SML Parody: Jeffy Gets Held Back!

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oh my gosh today we are doing big test and I mean brief all right I'm gonna pass it out now all right Jeffy here's your test I believe in you good luck all right this is gonna be easy yeah dude already have we done shut the hell up yosha all right I think I just finished up and highlight the question about broseph the elephant all right let's go I'm almost done a few moments later all right Jeffy now I need your task wait a second what happened to your pencil I texted so hard I broke it because I know I aced this test all right hope you did I hope you did all right now to go great though 20 minutes later all right Cody congratulations on your test I knew I was gonna get an A plus all right here's your test you could have done better but you did all right let's go I wonder what I got all right Junior here's your test I see yeah you gotta see at least I didn't fail yeah I guess you could think about it like that all right Jeffy you ready to know how you did on your test oh yeah I know I aced it you're gonna not boy what the heck but I knew all that stuff no you didn't Jeffy you only got one of them all right which one well technically you got BB right technically oh okay but that means you failed our jobs okay so you know what that means what you're gonna go back what's that mean you gotta go home for the day I get to go home yeah go home right now yeah go all right now I'm gonna call us down and explain what's going on ah damn it paperwork oh my God wait what happened wait what's that supposed to mean that means he's in the grade below us now junior he failed this great the lowest wait those kids are like five years old yeah they're so stupid and weird oh God but he's gonna have to deal with it for the rest of his school and he's no longer in our class what I'm gonna miss Jeffy I know but we're gonna have to deal with it I wonder how class is gonna be without him it's gonna suck oh crap later that same evening oh man what's this gonna be about thank you Mario for coming to this meeting today oh please open Jeffy didn't blow up a toilet again no not this time oh thank God yes let's go it's even worse what how could it be worse Mario he failed his chest today and he's getting held back what he's getting held back yeah he's getting held back what's that well he's going to like the lower grade yup he's going to the gray below this one what Jimmy's not gonna like that I know but what can he do he's just stupid for this class oh god oh so what do I do you're gonna have to go home and tell them yourself because he's going to come here tomorrow to a different class is this guy's really that bad oh it's awful all after except for one D minus that he gone on a sex egg test oh okay fine I guess I'll go home and tell him go home and tell him right now all right talking to him like he's a kid get up here hey Jeffy what's up oh hey dang I'm just running my monkey chair but George doesn't want to go oh that that's great Jeffy I mean uh how's school been going oh school it's been great oh that's fantastic Jeffy I mean how's your grades been you getting good grades oh every day bro like that Disney Channel flow whoa that's awesome to hear I mean but uh I heard there's this big test that came up uh you passed it right Jeffy big taste easy dang easy wow so you passed yeah Daddy of course I pass it test wow that's so funny you say that because Jackie choo me you failed that test it failed everything he won yeah Jeffy you told me everything Jeffy you've been doing so bad in school that you are you literally have to go back you have to go back Jeffy you need to go back to a different class why what does that mean uh it means you go down to the lower grade but you showed me it won't be with my friends uh yeah Jeffy it's gonna be a whole new class oh but why I won because if you failed so you have to go to the Dumber class oh oh dang I hate this in school I hate grades in school great shock grades schmage you better do better Jeffy or you're just gonna keep going down down down and down no no no no no no no no I can't go back in a clash because I gotta be with Junior Joseph and even Cody then that's too bad Jeffy you guys you got to go to your new class tomorrow morning me and George were going in my room yeah go to bed get ready can't understand this stupid granted stupid scratching your movement she's so stupid the next day oh yeah that's right I gotta go to my new stupid class what are you doing Jeffy I said what are you doing oh I'm just playing games in my original iPad the first one ever made wait what this is the first one ever made yep wait where did you even get this wait Jeffy you're supposed to go to school right now oh I don't want to go to my new class day we should have thought about that before you failed well none of my friends are running a new Clash that's too bad Jeffy you gotta go right now oh fine wait hold up Jeffy where you going I'm going to get in my car to drive to my new class Jeffy if you're dumb enough to fill your current class then your two's on the drive bye are you telling me that I can't even drive my own car you're hot yeah that's exactly what I'm saying one day you must be high you must be on drugs Day come on Jeffy off here I'm taking you right now let's go come on what the [ __ ] is up guys I'm here with my assistant teacher good morning class and today we are gonna be doing counting in ABCs but before we do counting on ABCs I have a new student to introduce everybody please welcome from the great above coming down to our class give him a round of applause Jesse hey guys my name is Jeffy and I hate all of you that's that's very good Jeffy you're learning you know how to speak let's go now we're gonna give you guys some time to introduce yourselves while we get our class ready hi my name is Ashley and my parents wanted a boy so when they thought that I was a girl they put me on testosterone at six months old and that's why I sound like a boy what the heck hey my parents are really bad at naming people dude you look like you're fine and my parents don't divorced three times okay great great I don't even care yeah they got divorced too you know what you're not doing nothing like matter of French get out of here leave me alone but we'll be your friends I'm not gonna be your friend so get out of here [Music] Roblox [Music] four times do you need me to tell you a third time oh okay all right class we're about to get started on counting in ABCs so take out your pencils don't put them in your mouth and let's get started 346 minutes later oh hey Jeffy how the first day of your new class go oh hey Dan it was great oh that's good to hear Jeffy I'm glad to hear it you're not really dying oh I mean what's wrong with it well all my friends are down not Junior Joseph and not even Cody what about the new kids learn this dumb guy you're stupid they're that stupid yeah well Jeffy I think you could deal with it right I wish I could just go back to my R Class well Jeffy the good thing is you only have to deal with it for the rest of the year don't rush jumped up day I'm sorry Daddy I'm sorry I wish I could do it all over again and go back and have another chance and I would do better on my test I'll get better grades I'll do it all over again gang I just wish I could go back to my normal class oh Jeffy don't cry what's happening it's the rest of the year the rest of the year Jesse oh it's really bad did you did it ever just try not to cry just stay here what do you want Mario listen is there anything Jeffy could do he could not be in that grade it's so bad for him he has to go back well he's not smart enough for that grade oh but isn't there like Anyway the proof that he should be in his own grade you could take the placement test oh placement test well that's not the easy perfect I was gonna take it anyway back in his grade he has to get 100 on the test what he has to get a hundred percent of the touch to go back to his grade how is he supposed to get 100 I don't know but he's got to figure it out he can't get one question wrong oh I guess at least there's an option yep and not change his only option now get out of here okay why'd you say February oh boy can't wait to tell Jeffy the news you're crying in the sink oh just have good news Okay Jeffy I talked to your teacher yeah he said if you can pass a placement test you can go back to your grade what really really yeah yeah you need a hundred percent okay no problem I'll studying that test so many days so many hours and I'm gonna pass that test easy I'm gonna get a plus or it's in f plus whatever one's better I'm gonna do it I'm gonna pass that Daddy can you help me uh no just already done enough today figure it out yourself oh fine I'm gonna do it good luck hey guys come here come here come here come here come here come here come here come here dude hey so I got some really really important information so to get back to our class with you guys why God don't as I got attacked I'll pledge my test oh boy what is that like a test about places yeah well no but yes and kinda but I gotta get 100 on a test a hundred percent that's gonna be hard yeah dude that's crazy yeah yeah so I need your help to help me study what's even on it yeah well there's like some maps or some writing and hmm crap he doesn't even know what's on the test oh ancient spelling but Jeffy you suck at math and everything else well what do you mean I know algebra even as we're brought on it okay let's just get started already okay yeah let's do math first okay okay so Jeffy what is two plus five [Music] that's a really really wrong answer yeah that's really bad all right all right test me again okay uh what is like two times ten twenty one I mean that's he was pretty cool he was close it's pretty close all right all right all right Jeffy here's the thing all right what's nine minus three six oh well you got that right all right let's go we got Jeffy okay all right all right let's do some spelling questions let's go Jeffy uh spell your name um k-u [Music] don't look at your shirt don't look j-i-f Jeffy peanut butter it's peanut butter okay well you know what Debbie can you spell eye cup I see you pee yeah get this guy out of here see me pee Oh you guys want to see me no no no no no no no no no oh you're right I wouldn't want to pee out all the knowledge just go take it go do your test yeah you go I got it right Jeffy all right here I go you're smarter he's gonna fail oh yeah oh yeah our class it's just me oh yeah it's just traffic time to take your placement test I'm now gonna pass it to you all right Jeffy here's your placement test are you ready for us I'm ready for the test remember you have to get every single answer on this correct yeah and I supplied you with a new pencil because you broke the last one all right all right have fun a few minutes later all right teacher I'm ready for a spelling all right your first word do you have to spell is giraffe oh teacher can I just stay out lounge chair right now it'll be a lot easier good all right giraffe g-i-r-a-f-f-e G Rap all right your next word you're gonna spell is listen all right I can do that nothing l-i-s-t-e-n listen all right your last one is iCup oh yeah I tried my whole life for this icon I see you pee Oh no you're serious [Music] you know what I'm gonna get your attention grade the rest of it now 20 minutes later all right Jeffy are you ready to see your test oh I'm Ray all right well congratulations you got them all right let's go yeah you're back with Joseph Junior and Cody I don't want to see you again too oh yeah let's go just go home I'll see you tomorrow see you tomorrow hey Daddy I'm so glad I'm so happy today's The Best Day Ever yeah Jeffy I'm glad you're back to your class yeah it's so awesome well Jeffy you better not let this happen ever again oh I won't die don't you worry I've been studying I'm already a math magician wait you've been practicing your mass and stuff all I've been doing studying up on my maps wait so you think you're like a lot better now oh yeah dang test me okay I'll test you okay let's start really really easy and then we'll build up to something hard all right all right okay uh all right Jeffy what is six plus nine easy day 69 oh my God same old Jeffy same old Jeffy [Music]
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 138,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, 2021, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, 2023, sml parody jeffy gets held back, jeffy gets held back
Id: oIemSvgLHLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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