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[Music] hey guys welcome back to my home channel and welcome to the whole entire renault redo makeover of the rv that i am currently living in i transformed this rv into a tiny home and to be honest right off the top of my head i don't know the make and model but i will leave it in the description box because that is something that i've gotten questions about a lot so obviously this is the before i wanted to give you guys a big once over everything so that you could see really all the details that went into this first of all i really really underestimated the work that was gonna go into this i thought it would be easy i thought it's a small space it's no big deal but it was way more and took me way longer than i anticipated so if you guys missed it i did do a walkthrough tour of the after so i will leave that link in the description box but i took all of this footage and it was so much footage like hours and hours and hours it actually took me two days to go through the footage itself just to weed out this much and so i wanted to not let that footage go to waste and i know there was a lot of you when i did the reveal and the walkthrough that had a lot of in-depth questions or curious on how i did some of the different things so um i wanted to yeah put all of this together and show you so obviously i started out with demo and as i was demoing i would kind of like notice something else that i wanted to demo or notice like an area that i wanted to do something different i didn't have a huge game plan whenever i started and um so i just like took doors off and started just ripping things apart to get it to the point where i could start refinishing stuff and this really took a lot of time i would say this took as much time as all the finishing work did it was just so much especially when you're somebody that's not strong and big built like myself it just took me longer because there was a lot of times where i had to really you know hammer at something or rip it apart to really get it demolished two of the tools that you're going to see me using a lot here in the demo is a screw gun and then this multi-purpose tool that you're going to see in and out and it basically is a vibrating it has a high vibration and it works perfect for cutting through paneling and stuff like that which is mostly what campers are made of is paneling and so it was really easy to take things apart or cut areas apart that i wanted to change the other thing that i'll mention is just so that it wasn't so monotonous i did change up what areas i was working on quite a bit and that's how i filmed it and that's how i put it together in the editing process too i just edited how i filmed it so it i worked on one little section and then i moved to another little section so as you're going to see it's kind of randomly put together so this corner cabinet i'm working on right now was actually a tv console or like an entertainment corner and it was obviously made for tvs back whenever they were a lot bigger and i really needed just a little bit more counter space this rv basically has no counter space so i decided to go ahead and kind of take apart the corner tv cabinet and raise the one shelf up to the same height as the countertop over in the kitchen side so it kind of extended my kitchen and gave me a nice little corner for a [Music] workspace [Music] [Music] i did recycle and reuse a lot of things in this rv so oddly enough as much as rvs and old homes are made with paneling it's pretty hard to come by nowadays in store so if you're looking for paneling to replace something it's actually difficult to find something that's you know similar or similar in texture to what you're working with so as i was taking things apart i really saved a lot of scrap pieces and then reused them in other areas so when it came to the countertops i was looking for something that would be a quick fix something that would be inexpensive i actually would really like to redo these countertops but for now just to stay in budget and all of that i went ahead and did the little contact paper trick which you guys have seen me do before and to make them look a little more square looking i added wood to the edges of all of the countertops as you'll see on the kitchen side the countertops were rounded and i just wanted them to have a little bit more of a modern [Music] [Music] look [Music] i'm hoping in the next couple of months to actually do um a different finish on these countertops so stay tuned for that it's definitely going to be a diy situation but i'm excited to learn something new [Music] okay so you can see these panels right inside the door there were two places in the kitchen area that basically were wasted space so you had no access to the side of this large cupboard above the sink um and it just wouldn't have been as useful to me if i didn't have access to both sides so i went ahead and reused the cupboard doors that were above the entertainment center on that side of the door just to have bigger access point for that cupboard all right so moving on to this side of the rv i oh my goodness whenever i first started looking at this i really had no idea what we were going to end up doing if we were going to end up purchasing a couch or just trying to find good solutions for updated things on this side it was so dirty it had to actually have some of the subfloor replaced from water damage and there was just a lot that went into this side of the camper it is the only slide out that is in this camper and um it's definitely the space that we probably use the most actually so i went ahead and took out the fold out bed which was a huge waste of space you can see this box that was underneath of it was completely empty and it was just an area where we could have some sort of storage and then the disgusting disgusting dare i say repulsive carpet got all ripped out every stinking square inch of it on the floors was ripped out along with the blinds and all of that stuff and then as we discovered that the subfloor needed replaced we also decided to rip the booth out and i was so glad that we did that because it ended up giving me a nicer table space and we were also able to make the couch area a lot longer just because we could slide that over and not take up so much space with the booth that was there i also removed one of the bunks since i have three daughters i didn't need a fourth bunk and it gave the girls an extra play space [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so initially when i took down the doors from these overhead cabinets i was planning to save it um i took out the little fabric thingies i was thinking maybe i would put some raton in behind there but the more that i looked at the whole area and the whole situation i realized how much it was taking up headspace and just made the area feel really cramped and small besides all of that i really didn't have a lot of things that i felt like i could store in that small of cabinets so you'll see eventually here i end up ripping all of it down back to the kitchen area so this again was an area that was literally just paneled off there was nothing behind it there was it was waste of space and whenever you have such a small tiny house that you're living in you want every stinking square inch of that place to be usable so i actually got this drawer set from ikea you're going to see here after a bit my brother ended up helping me finish that up but it was by chance i bought it while i was at ikea i didn't even have the measurements of the cabinet and came home and it fit in almost seamlessly if it would have been even a half inch larger it would have would not have fit in there so it was perfect for that little spot in the kitchen [Music] i never actually looked at the dates of how long it took me to complete all of this i feel like it was almost two months but maybe it wasn't quite that long but of course i was doing 90 of the work by myself really alone doing it all and so if you had an extra hand obviously it wouldn't take nearly as long but i just had thought that it would go so much faster and when you look at all the little tiny things that have to be done that you don't really think about it just takes time underneath of the tv console area was another wasted space kind of area that we ended up cutting open so that we could put shelving in there [Music] another thing that's really difficult about working with paneling and just all of the materials that they normally use for in an rv which the reason that they do is because you want them as light as possible but it does take a lot of patchwork if you make a hole or a dent in something and you just kind of have to work with it and you can't expect it all to be perfect [Music] [Music] [Music] next begin the task oh when i say task i mean task of putting primer on everything every thing and this primer was honest to goodness terrible as far as the smell it works amazing and it does great for over paneling and smooth surfaces that normal primer would not stick to but i had to take a lot of breaks and i had to open up doors and windows and it just really was a lot of fumes so keep that in mind i will try to remember to link the primer below because i think that's a pretty a common ask question what type of primer will stick to paneling and all of that stuff so this stuff works great but i will warn you that the fumes are pretty crazy and obviously it takes the right chemicals to make it bond to something so smooth okay so this is whenever my brother jumped in and helped me out because i was having a hard time figuring out how to make a little wall on the side of this drawer set and he just is really good at this kind of thing so he helped me kind of construct or reconstruct kind of the top of the cabinet and get that little uh bin pull-out drawer set put in correctly [Music] [Applause] [Music] the hardware that i put on all of the drawers and cabinets were a lot longer of a handle than what was initially there so i had to putty in all of the little holes that were there from the original hardware i feel like this clip is such a perfect example of why this all took so long so the edging compared to the rolling in this situation was nothing all of the brush work that has to happen in an rv is just super overwhelming and you have to work with it little by little but i did eventually get it done it just felt like it took forever [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] since we were replacing the flooring and inside the cabinets i was going to be putting down just regular contact paper it wasn't a big deal that i got paint on the floor which was actually really convenient it just was one less thing to have to worry about [Music] a quick little side note about the coat i'm wearing so after i got primer on it a couple of times i just decided that this was going to be my work coat and i totally gave in to just letting paint get all over it so as i was working on the editing part of this video i realized that as the painting progresses my coat gets worse and worse looking so you'll have to check it out as you watch [Music] my mom came out one day and asked me what she could do so i asked her to just work on some of the brushing so this is her brushing the countertop area [Music] one nice thing about using contact paper is it's super inexpensive i think that the marble rolls that i was using i they might be under five dollars or roll they're super cheap so it's always something that if you want to replace it too you can but i have used it different places and it's definitely held up really well and then i've also been really happy with the backsplash it's wipeable even whenever grease from my stove splashes up on it it does fine i can wash it right off when it came down towards the end with some of the more difficult finishes my dad was a rock star and jumped right in and helped me out with some things that i didn't know how to do or that we both didn't know how to do but we figured it out which that's something that i definitely would give a word of advice on is every single rv is going to be different all of them have their different corks and mechanisms that have to work like we had to figure out how to make this flooring work with the bump out and the slide out how to make it slide over top of the flooring whenever it went close and what the mechanisms were inside of it and what direction it went whenever it went closed so this one actually lifts straight up and then it goes over top of the other flooring so as long as we didn't cover up that white strip that you see right there on the floor it was fine and it closes fine next he helped me figure out what we were going to do about the couch area so since i took that one bunk out of the back in the bunk house we did have an extra mattress that was bunk sized so we decided to make a kind of petition wall so that you could lean against the end of the couch area if you wanted to and also kind of gave a back to the benches on the other side at the table and then this is actually the size of one of the bunks so it's another area that somebody could sleep potentially next i got this faucet put in and it is an amazon fine faucet i love it so much it works really well and it's super inexpensive so if you're looking for something like that i will leave the link below and then here is the finished product i can't tell you how happy i am with everything there are some little details here and there that are not completely finished but i would say after weeks and weeks and weeks of all the hard work i was ready to be done for a little while with [Music] everything [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you're new here i would love it if you subscribed to my channel i put a lot of home content out and we'll be putting out more diy projects i have some things coming up that i know that you will love if you love this style content i'm also going to be showing you guys how i organize everything here in my tiny house and don't forget to leave a comment below let me know if you're working on a project like this or a diy project also let me know what space of the rv you enjoyed the most the transformation you enjoyed the most and don't forget to give this video a like and i'll see you guys in my next video [Music] you
Channel: Adaline's Home
Views: 432,638
Rating: 4.9452519 out of 5
Keywords: tiny home tour, tiny home rv, rv home tour, rv tour, tiny home makeover, tiny home 2021, tiny house tour, full time rv, full time rv tour, rv makeover, tiny home diy, diy tiny home, tiny home build, tiny home remodel, camper living, camper tour, camper tiny home, tiny home camper, full time camper, living in a camper, tiny home with kids, rv renovation, camper renovation, camper makeover, rv before and after, camper before and after
Id: J6n4GUlHcwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 47sec (1487 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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