Smash Burgers

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[Music] hey welcome back to first time Feast I'm your host Bobby perco so as you see we've kicked off season two and we're well underway today I'm going to show you some delicious mouth-watering Smash Burgers looking across the internet there's really not that much mouth-watering Smashburger content on the internet so I'm going to show you how to do it in a couple of different ways first way just a traditional Smash Burger right we're gonna go with some meat some cheese some bun if we want to throw some lettuce and tomato on there get fancy we can do that and the other way I'm going to do a Southwest patty melt that is just so unbelievably delicious you're going to want to stay tuned to see how we do it let's get it all right guys so we're going to go about this in a couple of different ways so what we want to do we want to get our pepper fire roasted and set aside so it can steam that's going to take a little bit of time so even though this is going to be for the second item of today I'm going to go ahead and get this part started right now so for this we want to go ahead and turn on our our stove here I'm gonna go with about a medium high heat and this is completely okay to toss this on the open griddle so we're gonna kind of balance this guy up here and we're going to get not under the direct heat but off to the side it's going to start getting some Char okay so we're going to let this go we're gonna let this cook for a little bit of time it's going to start popping and bubbling and doing all kinds of stuff and we're going to want to toast it around every now and again after we get this guy cooked we're going to want to stick it in a Ziploc bag if you got cellophane if you got Saran Wrap whatever you have at the house go ahead and toss it in here and seal it up set it aside for about 10 minutes so what that's going to do that's going to allow this pepper to sweat it's going to get all of the outer skin kind of peeled off and broken down so that way you can go ahead and just slide it off really really easy okay so while we're doing that we're going to let this kind of pepper cook we're going to kind of keep an eye on it as we do our stuff we're going to use our flat style we're going to use our flat top Fair uh griller today okay so we got our flat top griller here so if you have a black stone at home if you have a flat stone attachment at the house you can do these Smash Smash Burgers um I honestly use just a cast iron and skillet cast iron skillet cast iron pan cast iron griddle whatever you have it makes it really really effective but guys with Smash Burgers there is a little bit of a distinction between um a Smash burger and a and a hamburger um I had a question asked me earlier so what's the difference what's the difference between a hamburger and a Smash Burger so when you take a hamburger you got a big old thick Patty anyway from a quarter of an inch half inch or even a full inch you let that cook down on your stove and it's going to basically reduce reduce down into like a little bit of a hockey puck right all of those juices stay on the inside of that burger and you're gonna cook it cook it typically um not as much Char on the outside and then the inside of that burger is going to be like anywhere from medium to medium well right well with your Smash Burger it's going to have a much much larger surface area okay you're going to smash this thing down it's going to get really really paper thin and that's going to allow your burger to have a really really nice Char and a really nice crust it just makes for just a much more flavorful burger if you eat hamburgers I've been eating hamburgers my whole life it only recently discovered these Smash Burgers and I mean to tell you they're they're done different right they are done different and I'm really happy to share this one with you okay so what we're going to do now our griddle is turn up to 325 degree freeze I'm going to just about Max this guy out I'm going to turn it up to 375 that's as high as this 10 gets we want to get our cook stone our surface area really really really hot okay um so if you had let's say you had some bacon and you wanted to cook down some bacon go ahead and toss that guy down cook it out of the way cook it down and let your juices and grease kind of coat the pan and we can go ahead and cook our Smash Burgers down on that okay so what we're going to do we're going to set this aside here for a minute and we're going to grab our hamburger so I am using a 85-15 ground chuck today you can do a 90 10 you can do an 80 20. the fat ratio does matter a little bit but I went with an 85 15 because I feel like I don't really need that much fat in this burger but it's still going to give you a nice juicy juicy burger okay so when you see these on the internet and you see people cooking down their hamburgers on the internet you kind of want to wonder how much um how do I size these Burgers correctly and the easiest way so we we know we're dealing with a pound so we're just going to divide this in half real quick use your hands it's completely fine divide it in half and then we're going to divide it in half again okay so we're going lengthwise this time so we got our our four equal patties so we're we're roughly we know these are going to be four ounce patties so we're going to ball them up okay ball them up if one's slightly bigger than the other you don't have to go see a doctor it's okay just uh just take a little bit from one and move it over to the other so I'm going to pad that over and the last one that's perfect okay those are all set aside those are ready to go wipe off my hands right quick so as for seasonings when you're dealing with hamburger Smash Burgers steaks you really just need the Holy Trinity of this and for me it is nothing more than salt pepper and garlic powder okay salt pepper garlic powder that's all you're going to really really need I'm gonna go ahead and I'm going to layer down just a little bit of olive oil okay go ahead and get that coated down nicely and for today we are going to be using our cast iron hamburger Smasher these are very very useful tools for this you can use a really big spatula if you want but for me I found these work really really well I would recommend if you have some parchment paper or some wax paper at the house get yourself some lay it over the top of the burger and smash it down it's going to give you an even smash every single time I don't have that with me today so we're going to cheat a little bit we're going to use a little bit of Pam spray and we're going to coat this down just enough to where it's going to create a little bit of lubrication and hopefully that the burger will will slide right off okay so we don't want to figure out about our pepper Pepper's looking nice and charred we're almost good we're going to move it over to this end real quick get that end part cooked we're almost good with that all right so let's go ahead and start with we're just going to start with one patty right now okay we're just going to start with one so what I'm going to do I'm gonna take this Patty we're gonna set it down hopefully here a Sear yep that's perfect I'm gonna move that oil around a little bit we've got a little bit of a slant that is okay and then we're going to take our Smasher all right and we're going to really get in there we're going to get it down we're going to smash It smash It smash it it's expanding that burger and hopefully that's what I was afraid of it's there we go perfect so it's going to slide right off of there okay so while that is sitting there this is the perfect time to season it so we're going to go ahead and grab our salt and our pepper we're gonna go ahead and just season it lightly we don't need to go crazy with this because we're going to season the other side too go with our pepper all right and then we're going to go ahead and go with our garlic powder garlic powders on we are good our pepper is now charred up so we're gonna go ahead and toss this guy into our bag Burger is cooking just fine go ahead toss this in there but we're gonna seal it up as you can see there's going to be a bunch of steam forming on the inside of this bag so that steam is perfect that's acting as some condensation that's going to help you just peel the skin right off of this and we're going to have ourselves a really really nice uh pepper here to eat in a pretty in a little bit here okay I got our stove turned off we're watching The Burger everything is looking nice so when you're doing these Smash Burgers guys you want to just kind of keep an eye on it you want that crust to form you also want to make sure you have a really really high high heat so these burgers are paper thin they're going to cook really really fast you know it's ready to flip so if you keep an eye on this thing you're going to start seeing some liquid and some blood start forming to the top once that liquid and Blood starts kind of pooling and foaming at the top you know it's time to flip so we're getting really really close here okay so we're getting close we're almost ready to go since we're working on this one what we're going to do I personally love egg on my burger I love it I love it I love it can't get enough of it so we're gonna go ahead and crack one egg and get uh this egg running running on the right side here all right so Burger is on egg is on um and we're gonna get our spatula because we're gonna get ready to flip this here give it a quick little peek so not nearly hot enough um it's not quite there so we're gonna let that keep cooking down we're gonna let that go um while we're doing that what we can do we can work on our sauce actually you know what I changed my mind we're gonna season our egg real quick we're gonna hit this with just this little splash of pepper that's perfect okay so Burger looks like it's just about ready to be flipped as you can see all of these juices and everything are pooling just exactly like we talked about the Burger's got a little bit of the shrinkage going on that's okay um and then we're gonna give this a little flip we should see a nice crust on this side yes perfect so it's kind of golden brown we got that wonderful night that wonderful thick crust on there now that we got that flipped we're gonna season the other side real quick and then we since we flipped it we want to go ahead and throw our cheese on there so for this today guys we are going to be using some pepper jack cheese you can use American you can use literally whatever you want to use but as of lately I've just fallen in love with pepper jack so we're going to go ahead and throw a couple slices on there so when you're doing your burger any Burger you want to have your cheese ready for the flip okay so don't follow my fail that I just did there for you so we just flipped it we want to cover that cover that Patty and cheese by the time that cheese melts the burger is going to be cooked the rest of the way through so if we're looking at our egg our egg is just about done so I'm going to flip this real quick and then we're going to have that egg ready for our Burger so that's getting ready we might as well have our uh bun nice and toasted so we're going to slide our further over a little bit let it cook in that oil and we'll let our bun toast right in that awesome Burger juice let that toast for a couple of seconds so while that's toasting our egg is just about done we're going to get the starter of our sauce going so we're gonna go with about two tablespoons of mayo we're going to do just an absolute splash of ketchup we don't need a lot here I'm making this for pretty much one to two sandwiches so if you want to make this for more scale it up I'm just gonna do a dash an absolute dash of mustard and then we're gonna go with just a half a spoonful of relish okay we're gonna give this a little bit of a mix and that sauce should start looking familiar to something you've seen at uh at a restaurant all right so our first Burger is ready to go so we're going to take we're going to take our toasted Patty our Toasted Bun here pull this off we're gonna slather up a little bit of our burger sauce here get that nice laid on thick we're going to go ahead and toss our Patty let that drain off for just a second put that guy on there all right and then we're going to hit our perfect egg right on top of that and then if you wanted to add just a little bit more sauce on top you could do so and there is just a very simple very traditional Smash Burger okay so that's just the beginning you can do really whatever you want so that's level one to this guys I showed you level one I showed you the basics now you can feel confident enough to to make your own Smash Burgers at home so now what we're going to do we're going to kick it up a level we're going to go ahead and do a double decker okay so we got two Patty we got three patties left so we're gonna go ahead and get these guys started on there toss them on give them equal space so that way they have plenty of room to expand and cook down on here just like last time we're gonna give our spatula just a little bit of a spritz and then we're gonna go ahead and smash these Burgers down oh no so when that happens we just gotta try to fix it real quick flip it over to the other side perfect no harm no foul let's go ahead and do the other one real quick hopefully that doesn't happen again but if it does not the end of the world all right so again that's why that parchment paper that wax paper really super important because it'll just slide right off and it'll be perfect for you every single time again we're just going to go ahead and season these guys up real quick a little bit of garlic powder some black pepper and we're gonna go with just a little bit of salt okay so while those guys are cooking down what we're going to do we're gonna we're gonna double down on this sauce we're gonna basically make make this sauce the way that you would be making it for uh a larger party or or a couple of larger Burgers so we're gonna go ahead and make a little bit more we're gonna go ahead and go oh man that is not a lot of mayo so we're gonna go with the remainder of the Mayo in this tiny jar which is approximately oh man a small amount of mayo all right so we're gonna go with shoot I don't know that looks like about a quarter cup of mayo we're gonna scale up our scale up our ketchup here we're gonna go with about a tablespoon of ketchup and then as for our mustard we are gonna go with about a half a tablespoon and then as far as our seasonings go let's go ahead and hit this with some pepper some black pepper again garlic powder and some salt and then we don't want to forget about our we don't want to forget about our relish so let's go ahead and dump in just a little bit of that relish make this guy ready here so now splashing all right so this smells really really good they call this fry sauce um if you wanna make this at home really really simple I mean there's all kinds of copycat recipes out there for uh for that type of a sauce okay so we're gonna go ahead let that sauce cook down our Burgers let's do a temp check on them we got one side of this grill cooking hotter than the other also not that big of a deal I'm just gonna kind of move this guy over and let this cook down right next to it because if this is hotter might as well let it uh let it cook with it this one's going to be ready to flip here pretty soon but once we get these guys flipped over so let's uh we're going to start stacking up and layering up our Burger so let's go ahead let this guy start toasting up okay and then we're gonna get another plate ready because we're going to be going for around two here in a second so let's set our Hattie aside for the moment and we are going to get this guy ready to go so for this one we're going to change it a little bit we're going to do instead of doing some pepper jack cheese we're gonna do some habanero jack cheese we're gonna make this guy a little bit a little bit spicy okay so let's go ahead and go with one red onion we're gonna give this a nice little chop foreign onion rings there's something funky with that ring so we'll get rid of that set that aside we got some lettuce and then we'll go ahead and get some tomato cut here for these burgers we got plenty of time left on these burgers so we're going to cut these Tomatoes nice and thin try to get them as uniform as you possibly can okay so we got our lettuce set aside let's check on the uh butter let's do this let's uh Let's help our burgers out a little bit shall we these Burgers need a little bit of help so let's go ahead and tag a little bit of a knob of butter just toss those down we got to get our our bun all up in that that'll help it caramelize that'll help it toast and that's just going to impart a lot more flavor to these to these patties plus as greasy as these burgers are it's going to really help with the the fat saturation so I don't know about you but I really really can't stand a wet soggy bun if I eat any fast food restaurant or go out to a steakhouse I go to bite into a burger and it just kind of like squishes in my hand yuck okay so toasting your buns is really going to help that out they're almost there so I'm going to give these burger patties a flip and we're going to go ahead and hit it with our cheese so cooking them down to that butter that's also going to add to a little bit of that flavor so we're going to do these this habanero Jack I'm gonna go with two slices one for each Patty toss that on there toss that on there let them cook if you had a cooking pan just like a silver lid Express a little bit of water in there and cover it up it's going to really help that cheese completely could like melt down and just get all gooey gooey and anxious for you let's check on Our Patties one more time these are pretty much good to go guys so we're going to pull these off set this guy aside and just like last time we're going to hit this with we're going to hit this with our with our fry sauce that we made go ahead and slather that on the bottom we want to be generous with it burgers are just about wrapped up so then we're going to get our our toppings ready to go for our top side of this burger go ahead and throw a couple of onions on there your Tomatoes of choice and then we're going to stack double stack Our Patties look at this look at this okay so we got Burger number two ready to go that guy is unbelievable you can't really miss out on making these at home guys so as juicy as crispy as caramelized as you know as cheesy as that burger is going to be I think we can do better all right I'm saving the best for last my personal favorite I'm gonna do the Southwest uh patty melt for you so I'm gonna turn my heat down just a little bit so this southwest patty melt I made for the first time probably I don't know two years ago I just got done shoveling snow I was tired I was cold I was hungry I had some hamburgers in the rest of hamburger patties in the in the fridge I wanted something different right so I didn't know what to do and I ended up just kind of winging some stuff together and I came up with this this one guys is a game changer so go to your store go wherever you can go to get uh some fresh bread I have a loaf of sourdough Asiago okay the sourdough Asiago is just a really really nice thick dense yummy bread this bread alone you can sit here and eat it put it in soup whatever you want but today we're gonna make some Patty melts with it okay so what we're going to do first we're going to cut this bread up we're going to want to go with roughly inch side slices we don't want to use the ends we're not going to be using them for this go ahead and set that aside but we want to go ahead and do maybe roughly an inch to a half an inch size slices of bread we want to make sure they're relatively consistent all the way through because your cheese will melt at different rates if it's not super consistent Okay so we got our bread ready set aside cut so just for now I'm going to give this just a little bit of a starting toast up here I'm gonna go ahead and dip it in a little bit of that grease let it start toasting set that a little bit that grease let that start toasting we're gonna let that set aside up there now we're going to save our last Patty we're going to go ahead make this one just a little bit more elongated okay and we're going to go ahead and smash this guy down and get this one rolling don't want to forget our spray just like the last two times we're gonna smash this guy down hopefully that comes off perfect okay seasoning same thing really really easy salt pepper garlic powder we can even get all fancy and do two at a time look at that boom all right guys so for this one we're gonna let that cook we're gonna let that do the same thing we're going to want to go ahead and start layering on our cheeses to our bread because as that bread is toasting and cooking it's going to start heating up and we want this to be a really ooey gooey warm yummy sandwich okay so we're gonna go ahead and do might as well do some pepper jack on one side and we're gonna go ahead and do our habanero Jack on the other side okay so we're gonna go ahead separate these breads just a little bit toss that down here and we're gonna go habanero Jack on the other hopefully if you guys like a little bit of spice because this is going to be a really really good really delicious spicy ooey gooey Burger okay so remember our pepper from earlier she should be just about done so we're going to go ahead and grab this set this aside and we're gonna try to peel off some of the skin as you see that skins just kind of peels right off if we had a wire rack we would have toasted this a little bit more consistently right but we may do What the best that we had which that's kind of what cooking's all about so we're gonna get rid of that part or and get rid of that part we don't really need that we're going to toss a little bit more of this black blackened cooked off here and then we're going to go ahead and slice down the middle peel this open and if there are any seeds inside we don't really need those so you can use the back of your knife and you can just scrape those out like so all right so now that that's going what we're going to do we are going to flip our Burger it's just about done we're going to hit this I'm just going to do black pepper on the top this time and while that's cooking I'm going to go ahead set this next to this in this grease here I'm gonna let this finish cooking down because it needs just to go just a little bit longer here so I'm going to put this actually what I can even do I can take my black stone or my griddle Smasher make sure this gets an even cook I can just put this right on top of there let that weight down that pepper it'll finish cooking it the rest of the way now when you go to grab that it's going to be really really hot so you want to make sure that you have a little rag or a towel of some sort to make sure you're peeling that off so as we're looking at our bread our cheese is starting to get melty we're starting to starting to wrap this guy up so if you wanted to do caramelized onions if you wanted to do fresh onions now is your chance now's your time to do that so we're gonna go ahead pull this guy off of here set that aside we're going to take our pepper we're going to put this on top of our Patty and we're going to stick our Patty in between our Patty melts okay and we're going to toss this other side on here like so and we're going to let this guy cook just a little bit longer we're going to turn our heat down so we don't want to burn it that is going to be really really good guys so that's going to continue to cook for a couple more seconds so let's go ahead and get ready for our plating on that one all right guys and here you have it so I showed you Smash Burgers three different ways we got our traditional simple just elegant cheese and egg Smash Burger then we went ahead and doubled it up a notch we went with our double Patty and our fry sauce your traditional hamburger that you see all across America but I guarantee you if you do this at home it's going to be a lot better and then lastly our our spice or for our spice lovers out there we got our roasted Anaheim with our our habanero Jack and pepper jack cheese on our toasted French burger here guys unbelievable as always I appreciate you for joining us today thank you for watching first time feasts I got all kinds of content out there if you want to check me on YouTube Tick Tock or Facebook check me out first time fees thanks for watching peace [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: First Time Feasts
Views: 80
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -DQU98T8wLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 34sec (1594 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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