SML Parody: Jeffy's Accident!

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I'm so bored I got nothing to do Jeffy chubby chubby jumpy to me I need your book my diary brother the diary would be good book to flow away why got happen well I'll explain it a flashback sir there I was reading my diary of a Wimpy Kid book and then I felt a big gust of wind oh man that's a pretty big gust of wind and a few minutes after that I felt an even bigger Agusta win oh man that gusts to win slightly bigger and then you'll never guess what happened after that I felt the biggest gust of wind I ever felt in my whole life oh man that's such a big us to win my book and that's what happened wow that's some story but I gotta be honest I'm not gonna help you find it why why not because there's no reward reward oh you so greedy huh huh I have the perfect reward for you oh I'll let you read the book the whole way through one time oh you drive a hard bargain Morey fine guess I'll help you find it great come on anything you went this way alright I think I got a lead did you find anything yet no not yet Morey I'm still looking oh all right Morty I think I fat Oh Jimmy you found my cool nubby you you okay Maury it's a motorcycle motorcycle I'm gonna go ride it if you got the golf cart oh it's everything I hoped and dreamed it would be this steering wheel the rims the gorgeous speedometer oh my dog take her for a spin so you should get out of here before owner comes back more to you on your stand this was made for us but but the things so rundown I mean look at the steering wheel it's all scratched up and that's not unis pedometer it's just a fuel gauge what Maury I've always wanted to drive a motorcycle Jimmy this isn't a motorcycle it's a golf cart oh that makes me want to ride it even more come on Morty just one lap one lap oh yeah one lap is no no we can't do it doesn't belong to us ah yeah you're right it doesn't belong to us we shouldn't do it [Music] [Music] oh yeah wait a minute hey Morty you see I'd eat right there oh we would leave it no Jimmy it's a very bad idea I hate that I think we should stay in the loop or a nice and safe no one get hurt yeah but if we go out there we could go anywhere Target Walmart oh man your possibilities are endless that's true I won't let you peer pressure me again just stick to the development and to watch out for the old geezer crossing the road okay ah fine when you're for daisies don't they see not slowing down they are yours the force I will not working it is Oh Jimmy I think Yogi's are oh oh oh wait we have to see mean okay come on Oh oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez Oh Yoda Yoda Morty yeah he's surely all right no he went to sleep forever little him he's probably just he's probably just really tired maybe he was really tired you still have a pulse Morty you're stressing me out well I'm not assisting you your crimes I'm leaving no no morning we gotta hide the body we have to we gotta lose family no no Morty you don't understand if people see this we could be put in jail forever oh no more Wimpy Kid books no no more anything oh geez um I think I know a hiding spot come on help me okay there we go Jeffy no one will ever find him up there yeah it's a pretty good spot Morty I think we're safe now okay uh-huh we just gotta tell them no one yeah it'll be our little secret but you live our normal lives and no one will have no okay I think we're gonna be okay okay you won't go for in our lab no I don't want go further let's just quickly I know I just want go inside I just go sleep it off I gotta sleep it off all right man I think I'll start my garden today oh oh oh put that in my tree what are you doing in my tree and why don't you have a pulse I know who did this Jeffy Jeff EW what you did it yeah you caught me red-handed daddy why I pooped in this shank you know what I'm talking about that we already cleaned it out earlier I I pooped in the bed we already cleaned that out too you know what I'm talking about I don't get you what I do you you you man go to sleep forever mayne who go asleep forever the old man in the tree uh oh man the tree oh you know what you're talking about told me oh so you're telling me you had nothing to do with this Jeff you never seen that guy in my life what wait you mean you've never seen him in your life it smells kind of weird though well why was he in my tree Oh No oh you know what daddy you know earlier today I did seem more tee with a golf cart wait you think more you did this yup in fact I think I know he did it let's go get him all right give it up Maury we know you're in there no one's home right now please leave a message after the beep beep I'll take care of it come on more to get out we know what you did what are you talking about we saw you with the golf cart Morty know what that was you driving Oh spoiler beans right now there are adagios outside and I saw more II ain't found golf car and he really wanted me to go for a ride Oh him well no more he's not the right thing to do it might belong to somebody else and he said no he said no he said that so he went in he started driving around and then there was Yoda right old guy he hit him that's where we are now that story's wrong that was all you Jeff you were the one that hit him I think we should go deal with this punishment I mean yeah it sounds like something more you would do yeah come on buddy I mean you've always been a bad influence on my son Morty I mean come on but just give it up look I didn't do it I swear oh don't punish me we need to get his punishment ready yeah let's go where's my golf cart I left it right here I swear I left my golf cart right here no no no no no please no no oh god no oh God it was a rental it was a rental no no no no no not on my birthday is up here golf cart where are you oh no I bet these people took my golf cart yeah we screw something up it's a pulley oh man I hope that's not the police that was weird there was no another door whoa what are you doing in my house I'm always in your house well that's kind of creepy but what you need I'm just kidding this is my golf cart no I haven't seen your off cart as your kid seen my golf cart I don't know I think they were talking about something like that earlier if I ask him will you go away sure we'll find Jeffy have you seen this man's golf cart uh he says no I saw him shake his head no very suspiciously well I I mean you mind if I look around the perimeter I probably quick no I I would rather you didn't check around the perimeter well I don't want to get a war so I'm gonna do it anyway well please don't go wait wait wait golf cart golf cart ah I can't find it golf cart where are you uh what am I gonna do I gotta keep looking all right Jeffy well while a cop searching the perimeter I think we should discuss Morty's punishment what a punishment yup I say four years no diary Wimpy Kid books two years in his room one year without food daily lashings six years without die everyone begin books yeah that seems fair you did kill someone Morty oh do anything it was all Jeffy well in the meantime daddy he did have a body we should move it before the cop sees it yeah I kind of don't want to go to jail all right let's forget it all right more do you stay here oh man Jeff eh I can't believe what you guys did well I'm glad we got movies body cops are we were looking around yeah I guess all right help me move him all right all right let's pull me the golf cart uh okay wait why the golf cart because you won't find the golf cart you won't find the body oh that's kind of true actually I right here right here right here all right stuff him in I think that's good I think we're safe good [Music] I wasted my entire birthday looking for my stupid golf cart and I didn't find it my eyes could it be could it be Oh [Applause] [Music] well my golf carts just how I left it gorgeous as always I'll never leave you again golf carts never no no no what are you doing hit me with a golf cart they did revenge I want they you mean the people in that house I knew there have two no good follow me Oh wood things to be the problem officer well unfortunately for you Yoda here says that you ran him over with a golf cart use when driving the whole time well unfortunately for you we have an eyewitness and the eyewitness is the person that was run over he's alive and he's all old how do you know he's telling the truth because well how do you even survive anyway using foreseer I did well there you go and you know he's not a liar so I mean it's got to be you oh you probably can't see that well 20/20 vision I have there you go I'm disappointed I would expect something like this from from Jeffy not you but but it really was Jeffy I I am dry golf carts oh I hate to do this I really do it kills me to do this but you're gonna be going away for a very very long time wife you might even get the chair no I don't want to share anything with the chair alright we gotta get in the car now come on no no no uh-uh oh yeah I can't be going to jail it's their fault it's all their fault it's always been their fault everything bad that happens to me is their fault no I've had it I've had it with all of them they're all gonna pay all of them every last one of them [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Kable10
Views: 938,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: a7kxqkvy6ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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