Small Space Organizing! How We Saved HUNDREDS with These EASY DIY Hacks

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here is my hack that has literally been blowing up  our Instagram and tick tock and I'm pretty stoked   about what i'm gonna do with this let's do it i am  super excited for this video because in this video   we're gonna do one of my favorite things and that  is organize and diy with products from the dollar   tree so stay tuned. We are Charity, Ben, Dakota  and Trinity. We decided we didn't want to wait for   a life of adventure so in 2017 we bought our first  RV and set off to live a life of travel in the USA   we've visited over 38 states in  three years and have many more to go   follow along to learn all the best places  to see RV and travel tips and much more hello and welcome back to the  channel now if you're new here   you might not know that some of our most popular  videos have been on RV storage and organization   and I'm going to link to those right up above here  but needless to say we are going to jump in today   with DIY organization and  storage with dollar tree products MUSIC We just got back from the dollar tree I've got  our dollar tree haul right here and we're going to   jump in and show you how we're going to use these  to organize the RV so you're going to want to make   sure that you probably bookmark this video save  this video because I know you're going to want to   come back to it and try some of these diys in your  RV or just your small space or wherever you need   to have some organization so without further ado  let's jump right in with our first dollar tree DIY so for our first diy what we're going to actually  do is we're going to make a rack for the towels   in the bathroom now this works for hand towels  dish towels wash claws really anything that you   can kind of fold up and put away in a cupboard now  the reason that i do this is because with being in   an rv things move around but also with having a  whole family when somebody goes to grab a towel   out of the towel stack well they all want to  topple down and in our bathroom you've got   the toilet right there and then you just are  washing a bunch of towels if they get dirty so   this is a great solution that i have found that  works wonderful for us we've been using it for a   while so you're going to need some of these napkin  holders from the dollar tree now i picked up three   of them because i'm going to make one that's  a little bit taller you can do this with just   two of them if you want to make one that is not  quite as tall depending upon what your cupboard   space looks like so i've got three and then these  zip ties so pretty simple all we're going to do   is stack these together and we're going  to zip tie them together in a couple of   spots to hold it together so i'm gonna zip  tie these together and then we'll show you   what it looks like when it's all finished up  so now that we've got this zip tied together   i'm just gonna come and cut off all of the  ends for where we have zip tied this together if you have a sharp pair  of scissors that work best all right now let's go put this in our bathroom  cabinet and load it up with our towels by the way   I'm saving the best for last now this last one  that I've got to show you towards the end of   the video is my hack that has absolutely blown  up on instagram reels and tick tock so you're   gonna want to make sure you watch to the end for  my most favorite diy so far okay now real fast   no judging the bathroom because this is the  one area of the rv we have not renovated yet   this is on the to-do list so at some point  we'll have some bathroom reno coming your way   but as of right now it's not there late let  there be light okay so in my cabinet here I'm   already using one of these on this side and what  I found is is by using this when somebody goes   to pull a towel out of here the whole stack's not  coming down so I'm gonna add another one of these   right next to this one here so  that I can put these towels in here there all of our towels are stored away I'm  using one of these up here as well so when   somebody goes to grab a towel out of here the  whole stack's not falling down and they're nice   and organized and it gives us tons of space than  on the other side for anything we need to put on   the other side of this cabinet so love this dollar  tree DIY hack for towel washcloth organization now this next dollar tree diy is probably one  of the ones that is just totally revolutionizing   our storage space and organization but you really  only need two things so one of these wire baskets   from the dollar tree and then some of these  command style hooks from the dollar tree now   these ones hold up to two pounds and this  particular hack has not come undone yet   so i'm very impressed with the quality of  these from the dollar tree and i can't wait   to show you how we're going to use this to  revolutionize our organization and storage   okay so all we need to do with this is use this  wire basket and then these command style hooks   and what we're going to do is we're going  to mount this wire basket underneath of our   dinette table with these two command hooks  so basically we're going to use these hooks   just like so on either side of our basket and  mount it under our table now we're using this   right now for a computer charger you could use  this for pens markers cords that are near an   outlet anything that you just need to get up and  out of the way in this particular spot of our rv   the computer charger that we've got plugged into  the wall always ends up on the floor which means   it's getting dirty and stepped on so this was a  perfect solution to get that up off of the floor   and stay in a spot that's organized and out  of the way so the trick here is that to make   sure these hooks aren't too close together but  just close enough together to hold your basket   and you can also bend these wires so this wire we  bent a little bit to fit the charger in and then   i can just pull it a little bit to be able to hook  it back into the hook when it's up out of the way so the next hack that I have for you isn't so  much of a DIY just a storage and organization   hack but that is a dollar tree you can pick  up these cabinet shelves now I love these   because I put these in our cabinets like this  it gives me storage up above it also gives me   options to put things underneath now the cool  thing is this last one that I'm going to show   you we're going to fill this space up and you're  going to love what we're going to put in here so   make sure that you keep watching I'm excited  to fill this up with one of our hacks so our next hack is we're gonna actually  use this kind of as like a nightstand area   so we're gonna use these dollar tree command  hooks in this wire basket from the dollar tree   and we're just gonna hang it up on the wall  right here next to the bed so that way ben has   a place to put his extra charger phone whatever  he has at night that he wants to be able to just   have up and out of the way so that we're  freeing up this kind of counter space down here okay now here is my hack that has literally been  blowing up our instagram and tick tock so this   is going to be a soft-sided storage bin and i'm  going to show you what we're going to do with the   finished product in just a few minutes but what  we did is we picked up these at the dollar tree   now what these are are these are in the soft  line section they're technically called rugs   i think they're kind of small for a rug now  you could do this too with like place mats   because this is about like placemat size as  far as the size is concerned anything that's   somewhat sturdy that is about this size so  to start we're just going to cut off the tag   and then we're also going to cut off this tag as  well because we don't want to be able to see this   now a couple of comments that i have gotten on  instagram and tiktok about this particular diy   is if you are somebody that does have a sewing  machine if you have sewing skills you could do   this with the sewing machine instead of the method  i'm going to show you but because i am not super   crafty in that sense and we do not carry a sewing  machine with this in the rv so i am going to do   this with some hot glue now i will put a link  in the description below because not only could   you use hot glue but they also on amazon have a  specific fabric hot glue that goes into your hot   glue gun that is made specifically for fabrics so  that is an alternative as well but to do this diy   what we're going to do is we're going to start  by laying this out and what we want to do is we   want to glue down our fringe side first so this is  our side with our fringe so i am just going to run   a bead of hot glue down this way so you're just  going to fold your fringe down now do be careful   because obviously this is hot glue you  don't want to get burned in any way   so put this down ouch i just did  exactly what i said not to do   that is hot hot glue is hot hot glue is very hot  so then we're just gonna repeat on the other side   as well to glue down our fringe side okay so the  next step is we're going to fold this in half so   fringe in it's important that we only glue three  quarters of the way down because we need to do   the end in a special step that i will show you in  just a minute okay so this next step is important   because this is going to be how our basket is  going to set up nicely so what we want to do here   now that we've come to three quarters of the  way down is we're going to make this into   kind of like the shape of a t like this so we're  going to put the glue around these inside edges   but when we go to secure it we want to hold it  kind of in the shape of a t you see how that looks   kind of like a t so we're going to hold it this  way until this glue dries so we're going to repeat   the same process with the other side of our bin so  three quarters of the way down with our hot glue so you guys all have to let me know in the  comments below so far which is your favorite   DIY all right so we're gonna just press on  this and then give it a few seconds to dry   but after gluing these together we're  just going to turn this inside out   and i absolutely love how this one, especially  with the fringe, looks on the outside so before   that we load these up and put them in our cabinet  i'm going to make just a couple more with some of   these other rugs that we bought so we'll do  that and then we're going to load these up   and put them in the cabinets and when we  do that I'm going to tell you why that I   am loving these versus the  hard-sided baskets for storage okay now i love soft-sided type of bins because  they have flex and they have give so when you're   trying to work with a small space or if you are  in say like a travel trailer or an airstream where   you have rounded cabinet space these have flex  and give so the first thing that i did with these   in our rv is i usually have a bin of bottled water  that i leave on the counter so i use some of this   anti-skid shelf liner underneath of things like  this that i don't want to move off of the counter   on travel days so i'm just gonna actually put this  back in the corner here and then i'm going to take   my new soft sided bin set that on here and then  this is not going to go anywhere on a travel day   it'll stay there nice and solid so to load this  cabinet up now with our food i'm gonna now put it   all in here and load it up in here instead of the  hard sided bins that i was using because it's just   gonna maximize the storage space that we have in  here so let's get this loaded up with food i can   put a lot more in here because this is flexing  and then we're gonna put it in here now this is   gonna store in there nicely when i need something  i can actually pull this out and this is going   to keep things nice and tidy on those travel  days so let's load up some more of our stuff the other thing i love about this too is this  is super decorative so if you want to leave   one of these like on your counter while you're  parked it looks super nice on the counter as well   but this is creating so much more space in  here for all of our food so now let me show you   the really cool hack about these that  my daughter is loving so trinity asked   for one of these that could be hers so over here  on the bunk we actually have these robe hooks that   we screwed onto the bunks from home depot and so  what she's actually doing is she's taking her bin   and she's just putting it through the robe hooks  she can load it up and then she can actually even   add this back over the robe hook so this hangs  nice here but it's also nice and secure where   nothing's gonna fall out of it and it's just  a nice kind of little organized space she can   have to put pens or pencils or whatever she wants  in here that she wants easy access to so this is   an amazing hack it's been blowing up the internet  you'll have to let me know in the comments below   if you have tried this before i have got a couple  of bonus organization ideas that i want to show   you not necessarily from dollar tree but super  great hacks that i have found so you're going   to want to make sure keep watching for those two  bonus hacks that i've got for you but i did want   to take a quick minute because i know so many of  you guys are thinking about trip planning right   now as are we and thank the sponsor of today's  video now   has just added over 700 more campgrounds to  their campground library and this year in 2022   their goal is to have all of the state parks  now with virtual tours that are available so   we love being able to use this tool for our trip  planning to be able to look at campsites before   we book them especially those that are in national  forests or other places where it's really hard to   get an idea of what that campsite looks like by  just looking at the website map and bonus right   now through march the 1st you can save 25 percent  off a campground views membership i'll leave   the code and the link in the description below  okay let me show you these bonus hacks so these   net mesh produce bags from ikea i'm loving  this so hanging produce up off of the counter   or not putting it in a bowl such as i'm taking it  out of this bowl here and actually hanging it is   a great way not only to keep your produce fresher  but also to keep it up off of the counter so with   this robe hook attached to the slide trim and then  the produce in this mesh bag i can actually just   leave it here even on a travel day because it is  up and out of the way and it's very secure here   and then we can just of course grab it out when we  need it and so this is a new storage hack that i'm   absolutely loving for produce but really you could  do lots of different things with anything that   you don't mind hanging on the wall now this next  bonus hack this is something that you can get from   dollar tree but what we're going to do is i have  this over the door hook hanger that i did pick up   at a dollar tree however today when we were out  shopping just looking for some different things   i found this over the door rack and i found  this at our local bells outlet so this was   on clearance for 11.99 and i'm pretty stoked  about what i'm gonna do with this so let's do it so now why i'm super excited for this  setup is because when we're out rv   when i have our microfiber towels that are clean  i usually keep them rolled up like this in the   closet and then whenever anybody needs a clean  towel if their towel is not already hanging up   they're always you know mom or trinity running  across the running across naked or whatever   so um we hang up the towels to dry and  then if i wash the towel and i i know it's   like clean and not been used yet i roll  it up like this and put it away so now   we're gonna actually put these up here oh  they fit like they fit just like a glove   and so when they're clean they're up here and  i will put a link in the description below   for these microfiber towels on amazon we  absolutely love these for rv living in rv   life because they do dry so fast and then you  just hang them up to dry so now everybody's   towel is here and once they use it they can  hang it up to dry and keep reusing it and then   when it's been washed we'll just put it right  back up here so they're hanging it up to dry   now i'm going to fold it back up so the next  hack that i have for you isn't so much of a diy   as much as it yeah end part of our basket hold  on i just realized my hot glue gun has like   things on it things yeah i know from the top okay MUSIC I don't know if it's gonna work it's too tall  oh it will work it will okay it will work we   just have to make sure it's not there but it will  work just fine oh that scared me for just a minute   ready let's give it a try no don't oh you  got to roll that back up now used used you're just not graceful  now it's on the floor oh no thumbs up in storage hang it here hold on it's not really hanging  so thanks so much for watching this video on   dollar tree diy rv organization and storage if  you would like more content and more information   about our summer caravan you're going to want to  join the grateful glamper insider's group and I'll   leave a link in the description below on how that  you can do that if you'd like to check out some   more videos with RV storage and organization tips  you can check those out right up here and if you   would like to see some more day in the life travel  vlog videos you can check those up right over here   you can check out Instagram right down here  where we've been putting a ton of short videos   and don't forget to hit that subscribe button  right down here make sure that you never miss a   video if we don't see you at the campground or out  on the road we'll definitely see in the next video
Channel: Grateful Glamper
Views: 192,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rvlife, rvliving, gratefulglamper, rv life, rv living, grateful glamper, dollar tree hacks, rv living with kids, rv storage ideas, rv organization, rv diy, full time rv living, dollar tree, diy, dollar tree decor, diy room decor, dollar store, dollar store diy, diy projects, diy hacks for rv, diy decor, rv storage and organiz, cheap rv living, diy for beginners, diy tips for newbies, diy rv, raw hacks, rv hacks, dollar tree organizing ideas, dollar tree organization, rv
Id: ikD8DL2f30Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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