Full Replay: Starship SN11 test flight from a foggy Boca Chica, Texas

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lmao Musk's shit can blew up

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/somebody334453 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

Previously I saw a person making a post and users were betting on which tile a Spacecracker is going to land, I propose other type of the betting - in how many pieces a rocket is about to land.

I think that adds to the quality.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/31oN 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] looks good [Music] we don't need any more of these all right folks it is go time let us have a look at what is going on at boca chica texas let me know if you can hear me and let me know if you can see starship it's a trick question this morning it's early in the morning nasa space flight team is here ready to go to bring you compelling views of what seems to be mars yes in the vlog we made it to mars yes i don't think this camera is going to work let's try a different camera hang on i got some buttons i can click here y'all let me know if you can see me in here or hear me and see what we got going on here let's try a different camera hang on uh all right well that's not that's not that much better honestly yeah we can see some padlights that's fantastic i guess what we're gonna have to do is uh continue trying this morning hang on let me click one more thing the best way to get a view here is to get closer and the good news is with one of our new rapid deployable robotic cameras we can get a little bit closer here on the nasa space flight stream look at that that's beautiful so now let me know if you can hear and see us we've got a palm tree and we've got the beginnings of the outline of starship s in 11 from one of our new rapid deployable cameras packs in a briefcase sets up in less than an hour and it is right there across the street hey spacex thank you so much for working with us to make this possible so that we could fantastically give the coverage here in boca chica yet another leg up every single time we do one of these streams we've got new tricks up our sleeve and this weekend but this weekend this week for sn11 our trick is a lot closer than any of our previous tricks as the sun begins to come up behind starship sn11 we will be bringing you live views from the new have we named this yet i don't think we've named this this camera have a name i mean maybe chat could think of a name in in in my in all of my list it's called rush cam because this was a speed run build robot i built it in a day packed it into a box that was like what was it was 10 by 10 by like 18 inches the entire thing packs into the box minus the tripod um and we got this thing shipped out there as soon as the paperwork was clearing but uh chad give us some give us some answers give us some information here what should we call the new close-in camera my screen still says rush cam um i think somebody was saying we should call it enhanced cam how about uh uh close-in camera of the third kind closing camera of the uh actually that is actually really good steven it's very early in the morning and that is actually really good well done i'm not closing camera of the third time i wasn't like danger cam but i may be team close in camera of the third kind at this point it's it's early weird thoughts come to your mind in the early hours all right so hey folks as we're getting started here we can do it hop cam boom cam farm cam wow jump cam do a barrel roll what does it have to do with the camera way too close cam rover cam star cam danger camp see ah yes um anyways folks we're here the sun is getting ready to come up at boca chica and if you trust elon's tweets the countdown timer in the upper left-hand corner says t-minus two hours in nine minutes and as we do the nasa space flight team will be bringing you live coverage all day long from boca chica it is still about what is it 6 55 50. it's still about an hour and 20 something um an hour and 20 something from sunrise but look there's already some vapors on the tank farm there you can see down at the bottom not the important vapors but vapors nonetheless for nasa space flight i'm john galloway and my wife is not happy with me this morning because i am way too bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and loud i think is the problem the door to the studio here got shut in a very final manner right after i started talking um so anyways john galloway for nasa's space flight here will be with you all day hurting robots and views and running my mouth as you do uh also over here with us you've already heard the voice of stephen mars steve how you doing oh i'm wonderful good morning everyone i can report that here in cocoa beach uh i do see a little bit of light hitting the sky so we're sending that sunlight over there to texas so i can i can technically tell the wife the sun is coming up on the east coast so it's time to be awake and making noise that's right yeah oh i guess yeah you should be able to see a little bit of that light yourself huh you're not married are you stephen that's not a good idea for me to tell the wife that oh yeah no i'm not married i just keep the door shut hey also back here in the studio for nasa space flight michael baylor michael how you doing dude i am a bit tired right now but i'm awake i'm on the wrong time zone for this yeah you're all the way out on the west coast aren't you oh boy 3 52 a.m currently 3 52 a.m no kidding so here's what i want to do super early in the morning here folks uh michael's gonna give us a little bit of a status update as starship comes and goes we had it for a second it's gonna come burning out of that fog here shortly i hope uh but michael when i say go you give us a little bit of a status update where are we with things like evacuations and road closures and stuff like that and while we wait chat over in chat i know how the world works and the sun and axial tilt and that sort of stuff i know that people join these streams from all over the world so what i want you to do so early in the morning is tell me not only where you're watching from but what time is it where you are give me where you are and what time it is in the chat and michael how are we looking for today how are all of our boxes getting checked for a potential flight well the most important information is obviously the information that comes straight from elon's mouth and like you mentioned earlier elon tweeted about four hours ago i think that they are targeting 8 am central that was like i said a couple of hours ago so there's always a chance that will change it is likely that may slip slightly but the earliest launch attempt right now is around 8 a.m central and currently it is 5 53 a.m central time so just over two hours from the potential earliest launch attempt um as you can see we have been seeing a couple cars drive past so we believe the pad is currently still not clear we expect the pad to clear sometime within the next hour or so and then the temporary flight restriction or tfr which keeps the air clear from aircraft will go into effect at 7 00 am central about an hour from the earliest possible launch attempt so right now everything is tracking towards the launch of starship today hopefully the fog is going to clear off we will get some at least mostly clear skies so we can track starship on ascent and fingers crossed that the vehicle will perform well as it goes through the countdown is always a chance that technical hiccups could happen and the launch could be postponed of course but right now like i said everything is tracking towards an 8 a.m central time launch from what we can tell all right so you said that tfr goes into effect at 7 central and it's currently six central so we get about an hour before the tfr is going to affect right correct road closures as well i think they were all scheduled for seven local time so y'all you know as we do we are live in advance of that actually happening um i wanted to make sure we put the new i mean did we get a bunch of good names close in cameras of the third kind that's it's such a mouthful to say though like i love it it also has a palm tree in the scene palm cam i kind of feel like a palm cam would be mounted on the tree itself though but this is a deployable camera so it may not always be that same angle right oh yeah that's right that's why it was called rush cam in my uh yeah in my first my first iteration here actually all my interfaces still say rush cam but uh we are going to be watching this we should get the sun starting to come up here behind starship of course you can see here that the tank farm that jlg ultra boom in the very foreground and then sort of in the middle of the screen that's actually the weather tank that has that little weather station on top of it the tank farm sort of over to the right hand side and you can just see the bottom of sn11 to the left the thing that looks like a tank there's that railing down low on the left of the screen the part that goes up above that railing that's actually the bottom of starship sn11 we thought it would be cool to do kind of a reveal here as the sun comes up and we get a little bit more light starships outline potentially the last morning that this starship outline will grace the horizon of boku-chika certainly hope not and certainly from this perspective the last uh potentially the last time it will be here instead of the landing pad a little bit over to the left of the camera here but we wanted to do the little bit of a slow review look you can actually see the top of the weather thing now right in the middle of the screen you can see uh that stick is actually starting to appear and then sn 11 is starting to appear a little bit more as well so folks we're live this early in the morning you know how our streams go we have all sorts of questions that come in if you have a question for us tag us in chat at nasa space flight i saw everybody checking in from all over the world um i mean i guess there's not really much to say that it's all sorts of different times all over the world right now because that's how you know sort of the sun works it works it's just really not a compelling discussion to be had about the fact that the sun signs on one side of the planet at a time so anyways uh hey also we've got some super chats that are going to be coming in early this morning and we'll be reading those out thanking all when we have cool setups like this like this new deployable robotic camera this fast response deployable robotic camera that actually sounds like a cool way to talk about it but uh certain activities yeah if you come up with like a cool acronym you know yeah fast response and more emergency deploy you could call it fred the fast response emergency deployable fred cam red cam michael's over here shaking his head he's like i'm leaving this stream i'm out but we are here we'll be reading some of your questions we will be uh grabbing some of the super chats which also have questions on occasion but stephen do you guys want to kick us off do you have the interface up to read us out our first couple super chats here yeah yeah we've got a few here uh musical wolves with five bucks uh will all three engines ignite because let's see i'm not sure what they're trying to say here uh ignite because uh sn11 did not land exactly on center but more or less to the side um maybe they're referring to sn10 because sn11 has not seen the landing pad just yet maybe it can see it from a distance um but yeah so what we what we know is they're gonna start uh all three raptor engines uh during the landing and then they're gonna uh down select to either one or two we don't know for sure if it's gonna be one or two we know last time they went down to one with sn10 and it did come down a little hard but there i think were other things going on um so honestly we really don't know um hope hopefully uh sn11 sticks that landing comes down nice and soft uh right in the middle of the pad hey we'll be happy if they come down just a little off-center uh we're not too picky as far as that goes i think they might be talking to like potential off-center thrusts too when they land on two engines so the vehicle will be slightly tilted as they gimbal the engines oh yeah thrust but we know that they that they can handle that they've done they've done hops with the off-center thrust um so i think that's uh that's all right that might do that uh let's see stephen o'brien says orange fog bad that uh must have been when we uh no jesus first fired it up yeah no like yesterday we were joking around about uh having correspondence on mars in the future and uh it kind of looked like yeah it looked like that it looked exactly like that look at this the vehicle coming uh back up the road there nice looks like the fog is starting to clear so yeah fingers crossed that will continue to happen uh here's the slapping light go ahead sue oh yeah um oliver uh with five euros says i've just got my 4k tv will you guys stream 4k in the future great work greetings from germany keep going i don't know is that something that might be coming down the line i don't know we certainly we already have 4k cameras and we record on those locally we certainly look are looking into 4k streaming the problem with 4k streaming is that you can make youtube look like you're getting 4k when your bitrate doesn't actually support 4k so i could make our stream right here say 4k and then just lie about it not actually push 4k so it is something that we're looking at but to stream actual 4k like actually give you bit rate that supports a 4k signal is uh something that's a little bit tricky to do when you have the remote setups out at bokuchika certainly possible and certainly something that we're working towards but right now you'll get a better quality video off of 1080p at the right bitrate than you will off of a 4k signal if it can't push enough bitrate that's the old learn this is the old irl streaming thing like if you're gonna try oh man back in the day dude look at this 1080 but you didn't have the bit rate to even push 1080 so 720 would look better than 1080 because the bit rate would work same sort of situation here right now i could certainly make it say 4k and i could try to push you something that was wanting to be 4k but the bit rate is just not there to support it yet it will be in the future though i guarantee that just right now 1080p is the best quality that you can get with the bandwidth that's available over the types of networks that are available out there at bogachika so y'all you asked sounds to me like dos has been streaming for a great long while we also have promised on comps now oh we do good morning how's it going guys how's it going thomas good morning good morning uh back for another day of starship hopefully uh you know hopefully we get a flight today looking forward to it i know elon said they're targeting 8 a.m essential time so we'll see if that uh works out hopefully it does all right thomas are you awake i am barely awake but you know some coffee or caffeine of some sort we're working on it we're working a shower with caffeine soap and what's when i was in college that was the thing they were selling caffeine soap and you could go and take your shower with caffeine soap man way to face the day um could that work i don't think it works that way honestly it's like hashtag marketing to me yeah absorbing the caffeine through the skin i just don't i don't know i'm not sure i don't know google me wrong y'all i don't think it works yo thomas is another one of our live stream commentators uh hosts writers editors all sorts of stuff across the board and he will be hanging out here with the crew this morning as well we tricked him a little bit we went live a little bit earlier than anticipated but you all know what happens with the best laid plans uh and how they survive the live stream field here but uh good morning thomas thanks for joining us here happy to all right stephen keep on going yeah let's let's keep it rolling here uh velex says love the new camera yes we do too yeah this is such a great view we wouldn't be able to see much of anything if we didn't have this camera here right now true yeah yeah so thanks again to spacex for for working with folks to get a closer view uh let's see we've got uh rough riders uh irregular to the show uh congrats to dos cam well they still launch through the fog that is the question of the hour we were talking a lot yesterday about weather and the uh the low hanging clouds it was pretty much overcast it looked like and we just don't know we don't know if they have some kind of visibility constraint you know where they want to be able to see the entire flight from the ground uh if it's not windy or anything it is it's imaginable that it's possible to go ahead and launch into that but they spacex may want to be able to see the entire flight we don't have any other insight on that right guys yeah yeah that's another big unknown is what the weather requirements are for this launch it sounds like this morning it's going to be pretty light on winds but it's going to get the winds are going to get pretty high in the afternoon so that is probably why spacex is trying to get this flight off early before those winds pick up but in terms of visibility we don't really know what kind of conditions they're looking for what the requirements are but obviously even without video they can still get a lot of telemetry so it is possible that they could launch with poor visibility and just rely on inflammatory and onboard camera views and whatnot so we'll see how it plays out uh rasmus crone uh says greetings from from denmark what role would nasa play in spacex's future colonization of mars um i would think that uh spacex and nasa are going to walk hand in hand to mars this is my expectation this is speculation zone but i don't think spacex is going there alone i think as the starship program progresses uh nasa is going to be very interested in what they're doing and they already are i mean we've seen pictures of astronauts out there at boca chica i'm sure there have been a lot lots of other nasa representatives just checking in on what they're doing getting a closer look um so you know anybody out there that says it's going to be spacex before nasa i don't think that's going to be the case i think they're going to be going hand in hand all the way to mars yeah hey thomas you were you were burning through these super chats so good yesterday do you want to try to get us caught up oh geez i could certainly try i mean i i can run through a couple real quick gear so early in the morning i'll look at the uh i'll look at the the at nasa space flight queue and see if we've got some in there to queue up to all right uh stefan with the super chances breakfast burrito for the team from deutsche land thank you so much stefan uh d-y-u with the super chat hashtag flower fun for mrs das there you go thank you for that uh uh dalek saying what's the whistle we hear at raptor shutdown uh so yeah sometimes and it's not all the time so i it's hard to know if it's normal or not sometimes when a raptor just shuts down there's kind of a loud audible sort of whistle or some other noise some people call it like a hunk or something it's not i guess we don't know for sure what exactly it is um but it happens pretty frequently and it always hasn't always been tied to like a bad engine or anything so i'm not sure we can tie it to like oh that's the sound of a bad raptor shutdown or anything um but it's just a noise that is occasionally heard when the engine shut down and i'm not sure that um we know exactly what that's tied to though uh let's see here uh lionel says it's early out here on the best coast but i was up already because i live with cats i just don't care what time it is understandable thanks for uh joining on to the stream and hanging out with us then uh stuart says the super chat for the early morning coffee let's do this sounds good appreciate that uh let's see here uh oh here's a good question martin asking i'd like to know are these test starships a one-to-one scale for the final starship that will take humans to mars thanks for the show uh yeah so these ships are full scale to the current starship design um important to note that spacex that doesn't necessarily mean spacex won't ever make a bigger variant of the vehicle in fact elon has hinted that they will scale starship up in the future which is a little crazy to think about considering how big it already is but these are not sub scale prototypes or anything these are the full size the real deal uh we have a question here uh from taylor asking does fred cam move and will attract the launch are we calling this camera fred cam did i miss something yes you did well it started there were a lot of suggestions i i threw out the idea close in camera of the third kind uh it's just it's just a little long that's all so uh dos what does fred stand for again what did i say i forgot already that's where that came from thomas uh don't know that i'm sold on that one but uh you know but from what i understand it we're not going to be moving it while it is deployed where it is right to us if you want to talk about that yeah because we're working with spacex we have some uh some specific uses the ways that we could use the camera and for this we are going to be using a fixed shots like this so we are not anticipating from here to track the launch um we're going to be sticking with fixed shots and we'll track it from cameras that are a little bit further away gotcha yeah uh jim with the super chat just want you guys to do a shout out to all of your fans watching here in italy got a watching group together for every one of your coverage well i shout out to everyone watching from italy right now thanks for tuning in and thanks for the support there jim we appreciate it anybody say like welcome in italian or anything they did not teach me that in south texas yeah me i don't know i don't i don't speak much italian if at all so i'm sure it's got like a bn somewhere in it so anyways thanks for watching from italy over there jim something original with the super chat thank you for your support game maker with some super chat support as well greetings from switzerland thank you so much um here is a question uh do you think they are launching sn11 early so that they can roll out bn1 later this afternoon so michael mentioned earlier we are looking at the weather it looks like the winds pick up later today which i think is our working theory as to why they're they're targeting an early launch with sn11 but i suppose if that does happen and you know the landing is actually successful and there's not you don't have to wait to save the area too long or anything i suppose it's possible that they could roll bn1 out pretty immediately maybe even this afternoon but i don't think the transporter is out at the production site yet last time we saw yesterday it was still uh not there right yeah and if sn11 lands the area will be uh closed for quite a while while they let the propellant boil off right i don't think there's any possibility that the n1 rolls out in the next day or so yeah in fact the cranes aren't even at the pad yet so i don't think it would roll out until the crane sets the pad oh right you gotta get the crane too so yeah most likely not being one world will have to wait a little bit even if they launch sn11 early this morning uh chris k with a super chat saying good morning we're good morning nerds gives me here some support for that coffee run appreciate the support there chris um kevin f says good morning from norway is giving us a courtesy uh lens cleaning that's probably one of the damn the everyday astronauts crew members because they looked awful orange to me are we gonna have to give them a dollar or something now yeah we appreciate that because it is foggy and i'm sure there's a lot of water on our lens yeah yeah i was thinking that might have been jack out there but it might have been looked awfully orange to me did we not tell jack that by the way this camera is still alive [Laughter] it's a little fyi yeah yeah he should have ducked down and waved at everybody yeah right uh jeez uh arash with a super saiyan saying good morning to you fine folks here's some coffee funds for you wonder for you wonderful people thank you so much there uh for the kind words and the support um infinite gray with some support as well appreciate it uh brian banks saying according to accuweather fog is supposed to clear around 8 a.m central time which just so happens to be the time that elon has said they may be targeting for this morning's launch so um hopefully it does and i know we would definitely appreciate some better visibility here uh andrew asking uh why do we start the broadcast so early in advance of the launch well so even though we know that you know elon has said yeah they're targeting 8 a.m central or thereabouts there's a lot of things that happen leading up to that that indicate how likely that is to actually happen we want to know when the pad clears we want to look at when tank farm activity and stuff like that starts to spool up um some some other pre-flight preparations so when we're going live we're going live to report on those milestones too because that gives us a much better idea as if they're still targeting that time um or if there's delays coming so we want to make we want to report as as quickly as we can as soon as there's stuff to start uh watching and reporting on so that's why we are um going live well in advance of the actual liftoff target yes that gives us an opportunity to answer questions and things like that which is another part of our coverage so thomas that's a great point like if you go live right before the launch or even like 30 minutes before launch you're like well down into the countdown that there's no time to hang out and answer questions and one of the big things we like to do is just answer people's questions and talk about what's going on so going live way in advance gives us ample opportunity to help people understand what we're expecting and that sort of stuff today and gives us a chance to kind of wipe the sleep from our eyes and clear the cobwebs before the action really starts das over here yelling in your ears first thing in the morning like some sort of live stream drill sergeant making sure everybody's awake and ready to go yeah yeah i'm i'm like i'm picturing like robin williams like good good well i promise i won't start calling y'all maggots how's that sound i got a question here asking do we know where spacex has their command center for starship we do uh there's a building down in bogoshiko that's referred to as the stargate building that's just a couple miles from the launch site um and that is where spacex launched controllers or starship launch controllers specifically operate starship tests from um it is separate from if you consider the like traditional spacex mission control out at their headquarters in hawthorne california where they control falcon 9 and dragon missions um that is not where they control the starship flights best to our knowledge they have a smaller control center in bukuchika specifically for each time yeah uh a super chat here hello from england thanks for always having the informative streams for the length of time you do me and the other 13 000 people watching appreciate it well we're glad that you're tuning in and we're glad you appreciate it thanks for the s support and people keep asking so i will just say now that mary did tweet that road closure and evacuation are both scheduled for seven a.m so if you're asking about evacuation yes it is happening in 44 minutes right as seven a.m local time so in about 43 minutes yeah and i can report that the sun is up in cocoa beach space coast has seen the sun actually i can't see the sun my my window is not facing the right direction but i do see a lot of light out there and sunrise in berkeley is scheduled for 7 22 a.m so i think we can already see some daylight starting to come through the fog here but hopefully that sun will burn off this fog and as with anything in space flight the sunrise may be scheduled at that time but you know things can happen things can be delayed the sun might be late we don't know like all of uh all of the information we have says that the sun will be rising at boca chica today but nothing guarantees that and if it if it doesn't then i think we have uh bigger concerns than whether or not your problems today you're exactly right a new membership here from mert thank you so much for joining on hope you enjoy the benefits there um let's see here uh ki shore ki shore perhaps with the super chat uh with two super chats thank you for both of those appreciate the support there uh tangerine saying here's something for that coffee and breakfast fun thanks for all the streams of coverage and hopefully s can stick the landing this time thank you so much appreciate it uh here is a question from plushvader asking how long of a gap do you think there will be between sn11 and the next one sn15 question mark um so we're actually i think expecting some bn1 ground testing to be next after sn11 but what kind of gap do you think we could see between the two once sn11 flies and lands i think it will be a bit longer than sn10 to sn11 which was less than a month just because as 15 does not have a nose contact and both sn10 and sn9 had their nose cones stacked in the high bay before the starship before them flew so sm15 is a bit further behind us because bn1 is the next prototype in the line gotcha i got some questions here regarding bn1 testing has spacex began preparing pad a or b for bn1 so i think we said that the super heavy booster isn't exactly like the connections and things on the ground are not exactly the same as the starship so we thought they might have to do some work on the suborbital pads to get ready to do those testing have we seen that start to take place at all i don't we haven't seen any significant modifications like i don't think it could be wrong we haven't seen anything too obvious but i think pad a is where bn1 is going to go if bn1 even goes to the pad at all we'll see what happens uh in elon's tweet i think he mentioned transportation or you know testing moving around a vehicle that size is one of the objectives to be in one but he did not specify if it would be cryoproof aesthetic fired right so we'll have to stand by and see what exactly testing they're even going to do but we'll certainly look for that after the conclusion of asset 11's testing yes we really need sn11 to stick that landing so we can see in the same shot we could see bn1 on the pad see starship on the landing pad and then we can photoshop starship on top of it so we can see so we can see what it looks like uh sebastian with a new membership thanks for joining on appreciate it and uh uh superchat here from singing npcs hello from latvia i've been watching all your streams lately what innovation and thermal heat shield protection will be used for the s10 type rockets what do we know officially about this the heat shields that are on starship i mean i know there's tiles and we've seen them testing little batches of them on parts of the starship but do we know uh more detail about what they're made of or anything like that off the top of my head yeah i don't know i know they're hexagonal they're there you go the ceramic tiles yeah i believe we've got mr chris gibbard here on comms who is offering to answer this question actually oh yes but i can actually answer this but i can answer this one so um wait wait chris uh yeah we can barely hear chris introduce myself shouldn't we yes oh we can't hear you we can barely hear you you're you're like on the the wrong mic is on or something ah this would be because i had the microphone pushed behind my head because i wasn't there you go that helps to have the microphone in front of my ballot there you go welcome chris gebhardt yes hello everyone um so yeah so a starship's heat shield is actually gonna work a couple of different ways so um the side that has the tiles right which are silica tiles um are designed to do a couple different things this is basically the side where the air compression right a starship is coming into the atmosphere where the air just literally can't move out of the way of the vehicle fast enough so it compresses together and forms that plasma barrier in front of the vehicle and that plasma barrier actually never touches the skin so the job of thermal protection system tiles like starship has is to actually absorb some of that heat to control the transfer rate of that heat toward the skin and basically absorb some of that heat and then radiate it back outward so that it doesn't affect the the structure of the vehicle underneath right so that's why the tiles can be glowing hot but you can pick them up right away when they're going hot which by the way is insane yeah if you've never seen a video of like the there's these videos from probably from kennedy space center but they'll like they'll take a piece of those ceramic tiles and they will get them glowing red hot and then the the technician or whoever will pick it up with their fingers and it's still glowing red hot but it doesn't burn their fingers it's incredible yeah it really is um it really is so you know so that's what the thermal protection system on that side of the vehicle is trying to do it's trying to look at places where you need to absorb the heat and then radiate it out to protect your vehicle whereas the other part of starship the part that will just be the super shiny polished steel that is basically a thermal protection system in itself but what it's doing is instead of um attracting the heat it's polished so much that it's radiating the heat away from your vehicle and because you're not on the side where the plasma is actually forming you can have a good thermal protection system by just radiating the heat away from your vehicle so basically you can think of starship as having two different types of thermal protection systems the tiles which absorb the heat and then radiate it away and the very polished steel which just radiates it away from the skin of the craft aha i don't know if anybody noticed while you were talking there chris what happened in the background i know [Laughter] because machine was turned on i guess another one of our tricks is out of the bag folks this camera has live audio coming through in stereo from across the street from the uh launch pad here so when that venting started that was live audio from the camera right here we got a really nice stereo xy field microphone deployed it's been i'm going to use air quotes here and say weatherproofed [Laughter] but it is uh one of the modules that we can add to our robots some of our robots have an expansion port that i've that i've included on them and this robot was actually designed with an expansion port so it can support live audio as well and it's not like a built-in microphone on a security camera something like that it's actually it's a rode nt4 it's a rode uh stereo xy field microphone and that goes through an encoder an ip audio encoder and sends us a high quality stream and it is live from right there across the street so uh yeah there you go so sometimes there's announcements at the pad from uh speaker on top of starship i think potentially let's listen and hear what we actually see it's the first it's the first time out we'll we'll see exactly what it hears but it definitely heard that uh activation of the tank farm there that's for sure and now we can't see starship like we started come on we need that sun to get up there and start burning off this fog real quick we're sending it over there as quickly as we can we've got an hour and 34 minutes for the fog to clear come on there you go let's see here uh geraldine with a super chat thank you so much for the support there um oh here we go uh christopher asking a question bonjour from france thanks for tuning in there uh there have been several videos lately about the complexity of a low gravity lunar landing have we heard anything about how a future lunar starship and how it might practice for or simulate a low gravity landing so um if you look at some renders excuse me of the lunar variant of starship you'll notice that they don't actually land using raptor engines they land using these thrusters that have been placed higher up on the vehicle which is for a couple of reasons the main reason is actually to avoid kicking up the lunar regolith of the dust on the surface of the moon up into the vehicle and and creating a big dust cloud when you land because that can be obviously damaging to different systems but it is also a fact that at its minimum throttle the raptor is still a pretty powerful engine and so it would be difficult to land in a very low gravity environment such as the moon on raptor engines so you can design these thrusters which are lower thrust and more optimized for the types of thrust levels you need to land on the moon um so that's how star surges are going to deal with it by landing on a slightly different propulsion system i the luckily they keep it relatively simple because they are fueled by the same fueling system as raptor are they're going to be methane and liquid oxygen fueled but there's just another set of smaller engines higher up on the vehicle so that is how the lunar starship is going to deal with that but i think yeah the question was like how are they going to practice or simulate that and that is a good question because like i remember back in the day you know when they're preparing for apollo like they they put the astronauts on this can this leaning contraption to try to try to subtract out some of the gravity and they'd be bouncing on this this like diagonal board to try to simulate 1 6 gravity and i'm not sure you can do that with starship yeah i'm not sure i mean a lot of it will be you know computer simulations and flight simulation to uh figure out exactly how that'll work but um yeah which luckily i mean spacex has demonstrated they are very good at that side of development laura simulations and things like that as demonstrated by some of the things they've been able to do on falcon 9 and dragon and things like that so a question here about the first orbital starship attempt do you think that bn3 will take sn20 to orbit and land at the launch site or catch the super heavy booster with the tower you know what it's it's hard to say so far um we haven't seen bn3 start to get stacked yet so we can't take a peek at whether it's gonna have legs or anything um if we also i mean we also need them to start building the tower at the launch site because they need some sort of tower um whether it will be able to you know if they're gonna try to implement that catch using a tower to catch a booster instead of it landing on its own legs early or if that's sort of a down the line thing if i had to guess i think they're going to stick legs on the early versions and maybe the cat's tower comes later but we do not know one way or the other as far as what they'll do on the first orbital attempt um a question here a supercharged question who needs to give spacex permission to colonize mars uh they don't really need permission uh current the current basic legal structure for space is no country is allowed to claim property in space other than vehicles that they put there so an amer a starship vehicle is still a property of an american company even if it's in space but once you step off the vehicle onto a plot of land on mars no country can claim that as property currently um so it's kind of up to a private company to to enforce their property laws if that makes sense but um so they but they don't really need permission to do that um the only things that they would be mindful of there are things that like their customers would be would value so they wouldn't do anything that would upset nasa or anything like that because obviously spacex wants to support nasa missions and things like that so if nasa is like we have these certain rules about planetary protection and making sure that vehicles are sufficiently clean when they travel to another celestial body and so we're taking care not to contaminate a potential scientific research area spacex would obviously make those continue to follow those regulations so that they can continue to work with nasa going forward even as they launch their own missions to mars with or without nasa crew members so but they don't really need permission to that side of the thing if i if i answer your question properly if you're just joining that starship is that object towards the left-hand side of your screen the views are absolutely incredible right now but thank you for sticking with us while we wait for the thought to clear yeah we are we're waiting for that fog to burn off you see the railing in the lower left-hand corner y'all and then there's a little bit of a vertical line coming up there that's the base of starship there and as the sun comes up we're hoping we either get a little bit of an outline there or we start to get this certainly hope this fog is burning off we've been live for what uh more than 30 minutes for sure i don't even know what time we went live about 45 minutes we've been live here and uh we wanted to get a little bit of a slow reveal on what may very well be sn11's last day on the sub over the launch stance so we're just hanging out and watching and listening to the tank farm uh there was another question uh at nasa space flight hit us at nasa space flight even if you don't uh drop a super chat we could still see those questions as well nicholas says uh will they need to change the thruster engine profile for the landing on mars since the gravity is less well i think that they are developing raptor from the ground up with the intention of landing it on mars so they're gonna need to be able to throttle deep enough so that it's not an issue now will they come down on one or two engines i think we'll have to see if i was in speculation zone i would say probably one anybody else got an opinion on that i mean i think i think i i don't know i so it depends a lot of it depends on how much people yeah it depends on the payload yeah like so if you're landing empty that's true yeah always minimal model one engine but if you're if you're landing with a bunch of cargo on board you could need multiple engines or you could at least get away with multiple engines like you might not need two engines but if you can that gives you redundancy if one of them fails during the landing burn or something like that so i think it depends um changing the engine they're they're not they don't want to put themselves in a position where they want to but what the vehicle flashing light just vibe i don't think that's the had a clear vehicle i was wondering if it was i think it's just security now usually the final pad clear vehicle when they have cleared the pad for the final time um has flashing lights on it but i think it's a model three not a pickup truck yeah yeah but i think i think in the development of the raptor they they don't want to have to have multiple variants of raptor you know so they have to change it out if it's going to the moon or going to mars or whatever it's doing they want to have one one raptor fits all so to speak right i don't think they have different engines but as far as the thrust and how many engines they'll use for like that landing burn um it'll be interesting i wonder if even on an early mission where they don't want to put a pre an appreciable amount of payload on board if they might just put some ballast and mess a mass simulator of some kind in the vehicle just so it has the right thrust to weight ratio to do a two-engine landing burn in the case that one of them fails you can throttle the other one up to compensate and still have a heavy enough vehicle that you can do that i would be interested to see if they do something like that but a very good question there paul with a 50 super chat thank you so much let's do this again plus some donut funds good luck appreciate the generous support there whether the entire team really does appreciate it um a question here from sebastian how soon do you think spacex will develop a new larger starship version more similar to the original its pitch i don't think that'll be soon by anyone's definition of soon um just because that yeah they're going to want to get this version of starship up and operational first um and then they could scale it up down the road but i think this i think the current skill is where they're going to want to operate for a fair bit of time still yeah yeah get some get some experience with this version of starship uh superchat here from carl thank you so much for your support and some new memberships here from annabelle and zach dawson appreciate your all of your support and then a couple of super chats here mr swagger and good morning from arizona appreciate the support uh and here's a super chat from elsa far saying to buy mary and extra coffee go sn11 absolutely thank you so much i know mary appreciates it too uh paul saying good morning nsf team thank you for your hard work we'll be here with you on this journey to mars and beyond appreciate the support there paul and uh a couple new memberships are really quick from paul and neville bold thank you so much for all of the support from everybody here um here's a question from timothy and this plays right into our weather kind of discussion how do you think how do they scan the landing zone and surface i imagine it would need to be more specific than a visual cam but targeting lasers etc how would a fog affect that system so just like falcon 9 does i believe we understand that starship is working with radar for its its ground detection if that makes sense is that right guys sometimes you ask a question man i have to look up to read the question because i'm always juggling a lot of stuff we believe it's a radar system on starship right it's not a visual system radar yeah right so so that is why we're not super convinced that you know the fog or the bad weather is actually a criteria for the flight the reason it would be is if they want uninhibited camera views from the ground right to observe the vehicle during a test flight but as far as starships ability to conduct the launch and landing the fog should not affect that because it's a radar-based system right i agree with that chris here just just really quick um flip that mic again chris again behind your ear there we go man i'm gonna um one day or another um yeah it's it's the same systems basically that the falcon 9's use and the falcon 9s can launch into completely overcast weather and come down onto barges and drone ships through thick cloud and fog layers so it's the same system so your gap no technical reason just comes down to test objectives and visibility that they want yeah so we not we but so spacex can see it from the ground if that's an important thing for them to test bingo yeah yeah i mean we would also like to see it from the ground but it's true [Laughter] and i'm keeping an eye on those other cameras it actually looks like the fog has increased a little bit because now we don't see the luckily we have that palm tree and those yuccas in the foreground so uh we have something to look at and we can also tell i'm watching the palm tree because that's how i know that the camera has not frozen um as long as it keeps waving that's a standard palm tree live stream uh status indicator is that what that is yeah you can tell we have frame rate because they're changing it's like if the rock is wet it's raining if the rock is standing straight out it's windy if the rock is gone it's a tornado everybody know the right yeah yeah um a surge i hear from matthew how many people do they usually have to wait for to leave the pad before closeouts are done so the final pad clear team i know it's only like a handful of vehicles i don't know how many personnel that equates to um but but it's a relatively small team you know like less than 50 it might be a couple tens of people um if that but it's a relatively small team of of the final closeout crew out at the pad from what we've seen uh joseph with a question what raptor version will starship use to land on the moon vacuum or sea level so actually we touched on this a little bit earlier uh neither if the final descent on start on a lunar starship will be a sort of raptor derived or raptor based thruster system that's higher up on the vehicle to prevent uh lunar dust issues um so that's it won't actually be landing on a raptor engine i'll be landing on a different sort of thruster which i don't think has a name yet so i guess it's possible that they name it some sort of like version of raptor in which case it'll be landing on that version of raptor or if they call it that but it won't be there for draco super duper draco um but it won't be uh a sea level or vacuum raptor engine uh per se uh a question here do you think nasa space flight will be the first interplanetary news source streaming news from across the solar system with your help yeah y'all keep showing up if i had a spot to deploy a camera to orbit or something that that would be a really cool cubesat project or something you know yeah the livestream camera from space yeah just even just like a temporary thing like oh we're going on a ride-along on this launch and then the cubesat deploys and now we have video signal from it um that is a little bit outside of my wheelhouse thomas don't you know some people i i do know some people with some some cubesat experience potentially but uh you know if you keep the super chats coming maybe they could become feasible one day that's what i'll just say today appreciate the question there and uh hey if we can get cam robot cameras in space i i know a couple people that would like to make that happen so um let's see here what is dialect asking what is the price of a heat shield title i'm not sure we have any idea what the answer to that could be that do we have any clue about it you have to ask if you have to ask you can't afford it yeah yeah well there's that a key fitting a key with the starship vehicle is that it's reusable so you don't have to keep making new heat shield tiles i'll just put it that way um let's see here i like i like ben parr's question here angry astronaut believes that after living on mars for a few years it would be impossible to return to earth what are your thoughts now i didn't i haven't seen all of the expanse but i know that that's that's kind of a theme in there like people that are born off earth have a hard time going to earth um but i would imagine that there'd be some sort of an exercise uh regimen that they could do to maybe you know maintain their their muscles and and uh bone mass or muscle mass and and bone strength what do you say structure maybe yeah yeah yeah um so that they could come back to earth at some point and well and and how long are we thinking you know he said he said a few years yeah so here here's the precedent for that keep in mind we've sent people for up to just about a year at a time to the international space station which is almost a practically zero gravity environment as far as your your muscles and bones are concerned and they do a lot of exercise to help maintain health there but um that does that that's almost 0g environment on mars you have a little bit of gravity so it's actually slightly less harsh as far as the effects of microgravity goes um so if you're talking about going to mars for a year or so um we there you can still definitely be in a healthy enough state to return to earth granted i get well i guess the the difference in the question is are you talking about a year on on mars or a year-long mission which could include some time on mars because obviously there's the transit time too yeah but uh even a year on the iss was not drastic enough for scott kelly to not be able to walk when he got back to earth or anything like that he was still able to come back to earth and live healthily here so i would imagine a year or so mission on mars in a slightly less harsh gravity environment would would not prevent coming back to earth healthfully later on but that's something that we could learn about obviously in the early missions we'll study how the astronauts bodies are coping with that and so we can see if there could be problems that arise from that but i think a lot of the research done in low earth orbit indicates that you can still come back to mars or come back to earth even after an extended stay on the red planet so yeah exactly exactly right and actually the station would be worse off because mars you've at least got some gravity helping exactly um with that the the bigger question to that i would flip the question actually and not ask it as when humans go to mars will we never be able to come back or how would we be able to come back i think the better question is when humans start being born on another planet gone through a full gestation period what is the consequence of that because you know obviously beca if a kid is born on mars they might have significant problems trying to come back to an earth-sized planet with r1 gravity aside from a third of our gravity you know i think there are interesting medical questions that begin to arise of at what age would it be safe to come back if you're actually born somewhere other than the planet earth yeah you might have to do some serious training to lead up to something like that yeah yeah as long as like you can come even if you're like not able to like walk on your own legs right away if you you're literally been living on the martian environment the entire time hopefully you'll be able to come to earth and you know like grab a wheelchair or something and then start building yourself up in the harsher gravity or something like that i don't know if that's more feasible but that will be a super interesting part of becoming interplanetary species is what's the effect of being born not on earth so and hopefully by then we'll you know we'll get the the artificial gravity going you know like 2001 style and you know maybe on the trip back it could be a thing where they gradually increase the gravity and increase the rotation rate is so that you're a little more prepared for when you actually get back to earth uh i hear from julie saying my son oscar is autistic and he loves your streams so please can you say hi to him hi to oscar thanks for joining on and we're glad you're enjoying the streams there and thanks for the support we appreciate that and we're glad hey austin here how's it going yeah hello oscar good deal uh a super chat i hear from nick asking how did you find a t minus time do they make a time for the launch that is based on a tweet from elon musk saying that today's test is targeted for approximately 8 a.m local time so that's where the t minus timer comes from um if we don't have an exact target time we just put the local time up there but since we do have an approximate target we figured we put that up there to let people know how long it is before a potential launch so yeah and as it gets closer we'll be watching you know trivents and and different things to see and try to get a more accurate uh timeline yeah and folks if you're just joining us you're wondering what's going on uh we've got that countdown clock like we're talking about and you can see we're about 13 minutes away from the road closures and tfr is going into effect so that's seven o'clock local time it's currently 6 47 local time there at boca chica and the t-minus is one hour after the road closures and tfrs go into effect so in terms of timing that's what we're looking at we should hear that the roads have closed here in about 12 minutes and 30 seconds give or take the time for us to actually hear that information because it's super foggy and it's hard to see what's going on yeah yeah we're sending that sunlight as fast as we can what time did you say sunrise was in boca chica today 7 20 or something yeah seven so roughly roughly 30 minutes from now give or take yeah exactly and we're hoping that 7 22. there you go copernicus shores at 7 22 a.m central daylight time there you go uh a super chat here fingers crossed for a successful launch and recovery today replying to the camera name how about fixed aspect real time dos thoughts uh yeah no no stephen got it i appreciate the super chat there paul uh let's see here uh tony with a super track great stuff as ever guys thanks for the entertainment what's your idea for the starship a double stack burger at the nsf flippin burn restaurant nice appreciate the support um a question here do we know if the faa inspector has arrived in boca chica yet uh i guess we didn't have official confirmation of that occurring but based on the the events of yesterday we believe the fa inspector arrived yesterday yeah yesterday evening i think yeah i'll bet not in time for a flight yesterday but um we do believe that has been handled and based on elon confirming they're targeting this morning for the flight i would say that has been handled yes all right so thomas and michael and everybody like jump on me if i'm too i don't know speculative but was there any official information i know there was a space a statement from the faa about spacex not providing enough notice for the inspector to be there and i saw some other y'all helped me out here were they unofficial sources that say the inspector was there all week waiting for it to go and then went back home and spacex said no we're not flying monday and then all of a sudden sunday night they said we're flying monday and the inspector couldn't get back was there information about that are those like speculation that we shouldn't talk about i don't know there were a couple sorts a couple different news news reporters reporting something to that effect yeah um some combination of change obviously as anyone who watches poke chick is well aware the plans change rapidly um some sort of miscommunication about at one point they were not going to attempt monday and then at some point yesterday or sunday they just said okay we actually can attempt monday and then either something like the faa was not notified until very late or the faa was notified but the communication didn't go through until late something like that um it was it was it was some result of plans changing rapidly and the inspector not being aware of a monday test target in time for a flight yesterday yeah right go ahead michael i think it was joey roulette who had tweeted that from us one of his sources said that spacex had originally at one point told them that the launch was not happening on a monday so they went home but of course spacex had been communicating to us and everyone else that the launch was on for monday based on elon's suites the official spacex website and whatnot so people have been saying well how did the inspector get told no when every when everything space instead of putting out said launched on monday well i mean for one inspector is not going to listen to elon on twitter or the spacex website as to whether or not they should stay put they are going to be you know having an official dialogue channel with spacex so i'm not sure if something went wrong there but i don't think the public evidence is what the fa inspector would have been going off of they obviously would have been having some sort of internal behind-the-scenes dialogue with spacex yeah and i i mean i get it i see a bunch of people talking about the faa and ah archaic and that sort of stuff and um i also understand because we sit here waiting for these tests and it's like oh there might be a test tomorrow okay listen all hands on deck might be oh no test okay oh there might be a test tomorrow all hands okay mary's okay no evacuation we're not doing it okay and we do this waiting for the launch because we want to share it with people we go the exact s we go through the exact same thing we have the luxury um a lot of us have not even happened to be there so i could sort of see all right this inspector is based somewhere else i don't know where they're based florida or dc or whatever and they come to boca chica and then it's like oh yeah all right looking good for tomorrow nope okay not tomorrow and then looking for the next day and you sit there for a week or you sit there for two weeks and maybe you have a family you go back home to the family or something like that because you don't live there in boca chica so are there some improvements to be made like could does the faa have enough inspectors of this type to station one permanently at boca chica give them a house at the village or something and they're the inspector for the starship development program because it moves so quickly um is that like i don't even know i i don't think that spacex has to pay the faa to send an inspector over because it's a government thing the faa just sends the inspector because that's how the regulations work i don't know that faa or that spacex has to foot that bill so how does that work if spacex needs a dedicated inspector who's there all the time ready to go so that the starships can fly as soon as they're ready to fly and there's nothing else that can get in the way um i i wonder how that works and i wonder if there's some improvements that could be made you know just speculate i would think that that to have one there all the time they might have to fork over some dough right i don't even i don't know how like is there some law against paying for things like that like if the inspector comes down can you even give them a hotel room i know there's a lot of regulations about working with government government employees like that so i i i don't know off the top of my head um what regulations would would cause that to like how how they would control that you know yeah how do you how do you get an inspector on retainer is that a thing yeah i mean it's even down like government employees people that are doing inspections and like reviewing contracts and stuff like that you can't give them gifts like a water bottle with your company's name on it or something like that's i think in some situations against the law to do and so could you give this inspector a place to stay and spacex is within the bill and they're the dedicated i just don't know legally how that works out because certainly we want them to be able to react quickly to what's going on down there but if the inspector lives in dc and has a kid and family and stuff like that and has to fly down to boca chica every time spacex is trying to go for a launch this spacex goes for a launch a lot of times you know it'd be tough for me to be away from my kid that a lot that much if the inspector wants to show up a bit late today i would not complain careful michael careful yeah i mean i want to see the launch i don't know about chat but i want to see the launch today so please spacex please wait for the fog to burn off before you launch [Laughter] it would just be a huge orange fireball like the entire screen would just go orange wait i think we have a camera where the entire screen's orange don't we yeah and is that one still wait it's getting kind of a pink tint there it looks like oh geez yeah that's supposed to be one of our tracking cameras that is one of our tracking cracking much today you sure that auto tracking code can't work with this no absolutely not there's we've got another tree on the side there with some guy wires in that show that's supposed to be the production site that's the production site let's stay on this camera the palm tree camera here uh let's see here uh question here can sn11 go orbital in its current form uh no it does not have the vacuum engines on board which are required for an orbital launch and it also obviously well it doesn't have a super heavy booster and starship does not able to get to orbit on its own with all of the recovery hardware on it so it would need a super heavy booster and vacuum engines um it would possibly need some additional avionics to handle orbital navigation and things like that it doesn't have enough heat shield tiles to come back and reenter from orbit so no not yet this is a vehicle purely intended for this the flight test that it will hopefully be conducting later today uh supercharged here from matt thank you so much why does the starship prototypes not have the traditional spacex landing gear does it seem efficient to have the small in skirt feet to absorb the landing sequence that is mostly based on weight savings and are a couple factors um they do want to make some the lighter landing gear if they can um so that they take less of a payload hit by having the landing gear on the starship and also they're deploying from inside the skirt because they need to be protected during reentry um so after starship goes through all of that ranger heating the legs are still protected by the landing skirt or by the thrust skirt and then they can fold out during the final descent there versus having them on the outside where they'll be exposed to re-entry heating so right that's why the landing gear need to be a slightly different design yeah if you think about falcon 9 it doesn't come in it's not a belly flop thing it comes in engine first but it came in like perpendicular to the airflow it would probably rip those legs off it would probably just rip the whole thing apart honestly it wouldn't it would it wouldn't really work but yeah i don't think you want your legs to be on the outside when you're coming in that way unless they have some sort of covering over them like the falcon 9 legs have they sort of heat shield on the outside of the legs themselves too yeah they do i don't would that be enough though coming in coming in perpendicular to the airflow i don't know falcon 9 is not designed to belly flop i'll say that yeah that's for sure that would be a bad time um i super try here from henry good morning everyone haven't been asking when hop so much hope to see a good flight today go spacex go sn11 appreciate the support there um a question here will spacex need to build a dedicated concrete path for the boosters to the launch pad like they have at the cape of the poor road seems insufficient any thoughts on that i mean i've not seen the road in person is it is it looking rough is it getting cracks or anything like that it's pretty rough yeah i don't know there isn't much space for another road though because there's wildlife refuge on one side is water in the other oh look wait you can start to see like the tint in the background yes the sky is a little purple now all right hey i was seeing that about an hour ago well so the way the world works the earth spins on its axes the sun is over you can do it with a flashlight and a tennis ball okay i'm listening i'm listening but i'm skeptical okay oh jeez i will uh i yeah so to answer the question uh it would be hard to do so but there could be usefulness to upgrading the the transport like the roads around boca chica there for spacecraft transportation and things like that but yeah hopefully the sunlight starts to uh come up a little bit really quick i want to introduce i believe we're introducing another commentator to the nsf stream here mr chris bergin chris have we had sean coms here good afternoon from across the pond that's chris berger managing editor of nasa space flight joining the team for some morning coverage here in boca chica well i hear i'm not in boca chica but the camera's in boca chica so chris thanks for helping on for with us this morning it's um going to be interesting when the sun comes up because this is quite a surreal scene right now isn't it we're hoping we get like an outline of starship slowly appearing it's like the slow reveal you've got to be patient to be a roadside rocket scientist this morning yeah speaking of that's one of our t-shirts isn't it what you were talking earlier i caught on about five minutes earlier where you're talking about the um you can't give government employees like the faa merchandise and things like that i was thinking he's he's gotta be in the staff and when hot he's gonna be one of them t-shirts surely he could walk he could walk in to spacex boca chica today with his wet hop t-shirt on as ultimate irony if the faa inspector showed up with a win hop just a coffee mug super subtle just breaks out the coffee mug and the coffee mug says win hop and they just like take a sip of it and they look at spacex like let's take a picture of elon's face when he sees it i don't think that would get us in trouble would it no i'm sure that'll go down really well yeah when hop merchandise for the faa inspector nice welcome chris good what what it's not morning for you it's like lunch time isn't it it's lunch time yeah all right well uh really quick i'm gonna hop off for a little bit we're going to rotate our host a little bit here but i think i'll be back later in our coverage so uh everyone stay tuned for some more starts to coverage and let's hope the fog burns off for you sounds good thanks a lot thomas thanks for hanging us out and hanging us out hanging out with us and running through super chats and questions we'll see you in a little bit sounds good in a bit all right so chris you think this thing's gonna go i've got i've got an announcement actually so to do oh yeah yeah this is our two year anniversary of the channel two youtube channel people get confused by the you know when we say how long how old things are the site nasaspaceflight.com the site which i named and i'm going to do you know sir no it's because we started covering show from the start i didn't tweet about i'll put a tweet in china in a second but we started the youtube channel because mary was taking these videos and we were putting them on the forum as attachments and downloads of course everyone started getting into starship even back in the hopper days that we were basically just draining money out on bandwidth for the forum where we rehearsed in the clips we thought why don't we start our youtube channel from scratch this was two years ago and um of course it took off and look where we are now we've got uh how many subscribers 360 361 000 subscribers basically they're all merry fans but there's got to be some kind of a record in growth right i'm sure some reaction to music video you know guru person on youtube it's growing a lot faster than that channel out there i think well well horse channels deserve all the subscribers they get so that's fair enough but um we started this channel two years ago and it's had a 100 million views that just went over 100 million views i didn't even notice that uh a few days ago that's gonna be some kind of record for a space site or something like that i don't know yeah i'm kidding you know i like i like numbers but that's two years yeah two years now the the main thing i want to get out of that is two years ago the first video i put on was a merry clip just a clip yep of star hopper pre-hop testing so look how far i've come in two years that's i think the biggest take-home for me is that two years ago it was just boku-chika was just a tent uh account it wasn't even the the mid bay wasn't even built by then the the windbreak facility was the biggest construction at makachika which is now a tiny structure compared to the structures in the production site and the launch site was basically a landing pad a mount and some propellant tanks and that's all it was that was two years ago that would be forced to happen 150 meter hot yeah so that that is surreal to me that two years later they've got a massive production site they've got this launch site down the road on highway four where they've got two mounts gonna have three mounts eventually and they're building the orbital launch pad next door which is going to be a huge place with one of the with the largest structure in the region which will be the launch integration tower so that to me is the two-year path of our youtube coverage has seen the growth of spacex block cheek and i think that's amazing yeah i've already seen a couple uh happy birthdays in the chat happy birthday to the youtube channel i think i'm going to change our status to pad clear question mark because question mark that is clear but i cannot verify it i mean i just have not seen any activity at the pad i haven't seen any cars drive by so i'm presuming the pad is clear as we can sort of see starship again but i have no way to verify if the pad is clear because this is our only camera we have the pad and it's super foggy i'm hoping we pointed it correctly because i see the tank farm tanks that are closer like clearly we're starting to get the outline of those but uh starship i can kind of tell i think i can tell by the pixels like there's there's a there's a vertical line that's a little bit darker i think the camera is framed correctly you can tell by the way it looks you can tell it is by the way it is [Laughter] question uh well there's a couple super chats we could hit uh just stop we get to a queue so long that it takes us three hours yeah we are a little bit behind uh uh let's see gustav fredrickson says nothing beats the smell of starship in the morning yep you are right one of these days maybe i'll get over there and see what it smells like i don't know uh david uh said do you think they will explore venus well it's it's definitely definitely a possibility i mean i know that spacex's plans are are squarely focused on mars but i mean starship's such a capable vehicle that i imagine they'll go anywhere anyone wants them to go uh ghost wolf oh you're you're playing with fire here ghost wolf so oh no yeah so should we get out of the way we did kind of at this at the start but let's do one later because otherwise the moderator is all shouted saying we we're making the moderator's job easy when the chat is moving that fast it's like auto moderated you can't even read what anybody's saying the people in chat already have words yeah there they go thanks for the support anyway um let's see uh bill says uh do you think they'll start simulating starship operations with a 20-ish minute time lag necessary for the first mars prototype well i mean it's all automated anyway so you know it's not like they're they're pushing buttons making things happen so i i don't know any any thoughts on a 20 minute lag time i'm sure they have simulations like that but for these operations they haven't even got the thing into orbit yet so i don't think you need to to worry about long duration mission simulations here for these tests certainly they're working on that and there's probably another team working on stuff like that but i don't think that that's a part of these tests where they're just launching and trying to get it landed you know and i can say that naf has worked on those tests during the nemo missions they did tele robotics with 20 minute delay and communication with 20 minute delay yeah underwater off the coast of florida and they simulated the delay between transit of communication between mars and earth so they've done that and i'm sure if spacex phoned up nasa saying can we have some of your data on that nasa would say you can yeah that's this so chris that's a great point that's with uh human beings so having the human element the sort of the psychological thing where you can't talk to mission control in real time we have certainly like you said with nemo and stuff like that simulated those sorts of environments right question mark yes okay the answer is okay the answer is yes the thrust is three and the answer is yes nice uh paul with a super chat how do y'all from houston will moon landing thrusters be super draco powered we were kind of well this will i think be the third time that we've touched on this but this is uh yeah this sorry this super chat's been sitting in the queue for a little bit um but uh i think i think what we came to is it might be some kind of smaller variation of the raptor uh maybe uh super duper draco but it's it's going to be thrusters that are up closer to the top of the vehicle uh so that as they as they're firing on descent they're not kicking up as much luna regolith and possibly sending it into lunar orbit because if you're coming down on those raptors that's that's a lot of a lot of energy throwing things out and around and when there's no air resistance those particles can just start flying and and they might they might literally go around the moon come back and strike your vehicle so they they striking the vehicle maybe but they absolutely will go into orbit around the moon there's been a ton of simulations done where the amount of energy to land a large spacecraft like a starship on the moon would kick regolith into orbit and you're right it would go you know the little cannon experiment it would go it could possibly go all the way around the moon affecting not only the landing site but it could also affect other spacecraft in lunar orbit so trying to land starship with the main engines on the moon could cause damage to other spacecraft that have nothing to do with it that aren't even landed on the surface it is a big concern to have all that energy directed right there at the regular if you're not landing on a prepared surface so that's why we saw those those higher level thrusters sort of the angle thrusters that are easing it down onto the surface so you don't get that plume directly impacting the surface like remember uh the perseverance landing and we got there you know and we saw how the thrust of the sky crane was just kicking that rocks and dirt in every direction from the four points of the sky crane um think that but the sky crane is tiny compared to a starship correct uh i think i'm going to read it out is it a shout out one well uh yes yes yeah read it out because i think that's a lovely one after you do it uh shelby says i would love a shout out for our future astronaut jackson age three hello that's amazing because just imagine being at three years old in this era oh man there's so much to see yeah it's probably the perfect kind of like time to be a child into space flight because if you're like me you don't mention shuttle on the street i'm a child of shuttle and you know that that was very restricted you know even with the best will in the world the chance of becoming a short lasting heart are extremely rare not least when you're not american so it's it's something now where if you're a kid and you're into space flight the possibility you've got when you've you know you've got qualifications from school and you're in your um your twenties thirties forties are amazing so he is really that tank farm activity will be one if they're still going for eight we should be sitting at around now and we are seeing some vapors coming from the tank tomorrow no you don't say it's not streamless michaels i should say in addition to the fog but i think that looks like tank farm activity to me oh and it's gonna blow right in front of the camera wow yeah okay look folks if the palm tree disappears we got problems how far away is that palm tree we're gonna have to fall back to the uh standard yucca unit of visibility in the lower left-hand corner oh man time is sunrise uh in 10 minutes right this may be an asmr starship stream good thing we got that microphone organ we're going to hear it that we can guarantee you could draw on screen does you could just basically do animation of it draw on the screen so we're just gonna assume that the recondenser is on and tank farm is going up but again quite difficult for us to see what's happening but clearly there is some additional fog being produced by that tank farm right now [Laughter] it disappeared and i think we have chris gebhardt back on comms for the indefinite future i appear to have joined right at the right at the correct time uh there's plenty to see here well it doesn't take much bit rate to encode this scene i tell you that much hey do that switch it to 4k 4k yeah we're upgrading to 12k here folks look it's just a great screen like three kilobits per second to go to a completely crazy screen oh wow so folks this is what it is um this camera is immediately across the street i didn't i didn't change cameras on you or anything uh this camera seems to be directly in the plume of the tank farm and every now and then we get the shadow of a palm tree or a yucca peeking through i guess we know which way the wind's blowing i'm gonna check those other cameras and just make sure we can't see this from anywhere else survey says no no sorry yeah there's no way [Laughter] well so that it's like one of those sensory immersion tanks you know it's just crazy see the sun coming out look at that on the bottom of that plant in front what where do you see the sun well based on the fact that we can see the palm tree and and it's turning a slightly different shade of gray all around i think the sun is rising actually i i will tell you this will be a fantastic time lapse oh yeah plant in front is the sun that's not the sun taking that planet it might create yeah i don't think the yucca has like a flat reflective surface on top of it either oh look at that some lights appeared what is that oh this is like you were right naming this camera close in cameras of the third kind it's like some view coming out of the fog here spaceships oh there's a spaceship back there i guess but uh the lights look like ufos watch this is gonna be like a pen and teller trick where the fog is gonna clear and starship's gonna be gone oh yeah we moved the statue of liberty the restaurant actually rotates well well we have people in chat asking if we can call this the fog cam yeah plume cam texas fog watchers again folks we are right here this camera is right across from the tank farm it's the closest that you can be with spacex's permission and they have given us permission to have the robotic camera in the danger zone here today but even with that it is tough visibility that tank farm went active and it is tough to see anything you can barely see the lower left-hand corner that's that uh wall that dark container wall with the black sheet on the edge of it farm farm again oh it's still there so if you're just joining us the rocket is supposed to be sort of on the left hand side just to the right of our timeline so keep an eye out there if we can get a glimpse of starship through the fog i've heard of a photo finish but uh this is giving it a new name likely luckily we have not spent many many days and weeks preparing for this broadcast so not a waste of our time at all but there is starship just barely through that fog oh yeah you can see the plumes of the tank farm over the bottom of starship maybe spacex knew that the the the venting was going to blow this direction it's like an early april fools joke that's why they granted us access like yeah put your camera over here [Laughter] it's part of the experience folks this is true check this tank watching oh hey we may have jack in there too jack uh how are you doing i'm doing good uh i can't see anything and all of my equipment is literally dripping from the humidity and fog um but yeah i'm doing good good morning everybody hey jack could you turn your mic up just a bit like give me if you're on the headset just get a little bit more gain on the the field lamp there if you could you're coming through a little quiet is that a little bit better yeah there you go thank you that's a little bit better no problem no uh sorry to uh we're all right [Music] yeah yeah robot [Laughter] we hear some uh we hear some jack in there y'all jack if you get that other comms tower set up you might want to switch to that because you were just breaking up pretty bad there i just saw another actually a uk comedian from the um 80s who did a a bit with basically his microphone on stage kept on cutting out just like that which i can't remember he actually got international tv with it so oh that's awesome it's a future for jacket i saw another suggestion for naming this camera it was recam dinser reek him denzer the re-condenser is activated like that we know that you can't see starship right now you can hear that's live audio from across the street at the tank farm you can hear that the tank farm is definitely activated uh but the weather conditions there this morning this is the closest the camera can be and we can't even see the palm tree anymore so we will see how our gear uh gear handles this we're still a couple minutes like literally like one or two minutes from sunrise so cross your fingers y'all hopefully the sun comes up and starts burning this fog away yep let's keep uh grabbing some questions in super chats and just leave this grey screen here how's that sound draw on the screen there's definitely draw on the screen i'm saying i think it'd be a unique angle just to sort of like draw a starship in this video i'll work on that i got one more thing i got to do first and then i will work on getting that set up well we've got a super chat from from deadeye here we appreciate that there uh and daelich now this isn't necessarily starship related but i think chris either of the chris's might be able to answer this uh why is crew one dragon relocating yes so basically the crew and dragon up on orbit is on the forward docking compartment of the harmony module and that is the preferred docking port for arriving vehicles at the international space station on the u.s side um in terms of docking capability when they carry humans and that is because it is more efficient from a propellant perspective to dock along what is known as the velocity vector so if you have the international space station right like just think of it as a tube right for this purpose okay and basically what they're it's and basically that tube if you lay it out horizontal is the direction that the vehicle travels as well right so you're sort of head-on in the direction of travel and it's easier for another vehicle to come up underneath it come underneath and then hook up in front of it and then slow down and let the station basically catch up with it right so the vehicle that's actually docking stays stationary relative to the two slows down and the station actually is the one that comes in toward the docking port to dock right so basically all you're trying to do on the vehicle that's actually docking is just maintain proper alignment but you're on the same velocity vector right you're traveling the same way you can also dock you can also keep the station in that same orientation and you can dock to the top or the bottom of it right not one of the ends but in order to do that now you as the active vehicle have to burn more propellant because you're not only trying to push down into the vehicle but you need to keep your velocity the same too and everything in space is about velocity so it's actually more efficient to dock along that velocity vector and the easiest way to accommodate that for new crew vehicles is to simply move the one that's currently there to the other port on top because that's just a simple little relocation you back out from the forward part you roll you you sort of fly 90 degrees around the station to realign and then you come back in um but we just try to make it as easy as possible for the newly arriving cruise um as that that we can and it's the same thing that russia did um last week on board the international space station or a week and a half ago when they relocated the soyuz ms-17 crew vehicle from one docking port to another just to make it easier for the new crew that was coming up um so yeah go ahead michael yeah i have some maybe good news that jean from south padre replied to my tweet asking i was asking elon to hold the launch so we could see it jeanine replied to me that he was just leaving the launch site area and as he was driving out it went from totally foggy to crystal clear and he thinks it's gonna clear so we'll see what happens i don't know which way it's gonna go but if it clears it's gonna clear rapidly and there's gonna be a blue sky above it i'm gonna i'm gonna leave it on uh the beach here while i watch this but at least this gives some sort of context like this little twiggy stick thing in the corner but uh i am watching all of these it is it's a twinkie stick thing i do um i'm watching all of these cameras and i will switch to them as soon as we get any visibility anywhere else yeah i don't think the focus is like that but why don't you switch off of this camera and i'm gonna look around and see if i can see any clearings from this camera and if i find something i will report back here here's one that also has some ground visible slightly it's this much bird and a bird uh here's a super chat from lars will it be possible for starship to return from mars completely on its own without any tankers or a booster uh there will be no booster starship is able to come back with no uh no help from a from a super heavy and i believe also with uh no help from a tanker as well is that right should be able to refuel on mars uh that's the idea anyway gather a bunch yeah that is methane that's the idea yeah an oxygen from the atmosphere and fuel it up and come on home it's just because mars has about one-third the gravity of earth and actually like we wouldn't even be talking about boosters if earth wasn't just so big uh so from mars you just take off and come on back well i was unable to find any signs of clearing from our remote camera out there but hopefully hopefully the clearing is on the way yeah michael back back that camera off a little bit um because i like how it's got that effect where you have the blue ridge mountain sort of effect and you've got the the green grass up close and then you've got off in the distance the other dunes like just give us a like half a screen of the green grass there if we could there we go just to show that we do in fact right there we go okay one second wait for it to adjust yeah that looks good i think let's see here there we go so this is we've zoomed this camera out this is actually the conditions over at the beach and you can see the sort of distance there the further you get away the more the less visibility i guess is really the right way to say it but uh we are continuing to watch all of these cameras and listen in those are live sounds from the tank farm we actually see the fog clearing right now from mars cam at the village i can't see the rocket yet but i can start to see the ground in the foreground so hopefully fingers crossed is going to clear yeah hey the same thing over at the production site um i'm getting a little bit more visibility of the onion tents of the production side as well so hopefully chat keep your fingers crossed everybody scroll the chat to scroll the fog away or something like that i don't know what i want chat spammed with hashtag clear the fog welcome to fog watch welcome to fog watch nice but we are there's some wind too i'm going to flip the village camera the production site camera around towards the launch site so it looks like sure from mars cam we are about halfway there to the launch pad under onto clearance so looking better you weren't kidding this does kind of look like the blue ridge mountains i love that i love the effect where it's like you know off in the distance it's just the beach and much smaller i would have said smokey mountains because that's where i'm from same difference same thing only different as everybody yes blow on your monitor to try and shoo away the fog i'm sure there's people who believe elon could make the fog go away with the power of his mind there you go well starlink won't starlink solve the fog yeah starlings loves everything hog devices yeah yeah geez the heaters on starlink all we have to do is deploy enough starling dishes and that'll uh that'll burn the fog off somebody on twitter are getting mad at me because fog really tell you what i got an email the other day from someone from the um afp which is a an international news agency oh yeah asking me a question about starlink uh a starlight launch you know when you see the long-range views of the plume behind the second stage and all the firings of the thrusters during the first stage rotation and coming back to earth he asked me a question about the pulses i won't repeat the question but it gives you an idea of how the mainstream media works because he made it about um something else which was completely irrelevant and i'm thinking if people think launches that's what happened during launches then there's a lot of education we need to put out there i'll tell you one of the bachelorette i don't want to say it over here because it might you might get scarf but it was ridiculous it was stupid and i am uh i we're continuing to look around here folks the close-in camera is still not visible we still can't see anything here i'll switch back to it really quickly but it is completely no visibility on that camera right there you can see there that is that close in view and we're just getting some context shots from other places here uh michael can you take one of the other cameras and just set it up as a sky watch sort of thing so we get some ground and we can sort of watch the skies above the test site i'm gonna do that on mars cam all right copy i'll stand by for that to move and then we'll uh sort of get a little context here as the fog hopefully continues to clear there we go so this is going to be back over from that other angle y'all in the launch a little bit more for that ticker but you can see i can i can promise you that about 10 or 20 minutes ago that foreground was basically two where those cars are parked that's as far as you can see and now we can clearly see a bit further so fingers crossed we're at least going to see the launch from this angle by the time it launches it would be amazing if it busted out of a fog bank you know like we've seen that before where uh the top of starship is visible but the bottom of starship is completely shrouded in fog like there are there's video from these cameras where it's just the nose cone sticking up um michael could you uh command a robotic lens cleaning here yes i'm gonna leave it on this camera while we do it too the set view is a real 9000. oh no it doesn't watch yeah check it out then it's time for login into the other system but i am on that right now and i am come on log me in only thirty thousand people are waiting for it forty three thousand wiper has been commanded all right let's see here oh yeah [Laughter] there we go 43 000 people are watching the fog thank you all for tuning in and we're hoping the fog is gonna clear in time and watching the windshield wiper on one of our robotic cameras go clip down put it on twitter yeah this this so this is one of our tracking cameras folks this camera has some really nice uh remote control capabilities really fine control of the servos and michael's written some software that does custom tracking and so this is one of our active tracking cameras and it doesn't matter if it looks up if it gets rained on it actually has the uh the wiper there to wipe the screen off it's got a little hood as well oh look look it's a palm tree palm tree's back briefly a palm tree in a yucca oh come on really again folks visibility is tough out there we are waiting for it to clear that sun is getting higher in the sky more heat or energy or i don't know i'm not a meteorologist um is ending up down there on the surface hopefully going to clear this out for us but we are live we've been live from early this morning looking at all of our different camera angles here hoping that starship doesn't launch until we can see it how's that sound i can try to hit some of these super chats real quick yeah cole uh cole says uh for it's five bucks for the nsf cubesat fund and uh uh there you go put it up there uh and then we also have agent hambo uh with two dollars australian uh some spare change for your cubesat project earlier we were joking uh maybe not joking but talking about uh the possibility and how cool it would be to have an nsf cubesat just looking down on earth that would be pretty neat yeah i see burning skin uh says uh uh here's a small step into making nsf multi-planetary that's uh tin bgn i'm not sure what that is i think you guys probably do hmm i don't know bg i don't know yeah i don't know we have a couple new members we've got uh brandon thank you very much for the support we've got uh leslie down here thank you very much for the support we've got uh brian martin thank you for the support and we also have chad d thank you everybody for that support oh here's here's a few more we got uh shelby we've got lucas we've got c full yard i don't know if i'm saying that right and captain black eagle uh let's see we've got steve morton with uh a question apologizes apologize if answered before but how comparable in size is first stage of saturn 5 and sn 11. what are those dimensions so just the first stage is what they're asking about first stage of saturn five i'm gonna try to google that yeah while you google it the funny thing about that is saturn five is the booster whereas that's in your 11 is the upper stage right you remember yeah starship is literally the spacecraft it's the upper stage whereas the uh bm1 for example in the high bay right now that's the booster so you want to compare really the saturn 5 which only had the very top part the very very very top part which was apollo on the launch board system at the very tip of the rocket and compare the saturn v with the booster and then maybe with their center 11 on top let's say oh a starship integrated a future starship integrated on it and it's taller so it's taller than the saturn v when it's integrated stack when you compare apples to apples and uh turns out starship just the starship is actually taller than the first stage of saturn five uh saturn v coming in at 42 meters or 138 feet and if i'm remembering right uh starship is 50 meters yes yeah about 50 meters and then it's when it's sitting on the test stand the test ends about another 10 meters so as we see it it's 60 meters but it's 50 meters for the vehicle itself [Music] here's one from jordo says hey chris b space shuttle that is off he knows that's my trigger word yeah but unfortunately it wasn't a question i said i can't talk for 10 minutes about some sds 93 mission or something like that yeah yeah exactly um let's see i'm just kind of scrolling through just trying to hit as many as i can um well here we go we've got matt hicks with two bucks no comment no question thank you for the support there uh see johann with uh super chat uh is it just bad weather well i guess this is kind of enough go to the closer camera i think we can see some of the wall at least let's see some of the wall at least oh hey the palm trees back maybe there's part of the tank farm yeah you can see the weather tower right in the middle there well i mean barely there's a couple pixels that are different color and they're in a straight line so um i like this one uh jr with five bucks just says uh and today on nasa space flight we present to you starship in the mist [Laughter] and ron smith with 499 mandatory this isn't bokeh chica it's vandenberg joke nice yeah uh see we've got a couple here uh davey68 just with the cool 499 right there uh simon skinner with five pounds i believe is what that symbol is hey you should know our currency [Laughter] uh let's see ava rafferty with 19.99 just saying thank you for your hard work all right you're getting interrupted because i see your head and that's exciting yes yes for the first time like 20 minutes you're going to see starship that is good what's on the left through the fog barely michael wasn't worth interrupting for i'm not sure i i mean i see it you can see the plume of vapor down but the bottom of it there is definitely a starship right there look at that a starship in there you're right and you see venting i mean it can anybody tell where that vent that's not a trivent or anything is it yeah but we should be past nothing then i don't know is that a tri event i'm just assuming we've gotten past methane at this point i don't actually know you what she's gonna launch any minute right yeah right oh see and since we don't know the exact that we haven't gotten an exact timeline in quite a while um we're trying to get us the more precise 2-0 i'm not sure exactly so i'm going to put us at 7 38 a.m central time right now instead of a t-minus because elon's last week was several hours ago but clearly they are in a countdown before launch right now all right let's see uh well this is this is an older question from i guess about an hour ago but it it's pertinent now because we're getting kind of close to a potential launch plan is to relight three inches three engines then land at two question mark and we do believe that that's the case it could be just landing on one we're just we're we're not sure uh on sn10 they lit three and then went down to one so we'll just have to kind of see what they um what they end up doing today uh let's see yeah that part of it will be interesting because it'll hopefully we'll see it yeah hopefully yeah uh we've got a super chat from gerwa jwcc thank you mary and the team fingers crossed for better visibility oh we're we're starting to see a little bit i think they need to try that look at that yeah i'm gonna update the engine trail um looks like the fog is getting definitely closer we're about to be able to see it from our cameras at the village but we're not quite there yet so when we are there although so clearly the closer camera is sort of seeing a starship right now it is you can see the starship there it's right there oh man definitely getting closer not nervous at all sing-songy voice um uh oh go ahead you got something yeah i'm i'm i'm just looking um uh i i just heard you've been reading out super chats a lot so i think go ahead i would look for something to see what we got um here um uh okay so lily with a five dollar super chat uh saying wouldn't spend my morning with anyone else if sn11 lands today and doesn't blow up lol i like that um when will bn1 uh when will bn1 roll out um which is a great question um so bn1 is uh oh and michael that it did the weird thing where i clicked it to go live and it disappeared but um uh just for your tracking purposes but uh anyway um really really good question um which uh oh my gosh i forgot the question already anyone remember what i just asked that was a fleeting moment of trying to be responsible and tell michael what had happened and losing the question um anyone remember shoot memory you asked when pn1 was going to roll out thank you thank you vn1 was going to roll out thank you um yeah so if sn 11 does land successfully there is a lot of work that needs to be done on it um in terms of safing it so we do expect that the road would remain closed so at this point if sn11 launches successfully in a few minutes and lands successfully um we would not necessarily anticipate bn1 rolling out to the pad today due to the safing requirements that would need to happen with sn11 um that being said never say never but it i i wouldn't hold out hope for that today mainly too because the um the crane needed to lift it is not at the launch pad um so the crane that they would need to literally lift it onto the launch stand to secure it is not there so we wouldn't expect that today no um big blooms yeah like there's yes looms going across the screen and every now and then there's a little bit of starship in there but you can see that the tank farm is really going chris to add to that a little bit tank zilla is actually currently on a transporter at the build site ready to roll i assume that's it pick up 11 in case 11 actually land so they can recover it as fast as possible but uh i guess it would make sense if they left tank zilla at the pad to lift bn1 or do whatever if it is in fact ready i think when i was there yesterday the scaffolding around the weld area between the two halves is still there and kind of an indicator that they're ready to roll bn1 will be when that scaffolding gets removed if that's still there i wouldn't expect it to roll quite yet um here's a good question too from mike with five dollar super chat asking will spacex's design and test philosophy need to change for mars landings uh you can't rapidly iterate when there's a seven month lead time to get there uh that is very true um but what you are seeing are the same processes that will be used on mars so starship launching off of its own engines um off the surface of mars to get itself into mars orbit um starship will perform the same type of landing um on mars that it does uh here on earth so everything that they have been um so everything that they have been um testing here is what you will see on mars so um their test um uh so their design and test philosophy is already accommodating to the fact that you can't do that type of rapid iteration that they might want on mars they want to really understand it because they want to be have a good system um they want to have a good system when um when they do go to mars so that is that a great question there um uh patrick with five dollars saying we all might not see this was about an hour ago we might not see anything today with all the craziness but thank you for all you do it makes working from home way better we're happy for that it makes working from home better for us too um i can say um uh christopher with a five pound super chat uh saying uh hey it's me again from the death star um how are the weather conditions today for sn11 uh well um it's a good thing that sn11 does not require visibility because we would have issues if it required full visibility um they can launch and land in fog um they are designed to do that um so we are just really hoping that the fog burns off here in the next 15 minutes as they head toward an anticipated liftoff here toward the top of the hour um so yeah um there's that um the wind is not a concern um that we know of it's it's it's really just the fog and even that's not a concern it's just a concern for those of us who would like to see it visually um but it's not actually a concern for the overall flight um from what we uh understand so um yep and you can see they're about 14 minutes away if everything continues to go to plan um uh do do do simon with a five pound super chat saying hi from kent england what are what kind of uh what kind of backups are presented um on sn11 if a malfunction occurs are there redundant systems etc uh yeah so uh starship does have redundant systems um if if something fails it can switch over to another one and some of its onboard systems um you know there's usually that's that's a pretty standard thing in rocketry the potential points of single point failure is what we see them continuously evolving and trying to um and trying to eliminate right like we originally saw them re-light a raptor engine and then they were like no we should relight two and then they're like no we should actually be relighting three of them um all the same way so you know like they've been trying to figure it out for how to work on those single point failures to make the vehicle more uh redundant because that is going to be the key if malfunctions occur on major systems like your engines is just having other engines up and running and ready to take over if you if needed in that regard uh uh michael with uh 20 super chat here saying listening from work in sweden let's light this candle indeed um uh there we go uh bob davis with a five dollar superstar saying jack i found my first dslr it's a canon eos rebel with a whole bunch of numbers on millimeters [Laughter] and stuff like that steven why don't you read that so you understand it yeah i was gonna say uh yeah it looks like it looks like bob got a couple of lenses got a 18 to 55 100 to 200. uh it's a crop sensor that was event there you go oh let's play with the fog guess the mystery vent um right well congratulations bob that uh you you've started down a fun path i hope i hope you really enjoy it's a good camera i actually know of uh some other launch photographers that use rebel cameras at the launch pad so you know i've always told people it's not about how much money you spend on your camera you know it's it's a it's about uh your subject your uh composition you know it's it's a lot of things that go into uh creating a good photograph indeed uh and danny oh sorry yeah oh no i was gonna jump in a lot of people asking how do we know what's going on like we've moved to engine chill and since there's no visibility um we are just going by elon's tweet in the spacex stream we didn't use the engine show though like 10 we saw a lot of vapors and we assumed that they're the engine chill but it's really hard now that that vapor on the on the left-hand side of the screen is the engine show yeah i i'm we're watching we're trying to see what's going on but basically that countdown that we have up there is based on the spacex stream and elon's tweet right yeah yeah okay that's what we're trying to see i don't do you think that they'll launch it if it's like this oh they're pressing towards it i mean are they i mean i i know visibility is like nice for us on the ground it's really not necessarily necessary from a test perspective as much as we want it to be it they can test in fog i mean this thing is supposed to be able to land like this i mean heck even the falcon 9 is supposed to be able to land like this in vandenberg um you know and and things like that so i i i'm with you dos it's odd but there doesn't appear to be any i mean there does it appear to be a a a a reason not to um i'm just i mean there's just there seems to be other things like how are you sure the pad is clear you've got to make sure you just got to make sure that everybody's there like how do you clear the beach when the weather's like this how do you make absolute sure that it's clear you could drive a truck down the beach and if somebody was parked you know 20 yards away you may not see the car parked there is just across the board these are really challenging conditions to make sure that the area is safe regardless of whether or not we can see the rocket um i really do wonder like god i'm gonna leave it at that how's that sound you will soon know the answer to whether or not they're gonna launch in this condition but i'm obviously hoping that they're gonna recycle and launch in an hour or so when it's more clear yeah still not even really seeing the uh starship top of starship peeking out of anything we're gonna see you can really see look there is a plume that's happening just to the upper left of the yucca that's blooming like you could really see motion in the gray that indicates that vapors are moving around and changing so we are uh i'm honestly getting a little excited like because this is sort of a we've got so many hours watching the tanks and it's like oh yeah look the trifens going the engine chill's going oh that means it's about 12 minutes oh look the trivent has paused the engine chill has paused and that means that it's go time in it not having any of those visual stimuluses stimuli that we we have learned to trust as our texas tank watchers observe all these tests it's almost like really there's a vent we're gonna have to do a whole new timeline based on just venting noises um is the screen gonna turn orange all of a sudden and the starship's gonna take off like who even knows at this point oh sorry i've got some adrenaline going over here y'all i don't know if you can i don't know if y'all work that out okay so we still do not have a any official t0 to report other than what elon tweeted and what we've observed so i'm going to move our timeline back to local time because i don't want to say it's t-minus seven minutes and it launches in two minutes um this does not mean there's been a hold or any kind of issue it just means we don't know exactly when the next five minutes there's going to be a launch based on a lack of recent official information as soon as we get official information from spacex we will bring back our t-minus clock we're flying blind here chad we're flying blind like quite literally i'm frantically checking all the different cameras to see if this i mean you can just barely see the tops of the tanks there every now and then hi i like this super chat here five euros from uh jory uh says you guys better start designing your own spacecraft we need jack and mary on the scene when the first crude starship lands on mars that's great and it did that thing where it didn't pop up there sorry about that y'all that happens yeah these things happen sometimes you know sometimes super chats don't show up on the screen sometimes fog shows up and we can't see starship all kinds of things can happen you never know what you're going to get when you tune into a nasa space flight stream here i guess right it'll be a good time though in in india it's always a good time with us what are we talking about always a good time it's always a good time uh i'm happy that that palm tree is waving yeah i know right go ahead let me get right yeah let me keep running through some super chats here while we wait um uh for more information you actually uh check the back channel please i have an important message for you gotcha uh under the stars oh go go ahead no go go go ahead go ahead king under the stars with that with 10 bucks i just said so is elon go to work uh going to work on an ftl bubble drive i don't know what a bubble drive is but i see an lol after that so oh i gotcha i gotcha yeah okay so well i see an lol so i know that that's not serious good because i don't i don't know about that there we go [Laughter] scott scott gilmore with two bucks wants to see some v-necks in the store so there you go uh captain spanky uh with 4.99 says so when palm tree hop [Laughter] thank you guys for entertaining an informative stream i love to watch history being made with y'all well we appreciate you being here let's see uh that taco guy with 10 bucks says happy birthday to you guys you do an amazing job and hope this channel and site continue for decades to come thank you very much that taco guy we do too yeah and we're going to focus in on launch now as we approach what could be about four minutes from launch a starship s11 possibly less we are expecting an official update from spacex here momentarily um yes we are at four minutes right yep we are we are at four minutes and counting so all is doing well yes that's fantastic that is absolutely fast doing this spacex come on no whoops i just clicked wrong button sorry about that come on to this we're gonna have to uh have the spreadsheet folks uh listen to the sounds and try to determine what what each vent sound is for the for the future okay so it looks like our camera is better than spacex better than speed way better so don't go anywhere and we're gonna we're gonna pipe in the spacex onboard cameras if they have them but right now we have the best camera view so there's the tree theirs is blurry and covered in water so ours is at least not blurry we've got that going for us which is nice but yes we will pipe in the spacex views as yes they get views as starship ascends to the fog really quickly i'm just going to run a little bit of a test here and there is that official clock and michael that is the timing that i am getting it from spacex so our clock is different yeah our feed is more our cameras are lower latency yeah lower latency let's go back to our camera here and we are watching all of the different things here but spacex is still going apparently that's that's recording that's recording yeah crossing the two minute mark now i i'm honestly not exactly sure how to deal with this i know um they are confirmed uh we do have confirmation that everything is good uh propellant load is done at this time the vehicle is in closeouts um and getting ready for a lift off about a minute 40 from now okay well there you go yeah yeah uh michael be prepared on the tracking camera to look up hopefully it goes yeah hopefully it clears out and as it gets higher maybe it'll appear up there somewhere so maybe stay real wide and then be ready to acquire that if this thing actually goes yeah uh yeah crossing one minute now um things still okay on their on the countdown i literally don't know what to do um how many people are watching us right now by the way oh geez that requires a click that i don't know it's a 69 862. there you go good good all right we are under a minute um everything continues to look good here um so i'm going to stop talking and um about 30 seconds to go i'll chime in if there's anything else to say we've got that real-time audio and that's being recorded on a separate channel as well so we can listen to it after the fact this camera you're looking at is about five to six hundred feet from the from the rocket which is on the left-hand side of the screen right now you can sort and see the outline i think if you look carefully just above the railing and the three yuccas but unfortunately we may not get very many views of this very exciting launch but we're gonna hear it that way here we go here we go of course our account all right okay did it launch okay all right it it lifted off i did it it did are you sure it has lifted it has lifted off yes it is climbing okay they are 11 seconds into the flight uh yes they are 11 seconds into the flight we have three good raptors up and running on board starship sn11 as it climbs [Music] our microphone heard the launch look at that uh starship climbing up from out of the cloud deck in boca chica or starbase you can see some of the landing legs they are over a kilometer up everything going well michael do you do you have it on yeah oh yeah if i did we did not have it on any camera okay so we are definitely we're watching the spacex feed here everything continuing to go well um again we are coming up now on the point where the first raptor engine will be shut down um this is normal so you will see it shut down and immediately gimble away from um from the spacecraft as well and that is anticipated right and then they will shut down a second one and climb up to at the 10 kilometer apogee or highest point in the flight on just the single remaining raptor before doing the uh the belly flop transition there okay yeah who's surprised that it's actually going right now i'm raising my hand over here not me this is the flex they can do it in any weather conditions all right here comes the shutdown of the first raptor engine so we're going to be ready for that all righty it was amazing look at that it really is look at that and here comes the shutdown you can see the one raptor shutdown the other two gimbals to compensate yep that's expected they have a confirmed good shutdown on that engine and a good remaining two and you can see they're throttled now you can see how um how much wider the expansion cone is on those engines not just as they have climbed higher into lower air pressure but also the throttling capability of the raptors as well is on is in view here and hey i know both mary and jack i know y'all are both pushing feeds i do copy that and i'm watching y'alls feeds as well it looks like neither marion or jack has a visibility um all of our cameras don't have visibility so we are watching spacex's on vehicle cameras here y'all looking down at the plume and the cloud cover that the fog layer that starship sn11 just launched out of and they have passed seven kilometers in altitude so they are continuing the ascent on two engines all is well right now ah and yep and here we go coming up we have a shutdown uh confirmed shutdown of the second uh raptor engine so they are on the final one and coasting up to apogee so some things that will happen here um that remaining single raptor engine will do the reorientation to the belly flop maneuver and will around the same time that they also transition to the methane and liquid oxygen header tanks for the landing burn um and that will happen right around the same time that starship reorients to um to its belly flop orientation it looks like spacex there has lost the vehicle video so we're going to look at a palm tree and i'm watching as soon as we get video from spacex we'll be back on it yep so they are experiencing dropouts on the onboard cameras starship is at altitude at 10 kilometers and is um hovering and beginning the reorientation maneuver now we think yep yep telemetry shows that the reorientation has occurred and we are belly flopping back to the ground so basically if you are just joining us okay then here come the all right here comes the um cameras back again but uh starship is belly flopping and they have good visual on it now starship is belly flopping it's six kilometers in altitude and falling fast back toward the ground now you can see the arrow surfaces moving there and those vapors are from the engine section so this is impressive look at this look how it rolls itself you can tell it's horizontal because there's blue sky above and then fog and clouds below that's how you and they actually just and they actually just confirmed over the audio loop that it's cross-ranging as they had expected it to be this is good um so far so um we should be about a minute from the landing now give or take two kilometers in altitude maybe a little bit earlier than that but here we go through two kilometers so we're gonna have reignition of all three engines and let's watch and see what happens with the landing there are the kilometer in altitude so here we go engines are getting ready here they go there was an orange look at that flying debris and pieces of starship there's stuff smoking on the ground in front of the camera i switched to it here we didn't get anything there is debris actively ringing around the camera you can hear it on the mic there was uh all sorts of pieces you can see smoking pieces directly in front of the camera right there that white thing down on the ground was not there before and there was dirt flying you could see the camera framing moved the camera got hit by something to us yeah i was i was watching it live and stop the thing at the camera luckily okay can you guys hear me jack we can yeah that pretty sure he said that was awesome um all right hang on hang on let me lost the clock at t plus uh it has been a quote exciting test of starship sn number 11. um the confirmation from spacex that it went boom um they they do not know um they don't have any other information right now but um the the clock stopped at five minutes 49 seconds mission elapsed time and we're working on pulling replays off of this camera here right now um i was watching the other thing we had the spacex thing and then it froze at 5 49 is where we lost it just like you said chris uh yeah had an exciting time let's put it yes it did and it's still there it's still there thankfully now i wanna i wanna check in jack and mary i know both of y'all are incomes listening um are both of y'all good like did y'all hear that any indication i just want to check in jack you jack said it was awesome mary was in a different position so mary if you're there could you check in in text to just let us know um that you heard that and you're good to go over there okay mary said she she just checked in and she said she heard it but she couldn't see anything okay we had jack and mary both out there y'all and that was definitely uh it came in hot somewhere around the the facility here but both jack and mary have checked in now good deal sorry yeah we were all good there and two and to just sort of walk through now that we know that mary and jack are good um we knew they were because they were outside of the blast danger zone but we always check in with our people on the ground yeah absolutely absolutely yeah um but um yeah so just a very brief recap from what we know um nine minutes 22 seconds ago starship sn11 lifted off um from pad b suborbital pad b it climbed as expected um under the power of three then two then one raptor engine it reoriented to the belly flop orientation and successfully navigated itself through that element of the landing profile um however what we do know is that at least one raptor engine lit for the landing burn but um the video the time codes and everything that spacex has said stopped right around that point at t plus um uh four minutes and 59 uh or like 5 49 or something like that mission elapsed time so um no real firm understanding on exactly what happened of course we didn't have visual on the vehicle um because of the fog when it happened but um did look like one wrapped our engine lit for the landing but that something went wrong after that point and of course we heard and saw our camera there at the launch pad getting hit with some debris i'm getting the footage right now the camera is getting hits no the camera occurs yeah no no exactly yeah and there's there's shrapnel pieces flying in front of the camera yes um this is a stainless steel going by there was huge plumes of dirt that were getting picked up and i am not sure that the solar array in front of our panel is alive yeah there was a uh 200 watts of solar pointed at south and we're north of the pad here and i am betting you dollars to donuts that those solar panels definitely took a hit not that they're doing much right now yeah i heard a i heard a thump that sounded like when you actually tap a microphone yeah i don't know i don't know if that was when it got hit but that when i heard it that's what it sounded like to me no there's there's like there were there was dirt it looks like stuff was hitting the dirt around the camera and there were plumes of dirt spew it looked like bullets hitting around it and hitting the camera lens that was incredible that really was the crash oh my god it was just non-stop like explosions and whatnot i mean not like a big explosion but it sounded like lots and lots of continuous small explosions yeah um we recorded that separately as well so we'll have that clean audio recorded on yeah this server right here was recording that we're just going to have to publish a video with just this camera and the raw audio amazing tracking footage but okay that's good to go all right wow good time well i mean exciting is the correct word i think this has been a learning experience for all of us we know that they will launch with zero visibility yeah so so let let's i i think what i actually want to talk about now is let's let's talk about this because we do talk a lot about it's a test campaign but you know i i think it's also fair in terms of all the other systems that we talk about as well to say you know like you know they're going to need to see what happened on this one but to me this is a more concerning failure than the other ones um you know we do talk a lot about you know early on like you can have flights that you get lucky right and there might be something that's a one in ten failure that you just don't know about until you start flying entirely possible um and i don't want to speculate as to what went wrong but you know they seem to have been making some slight progress right along the way like oh we had a pressurization issue so we went to fix that and then we had a raptor issue so we went to fix that and then helium got ingested so we're looking at that i i don't know but based on where this failed though this would be slightly more um this to me strikes me as slightly more of a big deal um in terms of how they're going to test going forward and of course without knowing what changes are coming to sn15 etc we can't speculate but you know you know eventually we need to see these things land successfully um and i know it's only the fourth one and this is very different from how we've been doing but you know like i think this might they're gonna go look at the data but this this is one that makes me wonder if a larger change isn't coming because something clearly isn't working here with the flip and burns so one thing i will say chris is that sn15 has a lot of upgrades related to right propulsion so what i've heard is that sn15 has a lot of signatures already from the lessons learned right so hopefully sm15 will be more reliable and also one thing we'll say do not go anywhere yet because yes dog is going to clear we are not allowed to move this camera around or else of course we will be checking out where the debris is but we're obviously going to respect the rules of this camera but our other cameras which are not on spacex property we will as soon as the fog clears we will look around and see if we can tell where s1011 came down yeah definitely and i'm being quiet as we uh as we pull some of the footage here gotcha wow yeah thank you could anybody give me a time that that happened like what time exactly did that occur uh roughly fourth uh roughly five um 49 i think it was yeah i think that's right i think it was five forty nine was when it froze yeah uh sorry um the like the the local time that it's that it hit that it exploded it should have been yeah 10 minutes 10 10 minutes ago 905 906 or sorry 805 806 local 805 806 local thank you i i get what you're doing now and why yeah no i'm trying that way yeah i'm sorry so many things going on the camera definitely took a hit like this something physically impacted the tripod or camera like the entire camera got got dunked basically oh man we're working on it we're working on it we're gonna get this here well once the area has been cleaned up and deemed safe and they open the road i think jack and mary will have some damage assessment to do yes yeah yeah we're we're working on that right now oh my gosh the cameras both the camera and the microphone are still live right now um ticking signal is fine we didn't even drop signal on this it was like perfectly good signal the entire time yeah i was wondering if the raptors were going to just throughout the signal but the entire time like you said it was fine and even on that anomaly with the debris flying the uplink all right so we i'm literally downloading the files right now so that we can show them is everyone weights with baited breath yeah geez like i want to see the impact force based on how you laughed i'm just i'm just saying i would i was watching everything and we were on the spacex feed because that's what we could see but the camera definitely took a hit like our camera definitely took not a direct hit but there was some splash damage that occurred gotcha love it i'm gonna be i'm gonna be fk for a couple minutes i'll be back soon okay i am almost positive that the solar panels are covered in dirt from something that hit nearby there are a couple super chats that are uh directly mentioning uh equipment replacement here [Laughter] sasha flies with 10 bucks towards solar panel uh let me see andrew with 20 bucks towards robot solar panel fund we appreciate that yeah yeah thank you ir geek also for more panels wow ian kenny yeah yeah thank you guys we we really appreciate that because it's possible that some new equipment may be required well you know something the thing about these robots is that the solar panels we picked them up from harbor freight oh yeah didn't we didn't go and spend or 2 000 on all these expensive batteries and stuff like that it's like man going down to harbor freight buy some solar panels and a zip tie set of zip ties and let's get this thing done um god it's uh the video's coming down this is gonna be a good time i have i have a bunch of management stuff i have to clean up before i can present from the screen so this is yeah it did it did seem to stop like like we got we got one raptor ignition and then i'm not sure if we saw the uh either of the other two ignite all i can say is we got super lucky yes that camera could have been completely annihilated had it been at the wrong place at the wrong time but pretty much with in a lot of places when that starship came down i'm telling you after we get the video we're going to call this danger cam sorry you jinxed it that's that was your name suggestion beforehand and i think had you gone with my idea that would not have happened what no i'm trying to see because on our on our tracking robot i did not see anything until the end i thought i saw a flash and i need to double check the recording i was taking because i think my initial reaction was that flash looked like it was above the ground but i need to go back and watch it could be misremembering the audio though you could hear that the shrapnel tinkling down around the uh around the microphone and stuff like that i think michael you're right i have the big multi view you know what i mean um i have the big multi-view thing and uh i was able to see the sky light up in orange at some point like i saw a big orange uh the sky turned orange let's leave it at that uh the uh mars cam could not really see anything but it did have one like it had one big shake so really sound hit it so there was at least that would seem to indicate there was one you know major explosion followed by several that we'll see yeah the audiences all right i feel like dos is just sitting there watching it with holding no i'm not i'm i'm i'm rapidly i know you're not i'm just joking no i i i i our heads went in very similar position or very similar directions but just different ways i was about to make a joke on like oh man did i miss it oh i got up for two minutes oh wow okay i've just had like like 30 seconds here 30 seconds okay i know everyone wants to see what it's like for a camera like this to get hit with debris yeah i know i do i've placed many cameras at launch pads and while i definitely don't want any of my cameras to be hit by debris i would be curious to see what it looks like yeah all right that's that that's all clear fire that up there we go let's get the framing correct there you go all right okay let's bring back over that other uh server up here and hey nasa space flight you should be getting the preview back now let me take a second to come back up and let me make sure we're back on the primary here go ahead and do this and that should put us on the primary i'm just confirming that we're there hey what's up chad how y'all doing whoop super busy here doing things and stuff let me know if you can hear me now should be 5x5 again i am getting it live and it looks good chat's just a little bit slower than everybody else yep chat you're too slow you can hear us just fine some of you have bad internet connections it seems we should be back we had a little bit of an anomaly there as we tried to load up the replay footage but uh we should be good to go sorry about the little brief hiccup there but that's why we have a backup server so we uh should be back live you should have the view from across the pad there which is still alive and we're ready to roll a replay of the impact now everybody else on the call good here yeah i got you all right okay so now that we're back nominal here folks we're seeing uh the tank farm in our favorite palm tree and our three yucca plants there i hope those are yuccas i think they're yuccas but uh we if you're just re just joining us wondering what's going on sn11 did take off but it had a hard impact it did not come down in one piece um we did not have any visibility of it spacex lost their cameras the vehicle cameras showed nothing all the spacex remote cameras didn't have any visibility but here is what we got and michael let's get ready to go uh replay mode if we could we're going to pull this up slightly confusing scene here but we definitely want the whole thing in frame all right i'm actually going to go to the uh to the beach cam really quick i think just so we have a different background for to show everything yeah just because it'll be double palm trees right all right so here we go this is the footage from the nasa space flight danger close camera this was right there across the street from the uh test site right placed there with permission from spacex but this is the view that that camera caught not of the launch but this is about 20 seconds before whatever happened happened right let's get that playing palm tree is smooth that's what we like to see so you'll know when it happens and then watch because it takes time for the shrapnel to arrive but again this is a replay this is a replay of the anomaly of sn11 got some orange something happened hard to tell exactly where that came from oh there's whoa that's where the solar panels were were being the key phrase yeah look at that there we took a hit oh that was the hit yeah because it reorganized the piece is coming down yep that was the hit wow [Laughter] you got smoking shrapnel on the ground that was not there before but that is what our close-in camera caught i'm gonna do it one more time here that plume of dirt though the plume of dirt please the plume of dirt yeah and is there a tweet from elon can somebody be checking that if there's a tweet from elon looking and looking yeah i'd be surprised so far high production rate solves the many ills at least the crater is in the right place so it must have landed on landing zone we'll land it as in crash on landing zones at least the crater's in the right place nice because because what that means is if crater's in the right place that that to me would indicate it's elon's way of saying nothing critical got hit yeah which is very important because man you you hit something critical on the way down and that could be months to repair it you know whereas yeah if it hit the landing pad all right pour some more concrete you know there is a pretty sizable chunk of stainless steel that is between the fence and the tank farm here you can see it cartwheel i'm just gonna keep this on replay here but uh that's the flash i'm not gonna say oh that flash looked like it was in the air or not there's the first piece fell right there there's a big piece that big plume of dirt and then watch there's a big piece of stainless steel cartwheeling oh god and then there's the kit like there's another piece but watch here watch watch the right there it goes behind that cat generator yeah yeah stainless steel falling out of the sky so i guess it is worth mentioning crater in the right place doesn't necessarily mean nothing there was damaged just that crater in the right place means if it was going to fail at least it came down in the like the best possible spot yeah platform or anything like that right and again this is based off elon's tweet saying at least the crater is in the right spot you know wow well we we couldn't see the launch from this camera but it definitely provided an interesting view so there's there's a little bit of a flash when the launch occurs like it gets orange right right you know we were trying to at first we were trying to figure out did it launch did it did it not launch is it was that just like the engines ignited that it didn't actually go anywhere they shut down and then you were listening into the webcast and you confirmed that it launched that's how we knew right yes yes i mean their webcast didn't even show it lifting off the the indication that it had lifted off was when the countdown went positive it didn't stop i mean that was literally it like uh yeah because i don't i the the cameras that i was watching on the feed like spacex's cameras on the ground didn't even have a visual of it oh yeah it was it was it was once it cleared the fog deck we got the internal engine camera like finally was clear enough to show us the engines i mean they yeah spacex didn't even go to that shot until after it was above the cloud back chris chris the yucca took a hit oh where look there's a yucca stuff oh there's one right here right here look it takes a hit from a piece of shrapnel and it cuts the top off that yucca watch this i really hope those are yuccas wham oh yeah dang whoo oh jeez um i mean this is literally like what you're looking at like you know there's a reason we sign agreements yeah you know there is there's a reason there's a reason we understand this is a risk um yeah and things like that because i mean look at where this came down and what the camera was able to capture like this camera easily could have been i mean an inch more the one that actually hit the camera like an inch half a meter you know like like like how you know a centimeter more one direction that could have been a camera-ending hit to us i mean it is literally luck of the draw sometimes where these things are placed where one right next to you can be destroyed and yours is somehow fine i mean it's liter it can literally be luck of the draw when things like this happen yeah i'm trying so this camera doesn't have the sound embedded in this video y'all let me see if there's some way that i can pull i don't have a way to play the stereo audio let's put it that way if i pipe it in over my headset it's not going to come through stereo for you all because my communications channel is a mono channel so let me work on a way to uh let me work on a way to get you all that stereo audio and maybe if i get that audio too brady it can be cut together with this video here that might be a thing but i'm going to work on that what do you all want me to do in the meantime while i go take some time do you want me to leave it just on the pad cam keep replaying this what do you all want the fog is getting worse unfortunately i'm hoping it's going to clear soon so that we can get a ideally our camera at the beach that's the best shot of landing zone um that is totally fogged out right now it looks like from the village cameras the fog is getting worse i don't know maybe just go back to the to the camera by the pad the danger cam and we can at least look at a live picture it has something in the foreground we'll put it that way this is this is from the beach and it is still completely fogged out there so we'll leave it on a danger cam here like this and i am going to pull that audio and get it to see if we can't cut that together into uh i just want to be able to play the stereo i didn't even think about that i was recording it but i didn't even think about the workflow for pulling the audio off that recording server and then getting it up i'm gonna handle that right now though you all take it away and replay uh image michael okay in the meantime but it's i'm not entirely sure if dn1 is actually going to be tested or not that information seems to be changing by today and right now it's a bit on third so i'm not i'm not sure which starship will be next or which super heavy will be next on the test stand but we do know that sn15 the next starship is the one that is expected to also do a test flight but with many upgrades to improved reliability if you're wondering why it goes from sn11 to s15 sn 12 13 and 14 were all very similar models of starship to sn11 and with s and 15 coming along which was a more advanced kind of a major block upgrade spacex right to 15. so starship sn15 will be the next starship vehicle to be tested but there could also be that super heavy prototype coming down the pipeline as well hey guys uh thomas here and i'm back and i've got an update to bring i think oh wow elon has given some more details here this is from elon musk on twitter uh looks like engine 2 had issues on ascent and didn't reach operating chamber pressure during the landing burn but in theory it wasn't needed something significant happened shortly after landing burns start should know what it was or should know what it was once we can examine the bits later today examine the bits nice so an issue on an engine during ascent but that shouldn't have affected the landing and then something happened shortly after landing burns start that shows you the i mean there is some redundancy of the vehicle there e1 says that engine 2 had issues on ascent did you notice that no because starship kept on just fine by throttling beyond the raptors presumably to compensate and said he also said that the chamber pressure issue on engine 2 was not something that would have prohibited a landing because of the redundancy with the multiple engines of course then elon also added that something significant happens yeah so it sounds like two different issues or that engine two issue got worse during the landing burn and actually caused like a vehicle destruction or something i don't know but um yeah so it sounds like hopefully no more later today all right if only it was clear yeah certainly would have been nice to see get a good visual of it but um the telemetry should hopefully get give a full picture to spacex at least and hopefully we'll get some of those details shared well welp well [Laughter] and we didn't say this might happen uh that there would be setbacks during the development process it's not going to be linear where every single uh test improves on where the previous i shouldn't say linears it's not going to always be upward sloping that's what i should say right yeah where every uh with every future test improves on the one before it there will be times where there are setbacks and you know you take two steps forward and then you take a step back on the next test or something like that so i would consider that this test was definitely a step back i don't think there's much question about it but that being said i have no doubt that spacex will be able to recover from this position and obviously make the future starship successful so i'm not at all worried about the starship program in itself but today's test flight was obviously not as it did not go as well as they would have hoped for it to go given the previous test flights right and but the other item to keep in mind is that starting with starship sn15 we know there are some upgrades coming with that version um and going forward so spacex already had increased confidence in those starships um and so these it's possible that today's anomaly was related to persisting issues that have already been fixed but just not fixed on this particular vehicle so that's another thing to keep in mind is that they were testing an already slightly outdated design so hopefully the data from today is useful but we'll have higher hopes for future vehicles to be a more refined design and be more reliable and start hitting some more milestones i will say though that we had despite the fog i think we had pre i think our coverage was about as good as we could have done so i'm proud of the team for the good work oh my god with the weather with the weather conditions i don't know how it could how it could have been any better i mean we got the great i mean you know pad cam somehow survived we got great video from from this camera danger cam whatever you want to call it i have like five words for it but dangerous i like enhanced camp but anyways uh i i think our v our video was about as good as we could have done keeping the circumstances well and i just have to say major props to jack and mary for setting it at what apparently was the exact correct point to get love tapped by debris but not like take it out low tapped by debris a little kiss from the debris if you will yeah and i will say great job to dos as well because we did not we did not know if we were going to have this camera position available to us but dos worked very hard and many long hours to rush this camera and get to poker chica in time and if we did not have this camera today we would have been in big trouble yeah we uh it's still labeled in all my interfaces where i control the robots and stuff it's still able to rush cam um i put this one together from parts that we had on hand because we always have a backlog right but we sort of schedule when we're gonna build the next camera based on other live streams and where we're gonna put it and all this sort of stuff right and we had the parts on hand and i put it together in 24 hours from the parts that we had and got it in the mail and to bocachiga so from the time that we decided to the time that it was in the mail toboka was it was it was like a day and a half or something like that but we got it done so i am very happy with the with its performance good job danger in enhanced danger cam can we settle on that maybe michael like compromise enhanced danger camp in the hand stage we can but we're still waiting for the fog to clear i'm hoping it's going to happen but not any it's getting worse at the moment but sometimes i guess the fog gets better before it gets worse i will also say thank you to chat for being understanding with the phone people actually were surprisingly understanding and not like moaning and complaining about the fog because obviously if we could clear the fog you can 100 guarantee that we would but unfortunately we cannot control the weather so it was what it was but we made the best of it hey if we can have a windmill out there for power we can just run the turbine enough blow it away right i was just gonna say something like that contacts at the nro for their weather machine [Laughter] and hence why i chose it oh good times hey i want to say real quick um the fact that we sort of chuckle and stuff like that doesn't mean that we don't take this seriously we know the area is clear we know that this was safe there was no human life at risk here clearly if this had come down in the village or south padre it would absolutely positively not be a laughing matter but elon said that the crater's in the right spot elon sort of making light of it with a comment like that and we we chuckle about it as well i mean debris hitting the camera it's serious business but i i will say personally i'm a little bit more comfortable having a little bit of a chuckle to let some of the adrenaline out because we know that there are multiple layers of safety protocols to make sure that nobody gets injured when things like this happen you know i wanted to make that clear to everyone really quick yeah there's an extremely low risk that this test flight damages anyone or anything other than spacex property there's a reason the faa exists whether people like it or not even elon has admitted that or not admitted but he has stated that it is a useful agency uh when it works the way he wants it to work i guess but he has acknowledged that it does serve a useful function and that is to be a third or a second set of eyes make sure that all the dots and check marks and whatnot are placed in the right place before a test flight like this and like from all indications we can see all proper safety protocols were handled from today's test flight and the vehicle came down where it was expected to just a little bit harder a little a little bit harder it's a hard landing thus laughing at debris hitting his robotic cameras though is how the robotic uprising starts just for the record i know right hey i built them i built them to last out there okay help environment and they are well prepared to uh to handle it so it's it it sends sn11 coming down and it was like blast shields activate activate hey i want to do this uh really quickly here i'm just i'm just resizing the replay again but i'm wondering if we can't identify some of the debris that came down in front of the camera so we're going to switch over to the replay one more time like that this is the replay again and this is just before it happened and there was some debris that looks sort of familiar let me see if i can find it i'm just next framing it here okay i should get the big orange i think i can go forward to the flash oh come on i had it right on it i guess it is there came a piece i should not be moving this camera when you're doing that sorry oh all right so there's that's the first p piece of debris some sort of wire u-shaped conduit stiffening ring i'm not exactly sure what that is but this is where it starts to come down um let's see here i wonder if we could calculate how quickly it's falling there's a bird in the frame too poor bird get out of dodge flying in the right direction at least yeah and then things start to happen here that piece bounced you can see it down there at the yuccas a little bit i don't quite have this exactly framed correctly that's better all right so that piece did a little spin down there okay there comes a piece looks like a scalpel pretty sure it's not though um so there is another piece that comes down that is the piece that nails the yucca oh yeah is that bird frozen it can't be okay here comes a big chunk that is a huge chunk that looks like this a ripped off piece of skirt and a landing lake does it look like a landing leg it is a landing leg you're right thomas there it clears up right we got an actual like an actual frame there that it looks an awful light a lot like a landing leg doesn't it yeah you can kind of see the uh the the ridges on the inside it looks like this is the inside of the skirt right yeah yeah landing leg deployed question mark so is this the landing leg right here i mean it's hard to tell but it kind of looks like it let's see where it hits like get a sense of scale is this further towards the tank farm or is this closer i wonder if it's going to fall on the far side of the fence or the near side of the fence it really does look like the landing leg hanging down from a piece of skirt doesn't it you can almost see the foot pad there right oh look at that it cleared up you could definitely see the sort of ribbing on the inside of that that really does look like a landing leg to be very clear i highly doubt the landing legs actually deployed it probably got thrown out by whatever the explosion was but i think that is what that is it's behind the the light yeah so i would imagine those containers or buildings no no it is not oh it's in between them so it's between okay is it on the near or far side of the fence so there's the ultra boom wait what how's that the next frame coding glitch yeah okay so some frames there must have got messed up maybe it'll bounce looks in front though all right i don't think that vlc likes the next frame thing here certainly that wasn't another piece that was like an incomplete oh it looks like it looks like it bounced uh on the near side of the crane like between the the ultra boom and the uh in the fence maybe tell i can't tell about the fence but it did look like it was on this side of the of the ultra boom yeah vlc really does hate frame by frame you're right about that and here is the dirt from near where our solar panels got hit yeah i think i think that that's vlc messing up with the frame by frame yeah i'm watching the see because here's the thing it does not happen yeah it doesn't do that yeah this is just vlc messing up all right well we'll have to come up with a better way to bring it to a premiere and do it and elongate tweet is that sn15 rolls through launch pad in a few days it has hundreds of design improvements across structures avionics software and engine hopefully one of those improvements covers this problem if not then retrofit will add a few more days so snn 15 will be heading to the launch pad shortly is the answer to our questions there you go very cool so that sounds like not bn1 then that's what was what i'm also reading from that like unless i mean there are two beds of course he was responding to was uh when sn15 would go well the question is the question was after cleanup you rule out sn15 perhaps bn12 so he did not answer to be in one part of the question but did you have two test stands yeah so i guess i could actually do both but um interesting i've just got it playing back in uh super slow-mo now i just queued it back and this is uh about five seconds before the flash so just just keep on talking while we i'm just you know rolling the video i got well there's been a lot more super chats coming in uh donating to the new equipment fund so thanks again everybody we appreciate that uh paul uh here i'll throw that one up uh 15 bucks said what an infrared camera see through the fog i don't know what would it well a spacex if i think if it would if it had worked well spacex would have had one that's what i would say i mean they we ha i have seen them used at vandenberg for launches in the fog but generally the ones you see used at you know an air force base an air force station cost hundreds of thousands of dollars so i don't think that's within our budget yeah might not even be within boca chica's budget that was a big hit though that was that hit yeah and that i mean there are only three things that are exposed there there's the tripod and then there is the camera itself that's up on top of the tripod and there's the antenna mast so something had to physically impact one of those three things the solar panels are separate those are on the ground they're like ground deploy the main battery box is separate on the ground there's a separate controller box on the ground but one of those three things had to take a hit and it'll be interesting to see what happened just in case you're right with a dollar ninety-nine said the view from inside the lox tank was awesome yes that was cool that was new i don't think we had seen a view from inside the lox tank before if i had to guess if they have had them internally before oh i'm sure yeah but i think what happened what happened was they were stuck on the onboard cameras because they didn't have their uh what's it called their normal tracking cameras so we that might have been why we saw it for the first time today i'm not sure it had the the cool lights in there like falcon 9 does sometimes when they switch to that that view it's got these cool blue lights in there but it'll be interesting to go back later and uh and look at that it was only on the screen for a few seconds but it was pretty neat wow i mean it is just raining debris look at that it just keeps coming down good times so we are continuing to stay live right now hoping that the fog clears but as you can see back to the live view from the beach cam here we still don't have any visibility anywhere right michael it's actually worse than it was earlier yeah it definitely has gotten worse i've been cycling through all of our camera angles trying to see which one has any visibility and unfortunately only the closest the danger camera has any sort of shot but yeah look at this it's it's just fog so we'll just leave it on this one for now um what's our plan here given that the fog may not be clearing as rapidly as we thought i mean we do have the view of the tank farm here but what is our what is our plan for the stream my stomach just growled literally as you were saying that my stomach goes burr whenever we decide the opposite is going to happen in reality so yeah right to wrap up the thought wasn't clear in 10 minutes if we decide to stay alive the fog is not going to go away that's usually how it works well then i think we know how to play that game just it's like don't tell the universe oh no we just did yeah good deal i think uh let's let's keep reading some super chats and answering some questions for just a little bit of time here i think some of us are probably gonna need to to disconnect here i know chris was hanging out for a while and i think he's taken off to work on some article or other related stuff um we still have thomas here right thomas you're still here for a little bit yeah okay good deal since steven's still here michael's still here yeah i can answer questions just throw them my way while i work on some other things yeah all right let's see uh go ahead oh no i was gonna say i'll volunteer to read through some of them um i know you all have been holding it down while i'm uh looking at this but yeah i can answer questions if you have the panel up that would be useful yeah good deal well uh david uh with 20 euros said why do they do it in the flaw in the fog well because because they can rockets can launch in the fog they do it all the time i am seeing a lot of people jumping to clues like oh they shouldn't have launched in fog that was clearly the issue i can almost guarantee fog had almost no effect on what happened today fog does not cause engine issues and fog does not cause whatever failure occurred during the landing sequence um this is that they they will get all the data they need from the telemetry that they received and then inspecting the debris on the ground fog i mean is it possible that they would know what happened quicker if they had good visibility maybe but they'll still get all the information that they need and yeah so that that's not really it's not fair to say that the fog was actually a major component here yeah i agree with that they would have launched it if it was like oh no the radar can't see through the fog send it anyways like that's not how that would have gone down you know falcon 9 has launched or landed in total fog abandoned no problem and falcon 9 has a similar radar base landing system yeah all right some of these are super old there's no way we can read them all i'm gonna make sure we don't miss any anything there y'all but uh danny colon says way hey and up she rises i think that's the erlai in the mourn there thank you danny for the support from new zealand matthew thank you for joining us as well uh definitely not cancelled the launch happened and then sn11 cancelled itself i'm gonna go all the way down to the bottom of the queue here steve cooper appreciates you as well pandemic given the trajectory of the debris is there a possibility this road could have happened at the moment of engineering light and not at ground impact pandemic i think we're going to wait till we get more information on that with the fog we don't want to speculate you know what altitude this happened at what exactly occurred the information from elon says the crater was in the right spot so it had to have been near the targeted landing zone and until there's more detailed information i don't think we're going to speculate much more on that um let's see here nicholas says what's the best way to contact you guys twitter dms usually nicholas i love watching all the coverage and as a camera installer i have some laying around hey nice um twitter dms are good i'm k space academy on twitter just like the letter k then space academy nicholas and if it has to do with cameras shoot me a dm my dms are open over there on twitter i will put that here really quickly this is twitter.com k space academy is that right yeah there you go that's a good way dms are open shoot me a message of course now i'm gonna get a thousand messages and i can't answer them all but if you're offering me a camera hey sure um appreciate the support there uh neurostream says is it possible to trade out a higher frame rate a higher final output framework to use real-time astrophotography staffing algorithms cut through some moving fog wait what higher final output frame rate oh like some sort of video processing to try and see through the fog i'm not aware of something that can take a gray screen and then show you what's on the other side of it but i don't i don't know a lot of times we try to play with contrast and stuff like that to to get a little bit more contrast when it's super foggy but if the fog is just physically blocking all the photons or scattering all the photons there's not much that we can do there yeah lightroom has a dehaze slider but you still need something to work with does it slide to 11 like slide it all the way to 11. uh hey am tank put me down for rudd or fts prior to ground impact i do it's not like a pot going or anything like that but uh we appreciate you there camera lens is correct i don't think our camera lens is correct our camera lens is looking good i saw that one too i don't think it's cracked yeah i don't know wait is it on the screen right now i mean i assume they're talking about this camera yeah but is there a crack this camera would be physically knocked over on its side before the glass of this game of it would crack like you would have to really nail it to crack the glass um let's see here big red pill we appreciate you giving us money and i'm not reading what you're saying uh safe danger bot allison phillips thank you so much there as well for the canadian five dollars um william contino fifty dollars for william here for new equipment sebarino with some euros a lot of memberships there as well cristiano and peter appreciate the support of kyle monsoon or monson actually five dollar tribute to our robot overlords i'm just i'm just scrolling through folks grabbing some of them there's no way we can get them all let's see here's gian carlos janos says encourage people to watch the spacex footage on twitter you can see fire on the engine during ascent now a lot of times small fires on the insulation and in the engine bays are perfectly normal that's just something that happens right thomas yeah yeah there's there a lot of almost all rocket engines are built to withstand a little bit of fire up on its plumbing and in the engine bay um i'd have to go back and watch the footage specifically but almost certainly that's not actually indicative of any major issue um but that rocket engines tend to do that uh but uh yeah so i'm not that wouldn't be a direct connection to a an engine problem yeah just because you gotta understand the amount of energy that's coming out of those rocket engines i mean they're lifting tens of tons i don't think we're up to 100 tons yet but they're lifting tons of stainless steel and rocket up against gravity and just the amount of energy you have to expand in order to do that it's it's incredible right that's only three raptor engines grief once we get to being one or whatever um i guess b and one's not gonna fly but you know what i mean boosters um but it's normal for little fires like that to be visible sometimes so i wouldn't think that that was a huge indication of a problem uh let's see here more people talking about fire amongst the raptors on ascent sometimes that that's a normal thing here's a centurio lingarus saying hey nsf thanks for continuing to provide awesome footage of these launches hoping the rest of the gear is okay hey me too but you know something the gear is there to capture the shots and if it gets hit it did so in the line of duty so we can always build more robots it's like the most loved toy ever because it's all chewed and ragged and the kid will not let it go same thing with the robots they take a little battle damage that is because they are there in the field doing their job what's this what's the quote about ships ships are safe in the harbor but that's not meant that's not where ships would they meant to be yeah yeah exactly something like that robots are safe in my garage but that that's not where they're meant to be your garage is not as interesting as what goes on at boca chica exactly um let's see here remy turk that's the solar array 10 bucks for the slow array recovery fund we appreciate that this camera does not have a wiper on it it was the camera that's further away in the village that has the automated wiper maybe at some point we'll put one of those wiper cameras here but that's we're not deploying that here yet appreciate you there i'm just going to get a couple more here y'all they keep coming in um just get new gear duncan ray appreciate you ah yeah y'all there's no way i can read them all there's so many so many super chats in the queue here if i missed one you gotta understand that we appreciate the support thank you so much for the support y'all huge thank you to everyone who does super chats and memberships and even just tunes in we try our best to acknowledge all the especially all the donations but on the big streams like this we it's there's only so many seconds of speaking we can do it is it is true so anyways folks um sort of talking through what our plan is here we were hoping the fog would clear up but the fog is actually getting worse if you don't believe me that is now cheese speech we could see that grass pretty clearly a couple minutes ago yeah we had green color in it even and now um the fog is increasing if the fog was clearing we'd stay here so that we could look around and see the aftermath but since the fog does not seem to be clearing here i do believe that that is going to bring us to the end of our live coverage for sn 11's fantastic journey images and whatnot up on twitter so you can see what uh we can see when the vlog clears but as of now like dos mentioned nothing to show you yeah that is that is the reality of the situation right now but of course make sure you're following the primary account there is at nasa space flight mods see if you can't grab that link into chat click on that toss a follow on twitter and that will be it's almost like the clearinghouse if there's going to be cool content we're going to get some footage off these cameras once it clears up a little bit once the area is open mary and jack would be able to actually go closer to the pad and sort of see the aftermath see how big that crater elon was talking about but make sure you stay tuned at nasa space flight on twitter for that also if you haven't yet make sure you toss a follow to the youtube channel here we do this all the time if something is happening at boca chica we have our robotic army multiple robotic cameras that are deployed out there rain or shine all weather and we can bring coverage fog willing in the starship don't fts or whatever um but we are here just about every day doing the live coverage hey also the videos we do daily videos of the developments that are happening it's hard for them to stack a piece of stainless steel out there without mary boka chicago lives right there in the village and she is recording footage every single day we edit those into daily videos and you can find them right here on the channel make sure you hit the sub button before you go anywhere i also want to say really quickly we're going to go through the roster but we're able to do these streams because of y'all's support so we can't read all the super chats there's no way we could ever get through all of them we don't just want to be a only super chat reading stream we also want to answer non-super chat questions and talk about things like food and rockets and stuff but people showing up doing the super chats massively appreciate the support also if you're a member on the channel here thank you so much for being a member your regular support that monthly contribution to keep all these cameras and coverage coming we absolutely positively appreciate you there as well also if you've hopped over to our merch store lately there is all sorts of different merch if you want to tell the world that you are a proud texas tank watcher we've got texas tank watchers that's back from the taylor two starships version there um we've also got mugs and hats and stuff like that hoodies if you're a hoodie type of person hats are actually really nice embroidered got some roadside rocket science i'm actually wearing that shirt right now that's a throwback skyline yeah we didn't even have nose cones that's like one of the first t-shirts that we uh that we put up that's sn a long time ago because it doesn't look like this sn5 or sn6 i would imagine probably sm5 yeah so if you hop over to the shop that's another fantastic way to support the streams maybe you want some wall art we've got these fantastic aerial photo photos as well stuff that jack and mary took from those aerial trips they took some fantastic sunrise prints and stuff like that i mean just a crust up i mean look at this isn't that pretty zooming in on it well like come on really it's not going to zoom in for me there we go there's all sorts of different ways that you can support the stream and they're not just financially so people that just show up to our stream whenever we go live you show up you're asking questions in chat you're asking questions on twitter you're retweeting things you're hitting the like button you're oh here on this stream how many likes did we get this stream not okay fifteen thousand that's not bad i take twenty thousand but we got fifteen thousand likes like however you're involved in this coverage however you remember the space flight community um all the different ways that you support what we are doing and make this possible for us to share people with share with people all over the world uh we absolutely positively appreciate your support every which way so let's go around the horn here and just sign off the nasa space flight team earlier we heard from chris gebhardt and chris bergen the assistant managing editor and the managing editors for nasa's space flight i'm going to roll them together they've both taken off here but there's chris gebhardt underscore chris er at chris g underscore nsf on twitter and then also chris bergen that official nasa space flight account he's the guy who started all this so blame him and you get to watch these starship tests also back in the studio today kicking off the commentary this morning was thomas berghardt thomas how are you doing uh good happy to be on for a little bit i i had to step out for the actual launch unfortunately college student problems but i missed a lot yeah i missed a lot i can tell but uh yeah looking looking forward to being on for future tests and uh maybe sn 15 will be the lucky one you know but uh thanks thanks for watching everybody absolutely y'all that's thomas berghardt right there you'll hear his voice on the live stream quite often as one of our commentators also we had stephen maher on with us brighton early this morning stephen thank you so much for rolling out and caffeinating and uh sharing all of this with us yeah my pleasure this is the first uh starship test flight that i've been on the stream for and it's definitely exciting and i hope to be around for some more looking forward to sn 15 and whatever comes between now and then i don't know if we're gonna have to are we inviting stephen back after one time he showed up it's all foggy [Laughter] like jinxed that if i think we need more of a trend we need more data on that so if it happens again stephen you're out okay i'm on probation i got you here this is probationary fog avoidance mitigation the statistician in me wants to say correlation not causation i want to defend steven here a little bit thank you thank you oh there you go good deal um let's see here also folks out in the field unfortunately with the safety distance and the lack of visibility we did not get live feeds from either jack or mary but both jack and mary were out there and i guarantee you both jack and mary will be in the area up close and personal with whatever happens as soon as it is safe and clear to do so uh when spacex lets the public back up past that roadblock there but uh mary bokuchiko gal was out as always and then jack byer as well there's jack's twitter up there too and yeah there's sorry i'm not exactly going in any sort of specific order here michael i'm making it confusing but uh massive thanks to them for rolling out and making all of our coverage possible even on the days when we don't have visibility because the weather's not cooperating back here in the studio i guess it's both both sides of the coast we had michael baylor hanging out with a bunch of technical stuff michael as always a pleasure thank you and i'm proud to report that my project for the past three weeks worked absolutely flawlessly mars camp had the rocket in frame 100 of the time that the rocket was visible so i'm very proud of myself for my hard work percent of the time that the rocket was visible i'm sorry dividing by zero doesn't give you a hundred percent michael that's not how that works i mean i don't know we're saying one frame was that one like flash of orange so ah okay all right so i guess dividing by one there you go one for one strong indications that sn11 was doing something in the background there we got the shake when the sound hit the camera from the explosion too so yeah and we're uh we're working on that folks we are working on the audio and video and we'll be having an edit of some sort i'm not exactly sure what the edit will be it might just be danger cam edited in with the sound we'll see what we release but uh oh gosh more super chats just keep coming weezy's girl from angleton texas thanks again for the coverage weezy thank you for the support there folks i just cannot across the board say thank you enough daniel weir over there with the british pounds as well says the solar panel replacement fun contribution thanks for doing this um again y'all however you support however you remember the space flight community thank you all so much for showing up for those these events and sharing it with us uh from nasa space flight live stream control i'm john galloway and that is going to end today's coverage of the fantastic voyage of starship sn11 what a sight to hear today i guess i'm trying to get your name out but i am having some sort of issue but oh that's okay it's people people know what i sound like i talk too much anyways um folks like i say there it is there you go hey all right um john galloway here if you're watching over on twitch you know me as das i did not forget about you twitch i am just super busy running the streams here and there's a lot of stuff that has to be juggled in the background i know i'm not reading chat over there sometimes i try to do some q a in chat but not didn't have a lot of time for that today but like i said that is going to end today's coverage of sn11 and quite honestly into sn11 as well we appreciate everybody sharing this with us today hope to see you next time and for now we will see you nerds later thanks again y'all [Music] looks good [Music] we don't need any more of these you
Channel: NASASpaceflight
Views: 1,370,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spacex, starship, boca chica, testing, bocachicagal, live, SN5, hop, launch, success
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 214min 3sec (12843 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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