SML Parody: Cody The Fortune Teller!

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oh my God Cody this is like a Titanic is so big yeah I know it is it's like so big it's like the whole leg of the couch I ain't that right you know what else is Big that I have anyway it's really amazing yeah dude it's so cool isn't this like the biggest Lego set of all time actually it's the second biggest Lego set after the dumb stupid well picture map oh that's stupid Cody yeah I know it's just like a bunch of one by one studs check this out 12 hours oh wow nice I even have the Lego version of myself over here really a little bit of a Jack and Rose action if you know what I mean yeah oh let me love you this Baby's gotta go down Jeffy Jeffy Jeffy where did that go sh goldfish what the hell Jeffy you just flushed down something that was extremely rare why what what do you mean why you just flushed out something that cost me so much money what my poop that is pretty rare Junior's fault where'd it go dude I don't know Joseph uh junior what yeah they just flushed down my Lego down the toilet and it's all your fault what if Jeffy was the one to flush it down it sounds like it was his fault no it was your fault you know why it was your fault because you knocked him off the Titanic and he just went flying downstairs and landed right in the middle of the toilet and guess what Jeffy being the stupid idiot he is decided after taking a well I'm gonna flush this down the toilet and did just that and now my Lego is gone that kind of sounds like the Minifigures fought for flying I'm gonna possibly be the Minifigures fault Junior flew down the steps oh my God Junior do you understand how much that meant to me wait why do you care so much about a randomly figures one of the rarest in the entire world no it's not Jody don't get your laptop I'll show you right now I'll show you I'll show you and I'll prove you wrong and you'll feel all bad about it fine I'll get my Lego minifigure I mean my laptop yeah you better ah well there it is Junior what ultra rare Lego SpongeBob minifigure how much money one thousand dollars Cody yep and guess where it is right now Junior oh and it's in the toilet down the drain probably in the sewers by now oh my God I had no idea why is this stupid Lego can't cost so much money well it used to not cost any money that's why I had it oh boy I mean Cody do you have a thousand dollars no I don't have a thousand dollars and even if I did I'm not buying that again oh I mean he's he's pretty cool and he's now Ken I can buy a thousand dollar candle with that but that's besides the point Junior oh I'm sorry Cody it was an accident I I have high doubts that you're sorry Junior I just wanted to sear your minifigure oh yeah I bet um I'm really sorry Cody I wish I could make it up to you wow there could be a way you can make it up to me you know not what you're thinking Cody all right listen what if we go to the store and I pay for anything you want anything I want but it can only be one item all right that sounds good I already have an item in mind okay let's get going you all right stay left let's go dude why the hell are we at Dollar Tree well because I said you can get anything you want from the store including I won here it's all one dollar actually Cody they switched it to a dollar 25. oh my God you're so cheap that doesn't really change anything Junior oh come on Cody you can get something there's a there's a female version of Ken right there that is insulting that is just despicable that you would even think I would be into that uh okay Cody whatever yeah whatever well I'm gonna go wait outside while you two do you're perusing through the store wow he's gonna read outside let's go Joseph come on wow dude Cody's just a party pooper I know right oh dude let's get this there's a mustaches okay dude let's get them anything else dude oh my god dude dinosaurs Joseph let's get them oh dude look over here look at me come on you get 80 of them for one dollar ah but those ones are so much bigger but you can get a door we have so many dinosaurs all right let's get a bunch of these ah where the hell am I hello hello young swashbuckler welcome to the Wizard's fortune telling area this section of the store what the hell is going on here what do you see you pay me ten gold rupees and I tell you your fortune 10 gold rupees what is that in like US dollars five dollars five dollars I wish I had that money but my friends took me here and they said that they would pay for me so I didn't bring any money wow I'm sure that there are other methods of payment Joseph is so amazing dinosaurs yes there is no look at nothing Hey where's Cody at I don't know maybe he's still at the store yeah look at all the dinosaur dude the ship is going down oh no there's not enough lifeboats on the ship they're all gonna die hey hey Cody what the hell are you guys doing oh we're just having some fun on the Titanic on my ship you put all these little plastic dinosaurs on it well yeah uh Cody you're wearing fake mustaches yes I said well that's just kind of embarrassing you guys are really embarrassing right now well do you have anything interesting to tell us oh yeah something very interesting happened to me today it was a an Awakening if you can call it but uh oh God basically I'm a fortune teller now well you have Fortune terracotta oh yeah don't tell me my fortune right now whoa this is so cool the door yeah I know it is but there's no reason to be so rude in getting me out here Joseph oh I'm a shower you Cody my medicine this is not gonna work if you do the bad Italian accent okay okay fine dude all right let's show you how it works okay whoa you're doing that all right ready to get your fortune telled yeah tell me about my future all right let's see okay uh I'm seeing promising well whoa whoa you're gonna be more than a millionaire just oh for real you're gonna live in a mansion you're gonna have Butlers and Maze that do everything for you dude is my mom coming back no oh my goodness Joseph this is awesome this is wait Joseph wait what dude the ball is telling me that this is already all true wait what yeah it's telling me that you already you're not homeless and you live in a mansion and you're rich actually wait there's no no no no no this this thing's this is lying uh the ball by some light Joseph the ball is dying dude I gotta go oh okay I guess I'll follow you I'm out of here dude what the frick was that no I really don't know I just told him his future and then he just started running off it was really weird oh well I guess now you can tell me my fortune Cody I'm sorry Cody you wanna come do my fortune what yeah hey hey all right Jeffy here we are don't touch the ball only I can put Jeffy why don't you're not supposed to touch the ball only amps but Jeffy stop knocking on my PP I'm not gonna give you your reading if you keep doing that oh you know I want my reading I know you want your reading all right let's see Jeffy the future holds for you Jeff what the hell that's what this is a very strange one why uh Jeffy within the foreseeable future the ball tells me that you're gonna your pants [Music] I put myself Jeffy there is no way after I like three seconds after I gave you a reading you just pooped your pants right now you're just like Niagara Falls oh my God how do you even do that Jeffy everywhere oh my God I think I got it on your ball okay it's fine let's go show Junior actually ah what did they back I'm gonna get my fortune told by Cody but at the same time I don't think he's actually a real fortune teller ah so you don't think I'm a real fortune teller hey why don't you tell him Jeffy Junior so he told me my fortune was I was gonna poop myself and then bam poop running down my leg like I pissed myself wait really uh-huh I need to try this for myself all right I'd be glad to give you a fortune all right well let's go then all right whoa Cody I'll admit this is really cool but I'm still skeptical about this whole thing yeah I know it is cool all right tell your fortune wait wait my fortune well that's why you came here right well what's that mean oh I'm gonna tell a fortune about your future oh care about my future Cody why not who cares about their future okay then why do you want me that fortune tell for you well can I ask you like a question I I can try you know yeah yeah we can't ask either a question what do you want to ask it uh will my dad never not be addicted to Charlie and friends all right see uh your father is always gonna have a chronic addiction to watching Charlie and friends I'm sorry Junior ah well that was a really easy question I could I answered that one so I still don't know about this thing well what else the ball said it was true so uh how about uh will Penelope Ever Fall In Love with me I can try Okay um no what I immediately touched the ball and it told me no you try long enough I I can try for as long as possible it's it's giving so many signals that it is no okay now I really don't believe in this ball you really don't believe in it that's the most logical thing about the ball has ever told me all right forget it uh how about something else like okay there's no way you know this what's up people making for dinner tonight all right um Chef PeePee is making Cheetos Mac and Cheese Cheetos mac and cheese cheese Jr why is it such a big deal all right guys all right I guess I'll stay here then that's what good coochie sounds like potatoes what the hell is this problem oh my God Cody you're right it's a ball was right yeah the ball was always right Junior what did you expect I gotta test this even further to make sure it's 100 right all right why do you want to ask the ball okay let's say a turn on the TV what show is gonna be on the TV all right let's check [Music] why is this such a big deal for you all right let's see let's give this shot turn on all right better be Thomas I mean if it's Thomas and that then that ball is really correct I'm gonna be so surprised all right Sony okay okay is it gonna be Thomas I love Thomas I love Thomas okay oh no but it's Thomas let's go might write into Netflix station junior stop doing this oh you are right again the ball was right again is always right Junior how many times do I have to keep telling you that okay Cody I want you to tell me about my future your future you didn't care about your future when you came here first why do you care now well because back then I didn't believe in the ball why would you not believe in the ball the ball is always right well now I believe in the ball so can you tell me about my future I could try I could see what your future holds I can't wait am I gonna get married you mean Penelope maybe uh maybe Thomas what I I don't like this junior what's going on I I don't know how to tell you this junior but the ball said that you're gonna die within the next month I see it it says within the next 30 days you're gonna die horrific death but no but Junior I'm sorry but Ricky can you tell me how how am I gonna die it's not it's giving me very bad singles Junior I can't I can't touch this anymore oh no I'm gonna die in 30 days at least I can have some Cheetos Mac and oh my gosh what is it you idiot dude I'm just cutting up your Mac and Cheese just like you like it I love you don't do this baby I'm just gonna leave God damn it oh no I got a ride up oh my God that was a close one y'all wait whoa here oh my God it's way too dangerous inside my house I guess I gotta stay outside from now on I guess I'll be safe what the hell you dumb ass kid you trying to make me run you over and then find a lawsuit against me and steal all my money hey oh no that ain't gonna happen get out scream you three weeks later Junior where are you oh that is the worst booby trap I've ever seen Junior I see you there what what are you doing Junior what are you doing oh you found me Cody so just do it just do it just kill me why would I kill you Junior it's been 30 days I've been waiting to die but I'll be honest it's been 30 days and you still have that fake mustache on are you kidding me Junior I just never thought it would end like this Cody and like what my third best friend going to kill our best friend why am I a third best friend does it matter I'm about to die I should just do it just kill me why would I kill you because you promised 30 days and then I would die and it's been 30 days and I just been waiting to find out how I die and this is it so do it kill me you can do anything you want to my dead body just do it Cody Junior I'm not killing you although that does sound enticing but Junior I made everything up about the ball what everything about the fortune telling and the telling what's gonna happen I made it all up no you didn't this stuff only the ball would know like what about Chef PeePee making the Cheetos mac and cheese I asked Chef Pee Pee what he was gonna make for dinner that night no but but the Thomas what about the Thomas I'm also an avid viewer of Thomas and I know what time it comes on oh my God but what about all the other stuff like Penelope not falling in love with me in the junior Penelope is not falling in love with your dog ass so you're saying there's still a chance no Cody why would you do this I mean my life's been hell for the last like three weeks well it's been revenge for what you did to my very expensive Lego minifigure quick really yeah but I said I was sorry yeah well after you took me to the dollar and 25 freaking Century I got pissed off and then I met a wizard and he gave me a ball and I power tripped okay so he just like gave you the bowl and like you walked away like wow was there a transaction there was a transaction but that's behind closed the voice oh God I wonder what happened oh yeah you stay wondering okay well can we just forget about all this and go back to being you know my third best friend Junior don't call me your third best friend but yeah I can forgive you I've gotten my sweet taste of Revenge all right let's get out of here all right sounds good to me and he triggered the booby trap Junior what the hell is the meaning of this oh well I made a booby trap in case anyone tried to come in my room and kill me well obviously that wouldn't work because I almost just did it I could have just walked over it and done it to you well it's still kind of halfway works I I guess Junior but it would be so easy for me to just walk over it and kill you maybe this is like revenge for your revenge you know revenge for Revenge oh my God June you're always pulling this kind of charcutery what what did you just say ah never mind that you wouldn't understand well take that Cody screw you well actually I'm kind of enjoying this junior [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 288,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario
Id: CNbXkZrQfhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 02 2022
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