TINY vs GIANT PROP Hunt in Minecraft!

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guys today we're going to be doing a tiny versus giant prop hunt in Minecraft and does everyone have their prop potions yes I do I have it well that's good but you know first we have to decide who the first Seeker is going to be so the last one in the water is the Seeker go go go go oh n's L hey ooh it looks like we know who the Seeker is oh my gosh Nico you got to stay in the water and count to 20 okay fine okay go oh gosh we got to go I don't even know what I'm going to turn into yet Shady do you know nah bro I don't even know oh jeez I'm not really sure where we can go wait how far out here can I go is this a oh gosh guys there's a invisible wall here so we can't leave oh great oh jeez what am I going to turn into oh wait I see a sand block running around wait can I turn into one of these things time's up boom wait what oh jeez okay I need to put myself somewhere that's not obvious I'm going to just go right here I don't think Nico will be able to see me all right where are you guys nowhere uh hello don't worry about us Nico we're all props right now I know you guys are out there somewhere and remember Nico you only have 2 minutes to find us all so you better hurry all right I'm already going to use my first ability oh gosh wait what you have abilities yes what abilities I can make people glow for a second oh I see you guys wait I don't think he saw me where are you oh my goodness I have a feel like someone's a sand block that would be really good Nico please don't use your glowing ability again what sand block looks off right here H are you over here I'm using one of my TN yo n's using a TNT already I know there's a sand right here uh did you get anyone I don't know I'm just going to start hitting things oh gosh I'm going to find you guys somehow oh gosh Mia is that you Mia someone just say something I think I hear someone Nico nobody is near you what are you talking about dude I know there's something near me no okay fine fine fine stop hitting me no I got to get you all right you got me are you happy Nico you got to kill them for them to be caught oh no stop it I don't want to die you're gone you're taking a really long n oh my gosh all righty I'm going for the next person and I'm using my glowing again I feel like I just saw someone turn into a human over there no hey I see someone splashing the potion I got to go I got to go I see Zoe getting taken over there Zoe get over here wait who is that that just ran past yo I see another drink over here shady is that you maybe oh jeez Zoe get over here no no o that's tough you know what I have two more glowing left Nico it says time remaining 1 minute well it's fine because I already eliminated two people and wait I think I see two people over here um no you don't uh I'm placing a de right here give me out give me out give me out I see you I see you hey hey what are you doing hey what are you doing cash hey nothing I can see right there you're not slick sh got um Nico we can talk this out we can talk this out get out here you're going to die no I'm not Nico you only got like 30 seconds dude come on oh hey why you joking me you missed me you missed me no no no no no you're gone you're gone you're gone hey there's a wall N I can't believe Nico actually beat us yo you still got to get Shady dude shady I know you're here somewhere oh 20 seconds yo he's dancing he's dancing over there hey Shady shady I see you as a block over there no way he's got 10 seconds left I don't think he's going to get him in time Shady Nico time's about to be up dude no let me through the wall Ain't No Way Ain't No Way Ain't No Way hi Shady he's invincible and it looks like time's up Shady wins the first round gosh let me be the Seeker I want to be the Seeker next round all right let's hop straight into it and now we are in the next round and this map is giant you see the last one was kind of tiny but this one is ginormous wait Shady what is that yeah check this out it makes me huge boom wow no way well Shady you got to go count in the corner while we can hide okay I'm going to be fancy like Denny's okay guys we got to go go I'm out of here I'm not really sure where I'm going to hide but I think I have a really good idea I just have to try and not die while jumping down here wait is that the miner the miner's here well I guess you got to hide from Shady Shady's about to be done counting dude we got to go oh this is genius right here this is my strategy Nico hey no no no no really bro no get get out this is my spot hey Nico move there we go nah shady is not going to catch us over here Nico this is a Godlike spot Ready or Not Here I Come Oh gosh Miner get into a block or something dead you know what I'm going to make myself huge oh jeez I see Shady walking around oh gosh where are you you'll never know Shady H let's see which one of these blocks looks weird uh-oh I think Zoe's up there I'm not really sure though hello zo what are you doing I don't know where to go oh what is that no yo oh no yo cash what are you doing cash what are you doing so I see that one and I see this little guy right here you moved me you moved me give me thanks for distracting him Zoe come here buddy never where are you nowhere I see you in there but I'll let you have a little freebie oh gosh this is terrifying I'll let you have a little freebie for now but I'm going to go look for some other people people bro can I jump on his table come on bro oh gosh oh gosh we got to go we got to go I'm praying that he did not see me right there I see you oh gosh no you don't you know what I'm going to give the people a glowing effects okay no don't do that don't do that oh I see some little people over Shady get away Shady get away get away get away I'm turning back to human no what's up little bro uh-oh well you can't catch me nah n I'm going to give you another little freebie okay okay I'm going back over to where Mia is Mia stay away from me you're going to get me caught I'm not going to get you caught you're going to get me caught you've literally been found twice oh yeah yeah I see him again over there well I have an idea Shady you're going to regret giving me those freebies because I'm going to hide in the greatest spot you've ever seen known to man okay just give me one second let me get to it first okay this is actually a really goated spot wait hold on I might have a really good idea what if I go right here I do this can I go in here and Shady what did you see with that glowing effect you didn't see anything did you no I saw something for sure I don't know what you saw but whatever you were seeing is not it I saw something for sure in these little treats over here in the little treats what do you mean let me put a little block over here I think something's in here I don't know what you're talking about Shady there's nothing in the little tree oh somebody's in here I know it I don't know what you're talking about no one's in here somebody's in here cash I'm still in that first spot we were in this is overpowered OU Nico just gave his his position away uh no Shady actually leave me I think I'm going use my glowing effect on him oh you're done I can't believe Shady actually got away from [Music] me no come here bro you're dead no no no no no you know that was your final glowing effect so you can't use anymore yeah that's fine I don't know if it's fine cuz you're not going to catch me no more I'm running away from Shady where are you guys don't worry about it Nico I want to lead him to you oh I got the most goated spot in the world I think I'm chilling Shady hurry up time's a ticken he only has one TNT left I'm pretty sure ah I just exploded Nico Nico that's tough I know time remaining 30 seconds nah Shady you got 30 seconds dude oh it's over I told you giving me those freebies was not going to be worth it I think Mia is near here stop it you're going to hit me for some odd reason she's in here oh jeez please tell me I can win this round please please please please please can the timer go down faster I'm not on top of the table I'm more of a Decor what well you know tables have patterns I'm sure he'll find me or not no when M what are you talking about oh gosh you got 10 seconds wait why is Shady right there hello I know there's somebody in here you don't know where I am I moved where are you you're not going to catch me I'm on the other side Shady hey hey Shady bye come here bro wait is the time not up yo you can't kill me in time where's my weapon bro I got a wood block You Can't Kill Me In Time Shady oh oh look at the screen we won wait Mia where were you I'm hiding on the table oh well let's go it's time for the next round okay well since me and Mia both won I think we should get to decide who gets to be the Seeker for this round I want to be the Seeker okay fine I want to be The Hider let's go and I have a trick up my sleeve this round you guys are not ready for it what kind of trick you got Nico I guess we'll see one two oh gosh she's counting already Miner we got to go wait who turned me into a slab really N I got to turn into something else give me something good come on wait I think I know what I'm going to be I'm just going to go all the way up here and now all I have to do is turn into this boom guys I got the most goated spot in the world oh yes sir Min are you having trouble down there dude don't spoil my spot look thank you Mia just so you know you are doomed Ready or Not Here I Come Oh gosh Miner I have a feeling the miner is going to get caught first let's go and works wait what niik what are you doing I can hear you wait Nico got banned for going in spectator mode Nico what did you try doing oh gosh you tried hacking guys I think I'm disqualified nah Mia that means you just got to find me Zoe shady and the minor now oh that should be pretty simple H Mia what are you looking at those bookshelves have nothing inside of them oh so you're nearby uh I don't know what you're talking about I'm not near anywhere huh oh gosh you got 40 seconds you're kidding right nah Mia is not going to find anyone did you forget that you have abilities also wait I have abilities wait wait wait okay okay I'm going to use one of them you have three TNT and three glowing things let me use the glowing stuff oh boy this is not going to be good is it Mia you don't have to use that you know all right and Boop uhoh somebody's there oh jeez someone's right there I think that's a miner I can't Mia are you killing him oh and you got him all right there's probably 20 seconds left let's do it again uhoh who's this how did she not see me just now did she find Zoe Zoe you're a book come on Mia you have 20 seconds left just so you know all righty and let's just Boop uh who's up here you didn't see anything I don't know what you saw Mia you didn't see nothing Mia you didn't see nothing oh you got 10 seconds oh come here come here come here come here come here you're never going to get me which way you going which way you going nowhere stop let's go MIA look 2 plus 2 equals fish and we win Shady where were you at look up up where okay cold cold warm kind of warmer this way this way cold freezing cold freezing War warmer warmer Shady I'm guessing you're on top of these bookshelves no I'm on top of the slabs up here look I'm a book wait what I couldn't even see that you can't even really see me guys I'm like up here oh that was a really smart place actually I see it now well it's time to move to the next round all right guys now that Nico's disqualified that makes my job a lot easier uhhuh so I'm going count to 10 and after that I'm going ruthless mode none of y'all are surviving Against Me 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 before I go seeking I'm actually going to use this admin tool and make myself ginormous so let's turn myself huge boom okay that is perfect now I can see the entirety of this arcade I got three TNTs and three glowing effects to use and you know what I'm going to use one of my glowing effects now boom oh I see three dots okay okay well there's two right there and one right there I think I'm going to go for this one down here who did I see over here you're going to need a TNT for me oh really so save it how do you know my spot's pretty DB I know someone's around here somewhere is someone hiding back there hello I'm not really sure where you guys are hiding struggling are we cash no I'm not struggling oh gosh time remaining 1 minute oh this is not good all right well I'm going to find one of y'all wait who do I just see moving Zoe I gotta go I got to go I see you Zoe go did you just hi Zoe you're tiny how did you think you could make that wait I heard Mia here as well hold on what if I use another glowing effect boom wait she's not here oh there's one there and one there hey who's in the claw machine I know someone's in there Mia are you in there no don't break it use the TNT you cheater I'll be using the TNT I'm just trying to get a little closer to you oh gosh Mia I could see you glowing in here bow well then how's that bang hey yes where you at I see you down there Mia it's over hold on hold on hold on hold on one moment I'm just going to watch this let's see her get down she had the same fate as Zoe that's so sad Mia I hope that you oh gosh I have 25 seconds I got to focus on Shady yo Shady where you at dude oh I'm actually uh chilling right now oh gosh I need to turn myself small so I could find him boom okay there we go that's perfect now I'm like twice my size instead of quadruple I got to use my final glowing potion boom nah you threw it the wrong way bro wait what do you mean oh shady I saw you though I saw you for like a split second where you at dude are you one of these blocks no I don't know dude I feel like you're around here somewhere oh oh I found you I'm running I'm running how are you so fast Shady get back here no Shady got the dub are you serious right now bro I'm a little stone block oh my goodness well I guess since Shady one we got to go to the next round let's go all right zo you ready to be the Seeker now sure am and you guys are going to lose yo why is the miner here dude Miner you wanted to play okay fine you can play Shady why'd you turn us all into dirt blocks dirt blocks okay I'm going to count oh gosh they always going to count we got to go go run I'm running quick who is this dirt block next to me okay well help me find a good hiding spot Zoe is not going to be able to find any of us if we hide here I think this is a good idea wait Shady Mia I had the funny idea what if we all just hide next to each other I mean I'm going to hide at the little prop stands I'm at a porta okay well you know what minor I say we go to Shady come on let's go how are you so fast okay I feel like this spot is really goated I'm probably going to use this Zoe are you already seeking I sure am okay well I just got the most goated spot in the world so good luck finding me oh gosh I can't find anyone this place is huge yeah I don't think you're going to be able to unless you use those glowing potions you got zo zoy Miner get off no get away from oh my goodness The Miner really just stole my spot oh boy okay I had to use a potion this is hard no no no no wait don't use it don't use it she's going to make us glow no uh-oh I see someone I got Mia I think Mia's dead minor I can't believe you stole my spot Zoe we're nowhere to be found and we're not next to each other at all you promise no what nothing Miner keep it down what if I put some TNT over here I don't even know where you are to be honest you don't yeah you're nowhere near us so you're not next to this oh okay Miner stop moving dude always going to come down and see you why does a stone block just fall right here you guys come here often Zoe how'd you even find us Zoe it was so easy I calculated all the blocks G now I'm stuck spectating did you find Shady yet no he's the last one oh well you want a hint yeah I want a hint he's on that side wait that one over there yeah you might want to turn shant and go over there no really you got 30 seconds sorry Shady I spoiled your position why would you do that because I know she's not going to catch you in time go go go go go go go nah Shady you got this oh boy how do I get up there you kind of gave her a poopy hint I don't know which exact block he is but I know he's somewhere over here I'm going to have to use a glowing effect again I forgot you still have those things oh jeez M he's up there are you going to catch him Zoe you're not going to catch him I see him I see him get him oh Shady where' he go he moved you don't know where he went no Zoe how do you not see him he's right there oh God he's nowhere to be found don't worry about it I see him he already won dang Zoe I was hiding in Freddy Fazbear nah he was a brown poopy block okay guys The Miner said he really wanted to seek so I guess this is kind of a bonus round he really wants to play with us yeah okay we'll hide from you but you got to go to the corner and count to 10 yeah turn around okay well you guys ready where's Zoe Burger nah Shady you did not turn into a burger you turned me into a table I'm not really sure what I want to hide as I think I'm going to go hide over here though wait this might be a perfect one uh-oh this is not what I wanted to turn into you know what I'm going to turn into this boom oh that's perfect and now the miner still counting I'm going to go camp over here I got to run though why is this map so small uh-oh don't tell me he's out already who is this person next to me are you the toilet paper Zoe we do not belong in the playhouse these are two items that do not belong oh gosh Min CH I'm a toilet paper on the loose get me out a no way the miners actually winning this was I the first one out as long as I stay very still no way Zoe still alive as a burger right now minor look for the burgers you got 1 minute dude totally not in a normal I'm in a normal spot yeah yeah totally wait Zoe what do you mean you're not in a normal spot wait no go you got my SP Zoe oh oh jeez oh jeez I think I ruined everything for her why you ruin it no no no no the miner's a green wool and Zoe's dead Shady me what you is doing oh gosh the miner's chasing you guys oh yall are so dead I don't know what to do I don't know what to do I don't know ow ow nah now it's just Shady Shady the miner's looking around for you right now I'll give him a hint I went back into the play place Miner no no don't chase Shady down now um I think I know exactly which one shady is Miner get him yeah oh gosh oh jeez oh jeez you're not getting out of that shady he's blocking the door you're not ooh looks like the toast Miner won congrats dude if you want to watch more videos from us then click what on your screen right now and also don't forget to subscribe subscribe bye guys bye bye
Channel: Cash
Views: 872,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, TINY vs GIANT PROP Hunt in Minecraft!
Id: oAx3zUrvSns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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