SML Movie: Jeffy Loses His Arms [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] hey um daddy don't get mad but i lost my arms ah jeffy you did not lose your arms yes i did daddy i was putting on my shirt and my arms ran away jeffy your arms did not run away they're inside your shirt i can see them no they're not danny i already looked jeffy look what is that what's my prep daddy oh that's your pee pee yep then why does your pee have four fingers so i can put none in the pink and four in the stink what i'm punching butt daddy jeffy just take your arms out of your shirt my arms aren't in my shirt daddy it's my beeping jeffy your arms are inside your shirt and that is your arm no it's not daddy's my creepy you know what jeffy okay fine you want to be stupid i bet you 100 that you can't go the whole day without using your arms or your hands oh that'll be easy daddy because i don't have arms you wanna shake on it no no jeffy i'm not gonna shake on it but look if you go the whole day without using your arms i'll give you a hundred dollars but it's not gonna happen all right daddy pass me the remote jeffy okay oh fine oh okay that works but you're gonna have a hard time going throughout the day without using your arms or your hands no i won't daddy but i'll be right back i'm gonna go bathroom i got poop [Music] what am i gonna do i can't use my arms oh i know all right guy i'm all done well jeffy how did you wipe boy jeffy what's that all over your face chocolate okay jeffy doesn't look like chocolate cake looks like poop what's chocolate cake daddy i promise where'd you find chocolate cake at jeffy in your bathroom there's no way you found chocolate cake in the bathroom yes i did daddy well then i'ma go check all right and go check there is chocolate cake why is there chocolate cake in the bathroom oh hey donkey so it was you ate my chocolate cake no shrek i didn't eat your stupid chocolate cake well someone did donkey and i'm gonna get to the bottom of this right after i take my massive crap i guess there was chocolate cake see danny i told you well did you still use the bathroom yeah and my pants why would you go with your pants jeffy because i didn't want to twirl into getting dirty daddy well that's what the toilet's used for jeffy just what are you going to be potty trained crayon daddy does this mean that when i start driving i'm going to get pulled over more why would you get pulled over more because i don't have any arms and i won't be able to drive so good no jeffy because you still have arms they're in your shirt hold on jeffy i'm gonna go see who that is uh hello catch oh you didn't catch it what was that for oh you're on the hit tv show can you catch that yeah we go door to door throwing balls at people and if they catch it they win 50 thousand dollars i know about this show i watch it all the time it's a popular show i can't believe i missed my chance sorry you're just a loser can't please have a second chance please nah sorry we can't let the same person try twice hey dang i cleaned all the chocolate off oh hi jeffy oh does your son want to try oh oh give me one second jeffy okay okay please look you could win 50 000 all you have to do is catch that football and you get fifty thousand dollars can you do it ah no ah no jeffy no i didn't take your arms out of your shirt i don't have any arms daddy look chubby please take your arms out of the shirt so you can catch the football ah is your kid gonna try and not oh ah yeah just give it a try all right go along kid all right oh my god you got it you got it you got it you uh actually not quite wait what uh you see for the second part of the show you gotta catch the check and if you don't catch the check it bounces wait wait wait so we don't get the money unless he catches that check yeah he's got to catch the check oh can i catch the check no it's got to be him the no armed kid all right you ready kid jeffy please i'll do anything please try your hardest to try to catch that check please we need that fifty thousand dollars try to catch that check please oh oh he's ready all right here you go kid [Music] i'm sorry daddy i tried the ketchup sorry you didn't catch it no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no please don't take it please don't take it i'm sorry all right cameraman let's go try the neighbors we're dang i tried to catch you i'm sure you get it no you didn't try to get it jeffy you literally blew it well i tried to catch it daddy like no jeffy you did not try to catch it jeffy why couldn't you take your arms out of your shirt for five seconds to catch that check i don't have any arms daddy plus you bet me a hundred dollars jeffy you could have won fifty thousand dollars if you would have caught that check i'm a man of my word daddy oh jeff you're so stupid oh my god okay i'm hungry right now you're hungry you're not full of eating all that chocolate cake what chocolate okay jimmy the child will get you in the bathroom you know you know what you don't have any arms so why don't you go make yourself something to eat i want to see you do that well all right daddy oh another time to make me a bowl of cheerios well how am i going to get the cheerios in the bowl well i think i know oh i need another bowl hold on [Music] oh i guess i'll just eat it off the floor then i just need to add some milk whoa time to eat but that's gonna be mine hey daddy jeffy you're done eating yup what'd you eat cherry oak oh i guess you just ate them out of the box yeah let's go with that ah well jeffy i have nothing else to do tonight so i guess i'm just gonna go wash my balls all right daddy you gotta keep them clean okay i'm almost done almost done and done okay i think all my balls are clean now okay now let me just go get ready for bed let me lock the front door oh just gotta lock the front door what happened to my window did somebody break in freeze right there you being wrong oh please don't kill me look you can take whatever you want just please don't kill me i'm gonna tuck everything in your house and i'm gonna shoot you if you don't stop screaming jeffy one daddy call number one call 911. you're asking the door hurry up okay daddy i ain't going 9-1-1 daddy's in trouble i'm trying daddy i wish i had arms please don't kill me please don't kill me i'm gonna take everything you got and i think i'm gonna injure you right now for all that yapping you've been tuned no please don't kill me hey catch oh you didn't catch it wait what's going on oh we're part of a new tv show called can you catch that while being robbed at gunpoint uh we got jeremiah yeah we got you pretty good oh so i don't win anything no no sorry you didn't catch it darn it yeah it's too bad but you know what you've been a good sport so i'm going to give you a free 20 gas card okay i mean i guess i guess that is pretty good i just missed my second chance yeah it's too bad [Music] you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 702,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, jeffy, loses, his, arms
Id: rDi_icw--yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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