SML Parody: Homeless Junior!

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ah guys these stupid mining things are so dumb i mind my entire thing and all i find is this tiny brick cube shame dude look what i found hold on a second dude is this gold no joseph that isn't gold wait guys look what i found here even though my rock was smaller than all yours i got the same sized pebble oh that's stupid cody these things are rigged oh no it's not rigged in my favor of you just so stupid dude let's do something else guys i agree guys i got a brand new gaming set we want to check it out to my room oh i would love that i love gaming setups [Laughter] really cody sorry let's go come on guys let's go all right guys rate this oh come on dude why couldn't it have been me guys i'm feeling kind of sick oh what the hell is going on hey we're both y'all shut up out there we're trying to watch charlie geez sorry dad junior do you see the animal your dad has in his bed is that llama junior that animal is probably what's causing you to have this allergic reaction oh crap let me go talk to my dad what the hell do you want junior dad i think i'm allergic to that llama it's not a llama it's an alpaca oh okay that but i'm very sick right now can you like get rid of him maybe no i would never get rid of him i love him but dad you never said you love me before that's because i don't what yeah he's more of a son to me than you've ever been dad how can you say that you know what dad screw you i'm gonna run away and i'll be homeless because i don't need you and i don't need your stupid llama either it's an alpaca come on guys we're going outside all right guys i'm gonna be homeless now i got my thomas blanket and that's all i need junior you are so goddamn stupid if you think that all you need to survive is a blanket uh well joseph you're homeless right maybe you could help me out uh yeah dude i'm homeless for sure oh okay well how about we can be homeless together and we can go back to your homeless house i don't actually have to like uh do some important business i'm out of here dude i'm dang it i guess there's always a spot at the uh cody residence wait really cody but isn't your house like super weird yeah you'd have to abide by a few of the strange rules that we have well i could do that it's probably better than living with my stupid dad yeah all you got to do is do 100 push-ups after every time you shower watch the new episode of one piece every sunday with the entire family what else do you have to do no gaming past 1 p.m wait what you can have no meals unless it's brussels sprouts past 3 pm but what finally you can only flush the toilet once a week not too much okay cody screw her i'm just gonna be homeless what why because it's better than doing that all right well i wish you best of luck on being homeless i guess all right i mean yeah it's gonna be fun no rules i'm the own boss good luck you're not gonna all right see you later all right uh what should i do i guess it's time to be homeless i'm going to sleep wait a day second you're telling me that junior is running away from home and he's about to be homeless [Music] eventually what's going on what day is it do i have a beard oh my gosh i guess i'm officially homeless now i guess i'm just a homeless person [Music] oh my goodness is that junior ew poor oh my god it's richard hey richard maybe you can give me some money we're not friends anymore because you're poor i do not mess with poor people in fact i do what i do to all poor people i'm gonna throw rocks at you [Music] there's one thing i learned from my father it's how to throw rocks at poor people ah please stop reaching out ow my face oh my god look my stupid wife look that one of my students there hahaha it appears that they just got homeless oh he was too stupid to get a job let's point at him and laugh oh come on don't laugh at me it's not because i feel mad [Music] oh she's a loving family [Music] and she even has a mom oh my gosh i would have thought being homeless sucks so bad wait a slide maybe we could live inside of it oh already taken yep sorry shut the hell up pedro you do this every time i said we boss wait are you guys homeless too yeah why are you homeless you're just a kid i know my stupid idiot dumb dad kicked me out of the house oh well maybe you want to get back at him oh i would love to oh well we can teach you the three steps of being homeless in return uh we'll go back to your house and yell at your dad for you what that's two really nice things that's awesome i i've been really sucky being homeless and you guys could teach me the ropes teach you the three steps yeah i'll just be like skill my god all right let's go oh i can't wait thank you guys what's your name kiddo my name's junior all right i'm hazel that's pedro i'm pedro oh my god all right let's go okay let's go all right sonny you ready for your first lesson on being a homeless person oh boy this is just like school with the children you gotta learn how to shut up sometimes all right we're gonna teach you how to write a sign but writing a sign that sounds super easy well no it's not it's actually a system and it's pretty hard to do to do it right well i could do this this is so dumb oh are you sure yeah i'm sure give me a shot i'm just gonna give you the sharpie and you can do it yourself okay say let's all right guys all finished it says homeless need food and money please are you kidding me what are you talking about you're not gonna get anybody with that it just sounds like you're begging how's that begging it's the truth uh you have to lie in order to play the sign game did you just say lie yeah look at mine wait what completely paralyzed veteran need money for tru food also dog has cancer dog has cancer isn't that a lying well you gotta lie in order to make money yeah for real kid i mean just check out mine over here wait need money for children you gotta stop with this we're using my sign not either but but that they care about the children and once they get the money being weird as hell i'll just pocket the money for this children let's just head out of here we'll always are unsigned we're gonna put it to a test yep all right sounds good let's do it all right so everyone's gonna assume positions and then we're gonna find out whose sign works best once and for all all right then mine's gonna win oh no it's not all right sweetie i spy with my little eye a couple of bumps and even though they're bums we should still be nice and give them your candy but i wanted to eat my jello square but they're jello squares that's disgusting that shouldn't even exist so let's go come on okay what is this need money for children oh he's scared okay i'm sorry sweetie let's move on let's go come on but it's for the children all right so what do we got here champ well i'm homeless i need food and money please uh you're kind of begging how am i begging yeah you're coming off a little strong there champ but i'm homeless i don't know if i believe that you're just a kid but kids can be homeless too but i don't know you could be faking it for money i mean that beard doesn't look really convincing oh come on come on sweetie let's go to the next guy okay oh hey how are you doing hello there as you can see i'm a completely paralyzed veteran need money for drop food also dog has cancer what you're a veteran yeah [ __ ] nom and your poor dog has cancer no right oh that's so sad sweetie give him the jello candy squares okay oh thank jello jello candy squares what do you think i am a pleb can't you see i literally put drugs i don't want food i want money to buy come on sweetie let's go come on what that actually worked the lying wart no it didn't they gave me jello squares oh my god jello candy squares that's so yummy oh it's not it's disgusting you know what we're moving on to the next lesson welcome to lesson two of being homeless what is this in a shower taking a shower what in the river oh yeah you just walk in and that's it so you're ready junior take off your shirts wait but i don't feel like it i'm not really dirty yet oh but you just got to do it it's part of the teaching experience uh can you guys like do an example for me yeah i think that's better pedro i'm gonna make you go in oh fine boss i'll do it oh yeah here i am just chilling in the water what do you think junior how do i look without the shirt on i'll tell you what this is also where homeless people use the restroom oh what the heck let's just move on to the next lesson pedro put your shirt on let's go wait for me oh what the heck bruh there's no waves today well i guess i'll just go for a quick dip oh why is the water taste like that oh it tastes like [ __ ] oh me oh my it looks like all be eating good tonight all right lesson number three the final lesson oh sir what the hell are we doing we're spooning but why are we spooning cause it gets cold at night and we have to stay warm oh you know what i think it's time we reverse the spoon oh yeah i'm reversing the spoon i'm sick and tired of your [ __ ] oh my god all right now that we taught you everything you're here india now that we taught you everything junior can we go back to your house well you did teach me a lot of stuff but i feel like i just don't know everything yet but we we've taught you everything we can oh can you just teach me like one more thing because i'm still really hungry you know oh that actually gives me idea lesson number four but so shut the hell up i know what to do all right right this way all right guys you see that dog over there wait a dog oh what a cute puppy dog yep and this is lesson number four how to hunt wait what teach you how to hunt for your food what are you talking about me and pedro are gonna start up this grill okay oh yeah and then you're gonna go over to the dog be nice and friendly to it and when at least expects it you're gonna pick them up and throw them on the grill we're gonna make some hot dogs but no no we can't do that yeah why not oh because i i've decided we've you've taught me enough uh we can go back to my house now does that sound good that sounds amazing perfect okay uh let's go follow me uh okay all right guys welcome to my house my stupid idiot dumbass dad is right inside that door all right do you want us to go in and uh yell at him for you right now yeah for sure but uh let me just uh tell him that you guys are coming you know see you don't spook them off all right perfect all right here i go guys hansel pedro what are you guys doing oh i'm sick already uh yeah let's go put it all down there put it all in yes yes yes oh look at all that food oh yes this will feed the tribe for years to come what the hell is going on over there hey dad ow i'm sick again dad i know cause my llama i mean my alpaca i mean what do you want i thought you're homeless now well dad you see uh i was gonna come back here to get revenge on you have my homeless friends beat you up and yell at you what dog hell junior what's your problem yeah i wanted some revenge what's going on right now why are you stuck in my room uh i think they trapped us in here so they can rob the house oh my god junior you in it come on let's all call the cops right now let's go somebody called for a robbery yeah there's two homeless people in the house oh whoa whoa slow down two homeless people in the house what do you want me well me it was me that's offense number one uh why why are you friends with these people well because they're just homeless people you can't be mean to them almost a homeless myself you're also homeless why is that well my dad kicked me out oh that's offense number two well what the hell is going on here listen can we just worry about the robbery right now i'm not worried at all in fact i think i just saw two homeless people running down the street third offense what the hell is going on with your head you have like pimples why is my dog going berserk if he smells something some fish is going on in here it's not the burglary and when he smells something he starts going crazy and there's no containing him oh i guess we're gonna follow him yeah we got it what the hell is going on about here well it seems that my dog found himself a llama alpaca it's an alpaca okay i'm sorry i didn't didn't mean to alert you uh what's your name little buddy oh okay do you have a license to carry this thing wait what what is it a car well you know you have to license you you need to have a license to own an alpaca you know i don't he's my pet no this is a very illegal thing like this is worse than murder or burglary i gotta confiscate this from you i'm actually starting to get pissed off at you like this is a seriously like terrible offense you could go to court for this you can't do this yeah i can i'm a cop i can do whatever i'm taking the lava from you oh this is the worst day of my life i'm gonna miss you buddy so dad does this mean i could come back and live with the house whatever i don't care oh that's great dad but also can you please take back what you said about rather having the llama than me as a son it's an alpaca and no [Music]
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 301,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, sml parody jeffy, 2021
Id: FStpwEpUOE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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