SML Parody: Duggie The Human!

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Danny when's Mommy coming back Jeffy you know she's still recovering in the hospital I know I just miss her I know I miss her too but we can't just like live in the hospital we were with her for a whole week why can't we go visit her now I promise we'll visit her again tomorrow I promise oh my God he's gonna kill us he's gonna try to kill us again what I will try to kill you I don't remember doing anything like that we just got done recovering from you trying to kill us what yeah I tried to kill you yeah I do not remember uh actually a lot of people show I don't really remember I've been in like a bathtub full of great kool-aids for like a past week or so actually but I ran out I drank all of me how can you not remember what he did to us uh doggy you drowned me in that bathroom Kool-Aid and proceeded to drink it now mommy's in the hospital and I wasn't having to eat green beans every single day Mommy can make me SpaghettiOs so you're done rolling almost died she's still recovering Mario I'm sorry I've changed I swear I've changed no I don't believe it do not remember when you tried to kill us all right so doggy.exe you remember now yeah I did do all that I'm sorry but technically I've been stabbed Jeffy that's because you've tried to drown me in the bathtub full of Kool-Aid that you proceed to drink out of yeah that's nice oh quack quack quack quack you remember now doggy yeah I do remember that I was grounding you in the Kool-Aid but how did you even survive that I just pretended that I was drowning here you know breathing out my butthole you weighed out your what my butthole I also peed in your bathtub and you drank all that I drank the biggest yeah you deserve that you tried to kill all of us yeah so screw you but guys I'm sorry I promise that change is a part you don't gotta worry about that I miss the times that we had I want to move back in with you mommy oh God I mean I mean I I I guess I kind of do miss you having around but really yeah but you're evil now how can I trust you I'm not evil anymore Mario that's just what you gotta believe I'll show you be right back okay how's it going to prove it to us again don't let him go no uh let him go I'm like calling actresses yeah Daddy okay you're Jeffy Jeffy There's an actual sister on the way is there he's all tied up he's going to go oh my God you got it under control oh yeah Mario can you meet your son you're about to get exercised exercised no extra size it's like getting the demons removed from him extra fries some of that Popeyes please oh my God where's The Exorcist maybe somebody call on Exorcist ask for an exorcist not I don't want to pay for both oh don't worry about that we work as a package unit well crap I mean if that's the only option whatever I mean here's our friend Dougie he really needs exercise extra fries no shut up doggie give me McDonald's but I do not recommend doing the exorcism here you have like a garage or something it's going to get messy real messy I like the sound okay then I guess let's go to the garage all right Jeffy help me carry doggy yeah all right show me set them down set them down all right Dougie's set up Dougie all right the first thing that we need to throw this uh industrious experiment is a virgin lamb which is where you'll come into play what do you mean I need you to summon me a virgin alarm I'm coming right up I am blam here's a virgin lamb are you kidding me that is an alpaca that is not a lot shut up that is an alpaca not a lamb it looks similar don't they I guess it'll have to do all right we ready Doogie oh yeah he's ready not to worry about it talk all right you stay here while we do the exorcism in case anything you know freaky happens [Music] [Music] hey follow me all right you stay here if you are not doggy and you are down below I advise you to look out oh okay let's leave Jeffy what are you doing I'm getting a little bit jumpy it's been a while since I've done one of these all right the blessing uh may this virgin lap may this virgin alpaca his blood Bliss upon thee and radio of all demons the power of Christ compels you [Music] we should see the effects of the blood any second now [Music] wow oh man we're gonna get to monetized oh no we're not getting demonetized we're getting it on Devon attacks because we we got a demon oh my God thank you what who's Emma oh I didn't think that would work if you can run along now little boy hi oh hey Mario Jeffer what's good doggies not really you he's doggy you know your boy Dougie oh my God you're so different this is weird all right that's how I always been yeah he's not trying to kill us this is awesome and he's so respectful he's not asking about like colleagues or KFCs but I'm quiet about what showers are talking about uh nothing and there's also nothing going around all around here I'll be going upstairs should I go upstairs you guys got like drinks or something yeah we have like water is that good oh that's perfect thank you so much sir yeah of course Dougie come on Dougie follow us let's go yeah dang I can't believe how respectful he is I know I almost don't believe it this is insane I know oh is that I take off 10 years of your life it's a bit much isn't it couldn't you do like six or something that's a freaky number it was so weird you want to go to Chili's doggy how you doing look they got Modern Family on the TV Modern Family nice awesome show I know pretty good pretty good though wow doggy I mean you're such a nice guy like I I barely remember you ah man you don't gotta like float me with complimation all day I'm not the nicest person in the world oh wow I could be nice thanks for showing me that you know what I think I'm destined to do what some Community Services community community service what anyone hey you want to do community service yeah it sounds like a fun thing to do to help give back to the community that gave to me wow I mean you don't want like any KFC's or any great kool-aids or anything like that I don't want any of that maybe like play the coach law would be nice and a glass of water but other than that I am sick all right really there's a good food I don't know either you're always supposed to do community service you know for your your crimes so I mean we could track your hours and you could get that off your record oh that would be nice and I just want to get back to the communities okay okay yeah all right let's go just go outside and fire people yeah yeah okay is this a community service boys I'm about to do my community services I can't believe it and neither can I have finally about to do my community service what should I do first though Mario well I guess whatever's a service to the community no dip Danny ah but I don't know exactly what to do but yeah I guess we gotta just look around and all that oh my Lord Jesus this mom gets so big I got to carry it whoa what's that over there you see a little lady over there a little old lady little grandma she needs help moving up pumpkins I'm gonna go help him move her pumpkins oh she's moving all over the place trying to move that pumpkin all right I'll be right back that's nice of him what what you do with that pumpkin don't look oh God it's disgusting hello miss you yeah what's up Sony uh I was just gonna ask if you needed any help with moving these puppies yeah but forget this pumpkin I'm done with it but I appreciate that so much I got a couple more pumpkins over there wanna help me with those all right let's go let's worry about these here pokies they got more you know realistic size if you see what I'm trying to say yeah I see what you're trying to say all right you know what I I appreciate you so much for this you you're such a sweetheart I no problem Miss I'm just trying to do my community services oh my goodness like faith in this generation is restored yeah all right let's get a move on okay you're such a sweetheart wow look at you go oh let's go I need some like Christian music to listen to while I do this oh he working oh yeah get it Dougie oh yeah ah these problems is all done I can't believe you brought these heavier bucket all the way from all the way back there you son that's so nice of you I ain't no problem man I'm just doing my community services you know that and I tell you what you could come over grandma's house anytime you want I guess a little sugar from Grandma okay I might take you up on that Alpha you know cause I'm real sweet you can call me Aunt your mama all right well I'ma peace out now I hope you're good thank you I'll see you around peace Boyce we are ain't dungen good job with your community service how's that man I can't believe you helped out the old poor woman like that that was so nice of you yeah Mario yeah oh yes sir I was doing that easily just giving back to my communities well I mean you're already like 20 minutes in this community service yeah and guess what I think I'm about to go do some more no way yeah peace out there we gotta follow him come on yeah come on dang I think the problem here is that it broke all right looks like you you lose a little fix up if you know what I mean yeah I mean this car is pretty messed up they pretty missed them and man this is messed up messed up if you get what I'm saying I can repair this for free oh I appreciate that offer but I just noticed there's some bigger problems going on there's a toucan stuck in their tree oh my God you know what I gotta do I gotta save the 2K oh my God damn oh shoot little 2K you gotta fly home two can do it two can do it two cam two cam yeah that's what I'm talking about yeah it's load oh my goodness you made it home oh my God Doug you rescued that toucan hey you two two can do it and you know what I'm feeling boys what I'm feeling I come you wanted to service my own toes hit it [Music] [Applause] are you kidding me the nerve on some of these people anyway back to the mountains [Music] oh my God ducky even do community service all day yeah I have it's been like my work it hasn't been that much though I could do more Dougie we've been tracking you you've you've been going for eight hours eight hours really it's felt like much shorter than that actually you deserve a break and I don't really need a break it actually yeah I could use a break Mario yeah yeah there's more to life than community service yeah but I just don't know what I would do fat hoes Dougie penguin slang them you can get a girlfriend I guess oh a girlfriend yeah that sound about nice I'm gonna give me a nice Christian lady I'm gonna bring her home to YouTube okay then yeah that sounds like a great idea next time you see me I'm gonna have a pretty girl by my side thanks you too you two are the best all right knock your socks off all right that me up Mario dab you up that's what I'm talking about I see you boys on the flip side I ain't seeing Dougie this is still weird it's so weird but I'm so digging at this time later that same evening well I wonder if Dougie's really gonna come home with a woman better be some fat homes Danny hey what's hey what's up I'm the sad doggy guys a new girlfriend oh my name's dude if nice to meet all you oh dude she a nice cat leg woman she all y'all yeah she seems really respectable yeah all right I gotta thank you Mario I really do yeah as happy as I could ever be I'm so glad I'm so happy too I'm happy oh my God Tyrone I didn't think that you would be here I used a tracking device I have on your phone you know it's an app well not again in the car around I'm sorry what's the big deal here I'm trying to steal one of my hoes I didn't know that she was like take it huh that's hole number three what you try to steal her I did not try to steal her she told me when she was single were you ready to mingle oh you're about to catch these hands I know you're lying I don't wanna okay how dare you try steal who number three yeah hey I'm gonna go rock dog car now and you know what fool what you I'm about to beat this out of you all right bro you already know hey go back to which you came from food hey Mario how's it going Jeffer nice to see you that was just a one-time thing right like you're still a nice person I'm not an ad person anymore diet fat woke me up it woke me oh he hit me in the face that activated a different part of me that I never knew I ever hey wait what well and this is always what I've been at and I feel like I'm gonna get the KFC no no I need some [Music] [Music] no Kool-Aid [Music] no no no no [Music] [Music]
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 267,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, 2021
Id: R0EDgbpHwf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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