Trump Pledges To Enact The 'Largest Deportation In The History Of Our Country' In CPAC Speech

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[Applause] thank you [Applause] Gordon the first and most urgent action when we win will be the sealing of the Border stopping the invasion drill baby drill send Joe Biden's illegal aliens back home we'll do a allot of all of those things and we're going to have to do them fast because no country can sustain what's happening in our country you look at New York where I originally came from I Love New York and you take a look at what's happening hundreds of thousands of people they've taken over the streets Madison Avenue they've taken over Queens they've taken over Brooklyn and the Bronx they've taken over the whole city the little Leaguers can't play anymore because people are there that you can't play but it took longer than I thought but I predicted this it's called the migrant crime and it's far more deadly than anybody thought they will actually have fist fights with police in the middle of the street you saw that the other day where they attacked police even our bad criminals they never had fist fights with a cop you know they do things and they talk and they shout but these guys are actually and you know the interesting thing in their country of they ever did that they'd be dead within seconds they'd be dead I know where they come from I know the people that run those countries I know the presidents and the dictators I know every one of them some are dictators some are prime ministers but they're tough guys the tough guys and those thugs that gave the middle finger to our police and then started fighting them and actually threw two of them down and started beating the hell out of them although they fought back bravely the two but these are tough people and uh they know that in their country they'd be dead within minutes they would be dead as a doornail within minutes and so they came over here so it took a long time but now it's talking now you're seeing it it's migrant crime it's a new category of crime and I wanted to call it Biden migrant crime but it's too long so we just call it migrant crime we have a new category migrant crime and it's going to be more severe than violent crime and crime as we knew it because we have millions and millions of people and they came from prisons and jails they came from mental institutions and insane asylums no they're not the same thing an insane asylum is a mental institution on steroids okay it's Silence of the Lambs okay you know that Hanah Lector they're all being deposited into our country and then you have terrorists and then you have drugs and then you have human traffickers and they're coming over at levels never seen before we've never seen anything like this three years ago we had the safest and most secure Border in US history we ended Catch and Release except when it was catch and release in Mexico we had catch and release in our country we built 571 miles of bord wall far more than I said I was going to build and I couldn't get the damn thing through Paul Ryan he stopped at Paul Ryan a super Rhino he's a super Rhino I couldn't get it through Paul Ryan Mitch M they said sir if you wait till next year I said you sure they said don't forget I had never done this stuff before you know I'm the president and these guys are bullshitting me they said sir if you would just sign this budget and wait next year we'll put and then next year came I said where's my wall they said sir we're not going to be we're not going to be able to get it you know in the meantime they give trillions of dollars to the Democrats for the green news scam so what I did is I approved the military and I took it out of the military that's how I built it I built the wall through the military and the military by the way the Army Corps of Engineers did a great job but I built it through 571 miles and 200 miles ready to go it was laying there ready to be installed it would have been three weeks the entire thing would have been double what I promised and then we had the rigged election and they said we don't want to we don't want to build the wall we don't want to build it and I said you know they really do want open walls I figured it was maybe just talk I said they really want an open border nobody could understand it they really want an open border and that's when it began and that's when our country had really because we can look we can drill we have more energy we have more Liquid Gold than any other country we can drill we can do all these things things but we have a problem because we have by the time this guy trying to be nice but I don't have to be nice anymore because he indicted me but I'm trying to be nice anyway but by the time this guy gets out of office we'll have 18 million people in my opinion in a country that shouldn't be here and they do come from prisons and mental institutions and they are terrorists and we're going to be paying a price and it'll be the largest deportation in the history of our country and we have no we have no choice and it's not a nice thing to say and I hate to say it and those clowns in the media will say oh he's so mean he's a no no they're killing our people they're killing our country they're killing our people we have no choice you know when I went to Mexico I said uh Mr President you're going to have to give us 28,000 soldiers because the Caravans that was another name I came up with I come up with good names longtime politicians come to see me sir could you give a name to my opponent I said how long are you a politician 28 years sir you can't come up with your own names but I do Caravan but I went to the president of Mexico I said they're coming through your country and thousands and thousands of people in these Caravans they have one coming up now supposedly 25 th000 people they're going to walk right into our country we have no idea who the hell they are but it started with Honduras it started with El Salvador they they just start but now it's just it's we're equal opportunity we have every country we have countries that honestly nobody has ever heard of we have languages coming into our country we don't have one instructor in our entire nation that can speak that language these are languages it's the craziest thing they have languages that nobody in this country has ever heard of it's a very horrible thing I said to the president of Mexico you're going to have to give us 28,000 soldiers for your charge no no no Donald I will not do that I will not do that I cannot do that I said no no you will you will I promise no you going do it no no no I will not do it I said listen you and my friends I really like them a lot so I said listen not you and I just give me a negotiator because I don't want to do this with you and uh he said I will do that and he sent me this very handsome guy very guy so handsome so beautifully dressed in fact I asked him for the name of his tailor then when I found out how much he paid for the suit I said forget it keep but he was a handsome devil and I said listen you're going to have to do a few things you're going to have to give me 28,000 soldiers you know Tom homman was up before he's fantastic when and and he does go around saying I love this guy he says Trump was the greatest president in history and On the Border there has never been in his lifetime any president that was even closer and he's right about that he's right I mean we know the results but Brandon Jud you have unbelievable people all they had to do is leave it alone but I said you have to give us 28,000 soers no then the new guy comes in the representative yes sir uh what can I do now I asked Tom homman Brandon Jud and a person from the state department a wonderful woman she's been there for over 20 years she's covered me she covered Mexico for over 20 years she knew it that and she was competent she was good she wasn't a good negotiator and I said what would you like give me your top I want a top 10 list well sir we'd like to remain in Mexico but we've been trying to get that for years you won't be able to get that and you won't be able to get a catch and release in Mexico you know we have catch and release in there we catch a criminal and we release them in our country I said no no catch and release is fine in Mexico title 42 I want that's with the sick people and with the children you got to get the children back to their parents all of these things they gave me a list but they thought they were wasting time it was a list of 10 things tough tough things just ask Tiana if they were tough Tiana became one of the largest cities in the world all of a sudden they said what the hell is going on so this guy comes in and I say look number one I want 28,000 soldiers free of charge and he goes oh we're not going to do that we're not doing he thought I was crazy by the way I said Oh no you're going to do it 100% no no we're not going to do it I said you're going to do it I guarantee you you're going to do it he goes no way I said way and he said we will not do that sir we will not do that I said here's what else you're going to do remain in Mexico nobody comes into our country until they're checked at the border you're going to do remain in mexic you're going to do Catch and Release into Mexico not into our country you're going to do all sorts of things you know we had a lot of medical problems people were coming in deathly sick with very with a disease highly contagious disease I said I don't want our people catching these diseases that we never even heard about they have diseases nobody's ever even heard about I'm sorry I feel badly for the people but we don't want to have this contagion in our country I'm sorry and we did that so we had
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 322,823
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Id: QNZXMke1mOo
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Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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