100 baby Challenge House || The Sims 4: Speed Build

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foreign here so welcome to another Speed Build so today I am building another family home and this time I am building it for the 100 baby challenge which I have definitely done before a couple of different times I've built one for a mermaid family which was pretty fun and I've been considering doing it for the other Colts as well so let me know if you guys would like that um and then I built a Suburban home and an apartment and both of those were within like the last year or two um but since now we got the announcement that the infant life stage is going to be coming I think sometime next year the beginning of the year I forget exactly but um yeah I'm very excited about it so since I heard the announcement I wanted to redo the hunter baby house basically and build a new one and yeah this is what I came up with I hope you guys will like it I really just wanted to build something that was cozy very suburban and very pastel so the interior especially has lots of pastel colors and some of the exterior decorations but the house in general really could be decorated anyway I considered making this house like pink or baby blue or even yellow I don't know the yellow siding that we have in game is like canary yellow it's so bright and then we have one that's more of like a very pale almost like creamy peachy ish yellow I mean you could you could you could consider it yellow but it's not really yellow um so it's not really the color I was looking for but then I found this siding and I think I've used it on an exterior before but it's been a long time so I really don't remember exactly if I have or not but I thought it was perfect because you could easily just change this house if you wanted to switch up the colors and it would fit nicely with a different color scheme like a more neutral color scheme but it has hints of like pinks and kind of those softy pastel colors within the wood tones so I thought that was nice and then the rest of the house I just made cream because it's nice and neutral and I thought it matched um pretty nicely so yeah I don't know I thought that came together pretty nicely and the shape of the house I think came together pretty nicely too here I'm working on the second floor of the house and thankfully I start making it just a little bit bigger here and I think I also add like a little pop out on the side originally it's bigger but then I make it smaller but I'm happy that I did because I ended up being able to fit uh three bedrooms and a large bathroom on the second floor and then the 100 baby challenge a lady can be down on the first floor and she has like a whole Master Suite with an ensuite bathroom and a walk-in closet I just used one of the closets that came from get together I considered making my own closet but since I'm not using custom content in this build I don't I don't know walk-in closets are just not the same because well I guess we have some open clothes racks now I mean it could probably be the same I guess I really haven't given it that much of an effort I probably should because we have dream home decorator and we have clothes that came from high school years so I could have probably made it work I don't know you could do that if you wanted to but the walk-in closet that came from get together is nice because your Sims can woohoo in there and of course the hunter baby challenge you're going to be woohooing all the time so maybe you want new new locations um so I guess that's something to think about but anyways it's easy to switch up if you prefer something different and then there is also a garage space and then a playroom too which is something I really wanted to make sure I had enough room for so like the the ground floor is very spacious there's like a full kitchen dining area a large living room there's a laundry room a downstairs like shared bathroom and then the playroom and then the whole master suite and garage like I was talking about so it's quite large and then the three bedrooms upstairs with a large bathroom too and I just really love the way it came together I feel like the interior is just so cozy and it just feels lived in and I really enjoyed using a much more colorful palette for the interior because sometimes I feel like color it's just difficult and I struggle with it and then other times like this it comes together fairly easily I mean just because it came together easily doesn't mean it looks good I mean some of you guys might think it does but other others of you might think it doesn't look so good so you can definitely let me know in the comments but I really enjoyed it and I thought it was really fun especially the living area I thought the colorful couches that I used worked really nicely I used the ones that came from high school years because both of the couches or at least um well there's another one there's the more boho looking one but the couches that I used from that expansion pack I think come in really great just soft colors even the boho one comes in nice um like pastel sort of like nice subtle colors like I feel like sometimes when the Sims uh Team creates a colorful item there's heavy patterns and heavy like full saturated colors and not like a soft mix of more subtle tones and then colorful pops and or even just like subtle throughout like it's colorful it's usually very colorful but I think with that expansion pack they did a good job with more subtle colorfulness so hopefully that makes sense um but yeah I really just love the living room it's probably my favorite room in the whole build I also like the kitchen but I think the living room is my favorite but you guys let me know if you have a favorite I also really enjoy the kids rooms I created um three different kids rooms one is specifically for toddlers um and then two other rooms that I figured could be a mix between kids and teenagers I tried to keep them pretty General with the decorations so you could easily fit all different types of children in here because of course it's 100 baby challenge and you're gonna go through all types of kids and teens and they're gonna have all sorts of personalities and interests and I mean you could easily switch up the decorations but I tried to give like a variety of like posters and not specifically to like uh just science related things or just uh I don't know sports or animals or arts and crafts or you know whatever the themes may be I tried to keep it more General and I actually have been doing that a lot recently and I feel like I enjoy my kids rooms even more like they're still my favorite rooms to decorate even if I don't um do anything really too crazy but recently I've been trying to give them like a mix of personalities and not specific like sticking to a specific theme necessarily and I've been enjoying them even more so it's pretty exciting for me because they're already my favorite rooms to decorate um but for these ones I tried to stick to color schemes but not like a monochrome one sometimes I like pick like a blue room or a green room or a pink room but this time I tried to pick like two or three different colors and then kind of mesh them together so it was really fun for me and I think it turned out really good um over here is the backyard as you can probably tell right now I'm just picking out different activities and I really wanted there to be a variety of like play equipment so there's the toddler slide there's the swing set there's a toddler swimming pool as well as a real like big swimming pool um some planter boxes and there's also the balloon bucket and a cooler and I really just had no idea where to go with it from there I just kind of was picking up the activities and I did the Landscaping on the front but I come back to the backyard at the end of the video just because I was getting kind of stuck with it I even tried decorating it a couple of different times and I don't know just something about the landscaping or the way I was placing the objects I just wasn't liking it so I figured I would just leave it and come back to it at the end and see what I could do differently and I'm really happy that I did because it just turned out to be a really nice backyard and I feel like if I was going to like push through originally it wouldn't have been as nice and this happens every once in a while I'll just kind of struggle with a certain part of the build and it's like okay just leave it till later and an idea will come to you but I mean I didn't really do anything that differently it was just something about the way I was placing the objects that I wasn't liking I don't know it's just kind of how weird that it happened that way but I also decorate the porches at the end of the video so the front porch I put a chest table just to add an activity out there and then on the back porch I add a barbecuer and outdoor dining table and then also that play tint that we got recently in I forget which pack it was the play tint did it come with dremo decorator I feel like it may have but I'm not sure but the play tint for kids or toddlers um it comes in a few different swatches there's like the gingerbread house one there's the farm one and then there's like a black and white one and I think there's a spaceship one too but anyways I used the farm one and I placed it on the back porch and actually fit pretty nicely and I didn't have to size it down every time I've used that object in other situations I've had to size it down so I was pretty happy about that I also put a dollhouse out there because I didn't end up fitting one anywhere else in the build and I just thought it looked so cute so you'll see that at the end but here I'm moving on to the interior starting off with the living room first and I picked out the flooring and the wallpaper I'm using the house on a foundation so you'll notice that the wallpaper is actually like cut off a little bit so the wainscoting it's just like a small trim at the bottom instead of being like a half panel or like a because it's more of like a quarter panel but I I really like this combination of this particular wallpaper and this flooring the wallpaper if you don't recognize it came with the Caribbean style update that we got at some point for base game and there's a few different swatches of it that have like Leaf textures on the wallpaper but I like this plain solid Swatch and I think it just pairs nicely with this flooring I've used them in combination with each other a couple of different times um but yeah the these are the couches that I was talking about they came from high school years and I think they just look so good I love the yellow and the more sort of like minty color on the other couches and I love all the pillows and the throws and I just think they're so cozy and then over here is the TV and fireplace I decorate the top of the fireplace with some books and also um I think like a couple of like plants and this plate that came from Parenthood because it has like the kids drawing on it I think it adds such a nice decoration to a home like like a family home interior I also placed another one over on the side table along the wall with the bookcases and stuff and I thought that looked really nice and I also really enjoyed placing that basket underneath that side table I thought that looked pretty cute but there I was just raising up the objects because for some reason when I move objects on platform sometimes they drop in weird ways and I was trying to fix it by raising up the fireplace because I think that's normally what causes it with the fireplaces but I use the tool mod to raise them up slightly and then I thought the books were still cutting through the fireplace and so I raised them up even more but those books were just really short and I didn't realize how short they were and I thought it was kind of funny um but yeah over here is like the entryway I considered closing it off and making just like um proper entryway I guess that just had archways leading to the kitchen area and then the living room but I actually really liked how open it was and I do end up changing the wallpaper that's on the staircase itself just because I felt like that area ended up looking kind of bland and so I bring that um wooden siding on the exterior into the interior in that spot and I thought that was kind of nice but over here is the kitchen as you can tell for the kitchen I'm actually using these counters and cabinets that came with jungle Adventure I tried using the ones that came from dream home decorator because I wanted that sort of wood tone in here because I thought it would kind of tie nicely to the exterior but the dream home decorator one that I was trying to use the tops of the counters were just so Bland and like white and like a solid white like no texture to them so I just felt like it looked a little bit plain and I really like these cabinets that came with uh these ones because you can see into them and see like the colorful plates and dishes and stuff and so I thought that would be nicely with the more like colorful interior and the refrigerator that I'm using came from the Country Kitchen kit and I loved it in this like powder blue color I thought that was pretty cute but then uh this the stove and the oven that all came with dream home decorator but I thought that looked really nice and there's also a teapot in the microwave and then an island with a sink and then over here at the end of the room is going to be the dining space so the dining space can only fit six Sims but there's going to be two high chairs for um Toddlers and then there's also the seating area at the island so really you could fit a lot more Sims in there than just six so I mean you could fit more than eight but I figured having a six seater dining table wasn't that big of a deal because I mean there really wasn't the room in here to fit an eight-seater table and I mean there's probably gonna be like two or three babies probably at one time I really don't know I've never played this challenge myself so maybe I'm not the best person to build one of these homes but um I feel like you would probably have a couple of babies and a couple of toddlers so maybe you don't need that many chairs of the dining table I don't know um but I really wasn't sure where to place the toddler chairs I ended up placing them over there underneath the aprons and I thought that looked really nice but I thought this dining area turned out to be so cute I loved these chairs in combination with this table that came from dream home decorator the chairs came from the what is that called the by wedding stories pack and I love these chairs the design of them I think are so just so pretty um but this pastel color was perfect I thought it tied in really nicely to the couches in the living room and then we have the yellow in here and I just thought it looks so cute uh there I just placed the hamster cage in the playroom area so that room over there is going to be the playroom and in there I add a bunch of different activities for kids I think it turned out to be so cute but there I actually remembered a vacuum and I recently remembered the vacuum in an apartment that I did and I am very proud of myself because I've been talking about this for such a long time that I love that we have Vacuums in game because it's such a realistic decoration to have especially in like a family home or in any home I mean you need some way to clean your floors but I guess if you don't have carpets then maybe you just have like mops and brooms and stuff but anyways I always remember brooms like most of my builds have brooms but I hardly ever remember the vacuums but I think that's because you can't the way I use the catalog I don't typically go to I think it's under appliances in the miscellaneous category and I just don't typically go there so I forget about them um but when I remember them it's very exciting and I thought it was perfect in this build especially to have just in the living room because then you can just feel like somebody who had just been vacuuming currently of course there's just rugs but they need to be vacuumed too so I don't know I thought that was fun but anyways um there I quickly decorated the laundry room I'm not really sure how much you would want to do laundry in this challenge because I feel like the challenge itself is already going to be very time consuming with that many babies and toddlers and children and stuff to worry about and I think they have to build a lot of different skills and so you're going to be pretty preoccupied with making sure that they're staying on top of it so maybe laundry wouldn't be at like the top of your list but maybe you really want that like realistic aspect of having laundry to do so it's there if not then of course you could just repurpose the room for something else so um you could make just a decorative laundry room or something and then over here is the downstairs bathroom I ended up only putting one toddler potty in there that might not be enough but there is another one upstairs you could probably easily fit two in there I just didn't really like the way two looked so it was more just like a style or a Aesthetics preference I guess but um you could easily just add another one I also only add one bassinet here in the master bedroom because that's where I thought you would probably keep the babies because then you could easily tend to them when they're crying and feed them and cuddle them and play with them and all those sorts of interactions um but basically for looks purposes I only put one in here but for gameplay purposes you'd probably want a couple in here but this is a really large master bedroom so you could easily fit a couple more in here and it really wouldn't take away from any of the space I think so yeah I think that worked out pretty nicely and I loved the furniture that I chose in here I think the items that came from high school years work really nicely in this style of home so like this bed in here and the rug and the dresser and that chair at the um computer desk I felt like that just all worked so nicely and it was so pastelian here I thought it was so cute and this bassinet is adorable it came from werewolves actually but it looks so cute with a little moon and the Sheep hanging on it I thought it was so adorable and so much cuter than the base game bassinet so that's why I chose that one and then over here I do place a little storage thing I was thinking this is where you would probably keep diapers and wipes and soft little blankets and stuff and probably in the closet too because this Sim already has a wardrobe for her clothes so probably in the closet you're keeping lots of baby stuff um at least that's what I was thinking and then over here is going to be the ensuite bathroom the ensuite is fairly simple I decided to open it up to the master bedroom with an archway instead of having a door just because I like the way it looks better for screenshots but you could easily place a door here if you prefer that better um if you want it to be more private but it's an ensuite bathroom and it's just a single Sim living in here so I think an open bathroom is fine and most of the time I think an open bathroom for master bedroom is fine too but yeah here I'm just adding some clutter items and it's just a pretty straightforward bathroom with you know a shower and tub combo and a toilet a sink um and then over here is going to be the garage space the garage is very large you could add even more activities in here than what I included I kept the garage pretty simply decorated there's a couple of things in here there's a flower arranging table there's things that look like storage there's also the trash cans in here but then I also placed a yoga mat and a punching bag I was thinking that this is kind of like the mom space when she she needs to get like away or exercise or kind of clear her head she can come in here and you know do some boxing do some yoga and just kind of relax and basically the entire house is for the children and so she has a tiny little spot in the garage which I feel like is so realistic because when you have kids they kind of you know they take over and they become the first priority and you give everything to them and so I think it makes sense for the mom to have the space in the garage and so yeah basically I just tried to find items that I thought worked with a color scheme and kind of looked nice in here I thought these storage cabinets that came from high school years worked really nicely I was really wanting to use the one that came from uh strangerville that has like all of the really nice garage looking items on it but none of none of the colors really worked for me and it kind of looks a little bit more grungy looking and this house is supposed to look more cutesy and not really grungy so it wasn't working for me and so I think I made it work anyways uh and then over here is going to be that playroom that I was talking about and I am completely obsessed with this playroom end up picking out this wallpaper I thought the like little grass detail at the bottom was so cute of course it's cut off a little bit because of the platform but I actually really liked it this way I thought it looked really nice but yeah in here I add bookcases there's the hamster cage like I was talking about I also add this TV that came from the Little Campers kit and then also some arts and crafts tables and then I put a couple little chairs around the TV too with some like toys scattered about there's also the science table so the kids can come in here they can practice their science skills they can play with the hamster they can watch a movie they can practice their arts and crafts skills hopefully this is enough activities because like I was saying you need to build up the kids skills so maybe it's not enough but um there is the garage so you could have another playroom technically if you really needed more arts and crafts tables or more science tables or something like that so there's lots of different possibilities also one of the kids rooms is quite large and I put bunk beds in there so there's lots of open space if you wanted to add another activity in there I decided to make a little puppet show area because I thought maybe one of the kids in there was really into performing and so I thought that was kind of cute so you'll see that here in just a little bit but now moving on to the second floor decorating the upstairs hallway for the hallway it's just very simply decorated to be honest there's just a few pieces of artwork there's this nice little corner shelf that came from get famous that I thought worked nicely with the color scheme and then just uh yeah just some artwork and stuff but here I'm going to decorate the bathroom so this is going to be the shared bathroom amongst the three bedrooms so all of the kids that are in there which you can fit two in them easily you could probably fit more if you wanted to but this house can fit eight Sims so um there's the well even more than that because there's no eight eight exactly because then there's the mom and the baby in the downstairs and then six total with these three bedrooms so um yeah eight Sims but I think there's mods if you wanted to have more Sims in a household I've never played with them but that might be that might be kind of crazy but it's a possibility if you wanted to check that out I don't know if the mod so if anybody wants to link it or share information in the comments please do um but anyways yeah for this bathroom I wanted to have a shower and tub separated just because I thought that would work nicely for the layout and like the placement of the windows and stuff but I really liked what I did with the tub over here I used these side tables that came with laundry day and I turned them around so you couldn't see the drawers because I wanted them to feel more like a built-in structure around the bathtub and I put decorations on them and I thought that looked so cute and I just loved all of the colorful robes and towels throughout all of the bathrooms and like the colorful cabinets and I loved using the yellow bathtub in here and I just thought it ended up being so cute and I don't know I just loved it there I was trying to add that like decorative hamper and it wasn't really working out so I just left it the way I had it and then over here on the counter I add a ton of clutter just because I really wanted to show that there's been lots of Sims using the bathroom and you know basically just adding more decorations to show that it's more lived in and there's a big family living here so I thought that turned out to be pretty cute and then over here I'm picking out the beds for the toddler room and so I found that this purple and pink bed had green wheels and so I thought that would be nice to use with a green bed and this bed also had orange in it so this room ends up being a combination between pink and purple and orange and green which I think when you say it out loud it sounds like it would not work together but I think I made it work I don't know you guys can let me know but I thought this base game wallpaper worked perfectly because it has the purple in the back and it has the green with the grass and that stripe down the center of it with the different animals and I was just trying to pick out different decorations that worked for this color scheme so bringing in some oranges not too much orange there's just a couple pops of orange here and there and then some pink and then it's mostly purple and green but I just I loved it so much I thought this room was so so cute and so playful and unlike any toddler room that I have ever done which makes me very happy because the last toddler room that I did I also felt the same and I kind of struggle because I feel like we just don't have a lot of decorations when it comes to like Toddlers and babies hopefully now that we're getting infants we'll get like a family expansion pack and we'll get lots more I'm really hoping like fingers crossed um even with the update hopefully we'll get some more that's sort of related to that I think we're getting like a playpen and stuff oh my God I can't wait um but anyways um yeah I just kind of struggle with making different themes or different color schemes but this time I really think I did and I've never used them in this combination so I was very pleased with this room I think it's super cute and just super playful and I just adore it so hopefully you guys like it too and there's lots of room in the center if you wanted to put some like building blocks I did place blocks but I put them on top of the dresser I wanted them to be decorations but there's plenty of room on the floor for the kids to play and stuff so it's nice and open in there here is going to be the next kids room so this one and the other one is going to be a kids and teens room I figured you'd probably mix them up depending on their personality or however you wanted to put them in the rooms but uh yeah here I was just picking out the beds and trying to figure out how I was going to do the wallpaper I thought about doing like a completely split down the room of like a green and blue room but then I don't know I really wasn't liking it that much so I ended up finding a different Swatch of this bed over here instead of using this one with the hearts I love the hearts they're so cute in either that red option or the green option but then I found this one that is another plaid and so it just matched the other bed so nicely so what I ended up doing is doing more of like a mixture of the room doing blue and green and purple and I'm just trying to mix it together but I was thinking that the bed on the right side of the room looking at it from this perspective is the teen side and then the left side is the kids side I mean of course that's not not really that important you could assign each bed to a teen or a kid or both it doesn't really matter but that's kind of what I was thinking there I just sized up that curtain but when I was taking the screenshots I realized that it's poking down through the porch below so I did have to resize it but what I ended up doing is displacing two of them over that window and I felt like that worked out pretty nicely but here I'm just picking out posters and decorations trying to pick ones that weren't too specific on a certain theme but trying to make this side look more teenagery and trying to make this side look more kiddish so trying to pick out posters and decorations that kind of go along uh with that but I don't know I just I really love this room and I love this purple dresser I thought that was so cute in these chairs over here I thought were so cute too so um yeah I think this nice little desk area turned out to be pretty adorable and there I just put some floor clutter on the ground next to the teen's bed just to sort of show that it's a teenager's side and that's a bit more messy and then over here is going to be the last room that I decorate this room took me so long to pick out beds that I wanted to use and like a color scheme that I wanted to use what I ended up doing is blue and yellow and I was trying to avoid blue because I already did blue in the other room but I really wasn't finding any combination of beds that I was wanting to use in here and the cup I don't know I just kind of struggled I picked out items for such a long time but I eventually decided to use these ones and then I loved using the bunk beds in here right now I have the bunk bed going the opposite direction and I just didn't notice it but I do notice it here in just a little while and I flip it around but basically in here I tried sticking with the color scheme but I also tried picking out objects that were covered in stickers so I thought this was really cute and with high school years we got so many objects that are covered in stickers and then we also have some from like the kids room stuff and so yeah I don't know I think I made it work and I love just I love all the stickers I think they're so fun but over here I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do with this space because this room is so much larger than the other ones I really wanted to make sure there was more activities for the other kids to do as well so I thought a puppet show would be a nice way to fill in this space because I was thinking maybe one of the kids in here likes to put on puppet shows and perform for the other kids so the other kids come in here watch the puppet show and so they can all sort of utilize this extra space since this room is so much bigger than the other ones and I honestly didn't realize when I was working at the floor plan how much bigger this room was than the other ones but I think I really don't think it's that much bigger just must be like the shape of it and then using the bunk beds in here I don't know there was just so much extra room in here but um but yeah other than that I'm just trying to pick out different toys and clutter pieces and stuff around to make it feel decorated and like it has personality and trying to pick out some things that would be useful for a teenager so I put that guitar in here I was thinking the teen would be on the top bunk and then the kid would be on the lower bunk but same as the other room it doesn't really matter and depending on what kids you have at the moment before they like move out because I feel like once a kid is a teen in this challenge you're probably getting them out of the house but I don't know can they help or is that like against the rules is the challenge or of the challenge I don't know let me know if you guys know but um anyways over here I'm just picking out some decorations for the dresser and changing the Swatch of the little puppet show booth and then picking out another one of these fuzzy rugs like I used in the toddler room but here I'm moving on to the exterior so like I said I struggled with the exterior at the beginning and what I end up doing here isn't too far off like I started placing the hedges like I did when I was first decorating it and placing some of the objects like I did originally like I had this diving board over here I had these lounge chairs over here but it's a little bit different it's just like subtle changes and so just the way I was placing them now was so much better than the way I was placing them originally even though it's like all the same stuff it's just a little bit different I don't know you guys didn't see it so it probably doesn't really matter or make sense to you guys but it's just kind of funny how just subtle changes can make a big difference because it's really it's very similar but it is a little bit different um but back here like I said there is all the activities so there's the toddler swimming pool there's the swing set toddler slide there's planter boxes in these large planter boxes I actually put a couple of fruit trees in here I don't put anything in the smaller Planters so if you want yourself to do some gardening then that's available but I really don't know how much time your sim would probably have for gardening when taking care of 100 babies so it might not be that important of a thing to have in this build but if you just wanted to use this for a regular family home then gardening might be something you wanted to do but here I'm just changing up the color of the grass I've been doing this a lot recently but I really like the way it looks and then I also made the pathway leading to the swimming pool area a little bit more subtle the train paint that I had originally was a bit stronger and I don't know I felt like it just needed to be a bit softer and then here I'm continuing with the Landscaping on this side of the house just more Hedges and continuing with like the same flowers and bushes and stuff that I was using the Landscaping I don't know for me for this build I kind of just struggled with it a little bit more than I feel like I have I still think it looks cute but it just felt like it wasn't flowing as easily as it normally does if that makes sense but yeah here I'm just picking out some lighting for the swimming pool and then I put some lights on the exterior of the house and so like I said I do put a chest table here at the front of the house I also add a rug by the front door and a little planter pot which I thought looked really cute this planter pot I think came from backyard stuff but it was so cute and colorful I also added a couple of them in the backyard by the swimming pool and then here on the back porch I add the outdoor dining table the barbecuer like I was talking about also the play tint and a dollhouse and like a stuffed animal and I think a couple of other decorations but yeah this is basically it for the build so I hope you guys have enjoyed hopefully my voiceover hasn't been too bad but my voice is still a little bit scratchy and I'm still a little bit plugged up but um yeah I think I made it work so hopefully it wasn't too noticeable but um anyways here I'm just adding the final few details and decorations like I was talking about and then we're on to the screenshot so I really hope you guys have enjoyed this video and I hope you guys do enjoy the screenshots so thank you guys so much for watching and I'll talk to you guys soon bye [Music] when things got kind of awkward Sparks in the air he would stare at her in class and she would try to act cool but it was obvious like who [Music] and one day she said write me a love song cause I know you'll make it beautiful [Music] I call you my sweetheart and promise nobody can steal me away then I am your horse cause I want you and I wanted you to know foreign picked up a pen and paper started writing probably something about her eyes and how they're always Shining or something cliche baby I only want you and then he said I wrote you a love song I tried to make it beautiful it's a song about your sweet sweetheart and how nobody can steal me away I am your horse cause I want you and I wanted you to know [Music] he's saying started to dance grabbed his arm and took his hand he held her clothes under the Moonlight as they kept on Dancing [Music] and now they're singing The Love Song and they sing it kind of beautiful calling each other sweetheart I promise nobody can get in their way a or steal the show oh they're in love now and I wanted you to know [Music] thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: SimLicy
Views: 67,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #beautiful, #sims, #simlicy, #sims4, #builds, #building, #apartments, #simsbuilds, #restaraunts, #french, #Asian, #Italian, #cityliving, #gettogether, #popular, #funny, #parenthood, #family, #traditional, #suburban, #modern, #fantasy
Id: Y7Dm8K7jDD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 48sec (2088 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2022
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