SML Parody: Jeffy's Magical Toilet!

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baby you're my spoopy poopy and you're my cuddle loving funny buddy and you're my porcupine [Music] mario did you just fart no i didn't just fart that wasn't me where's that coming from hey mommy what how long have you been here long enough to know how cringy you guys are oh you heard our conversation scootily poop the better question is where did the toilet come from how did you get this in here oh well it's actually a really funny story it all started at school this morning all right class because of the stupid deadcock trend the school's decided that anyone can have whatever they want that way when there's nothing left you always have to deal with it and that'll be the class punishment but go ahead and take whatever you want home i'm sick of this crap i'm going home stewie dick [ __ ] let's go guys let's go who is that baby caillou i want baby caillou no i want baby kai no i'm a jacob it's mine what if you have him cause i'm bald too just like caillou so i deserve him that's fair i'm taking it out whatever oh my god thomas what the frank um what in here do i want i don't even know oh god well i need to poop but last time i pooped in here i got in trouble i gotta go to the bathroom [Music] i'm taking the alphabet train too oh legos i want to take these home screw this i'm dubbing a sip i'm going to steal something else oh i want to take tick tock you're coming with me kick duck oh god i really need to poop can i move in there probably not last time i did that i got in trouble as well oh god [Music] that was good but wait a second i can have whatever i want uh jeffy i have a lot of questions like what how did you get this in the house yeah this thing has to be heavy jeffy how did you do it all by yourself listen diet i'm a crapper not a slacker wait so you're telling me we took a crap in the middle of our living room oh jeffy this isn't hooked up to anything it's just going to be sitting in there calm down this is how it's going to be stinky no it's not bad okay listen i didn't crap in the toilet i pooped in my pants oh good job jeffy see that's one step away from the toilet yeah exactly yeah that makes it so much better yep all this talk of crap makes me out the crap so i'll be right back i'm not gonna grab my pants i'm gonna go crap in the toilet all right oh shoot oh man this is looking so delicious i think i may actually be able to do it i can win this year's chef for the year competition i could win a million dollars and quit this stupid job okay i just need one thing in my spice jar all the way in the back here it is the secret magical spice oh this could win me in the entire competition i just need to sprinkle some on it and i'm guaranteed to win oh but uh i need to pee chef pee pee needs a baby i'll be right back oh yes should people finish my cheesecake but it's a little pine i want something else to it oh is this salt oh it's really fruity salt okay let me add some of this okay oh yeah i need more of that oh yeah the fruity salt likes it looks so good i can't wait to put it in my belly okay come on magical spice time to go wait what oh it's gone it just disappeared oh it really is magical i'm not going to win this year oh man i really gotta go dunk it okay okay i need you to come out here right now donkey i need the toilet please i'm already using the bathroom i need another right now big massive crap is coming off of it now it's gonna be like knuckles let me in now oh it's gonna be explosive don't get it i'm sorry i'm already crashing oh all right here we go go find another one i need it right now no no no no been on here a really long time jeffy oh it's a toilet get off thumbs up okay here we go [Applause] [Music] what the heck just happened it's so gross i can't even look now look come on let me see what whoa there's nothing in it it's like magic what is this confetti stuff it looks like rainbow diarrhea mommy you know what i'm gonna take a poop in it let's see wait i feel something oh my god what happened what how did i get here what the heck what are you doing here i don't know i was just taking a number three at my own house and all of a sudden the toilet started sucking me in it started sucking so i went anyway i couldn't help it it was sucking me in there and i just came through pipes and then i popped that right here oh my god are you okay yeah you're all right i think i'm okay but these pipes are so dirty they don't look very dirty we don't have any pipes they were dirty we don't have any pipes yeah and shrek just pooped in here but look it's all gone now yeah exactly there's no problems i need someone to clean these pipes well um there's a big strong man there's nothing wrong here tricia you jeffy there's nothing wrong he's not even in high school yet yeah he doesn't know how to clean pipes yeah i don't know how to clean any pipes fine i'll find someone else to clean my pipes all right go ahead whatever what the heck mommy oh my god flush me down flush me down all right wait what how'd it flush mommy there's no pipes it's magic it doesn't need pipes hey guys what happened here oh shrek took a poopoo shrek did this with this crap yeah he shout out confetti what did he have explosive fruity pebble diarrhea um i guess but dad it's a magical toilet what there's no such thing as a magical toilet jeffy you see that every time we have a magical object in this house yeah exactly okay and what's so magical about this look at it yeah it's just confetti okay so here's what happened so i took a poop in it right and then trisha came out what and she was like oh my god i just came here for my own toilet what you guys just playing a prank on me i don't believe that i don't know that someone goes from their own toilet and it gets teleported to this one through the pipes yeah we just flushed her down no i don't believe it hey you still down there okay she's not she's not in there anymore okay well i still don't believe this is magical all right well let me give you an example moving out of the way you're doing i'm about to take a boo boo no no no no no oh god oh come on all right let's see what happened whoa there's all your green beans jeffy this is a slime let me see this oh oh my gosh look at all the slime guys it's stinky slime what if that shrek's crap he's like trick craft in here well it's green crap ew i guess i should have guessed he had green crab i think it's slime guy yeah that's slime in the toilet yeah oh wait wait why is it moving wait it's moving it's moving make my green hairy balls lick my green hairy balls dig my green hairy balls oh my god [Applause] oh god oh my god yeah i'm sorry guys i should have believed in the magical toilet it should have been that's what happened those are the consequences god that was so weird what because i have a question what if i went in jeffy that's the worst idea you've ever had oh why not look at all the stuff that's happened yeah after that just happened wait wait wait you said trisha she came from another toilet so if you go in there you're just gonna end up in another toilet oh that sounds cool what the heck where am i i'm in another bathroom well this is weird i never find out where i am all right so where am i oh my god i'm like go guarding oh this is so awesome and is that an arcade oh this is so sick this is so sick i gotta tell my daddy to come here oh this is so awesome all right enough time to tell daddy this is awesome what happened where you come from die i want to go guarding through this toy that's actually awesome no that's awesome he like teleported there we go teleports yeah yeah you should check it out guy wait but that seems kind of gross well smell me daddy smell you [Music] he doesn't smell bad no he smells like nothing clean better than normal well that's rude well it's true well daddy you should check it out i mean what do i gotta lose your dignity i lost that years ago all right we'll check it out oh here i go this seems like fun shut the hell up i'm in a new place holy crap wow this is so cool oh boy here it comes here the big rebel boy oh god i want to go home now okay how was it how was it i saw some crap jeffy and by crap i really mean some crap socks so stuff you're never supposed to see in your lifetime well where'd you go i don't want to even think about it chubby oh well you're going to go back in no i'm never even getting close to this toilet ever again you know what if you're not going to go in i'm going back in suit yourself all right see you guys yay yeah what the heck where am i oh it's really fancy in here what all right now where am i i'm at olive garden you know i hate olives i'm leaving well i gotta get out of here this place sucks wait a second mommy loves olive garden i could tell her to come in here oh that's a good idea all right time to go back in hey mario no it won't it won't be okay hey guys i'm back where'd it go this time well it wasn't as climactic as last time i went to olive garden did you see all of anus no i'm not speaking to you yes come on okay we'll take the car we'll take the car the car no not this all right they're an old guard now you know what i'm gonna go to olive garden with them i'm coming guys wait this doesn't look like all garden well i better check it out all right where am i wait i'm in chop and [ __ ] i better go back seriously it didn't work oh whatever all right here we go where am i now oh my god this is a whole different bathroom but maybe it's just another olive garden bathroom yeah all right and well this is definitely not it well i guess that wasn't it i'm just gonna go back in ah all right well this is definitely not all garden i know that but i should probably check it out oh hell nah can i grandma not take a bubble bath to peace get back in that toilet i want question for you before you get going ah you see grandma she has back problems and uh i can't reach my back and i got back me can you wash it for me i'm leaving i see ya you know what i'm sick of this i can't get to olive garden you know what i'm bored i'm gonna take a poopoo [Music] oh yeah what's up buddy it's me it's me but don't worry i'm not a crappy friend anymore i've been reincarnated and now i'm just a normal friend oh really yeah i'm so crappy don't get me wrong but not personality wise oh so you're crappy on the outside exactly all right awesome but i want the other one too oh you want my brother in yeah okay just take a crap all right here we go oh yeah oh yeah jeffy so good to be back man hey guys what's up my brother okay can you guys stop okay so basically i'm gonna what's up g i'm gonna pick them tell me your deal all right well listen here's what's happening i've been going in and out of these toilets for the last half an hour oh man brutal half hour can you just shut up anyway so anyways so basically i've been trying to get to olive garden with my daddy and mommy shut up and i'm trying to get there myself but i really need help getting there it won't take me to it but we can't oh i i see i see okay this is a magical toilet obviously yeah you can't just say shut up jeff so you can't just expect to go in and out of the toilet and end up at yes listen we know how to navigate these pipes we live down there yeah so you're just gonna follow early my lead my lead oh you need yes and i'll show you how to get the olive garden exactly come on all right let's go i know these places like the back of my head all right you guys first enter the pipes [Applause] welcome to the sewer system i didn't go through here last time this is how we're going to navigate this place yeah all right well let's go stretch that hey guys this doesn't look like olive garden oh we'll trust us steffi uh we're just taking a detour oh okay really quick yeah so to trust us because uh we know what we're doing all right let's go yeah let you go okay keep going a little bit further we're lost are you kidding me what do you mean we're lost dude dude it's your fault you might fall you're the leader i think we're supposed to come out of that pipe not that pipe what do you do dude shut up what are we supposed to be doing we're trying to find my parents oh these we could do retrace our steps and get back to your house you'll be fine yeah give me cheesecake or something but what about my parents parents marriage yeah no one needs it we don't have any no whatever okay we're orphan poops let's go what is that [Applause] no he doesn't know oh no i don't want to tell him oh tell me this whole toilet could explode the whole house destroyed and killing us in the process [Music] oh [Music] my brethren what the heck no no oh why he's gone he's gone oh he was like a father to me wait what oh duffy you know i got magical toilet back in my health uh i didn't feel like taking another crap maybe hell yeah let's go [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 750,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, 2021, sml parody jeffy's magical toilet, jeffy's magical toilet
Id: angk56qFyAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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