SML Movie: Jeffy Gets Captured [2024]

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Jeffy what are you doing I'm in my lion costume daddy a lion doesn't go well this one does Jeffy look take your costume off it's not Halloween no D I just want you to put it on you make sure it was scary is it scary no it's not scary Jeffy well I bet if I ate someone's face off it'd be scary Jeffy you're not Jeffrey dmer you're a lion well my name's Jeffy Ju Just just go outside Jeffy all right daddy we I'm playing at the playground with my pencil no shoes and my pants are down this is a good day oh Jesus Christ is a lion so baby yeah Marvin jeffy's outside and we're all alone oh so I was thinking maybe I can give you a full body massage okay Marvin I see where this is going see what it leads to sick you're sick you're just sick I Got You Marvin that's disgusting let's do it again no the news is on so watch the news breaking news a lion has escaped from the local zoo and attacked a child at a park we have an exclusive interview with the child now let's go to that so I was at the park with my favorite pencil that I always bring with me to the park and then suddenly a lion attacked me and I stabbed him in the nose wow truly terrify if you've seen this lion please call 911 immediately there's a $10,000 reward for anyone who finds him Morin there's a lion on the loose and jeffy's outside you have to go get him okay I'll go get him oh thank God Jeffy there you are you have to go inside right now there's a lion on the loose don't you yell at me Jeffy get inside Jeffy knock it off oh good Marvin you found Jeffy yeah but he won't stop acting like a lion wow Jeffy your roar's gotten really good Jeffy just go to your room Jeffy what did he do Marvin he clawed open the couch Jeffy you're not a real lion you can't do that yeah Jeffy go cut your fingernail oh it's going to cost so much money to fix the couch all right World hear me roar roar hey what's going on got you you little bastard don't worry everybody I caught the lion where are you taking me what a talking lion no no no no I think I still have some of those brownies in my system come on let's go put put you down ooh baby yeah ooh I love the way that feels oh I'm almost there hey SHP what are you doing Junior I'm beating my meat oh leave me alone let me beat it in peace I could help Cody I know how to beat my meat by myself okay leave me alone I could use my mouth just get out of here get out of here SC you little brats god what happened to my meat who took my meat Junior what's wrong Chef peipe what did you guys do with my meat well we didn't do anything with it you wouldn't let me help look I was beating my meat then you guys came in there and bother me now it's gone well I'm sorry for interrupting but I can help you get it back up yeah help me get it back all right whip it out no no no no not that I'm talking about my steak steak what steak oh my God God Cody Marvin what's wrong Chef peipi have you guys seen my meat what seen your meat yes it's big and floppy I was just beating it in the kitchen what no we haven't seen your meat come on now somebody seen it cuz somebody grabbed it now tell me who grabbed it I didn't grab your meat did you grab it no I didn't grab your meat I know you grabbed it you look like you grabbed meat come on now no I did not grab your meat baby you grabbed his meat I didn't grab his meat now I wouldn't blame you if you wanted a taste of it what what no we didn't taste it look tell me who grabbed it and I'll give you a taste of it I promise what no no I'm going to call the cops you're being perverted Chef peipi what being perverted I'm just talking about my steak steak yes wait wait look he has it Jeffy you ate Chef peipe steak or give it back get my meat out your mouth give it up sorry Chef peipe yeah that's my meat don't touch my meat no more Jeffy you know you're grounded for taking Chef pee's meat come on all right Jeffy lay down and go to sleep it's past your bedtime anyway hey you better calm down you're lucky I'm letting you wear your line costume to bed go to sleep so Marvin did you get Jeffy to bed yeah but he was fighting it so we're alone again yeah do you want to give me another back massage oh no I'm not going to fall for that again miss toots Columbo well come on Marvin how about if I give you a back massage okay that's what I'm talking about okay lay down hey Marvin look up real quick what I can't believe you fell for that I'm leaving you I'm leaving you the news is on look the [Music] news breaking news M the lion that escaped from the zoo has been found since the animal attacked someone he has been deemed too dangerous to keep alive he has being euthanized by firing squad tomorrow on pay-per-view thank God they caught that line before it hurt someone my eyes are so itchy what's wrong Marvin my eyes are itchy oh my God your eyes are pink they're pink why would they be pink I don't know maybe you caught something call the doctor okay I'm going call a doctor hey there somebody call a very happy doctor why are you so happy because I caught the lion you lion no no I'm not Hey listen here okay it was on the news there was proof the C he paid me to catch that lion okay I don't appreciate you calling me a liar because I caught the lion and it's going to be executed tomorrow morning by firing squad on pay-per-view anyway why'd you call me because my eyes are pink H well that could be caused by one of two things either you've been having some of those special brownies I make or you got pink eye what's pink eye it's when you get [ __ ] in your eye what yeah you get some feal particles in your eye and it makes them all red and itchy what feal particles yeah you know dooo what how would dooo get my eye well I don't know uh I guess sometimes when you're wiping your butt you know and your finger breaks through the toilet paper you get some poo poo on your finger and then you rub your eye and then you know you get pain who would do that you apparently no that's not what I did what could it happen from someone farting in your face yeah but why would that ever happen what if your wife did it to you twice what oh my god did did she do that it was a prank yeah she fart right in my face no no no do you want to press charges I would like to yeah cuz she fought right in my face it was wet and stinky it was funny if my wife did that to me they would make a Netflix documentary about what I did I would kill her what you listen how do I fix the pink eye well I could give you some uh you know some antibiotic eye drops but I don't have those on me so you'd have to go to a pharmacy you like Walgreens or CVS or Walmart Pharmacy or Mart is that still a thing I don't think they Hades when they were around so don't go there okay so what do I do well just don't let her fart on you again but definitely get that looked at so itchy sorry you gave me pink eye I'm sorry all right everyone my meat is ready who wants to taste it oo I'll try it all right baby while you taste his meat I'm going to go ask Jeffy if he's hungry cuz he hasn't ate anything for dinner okay Jeffy are you hungry Jeffy listen there's a steak in there if you want to eat some okay mister for raising your voice at me now you have to eat green beans so come on come on baby I'm going to go feed Jeffy green beans cuz he talked back to me how was Chef Pip's meat oh it was really good nice and juicy wait there's no bite taken out of the steak Chef peipi strikes again oh you Chef peee why I ought to I'm going to go feed Jeffy green beans Jeffy stop chewing on the table I got you a big old plate of green beans so eat up that is it mister you are so grounded come on baby I'm sorry Marvin it won't ever happen again what no no no Jeffy threw his plate of green beans on the ground Marvin he always does that well I'm sick of it so you're grounded Jeffy and also I found out that Jeffy has homework oh but why don't you help him with it Marvin okay Jeffy I'll help you with your homework okay what is the estimate of 3.5 96 plus 2.4 anyway Jeffy you're the one in school not me you're the one has to do this homework so do it Jeffy don't you bad bad oh he bit my head he bit my head let go let go he bit my head oh my God Marvin your hand looks horrible you need to call the doctor jimy I might press charges on you now that you're 18 you might go to jail oh my God my hand hurts so bad I'm going call a doctor I'm call to go hey somebody call a doctor my hand hey you are not going to raise your voice in me sir okay we're going to use our inside voices like a now tell me what happened my hand Jesus Christ look at your hand what happened oh my God has anybody seen his hand my son bit my hand what your son did that yeah that's not your son that's a lion he's just in a lion costume huh how about that wow that is a really realistic lion costume where'd he get it Spirit Halloween no he did not get that at a Spirit Halloween no if you don't want to tell me just say so listen what am we going to do about my hand man that's pretty torn up you want to press charges yeah cuz he didn't even say he was sorry that looks pretty bad you might need stitches it heart's really bad hold on hold on I'm having a flashback here H oh my God what I just remembered I didn't wash my hands after I wiped e I'm going to get pink eye now don't wipe that on me hey you already have pink eye what are you kidding that's gross wait wait wait I'm having another thought huh that lion I caught was in your front yard you lion [ __ ] I already told you that it was on the news there's proof okay what were you talking about what were you talking about I damn it I forgot you you were saying something try to remember back okay hold on stinky fingers pink ey wiped it on you interrupting cow you said there's a lion in my front yard yes yes the lion I caught was in your front yard and he could talk you lion hey okay I I'll kill you noen you said okay you said a lion could talk Lions can't talk well this lion could talk hold on make your lion talk Jeffy say hi say what's up he can't talk H this lion can't talk but the lion I caught said he wasn't a lion so he wasn't lion huh Maybe maybe he wasn't lying maybe he really wasn't a lion maybe I caught your son and if I caught your son then that means oh what do we do I don't know man the only lion I ever caught was your son and he came quietly I don't want to die come on think of something think of something H I have an idea oh man that is some good catnip I can see why cat love it so much oh Marvin Marvin look at the lion he he's just lying around he's not a lion he's a h because he is suited out of his goddamn mine mans is stuck oh man this is great but we got to stop doing this to fix some problems wait wait I got to go save Jeffrey before he's executed by firing squad tomorrow morning and I got to take the lying with me hey hey wake up buddy uh he's not waking up okay okay come on come on hey Marvin I saved Jeffy just in the nick a time too they were about to blow his head off yeah I felt like I was in Call of Duty good that that was good wait you guys ain't cting ni without me help yourself today was a wacky day Wee wa Joseph just went down the slide dude this is the best slide ever okay I'm about to slide down it do it Junior hey guys can I go down this slide uh I don't know how you would you're in a wheelchair Junior I'm just being honest there's no ramp for him to get up here well you guys can pick me up and push me down the that pick you up I'm not the world's strongest man I can't pick up your wheelchair Junior I'm being honest that wheelchair probably weighs like 300 lb look if God wanted you to plan on this jungle gem he wouldn't have put you in a wheelchair Junior why are you being so mean I'm not being mean I'm just being real look you can watch me go down the the flag no oh my God my leg my leg ATO oh my God ow well kid it looks like you broke your leg from falling on the playground so I recommend you stay in this wheelchair for a few weeks I don't want to be in a dumb wheelchair hey it's not all bad you know you can have people push you around you can go down Hills really fast hey you like a Transformer Autobots roll out you know that noise this is dumb cheer up kid guys I don't want to be in this stupid wheelchair well Junior this is karma for you making fun of that kid in the wheelchair on the playground what's Karma it's the stuff that go on apples dude I'm not a Karma Apple Cody no that's caramel then what's karma karma is when you give oh it's chapstick oh dude my lips are so cha no that's Car Max then what's karma karma is oh it's when you buy cars online no that's Car Max then what's Karma I would tell you if you stop interrupting me karma is when you oh karma is that girl with the big boobies Karma Electra she's hot no that's kmen Electra then what's Karma Cody karma is when you get oh it's when an Italian guy says get in the karma get in the car Karma get in the karma shut the hell up everybody shut up no karma is when you get what you deserve so if you do something good something good happens to you and when you do something bad something bad happens to you so by making fun of that kid in the wheelchair you ended up in a wheelchair so you're saying if I make fun of your glasses I'm going to get glasses well if something happens to your eyes yes that would be Karma oh I'm about to roast this man don't do it dude oh I'm about to roast this boy hold don't do it boy Simon from album The chipman's Looking Ass Dexter's Laboratory looking ass don't do it Edna from Incredibles looking ass he on a road Harry Potter and the sorcerous stone looking ass Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets looking ass Harry Potter and the and the president of asan looking ass Harry Potter and the Goblin of fire looking ass Harry Potter and the Order of the Fenix looking ass Harry Potter and the Half bled Prince looking ass Harry Potter and the Deathly holls part one looking ass Harry Potter and the Deathly holls part two looking ass is that all the Harry Potter movies I think there's one more is it Harry Potter looking ass you could have just said Harry Potter but yeah you you have to wear your 3D glasses in the real world to see 3D looking ass uh coke bottle glasses okay four eyes see I'm not blind Cody well you know Karma doesn't happen every time hey guys you want to play with my Nerf gun yeah that'd be fun no my eye my eye shot me in the eye well kid that Nerf bullet really messed up your eye so you're going to have to wear these glasses for a while I don't want to be a foure nerd see Junior Karma well doctor is karma a real thing yeah I think so one time I was in a parking lot and I backed into this car and drove off and now whenever I drive people hit my car and drive off so that'd be Karma well well this is just dumb cuz I made fun of a kid in a wheelchair now I'm in a wheelchair I made fun of his dumb glasses now I have glasses well yeah that sounds like Karma I'd stop making fun of people if I were you see Junior have you learned your lesson no cuz everything was just a coincidence cuz Jeffy is the one that shot me in the eye I didn't do that to myself so I think everything's just a coincidence so you're just going to keep making fun of people yeah you know I'll make fun of your dumb stupid pimples to see if I get pimples so uh pizza face o Braille face he one Helen Keller could read your face cuz your face is Bumpy from all the pimples uh what's it called when the stars make shapes in the sky constellation constellation pimple face flame I can connect the dots with the pimples on your face face see Cody look I don't have any pimples on my face well actually I think I see one where right there on the side of your face it's been there oh dude that was not there earlier wa so you're saying I got a pimple on my face from making fun of your pimples yes Junior I told you Karma's real no it's not that must be my pizza I ordered earlier wait you ordered pizza yeah I did so will me there wheel me downstairs okay hello hey I have your pizza here hear how he talks he talks with a lisp he said I have your pizza here junior don't make fun of his lisp it's just weird ooh and be really careful cuz it's really really hot it just came out of the oven I can't understand a single word he's saying with his lisp hey Say It Don't Spray It skunk mouth good one Joseph grab the pizza okay dude and here's the money oh thanks do I get a tip use mouthwash you're not going to tip him Junior no take me inside go okay Cody feed me a piece of pizza Junior you were really mean to that pizza guy how you made fun of his list and you you didn't tip him I shouldn't have to tip him Cody he's already paid to deliver pizzas it's his job well he gets most of his money from tips well if he wants to make more money he should get a different job well you still made fun of his lisp cuz he was talking weird and he spit all over me while he was talking just hurry up and feed me a piece of pizza okay fine here comes the choo choo train but be careful it's hot just hurry up and put it in my mouth that's what I said no it's hot I burnt my mouth burnt my mouth Junior I told you it was hot I burnt my tongue I burnt my Tong oh dude you have a list what yeah Junior it's karma you have a list because you made fun of his list no it's [ __ ] no no no I burnt my mouth by eating pizza pizza not Karma you told me it was hot I just didn't listen that's not Karma also I didn't tip him where's my karma for that well I don't know Junior you order pizza didn't tell me I didn't think you wanted Pizza dad of course I want pizza stupid oh now you're grounded that means no allowance to give me that pizza well no dad that's my pizza I'm hungry go he took my allowance Junior see that's karma for not tipping the pizza man now you lost your allowance okay Cody this whole Karma thing is stupid okay look how do I get rid of the karma well there is such a thing as good karma so if you do good things then good things will happen to you so if I go give homeless people money my dad will give my allowance back maybe okay can I borrow some money but why cuz I want to give money to the homeless people but that would be me doing something nice not you no it'd be me doing something nice cuz I borrowed the money from you and I gave the money to homeless people but how are you going to pay me back if you don't have any allowance because my dad will give me my allowance back when I do nice things to homeless people just give me some money you big fat ugly for i' freak okay fine here's a five all right let's go get to a homeless person hey bum here's $5 but Junior doesn't count if you're still mean I'm going to buy more beer see look he's happy I did something nice let's go all right Cody if Karma works the way you say it does my dad should come back in here and give me my allowance back since I gave that homeless person money I said maybe dad can you get in here what do you want junior can I have my allowance back no you can't have your allowance back you didn't think about me when you ordered that delicious pizza no Cody it didn't work well maybe it didn't work because you were being selfish Karma does not know I was being selfish yes it does and you still owe me $5 cuz you give my $5 to the homeless guy so how you going to pay me back oh I know how I'm going to pay you back that homeless guy going to give it back to me Junior where you going I got $55 well Junior you just beat up a homeless guy for $5 I don't think Karma's going to like that what's Karma going to do take my house from me and make me homeless well I don't think it' do anything that crazy I'm going to go downstairs and ask CHF to make me something to eat since my pizza was taken from me can you will me downstairs peasant Junior I'm not going to let you talk to me that way okay that was pretty hot come on be careful Cody the stairs are coming up hold on Junior I have to go pee just wait till we get downstairs look when I got to go I got to go short pen short stream what just wait I can just do this myself uh I think you should wait for Cody dude can you just help me Joseph no dude I'm not your H what you going to do call me boy next I'll just do it myself uh oh god oh dude are you okay that was a pretty harsh fall it's okay I only fell halfway up the stairs I can walk the rest of the dude are you okay wait what happened to Junior he thought he could do it himself and then he fell down the stairs Junior I said wait Cody it's all your fault Junior this is karma for you trying to beat up the homeless guy no this is not Karma you didn't help me down the stairs well I had to pee you could have just waited just put me back in my wheelchair and take me to Chef peee you forde freak fine hey Chef peipi can you make me something to eat not right now Junior I'm trying to boil peanuts why are you making boiled peanuts in a frying pan you're supposed to use a pot look smart ass if you want to boil the peanuts yourself you can Chef peee don't get mad at Cody he knows how to boil peanuts cuz his mom's a fat elephant sick bur Junior hey Chef can I have one of those peanuts before you boil them sure Junior okay let me just wow kid I think you're going to be dead by the end of the day if you don't calm down yeah Junior Karma get you really bad what I do to deserve my face getting burned off well you called my mom an elephant which was a sick burn so now you have a sick burn on your face that's complete bull crap Cody I was reaching for the peanuts and I fell out of my wheelchair and landed on the stove it was my fault not Karma I don't know kid I think your friend might be right are you going bald what are you going bald well I mean yeah I'm going bald in the front and back so what well aren't you a little too young to be going bald I think you go bald at like 80 years old okay you know what that's it you're going to get what's coming to you and poy why are you bald you little [ __ ] that's it me and Brooklyn guy are out of here oh wow they just left great job Junior you made poy leave oh wait what's this white stuff in your hair I have white stuff in my hair oh no Junior I think you have lice what rice no lice but rice you eat it with butter it's delicious no Junior lice is little bugs that live in your hair I have bugs in my hair call the doctor doctor get back here hey what's up he says I have bugs in my hair oh no kid you have lice so not rice no no that's delicious you eat it with butter lice as little bugs that live in your hair well get them out how do you get them out I have to shave your whole head well shave my head shave my head okay all right kid I shaved your whole head so now you're bald like me and poy so suck that yeah suck it all right kid I'm out of here all right Cody I believe you Cara is real really yeah crime is real everything you said when you do bad stuff bad stuff happens to you I just want to reverse it what do I do well maybe if you do something genuinely nice things will get better okay I'm going to try it I believe in you dude you can do it okay I'm going to start with you Cody Cody yeah you're not the ugliest person I've ever seen okay that's a star dude yeah that's that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me what wait a minute my leg it feels better hold I can stand up look at God yeah keep going Junior okay um Cody if you were the last person on Earth I'd be your friend okay that's kind of nice I guess my eye it feels better let me take these glasses off guys my eyes work now hallelujah oh Cody this is working this is working okay keep going Junior uh okay um Cody if we were picking teams for dodgeball at school I would pick you second to last oh okay yeah that's good wait hold on my pimple it feels like it came off Hercules Hercules please I don't have acne anymore Junior okay how do I get rid of the burns on my face and my hair back dude you got to get the ultimate compliment I can't do it Joseph dude you have to do it I just I don't think I can do it you know what you have to say okay I will do it to have my life back to normal Cody your mom is not fat come on you can do it your mom is not F she's what Junior she's not fabulous what she cuz she's more than that she's not fabulous she's more than that because she's such a w she's such a wonderful yes your mom your mom is a we no no can't call her that your mom is a way your mom is way too fat for her age she's a big fat cow move move Mo be careful dude don't knock it down oh I I got I got it I got it okay um okay that was easy watch this dude why are you pushing it just pull it inward W what the hell dude what was that about what I just said just pull it inward I said it again you're calling Joseph the N word no no I mean like bring it inward oh you want me to bring it I'll bring it put your hands up let's fight well no I don't want to fight I you said you said bring it inward yeah you said bring it so I'm going bring it let's go no I don't want to fight that's not even what I said you're calling Jo at the N word like it's nothing being blatantly racist dude yeah I mean like inward like we know what you mean we heard you seven times the eight time doesn't make it less racist you keep it saying the inward Cody stop saying it no it's a different word we know what you're saying you're implying it by saying N word wait you think you get to say it is that it you think you think you get to say it Cody no no okay look it's a different word I'll spell it don't no we don't need you to spell it I we know how to spell well you going to spell it with an e r or an a well I mean there is an A in it wow you think he's cool he's got like oh rapper say it that way I can say it n still racist Cody no no there's an art too oh wow wow he wants to use the heart R wow no no it's spelled i n w a r d wow he's stupid and doesn't know how to spell and he's resist yeah you don't even know how to spell the N word so why you saying it you don't know how to spell it well no it's a completely different word Cody we we get it we understand that you're not actually saying the inw but you're still saying inward we know what you mean yeah no no it's a different way you don't understand okay okay how about this uh what's the opposite of outward uh inside right inside in the house no there's a word for that and the word is inward oh wow everything inward to you who who raised you no no obviously the clan dud yeah guys I don't know how to explain this hold on let me get a dictionary and show you a dictionary we don't need a dictionary to see your racism okay I get the dictionary what is that supposed to prove we already know you're racist what just look right here please it says inward or inwards oh multiple so insulting me is good enough you got to insult the whole race wow Cody well no just look at the definition it says toward the inside Center or inner being it could also be inwardly oh so I'm acting to you oh if I go downstairs and get a cup of Kool-Aid I'm acting well no it's in the dictionary Cody you're trying to think of new creative ways to say the N word it's still racist oh I bet crack is's in the dictionary look it up well the food probably is Cody I've never seen someone go this far to defend themselves saying the n- word like PewDiePie didn't pull out a dictionary okay guys whatever can we just forget this ever happened oh you want me to Forget You said it like we forgot about slavery huh huh no I just want to go back to playing Jenga J Junior dude look white people always forget dude they always want to forget yeah Cody we're never going to forget this you literally just called him literally a racist name okay can we just please play Jenga okay okay then we can go white boy go pull your piece Whitey come on cracker go it's not even my turn oh yes it is go dude well actually it's my turn but you know I give up my turn it's Joseph's turn now okay yeah yeah tell me how you want me to pull it master I'm all yours tell me tell me I'm your slave okay just just pull it toward you oh okay I'll pull it towards me what you you didn't call him the bad word dude I swear I knew he was going to call me a dumb NW yeah yeah you you were just seething at the teeth you were like you want to yell something racist at him it was going to tip of his tongue dude I didn't even think about it wow you didn't even think about it but you wanted to say it he wanted to dude it's so bad no I didn't I didn't want to okay you know what let's just go downstairs and see if Chef peip made us dinner yeah all this racism is making me hungry Chef peee we're hungry look in front of you I got your KFC and it's already on the plate you're welcome KFC oh no what's wrong Cody aren't you hungry yes I am I just I know you're going to yell at me the whole time why would I yell at you this food is perfectly fine right yes it is oh you don't think it's funny that I'm eating it huh huh stereotypes but no not at all okay okay uh junior can you pass me the gravy oh dude I'm surprised he actually wants it you know it's brown right yes that's fine Cody I'm not going to pass it to you cuz you're racist Joseph can you please pass me the gravy oh dude he actually called me by my name I'm actually Joseph today and not 3 fists of him or boy or inward you can you believe this dude wow Cody congratulations for actually calling him by his name okay fine I'll get it myself Jesus he didn't want you touching it Joseph yeah I would have tainted it or sullied it right okay you know what guys I'm not hungry anymore I'm I'm going upstairs more chicken for me or is that too inwardly to say huh huh oh dude I am stuffed yeah me too Joseph what Cody what are you doing oh I'm just coloring it helps with my anxiety wow what dude you color the Little Mermaid white she's black now come on yeah Cody you know the little mermaid's black now well I I was just thinking of the cartoon you thinking of the white one the only right one in your mind Chloe Bailey's the new Little Mermaid you have a brown crayon right here you could have call her a brown yeah Cody why didn't you grab this crayon right here well this is just the one I was thinking of cuz you think there's only one race and that's white you're so mad they cast out a black woman to be a little mermaid dude I bet he's pissed yeah he loses sleep at night over no I don't care guys what do I have to do to prove I'm not racist uh read this crayon right here what does it say yeah what color is this crayon Cody uh black no no no the second word what is the Spanish word yeah what's the Spanish word for black Cody why would I say that I don't speak Spanish but you speak racist though well you don't want me to read the French one Noir okay then say the Spanish one say it so clean say say it so fluently like you just said the French one yeah easily come on no I'm not going to say that why cuz it's a bad word well yeah kind of kind of come on Cody you know it's a bad word the N word is a bad word that's what we're trying to teach you it's a bad word so if you say the Spanish version that's a bad word right but it's not a bad word in Spanish that's just what the word is for black didn't say it well I'm not going to say it you guys are going to get mad yeah cuz it's a bad word Cody yeah come on Cody say it please guys what can I do to prove I'm not racist well first of all you can apologize to Joseph yeah my whole race okay I'm really sorry Joseph that's not enough that's not good enough okay how about this Cody we're going to ask you a few questions and if he ansers them non-racist then you're not a racist yeah prove you're not a racist dude okay all right Cody who's your favorite King in history what my favorite King yeah you know like in Egypt like King Tut King James yeah King Louis um I mean King T's pretty cool wow what you didn't choose Martin Luther King we laid it out there for you dude come on he's not really a king can you hear that did you hear that D I heard it Martin Luther King is a real king all men are Kings yeah yeah you're you're so strong King stay strong King love yourself King yeah Cody I thought you me like a king with a kingdom he is a king with a kingdom the black kingdom yes he he had a dream Cody he gave all black people dreams you just mad cuz you never had a dream dude wow Cody you didn't choose the right King well guys I don't really can I just do the next question please okay who's your favorite President uh Obama what what now you didn't say Lincoln the one that freed Obama what yeah W Cody well come on I picked the one black one the one black black one well he's the only one because of people like you who don't vote for black people the people that can't change you I'm not even old enough to vote okay Cody during Halloween what color cat is bad luck oh come on answer it Cody he know it's not a Persian cat yeah he know it's not a white cat you already know the answer to this I don't I forgot tell me I don't know the answer tell me please okay well some people not me believe that black cats are bad wow black cat he said it you could have said a dark colored cab but you said black not white not gray black all he sees is black and white Joseph come on guys I didn't invent the Superstition no you mean stereotype y yeah stereotype that's exactly what it is if I win you you don't think I can swim is that your stereotype now what no I've seen you swim oh wow you know what Joseph let's just ignore him yeah we going to ignore him right fine I guess I'll just play Clash of Clans W Clash of Clan I knew he was a member dude well why are the Clans fighting they all hate the same thing they all racist come on it's not even spelled like that wow Cody everything you're said you know Joseph I think you should just leave before he blows up on you yeah yeah I'm leaving I can't have enough of this yeah yeah he keeps he's going to go yell some racist names at you no I'm not junior junior be honest you're screwing with me right you know I'm not racist right Cody did you get like a new pair of glasses and just realized we have a black friend but no I don't have any problems with Joseph because like Cody like you we've hung out with him for years and you've never been this blatantly racist well I know he's black it's fine Cody I I don't know if we can be friends anymore because of how racist you are what I mean you only have one black friend I don't know if he's your friend anymore like you don't have any other black friends let me see who that is hello hey there we're here to pick up a son Cody it's family bath night yeah we all B in one tug mhm we do it to save water yeah it's like a gumball of Stitch Cody still poops in the bath but we use the poop as like a little tugbo when we playing oh he's upstairs what's wrong Cody said something bad today wait what did he say LeBron's not the goat oh if he ever say that I'm going beat his ass kind of something like that oh show me where he's at right now what did you say about LeBron what Cody you know damn well LeBron James is the goat I don't care if he had to be on three teams to win he still a goat but I don't know what you guys are talking about Cody your friend here said you said something bad Junior please don't tell them what I said they're not going to understand just like you didn't understand and they're going to be even more mad Cody I think they need to know you're racist Junior no guys today Cody said the n-word 30 times who you don't get to say that you don't get no n- word pass you think cuz I'm your daddy you got a n- word pass no sir you didn't come from this nut sack you don't get to say it but I didn't even say the nword I said nword wa he says that again Cody we did not raise you to be a big and it was the way he said it too today we were playing Jenga but it turned to Jango cuz we were playing with our black friend Joseph and he was taking too long on his turn and Cody yelled just pull it inward whoa so you giving orders now you think you a slave master is that it no no no guys I didn't guys what can I do for everyone to please just stop being mad at me H Cody I think you need to apologize to your friend yeah yeah yeah and write a 10 page paper on Black History Month and apologize to your friend okay I will okay you better and be home in 30 minutes cuz it's family bath night oh good I have to poop well hold it until you get home I will all right I'm going to get Joseph Cody okay a dude what am I doing here near This Racist This Racist has something to say to you oh what kind of slur do you have for me now uh Joseph I just want to say that I'm very sorry for saying that word and I will never say that word or any word even remotely like that word ever again and I'm sorry for offending you wow dude he actually owned up to it yeah I know all day he was trying to defend it by pulling out the dictionary and all this stuff but he finally admit that he said it and that he was sorry well I apologized earlier but I'll apologize again so I'm sorry dude I think he changed yeah he finally changed racist can be changed back to normal mhm so we can finally move on from this yeah I guess so all right F cool let's all sit down and watch some TV did it just get darker in here wow since Joseph showed up the room just got dark what I'm a black hole just absorbing all that light yeah yeah come on no the light bulb all right Joseph are you ready to play Chomp and Charlie oh yeah dude that squir is going to take these nuts guys guys guys the coolest thing ever has happened hold on Cody we're playing Chomp and Charlie what is Chomp and Charlie well we put a bunch of nuts in the squirrel's mouth but guys that's so lame you don't need a squirrel for that I'm right here look ah give me those nuts no Cody we want to play with the squirrel okay well I want to play too okay then look roll the dice and whatever color nut it lands on you put that nut in his mouth H I don't see mine on here mine's more of like a flesh color with like a mole on it and some hair Jesus um let's see oh I got a blue okay so I just take this and I put that in there oh I think he likes it you like that Mr squirrel you're only supposed to put one oh oh look at his eyes I think he likes my nuts take more of my nuts you dir little squirrel okay I think that's enough oh this is hot oh yeah get that in there oh how many can you fit big boy there you go oh man that was hot yeah I'm not playing anymore dude yeah we're not going to play anymore Cody oh wait guys I completely forgot why I came here Aller already a too young wa no guys Ken's on TV but Ken's on TV why yeah [Music] look hello my name is Dr freedrick finger shits and today I going to show you my newest creation this is my son Frankenstein now I know what you're thinking Dr ferit how did you create this Frankenstein well what I did was I took random body parts that I found at car accidents before the police showed up and I sewed all of those pieces together into him now last week I asked all of you to send in body parts I could use for my creation and a very nice fan from from Florida named Cody sent me this doll waa kins in a Dr Fel [ __ ] episode yep yep they had a PO Box that people could send body parts too to be on the show and so I thought it'd be funny to send Ken there he's my little movie star look at him he's not even camera shy what are they going to do with him after the show I don't know I hope they send him back I will now insert this doll into Frankenstein here we go here comes the doll it is nice and deep in there okay no rise rise my child what oh oh no and not that kind of rice rise in a different way yes come on yes yes there's my boy it's alive it's alive what what are you no no don't kill me I know Cody did you see that yeah I didn't sign up for that the only guy Ken's allowed to be inside of his me not that Frankenstein monster weirdo no Cody Frankenstein just AE Dr fle [ __ ] guys it's a TV show none of that's actually real what's going on the [Music] news breaking news Muk Frankenstein a monster created by Dr fle shits has come to life and killed his creator police are saying that he's extremely dangerous and to be on the lookout that was so ugly that was so ugly Cody I'm sorry it's just I it was a TV show but it turns out it's real Frankenstein's on the loose and Ken's still inside him well look when the cops kill Frankenstein they'll get Ken out of him and give him back to you no Junior if the cops kill Frankenstein I'll never get Ken back oh oh guys I have an idea how about we don't care because it's a stupid dog not at all jph all right Cody so we got to find Frankenstein before the cops do yeah and Ken's still trapped inside Frankenstein so I guess that makes him Frankenstein so how do we find Frankenstein Cody well if Ken's still trapped inside Frankenstein that means he's probably controlling him so he should be able to find his way home I just have to spread my scent around a little hold on dude Cody that's disgusting why does your fart smell like sweaty balls well what goes out is what went in but still I mean Ken should be able to smell that from a mile away he's a blood hound for farts he's my little fart snarfer I don't think Ken's going to come over your farts well he does that all the time but does anybody have any Peanut M&M's why do you need Peanut M&M's well that's Ken's favorite candy I mean I know I've never mentioned it before but that is Ken's favorite candy I mean I'm establishing that right now that's favorite candy add that to the wiki okay Joseph there's peanut M&Ms downstairs can you go grab them yeah I got you dude okay that was fast I think I'm going to have to fart in that bag of M&M's just to make sure Ken finds it you're not farting in the peanut M&M Cody we're going to go outside and we're going to spread them around so Franken can find his way home all right Cody so what are we going to do well I'm just going to pour some of these Peanut M&M's on the ground oh there he is breaking time but guys we can't run we have to take him back to the house well you talk to him hey there hey there Ken it's me it's Cody yes I have some peanut M&M's your favorite yeah get some there you go oh good Frankenstein come on back to the house boy the cops are looking for you okay Ken sit down oh oh oh you want your M&M's okay there you go so Cody what are we going to do now I don't know guys Ken's just so big O Ken's so big uh could you guys leave me and Ken alone for a little while no we have to get Ken out of his stomach well I don't know how we're going to do that guys uh don't eat that one Ken that one looks gross well I got an idea if Ken decid to stomach why don't we just get Chef peipi to make him some something something to eat and then when he eats he'll poop Ken out cuz his stomach will be full of food I mean yeah I guess it's worth a try all right Ken we're going to go downstairs now come on come on Ken you go re this puff re this puff eat them up beat them up beat them up re this PFF in my bowl hey girl how about some peee in your hole I don't think that's how the s go Chef peip what do you guys want we want you to make us something to eat Chef peipi well I'm making some recent puff casserole watch this let it burn [Applause] baby oh no no no no Ken down down oh no j i i I think the fire scared him the fire scared come back Ken k k k k Ken Ken Ken calm down calm down hold on hold on here have some M&M's there you go there you go that's a good boy why did Ken freak out like that I think he's afraid of fire okay he won't go around fire anymore well I like your idea about him pooping out Ken but how do we do that yeah what what kind of food will make him poop o I know why don't we get him some Taco Bell that always gives me the giggle [ __ ] yeah let's get some Taco Bell okay I'll order right now okay Ken okay the Taco Bells here give me those M&M's no no it's okay it's okay look look you have a you have a Taco Bell burrito yes yes it's good yes M yummy yummy you like that yeah that's good oh I think he has to poop oh he oh oh he's farting oh get him to the bathroom get him to the bathroom come on there you go there you go Ken poop it out that's good but Cody what happened to your shirt oh I got burritos squirt all over me in the last scene so I just decided to take my shirt off so it doesn't stain pooping his brains out right now there you there you go well I'll just give you guys some privacy okay oh did he poop out Ken no he just had a regular old monster poop lots of peanuts though so then what took you guys so long now we had to stop at McDonald's to get my free medium french fries I get from McDonald's every week I missed a few weeks so I went ahead and got two so how are you going to get Ken out of him I don't know dude I'm tired of this let's just cut him out I don't think he's going to let you do that Joseph yeah I don't think you can cut into him we got to think of something else what there's someone at the door uh let me go answer it by myself okay damn oh oh I'm sorry that that was rude you go ahead hello hey I I got a call from a scared Chef that said there was a monster in his kitchen what you did yeah normally I wouldn't believe it but they said on the news that Frankenstein was on the loose so I pretty much have to search this house and I'm pretty sure Frankenstein's in here well he's not in here and you're not allowed to search without a warrant well you're right I'm not but uh search with without a Warr says what what ha Classic police bamboozle I am such a hoop now aside I'm going to search your house ah see no Frankenstein here huh maybe you would tell him the truth kid yeah no Frankenstein's here oh the greo shut up Joseph uh nope no Frankenstein okay I guess I'll just leave then that was way too close but wait didn't you kids hear there was a Monster Mash a Monster Mash what's a Monster Mash yeah word on the street is that it's a graveyard smash they did the mash they did the Monster Mash they did the MH it was a graveyard smash they did the mesh it got on in a Flash they did the mesh aha I got you Frankenstein oh no no no that's not Frankenstein that's Frankenstein yeah yeah yeah that's why he's dancing huh I guess you're right real Frankenstein couldn't have moves that smooth but wait a minute yes he could it's the monster mask oh Run Frank get back here Frankenstein Frank aha I got you yeah wow that that wasn't hard at all that's what she said yeah me and my erectile dysfunction God get old sucks oh don't Hur him that's my boyfriend really I I feel like there should be a charge for that well listen listen Cody doesn't really care about Frankenstein his doll is stuck in his stomach and he wants to get him out yeah I guess that's true oh I guess I could just cut him open no anything but that I love Frank Joseph where' that come from listen can you just get his doll out of him I mean I could just do a cavity search and pull him out of his butt yeah let's do that all right hold him down kid come on we're holding him down we're holding him down I almost got him ew Franken G is this your boyfriend oh ken I'm so glad you're safe the only one who rumped you're allowed to go in is mine well I wouldn't do that it's kind of a Tang so what are we going to do with Frankenstein's body well they did say it was a graveyard smash oh damn Frank got a dumpy more like thick amstein give me 30 seconds I'm about to tear this up live oh okay guys I can't believe we just saw the cop do that to Frankenstein I mean I know he said he was going to but I didn't believe him and then bam he just started going to town let me see if he's still going yeah he is damn the stamina so at least you got kin back yeah that's all that matters you're not going to wash him no why would I do that dude he's been in Frankenstein's booty all day and then you kissed him uh yeah he's been in a lot of booties I'd say he's bootylicious bootylicious bubblegum I'm not I don't have a booty phobia okay you guys should know that about me by now oh well what what we going to do for the rest of the day I don't know they did the MH they did the Monster Mash they did the mesh it was a graveyard smash they did the mash it got on in a Flash they did the mash ah
Channel: بيري علي - abeer berry
Views: 77,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cody, jefys, supermariologan, smljeffy, jeffymemes, jeffysml, smlmerch, jeffthekiller, jeffreestarcosmetics, jeffreestar, teamloaded, jeff, jeffreystar, lancethirtyacre, juniorphenom, scooter, ttgibson, makeup, basketball, superbowserlogan, jeffyislife, jeffyjeffy, jeffyjeffybadboy, sml movie cody, sml movie jeffy, best sml movie 2023, sml movie 2023, SML Movie: Jeffy Gets Captured [2024]
Id: AF1QSGpwwvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 11sec (2651 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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