody hop back on Rudolph let's go all right yeah let's go so sorry for trespassing oh yeah get out of here Run Run Rudolph Randolph's not too far behind run run Rudolph Santa's got to make it to town oh I think we're almost at the North Pole all right Cody you ready to land y Cody look Santa's Workshop are you ready to go inside uh junior it looks closed closed what oh yeah all the lights are off but wait what do you mean Clos do you think Santa's still in there uh no it's like 8:46 p.m. I think he's out delivering presents right now it's Christmas Eve and it's night time Junior we were way too late to do this oh well oh I guess he's got to be in New York by now New York okay sure I guess we can check New York all right let's get Rudolph and let's go to New York all right do that for hours stop it all right it's just it's taking kind of a while and I I just want to get to New York and deliver presents with Santa already Junior we're approaching New York I think I can see Long Island beach from here all right Rudolph take us near Central Park wow Central Park looks so cool from up here junior how do you even know he's in New York oh my God Santa whoa look at him flying we got to go catch him yeah junior he has like nine reindeer there's no possible way we can catch up to him oh I think we're getting shot at oh my god do we land safely everybody's all right yeah we we all landed safe but we're in the middle of New York Rudolph should probably get out of here but but wait but but he's our magic reindeer Junior when they take him they're probably going to kill him well getting getting home is going to suck but Merry Christmas Rudolph thanks for making this the best Christmas ever you're free to go now oh Cody I really didn't want to do that I'm going to miss Rudolph so much well Junior we can't really keep magical creatures yeah I didn't want him to die wait weren't we getting shot at hey kids uhoh huh you kids thought that we would track you down all right come on kids we can do this the easy way or we can do this the the Hardway just hand over the reindeer uh what reindeer I I don't just shut up yeah we we let the reindeer go uh we kind of don't really have a way back home can you just send us back please I did I did many projects for your agencies just just come on just do this it's Christmas yeah true Steve we're kids on Christmas come on I guess you kids are right it is Christmas yeah and Cody you've been doing a lot of good projects and good work for our for our agency so yeah we'll we'll take you guys home and we'll forget this has ever happened yeah come on guys jump in the [Music] helicopter [Music]
Channel: Yurrd
Views: 3,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mH655NTkSwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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