SLS Green Run Hot Fire Test #2 and Super Heavy Booster Stacking

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[Music] um [Music] we don't need any more of these and good afternoon and welcome to the stennis space center in southern mississippi where nasa space flight is live and on the ground with both philip sloss and brady kenniston for the second go at the green run hot fire test of the sls core stage for the artemis one mission and the overall artemis project my name is chris gubhart i am the assistant managing editor here at nasa space flight and i am joined today by now wait for it folks because the universe doesn't like it when we're on the stream together but it's the other chris oh chris how are you doing i'm doing well how could we not have his birth on during an rs25 test it's good it's going to be a shuttle situation here so yeah i am very excited about this because this is literally four hours 25's firing up and hopefully this time we'll get the fuel full duration because without the full duration it doesn't pass the green run and it can't proceed to cause shipping to ksc so all fingers crossed for this one yes indeed and i think yes yes michael yeah this is michael the i'm running to the back end today but i do have to interrupt the live stream i'm sorry everyone um it would not be a nasa space flight live stream if we did not get starship on the stream in some degree and we have breaking news in middle critique right now they are about to stack the first ever super heavy booster so i know we have an important sls test today but we will obviously uh show this as it happens as well gotcha indeed yes isn't it it seems up that michael interrupts me whenever something's going on the bucket cheek or i get interrupted by michael because there's something going on i'm usually speaking when it's happening so yeah this is this is hilarious because we're seeing two monster rockets the next two monster rockets nasa's sls being tested while spacex are about to stack the first super heavy booster these are the two what we call super heavy launch vehicles s hell hlv so this is really amazing timing for this both be happening it's not on purpose guys trust me it's not spacex trolling sls or anything like that this is just the way the worlds collide indeed indeed because like we've said many many times right like you know these two ongoing test programs they are very very different but they're both very very vital to what the u.s space aspirations and goals are for the immediate and long-term future um so yeah on your left you have a super heavy booster from from spacex being stacked you have the uh nose cone simulator or mock-up for the version of the moonship for the artemis program um so on there and on the right you have the core stage of the rocket that will be integral in launching those crew members for the artemis program uh as well so yeah as we are counting down here um toward that particular green run uh hot fire again we have brady kenniston on the ground as well as our own philip sloss who's busy interviewing people um so we we're not sure he's gonna be on the stream uh commentating but he's busy interviewing folks down there for a bunch of articles and follow-up stuff that we have after the green run is over and complete because as chris as you were mentioning hopefully this is um hopefully this is a full duration hot fire and we'll get to what that means in a minute because there are a couple definitions you could go by but yeah hopefully it meets their minimum set of test requirements to get the data that they need to ship this core stage to kennedy because that's really the big milestone after this is getting it shipped to kennedy to get it stacked with those uh with those boosters which i don't know about you chris but man see seeing us a full stack a complete stack of twin solid rocket boosters brought back nice memories yeah i i've just tweeted um what what a time to be alive because we've just seen super heavy bm1 about to stack as artemis one sls course stage is about to fire up this is what we've been waiting for we both remember the end of shuttle and the shorts there was constellation and things like that it was it wasn't the as the mass media portrayed it to be the end of space flight the end of nasa it never was but it certainly was an uncertain time and uncertain period and we never i mean with aries five in the constellation program that's the nearest thing to sls but that was a long way away we had aries one and now there's about eight there's a few commercial companies coming up into the rise spacex we're starting off really they were in their early days they were not really anywhere close to what we're looking at now with a starship program they were looking at just normal satellite launching rockets and potential of crew launch later we're now way past that now we're into this stage of seeing these huge rockets that will take us beyond earth orbit that is the key there ever since even including shuttle we were restricted from the saturn five days where we were going to the moon we were restricted to low earth orbit and now we're in the potential of two vehicles that could potentially launch people to beyond earth orbit and beyond to mars and we're watching it now watching the baby steps watching the early early stages of this programme for both spacex commercial and nasa as an agency going forward with this and at the same time yeah i don't know if you just saw that but it accidentally just showed an asset feed because they were showing an amazing drone shot and then they switched to a host if you've watched if you've watched the nasa feed as a green run the official nasa defeated the green run last time you won't know they like to have a lot of hosts talking and not a lot of rockets so on our broadcast today we plan to show a shot of stennis the entire time unless we get interrupted by starship but of course once we get to the business end of the countdown for sls we will have these the test stand at stennis on the screen the entire time and we will also bring into nasa broadcast with their views of the test stand as well so long story short we will have all the best camera angles on our broadcast and we will not uh put host on the screen because everyone wants to see the rocket you don't want to see people talking it was quite funny during the nasa tv feed of the first static run they were literally just sawing endless zoom chats the reason why there was a reason for that it was funny to see but the reason they were doing it is because and we're seeing the polar opposites here and that's why i want to bring it up we're seeing nasa promote the fact that they have thousands of employees and contractors and companies involved across the states which is why it costs so much money but that is a bonus then because that is that plays into the old lawmaker situation it gets them the funding they want because every district says oh we've got some workers involved in this we're not going to we're not going to vote against sls anyway we want the jobs unfortunately that's why it gets the job title um sort of like slight at it but at the same time you can understand that's a good thing that that is good jobs being involved in building rockets it's it's a good thing and that's why they promote it whereas spacex go for the low cost they go internal to do everything in-house as such and they play on that they say well this is why we can do things faster we can do things cheaper because we've got everything sourced at our own base they've built this bucket chica launch site and production site in no time a fraction of the cost compared to anywhere else like ula or anyone like that so that's where the polar optics are involved but the beauty is that with the two things working in parallel we may have a situation in the mid-20s 2020s maybe 2030s where both of these rockets are working together and that will get us to mars faster so that is a key thing there with the government support and the commercial drive these two things could work out and could be actual stable mates going forward you're taking some shots there of the nasa drone footage of these test stand at stennis space center and hopefully the latest information we have i think is from eric berger who said they were targeting between 3 p.m central time and 3 15 p.m central time so hopefully just a couple of minutes away from the business end ended the countdown but we'll have to see how this is going to play out gotcha and what i love about this drone footage is you can see some of the propellant barges that stennis uses um there uh to help fuel the sls vehicle and keep it firmly replenished with if not firmly fully replenished there we go that's the right word fully replenished with its liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen as it um goes through its thermal conditioning and its simulated countdown as it would if it were sitting on the launch pad at the kennedy space center um but as always it's not just about us talking here at nasa space flight although you have two chris on the stream so if you ask a shuttle question all bets are off that there'll be another one answered before the engines fire um but uh yeah if you do have any questions please tag us at nasa space flight in chat um tagging us that way puts the question makes it more visible to us in a special program that michael has written and we can more easily see it and get it entered into the queue and we will do our best to answer the questions that are asked however we always have way more questions asked which we love um but unfortunately way more questions asked than we could answer um so sometimes it might take us a little while to get to your questions too but we will do our very best um and right off the bat here i wanted to read a couple of um a couple of super chats uh the mosh pit god with ten dollars saying orange rocket good i think that's a great super chat to begin the day with yes indeed orange rocket good uh another one from cassie w five dollars saying hi from jos and cassie all about the rocket love we agree all about the rocket love all around uh cmp road with five dollars um uh spacex how could you make us decide which one to watch well the good part is you don't have to decide which one to watch because if they start doing something with the super heavy booster we'll bring it to you right here as we're on the air for this one as well we're going to focus on the sls hot fire well uh nothing's happening it's super heavy so right now we saw the crane was hooked up i can go back to it for a second but we're not seeing any lifting yet so if they start lifting rest assured people jump to super heavy but of course you know that we are here first and foremost for the sls hot fire and what you are now seeing is the control center at stennis um where teams are monitoring the core stage uh and all of the parameters there as they head toward a targeted t0 here coming up roughly a little more than an hour from now i think between oh no soon much sooner than that i'm sorry i got my time zones mixed up um uh yeah with a with a hot fire coming here shortly um expected within about half an hour or so so um let's keep going with some of these super chats here and some of our questions um a great question here from michael so can the steams from the engine exhaust trigger lightning um excellent question so not not really in this regard um you are correct it's just steam it's water vapor is the exhaust from the uh from the engines it burns hydrogen and oxygen so it's very clear it can rain and if atmospheric conditions are correct it could trigger lightning but if those um conditions were present at the test site they wouldn't be firing up the engines uh to begin with because they would need to be protecting the equipment and not trying to trigger lightning in that regard so technically possible but they wouldn't be testing in that type of a configuration um if it worked this is actually a great shot look at that of all four of their thermal blankets i don't know if i don't know that they they go to another video so i go back to our camera no no i i i agree yes can i can i just mention chris the beauty of those engines they are all shuttle veterans oh right they have all flown now that's the big debate in the community the debate between would you rather see those four engines which have flown a shuttle in a museum or would you rather see them go out in one blaze of glory and be on the bottom of the ocean it's a tough one personally i'm in the um camp of using them one final time everyone would like them to be reusable as they were designed to be and were on shuttle but of course sls is not reusable so one fire in fact last chat what's you what's your thoughts these rs25s that have flown a shull in a museum i'll fly one more time let's see what people say and all knowing the moderators [Music] most people say museum yeah i don't know yeah so here's here's a good question from matthew um with a five pound super chat asking uh why is there such a mammoth setup here for what is ultimately a static fire are spacex just better at testing than nasa so um no it's not that they're better than testing it's that the testing requirements are different so spacex is able to build their test stands for the rocket that they have whereas the test stands that you see at stennis are capable of undergo are capable of handling multiple different vehicles right so you have to have more of a structure that can handle different commodities here and there different thrust levels different types of vehicles that are being tested because it's not just the sls it's not just the rs25 engines that the sls uses um there's also the engines for the delta iv heavy that are coming through a relativity firefly are there as well a bunch of companies actually use the grounds of stennis for testing and acceptance so what nasa actually did was build a multi-user engine and rocket test facility that people could use if they wanted to or that different companies could use if they wanted to so it's just a different design and specifically they were doing this back in the 1960s so what you're looking at here are some of the original stands that were used for the acceptance testing and firing of the saturn v stages and the saturn ib stages um the saturn 1b stages that were used throughout the apollo program um and then they were converted and used for shuttle and then they were converted and used for uh various other organizations and entities throughout the years so it just so happens that the sls core stage is what's on there now and there are those engines again uh and you can see the gray nozzles protruding down from those white little cones that cover them those are the thermal protection system blankets um and everything well here's a good thing about the rs25s which confusingly begins with an image of hubble um and a mercury redstone atlas okay um i'm not having a history behind okay there we go okay i was gonna say i'm i'm i'm i'm i'm not sure what we're showing there but or what now we're showing there but uh yeah um that was definitely the nasa feed um yes like i mentioned the nasa feed has a bunch of random pre-roll videos and hosting talking so we'll keep our cameras on the test stand thanks to brady who has set up this camera at this at the media viewing place so he's got this great shot of the test stand and hopefully as you get closer to the test itself um nasa will focus their coverage on the actual test stand itself and not people and uh and and michael um have they said on their stream what the target time is no they're just talking about engine history and what the art of this program is and nothing directly related to the actual test status okay okay gotcha so we're still standing by for that specific time there so uh yeah so casey edwards with a 10 pound super chat saying uh go team space cheers to all that you do at the nasa space flight team feels like there's so much going on in the space industry for this generation to really get excited about i agree that's a great way to put it too there is a tremendous amount to be that majorly excited about indeed uh taylor vander camp with five dollars love these streams always keep up the good work in this particular test the thrust is four yes the thrust is four uh dog kraus with five dollars saying rockets are good we agree um here's a good question um chris um uh comes from mr toxic hot dog um do you think the 2020 do you think the 2024 deadline goal for the lunar landing is realistic or do you think 2025 or beyond landing will be more likely just curious on your take it wasn't realistic for a while and i think nasa's recently admitted it's very much not going to be a realistic under current funding that could have been no way of saying give us more funds but i don't think it is realistic anyway and i think it was a political target to start with this word so now that political constraint is out of the way shall we say i think they now can be more realistic about their schedule towards the moon i would like them to be more realistic because when you start getting what's called schedule pressure you get the issues we've had which leads to disasters so i have no problem with them saying well i think we're 20 25 now maybe oh x who was seen on the left-hand side may get to the moon faster now they under the hls contract they're bidding for the hls contract i should say with their lunar starship i don't think they'd want to gazump nasa as such by being on the moon sooner with their capability they will stick to the planet of nasa and go with the hls side of things but um i do believe that nasa will ultimately not be able to do 2024 yeah i i agree i think 2020 i think late 2025 or 2026 is is more probable in in terms of what we'll see for spacesuit development rocket integration development of the landing systems and and their specific funding structures um and everything because yeah a lot of this will also have to um will also boil down to the continued budgets that nasa gets um not just this year but but in upcoming years so it will be interesting to see but yeah 2024 yeah i i personally don't think so and i never thought that was a viable target to begin with just from the sheer amount of work that was needed for it yeah if i could just take a question that's just i just saw in the chat just randomly yeah i didn't get a name but i just saw the question it was a question relating to the reliability of these engines compared to raptors and things like that it's a very good question because raptors rely but wrap the reason let's get my words out the reliable reliability of raptors is not really there yet because they're a new engine and they're in development still they're in the sm50 range so they'll get reliability with launches and with performance which we've seen to be fair with the launches they've been long duration firings during ascent and they've had relights yes some issues were really light but they're obviously showing they're a viable engine and the more they launch them the more they'll get the track record and the more they'll develop them going forward with mcgregor testing and things like that the rs25s or ssmes the rs25ds were hugely reliable engines they had one issue during one launch which resulted in what's called ato which is about to orbit uh scs-51f i believe it was with challenger and that was a sensor issue and that was luckily thanks to quick thinking of the booster operator at the johnson space center only was one engine out and they bought to orbit was nominal and there was no issue with the mission everything went fine that was the only issue during 30 years of operation with a spatial fleet where the rs-25s had an issue during ascent that is incredible to think about when you're talking about the complexity of this engine and its history and i think that will play in very well for sls as much as they've been very much rebuffed and improved and the rs25e which will be the expendable version of the rs25 will gain from the heritage i think the rs25 engines are extremely reliable so i've got no problem with them going forward you see on your screen right there nasa saying stand by for the hot fire test time so they do not know the hot fire test time yet which which would make sense in some regards right because we we always make a point of of talking about the the sort of trickiness of countdown timelines when you're in a test configuration we do this a lot with spacex and we need to make and we need to be you know we need to do that too and make sure that the expectations are the same here with the sls rocket because ultimately it's this it's a very similar test to what they're trying to do to prove out the vehicle and to prove out the systems and stress it in ways that it would never actually experience in flight but if you can prove that it can survive those particular areas and they know it will they're just stressing it to verify their their models on this but if you can do all of that then you know you've got a good vehicle so once you get into a test campaign yeah there might have been little things that popped up here and there that happens with spacex2 all the time it could also be you know like they're they're in a good configuration they're gathering the data that they need and they're just assessing when the most optimal time can be right pushing into test windows doesn't necessarily mean anything is bad or anything is wrong because ultimately these are gigantic learning curves for everyone and good moments to really test out the hardware as much as you possibly can especially with sls where this is the only time they'll get to do that for this particular vehicle and that audio we're piping in right now is actual audio from nasa's feed live from stennis that is the sound of sls as it prepares for the test awesome and if you look over to the right hand side of your screen there you can see the hydrogen flare stack so um just like on uh just like starship used to do where it would vent that methane out to a flare stack and it would be burned away harmlessly that's what sls has to do with its liquid hydrogen that boils off so it boils off and it gets carried through the vent systems out to that flare stack where it is safely burned away [Applause] um a couple of more uh question questions here moldy space industries with two dollars saying orange rocket orange good observation multi space industries i love it um zac tarble with two dollars saying thanks again for the great coverage go nsf um k.h benner saying a super heavy booster on a crane has been lowered from when you first showed it uh so they may be doing some uh movements there of it indeed and cliff phillips thank you so much for the new membership that sort of sustaining membership really really helps us out very much appreciated um and cameron with five dollars saying to the moon um although moon doesn't automatically guarantee a trip to the surface but yes there's a needle on reference in there as well i i think so too yes um i lost it there for a second on my screen uh to the moon uh asterix to the moon does not imply or guarantee a trip to the object orbiting earth known as the moon love it um so here there there are a lot of other good questions here but i i want to i want to get to a couple of them uh really quick so um bruce wayne hughes was asking um how much more thrust does sls have than the space shuttle uh which is a great question because it is a shuttle derived vehicle um so the shuttle used three rs-25 engines although with wayne hale might be watching so i need to call them what they were back then face shuttle main engines they have since been rebranded as the rs25s but they're the space shuttle main engines um so um it used three space shuttle main engines and two four-segment solid rocket boosters and had approximately seven million pounds of thrust at liftoff um the sls vehicle will have approximately 8.8 million pounds of thrust just after liftoff with four rs25s and two five-segment solid rocket boosters so a lot more initial thrust uh off the launch pad than the space shuttle did and puts it more or less in line with the saturn v actually for for what it can do at liftoff um here's another good question um from monica who's asking um what part of the moon will artemis iii land on um i believe the only reference we've had was sort of a couple of years ago referenced to polar regions of the moon near those permanently shadowed craters that have water but um i they definitely haven't um selected a formal location yet and they would not until um a few months prior to the actual mission um i don't know if we've heard anything other than that that polar reference though chris no it's still up in the air isn't it so it's one of those wait and see situations gotcha gotcha um so here's one that i know a lot of people are asking so i think it's a good one to uh to talk about um what are our thoughts on bill nelson chris oh right yeah it seemed like some of the community was quite um annoyed by it i think mainly from a political standpoint not his party but the fact that he's a career politician and i think we've been spoiled as much as he was a politician as well by jim bridenstine i think anybody coming into that job now filling his boots has got a real tough job because he has been brilliant for nasa he really has and i hope that bill nelson will bring the advantage of his his knowledge and his his you know his understanding of how nasa works to the table and that will maybe convince a few people that he's um good for the job but yeah i the community is kind of like trapped him into this kind of sls fandom situation because he's got that picture of him with um charlie bolden showing which was then a white sls is how long ago it was before they decided not to paint them like these shot like zero tanks they stopped after sds2 uh they have him tagged as an sls fan i have no doubt he's an sls fan but he has also been cited several times in the history of being a big fan of commercial space so i don't think he'll be someone who'll come into nasa take over the reigns and say okay let's pump everything we can to sls and and take the money away from commercial crew or commercial cargo or hls or things like that i really don't think he'll do that i think his history is just being misconstrued as being that kind of like sls supporter where he was put anything else but i think he supports all elements it's just he's on a hiding for nothing following jim bridenstine so he'll he's got a lot of work to do to convince people he's a you know on that kind of mold of thinking both agency and commercial going forward yeah um yeah you know i i know i said on social media earlier today that while i was happy with him as my senator when he was the senator from my state um i i had mixed feelings about it um and my mixed feelings honestly stem from not yet fully knowing if that change that he had there right after supporting sls but then also becoming a supporter of commercial crew was it because he represented a state that both of those were very important to so he had to support both like i i'm not sure i know where he falls just yet on it um but i also don't really know how he'll do [Music] leading an agency through a time of a very significant continued change in the overall industry um and i i just kind of keep coming back to i'm not sure he was the most qualified person for the job which i know isn't the end all be all of an assignment i mean jim breinstein did great and i really didn't want him to leave um but yeah i i i take your point curse because i think it's a very good one that i wonder how much of our reactions to this are still being influenced by how well breitenstein did and how sorry we were to see him leave even though we understood why he left um yeah yeah i i don't understand politics i never have got into politics i just not one of my things but i'm just trying to work out why jim reinstein felt he had to go because of the change of the political scene maybe he's a is it party loyalist or was he just basically said i've done my four-year tour that's enough for me what do you think i i i think it had less to do with the political reality because i i don't think people from both sides wanted him to go i think every i think people wanted him to stay um no matter your your political lien in that regard um and while it is true that heads of agencies typically will tender a formal letter of resignation if the party in the white house is changing um there are numerous examples where nasa administrators and other key high level government cabinet positions have been maintained between administration so it's not uh it's not a mandatory thing that that occurs and i think for bridenstine based on what he had said it really came down to more personal considerations and concerns and i kind of got the feeling that he would have left anyway maybe not on the day that he did i think the day he did was just convenient because it was the administration change um but i don't get the feeling that even if the 2020 election had gone the other way in terms of the results that he would have stayed for a prolonged period of time through a second administration now michael do we have an update on when they're going for t0 yet because the banner's gone the waiting for a um countdown is a banner which is now deceased and people in chat are upset the banner's gone it sounds like they're coming up on the t-minus 10-minute poll i'm not sure exactly when that's gonna happen but we should be hearing a poll here soon okay then michael um i'm gonna go ahead and run through what we can expect here because this is something that if they start the poll we can stop uh and go for pick up on the other side of it yeah so um yeah so explain what a hot fire is is what brendan brandon parr was asking and what the process is today and yes cause this is a process um just by the way the standing by for the hot fire test time not our banner that's nasa's banner so yes it's just in a more convenient place now um but yes um so what we can expect here is so they will do a poll here to pick up from the t minus 10 minute mark so right now they are t minus 10 minutes and counting which during an sls countdown is what would normally occur you would fuel the vehicle get the astronauts inside orion and then you would have a built-in hold at t minus 10 minutes to dot all your eyes cross all your t's make sure everything's ready before picking up your count uh so the t minus 10 minute mark the terminal count will begin and this will be the stage controller so the big orange tank that you see there that stages um terminal countdown sequencer will have control of the test sequence and uh we'll be coordinating all of the various movements and activities that the stages various systems and the ground systems need to do to prepare the vehicle for firing around the five minute mark the core stage auxiliary power units which provide hydraulics to the engines will be started and at about four minutes 45 seconds the tank pressurization sequences will begin so the vent valves on the liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen tanks will be closed and uh helium will be used to begin pressurizing those tanks to what would be flight pressure or in this case firing pressure to actually fire the rs-25 engines um t-minus 30 seconds the terminal countdown sequencer on the stage will then hand off to the actual flight computers uh the flight computers are not running the flight software for this test they are one running a slightly modified version of flight software known as the green run application software so that will take control at t minus 30 seconds that's basically the vehicle going internal and the point in a countdown when sls would assume control of its own countdown um so very very similar to when the falcon 9's go internal at t minus one minute and when the space shuttles used to have their auto sequence start at t minus 31 seconds uh at t minus 12 seconds the hydrogen burn off system the big sparks underneath the engines and around the engines will ignite to help burn off excess gaseous hydrogen that's accumulated around the base of the engines this uh will prevent that built up hydrogen from uh combusting upon engine start in a bad way um so there's a very set limit of how much gaseous hydrogen can be in and around the engine section and the hydrogen burn off system will keep those um will help meet those criteria for the test then at t minus six and a half seconds the engine start sequence will begin so starting at 6.6 seconds once every 120 milliseconds one of those rs-25 engines will be commanded to ignite they will at first come up to uh the original 100 percent rated performance level that is a 100 of their original rated thrust back when they started flying in 1981 with the space shuttles um they will build up to that thrust um be checked out and then at t 0 which would be the simulated liftoff moment in a countdown all four engines will throttle up to 109 which is the maximum or 100 level on an sls flight and at that point we're off and running as they say um in the test sequence and that's when things really pick up um so in the test sequence after we pass the t0 mark the engines will fire at 109 for the first minute of the test and then beginning at t minus one minute a series of events will occur so they will begin rapid fire thrust vector control movement of the engines so basically there are pistons inside of the engines for pitch and yaw and they will start moving those as fast as they can on all engines to turn all four engines in circular patterns and they're doing this because you would never actually run the engines and move them that fast during flight but they want to make sure that the vehicle can withstand that type of insane scenario would never actually do because if it can survive that then your systems can survive the much more benign flight environment that the vehicle will actually experience during that um during that motion stress test which will take 33 seconds so it'll go from t plus 60 seconds to t plus 1 minute and 33 seconds um during that throttle which will really stress the hydraulic systems they're also going to be throttling the engines all four engines back to 95 percent from 109 and then they'll throttle them back to 109 mimicking the throttle down sequence that the engines will do as the vehicle ascends through maximum dynamic pressure and actually changing the throttles on the engines as they're stressing the hydraulic system is an even bigger stress test for the vehicle um this is the point when they started doing that stress test in the first green run that we ran into problems and we'll overview what happened in the first screen run here in a minute but it's right after that minute point when they start the first stress test on the vehicle's engines and hydraulic systems that the issue cropped up in the first one but if they can get through the first um but if they can get through the first one and everything goes well um the second major check of the engines will begin two and a half minutes after t zero two and a half minutes into the firing this is a prolonged uh more than two two-minute test where they will basically be doing long frequency response tests so they'll be moving the engines in various ways and monitoring them to really understand how the vibration frequencies that go through the structure of the entire core how do those frequencies and vibrations change as propellant is being drained from the tanks um and those tanks are being refilled with um with their purge systems and their pressurization systems so they'll be doing that um from two and a half minutes to four and a half minutes but very crucially when they hit the four minute mark in the test that's the minimum time they need to accomplish and gather enough data to call the test a success so basically they want to get to the full eight minutes but four minutes is what they actually need to complete the test which then actually raises the question well if they only need four minutes why do they not shut down why are they going to burn basically to completion and burn a full duration because basically by continuing to fire the stage for an additional four minutes they can get other data that they don't need before flight but that they would like to get before flight if at all possible um this includes a lot of data on how the temperatures and the on the outside and the inside of the tanks change as the propellant is drained from them um as well as how the pressurization systems work on on the vehicle as well and um so as they continue going through that they'll get some good data on that and then the final test in the sequence will come at 7 minutes and 36 seconds over the firing if if they make it that far um at which point they will begin throttling all four engines back from 109 down to 85 which is exactly what the vehicle will do during launch to help maintain 3g acceleration limits on the crew and the vehicle as the engines are preparing for shutdown during that throttle back they'll also do a third hydraulic stress test of the vehicle moving the engines in that same circular pattern that they do one minute into flight that'll be another stress test which will end just over eight minutes into flight and then if all goes perfectly um and the test stand and all of the crown support equipment functions properly for the full eight minutes uh what will actually trigger the shutdown of the engines is when either the liquid oxygen tank or the liquid hydrogen tank engine cutoff sensors read dry meaning the propellant is being has drained below a safe level in the tank and that will trigger what's known as a low level cutoff of the engines and a shutdown of the stage and safing uh for that test and i have to say i can't believe i got through all of that before they did their um before they did their pull i'm impressed i found that very relaxing just listen [Laughter] thank you thank you and and as we go through the test we'll be calling out those milestones as well but that's a very high level overview of what we're hoping for um today so yes yes all is quiet on nasa's seed right now if there's anything important i'll relay it but it's abs it's just dead silence in the past five minutes so we're not getting any official updates so we are about as in the loop as all of you are viewing the stream i'm sure everybody's wondering when this is gonna happen and probably within the next 30 minutes but exactly when we don't know yes yeah this has not really been saying too much because eric berger's t-zero has now gone past that point point time before then uh christian gavin paul was saying that all is well for manassas from the nasa quartz i think everything's fine they're just holding and holding uh and then hopefully we'll get into this t-minus 10-minute pull and then be into a point of time where we can tell what the t-zero will be so so chris here here's a good question on uh that that comes up every once in a while and you mentioned senator nelson's um uh sort of getting lashed to sls because of that picture of or the image of him right so here's a good question um why does sls look more similar to a shuttle external tank than it does the saturn v yeah that is that is a good question basically sls is formed out what was called a 2010 authorization act which was authored by senator bill nelson so that's where he gets tied to sls quite a lot he was his baby the reason why it looks like an external attack is because it's on purpose the authorization act demanded that it took the hardware from the constellation program and the shuttle program and then combined it into a heavy lift launch vehicle they had what was called an oversight review which was called the rack which is a design analysis cycle study where they put all the elvs all the kerosene rockets all the rp-1 rockets together and had a trade study decide which rocket would be best for the purpose the problem was the rules said he had to work within an authorization act and the authorization act made it very heavily weighted towards what was sls so wesley was going to win that and that was why there's a lot of um well you weren't fair you didn't invite ula along to the trade study for the rp1 rockets and things like that so there was lots of iffy comments surrounding that whole decision point of going for sls but the basic outline is sls is the heritage of shuttle and the heritage of what was remaining from the constellation program and that's where we got these similar looking and similar technology because they thought with all tools in place and all the experience in place it would reduce the amount of time you'd get to launch the thing which has not happened so yeah there's lots of twos and throws with that but it literally is a shuttle derived heavy lift heavy launch vehicle yeah yeah and there was a moment in its existence when it had the paint scheme of of an apollo which was really just to like separate it from constellations initial paint scheme um which was the same it was purely political as to or pr driven as to why it had a pain scheme it was never going to be painted like apollo or like the first uh couple of shuttle external tanks that were white and there was actually there was actually the boosters which were painted in swooshes at one point yes and i asked out atk at the time i said why putting swooshes on them it looks a bit silly and said oh it's a pr thing it's never going to have that paint job and people didn't believe me on twitter and i said it's just for renders it's not going to happen like way they say no no no it's in renders that's how it'll look on the launch pad no it won't and it isn't so that's why they like their paint jobs for promotional purposes indeed indeed okay so while we wait for a um time here um for um i'm sorry my sorry um while we wait for a time here uh for the hot fire or that poll i'm gonna run through a couple more super chats here uh david with a five dollar super chat in relation to our um our conversation earlier about why not develop a new engine and let the um space shuttle main engines that have flown be in museums says um we could have uh advanced development of the rs-25e and f versions of the engines and put these actual flown rs 25ds in museums um yeah could have been could have been a point although the although the more advanced engines are coming um in the rs25es um range so they are being developed right now it is worth pointing out um quickly chris is not the program manager in sls that was a nasa graphic uh nasa seed uh chris is the assistant manager managing editor of nasa space flight our wonderful media outlet that is covering this launch i was going to say my title changed drastically and i didn't even be moonlighted right uh justin moreno with the new membership thank you so much as well as uh charles with the new membership thank you that sustaining membership really does mean a lot to us um every single month very very much appreciated um uh alexander ash with five dollar with a five pound super chat saying um this is a waste of government money and it's really expensive compared to the commercial sector uh about two billion pounds a launch uh and starship is about 136 million pounds um i i don't know if we know the the the starship price we're going to listen in here in a second reminder to everybody uh we after we get past 557 and after we terminate lh2 uh system securing we only have two minutes 35 seconds of full time before we have to recycle back also another reminder to everybody when we do the switch to internal power we will get the christmas tree effect on the avionics screen so that is normal that is to be expected so just remind everybody that we will get that christmas tree effect once we go to internal power all right right sequencer on your on your command let's go ahead initiate the terminal count sequencer for sub step alpha and record uct utc time please copy [Applause] t-town has resolved and give us your utc real quick please 27 12. copy zero seven seven twenty twenty seven twelve two copy [Applause] it sounds like that's going to be all we're getting right now that i hear more comms chatter coming i'll let you know chris but just don't change did they do the pull yet i didn't hear that yeah not yet i think we're just over 10 minutes okay gotcha gotcha um yeah thank you so much up here we go oh nine minutes did they say nine minutes yeah sounds like we actually oh okay so we are in the terminal count sequence now and we are standing by and listening as they progress through their steps uh okay so it sounds like nasa tv themselves missed the poll um but they are under t minus nine minutes and counting at this point which would put the ignition time at 3 27 um 327 or 328 in there somewhere um based on that timing so yes so at this point the um uh so at this point the sorry i'm going back the uh the stage controller's terminal countdown sequencer has control of the vehicle and is taking it through the initial steps in the final terminal countdown sequence as a payment board a firing eight minutes from now um so in a couple of minutes we will have the start of the auxiliary power units on the stage called the core stage apus um and then shortly after that we'll begin the tank pressurization sequence for the liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen tanks [Applause] so it is people keep asking about burger chica quickly chris there is not much progress report so we're going to focus on sls as we approach the end of this countdown yeah indeed indeed so yes heading toward a static fire here and about seven and a half minutes from now [Applause] so at this point the um the the water that is being deluged into the stand um is getting they're getting ready to transition that to its um high flow rate around the aspirator rings there we go seven minutes to go so so based on that call out it will be 338 on the dots so 338 exactly will be the simulated uh t0 time with ignition coming six seconds prior to that [Applause] but yes one thing about so that um that water is very very important to the stand and protecting the stand not just from the acoustics but from the heat of the engines too so one reason we have said that for and that nasa has said is that four minutes is what they need to get all of their data they would like to have a full duration firing of the stage but if after that four minutes something on the ground like the water pumps fail they have to cut off the test because this they could literally destroy the success of that securing uh if that water is not flowing so you could end up with a scenario where after four minutes the stage itself is still operating absolutely fine but your um but your ground support equipment has incurred a failure that no longer makes it safe to continue so that's how we can have a good and successful static fire as long as we reach four minutes and if the reason for the early cut off after that is has nothing to do with the stage nasa has completed the green run as they needed they just didn't get the extra stuff they wanted um and they can move on and while we're at this nice wide shot your eyes do not deceive you that is not another rocket sitting in the left-hand portion of the stand um that is a tank that basically serves as a stand-in for the delta iv common booster core um that side of the test stand is where they test fire uh the rs-68a engines for the delta iv heavy rocket um so that is what is on the pvc spin start alrighty there we go so the hydraulic systems are starting to come up to their initial states uh here you can see that water flow that we were just talking about and that will increase with intensity as we head toward the ignition of the engines you can also see with that banner gone you can also see some of the uh propellant storage tanks floating storage tanks that are used there at um at stennis back over here really quick um so yeah so as we go into the test so um and approach that final time uh and so what happened last time was about a minute into the into the test firing when they started the first big hydraulic action where they started moving those four rs-25s as fast as they possibly could in a circle over and over and over and over again it overstressed the hydraulic system not to a point that wasn't safe but it basically breached a test criteria limit not a flight criteria limit so they set some of the test criteria a bit conservative than they would on a flight just to help added protection for the vehicle in the test stand and the test ended up violating one of those conservative limits and kicked them out when hydraulic pressures and reservoir pressures in the hydraulic system dropped they've adjusted that for this test to cut to compensate now that they know what that's going to look for or know what that's going to look like in the data so hopefully we will not have a repeat of that now looking at this image though you can see that water just spraying out of the rings there um underneath the engines this is what's called the low flow rate um that will transition to a much faster high flow rate uh here about a minute ahead of ignition and we are about to cross the three minute mark in our timeline now so at this point tank pressurizations are underway on board the core stage as everything heads toward what is hopefully a handoff to the stage's on-board computers at the t-minus 30-second mark at which point the green run application software or grass will take control of the test flight and or take control of the test firing and execute it per the pre-programmed script it will be in the primary control mode and the um ground sequencer uh the terminal count sequencer uh not as well as the ground systems at stennis will also be monitoring uh the vehicle and system performance as [Applause] well [Applause] two minutes two minutes [Applause] and that's two minutes i think i have our countdown clock synced just about as good as i'm gonna get it might be a couple of seconds off but i've done my best i think it's wonderful we need adrian to do a spreadsheet for trivance and things like that again more mist more mist all right so coming up on the 90 second mark at this point um the hydrogen tank and the liquid oxygen tank should both be at the proper flight or test pressures and chris we're getting lots of commentary onto nasa's feet and i'm cutting out but during the test you might just have to watch it i'm not sure if they're going to be talking over us or not but we definitely want to hit a rocket roar understood and i plan to i plan to be mostly quiet during the test but just come in every once in a while to explain what's happening right just now but otherwise yes okay minus one minute following personnel report go don't go for a-l-s-a-e-a p-e-a r-e-a and e-a city vehicle and speech systems are good for als basically the water system has come on full bore and transitioning to the stage's and you just got the the official start of als next up is the hydrogen burn-off igniters come on at 12 seconds before t 0. h boys are on and engine starts has been okay and all personnel we've got engine start and we're into the plus account all personnel continues to monitor your system and grass is in control all right the engines are at 109 rate of power right now [Applause] all right watch those engines are going to begin to move very rapidly here in about 10 seconds okay show the engines the engines are moving rapidly at this point and throttling down to 95 from 109. i wish they'd show us the engines moving there we go look at that all right and you can see the charring on those blankets oh wait [Music] you can't pull it off okay we're expecting some of that they are first through the first major stress of the vehicle engines are just firing now next major test begins in 30 seconds [Music] double the amount of time again that fire is more or less expected all right here comes the low bomb frequency response test this is a two minute long test subtler movements of the engines on this one and how all of the vibrations are transferred across the stage all right so there's about a minute left in this second major test that they are doing here and about 30 seconds of the minimum firing time remaining until they can meet minimum test objectives and four minutes is the mark they have reached the minimum firing time needed to successfully complete the green one everything as they say from here is gravy they are headed for a full flight duration now of eight minutes as long as the stage and the ground systems continue to work that call out indicating that the second major test is complete at this point we are just firing the engines at 109 performance and they are watching how the tanks are pressurized and how they are changing uh from a temperature perspective as those four rs-25s drain the propellant from the tank we're just over five and a half minutes in the plus count all continuing to go well just letting you all listen to the sounds of those engines everything very stable in the test right now the next major event will begin in a minute and a half that cloud that you are seeing is pure water vapor that actually produces rain several we're coming up on seven minutes beginning at 7 minutes 36 seconds they'll begin throttling the four rs-25 engines back from 109 to 85 and they will also repeat circular motion as seen at the beginning of the contest that will last until eight minutes one second and two plus seven minutes thirty seconds profile number two there we go that test underway as the engines are being throttled back look at those movements all right at this point the cutoff signal for the engines will be triggered by the low level cutoff sensors which are sensors mounted inside the liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen tanks that monitor fuel levels as soon as they read dry it will trigger a shutdown of this sequence here and then the test is not going to come at any moment now all right so we're just over eight minutes into the plus count personnel coming up hopefully on the last depletion here and we have a cut off and there we go a locks low [Applause] all personnel that takes us to page 656 all personnel go to page 656 to start the post office shutdown securing operations well that was absolutely amazing wow that went well yeah can someone else talk for a second real quick yeah i won't be quiet during the test just in case we didn't want two people talking over any loops so with you we could you could cut yourself off when i was talking on loop that was a good test there was that fire on the tps blanket which was quite pronounced i think that we'll look at that it was expected but i didn't expect it to be that visual i thought we'd see you know some kind of like charring or something like that but that's what it's designed for that's why it's a tps blanket because they expect fire to be in that area so that isn't a great deal and also the other thing is when it's during a sense it's probably put out by the by the aerodynamics of it just going uphill this thing is literally bolted to a test stand and that's why the fire can just propagate on the tps blanket i would class all is a good test the look right there crazy we don't see any more residual fire yeah yeah yeah and it did seem to burn itself out yeah and chris what i thought i i had the same thing where i was just oh look at that 499.6 seconds and they were yeah and it was estimated to be 500 second firing pretty good pretty good i mean man that that nails the computer modeling for when they'd have a liquid oxygen low level cut off like that so let's take a moment and talk about how they shut this down right because it's not how it would actually happen in flight um so basically what they did today is they let the the the fuel sensors basically the fuel gauge in the liquid oxygen tank read uh oh i'm at a dangerously low level and because the rs-25 engines are hydrogen-rich you want to make sure you're not running out of liquid oxygen so that's why you focus on the liquid oxygen side of the vehicle for these types of shutdowns and basically they just let those sensors run dry and as soon as they read dry that triggers the system's computers to go i'm running out of liquid oxygen oh no i need to shut my engines down that's not what they would actually do during flight you would actually get an engine shut down a couple of seconds earlier than that reserving some margin inside of your tank um but for the test part of what they wanted to do was test how those engine cutoff sensors would work and they worked perfectly today because you heard them call out low level locks cut off and everything which was perfect of course the funny thing is that that sensor call out is what is on our promo it comes it's from the sds 93 launch yeah where it was a lox level look off that is not what they want during the shuttle mission because their sensors designed to stop the actual uh engines from firing because if they fired when they went past that point it would suck up euloge and would literally blow off the after of the shuttle so that would have been seriously bad and that's why the sensors are there it just shows those sensors which had some problems with during scs 122 is an example where they had several scrubs because these low-level cut-off sensors which was part of the lh2 feed line sensor wiring which was what the fault was it took them months to get that sorted out the fact that it's working the first time on sls is a great bonus i remember them soldering like the connections yes on atlantis like trying to figure out what the heck was wrong with these things because they just couldn't figure it out like i remember that yeah if anybody searches and it goes onto our news site and searches ecr plus sensors you'll get 22 articles that's how big a deal that situation was during shuttle oh my gosh yeah to the point where i remember like i remember during countdowns right and they and they do it with sls too so this is jermaine it's not a rant um when when they would start fueling the external tank and those eco eco sensors would go wet they would then cycle them dry and wet like trying to make sure they were getting good signals from them and i remember after those the problem with those sensors i remember the sense of relief every time it was when the message would come into us ecosensors are good and it was like oh thank god that is literally that's where the yanks you bet conquer comes from on our on our little intro videos intro videos it literally is that that's um john shannon who was the flight director this is a beautiful story it was john shannon the flight director on sts 93 asking them was it a low-level cut-off and he goes yikes you bet concur that's why the other controllers get involved and john shannon is now working for boeing on the sls programme so he's the project manager yeah it really has like yeah yeah it has oh my gosh i mean yeah man we could do like an entire nsf live just on the 93 launch and how how what a miracle i don't use that word lightly what a miracle it was that thing made it to orbit um on that flight but anyway happier things with artemis um a massively successful test today let us not ever underestimate this um this was huge it not only went the minimum duration of four minutes that they needed it went the full duration eight minutes it proved out the stages um it proved out a lot of what they needed with the stage they're definitely got they've got a lot of data to go pour through and look over and i i won't speak for them but all indications from what we heard and the call outs over the comnet there about the minor things they did see but were okay nothing that i heard gave any indication that we have a show stopper here um to redo it um so with luck and we'll wait for that official confirmation what happens now is a continuation of the safing and securing of the vehicle um a three-week dry out of the four rs-25 engines just to make sure no moisture is in them and then maybe some minor thermal protection work on the bottom of it but ship it to kennedy in about a month um for launch would be the next major milestone again once they look at the data and they confirm but everything that we heard today is is a good indication that it was an immensely successful firing of the of the core stage here yeah they're going to be overjoyed with that because there's so many things in consideration here if this test had not gone well and i don't mean blowing up on the test stand blown up a test stand would have been seriously bad for sls program completely but if they had to redo this test a third time they would have delayed their shipping target towards ksc they need to get this booster sorry this this boost i'm so used to basically they need to get this core stage into the vab by the end of april they need to do that to allow them to get stacking with the boosters on the ml1 mobile launcher and then have a chance of getting to the end of the year as much as that's pretty much ruled out now they are looking for about february if they can do it by february or even late february they'll be within their one year timeline on the boosters that is a critical point where they run out of certification time if they delay any further if that happens and the delay passed end of february early march they will need to recertify them some way and that would be recertifying against the commission a presidential commission from the challenger accident to recertify past a one-year clock on the seal sir it's a big deal right this had to go well and it has and they now are within target of launching within a year yeah yeah they they they they really are this this went um i mean we we talk about critical path right and and there is some elements of the software that they're still um in final testing and and work for um philip sauce has has a great article on that from a bit earlier this year on how the software or last year i think at the last year and how the software side of things were going um but yeah we're we're within a year of them being able to do the artemis one mission i would say from a hardware perspective now um i i think the software is is is gonna be there soon um i know they've kind of all but rolled out the end of the year and are into like early next year at this point but i mean i i i see no reason based on today why from a hardware perspective a launch in 11 months is not possible you know if if they shoot for early next year yeah and there's people in chat saying nasa's tv coverage has been saying launch late this year you can remember nasa's public image is very much um pr exercise i mean that's not negative towards them they've got to do that they're yeah the u.s taxpayer is literally their employer so they have to come across as happy and you know everything's great and going well internally they are not launching this year they will try they will find ways if they can to achieve it but right now the internal schedule forecast which is the key thing here the forecast is february 2022 ah well so that way i'm i'm still kind of right i can tell the relief on your voice chris oh my god i i it it was i mean because this isn't the relief spans mainly from i i i the very logical side of my brain was saying this is nasa this is boeing they have spent so much time it's gonna go fine if there is an issue it's going to be something on the ground side right that trips them up again like like the first one where they set a limit too high right but there is always but that's the logical part of your brain and there's always the emotional part of your brain that's going yep and it's a rocket and this many things could go wrong um especially the first time you fire one up um and this isn't like spacex where there's just another one waiting in the wings to come over like what you said about like if this had gone badly it would have been as a serious there would have been a serious discussion on the future of the program right uh i like that camera cut chris that was that was that was a good camera cut but um but the relief in my voices is not just because the stage is still sitting there it's in large part a relief to the teams and and the people at stennis and boeing and nasa who have poured over a year into this green run campaign and and let us and i want to be clear about this the fact that it took so long is not entirely like cannot be blamed on them right um they built in a lot of contingency time back when the firing of the stage was going to be in mid to late october um but they got hammered by hurricanes and tropical storms last year they got hammered by the the covid19 pandemic i mean the the immense sense of relief not just in my voice but you heard them clapping in the control center after the test was completed i mean this is a huge huge moment for the teams and and the program and just everything that they had to overcome just in this green run campaign alone um and it's also gotta feel good for for for boeing and all the teams who have worked on the core stage all along because it has been a focus um of the program for it being the long pole item for for a long time um and to see it yeah i wonder which one what a wonderful yeah super heavy launch vehicles being prepared for what will be the future the future will be sending people humans back out beyond earth orbit again but this time sustainably and beyond we're looking for footprints on the moon anymore we're looking for bases and eventually i'd bring it up every time but that render spacex put out when elon did his presentation for bfr at the time that moon mars-based alpha that city on mars that's what he wants and i'll tell you one thing elon is not constrained by politics or by any funding constraints it's a commercial private company spacex that he's in charge of and he wants it and believe you me i think we'll see it within the next 10 15 years where we'll at least start seeing the build above it and though those will be exciting historic first time events for our species making life multi-planetary it's huge it really is this is you know people putting news on they'll see this and the other people are watching streams like this and following mary's videos and everything that's going on within the space program that's our future that's our real future and that's something to get inspired by very much is yeah see on your screen i mean the artemis program is not a uh just words and no actions type of thing there is meaningful hardware being built all across the country we're still waiting to hopefully see how much funding the human landing system is going to get but as far as the rockets go progress is definitely being made i mean of course people would have liked to see sls progress faster and on a bit of a thinner budget but it is at least making progress and we saw a great hot fire today and i cannot wait because this means i get to see it next here in florida love it when it arrives next month it's coming to your neighborhood yep but like any good guest i still have to drive an hour down to see it well all right a couple of final questions and wrap it up yeah yeah yeah i think that's a good um i think that's a pretty good idea um i wonder what some of the questions are do you see one that strikes you right now is the booster i think the boost is going up [Music] super heavy booster stack nobody worry oh look around i will update our overlay too it's definitely moving that is um i do not know if i will come back i need i need to go make a phone call for us so i don't know if i'll be back but i'm not um yeah i'm chris i'm chris gebhardt i'm the assistant managing editor of nasa spaceplate stay right here we're going to show you an exciting uh booster number one being stacked but um i have to go hopefully i'll be back but i will leave you in the capable hands of chris bergen and michael baylor and i cannot believe that this is happening within time in 20 minutes or 10 minutes i think it was 20 minutes whatever i can't even keep track of the static fire test i mean ten years ago if you told somebody this would be happening to the space program they would have told you you were absolutely crazy but it's very good to see that there is this much activity happening with the united states of space program at this time and i was just getting a clip there for twitter because this is something where i'm gonna have to make the unfortunate tweet where all these sls program people who follow me they say no god yeah chris wrestler tweets today i'm not gonna do a bm1 but there is the booster in the air and i'm going to try to get i'm working on uh trying to get another robot online i don't want to move this once we get a time lapse but we definitely have more than one robot in boko chica well i can take a question that's quite related to this um i think it was it was on the actual question key i don't know if it's still there or not but it was asked about the static fire of bm1 being similar to an sls green one they don't do that it's a different situation it's back sorry all right are we back five by five we back we should be back that was a hundred percent my fault i may or may not watch we have two different servers going and i i clicked the wrong button in my desperate panic to get another robot online but we should be back thank you for the absent chat that alerted chris bergen to the problem that is now fixed there we go and the quality will be back to normal now if you're just catching it with that because it was just catching up with the reboost so yeah uh with bm1 this is not expected to launch this is expected to be a ground system test where they can take it out to the launch pad it'll be onto the starship launch pad by the way not the super heavy orbital launch site just yet which they're building and they're building that pace as we've seen the videos from mary they really are building the pace this will be just basically for the ground system equipment testing and also the internal workings of the tankage on super heavy and hopefully would be on two it'll be either a hop or a launch we don't yet know we do know that elon first mentioned the testing for the super heavy will be literally related to hopping but i think they may have expanded since then because that was before sna we've seen yeah obviously we've not seen the full cycle of a successful landing and then every uh taking off the launch of landing pad we have seen explosions each time but each time they've launched properly they've had a lot of success with the starship program let's be under no misconceptions about this sn8 s9s and 10 all did extremely good they did the ascent the flip the belly flop landing they've just got to get the landing part right they've sorted out situations the flip maneuver they've got the landing on target each single time they've all gone sorry look how much that's moving around that is swinging yes it is isn't it yeah i'll hit the other tank my word that looks slightly precarious if you i mean if you see from this other camera the crane is actually lifting it through the roof of the high bay they cut a hole into high bay roof so that the crane could reach down and select boosters it's not sort of thing where you can get these people to grab it this will be a heavy structure yeah well actually what we'll see is we'll see this tank is being lowered eventually on top and they've got those like guides where they can bring them in bit like you've seen with nurse cars dunk it stuck in recently in the highway with sn 9 10 and 11. so yeah it's it's something where once this has been stacked it's going to be a huge structure and when we see this thing roll out to the um suborbital pad that will be something unique as well we've seen this the actual starships rolling out down highway 4. and they are a tall sight to see on those rollers so when we see this thing rolling down the road it'll be something surreal if you'll give me a second i'm going to tweet this out because i don't think many people are aware we're live on this no i'm trying to get the stream title changed to say sls hot fire test and super heavy booster stacking because if you're just joining the stream and you're confused what's happening sls just had a great full duration firing of its four rs-25 engines on the core stage and we were about to end the stream when spacex decided it would be a good time to stack the first ever super heavy booster which is of course the first stage for spacex's super heavy vehicle which is in the same caliber of class as sls so quite incredible to have such progress of the two super heavy lift vehicles being built by or being built in the united states happening at the same time it's pretty exciting to see this much progress happening but um we're working on getting the stream title updated and trying to get the word out about this exciting bonus event today but wow look at that uh lift now it's definitely going up higher and i'm not sure if how much room to have in the high bay hole through the roof to maneuver it but i'm interested to see if they're actually going to slide the top section of the booster over with the crane or if the lower section of the booster might be on roll lifts and perhaps they will slide it underneath the rolex or self-propelled modular transporters are those large transporters that they can lift up the starship sections and move them around with but like i mentioned the crane is currently lifting the liquid oxygen stack which is the section in the air right now through a hole in the roof of the highway yeah that's a good question we've never seen this before this is the first time operation so we are learning as we're watching but that makes a lot of sense that it will lift this to the height of clearance and then literally roll over the bottom tankage and then place on top rather than swinging over because i don't think we've seen from rgv the actual aerial photographs the hole in the roof is very small there's not enough translation to move it across the other side and another element chris is that we saw there is a bridge crane that they are currently installing it arrived yesterday that will be located at the top of the high bay for stacking operations so i'm not sure if that would be used for a full super heavy stacking or just the partial stackings because they first stack each of these two sections you can see those originally lots of small components that could stack together in high bay and then finally they stack the final two completed pieces but there is some speculation about whether or not the bridge crane could actually carry the mass of two of these sections um or the mass of one of these sections i think it probably could so i i'm not sure if this is going to be how they do it in the future they would probably use the bridge crane after today once that's fully installed but we'll have to wait and see how that plays out uh thanks to abio who says just renewed membership love what you guys do please never stop we will but i feel sometimes some days we wish we would just have a break um been watching you since the mark one pop wow you have been a long-term tank watcher but very much appreciate your support and your long duration support as well it is fascinating times but you've been here from the start so that's great i am going to put a tweet into the chat because mary is on site and she's just taking a little clip of it of the actual um raising on bm1 so that is going to chat now there we go so you can all follow that and i'm sure that's the people in here who follow everything that's going on in the boko chica are already following mary she has a 120 000 followers on twitter which is amazing for a single subject person to get for just you know for covering this 120 000 followers i've been doing this years and i have got 146 000 followers mary's gonna overtake me this year and i for one will not be upset by that because she deserves it i do believe i've got the clearance level i'm going to get in there to the point where they could swing over the other side so that's a job look at that that lift with those i think it's three workers inside the size of the high bay is something to appreciate so they are way up high and that is some kind of like job you got there i think they're probably trying to steady it it's not swaying as much this might take a little while for it to damper now it's sway before they'll consider moving across the um bottom tankage across sir but we should see mating within the hour i reckon sebastian there's no questions here just people just throwing money it's very much appreciated i love you guys here's five dollars for sls and five dollars for super heavy i think that's best of birth worlds there very much appreciated you can see they now have that booster just above the lower section so the lower section is the methane section the upper section and the air right now is the liquid oxygen section which is the opposite of the orientation on starship but hopefully we will find out how they're going to line these two things up whether it's the bottom section being moved under or the top section being moved over look at that from this camera chris that is an impressive sight to see and that ladies and gentlemen is wide open highway that high it does look like chad is catching this the ch4 stack the methane stack on the bottom is being slid over to the right so it looks like they do have it on the rollers and that makes sense because as i mentioned the hole in the high bay roof is not very tall or not very wide so not a lot of space to maneuver that crane and i just went quite well as i take a clip of that because i don't like to tweet clips my voice on it i'm just not that vain let's just read some of the questions here we got um do we know how many raptors bm1 will have it initially was coined wheel on two raptors for a 150 meter hot but we did see the thrust poke for bm1 and now i had four vent holes would you see the triventy coming from during the actual starship test so we believe it might have four again bm1 we're not expecting to fly we're expecting to be for ground ground testing for a satisfy maybe so if you do install wraps on it i don't think we'll see many we'll just get enough data from the firing to test out the ground support equipment and the actual tankage itself the question will be for bn2 and in dbm3 how many raptors will need for that that is the big question i'd have no answer for that at all we don't know i think we'll be looking out for the thrust puck and getting some ideas from the vents seeing any indications of how many raptors will need for it but the big question is they don't want to lose raptors during testing so these are expensive units these expensive engines they would rather go for the minimum amount just if the case didn't lose a booster that they won't lose that many raptors in the process so we don't know the ansible keep an eye on it you can see they're making progress getting those two sections of the super heavy booster uh connected or lined up but i mean the height of that thing is just ridiculous chris imagine that with a starship on top i mean this the starship itself is about 50 meters tall so yeah we've seen from renders when we've seen the renders there it's bigger than a starting five and i know a lot of people do i appreciate how tall saturn v was but in a lot of photographs we get the humans of scale that was a monster rocket and this is gonna be even taller yeah the total stack height on the spacex website is 120 meters uh the exact super heavy stack has been adjusting slightly with this design there's been landing legs there's been no landing legs so i'm not quite sure what the exact meter to the meter height is going to be but approximately 120 meters tall or the super heavy booster plus the starship on top a lot of that suede is now dampened out so i think we're on target just keep moving it across no yeah have the guides so any any oscillation any kind of swaying even it's just minor that'll be dampened out as soon as i get to the point of guiding it in in fact it might come in handy because many times i've seen them put nurse cones on they've had to get crowbars out because it's just not aligned properly the swaying might help a little bit and a couple more questions in our chat let's see uh joel asks what is your favorite shuttle launch why is it scs 100 was that for you or the other chris it might be for both of us uh i always recall ses 112 because it's atlantis and that was the first real live nasa tv coverage of a short launch that you could watch without being on tv you could watch on the internet it was terrible feed it was literally like 360 at the most i think if that and it was just something where you could follow along properly but it also had the first launch of the rocket cam so they were showing it rob navy's commentating remember distinctly and it was a rocket cam view from the external tank pointing down towards the shuttle and it was just surreal they lost the camera after about two and a half minutes of ascent but it was beautiful you could see the royal program with space coast florida rolling away and the arc towards orbit oh it was just something that if you were watching that and you were into rockets or anything like that you probably wouldn't convert it during that launch so that is a special place for me but as far as historic emissions go sts-125 that servicing mission to hubble after colombia with no iss safe haven using atlantis on the opposite part of the scs-400 launch on need rescue support that was that was back to the old days of nasa you know see the pants kind of like actions where they had approved something that most of the time they would never have got approval for but because it was hubble it was last chance to save hubble they went for it and it worked perfectly wonderful mission and that was lunches as well uh let's see we have a lot of super chats that we missed because there's been so much action today but i will try to get a couple more taylor thank you for the membership i will just actually go through all the memberships so javier is javier as well shaquille mark jj831 we had taylor and then i think that catches us up so thank you all for the new memberships and it looks like the super heavy booster is now fairly close to being lined up there aiden says good job orange rocket yep super with a go nasa uh nick says i'm sure this has been said but i would love to see a long-term static fire of 21 raptors on a bn puck yes a hot fire full duration of the super heavy would be quite a sight to see i'm not sure the test stand is going to be able to handle that though especially without a flame diverter they might be replacing windows in boko chica village as well that is very true um thomas says nasa finishes green run hot fire test spacex hold my beer well i mean i think it was a super heavy hot fire or a launch that would be true but yeah this is just a stacking and it is coincidence some people in chat were saying no it's basically doing this on purpose to take some of the limelight off sls no way it's just coins they were waiting for this for a long time in the planning sir it's just the way boku chika works there when they're ready they'll go and it just happened to time today and right after sls you can see there that is almost the spectacular visual of the full super heavy booster we're about to see it's going to be ridiculous when that thing rolls down highway 4. i mean that was another question that was another big question chris we had for months as people were wondering how are they going to roll out the first super heavy booster yeah they roll out you know the two halves separately so that it was not so tall they're rolling it down the highway but i mean i don't think they're going to flip it horizontal so i'm assuming that we may see a full stack super heavy booster roll down highway 4 to launch site in a vertical configuration which is going to look absolutely absurd checking the wind conditions that day yeah that is for sure i wonder what the wind conditions are going to be for lifting this thing on to the launch stand as well if all goes to plan and elon's kind of like he's been confirming along the way indirectly with the plans for this orbit to launch this this but again i'll say this summer but that's still optimistic and you've got to appreciate the fact that these targets are always very much uh elon's drive and then they don't achieve that date but they'll achieve it faster than if he didn't have that drive so there's a method behind the madness shall we say but this year there's a good chance this year we will see a full stack starship super heavy vehicle launch and i find that surreal that is something else that when that thing launches i i wonder what the reaction will be from people who have not taken any interest in this so far because this big silver rock is visually beautiful it really is compared to some other rockets that launch their their launches look great but the rockets themselves don't look at all impressive this rocket looks impressive and i think the amount of interest that's all build and also benefit from will be will be something else for sure couple more chat messages and super chats uh rob and frodo with two more memberships to add to the list musical wolves says the spacex have to increase the height of the high bay um that's a good i mean i don't think we've seen the height of the high bay change i think they want another one won't they but i think they're gonna they're gonna need more than one high bay i think that's yeah potentially a super heavy or not a super heavy a super high bait it's a lot bigger with more volume for stacking but i don't think this is single yeah the super high that super high bay is going to be needed to cope with a increased production cadence as they move towards the production version of the vehicle but um i'm not sure if they're actually going to call it the super high bay but that is what i would call it i've seen in the aerial first like oh gb i'll keep mentioning because you just take the aerial photographs they have a lot of space there but it's mainly used for car parking that's the ironic thing about this is their production cadence is so fast and so high that they need the workforce to cater for that so the space you do see where you think they could build another facility is mostly let up by cars it's because they've got that many workers there and we've seen in the um plans for the expansion of the orbital and the suburban launch pads down the road at highway four that one space allocated towards another car parks so that just gives the indication of how many people work there and how much space they've got to allocate to make sure the workforce can park up and then get to work on these big silver rockets it looks like the preliminary statements being put out from both nasa and boeing or that the core stage hot fire test for sls went very well so we'll wait for the uh for the press b thing to hopefully get some more data but all indications currently are that the sls course stage performed very well yeah let's see some more questions um and that picture is one of the scale things what i'm gonna put in the chat now it just shows the scale because we've got some cars in view so you can see the cars you can see the crane you can see people on the crane and that just shows it's using the full height of the high bay just to stack this booster so when this thing rolls out my word i think we'll have to clear the roads and people around it there will be no we know austin uh shot from his feet during this rolling bar i think they'll be pushing people back for this one yep and a couple more questions is this the final stacking of bn1 i think so chris right yeah i really don't i mean this is what they're doing this is the cadence again this is what we're talking about people say oh fair enough you've got this date and it doesn't make any sense it seems too soon you do agree with it because that's that's how they work they always work on that kind of like accelerated timeline but then they're going to achieve it so what can you say i mean this is what we're seeing we're seeing the first super heavy boost being stacked and it'll be rolled out after seven eleven uh in a matter of weeks it's it's just where they are this this is how fast they go and they have the cadence to do that because unlike sls they haven't got the next one a year away from being tested the next starship is in the mid bay sm15 the next super heavy bn2 their rings and sections are outside waiting to be stacked that's how fast they go so they can afford to do this at this pace of testing and afford the losses and gain the data from that which will benefit them in the long run and just fly again test fly fail repeat you know fix file please it's amazing really it's for a facility that isn't that massive compared to some facilities for rocket companies they do go through a lot of vehicles at some pace uh brett says all hail mary and jack i totally 100 agree with you i agree with that too these robot feeds would not be possible without the hard work from both mary and jack getting them set up and manage for us and of course mary will have spectacular footage he's down there uh getting some footage for the daily video so stay tuned for that we're going to have some awesome footage of this stacking operation in our daily video uh have we seen a thrust puck that can hold the full complement of raptors for bn1 um bn1 is only going to have a couple of raptors chris so i think yeah current thrust puck can handle it yeah it's two or four that's what we've come to the conclusion we don't know for sure elon said two but that was before sn8 so plans change all the time that was a long time ago jack took a photograph of the thrust puck for bm1 it'd be on one label on it and he had four vent holes which suggested it's gonna have four raptors that would make a lot of sense to me they could do ground testing with four raptors get a lot of data they're not gonna lose hopefully not gonna lose the vehicle i mean we've got we've gone quite a period since the last pop and splash and explosion on the natural landing pad i'll need on the test mount so i think they can test it and keep the raptors intact in one go via that testing so yeah i i can't see any need for more than four i think that's what it'll be i think four i'm gonna put my money on four um yeah there's it's always plans to change sometimes people hear one thing and it turns out not to be true and then they think the information was originally wrong no uh this is berkeley spacex changes course every single week so that's a really good one three is going to be bn4 who knows yeah the thing is you see when we report things it's accurate trust me we do we don't write articles on stuff we're guessing that's for the forum that's for people to discuss you know that's that's chat when we do news articles that's based on information we believe it's verified and we we go we're confident with it we put it on the site the problem is with the pace where boca cheeka changes and neon's plans change that could be outdated information before too long doesn't mean the information was wrong at the time it's just the way they work it's just a way it's like that with a lot of problems to be fair but with boku chika it changes by the week you can see they now have those two sections of bn1 pretty much lined up so hopefully we will see them lower the top section but i just i'm going to say it again i know i said it twice already but this looks totally insane from this camera angle we need we need like full scale models of all the other operational orbital rockets out there in their chica so you can get a sense of scale just how much bigger this thing is going to be i think through government if they want to roll out an ontario he's down to boca chica for a day oh yeah but even a falcon 9 is meters tall so that's just slightly taller well not slightly but 20 meters taller than a starship and the super heavy booster is by itself taller than a falcon 9 so incredibly incredibly tall and massive vehicle i feel awfully bad i'm tweeting quite a lot of um booker chica clips and videos and images just an hour after a successful sls test we've tweeted everything about sls about 10 tweets uh it's not like we've ignored it but the time this is hilarious and actually i don't know why i've not thought about this before chris but if a starship is 50 meters tall and the entire stack is 120 meters that makes uh the super heavy boosters portion approximately 70 meters which means it's actually about equivalent to a falcon 9 height so essentially the uh the first stage of super heavy or the first stage of the starship super heavy system is not only about the same height as a falcon 9 booster but it's also has a much much larger diameter so the performance of this vehicle is going to be a whole another level more questions in chat ralph thank you again for the super chat a cpl day walker a big supporter of the stream says what were the operational temp engines i'm not sure i know that answer off the top chris mushrooms before we check it we're gonna have to go with three thank you for the super chat this compared to sls what's this at least block one sls t3 i think i'll check that we've got looks right to me uh that's a lot of apps not ask this time i'm checking it ice i think we lost it some people were saying yeah that was not us i promise i did not press any buttons that time uh that was youtube but i'm not sure we're back some people say we're back so people say we're not back all right showing back for me so i'm going to keep talking while it looks like it's back for me i think a lot of people might be on like a few minutes delay where it's just basically not caught up to live live okay yeah i promise chad i see we're back now that the first time was 100 my fault this time was just youtube decided it was not going to have a good day but i was not pressing any buttons as someone who's not into um this and broadcasting it's a lot of effort to get this thing working so it's you know you've got to understand how much expertise goes behind all this incredible amount okay right we've turned it on so youtube still let me know if you're sick um we can't fix it within a minute so we end it pretty much everyone's got anyway they'll come back figure circus it okay i think we might be back i have uh moved us over to a backup system because youtube seemed to have a major freak out i don't know what happened we have not seen that happen before that did not look to be on our end everything was looking good on our server even on the youtube interface it said we were still live but clearly there were problems on youtube's end so i swapped this over to the backup system that youtube provides and it seems like the backup system has fixed the problem so next time next time this happens i know exactly what to do but um it does look like that was on youtube's end so sorry about that but we are back and as you can see there's actually not that much change since we were back since we were last live still waiting for that final stacking there's a rumor that senator shelby was intern at youtube today that is a good rumor now we know what's gonna happen now because we've got experience of them stacking things in the high bay they'll be learning very very slowly i mean super slowly it's a skill the crane driver um we we actually got a clip of a lift with a crane driver when jack was filming and he managed to get the audio from the cab to the other workers of the what was like radio control radio mics and the amount of communication that's involved is amazing really i had no idea about crane driving hoisting anything and that's what they'll be doing now they've been taking extremely slowly down over the guides and then they'll literally just stack it that way and you can see look at that you can see them they're actually literally moving it by hand now so i think they will be literally lowering it centimeter inch inch by inch and that's sway it's not much not much sway at all but they can literally do it by hand and they will use like crowbars to bridgely just prize it in and that's what we'll have a stack delete that pin message will need that there we go i i find it's amazing there's a lot of dynamics involved here this is a huge crane a huge tankage on the super heavy and lowering it down as careful as they can for the first time ever it's the first one ever done this operation it's before to be used in a bridge crane the bridge crane was said you saw mary's video last night delivered but it's not being installed yet this might be the only time they'll do this in this way for a super heavy boost stacking in the future they will use the bridge crane which will reside on top of the high bay and lower it down via that and i'll have a lot less sway dynamics involved just from the nature of it being more of support they'll use different support structure from the support ring that you used to lower this thing down with people saying to sing a drone i'm trying to see if i can see it myself but but not surprisingly spacex is trying to get some awesome video and photos of this exciting event there's actually a lot of drone footage they've not put out yet the alpha launchers and stuff but i bet we've seen about 0.0001 of all the drone footage they've captured so far there's a major highlight video coming up at some point soon i know that for a fact but i i think the big key thing will be elon's next big speech which i think we're coming to the point now where we could probably start looking forward to one this year with the situation improving where they can have like an outdoor event and hopefully that overview will give us a lot of answers to a lot of questions have been asked about the program's future but also it might use a highlight a a sizzle reel should we say of what's been done and i guarantee you a lot of drone footage a question for rough riders sure what about regulars do you think they will keep tankzilla which is crane we've all got different names for it uh keep it it's comfort configuration i'll put it back to the original configuration when it comes to stacking regular starships that's a very good question they did extend the crane with the reach which obviously they needed required for for this super heavy stocking but then sn 15 will be the next one they'll need it for or even sooner because let's face it if sn11 lands they'll need to move it off the landing pad and they'll need a crane for that i don't know if they've got other cranes there which could provide that job but this crane was used to lift it onto the mount there's a very good chance that this crane will roll back to launch site to pick up a successfully landed at saying 11 and move it back onto a onto the mount or onto a roll lift to move it back to the production site this is a very good question i don't know i do know that it took them a day or so to put the extensions on so i presume it'll take a day or so take the extensions off so it's not a big consideration as far as the timeline goes but yeah the answer the question is will they take their extensions off properly yeah yeah i forget what those welding things are called they have those uh sort of like spikes on the very top of the yeah i couldn't find it either of the of the ch4 tank to help line up your liquid oxygen tank on top but let me know and chat with those they're called read-ins there you go thank you you have the lead-ins around the top of the tank andy law thanks nasa space flight for the covering this and every at the same time there's a successful green run and everything else you do i appreciate that we didn't have any idea that this is going to happen at the same time it was an sls fade it was to cover the green run and then bm1 says i want a bit of the action here i want a bit of limelight here we are because ben b also says clicked on the sls video and got the super heavy booster thanks for the stream that's where we are these days by the way that's that's what happened you can never have one day where just one thing is happening there is multiple things happening i remember the days where it was um one article a day on shuttle and it was a personal report for launch three months away and that was your day you could spend that's what i did i came home from work spent about an hour or so in an article maybe an hour on the forum and that was it that was all had all the work involved with the site now it's every spare hour i've got and i can say that for the same for everybody else in the team it is non-stop there is not enough hours and day literally fred new member thank you very much by the way i do everyone's putting money we do pray because this is this operation cost a lot of money to all these robot cameras we're sending brady and philip out to stennis for the green run it's a lot of money of all trust me so everything that comes in sport wise is very much appreciated i like it when jack is on the stream because when jack says thanks for the uh for the super chats and the donations and the memberships he really good he really says it as i you like to mean it but my yorkshireness doesn't allow for me to get too emotional about it so but we do appreciate it uh we need jack to come on down again and say worry thank you all for your support it means a lot because it does and we mean it there's nothing insincere about that uh more patrick stewart again the regular soros let's take a break sorry super heavy left early yeah there's so much going on let's go some questions here a question for luna starship uh where will the docking port be for docking with the gateway it'd be like a pma situation it's an idea situation it's like an adapter that can work for several vehicles that's what they need it works on the space station really well pma the pressurized mate adapters things like that they will use that experience from iss and literally transfer it onto the gateway where it'd be able to have multiple vehicles docking to the same port that's the key always has been and that's how it's worked for the iss it'll work forward for the gateway i think the question might be for me to ask is how many ports they all need i would hope they have two i mean obviously i'll start with one that's the initial build up of the gateway but i hope they eventually have two because that will give them more redundancy and more ability to bring more to the actual gateway and make it viable as a as an orbital lunar station because i do like the gateway i think the gateway is a great idea i think it's a lovely stopping off point um for what will be an economy which we're based on the moon to then go to mars because i think with this stepping stone approach of moon mars and beyond as much as this constellation saying was a viable one i think it makes more sense the fact that we learned so much from the iss 200 miles up says a lot because we have learned a lot we're still learning a lot and i think we can learn a lot from being on the moon jumping straight to mars is risky to say the least so having those stepping stones makes a lot of sense in the gateway as part of that you can actually see there's people inside the top of the methane tank section helping to align this booster so you see that the lid there is a crowd of crew members inside the super heavy booster right now the regular one person today who asks are we a nice no we're not nasa we're not it's a site trust me you can't get this confused with if you thought my voice was somebody you'd hear on us tv you have not heard a lot on us tv um how did they connect the two sections of the booster they weld them together um being one of the high bay is looking like sn5 and s and six in each french code yes it's basically just a taller version of the starship tank section but with the liquid oxygen tank on top of the or the other way around the yeah liquid oxygen tank on top of the methane tank as opposed to starship which has the methane tank below so the orientation of the tank sections are reversed on super heavy for whatever reason um sorry can i just stephen cut chris how do you feel about harrogate being in the league uh you're keeping me up late yeah uh well done to harrogate well-run club they shouldn't be above york in the league structure but all the best of them they're we played them away uh a few seasons ago they're they were a lovely club to face so yeah all the best for gold michael sorry uh why is super heavy in two pieces i thought super heavy was one piece and starship would just sit on top the reason is the super heavy is still being built so this is not the final super heavy the final super heavy will be one piece they are just assembling the super heavy booster right now thomas says when the first orbital launcher orbital starship launches how insane do you think the crowds will be and will you all be there assuming it's safe you can rest assured that when the first orbital starship launches i will do everything in my power to be there i don't know how close you'll be able to get but i presume from south padre island you'll be able to watch the launch from because i don't think they're going to be able to close the entire island down um so yes i will definitely try to be there i don't know about you chris i've always said i want to see one launch from florida i i obviously i wouldn't go visit wakachika at some point there's no question about it but i i have a kind of fascination we wanted to see a super heavy starship launched from 39a i don't know if that's ever going to still be the planner if they're going to just launch like starships and go for different kind of missions or whatever like that but um i do believe that the iconicness of 39a and seeing a saturn v class vehicle launching from there again would blow my mind and i would love to see that so the answer to the question is yes birth i don't know if i'll i don't know when i'll get to boca chick i mean this is a different situation this this year and last year to um just start saying i'll put bags and go to america for a bit hopefully um by the time that becomes a consideration a lot of allowance we'll be in a situation we've seen super heavy boosters launching quite a lot so i'm looking forward to that more questions when will oh when will the uh original sn 11 fly we're not sure yet but probably next week i don't think it's happening this week given that we have not seen a static fire yet and in fact chris i don't think there's any road closures scheduled for tomorrow so oh there we go mary's not gonna notice either she's had notices before where they've cancelled it well she's not even had the notices yet so that's quite a while off yet so anyway it sounds like the static fire could be slipping into next week so perhaps the test flight would be in the second half of the week we'll see how it plays out um any idea what those studs on the high bay are for i'm not quite sure oh you're probably talking about the braces around the outside i think that's to prevent uh to prevent it from essentially bending too much it's kind of to uh prevent the walls of the high bay from sort of caving in and caving out if that makes sense and also just to answer some questions replying to your previous answer the static fire day did conduct earlier we that was not good enough that was not a static fire test that was an aborted test so they do need to do it again yeah so we expect another static fire before the hub some people have been saying maybe that first one was good enough i can tell you that was not good enough and spacex still plans to attempt another one um i guess you never know maybe elon says this is taking too long we're just gonna go for it but uh as of now the plan is definitely to have another static fire test is the welding for super heavy by people or machines i think we have seen some robots out there chris but yeah at least some german machines yeah the stacking of the two sections together though will be done by humans i think i don't think they're going to be getting robots up that high that's true yeah but inside the big tents we've seen the robotic welders in fact in the video from last night from mary we should we we shared some of the robotic welders in action they arrived in the truck about four or five months ago from germany and i do believe i think they're gonna buy some different welders at some point uh just i think those welders they've got right now are like a stop gap measure but they're working out quite well like i say we've not had any pops or splashes uh at least not test tank wise or anything like that since then sir whatever they're doing to weld them they've got the world's side because in the early days the worlds were a problem so that's now fixed and if you're just joining us that is your white angle shot of what is going on in the high bay to give you some context but what i'm seeing in chat it sounds like this closed up camera is the most popular view right now as you watch the two super heavy sections get aligned so people stay on this tight camera northrop grumman has tweeted ready to support nasa sls the only exploration class rocket capable of carrying humans to the moon and into deep space and then he goes for artemis wow see i never understand that what is going on chris i don't think that's me or is it that was definitely you something set off my phone's siri then my phone was shocked by um norfolk's statement in there i just i just don't understand what the benefit is of doing that because all you do is entice all the spacex fans to go um and reply to that you just know how that works so i mean i just i just you're kind of asking for it when you tweet something like that i don't really see the point but that's what they tweeted uh evan says they have to weld from inside after stacking uh ice i think so i'm not positive maybe we will see some welding on the outside but right now at least to line it up the crews are inside of the methane tank green run and super heavy stacking in one morning what could what more could i ask for says flex flashy 83 thank you for the membership um nick says once the crane is installed why not just build boosters bought up the top in one go instead of stacking two halves i'm not exactly sure perhaps um it's faster to build them in two separate stacks because you can only acc you can only stack you know one piece at a time when you're working on one stack but when you're when you're working on two stacks you can stack one piece at a time on two stacks which is a two different stack which is equivalent to two um you know additional sections being stacked at once so it might be faster to split up the work into two different stacks if that makes sense but it looks like they are finally lowering the liquid oxygen tank some more and we are seeing maybe a foot or two away from a completed super heavy stack minus welding jojo asked where will be attaching a robert reliant that is a if you don't know understand that reference that is a reference to top gear where they launched they orbit a line as a spatial quite successfully until he um didn't land properly should we say but um i mean they were both bricks yeah well that's be cool um the the thing i would ask in relation to that question is what will they use the mass simulator because i you know i'm thinking they will use a massive letter at some point maybe a reliant robin filled with lead it's going to be something test large they're going to be a cyber truck or something like a tesla semi you can see them now spinning the liquid oxygen tank slightly as they get it lined up attacker guy asked chris b would you fly to the us see atomos one fly assuming the day that ever comes would you ever come to for a later launch i'd love to see out of us one launch the thing with me is i think it'd be part too busy kind of complete controlling the site making sure the site stays up and things like that so but you know that's the thing that you you pay the price you pay when you do this is that you can't just sit back and watch launches like the rest of you guys you've got to do the production of it you got to do the content for it you got to do the presentation of it so much involved writing the articles it's one of those things where you carry sit back and enjoy until after it's happened so going over to launches is not all that much and viable that you've got people doing the job you're doing that's what we do we're trying to build a team sir but it's a lot of work here i would love to see it launched there i'd love to see sls launch atomos one and they're continuing to roll that upper stack it looks like how are they going to get the people out from outside inside i think there's an access hatch oh right lower tank yeah that would be bad if there was not an accident attached well i was thinking to get out at the top of the bottom but i was wondering if that'll be gladder i didn't realize that accident i actually said dolls halfway through so that's all right but um the other thought was maybe there's um a mock-up of a internal mock-up where they could just test out staying there until you get to the pad let's put the hls nurse cut on top did you apply for dear moon chris uh no i didn't know because i don't think there's any chance i've never won anything in my life i've never got more than two numbers in the lottery i'm not going to win that there's no point for the sake of remember uh tony says thank thanks you guys you have always have the right mixture of information analysis history and laughs thank you so much and thank you mary well thank you tony for the kind words the internet says will be in one be tested from the suborbital test stand same as starship will they have one of the new pads ready by then i think i'm not positive but i think it will be tested on test stand a which is the same test stand that starship sn10 and starship sn8 flew from along with sn5 and 6. so perhaps the pad b will be where s and 15 which is the next starship goes to i'm not positive but that seems like it's the way it's going the orbital on site which will be the permanent home of super heavy is still under construction so i don't think that's going to be quite ready in time but after bn1 imagine if bn2 will have the orbital test stand ready in time or to orbital launch site ready in time but definitely in the future super heavy we'll be moving over to the orbital launch pad but the these term orbital test stands will act as an interim solution uh pat says what is the thinking how will they get the starship on top of this monster well they will have a permanent crane the building on top of the launch tower at the orbital launch pad but for the first orbital launch i'm not sure if that will be ready in time chris no i don't think so i think the way they're going the way they're proceeding with the orbital launch site it's impressive but they want that big integration tower which we told them the high bay for context they want that built there so that's a long way off but i think i'm going to start building that it's going to start rising up the ground within a week or so apparently so that'll be uh amazing to watch uh steven says i meant to do that as a super chat if you quit well we try to get as many questions as we can from the normal chat as well so no worries there stephen uh matthew says do we know how much how do we know how super heavy we'll land a no elon said they might try to catch it with your launch tower but i still think there might be landing legs to start with you will see how that plays out uh but the second half of your question was falcon retro thrust or starship belly flop definitely a vertical repulsive landing like soccer nines are super heavy so that's why they don't have air surfaces on super heavy the arrow says the tank order is so they can keep the center of pressure on the vehicle or keep the excuse me i read the question wrong the tank order is so they can keep the center of mass behind the center of pressure on the vehicle they use the different densities of the rocks and liquid methane i think you're correct that makes a lot of sense because if you know how the propellant ratios work i think a 70-something percent is liquid oxygen and the rest is obviously methane so a lot more liquid oxygen than methane essentially so if you want to you know manage your center of mass the center of pressure you can take that into consideration ron thank you for the membership dan says the access hatches are always are called man ways in the biz apparently thanks for all you do i do not know that thank you for the super chat um communist bugs bunny says best wishes from the other side of the world yeah a future martian says it's absolutely insane how massive super heavy is i could not agree more if we go out to our wide shop quickly you can see that a very tall booster and it's going to be quite a sight to see when this thing rolls out um so many super chats and doing my best to keep up uh bn1 and sn11 on the pad at the same time says justin i think sn11 is hopefully going to fly before that but perhaps you may see sn or 15 at the pad chris what are your predictions s75 on the pad with bn1 yeah i think i think that's possible i think the way the timeline works we will see those two on the pad at the same time that'd be amazing because then we could we could literally do photoshops can't we could literally photoshop what a full stack would look like let's see um how far along is sn15 the tank section of sn15 is fully stacked but sn15 has not been stacked with a nosecone yet if you're wondering why that is i think looking at the answer right now the high bay is currently being used to stack vn1 and when they had this two stack separated i think they needed all the space that they had to do the stacking but now that super heavy dn1 is stacked we may see starship s and 15 move into the high bay you get its nose cone stacked you think that's accurate chris no dude cool but i mean it looks like we're at a foot maybe less than a foot from the stacking being completed here that is quite exciting down to inches now make sure nobody's fingers are in the way i guess frodo says gotta love how spacex keeps building bigger and bigger green silos kenneth hi all great work which raptor engines are being optimized for mars takeoff landing vacuum or earth's sea level i think they will use well they at least have to use the sea level engine to some degree because those are the only engines that can gimble the vacuum engines are fixed so i'm not sure if the vacuum engines will be used as a complement at all during the mars landing and launch procedures but i expect them to mostly use the sea level engines since those have the gimbal capability how would they transport bn1 safely to the launch pad without it tipping over during transport asks chris i think they're going to do it the same way they knew starship chris any ideas yeah uh well we saw that double roll lift didn't we that device where they had like a mount in the middle of two of them and i i do believe that is capable of providing the support they have done some road work as well on highway 4 over recent months which will mean that bend which i think is going to be the most challenging part of this rollout that bend has the width that will allow to take the weight and keep everything stable and level and without it tipping over should we say i i find the most fascinating part of this going up the ramp at the launch site where they go past hopper because that is quite an incline so seeing that part of it will require all the levering devices that have got all the hydraulic um levering or levering depends away from uh to allow to keep the thing here really without you know the risk of it tippling so i'm sure they've planned this i i'm sure they've worked it out and they've got the plan sorted and they know what they're doing sir it will look surreal to us and i think it'd be fascinating to watch especially live uh i keep trying to look at the question queue and then look back because i'm not sure if it's going to be 10 minutes until we see this final gap close or if it's going to happen while i'm reading somebody's question but uh tnt asks when do you think they will start reusing fully functional starships and or boosters any thoughts chris no i don't know it's it's hard to tell because in some ways they've got a way to go and in some ways they're way ahead of schedule because the the way starships test programs worked is they've had so many wins with the launch the long duration final raptors during ascent the flip at the top and then their belly flop landing which was key because there was every chance it wouldn't have worked the aero service is working the flip on several of the landings have worked perfectly well the landing burn almost worked well on sn10 they are far ahead of where you may have expected to be i don't think they ever expected land one and have it landed on a landing pad and sat there happily after one or two launches i think they want it to happen on scene 11 though and then f7 15 will take the program further then you've got the the super heavy testing that's all this year to get to the point where they're starting to reuse them and then get into the next big milestone we're refilling maybe we're talking in years ago now rather than months so i would say take one step at a time you need to get the landing right first need to test super heavy first you need to get that launching first a full stack launch to orbit first and then from to successfully land from that first and then we'll be talking about the repeating launches and the reusability and the next big phase which is refilling i think that i'm trying to rewind the stream a couple minutes to see but that gap has has been closing very short or very slowly so i think we might be moments away from having a complete stack of course you will still have to weld the two stacks together but from a visual standpoint it will be a complete sack hey can you hear me yes we can jack hi joe watching i'm here watching this thing get stacked and it's i knew we knew it was going to be big but it's it's stupid big it's just insane that's all that's i don't have anything smart to add i just wanted to comment on how large it is it's insane because we're watching for cameras and cameras always quite deceptive even though it's obvious it's huge but seeing it in person around you'll get all the scale you'll get to properly get the scale of the people and the cars and the buildings and for you to say that just proves the point it is ridiculously big it's absolutely surreal i mean it's just to imagine this thing rolling down the highway on a modular transporter chris it's gonna it's gonna look so crazy i can't even and then and then of course to see a full stack to see a starship atop one of these things it's just gonna i i've never seen a rocket so big because there hasn't ever been one like not even the saturn v it's just it's this is just utter insanity it's so cool to see the first one of these finely stacked i was not expecting jack to jump in but i have 16 things popping on jack because me and chris have been talking our mouths off for quite a while waiting for this thing to stack but no you are welcome to jump on any time jack i will not complain but but seriously this is this is this is wild i know i say everything is wild but that's because a lot of wild stuff happens in boca chica and this is yet another milestone in the development program and the big one at that let's see um ellen says hello from scotland love all you guys to do and special shout out to mary and jack out in the field every day uh mary was on the daily video today and jack was also helping out with some special projects that we got going on so lots and lots of work being put in by both jack and marius we appreciate your support and kind words towards them yeah and small teaser that special project is super cool stay tuned for our upcoming live streams i think i mean we don't want to promise anything but it it's not far away tyler says so do the remains of the other rods get melted down and made into new sm pieces i'm not sure what to do with the scrap jack have you seen anything down there they have um large dumpsters which are like separate dumpsters from all the other ones and they have scrap painted on the side of them and i imagine all that stuff just gets taken to a scrap yard and melted down um i think in one of the recent daily videos you can see that there's the steel storage area and they have it's over by the locks distillery and there is a huge pile of stainless steel rolls that whenever they get a new roll delivered they throw it over in that pile and so all it is to say i think they have plenty of raw stock on site for whenever they need another roll of steel they don't need to like melt down the pieces of the previous starships and reconstitute them terminator style or something into i think all that stuff just goes to a scrap yard uh fog this is super heavy it's as tall as stock of nine i believe that is correct but mike smith says the fun will be watching pn1 roll down highway four are you looking forward to that jack oh yeah definitely looking forward to that uh assuming that i'm here we'll see we'll see how everything lines up but hopefully i am here because that would be quite a sight to see and chris do we know if bn1 is made out of three millimeter or four millimeter oh six 304l stainless steel or is it the new 30x stainless steel they are developing well it's definitely a new 3030x that we know that's a whale away yet the new alloy which best is going to make themselves i don't know if it's the three or four lr which is using the test tank as well so it's a very good question we don't know i will try and find a way of finding out there because that is a good question but why but i'm not positive by the way jack who just heard talking there's tweeted some photos so i put the link in chat the chat is saying four so yeah four would make sense honestly if it if it you have to think it's gonna have to sustain the loads of a super heavy booster on top of it so to go thinner on super heavy when they haven't even gone thinner on the starship yet seems a little bit sorry jack we're gonna see some welding right there i think so now you're good this might be about as far as they're going to go i'm not quite sure how long it's going to be until they have got that gap filled in either by welding or by lowering it but it'll it'll completely fill in like they'll get the two pieces completely abutting each other and then and then start welding but to get that to get that final fit just right i mean you don't want it to come down at any kind of angle right because if you think about it like imagine you're holding two cups or you know two cardboard tubes or something and you're trying like if there's any kind of cant or angle on that top piece as you are trying to lower it on the second one you're gonna get contact on one side first and that could that could buckle or damage the lower stack or the upper st you know you want you want contact to be around the entire ring simultaneously and i'm obviously don't build starships for a living but this is my this is my intuition right is you want it to come down completely in 100 level so you don't get early contact on one side and then part of a ring or part of the stack taking all the weight and you know potentially being over strained so they take their time and they they scoot it down a little bit by little bit to make sure that everything comes in nice and nice and uh and level and perfectly all at once rather than one side or the other i think and look at that uh i'm gonna have to go back and do an a b test and we can see that well then continuing to move around a bit i wonder if they i wonder what exactly they're welding right now if it's not fully flush maybe that part is better aligned i'm not quite sure what are you thinking is the welding that the white light there on the left-hand side yeah it could just be a light but it looks i think it's a light honestly really yeah because okay that says it's not welding i might be wrong there was a light there earlier so that's probably what it is and that would make sense because it's not fully flush i've been looking at that and it looks like somebody's connecting that side with the legs apparently that's been there for ages so i apologize no worries if you rewind the stream like five minutes you can see it doesn't look like much but it has lowered a tiny bit more i think although it's really hard to tell it's definitely going a lot slower than a starship stack or a starship i say that now i was second guessing myself but i think we saw the sn8 news come stack jack it went a bit quicker i could be wrong this seems this seems about normal to me but i am notoriously bad with estimating things like time and distance but yeah i mean this is this is par for the course and even if they're going a little bit slower who cares because this is the first booster test you know do anything that would jeopardize this new piece of hardware i mean they're building booster number two already and surely more than that booster number three etc but um you know you don't want to damage it by rushing so they're taking their time and actually hang on a second i will be right back near c says congrats for the double strike i'm assuming you mean the two awesome events we saw today nathan says this thing has got to roll out soon right it seems unlike spacex to gear up for a starship launch without having a new one ready to go true yep uh there will be a booster on the test fan in boca chica shortly after sn11 flies i think that is safe to say uh great coverage i noticed recently on mary's footage there were radiation warnings around the tank farm what's that about we think um from experts who are talking on the um comment section they were saying that's something they do with pipes of like ground support equipment where they do a radiology test which looks for kind of cracks in the pipeage and it ensures they are good to go into what league so there you go you see if you see in some of the photos of like ring sections and barrel sections that mary gets like the really up close ones where you can see the workers writing on the on the sections a lot of times you'll see a stack of three individual uh uh abbreviations and it's it's vt victor tango uh rt uh oh god i don't remember my nato alphabet whatever rt is and then uh and then a third one and i'm i'm spacing out right now but basically what those are is somebody signing off on various tests and vt is a visual test and rt i think is a is a radiological test or maybe it's xt either way it's x-rays they're x-raying the pipes and they typically will x-ray the welds on these on starships and on gsc plumbing to make sure that those welds are satisfactory because i mean some of these things operate i think we saw uh recently uh like a a gse panel above that section of the tank farm that was getting tested radiologically and uh one of them said 200 bar and one of them said 400 bar and so that's a significant amount of pressure so you want to weld you want to check those welds and make sure that they are properly uh you know properly done and you don't have a void in there somewhere so that you pressurize the system and then bang you know something catastrophic happens you don't want that so wait i think it's it's i i was also startled at first when i saw those radio like radio radiation warning signs um but yeah just x-rays it's like no different than like a doctor's office where your dentist office or whatever where you get an x-ray you got to wear a led apron or just not be around there i'm trying to remember what that radiography there we go that makes sense uh i'm trying to think of what those three the three different tests are it's a visual test a radiography test and uh maybe it's an ultrasound test i don't know i gotta go look at some of mary's pictures now we're getting a lot of questions about will bm1 get legs and grid fins i don't think so i think it's just a pathfinder for a static fire test and obviously some cryogenic proof tests so i don't know for sure but i'm i'm guessing it will not get a grid fin it will not get great offensive landing legs installed i think i don't know if it will get legs or not but i i think it is able to receive legs if not if it's not getting them at least i posted a really high res photo the other day and some people were looking at it and they were like are these legs or this is this leg mount so that's very wishy washy i know but there might be uh there might be legs on it i'm not sure grid fins seems like no definitely not um been out of the loop what other gsc tank sections they are building gsc tanks for the orbital launch pad using the same tank construction they use for starships some of the ring sections you've actually seen at the production site or are for the orbital launch site ground support equipment tanks they are not super heavy or starship tanks so that is what those are um paz says knowing elon my bet is the tittle stack height for super heavy and starship will be 128.016 meters aka 428 or 420 feet we'll see that would not be surprising to me uh guilty says how do they plan to produce fuel on mars without a power plant there as far as i know a lot of energy is required to make walks in ch4 chris sorry i completely spaced out during the question do you repeat it how does spacex plan to make fuel on mars it might actually be quite similar to what they're looking at at a production site they're looking to create their own propellant at boko chika and i think you'd be looking at an is are you would call it in situ resource utilitization i know i said it properly where they can take what's on there on mars and utilize it from the atmosphere and from the ground looking for water looking for carbon dioxide things like that it's it's chemistry that i don't understand but i know they can be done with is are you uh let's see it looks like is it any closer i don't think so it's really hard to tell uh yeah at this point it's just gonna be pixels pixels here and there but i mean this that's how it goes it's uh it's it's so massive and you know they'll they'll edge it together very closely and i i wonder if we'll see like another lift pop up or or this lift go down or or what when they when they get to that point i mean are they gonna think you're gonna weld this together by hand that seems so wild it's interesting jack because starship kind of the proportions it looks kind of fat compared to other launch vehicles we see it's so that diameter is so large but then when i go out wide to this wide shot i mean super heavy booster looks pretty skinny when it's that tall yeah honestly i have a confession uh trevor mullman does the wide starship memes every time they like roll one out or whatever he's done a couple of them now and i've watched those so many times that a normal starship to me looks like like pencil thin like too skinny like there's there's been multiple times where i've taken a photo and then i've been editing it and i'm like man did i did i tweak the scale or something in the horizontal dimension and it's really thin for no no no i'm just used to how wide starship looks because of trevor's videos but yeah it's gonna be crazy to see this thing fully stacked and and what that does to your visual interpretation of it right like you're right it does look extremely thin compared to a starship the booster stack so well i mean i can't wait till they roll it out of the highway and you can see it in all its glory mel says truly appreciate the coverage as always it's been a cold day i agree jared says what have we seen have we seen the stage separation hardware do we know what scheme they will use chris we're talking about the color scheme the stage separation hardware all right plus um no i have no idea yep i i don't think we've seen that yet i think maybe bn3 i mean we reported that bn3 was going to be the first orbital booster so perhaps that one would be outfitted with separation systems first but we'll see how it goes but i i would guess some sort of pneumatic system spacex is not a fan of explosive bullets because one you cannot test them easily beforehand and two for reusability they are not something that is ideal because you have to obviously install new explosive bulbs after you explode the current set uh let's see more questions keep up the good stuff can't wait to see this launch do we know if the mask load capacity of suborbital stands up to task of supporting a fully fueled super heavy or will it be limited to partial fueling until the orbital stand is ready jack i'm thinking only a partial propellant loading what do you think yeah that would make it make sense that's a really good question yeah good question it seems like you might have a bit of robot noises but jack has been pretty stable so far so hopefully that was a brief hiccup but yeah i'm guessing a partial fueling i just found out the sls core stage could fit inside the super heavy booster mind blown says chris chris when you talked when you checked the sls height number what was it for the total stack i didn't check it i keep talking i'll come back to you the sls block one height is i just got it it's 322 feet tall i got 321 oh they must have changed something but it's approximately 98 meters so uh the entire both be super heavy and well both yeah both are super heavy and the starship combined is 120 so the full super heavy starship launch system is quite a bit taller than sls but sls is still huge obviously um i'm confused this is an sls question i was confused why there's a test window for only two hours i think that's just the approximate test window do we know chris if that green run test window is a hard window or not uh yeah it was it's local restrictions uh so you cannot be doing that kind of operation any time of day i guess safety reasons yep because they have to like secure the airspace and whatnot too so there was a tfr filed for that if you if you watched the i would talk about top gear earlier if you watch jeremy clark's a video on youtube where they incorrectly titled it a solid rocket booster test but it was an rs25 test it's dennis um he opens it with and the locals are here a sound that will awaken to dead it's like because it is that noise it's a four of them it does affect the local area and they have um a local it's been like um the county uh the version of the county at wakachika where they have to negotiate certain test windows uh you thank you for super chat mark thank you for the super chat cpr day walker another sticker chat from earlier and then lexi asks any thoughts on what the mystery structure is being built might be i am guessing you're talking about those white poles you've seen being erected to the base of a some sort of mound chris and speculation there's a lot of speculation there's a lot there's there's quite a things with a future a few ideas we're chasing which seem viable they they vary from all sorts of things from like a tank stand to all different areas of like testing structures should we say um i'm chasing after one idea that we've heard but i don't want to say anything without you know something stupid we don't start saying water tanks on the front side do we it's something that we don't yet know officially but once it takes shape because of all the structures around in it we'll get a proper idea of what it'll be right now it's just in a very early phase being assembled the chris doesn't mean the sls first stage could fit inside the stars at first stage not entire sls okay yeah uh nasa at nasa's space flight i feel like due to the zoom starship always feels wider i 3d printed a starship model and first thought it was called skinny to a 300 millimeter lens it looks like it's in the stream yeah it is interesting how the perspective of things change with scale and whatnot also with the aero surfaces on starship that that is quite deceptive when you see that yeah for sure uh the arrow services always throw me off whenever i'm photographing it because i i personally like to put the object in the center of the frame most of the time but the the arrow surfaces give you like an offset so but i i have learned now but for a long time i'd have a lot of shots that were almost what i wanted but not quite because i was centering the vehicle not accounting for those arrow surfaces it's tricky the perspective of these things is particularly hard to capture um trying to find some more questions again tag us in chat if you have a question so it goes into rqrt's two sections just being welded together i think so i'm not sure if they are welding it right now i think that's light or grinding but i'm not quite sure why we have not seen that final gap close at perhaps they're just making sure it is aligned properly yeah it could be that they're just making sure or it could be you know maybe it's snagged on something one of the lead-ins or something's giving them a little bit of trouble so they're diagnosing what the issue is before forcing it or or backing out i'm trying again from a different triangle or what have you hard to say i i brought my radio because that one time when they stacked uh seal number one i was able to get crane audio i have not picked up anything today unfortunately so no insight no inside one go for it no i just said i mentioned that when you got the audio and he was amazing skill because i had no idea what was involved with these heists and crane operating operations and that was fascinating audio that was that was yeah that was yeah that was really really special that was i will always really like not only that but also because it was serial number one i mean yeah yeah it was mark three but serial number one you know and that's that's the one we got crane audio for that's really special to me but like i said nothing today unfortunately but that doesn't mean i'll stop trying take us out wide for a quick second if you're just joining us that is the current view in the high bay in in boca chica the crane has stacked the liquid oxygen tank on top of the ch4 tank the methane tank of the first heavy booster called bn1 and the crane has done that by lowering itself down through the top of the roof where they cut a hole for the crane to reach down so which is i may have said to some people uh that i would eat a hat or something equivalent to that uh if they actually lifted through the roof of the high bay but lo and behold that's what that's what they're doing thankfully i i don't think i said i would eat a hat i forget exactly what i said but but i think i said i would eat something unpleasant or maybe i said i would eat beans oh god i really hate beans please i'll tell you what jack i'll eat the beans on you on your behalf as part of the bet look at that what a guy thank you so much uh mike thank you so much you guys rock says mike we appreciate the support uh would it makes more sense to install the bridge crane before stacking sf15 says joshua i think that's a fair point jack because that that high bank only has so much space that perhaps uh they might have to get some construction crews in there to get the crane installed but on the other hand the crane is going to be located at the very top so i'm not sure if it would actually get in the way of it because a starship is quite shorter than a super heavy booster so it's not going to be interfering with the ceiling quite like the super heavy booster is i think uh i mean i think part of it is just they could get the booster stacked immediately if they didn't wait for that for the crane whether or not the crane will fit or be able to lift it that high i don't know but i think it just they could get it done now like this so they did and i've rewinded 20 minutes and done an a b test and i do not see any progress so i'm not sure how long it's gonna be until we see that final inch or two get closed but they are nearly there that's pretty much done i mean that was the main thing was the lift yeah and then the lowering and of the guides this this process now what we'll see roughly within the difference of an interester is going to take a few days at least to um install we've got the platform installed so the platforms in store where they can just start welding it i think we're there i think we've covered the event yep so i don't know if we want to wrap up sooner rather than later but i'm not sure if it's gonna be like three hours until they closed the final two inches but what we really wanted to see today was this shot the visual of the first fully stacked almost super heavy booster so i don't know chat you let us know if we are allowed to rest our voices or if you insist that we stay alive until don't ask him the final inch is closed yeah wait for some good feeling keep going you're right from this angle you're not going to see any difference but from the tight shot you're going to see a couple pixels change yeah i'm shooting a time lapse at a thousand millimeters it'll probably be really shaky but it's just the section that's being joined together so if it's at all usable or good that we'll have that maybe for the daily video or up on twitter or something later so you'll have the detail that you want trust me point we've got the daily video to come later i have all the um close-up views this was a live view and it was brilliant almost the bots have done a fantastic job getting us these views but and michael of course yeah i think we might work a compromise here what if we wrap up the commentary but we keep the cameras rolling how does that sound jack chris that works for me i need sodium beans yeah i'm getting really spotty comms here so sorry if i'm a robot but that sounds good to me yep and i mean if this goes on for four hours i might just end the stream because we are burning lots of data right now but um thank you all for the super chat so far and we've got a lot of support on the stream so i think we can afford to let this roll a bit longer so with that i think we're gonna wrap up the commentary but we will continue to show these live views in vega chica thank you so much jack for hopping on here and giving us some additional commentary support as we saw the stacking happen thank you everybody for coming to our sls and starship webinar we also had chris gebhardt on earlier during our sls coverage we had brady out in the field setting up a camera for a live stream which is why we got to dodge all the nasa tv hosts and got a clean feed of the test from start to finish so i really appreciate brady helping out with that camera we also have philip sloss out there at stennis space center conducting a bunch of interviews for our articles and then chris bergen of course was on the stream for the full duration with me helping out with the commentary especially during this long stacking process so i appreciate the support chris that was fun been a good day and then finally and most importantly roadside and mecca chica mary's currently catching up on all the action and getting us a lot of video for our daily so stay tuned we'll have that video published in a bit but for now we're going to sign off on commentary i am michael braitler from and our live video will continue as we continue to wait for the final millimeters or inches whatever you want to call it of the super heavy stacking coverage but thank you all for joining us okay i am back i will turn down that ambient slightly but that that is what looks to be a fully stacked starship i think we finally just saw that final bit of daylight close so that is quite exciting now that we see that gap closed i can take us out wide to the other robot but that is the view from poker chicken right now the first ever stacking of a super heavy booster wow what a sight history another bit of history has been made in boca chica and paving the way for more bits of history i mean imagine being there for the first saturn v stacked or the first shuttle stack or any of that that's what's happening right now that's what we're watching good old-fashioned tank watching today seeing some history get made and if you remember where we were one year ago today we were still in the starships cannot maintain flight pressure phase the starship sn3 anomaly occurred on april 3rd 2020 that was of course when they had a testing configuration error that caused the starship vehicle to collapse on itself during a cryogenic a cryogenic proof test and it was not until sn4 on april 26th that a starship vehicle successfully passed a cryogenic proof test for the first time so in a span of less than a year we've gone from starship prototypes not being able to withstand flight pressures to start full-scale starship vehicles flying and now towards the first ever stacking of a full-scale super heavy booster so the rate of progress in boko chica is just so incredible thank you for helping on again jack i think that is going to finally wrap up the live stream here thank you all for watching and that is the first ever fully stacked star or super heavy booster i would just say that one more time because it is quite the milestone but we will see you all probably on monday for the starship sn11 static fire it does not look like we're getting a road closure for tomorrow if that changes i will post some updates on twitter but it looks like the sn11 static fire might be headed for next week but when that happens we'll be live again from berkeley and our next live stream is probably going to be s it's going to be nsf live on saturday at 3 p.m eastern most likely i will again tweet if something changes but until next time see you all later i might have cut you off there jack to say it one more time webinar [Music] we have this pressure looks good [Music] we don't need any more of these
Channel: NASASpaceflight
Views: 385,190
Rating: 4.9303656 out of 5
Keywords: NASA, Green run, SLS, hot fire, rs-25, engine test
Id: M0X0womVi7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 50sec (11510 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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