Small House Large Family 🏑 || The Sims 4: Speed Build

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this video was made possible by the EA Creator Network guys it's almost here so welcome to another Speed Build so today I am building another family home and this time I am using the growing together expansion pack and I'm building in the world of San Sequoia which is of course the world that came in that expansion pack it just came out not too long ago this is the first build that I'm doing with the pack installed in my regular game I did a few previous um Early Access videos with just growing together in base game and I I have to say I have kind of like mixed feelings about this expansion pack I really like the concept of it um it seems like the gameplay is pretty good I haven't really heard any complaints it seems all pretty positive I haven't done any myself because I always just build but for me when I heard Sans Sequoia I imagined a San Francisco world and so um it's definitely inspired by that I mean I can see hints of it but I was really expecting a city with a small suburb area and then like Victorian townhouses or apartments or something and I don't know I just had something completely different in mind and this is definitely a lot more just Suburbia which is fine and now that I have it in my game with my other packs and definitely my reshade I'm liking it a lot more but I'm also just getting I guess used to it not being what I had imagined at first if that makes any sense um so yeah let me know if you guys feel the same but I'm very happy to have it in my game with my reshade that is something whenever I get Early Access with just a pack in the base game and I don't have the ability to have any mods or reshade I miss reshade probably the most and then next probably like the tool mod and better build them by just because it gives you so much more freedom and organizes things better so I'm definitely happy just just to have everything packed the way I like it and I hope you guys will like the house basically my idea for this well the main thing that I wanted to do was use the tree house because in those previous builds that I was talking about um I didn't have any space to use the tree house because the tree house is actually quite like a large object um so this one I specifically made sure that there was room for it and I actually had my play tester Sim build the tree house you'll see that completed in the screenshots I didn't upgrade it if you upgrade the Treehouse I believe there's a slide and like banners and decorations so it looks like you know your children's Sims have decorated the tree house and so it's super cute but I just left it the basic tree house and then if you would like your Sims to build it themselves I would just delete the one that I made and then replace it with an unbuilt one and that should work out fine um and yeah there's a little bit of extra yard space too if you wanted to add a couple of other activities I do add a few things back there but no other like play equipment but there's a little bit of room for it but as you can see there's a driveway and uh the color scheme that I went for with the house is that orangey wood tone and then this kind of like sage green color that's pretty um I guess prevalent throughout the pack you can see it in the siding also in the columns and you know some of the decoration items and a few other build items and so I thought that they were really nice like combination and really pretty together and for the interior style I went for like a cozy mix between traditional and modern because this pack came with a few different sort of Styles there's like industrial items there's cozy like eclectic traditional items and then there's these like Ultra Modern pieces so I don't know for me I wish that it would have just been maybe one style and just like a completed style but I do think all of them are nice in their own way but maybe there could have been more just to make them feel a little bit more completed like the traditional couch that we got I love I think it's so cute and I think it's like well made and I love the pillows and I love like the throw on the back and just like the texture of it I think it's a great couch and I would have loved to seen a matching love seat and like an armchair that just made the set complete so that's just something that I noticed myself but um yeah my other idea that I wanted to mention about this house was I wanted to go for a house that was on the smaller side but for a relatively large family so in this home you can fit six Sims and uh it's going to be two parents um and then I made a nursery so you can have a baby in there you could of course have a toddler if you prefer and honestly you could even turn the nursery into a toddler's room or another kid's room and then put the bassinet in the parents room and have the baby sleep in there so it's totally a possibility um and then there's two kids in this house and then a room for a teenager so six Sims total is the way I decorated it but you could easily have eight Sims in here or if you had like a couple of pets that could complete the eight Sim household two so yeah you could easily have a full house if you would like also there's the garage space that could easily be turned into another bedroom too so there's a lot of possibilities but basically I wanted this house to be on the smaller side it ended up being a lot more spacious because I made the house a little bit um wider towards the back of the lot than I had originally planned but that's just because the living room was going to be really cramped the way I have it right now and since we don't have any love seats I had to go with the full length version of the couch and I could have made it work but it wouldn't have been like perfect or as good as it could have been and so I'm really happy that I made the house a little bit wider and it gave me more room for the bedrooms the kitchen ended up being really large and yeah it just ended up being a lot more just spacious which is kind of funny but I feel like it's one of those homes that you come across that looks really small from the exterior like the thing from the front of this house it still looks like a pretty small house but then you go in and there's four bedrooms and there's two bathrooms and it's pretty spacious it's just a lot more house than you would expect and so I feel like it's one of those homes and actually our last house it was one of those houses like I feel like a lot of people said that to us because it was a a four bedroom house too so I had my office and we had a guest bedroom then we had our son's room and then we had our room and it was way too much house for us it was kind of ridiculous but when you came up to the front of the house it looked like this tiny little home and then it just was one of those houses that I guess was longer towards the back of the lot like this one and so um yeah I thought that was kind of fun but here you can see I'm messing around with the roof I made this roof way more complicated than it needed to be I don't know what I was thinking when I first started building it because I knew I was going to have to do something kind of along these lines when I was building the house the way I was um but yeah I just made it way more complicated than it needed to be but um since I made it this way I ended up having even more space for the bedrooms because I had to bring it all the way to the edge of the house and it just worked out so nicely I'm really pleased with the floor plan and just how this house like came together and I think it's so cute and I'm completely obsessed with the green siding and I think it's really adorable with like the white windows and the orangey color I think it's just all it's all pretty in my opinion so I think that came together pretty nicely and yeah other than that I wanted to make this house cozy and lived in I think the most areas that have that feel though are the bedrooms and then the living room I kept the kit like the dining room um a little bit less clutter just because I wanted the table to be usable I added like just some pins and some papers on there but nothing like too crazy because I originally imagined putting like schoolwork and like art supplies and like a bunch of stuff all over the dining table because I love that idea of feeling like the kids have just been sitting there working on their school homework or a school project or um just an art project at home or something like that um but I wanted it to be more functional and not have you guys need to delete something to make it usable but I think the bedrooms have a lot of Personality especially well I like all of them but I think the teenager room is kind of something unique because I didn't go with like a super like strong particular like color scheme or even like theme hobby wise because sometimes I'll pick like this Sim Likes music and then every poster has to do with music every decoration has to do with music and so this one I tried to just make it more of like a general teenager that has a few different interests and you know a different sort of like personality and just try to make it feel a bit more realistic in that aspect I think so yeah I thought that was pretty fun and the Sim is into photography and I think the teenies also um a bit of an activist I put a few posters in there that I think kind of go with that personality and they're a bit edgy and like different patterns and kind of like an alternative sort of dress style is what I was going for so hopefully that comes across in the way I decorated it you guys will see that in a little while and then for the kids I made a room with some bunk beds because with this expansion pack we got a really cool like Swatch to the bunk beds that have these artwork like um taped up to the bunk bed itself so it looks super cute and it's super like personalized to you know the Sims that you have living in the bedroom it just shows so much personality so I love little details like that I went for the dinosaur Swatch of the bed and so I made it like a super dinosaur kids room and I was thinking the kids are twins but that's of course up to you guys if you decide to play in this house and then for the nursery I just tried to make a general sort of like Nursery that matches the house and I think it's so cute though it's so sweet we have so many good objects from this expansion pack but also the base game update where we got like tons of um little cribs and toys and just different things that are perfect for a nursery so I'm so excited about them so happy about them and so I think the nursery is really cute and I had considered making space for a toddler too but like I was saying earlier I think you could easily move the crib into the parents room I put a computer desk in there that is you know totally not necessary you could easily just have a laptop in your Sims inventory and then you could probably just put a bassinet or um a crib in that space and then turn the bedroom into a toddler's room or you could just have the baby and the toddler share a room too that's totally a possibility so yeah I just wanted to create a nursery though just because all this stuff is so new and so cute but um that's it for the exterior so far I do come back to the exterior and add a few more decorations over by the tree and a little bit more landscaping and like an outdoor dining area and a few seating areas and stuff like that but here I'm moving on to the interior starting off with the living room first so with the living room I really tried to make this area feel um lived in and decorated and like The Sims have been currently you know in here living their lives basically um and so with that I tried to add like toys around and with the coffee table I cluttered up the coffee table with a bunch of different stuff so I think it really just looks lived in and super cute and homey and all of that stuff so hopefully you guys will agree and hopefully you guys will like it but you can see some of these objects that I'm talking about now that came with the expansion pack like this kids sculpture with the bear and the basket I thought was so cute with like the broom and the flag and it's in like a flower pot it's just so adorable and I thought that was kind of a cute decoration to put next to the couch and then I also put um a little um sort of craft project on the coffee table and I think a coffee table is like the best spot to clutter up because the Sims really don't need it like they might set something on it if there's a space available but they don't need to like sit there and eat at a coffee table or um you know it's just not necessary so it's a great spot just to clutter it up with extra decorations to make it feel extra um lived in and cozy basically um over here I really wanted to add this bookcase that is new with the expansion pack I like the style of it it's a bit more industrial it's kind of like a cross between the traditional items in this pack and the industrial items it's an interesting bookshelf and there's two different pieces to it and they actually clip together or snap together rather and um yeah I think they're really great but for some reason I just felt like it looked a bit messy over there and like it was kind of out of place in this living room so I decided to add this one from cats and dogs instead and then I also put a play mat for the baby and a little basket full of toys in here and so it just has lots of things that make it feel like you know there's kids that live here because I mean I have a toddler and his toys are everywhere they are in our bedroom they're in his bedroom they're in the hallway they're in the living room like they're scattered everywhere and I pick them up and he scatters them again so I feel like that is just so realistic and I love bringing that into my Sims homes and making them feel like you know Sims actually live here and have their lives and things that they do and so I think that's pretty fun but um yeah over here just added a side table and then I have the entryway this front door by the way is so stinking cute I really like all of the doors that came in this pack there's a like super modern one there's this smaller sort of um Craftsman style one and there's a larger Craftsman one and I wish we would have got a little bit more variety especially with the wall Heights because there's only the short wall Heights for the doors there's no medium which I think I kind of would have expected and it would have been nice to see a matching interior door as well so I went with the seasons one just because it was white and matched um some of the colors that I was using but also it's also a craftsman style so I guess it worked out nicely and also this Archway that I have here leading into the dining room is so beautiful but it's so big I wish we would have got like a two square or two tile version I think would have been perfect it made it feel a lot more complete but the dining room I think came together really nicely like I mentioned I had considered like cluttering up the top of it but I just ended up placing a flower in the center and then I placed just this little clutter piece with pins and a few pieces of paper because I don't think that's going to take away from your Sims actually dining at the dining table and then I just put a little high chair in the corner and there's a few other decorations in there but it's a nice simple dining room but what I really like about it is the modern sliding glass door that I have leading to the side yard just because it lets in so much light and it's just really pretty in my opinion so I felt like that worked out pretty nicely and then over here is going to be the kitchen so as you can see the kitchen is one of the largest kitchens I have probably ever made there's so much counter space in here it's such a big room but I really love it because I was able to fit an island in here really easily and it's a large island so there's lots of stools around it and the stools are new with the expansion pack and as you can see they match the color scheme of the traditional items but they're more of an industrial style I think they're really cool and I thought they looked nice in here with the Parenthood counters that I'm using and the Parenthood Kyle and the curtains are new with the expansion pack too and I use them pretty much throughout the entire house they do have a bit of an issue with shadowing for some reason objects are casting like a harsh shadow in them in some areas and so I ended up not being able to use them in the parents bedroom for that reason but it I've kind of had that issue in the living room but I think I made it work in there it's okay but um certain objects just cast like really harsh Shadows on other objects and these curtains seem to be affected pretty heavily by that um so yeah it's just something that I noticed and then the stove and refrigerator and the range hood are new with the expansion pack 2 and I love them they're one of my favorite things that came in this whole pack I think they're beautiful and they just match nicely and I just think they're they're really just a nice set in my opinion and I'm kind of surprised because on Twitter I've seen some people say they don't like them and I'm like kind of like how could you not like them I think they're beautiful and I thought they were pretty in this color and I know I just really liked them I I just thought they looked beautiful in here and I think they're just like so different than the other ones that we have so I'm very happy to see them um but other than that I just cluttered up the counters with a few different decorations and functional items too there's a teapot a coffee pot a microwave a dishwasher and so there's lots of things for all of the Sims to basically do all of their kitchen needs I think and then over here is going to be the downstairs bathroom there's two bathrooms in this build one upstairs and one downstairs they're both full bathrooms I do end up placing a washer and dryer in the garage space if you want to use the garage for something else you could probably move the washer and dryer in here but you might want to like remove the shower and tub combo that I'm using it's new with the expansion pack 2 by the way and I think it's really pretty it's probably my new favorite shower in the game but um yeah I really wanted to have this be another full bathroom just because with six Sims and a home one full bathroom would probably not be enough so I thought the garage space was a good place for the washer and dryer but of course there's a lot of different options if you guys wanted to switch it up a little bit and then I had this extra space over here so I decided just to make it kind of like a little I don't know like a a gaming Nook or a bonus Nook I don't know what you would call this space but it's kind of it's kind of a little awkward room but I put the gaming table this new expansion pack in here and then also I put the piano which the the piano I am so excited about the piano you guys if you guys have seen my previous builds if you've been watching me for a while you probably know how long I've been asking for a regular stand-up piano in the game and we finally have one I've made my own with the keyboard and some side tables a couple of different times and it's worked out pretty nicely I mean it's been functional but of course it doesn't look perfect because it's not really meant to be what I was making it but I'm so happy to have one and there's some like funky swatches there's this one Swatch that's super cool that has like graffiti and like posters and just like stuff stuck all over it so it looks like maybe you would have it in I don't know what kind of build but it's really cool I'm definitely gonna have to use it at some point um but the one I used in here says a plain wood Swatch and there's quite a few plain swatches which I was so happy to see because I think in the I can't remember if it was the trailer or like a teaser image that the Sims shared on Twitter showed one of the like really colorful swatches and I was like no I was like they're totally gonna give us a standing piano and then we're not gonna have enough like plane swatches or any plane swatches I thought maybe there would be like one wood tone and then like a white and black but there's a couple of different wind tones and there's white and black and then there's a bunch of different fun swatches too so very happy about that but anyways as you can see I'm moving on to the garage area so for the garage it's mainly a laundry room um but I put a few other things in here nothing else I think is really functional I probably should have put a like a woodworking table in here but I felt kind of just uninspired with the garage like I don't know we really need a like garage stuff pack I mean I doubt it'll be a stuff pack because I don't think we're getting stuff packs anymore but maybe a garage kit where we just get some just Garage items and things to just put around even if it's not totally functional and just decorative I need more things for a garage space especially like cutesy items like I feel like we have a lot of things from like the live edit objects where you can make kind of more of a like a rustic um kind of more dirty looking garage but creating just like a clean modern garage is kind of hard at least for me I'm sure other people do it really well without like custom content but I think I've came so like um accustomed to like the custom content that I have in the game for garages and yeah now without those pieces I'm just kind of lost with what to do in a garage space so yeah it might just be me but anyways here I'm moving on to the second floor decorating the upstairs bathroom so I ended up copying over a lot of the items that I used in the downstairs bathroom um but it's a little bit of a bigger bathroom but it has all of the same like functioning items the sink the toilet the toddler potty and then the shower tub combo and then I end up actually placing a little like um like a side table I don't know what you would call it but a little storage area under the window not the one that I have right now that's from laundry day this one just looked a little bit too like country and rustic for this home so I decided just to go with something different and I used these ones that I believe came with the high school years pack I was really hoping they'd have it in like like the wood tone that I was using but um they didn't so I just used it in a white Swatch and then I just cluttered it up with a few different decorations like these uh sunflowers and then some bathroom pieces with the base game update for infants we got some really nice baskets full of like clutter it's all like infant clutter like diapers and lotions and stuff but um I think it works great for a bathroom so I thought that worked out pretty nicely and then here I'm going to move on to the bedrooms and something I should mention the camera is giving me a lot of problems especially in this point of the build with it like jumping up I think with like the roofs and the platforms that I have filling in like the dead spaces of the build and so hopefully it's not too irritating but I think when it gets the worst is in the teenager's bedroom so I thought I would just mention it in case some of you guys are a bit sensitive to to the camera jumping because it might make somebody a little bit queasy but um yeah I think I think it's minimal so hopefully it's not too bad but if it is let me know and if I ever come across it in another build which I'm sure I will because it seems to be getting worse with like every update so hopefully they fix it or maybe I'll just learn how to work around it a little bit better but um yeah I'll try my best if it really bothers you guys um but this is going to be the parents bedroom I think the parents bedroom is so cute um I think this plant that I just added in the corner was the main source of the Shadow being casted on that curtain when I placed it the shadow appeared but when I tried to remove it the shadow didn't really go anywhere so I don't really know I'm kind of confused about it but I just ended up going with some other curtains here in just a little while but over here is the computer desk that I was talking about so if you wanted to repurpose the nursery space for another bedroom I would just put the crib in here in that space and then just put a laptop or something in your Sims inventory so here you can see I'm like shuffling things around trying to figure out the curtain thing and I try another curtain but I liked these ones better and then I tried moving the plant but the shadow was still there so I don't know but I just ended up going with the base game curtains that we have in a white Swatch and I thought they looked nice in here and they fit the windows nicely but I tried a few other curtains and stuff but nothing was like really working the way I had wanted it to but I think these ones actually work out pretty nicely and then over here is going to be the nursery and so for the nursery I really just wanted it to match the house basically so I used quite a bit of that sagey green color but I also used a lot of yellows in here and I just wanted it to feel just like a very neutral base for a nursery so you could easily come in here and customize it um for your liking depending on you know how you want to decorate your nursery and so I think it's just super cute and I just love the different elements like this rug in here the changing table the shelf that I have here at the left of the room with like these little I don't know what you like stuffy towels I don't know what they're called but you see them all the time when you're buying baby stuff but they're basically like a stuffed animal attached to like a rag or a little blanket or something and they're really cute and really adorable sometimes they have like a binky or like a pacifier or something attached to it too so yeah I think that worked out pretty pretty nicely hung there I love that little side table and then here is a bookshelf that we now have for nurseries too that has all of these little baby books in it the only problem I have with it is I think the scale of it is kind of small which is something I feel like I never say with an object in The Sims 4 usually things are oversized but I think it's a bit small so I use the tool mod to scale it up a little bit and then I also use the tool mod to drop it down on the wall a little bit um because I wanted to hide the shadow because the shadow does not scale with it so unfortunately sometimes there's objects where the shadow isn't like attached to the mesh somehow I mean I don't know if that's exactly how it works because I don't know how it works at all but you go to size it up and the shadow just stays the same size and it can make it kind of difficult sometimes to size up objects that you want to size up or even size them down so I just dropped it down a little bit to hide the shadow behind the changing table so I felt like that worked out pretty nicely and then over here I just have this nice little dresser with the baskets and then that's it for the nursery room and then over here I'm trying to decide which room is going to be which I knew I wanted to have a teenager room I knew I wanted to have a kids room and I know I want to have bunk beds so I decided to make this one the kids room and I'm just deciding on which Swatch of the bed so this is the new bunk bed that came in the expansion pack and so I'm going with the dinosaur one like I was talking about but as you can see it has all of these cute little drawings and stuff stuck to it and yeah I just love that detail so much it's one of my favorite sort of little things that I've seen in the expansion pack nut lock my favorite item but like favorite detail I guess I love to see stuff like that but in this room I went for a predominantly blue color scheme there's some green in here just to tie it into the rest of the house but for this room I wanted them to like dinosaurs definitely because their bedding has dinosaurs but also I wanted these kids to like science and I think science primarily I think it's the decorations that I went for but they also like art and you know other things too they're just kids basically and so there's so many good things that came in this expansion pack in the update like I said so I think there's some really cute things in here like the dinosaur wall chart and this little space sculpture of this rocket ship I think is so cute I did size it down just a little bit because it's a little bit big but I felt like sizing it down made it perfect to fit in here and then I also have this Parenthood dresser and I put a Parenthood school project up here and then also this lamp that came with high school years because it has like stickers and stuff all over it and then also that toy chest has stickers on it too so I felt like that worked out pretty nicely for this room and gave it a bit more personality and definitely shows that these kids like to customize their own things with their art projects and their stickers and making it more personalized to them and then over here is going to be the teenager's room so this teenager's room was kind of difficult for me I actually tried to decorate this like once or twice before this final attempt and I just wasn't really making something that I liked because I was going for such a mixed match sort of style but basically I wanted this teen to like to travel I wanted them to be into photography and so I tried adding like posters and decorations that suited that personality but then I was trying to make a color scheme that seemed cohesive but also like mix matched in a way so I really tried my best to make this come together and be what I had envisioned without being too matchy and I also wanted to use a double bed but I don't know I just felt like it took up too much space so I ended up going with a single bed instead sometimes I push two single beds together when I want like a larger bed I want it to feel more like a full bed not like a queen size bed or something and some of the beds work really nicely pushing them next to each other because they don't clip really weird but I think this one kind of Clips a little bit weird so I decided just to leave it by itself um but yeah I thought these posters actually worked out really nicely for the idea I had for this bedroom so these like travel posters that we got with the expansion pack and I use the one of like strangerville and of the um snowy Escape world the name is escaping me right now but I thought those posters looked pretty cool and then over here I do have a desk space with a laptop and then this really cool chair that we got in the um color pop kit I think it's the name of it and then I use this floor clutter I end up changing the swatches because I felt like this Swatch didn't quite match like the theme that I was going for in here and then I also put up a couple like posters and also this um sign that we have from City living where the Sims can actually protest and stuff so I think this Sim is a bit of um an activist I also think this Sim is also pretty opinionated and I think a bit edgy definitely I think this teen has their own style so I think it's pretty fun room and then I end up using some posters over here that we got with um high school years and as you can see the camera is jumping and I'm really really sorry but I didn't want to cut any of it out because it would take away from me decorating this room but I was really struggling with it I feel like after this update it's gotten a lot worse but it's been kind of bad for a while and I guess the camera just wants to jump to the platform so jump to the roof line I'm not exactly sure what's causing it necessarily but I should probably figure it out so I can minimize it as much as possible because it's kind of frustrating it's frustrating to um see in the video but also when you're building it's frustrating but here I just put this little string decoration with the moons and um some other shapes and stuff hanging from it which I thought was kind of a cool teenagery decoration to have in here um so I thought that was pretty fun and then over here I'm finding some decorations to put on top of this Shelf with all the camera equipment and I thought these little travel statues worked out pretty nicely I ended up actually moving them over to um the desk at least the car I moved to the desk and then there I just put a little stack of games and then a stack of clothes and then some skateboards and I've really just tried to make it feel like a teenager's room so hopefully I achieved that but there I just moved the car and then um yeah I think I find something else to put up here I kind of struggled with finding things that would fit on the shelf and so yeah I just left it like that and yeah that's it for the teenager's room and then it for the interior too so here we're moving on to the exterior again just finishing up the Landscaping so for the Landscaping I mostly used Greenery but there's some white hydrangeas and then these really cute yellow flowers and if you're not recognizing the yellow flowers you guys can find them in the live edit objects from the expansion pack and they're just really cute nice little yellow flowers and they scale up nicely so that's good too and then I also ended up placing a couple of bicycles in the driveway and they're actually kids bicycles so your kids can actually ride bicycles now with this expansion pack which is so awesome I'm very um happy that that's finally a thing I know probably everybody has one of that since bikes have became a thing in the game because it just seems so natural for a kid to ride a bike so very happy about that and then over here I do make a little um outdoor dining area with a sort of um patio area with some concrete flooring and then I put an outdoor barbecuer or is there an indoor barbecue or probably not but there's a barbecue out here and um I thought this table looks nice and then on the upper patio leading into the house I do put a little seating area and then when I have my sim build the tree house I do put a couple of um functioning items up on the tree house because in the platform area you can actually fit a couple of things up there so I put one of the arts and crafts tables for kids up there and then also a toy box so you could easily just like swap them out depending on what your Sims are into but I thought those ones worked out pretty nicely and here I'm just doing some terrain paint and it's nothing too crazy but just enough to add some dirt underneath all of these plants and along like the edges of everything so I thought that worked out pretty nicely and then at the front of the house I do put add like another seating area with all the lounge chairs that I was trying to use over on the other patio but I felt like that worked out pretty well and I think it just looks good so hopefully you guys have liked this build and hopefully you guys enjoy the screenshots so as always thank you guys so much for watching and please leave any comments or suggestions you have and I'll talk to you guys soon bye [Music] I want you to know that every time you're away I long for you so much I can find my way foreign [Music] I feel like you'll be the last one I think about [Music] we got time on our side we're in a stage [Music] and I saw you walking the line [Music] [Applause] [Music] when it all breaks down [Music] you and I finally here I saw you walking the line [Music]
Channel: SimLicy
Views: 195,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #beautiful, #sims, #simlicy, #sims4, #builds, #building, #apartments, #simsbuilds, #restaraunts, #french, #Asian, #Italian, #cityliving, #gettogether, #popular, #funny, #parenthood, #family, #traditional, #suburban, #modern, #fantasy
Id: H4N5vqCNQvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 51sec (2091 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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