35 DOLLAR TREE ORGANIZATION IDEAS to Make Your Home More Organized (must see) EASY IDEAS

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what's up barking family welcome back to my channel so today for you guys i have some organizing ideas and hacks using dollar tree products some of these ideas i have not seen done before so i really hope they help inspire you to organize in 2022 leave a comment down below letting me know what room you would like me to focus in or area of a home that you would like me to focus in for another organizing video i hope you guys enjoyed the video if you do make sure you give it a thumbs up and if you're not subscribed yet to my youtube channel make sure you subscribe i'm very close to hitting a million subscribers and i would love to do that with that being said let's begin a viewer mind sent this hack in and it is a game changing hack from dollar tree they have these rectangular bins and these are my favorite bins to buy from dollar tree now these aren't stackable but what you can do is pair them with one of these rectangular trays that you'll find at dollar tree you just place it right over the bin it fits perfectly and it makes these stackable we're gonna use this technique in my son's closet he has a shelf in there that is just a big mess so i definitely had to declutter and organize these into the bins if i place the bins directly on the shelf there's a lot of wasted space from the shelf to the ceiling so instead i use the trays i place a tray on top of every single bin and i am able to take advantage of that very precious real estate inside of my son's closet to stay organized you really do want to label all of your bins when they aren't see-through so you know what's inside of them i'm using this dymo labeler that i got from target there was this little spot in cooper's closet that i was able to take advantage of using this same technique let's cover books real quick i had books inside of cooper's closet that really needed a place so i got these book bins from dollar tree and they do hook onto each other which is nice i organized my bins in different categories of books so i had a bin with pop-up books and a bin with animal books i did this so that when i'm looking for a particular book i know which bin to go inside of i also have some mini books and these don't make sense in the book bins from dollar tree so instead i put them in the stackable bins from dollar tree if you're wondering why i didn't use these on cooper's shelf that's because they aren't as big and they don't hold as much i love the way the closet turned out everything has a place and that makes me so happy and it's so much more cleaner than it was before let's do some fun organizing right now from dollar tree you can pick up their wooden crates and paint them whatever color you like i did a bunch of colors and all you have to do is place these side by side and put your paints inside of there so if you have a big collection like i do you can do a different color for every single crate and color coordinate the paints to the crate you can display this with the crates upright or you can lay them down the way that they're meant to be i prefer the way that they are meant to be or you can stack them on top of each other if you're trying to save space let's tackle a cleaning supply closet are you like me and you have a bunch of cleaning supplies with handles just thrown all over the floor taking up space and every time you grab something everything just topples out we're gonna fix that today before we do that i wanna share this with you guys if you have any special little children in your life dollar tree carries this little broom that i love to use with cooper to teach them about chores back to the closet i recommend getting everything out cleaning and decluttering and then reorganizing now new to dollar tree are these mop and broom holders these are awesome they have two slots and then a hook there's an adhesive on the back that you can just peel off and stick to your wall you can also add screws if you like you make sure the gray part is pushed out so you can push your handles into it and then the hooks you got to make sure that whatever you're hanging off of it has a big enough hole these are awesome i also wanted to share this with you guys this is not a dollar tree product but if you have a closet that doesn't really have shelves you can buy wood crates i purchased these for about five dollars four years ago at joann fabrics i put that inside of this closet that only has one shelf at the top this gives me more space to play some of my cleaning supplies that everything is off of the floor it's easy to slide my vacuum in and out of the closet if you find that you do not like the dollar tree brand command strips carry something similar and i've used those before and they're great i've been wanting to tackle this for a long time my freezer it's a mess it's just it's so unorganized and it's just i need to fix this so of course you have to take everything out to organize i'm going to start off with this dish rack that i got from dollar tree and i'm going to use this to organize boxes this is great for organizing things that fall over easily or stack on each other and you can't clearly see everything and that's my goal for this i want to clearly see what i have because when everything's stacked on top of each other i don't know what's there and i find myself buying stuff i already have it doesn't matter what size boxes you're putting inside of this or whatever it is that you're putting inside of this what more so matters is the length and width of your freezer here's another neat hack for the dish racks from dollar tree you can use these to make an under shelf basket so get yourself some command hooks i'm using some name brand ones take one of your hooks and place it underneath wherever you want your basket to be then push your rack toward the bottom of the hook you'll then add your other hook and you want to make sure that the rack is nice and taut between both of the hooks this isn't a very big basket you could put one thing like a sandwich bag box inside of there that's not my idea for this my idea is to use this to store things that are in rolls like aluminum foil and plastic wrap if you don't want to take out the pieces individually this should be able to hold for normal size boxes to really clear up space i had to get rid of things that were in boxes so i'm using these fridge storage bins to organize things like popsicles and ice cream sandwiches some bags of fruit things that are better out of the box to make up more space and again where i could clearly see how much i have i'm also going to be using this organizer that i got from dollar tree and inside of these i'm just placing vegetables that are in bags and then in the front it's actually stuff that's open that belongs to cooper this is how it turned out on the top so much better i can clearly see everything that i have and what i need now the bottom part of the freezer i didn't do much of anything i just try to stack everything that was tall side by side but i have smaller bags down there that i don't want to get hidden underneath everything else so i put those bags inside of these organizing bins from dollar tree there are two for a dollar and 25 cents i place them inside of these bins so like i said they don't fall over and get hidden under everything that's bigger let's head into the fridge real quick as you can see mines is pretty organized that's because i already organized this using these fridge soda can storage containers from dollar tree and i'll link that video down below for you guys but dollar tree recently got in some new fridge organizing pieces like these egg storage containers i love them for a dollar and 25 cents now you gotta let me know are you like me where you like to see everything visually appealing and like seeing exactly what you have in the fridge so i can clearly see how many eggs i have or are you like my husband where you think it's completely pointless to take something out of the container to put it in another container anyways the other product that dollar tree has right now is these fridge storage bins these are new to dollar tree there's a handle on them and you can put whatever you like inside of this i'm holding some of cooper's fruit pouches you can put condiments inside of there spreads it's all up to you but at a dollar and 25 cents all of these pieces are well worth it and they just come in so helpful when organizing your refrigerator this is a great hack for making more storage space in a small kitchen my kitchen is pretty much the size of a hallway so i have these self-adhesive hooks from dollar tree you can also get name brand command hooks if you like we're gonna do a quick diy that is awesome from dollar tree you can pick up one of their cabinet shelves and then pick up organizing baskets that have a wire look to them so i got this one that i'm able to slide through two of the legs of my shelf then i'm gonna take one of these wire baskets from dollar tree and place it on the bottom of the shelf to tie these into place i'm going to use zip ties that way they go nowhere now you just hang this up i'm going to use name brand command hooks and hang this on the side of my refrigerator this is a great piece to store items whatever it might be in my case i used it to store fruits i put some bananas and apples in there i have some jam inside of there you can use this to store cleaning supplies doesn't have to go on the side of your fridge but it works again in my small kitchen for me this is a cool hack to take advantage of wall space from dollar tree you can pick up their wire baskets they carry them in black and white and you'll cut two holes on the back of your basket then you'll use adhesive hooks i'm going to be using the self adhesive hooks from dollar tree and i'll be sliding the basket over the hooks now i prefer to use two hooks with each basket but i couldn't find the other pack that i bought so i ended up having to use only one hook with each basket but in these baskets you can store all sorts of things i'm using this to store snacks so chips fruit roll hubs i keep these things on hand for my babysitter and my sister and brother-in-law they always come over and ask for snacks another thing i did was get the push lights from dollar tree and i placed them underneath the cabinet shelf and let's just make everything glow it actually kind of looks a little bit like a tiny little convenience store if you will when you have a smaller kitchen or a very limited amount of cabinets this works awesome if you have the wall space to do it another thing you can do is get a tension rod this one cost me under three dollars at walmart and you can put this underneath your cabinet if you have space to shove it down there you can even use it inside of a cabinet now you can get some book rings from dollar tree or some shower hooks for a dollar 64 cents at walmart and hook them to dollar tree buckets once you have those hooked you just place them around the tension rod and this creates another storage spot inside of your kitchen that you can use to store whatever you like just try to take advantage of your wall space if you have some i'm going to show you how to organize a kitchen cabinet as you can see i already have some food containers in there because once upon a time this was organized but it got messed up after the holidays or during the holidays so from dollar tree you can pick up these two quartz and four quart containers and these are great for storing things like chips and cereals so i actually already have chips inside of there i'm just placing them back inside of my cabinet then i'm going to be using these clip lock closures from sure fresh i also got these at dollar tree to store cereals there is a hole at the top that's great for pouring i went ahead and i labeled everything i had to use a different label on the front of these containers before i could use the one that i was printing out for some reason the other labels wouldn't stick on these by themselves so i had to put this down first and then my other one on top of this also if you do not plan on eating whatever you're putting inside of these containers right away make sure you write the expiration date down somewhere on the containers or maybe on your refrigerator you just need to know when these things expire if you're not going to eat them right away dollar tree right now has these candy jars with lids and i love to use these to store things that are individually wrapped so i did breakfast bars in one and random breakfast items in another i don't recommend putting things inside of this that can get stale from the air real quickly so let's pretend cereal if you're not gonna eat that cereal quick it's not gonna stay fresh because this isn't airtight dollar tree always has really great glass pieces with lids that are great for storing loose things things like rice and grains granola my favorite thing about these particular glasses is just how chic they look you can also use the dollar tree fridge storage bins inside of your cabinets they don't have to be just used inside of the fridge i use them to store some of my husband's beef jerky is it beef jerky beef sticks i don't know what i've been doing for a while now are using the organizing bins that you saw me use inside of the freezer to store things that are individually wrapped that make more sense outside of their boxes and then smaller loose pieces like candy don't be afraid to use the fridge soda can storage containers in your cabinets as well it doesn't have to just be for the fridge there you go we went from this what i call an organized mess to something that is just organized and visually appealing you can clearly see what you have and what you need and i love an organized cabinet if you have a pantry an actual pantry you're looking god bless junk drawers they're the best but they also turn into big messes so this is a junk drawer that i have to tackle i've already showed you how to tackle junk drawers two times before and as you can see those are the two that are organized i would say this is my junkiest junk drawer because this has the most items that are random at least one drawer it's all pretty much cords the other drawer are things we take outside with us a lot this is just randomness so again you have to take everything out to start fresh if this ain't mom life i don't know what is i woke up real early before the baby woke up took a shower and i'm now cleaning my messy house dollar tree right now is carrying these clear containers that have a lid and these are going to work well inside of my drawer you know not everything i use will work for you but hopefully this gives you ideas i use these to organize pieces in my junk drawer that i want to keep there so for instance i have a drill in this drawer and this drill i use a lot with my crafts and i don't want to go to the basement every single time that i need this drill so i keep it inside of the junk drawer i put it inside of this bin so that it's just not thrown inside of there which is normally the way it is we also have some random things like screws and a tape measurer that we keep in this drawer because again it's kind of a pain in the butt to go downstairs every single time that we need it and we use these quite often because we're always repairing inside of our house a great buy at dollar tree are these organizers with lids there's three different compartments so you can use these to store three different things for instance in mine i was storing sd cards i had these sd cards inside of this metal bathtub decoration yes i i really like i said i this this junk drawer was crazy you can use these to organize phone chargers and cords and you can take the lids off of these if you like if you just want these things to be open no need for the lid you can see i had pieces still left over from my junk drawer and these were actually phone cords i recently and i'll link that down below for you guys showed you guys how to organize phone cords and things of that nature so i went ahead and i placed them back inside of the drawer that they're supposed to be in but i want to give you guys this helpful tip you can buy a pack of fastener strips at dollar tree and basically think of this as two velcro strips you can push them together and then wrap these around individual phone cords that way they are nicely put together versus unraveled and taking up a bunch of space inside of your drawer and you're trying to rummage through it and untangle it from other cords no you just wrap it up and then put the fastener strip around the cord and this just makes it all nice and put together again i'll link the video where i organized this drawer down in the description box for you just in case you're interested now some of you might have already seen me organize underneath my bathroom sink i'm going to switch it up just a little bit and i wanted to share this with you guys the bins from dollar tree that i use to organize most of the cleaning supplies underneath my bathroom sink just aren't working for me anymore every time i try to grab something everything kind of topples over because of the shape so i wanted to get rid of those and use something else and i'll share with you guys that in just a moment as i was taking things out i was trying to declutter a lot of this video i was simultaneously filming two videos a decluttering video and an organizing video you'll see the decluttering video eventually because i had a lot of decluttering to do if you haven't seen my previous video where i show how i organize underneath this bathroom sink i'm going to go over a quick rundown of items i use so to take advantage of the height that's underneath the sink i use these wire shelves from dollar tree if i just placed items directly on here i'm gonna have all this wasted space so i use these wire shelves to take advantage of some of the space then i have these containers that come in three packs from dollar tree and inside of these i place extra toothbrushes for gas and extra toothpaste i use one of these soda fridge containers from dollar tree to place just extra things that we have on hand so i got like extra deodorant in here like extra razor blades something i recently got from target are these acrylic bins and they cost me six dollars so i have hand soaps inside of here we go through hand soaps like crazy especially since covet is around cooper so i purchased these big acrylic bins from target for twelve dollars i recently decided that i want to transition to acrylic bins underneath the sink because this is the main place where we put our cleaning supplies we don't have like a big closet or anything as you guys saw so we mainly put them down here [Music] this is why i absolutely love these wire shelves if they were in here this bin would just be right there and then all of this stuff would be inside of the bin or just piled on top of each other they allow me to take advantage of space that otherwise would be wasted i just love them you're able to get more real estate out of areas that don't necessarily have the best system for that the candy jars with lids do not just have to be for a party or for the kitchen you can use them inside of your bathroom i put epsom salts in one of the bigger ones so that i could place one of these plastic spoons that i got from dollar tree inside of the jar and then in another one i put some cotton balls this is just an idea if you have the space to organize and decorate with these this is a cool hack if you do not have a lot of space for storage inside of your shower like we have these really tiny shelves that only fit smaller bottles you can get these bright room cart organizers from target right now it's two for six dollars now you have to poke holes at the bottom of it if you have a drill with a drill bit do that instead i was just using a screwdriver because it was the closest thing on hand and i was just twisting around till i poke some holes you need holes at the bottom of this because you need water to drain out to mount this in your shower you just need this permanent melting tape from dollar tree so you need to clean the area that you're going to apply the tape to with rubbing alcohol so i did that first you then peel the paper backing off and then push your organizer against the tape until it is just kind of sealed shut into place very taut against each other and then you can put whatever you want inside of this as you can see i put a shampoo bottle in there you can do that obviously which most of you guys probably would use that for something like this i'm however using it for cooper's bath toys you can buy bath toy holders at target and usually it's like a net and i don't really like the way they look and they're kind of bulky i like this much better if you're wondering about that foam bath toy looking thing it's called the blockaroo it's really cool it's a stem toy and you can use it inside of the bathtub that's it for this organizing video i hope you guys enjoyed it and you learned something thank you so much again for watching i will see you guys next time take care bye you
Channel: Bargain Bethany
Views: 423,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 84igIP_6f3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 24 2022
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