Become What You Draw HIDE and SEEK in Roblox!

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today we're going to become what we draw in hide and seek oh okay let's do it all right so right here up at the top you can click draw and you can draw whatever you want so first for example I'm going to draw a tree okay right here I'm going to make this super realistic I'm going to start off with the wood part of the tree right here at the base and then we're going to go in with the leaves right here let's get a green and we can go to the darker green like this let's make the trees like so all right that looks really good that looks good and boom we have a tree and now I can click apply and I have a tree and look I can blend in with environment but obviously this is just an example this is not a good example I'm a tree wait me a tree is way better I'm grass Zoe grass is actually really good see that's an example of a good drawing right there let's go all right so you know what you seek first and me and Mia are going to hide okay so start in the middle Mia what do we thinking well I was going to be an apple inside of a picnic basket what I thought that was pretty good I think I'm going to be in this play area I think that would be really good oh I guess that's pretty smart too you know what I'm going to get some yellow right here to blend them with the yellow stuff I think I'm going to be a box you think that would work be a box could be pretty hidden yeah I don't know I'm hoping wait I think I need to make it like a little more 3D so let's go from the bottom right here like this boom like so and boom I now a box why is my box so huge wait you know actually this could work this could work look oh wait that blends in right okay you know what hopefully that blends in okay now Zoe just has to be Unleashed oh goodness all right I'm going to get you guys I'm not really hiding in the basket I got to hide somewhere else no you're not so you'll never get me wait I just saw something interesting is anyone in the house I don't know what so doing I'm lit over here okay you know get her ankle water oh Nico help I found someone wait zo found me oh man she found my Apple oh gosh I got to be careful I got to be careful wait how did she find your Apple that was a good spot I TR to hide by a filler all right you know what I will become Victorious now where's Nico you're never going to find me oh gosh this is bad oh see wa and is me CH n where are you at nowhere where is he ow M just walk right past me what do they not see this cube right here okay I'm fine I'm on the playground I don't know how you guys don't see me yet oh wait he's this yellow thing I'm in point sight oh my ow and I'm on the ground look at me oh gosh okay you know what that concludes that round and you know what MIA you're the first one to get found so you're seeking all right F by me and I'm going to reset my canvas again let's find a better place to hide hm I could hide inside the house I can hide up there I think I want to go in the fer field and then be like a person that would be kind of funny see know I'm going to draw like a stick figure right let's go right here or maybe we should make the person sitting wait ooh yes I can make the person sitting that would be so funny go like this boom and then make him sitting like that and let's make his arm go over like this like a smiley face like so hi Nico do you see me Zoe wait that's actually so good oh wait oh my gosh how does this work so well this is actually hilarious okay B you can s now okay perfect I just finished drawing myself while I I seek wait what here I go Mia's drawing herself and wa I see a little stick figure over there but it's very faint all right let me see if I can spot you guys anybody in the house no you never find me Mia I'm quite HED I'm not going to lie I see Mia I'll go up this pillar again get a little bit of a vantage point a vantage point what the Vantage Point actually might work look at that happy guy on the ferris wheel I don't want to bother him that's literally me what is she talking about ah Zoe Nico where are you hiding the Mia's drawing of herself is actually pretty good she just passed me she just passed you Zoe Zoe I are too Zoe where are you you're so hidden e how can you not find us me you're a bad Seeker she just went past me she went past you again she's on the ferris wheel wait she's on the ferris wheel yeah I think I want to S with this happy man wa wait wait wait wa wait what what are you doing she's on top of it he's on top of it is that you no that is you no know what are you're talking about I saw it I saw it the not happy man no no no no no oh gosh uh uh uh if I stay very still hiia there you are ah wait me we're sitting next to each other oh gosh it'll never be found this is too good Zoe what she was just Al lied all right you know what I'm going to start seeking and I'm going to draw myself while I'm waiting for you guys Zoe we got to find the perfect hiding spots I'm going to start off with blue right here let's go in like this and I think I need a different blue than that I'm definitely not that blue I'm more like that blue all right I got to make a onesie right here for myself let's go right here and then let's go right here I think I should also do some coloring and that' be kind of funny so I think I'm going to go on my first layer again and I'm going to go in like this I'm going increase the thickness of my brush like so now I can color this whole thing in like this like so and then now I can get the skin color right here and then draw it like this and then we're going to need to draw my goggles at the top so let's go like this and let's draw my goggles like so then we can get a smaller thickness right here and then we can make the inside of my goggles like this boom and now I can get my eyes let's draw my eyes and let's make this look really good decrease the thick this right here and let's draw my eyes and let's go like this and now we can draw a smiley face bam oh that looks so good all right I'm coming for me Zoe you're not going to find me let's see how fast I can find you guys all right let's check the playground is there anyone at the playground no one at the swings over here where are you guys I'm hiding in nature I haven't even been looking for that long so you know what it's okay wait wait wait this actually this is an insane spot I should do this on one of these rounds oh my gosh I can't believe can hide any here okay I'm keeping that for reference all right I think I see some thing right here is anyone this speckled no stop I have a hole in a tree wait that's actually a really good spot what the oh man I didn't even notice that oh gosh I got found I found Mia wow that was such a good spot meia I would have never found that thing I'm glad it worked for a little it's a beautiful day why is Zoe saying it's a beautiful day what is so beautiful about the day you'll just have to come and see beautiful day today okay based on that I think she's at the beach ah what is zo hi guys how did I find me first I was just here what about my draw to myself you like my draw well I'm taller than you so this is accurate what what do you me do I am taller than you you know what I think it's meia seeking next okay you know we should also switch the world all right let's do it let's choose the map and let's choose neighborhoods this gives a lot more options cuz there's the inside of the houses we could hide in all right I'm resetting my character let's go oh but I like the little guy I'mma hide right here that's a horrible spot okay you know I a perfect thing I should be I'm going to become a toaster so you know what I'm going to go like this I'm going to draw a toaster right here think the toaster have some depth right here go like this like so and then we can increase the layer right here and then we could move this underneath let's get a lighter color like this and now we could increase the thickness of the brush and then color in the rest of the toaster all right nice toaster has been drawn in and now we can add the two slots at the top right here decrease the thickness increase the layer and add the two toaster slots at the top and then the toaster knob right here and then a little settings thing right here or something I don't know just something to make this look more like a toaster and now I can click apply bam this toaster is not on the ground uhoh Zoe hi zo are you trying to be a bread well I wanted to be the toast okay fine you can do it we get to hide together okay I guess where is everyone oh gosh this is bad this is bad Zoe what are what are you doing ni I think you're going to get caught first oh gosh she's on the trampoline It's Mia bouncing on the trampoline outside look at those eyes she's staring at us she does we're here I'm not going to lie she's behind us Zoe why are you saying that you're scaring me I'm scared too Zoe oh gosh knock knock I know you're in there oh no we're not here beia you got to be in this house because I can smell you why does beia look like that e she can smell that in bread oh gosh wait a second H this quite awkward is that an abnormally large toaster I'm look at it I'm look at it sorry close the I got tagged Mia get Zoe where's Zoe I lost the toast oh there it is I was blending in what the heck Zoe what are you doing there I was blending in I'm going and I'm resetting my cameras I'll seek you now okay all right I need to draw myself again and I'm going to make myself scary so you know what I'm going to go like this and we can increase the thickness and I'm going to make myself huge boom boom boom perfect now I'm going go like this and then I'm going to color in my face right here let's go like this and then let's go like this with the glasses on the top like so goggles on fleek right there boom now I could go like this and then do the insides like that then get the face right here let's go with the lower thickness brush and let's go like this bam Nico will demolish you guys okay give me like 2 minutes all right I think I see me already boom done no I'm not ready I'm not ready got me a d b no we have to go somewhere else I was dying man I was seeking dude you count it for like 2 seconds I was seeking already I'm sorry me I found you boo all right you got to help me find Zoe though this place is huge there's so many different things in here I don't know where to find her this is my master plan why is be mush your house I'm a house I live here all right you know what Zoe I'm going to find you I have been this from the start I'm excited all right I don't know Zoe wait I'm going to win I think I see something jumping over there Zoe B it B it bck it what is that I was grassing I was going to give an l and you know what this has been pretty fun but you know what I think we're not very good at hiding guys yeah I don't think we are if you're not book The on the screen if you enjoy then please subscribe bye guys subscribe bye
Channel: NicoBlox
Views: 382,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nico, Cash, Zoey, Nico and Zoey, Roblox
Id: 6Ft_2qZwylA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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