SML Movie: Jeffy Sleepwalks [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] okay jeffy it's time to go to bed so let's put your pjs on but i don't want to put my ping james on daddy i want to sleep with my big boy plants see i got my big boy pranks on i got my diaper on well jeffy i would let you sleep in your big boy pants but every single time you sleep in your big boy pants you end up pooping them so if you can promise me that you won't poop them i'll let you sleep in them you know you want jeffy you get to sleep in it get the sleep but you want to poop your pants you have to sleep in it dying squashing what's your fault you're the one who pooped your pants you're gonna sleep in it all night my daddy i'm not tired i'm not raining going yet jeffy it's 10 o'clock at night you have to go to bed oh can i play my cowboy no jeffy knock my hat off jeffy no you have to go to bed but i want cereal you're not gonna get cereal until the morning jeffy i want fruit loaf you're not gonna get fruit loops until the morning when mel in the morning jeffy jeffy just go to bed okay jeffy i'm gonna turn off the light okay all right daddy oh wait jeffy what what's wrong not that you just screamed jeffy no i didn't i heard you scream i didn't scream daddy i just just don't scream jeffy jesus what's wrong nothing jeffy i i heard you scream again i'm not screaming daddy just jeffy please go to bed jeffy stop it stop what screaming i'm not screaming dad that's not me jeffy i know it's you just stop it it's not me daddy jeffy i saw your mouth through that time no damn daddy stop lying stop screaming and go to bed at night i'm not screaming guys so it's not you no okay okay it's not you okay knock it off jeffy stop it stop screaming i'm not ready stop it jeffy my dad is too dark in here i need my nightline no you don't need your nightlight jeffy you're a big boy but daddy yes i don't want the boogeyman comes and gets me you don't have to worry about the boogeyman jeffy because the boogeyman doesn't go after kids who poop their pants the boogeyman doesn't go after kids with poopy pets no no no the boogeyman does not like poop he doesn't like kids that poop their pants he doesn't go after them one guy because he thinks poop's gross so you don't have to worry about it bogeyman doesn't want you well the boogeyman's never going to get me oh god jeffy jeffy i mean boogeyman loves poop he goes up and put whatever toy yeah i know i heard it just go to bed jeffy what a nightmare yeah no we didn't do it jay jeffy you you you you you you die what what did you do with my cat piano i i i ate it why are you doing that jeffy just go to bed but i want to know why you ate my cat piano daddy are you really down hungry jeffy just please just go to sleep but but why would you eat my cat piano and daddy why wouldn't you get your own cat piano oh wow why won't you eat out because you're the only one that's annoying me with a cat piano at 10 o'clock at night go to sleep but dad i'm trying if you do not go to sleep i'm going to staple your eyelids shut why are you doing that daddy first you eat my cat pan and then you want to stable my island shot don't have bad jeffy every night with this every night with this [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] name ball no oh i found it [Music] why is that all right and got me a ball this time you make me a ball [ __ ] now i need to melt [Music] oh there's a little bit more all right [Music] a nice bone oh no one what i'm going to take this by with me [Music] oh man this morning that was a good sleep is jeffy awake is he dead is he finally dead [Music] nope nope my nightmare continues i took my morning poop daddy yeah i know i heard you go make breakfast you want to change me oh man make some breakfast what happened what happened here froot loops jeffy yesterday did you make this mess in the kitchen jeffy no wait jeffy don't lie to me i oh ding so jeffy you don't think so all last night you said you wanted froot loops and look froot loops all over the kitchen oh that that wasn't me dad i don't even like fruit you don't even like fruit loops no i like cheerios you said you were you said you wanted fruit look last night jeffy and look froot loops all over the kitchen you did it i didn't cheyenne day i said i wanted cheerios jeffy did you make this mess or not do not lie to me no no no no not me done you didn't do it nope hey look what a trail of fruit loops okay but let's follow let's see where they go i don't know why we're doing that today let's follow him come on let's go follow this trail well would you look at that jeffy the trail of fruit loops goes to our room why'd you do that daddy i didn't do that you did that jeffy i ain't doing it let's keep following it let's keep following see where it goes oh look big surprise jeffy the froot loops lead to your bed why'd you eat froot loops in my bed daddy i did not eat fruit in your bedroom you did that i didn't do that somebody must have planted that there because that's not me no i would plant that jeffy you woke up in the middle of the night and tried to make some fruit loops and made a big mess that didn't ever didn't tell me i ain't doing that you johnny yes you did just just don't make any more messes but i didn't see myself doing daddy what what no jeffy just don't make any more messes or you're or you're or you're in trouble jeffy just don't make any more messes oh okay so jeffy says he didn't make a mess in the kitchen well guess what if he tries to get up in the middle of the night i'll catch him with this camera okay jeffy it's time to go to bed i'm not gonna find another mess in the kitchen am i done no it's not me yes it was jeffy i found fruit loops in your bed it was you no one wasn't dying well you know what i better not find a mess in the morning okay because if you do i hit cameras around the house so i will find out whatever you're saying daddy just go to bed jeffy [Music] jeffy you're supposed to sleep in your bed jeffy not my bed well i understand when you die no you're supposed to sleep in your bed jeffy not mine jeffy did you get up in the middle of the night no are you sure yeah well let's go check jeffy because guess what i hid cameras so come on let's go check the cameras yes donnie look what you did i i didn't do that yes you did jeffy you're the only person that would do that why'd you do that that was not me oh it's not you nope let's check the camera then jeffy cameras okay jeffy let's check the security camera footage what kind of tv show is this guy it's not a tv show jeffy i hit cameras around the apartment and if you show up on this footage you're in so much trouble trouble yes trouble what is that that's you jeffy that's you right there on camera that's what i mean dying jeffy you're the only person that spanked their diaper no i'm not chubby oh let's see what you do let's see what you do in the footage what are you doing jeffy i don't know who that is daddy why are you doing that that's you jeffy no it's not oh hold on there's a living room let's see if you mess it up so you're telling me you didn't mess up the living room no i ain't touching oh you didn't touch it then what are you doing right there on camera jeffy that's not me but that is you so you did back to the living room jeffy you're in trouble jeffy he's gonna get a spanking on his butt you're gonna get a speaker of your butt you're messing with the living room i think that's not me you just you mess up the camera [Music] you're double grounded what's grounding daddy crowded means no toy no tv no fun things jeffy because you're a bad boy [Music] okay bye you're not grounded you're not you're you're you're not you're not grounded if you help me clean up the living room um i'll just take the grounded option down no you help me clear the living room okay jeffy the last two nights you made big messes and i caught you on camera so you cannot deny it so you're gonna go to bed and if i find you making another mess in the morning you're grounded i'm gonna take away your helmet no toys no diaper no nothing you're gonna be like locked in a closet you get me but but no no no no no butt daddies okay you're gonna go to bed and you're not gonna get up you're not gonna make a mess or anything okay well i didn't see myself doing i caught you on camera jeffy go to bed go to bed [Music] okay jeffy's not going to get up anymore i gotta sleep in peace [Music] jeffy get back here jeffy stop it go back to bed jeffy he's sleepwalking he's been sleepwalking the whole time oh man i feel so bad i've been yelling at him i'm not supposed to wake a sleepwalker but i'm i'm gonna wake him up because he's making messes like jeffy wake up oh one day i'm i'm not sleeping daddy what yes yes you were jeffy you were slave walking you could open your eyes now stay walking yeah sleepwalking it's where you walk around while you're asleep and i mean you you can't really control your actions so i'm sorry for yelling at you earlier i'm just i didn't know you were sleepwalking oh um well i'm not sleeping daddy i i've just been trying to see what i can do with my eyes closed like i was making a bowl of cereal with my eyes closed i tried cleaning the living room with my eyes closed did i do a good job daddy daddy daddy's still there where are you going daddy wanna go you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 730,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, jeffy, sleepwalks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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