SML Parody: Jeffy's Movie Theater!

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[Music] there's nothing like having your own home theater isn't that right chaz yes shut up open the door for me okay sir [Music] all right chives my favorite part of the day watching my daily andrew tate video on how to be a millionaire player rich boy now turn it on please yes sir you're a sat in a room so go away let me just my vape's done charging load it up look what the heck is this this is not what i signed up for you know what guys i'm in my elephant [ __ ] suit i'm going out tonight i just need somebody to watch the house well i could do no tries you don't understand i'm trying to get some money out of this i'm trying to pull a little sneaky if you know what i mean all the sneaky god damn it chives if you drop the remote one more sorry sir please make me after i explain this i'm gonna have the worst punishment imaginable oh but look at this this is awesome guys what is that it says in very small tiny print that if anyone breaks anything in this household i am eligible to sue up to 2.6 million dollars wow that is so sneaky it's very sneaky but we just need to find somebody a house sitter that is stupid enough to sign a contract like this so unbelievably dumb and someone who would definitely break something [Music] you never have your damn house payment mario please don't kill me i'm not gonna kill you mario i'm just here to offer your son a summer job is that why you bust out my door well yeah i've been on my andrew tate [ __ ] and i understand that time is money i'm not going to be at the doorbell and i'm not waiting for a dumb ass scum like you to open the door i'm just if the door is unlocked mario i'm just going to walk in myself waltz in you busted it down flop my dick on the table because that's who i am you wouldn't forget all this you want to give jeffy a summer job for real and guess what it would pay off your house payment for the month jeffy you're gonna say yes man come on say yes how about it please please show me my house payment hmm no how much can you pay um pay i'm not paying you guys get off your house payment oh jeffy i guess i could make it more enticing uh one thousand dollars jeffy if you do this two thousand one thousand five hundred three thousand one thousand eight hundred one thousand five hundred one thousand two hundred four hundred that i like the way i think jeffy no no no a thousand that's a better deal yeah that is a better deal well you ready to go now jeffy yeah i guess so all right time to do your summer job yeah well dang good luck all right welcome to my house jeffy whoa this is really your house oh yeah damn straight it's my house in fact it's one of many estates that i have and your summer job is going to be watching this house while i go away tonight and like some mad pipe on a woman that i've been trying to get with oh on your house around no jeffy in fact we are only confining you to the basement to avoid anything that might go astray we never know it's you but anyway stupid oh follow me to the basement then let's give you a tour now jeffy this is an autograph that i got man i'm going on oh yeah yes hops in fact he won the state championship huh that's pretty i don't don't let anything happen to it all right uh all right all right guess what jeffy this is another autograph that i got jeffy oh i think i know that guy no you don't this is another side photograph i got this is another autograph i got and this is another autograph that i got and this is another autograph that i got and would you believe it this is another autograph that i got whoa another autograph oh my god and another autograph and another autograph and another autograph and another autograph and another autograph and another autograph and another autograph jeffy autographs as far as the eye can see jeffy so many of them what's that what welcome to jeffy's bar where i'm absolutely of age to sell drinks to miners jeffy what the [ __ ] are you doing oh what do you mean that is my sacred intro right now you are just using it to prop up the bar jeffy my balls have touched every inch of that scare from him yeah right now you're just propping him up drop him that is reserved for my fat sack only not yours jeffy you need to get out of the bar right now you're disgusting wait a second this bar is a lot of breakable things he could be wait he is a miner i don't know if i should do that i don't know what the policies are around minors and alcohol all right jeffy come with me i'm banning you from the bar don't touch the sacred control again i'll do what i want no follow me all right jeffy now this is the one room that i do not want you going in how come it looks really fun it's just an oversized closet you remember the concrete oh this is far worse than the cockroach jeffy this could end you all right i guess all right follow me we got a contract to sign my boy all right so jeffy all you have to do is sign right here and you get the mullah after watching my house well what is all this saying um don't break anything it's just basic terms and condition stuff uh all right i guess i'll sign here yep right there jeff fee perfect you love to see that all right i gotta take my leave now i'm gonna go have some and have a good time at night out goodbye all right i guess now remember don't break anything i don't know why you keep saying that well i'm gonna have some fun all right time to see what's in here oh a movie theater oh my god wait what's that over there what the heck who are you oh yeah you got duct tape on your face let's get this stuff off sir oh thank you sir oh goodness this is the habit but goodman has been forcing me to watch kyoko melon on repeat for hours oh dear lord that was torturous uh sucks to suck bunny well since goodman is gone and i'm kinda home alone i'll be with the guru enough with the damn crow you i can't believe jeffy has a summer job i wonder what it is this is so awesome though i got the whole house to myself it's time to watch stranger things season four come on down to jeffy's movie theater we got movies movies we got snacks snacks huh what's this more snaps more snacks last but not least we got seats [Music] come to this dress right here come around the back of the house and come around this back door come on down to jeffy's movie theater today only five dollars a ticket whoa what now that's what i call a stranger thing yeah anyway i can't believe goodman just gave jeffy his own movie theater to run as a freaking summer job i mean but that's goodman for you oh my god cody can't believe jeffy has his own movie theater this is so cool junior i'm pretty sure that we're just in somebody else's house what's up cody oh what's this oh it's the jersey yeah it's a nice jersey you know what i'm gonna break it open i'm gonna wear it why would you break it open but because it's locked up but why would it be locked up i'm gonna wear it because it's meant to be like a display junior you're not supposed to just break open other people's displays and such that's stupid i could resell on ebay too oh my god on three i'm gonna bust it one two three what are you doing oh just about to bust us up jeffy you can't do that why not because just because uh go to your go to the front and wait in line to get your ticket okay let's go with this oh how do you get this stupid thing open i don't know dude it's like locked up oh this is stupid i say it's time to get physical with it where's it go what do you mean dude well let's start kicking it i guess we have no other choice oh oh yeah what do you guys think you're doing oh we're just kicking it open door to get that yummy popcorn you can't do that why not nerd just because it's not your property fine what do you want us to do go online and get your tickets like everyone else okay fine nerd hi i like that one joseph man this is harder than i thought i can't let anything break i'm gonna get in trouble with goodman and i won't get that paper already what can i get y'all ladies to drink can i have apple juice i would like give me a bourbon on the rocks whoa what are you guys doing well oh we're just making these fine ladies some drinks mine if i do it no you can't do that you're underage go wait in line like everybody else ah come on but i'm pj crenshaw shut up pj no one cares oh my god you guys hear that disrespect i can't believe it i said go get in nine wow screw you no one disrespects pj cringe are like that come on ladies yo where are the tickets at chevy where are you at come on i've been waiting forever all right everybody settle down settle down everybody i have an announcement to make there are no tickets pie settle down just give me five bucks and you're good to go but what movie do you guys want to see i want to see top gun well i want to see alberts well i want to see light year then it's like toy story 6 right thor ah i want to say minions raza grew again well about that guys there's only one theater so we got a shot on one movie what it would be guys come on come on guys there's gonna be one movie you guys can all decide on i was peeping around back there and i saw shrek five you guys okay with that shrek five all right thanks everybody for the payment i hope you all enjoy the unreleased viewing of shrek 5. all right looks like i got the best city in the house what are you talking about man i was sitting here first what no i was in here first what i'm pj crenshaw i'm sitting here first you can't do anything about it oh yeah hey hey pete what's going on get out of here bully what's going on here oh this nerd was just in my seat uh you know what let's have a pissing contrast whoever can piss more all over this chair gets the win fine i never turned down a pissing contest i'm pj creature here comes the piss are you ready jeffy for the piss to come no get out boy you're out get out what are you gonna do about it do you want me to start this boy what are you gonna do piss all right here we go i guess ah doors can't seem to get comfortable in this chair whoa oh my god this is stupid i gotta be some sense of this dumb chair uh uh i know what to do ah take that dumb chair what are you doing i'm gonna break this dumbass chair dude you can't do that why not because i'll kick you out like i did bowling fine dude i just sit in your uncomfortable chair sit down and enjoy your movie [ __ ] oh my god donkey is so bad what that girls what are you doing oh my goodness hey cody would you be down to have a little sexual time with me i'm good i i i'm only in it for the guys what if i told you that is exactly what i am i can get behind this let's go one movie later alright hope you all enjoyed the movie okay get out leave please dang shrek five was one for the books best movie of all time yeah what movie did we just see again i have no idea man that was tough stopping everything from getting broken by topic that paper i'm gonna close up this closet so he doesn't know i was in here of course his baby up [ __ ] you are jeffy you are absolutely [ __ ] i'll tell you right now that contract that you signed it says if you went into the home theater your [ __ ] becomes mine i can now sue you for 2.6 million dollars in court and that is exactly what i'm going to do uh oh no show me where it's said that oh i'll show you where it says that but right now i'm going to [ __ ] you let's go i'll show you exactly shut up no more crying if you cry anymore jeffy i'm gonna slap the [ __ ] out of you jeffy don't forget your [ __ ] is mine it is mine let's go see the contract okay okay you see jeffy right there it says that you cannot go into the home theater and guess what you did just that means you're coming that's bull crap that wasn't that one hold on contract doesn't lie the contract does not lie coming through what the hell i'm sorry about that mr goodman anyway i'm placing you under arrest why are you placing me under arrest because uh apparently you showed trek five without uh you weren't supposed to do that what the [ __ ] i did not show shrek five i know for a damn straight fact i would never show shrek five i paid 10 million to get that i paid 10 million dollars to see shark five early why would i ever let anybody see that well i got off the phone from like a a concerned kid he said he got kicked out of a theater that was shown trek five and uh yeah i'm gonna have to place you under arrest for that what you're gonna have to place me under arrest for that why because you're not you broke your contract you're not supposed to show shrek five huh looks like someone broke the contract mr goodman i don't know what he's talking about look you're gonna go away for a very long time or a very short time because you know you're rich you're probably going to get bailed out by tomorrow morning probably even tonight i don't know all right let's go one more thing jeffy your [ __ ] mine oh it will always be mine well not worked out in yen i guess you don't need this contract anymore well but you know what did happen i got my own movie theater and i think i got my own i don't know whose puppy dogs is but it's mine now come on [Music]
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 449,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, 2021
Id: 0YcPWxK1cjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 08 2022
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