New Parents House 🍼 || The Sims 4: Speed Build

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foreign here so welcome to another Speed Build so today I am building another family home and this time it's a cozy family home here in the world of copperdale which is of course the world that we got in the high school years expansion pack and I'm building on this lot again and I feel like I've built here a lot but I like this lot I think it's cute it's a bit too small but I like how it's like right up to the sidewalk do you guys agree with me but I think that's why I like it so much uh but anyways yeah this house has two bedrooms and two bathrooms and it's just a nice cozy family home I was going for something that didn't look too fancy and that looked like maybe a younger couple would live here but before we get too far into the video I'd like to thank the sponsor of today's video which is hellofresh hellofresh is an amazing meal service plan that offers affordable delicious and easy to prepare meals right to your door for me it's so nice not worrying about what I'm going to make and I can be sure that they are healthy for my family today the cost of groceries are going up so now is the perfect time to get started with hellofresh it is cheaper than the grocery store 25 less expensive than takeout and up to 75 cheaper than restaurants I am always cooking with my husband and my son loves joining in and I can feel good knowing that our meals are healthy and fresh with hellofresh you are getting seasonal ingredients that are picked at the peak of ripeness for Quality the ingredients travel from Farm to your home in less than seven days so you can be sure that they are fresh hellofresh makes it easy to eat what you love you can customize Meals by swapping proteins or sides or even adding protein to a veggie dish you can upgrade to organic chicken or ground beef on select meals you can find calorie smart carb smart Mediterranean diet and high protein recipes on the menu every week so there should be something that is perfect for you use my link or go to and use code p-o-g-s-i-m-m-a-r 60 for 60 off plus free shipping once you click my description will live update to count up the purchases again thank you so much to hellofresh for sponsoring today video so here you can see the house I think is actually coming together pretty quickly I was very pleased with like how smoothly and how confidently I built this house which might sound silly because of course I've been building for years and I have hundreds of speed builds but if you guys are familiar with my channel and if you've been around um even just recently you'll know that I've cut back on the number of videos that I'm making because my husband did go back to work so I'm taking care of our son and we've had a number of things come up other than that it's been kind of ridiculous so hopefully I can get into a better group of creating videos and of course we do have the new expansion pack coming out very very soon and actually the inspiration for this house wasn't the expansion pack but was the update that's going to be coming out soon I'm not exactly sure the date of that I need to find out but the infants update so I really wanted this house to be ready for a couple who has just had a baby their first time parents and I really see them as being kind of very responsible they you know bought a house early they've saved up money they have their careers in line I think one of them has just recently graduated University and just starting out their career so they're a little bit not as far along as like you know career-wise and making money but the other one started right out of high school with I think starting a police career that's kind of what I saw and I think the one that just got out of University works at the school and I'm not really sure if you can actually employ yourself here at the high school in town I'm not sure if you can actually play any career there I don't think you can but I know for sure that you can play in careers at the University so I think they really want to be like a teacher or something like that and the other one is a police officer and I just really like that because it's just so realistic if they're just such typical jobs they're realistic jobs they're things that are you know required in a community for things to function properly you need Educators and you need law enforcement and all that kind of stuff so I just saw it as just very like practical jobs and I see these as very practical Sims and they you know got married bought their house saved up money went to school did everything correct and I really want to kind of like throw a wrench into it I just I decorated this house so like simply though I wanted to feel like they are younger that they don't have a lot of fancy furniture but they have they have enough they've collected things they've been given things they have shopped and thrifted and just kind of collected things over time but they've really just kind of got their stuff together basically but I was kind of thinking after I built this that everything was too perfect and so maybe if you wanted to play with this family maybe they end up having triplets or something crazy like that or maybe something tragic happens to one of the Sims where they can't actually do their career anymore maybe the police officer gets injured in a way and they can no longer be a police officer and they were really the one kind of holding everything together because they've been in their career longer and the one who works in Academia is just starting out but they do have the potential to actually you know make a lot of money eventually once they get their career in order and they have physically time with their career I don't know I was just kind of thinking of a way to maybe mix things up a little bit but I'm sure if you guys are interested in playing in this household then you guys have some ideas or maybe you just want to play with the perfect family and just grow babies and grow old together and have a cute little family which I really like that idea too but sometimes when I make things so like cutesy and perfect I'm like maybe there's some way we can kind of mess this up a little bit which is awful because if things are perfect why mess with it I don't know um but yes I was really inspired by the infants update and I'm very happy to get like the new cribs and the little um like play stuff like there's a play mat for the infants and I'm really just excited to see what they look like of course I've seen what the Sims team have shared and they look like infants of course but I'm not really gonna know until they're actually in my game I just need to see them so I'm very excited for it and I'm honestly more excited for infants than I am the expansion pack which sounds ridiculous but I don't know let me know your guys's thoughts the expansion pack of course is a family oriented expansion pack but for me as a as a builder I feel like it's it's more of a gameplay pack which is great because I definitely think that has been something that has been lacking and a lot of people who are really into gameplay have been like begging for a pack that is more focused on gameplay so I'm really hoping that it delivers in that aspect and people who enjoy gameplay will be you know happy and satisfied but for me when I heard that the world was going to be called San Sequoia and you know it just screams uh San Francisco I envisioned like a San Francisco city in my mind and I expected apartments and from what I've seen on Twitter and their live stream it's not necessarily going to be what I expected so I think I just kind of let myself down because I expected something like so similar to San Francisco but maybe it is more than I'm you know expecting now but I just I really was wanting new apartments because I love building apartments and so far we only have two worlds that have apartment buildings and I really just was hoping for more because I just feel like I've done almost everything I could possibly do with Apartments aside from changing windows and doors with the tool mod of course that opens up a lot of possibilities but with the existing Apartments the way they are I feel like I've almost done everything I possibly can and so I was so so hoping for another city world that had apartments and it also doesn't look as city as I expected I was really hoping just for a new sort of environment but it looks very Suburbia something kind of more similar to new Crest it was it's kind of like I've seen people say like a hybrid between newcrest and brindleton Bay which I definitely see that but a little bit of the city so it's kind of like if there was a science baby if you will between brittleton Bay um Willow Creek or like new Crest and um and Sam ashuno so I don't know I'm just kind of not sure how excited I'm going to be with the world just because I was expecting something different of course it's going to be nice to have a new place to build and I'm sure I'll build there a ton I just need to I don't know get over the fact that it's not exactly what I had envisioned in my mind and I'm sure the build items and all the assets and stuff are going to be great so I'm very excited just to finally I don't know I can't wait to actually get my hands on the pack and see and see what um what is all involved because maybe it's different and I'll be more excited than I am right now so hopefully that's the case but let me know your guys's thoughts were you kind of thinking along the same lines as me or is it better than you expected I'm curious but um hopefully like I said it lives up to the standards for game players because it definitely seems like it's more heavily focused on gameplay but I've been getting tweets from you guys about different build ideas so if you guys have any suggestions you can always um tweet me or you can message me on like patreon I don't check my Instagram that much I'm always very very delayed on checking those messages but I do every once in a while and try to get back to people who are messaging me over there so you can try there but no guarantees that it'll be replied to or that quickly but um anyways as you can see I built the exterior for the exterior I did pretty minimal landscaping and I actually centered the house on the lot and so I did a driveway on one side and a play area on the other side and I kept the play stuff um well out of the build basically I just did an outdoor dining area and a barbecuer just to have some activities out there but I didn't include any play equipment or children's items because these are very new parents like I think they have just brought the baby home from the hospital or maybe they're still in the hospital like they are not really um set up basically for having a child play outside because well I mean babies can only do so much outside you could lay like a little blanket or something which I mean the little play mats would be so cute but of course when they come home from the hospital the babies are newborns and they're still tied to the bassinet as they always have been but then the infants will be more liberated and they're bigger babies like probably like six to eight months or something so they can like learn to crawl and all that cute little stuff so I'm very excited for that but um anyways for the interior I really just tried to make it feel cozy like I said I didn't want it to feel um overly fancy so I tried to pick Furniture pieces that looked a little bit more uh not cheap necessarily but not expensive so kind of like more of the Ikea looking furniture more um playful colors just to show that The Sims are more youthful and just trying to make it feel fully decorated I didn't want it to be empty or anything like that these stems have definitely been very responsible and getting all the things that they need for their home and they've been pretty successful in their careers even though the one just finished college and everything maybe maybe they had a bit of help from a parent or two something like that but they're definitely very prepared to start their family so I thought that was kind of a fun idea but uh yeah over here it's going to be the downstairs bathroom it's just a tiny little Powder Room half bath which is a toilet and a sink and a few decorations and I think it just turned out to be really cute I actually really like this floor plan and I kind of struggled with it just like with the placement of like the staircase and trying to fit a downstairs bathroom in but thankfully I figured it out and I actually think the floor plan is pretty realistic and it feels quite unique and it the kitchen ended up being way bigger than I thought it was going to be in the dining room as well that the living room is a bit more cramped than I would have liked it to be but thankfully those couches that came with high school years fit in there pretty nicely I still need to check to make sure that there's no routing issues into the dining room hopefully the couches aren't blocking anything into the bathroom as well but I think the way I place them should work just fine but I need to double check um but in here in the kitchen I have meant to place a couple of food bowls in here because I wanted these Sims to also have a dog because I was thinking that was another way that they were super responsible is they first got a pet together and they raised the pet together for several years you know making sure that they're responsible enough to take care of a dog and kind of how they um basically behaved together if that makes sense in raising something um in a way even though it's totally different like obviously to have a baby than a dog but they did their best to learn about their nurturing skills and their responsibility in taking care of something other than themselves so I thought that was kind of a fun idea but I totally forgot a food bowl but I did put some leashes in the entryway and yeah I'll definitely try to remember that before uploading it to the gallery but I think I'll probably just put them under the aprons if I remember but if I forget and you want your Sims to have a dog that's where I would put the food bowls so yeah that's it for the first floor and moving on to the second floor um here in the hallway I just kind of Simply decorate it it's nothing to nothing too crazy I just put up a couple of um curtains on the windows and a couple pieces of artwork but it's really just a hallway so it's nothing too special but I did start off by putting some light switches in the living room and at this point in the build I had forgotten about them but here in just a little bit I remember and I go through and add more light switches so that adds something else to the hallway but this is going to be the upstairs bathroom so this one is obviously a full bathroom with a shower a tub a toilet and a sink basically all of the necessary items so once the baby gets a little bit bigger into a toddler you could definitely add a little toddler potty in here and I definitely think there's room in the dining room for like a high chair and then when the update comes out or the Sim ages up to a toddler kid the room is actually pretty pretty big I think it's a good size Nursery so there's lots of room for activities and things but there's not as much room in like the living room for activities so hopefully yeah your Sims can grow here but I definitely think that this family is wanting to move into a bigger home probably by the time they're ready to have their next kid um so hopefully they can make that work hopefully there's not too many hiccups and who knows maybe they'll end up having the triplets like I mentioned or they'll end up having kids and have to stay in this home and it'll get crowded and chaotic and it will not be what they expected or planned for but that's of course just how life is so I think that's kind of a nice idea um and nothing too crazy obviously but um anyways this is going to be the room for the parents as you can see I made this room very blue when I first started building this I had blue in my mind and I just kind of went crazy on the interior with the blue so hopefully you guys don't mind but I actually really like it and I feel like I've done quite a few bluish Interiors over the past few months because I've done a few like Coastal theme builds both on this channel and my CC Channel and in case you guys didn't know my CC channel is called seamlessly with CC and it is decreased a little bit um in uploads just like this channel because of me um stepping away from videos a little bit but in case you're interested in some custom content videos I will definitely be working on some more for that channel but yeah I've done so many Coastal builds that I feel like I've done a lot of blue and so I really wasn't sure if I wanted to do blue in this build but then I just kind of went with it because it was my you know initial thought basically and I like it because I feel like it's a different like combination of blue than I've done recently and also I think my last apartment was blue so forgive me if it's blue over load I'll try to avoid it um but anyways that was it for the master bedroom and then this is going to be the nursery so for the nursery I went with a yellow color scheme I just wanted to do something that was super neutral and you could easily change it depending on the baby that your Sims end up having and kind of your tastes and preferences and what you see um this baby may be liking or being into but of course a baby's just dependent on their parents ideas and they'll develop their personality as they get a little bit bigger but I really like this room it's simple but I think it's cute and I think I did a nice job just basically making it feel cozy and fully decorated but not too cluttered there's definitely room to easily change things and add decorations as the baby ages up into an infant and a toddler and then a child eventually and all that kind of stuff so yeah I don't know I really like it over here I'm decorating the top of the dresser with a few different items and then this is pretty much it for the build I'm just going to add a couple more decorations in here like some artwork and wall decals and cute little stuff like that and then I also add a chimney to the roof line basically just because I felt a roof looked bare but there's no fireplace so may not be necessary but anyways yeah this is it for the build I hope you guys have enjoyed and I hope you guys do enjoy the screenshot so as always thank you guys so much for watching and please leave any comments or stuff that you have and I'll talk to you soon bye [Music] thank you [Music] count the steps to the back porch same song from the screen door he was a score [Music] wide open like a bird's being pushing he was really Within [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] like a bird
Channel: SimLicy
Views: 89,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #beautiful, #sims, #simlicy, #sims4, #builds, #building, #apartments, #simsbuilds, #restaraunts, #french, #Asian, #Italian, #cityliving, #gettogether, #popular, #funny, #parenthood, #family, #traditional, #suburban, #modern, #fantasy
Id: dks4MEYe1is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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