First Ever Super Heavy Static Fire

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[Music] propulsion continues to be normal pressure looks good phenomenal yikes you bet we don't need any more of these all right folks you know the drill it's a big day today we've gotten as far as the pad being cleared out there at star base boca chica texas the nasa space flight team is standing by for what may very well be the first static fire test for a booster a super heavy booster with the starship program down there at starbase i'm john galloway with nasa space flight you all know the drill let me know that everything is good you should see a fantastic live view one of our many cameras down at starbase make sure you can see that and you should be able to hear me as well some of you probably don't want to hear me you can go back to the 24 7 stream where there's no commentary but uh i see a ton of five by fives in the chat that's what i like to see and we are ready to get going let me go ahead and introduce the folks that are going to be with me today you've heard the voice just a couple how many days ago was that matt like yesterday a day before i think so it all blurs together even remember they were just it seemed so soon or so long ago that they were just stacking things on the tower uh matt anderson is with you here today how you doing matt doing really good very happy to be back all right he will be joining us for some commentary it says guest commentator at some point we may remove that guest but you can find him over on twitter at bad news baron one of my friends from twitch slash bad news baron as well i'm selecting a trail period until i you know decide if i'm going to burn things down or not still in a trial period i like it didn't we threaten them that if they didn't behave you would come back on the next stream like what did they do wrong yep hey also with us we're gonna do a comms check on this because we know he's on the road jack buyer are you here yeah can you hear me or am i a robot i mean i personally think you're a robot i haven't found a little synth chip in you but uh i think you're a robot regardless of whether or not i can hear you you sound fine though check can you all hear jack say hi jack hi jack beep boop i'm a robot oh my gosh okay dad um jack byer is here as well you've heard his voice quite a bit uh i said you're on the road jack yep sure enough i'm in el paso soon to be van horn um i'm actually supposed to get on a shuttle bus late tonight so uh yeah new shep oh first time space flight for new shepard so that'll be exciting wait photographer jack bayer yeah that guy your work is incredible sorry i have to just fanboy a little bit it's just point and shoot no big deal no it's not thank you because i've tried and it's not nearly as good it's it's honestly it's like fifty percent luck twenty percent skill uh and what is it thirty percent being in the right place at the right time so don't chalk it all up to skill but thank you i appreciate i'll take all the accolades you want to give me that's supposed to be like sure power of will or something in there isn't that how that oh yeah yeah um anyways y'all jack's gonna be here as well he's at the jack buyer over on twitter also pulling the levers and pressing the buttons in the background michael baylor we got you right michael yes you do and i'm going to keep it short because i'm pulling a lot of levers right now well if you need any help pulling levers let me know if there's something i can do to help you out but uh michael is running the stream today and we are working on getting all the cameras online to share with y'all what's going on at next spaceflight over there on twitter of course as we go through we'll have commentators uh rotating in and out and we are now standing by like i said if you're just joining us for what may very well be the first static fire of the super heavy booster this is b3 booster three it's got three raptors underneath you can see that we're actually going to change some cameras here in just a minute but uh hopefully today we're expecting all three of those raptors to fire up now big old negative nancy that i am this is the first time that spacex has gotten this far and attempted this entire process it's a new vehicle the engines have been doing pretty well it seems but there may very well be a couple recycles we don't know remember the engines are smart the vehicle's smart there's thousands of sensors being watched and if one of those sensors doesn't like something instead of blowing the whole thing up it may call itself off so i wouldn't be surprised if we go through a recycle today where we see all this activity we see all this venting it looks like it's about to go and cryogenic liquids just spewing out of the rocket and then it all stops and it recycles i would not be surprised today but of course that's part of the test that's how you earn your wings as a texas tank watcher and we will be here watching it sharing it with you again the housekeeping the streams are live over here this is our commentary stream not to be confused with our 24 7 starbase live stream that stays live all the time no commentary over there you can actually see some different camera angles over there as well that we may not be showing on the commentary stream but here on the commentary stream in this chat tag us in chat at nasa space flight you got a question for us we've got some cool software on the back end where we can actually read your questions same things with super chats if you do a super chat you have the ability to support what we do in this live coverage we share with you we will go through and read the super chats on occasion sometimes they wait a little bit depending on what's going on but we appreciate you being patient we do try to say thank you to a bunch of the people that make this possible so without anything yeah including all the new members we got a bunch of new members already absolutely jack do you have that up right now could you say thanks to some people showing up here ryan thank you for the membership kendall thank you for the new membership and steve bowen thank you for the new membership we love all of our members we love all of our viewers equally but we especially love our members thank you so much to everybody who supports us in that way and uh super chat from taylor r137 thank you so much super chat from ken saying let's hear some raptors worth roar i can talk thank you ken and moldy space industries always got to pop in at the beginning of these streams and throughout what's up moldy space thank you for all of the support throughout the year years can i say throughout the years at this point it's been a while um and they say a year yeah okay i'll i'll buy it years uh and they say shiny rocket tall so thank you so much moldy space thank you jack larue for the new membership and thank you jim for the super chat there so we're all cleared out we're all caught up thank you everybody for the support you help us keep the keep the lights on pay the bills and do the thing i mean hey if you like star ship coverage and now i guess super heavy coverage that's how you get it is by supporting us and what we do so thank you everybody that does that i'll shut up now this is texas so it's officially a tall boy i think somebody was joking about uh putting a tap on the side of this and making it the world's largest keg party so we're at three engines right now but the plan configuration is 33. so eventually they want to get to 33. um this vehicle physically does not have mount points for 33. this variant has 29 and it's expected that the next couple of builds that they do are going to only have 29 mount points and then they're going to eventually get to 33 mount points but here today there are three engines underneath that and uh we hope to see all we think that all three of them are gonna light today we'll see we'll see so why why 29 because that's as many as they could fit at this point i presume okay yeah it's just a matter of packaging them all in the space that they have and this this design has gone through so many revisions probably a bunch that we haven't even ever seen or gotten wind of but i think at one point it was supposed to have a flared base so that there was even more room for more engines um but yeah i think at this point they're trying to not do that and they're just trying to pack as many in as possible and perhaps 29 now and 33 later is just a function of shrinking the engines or components of the engines or figuring out ways to package them or it's like it's like steel origami but or stealing rocket engine origami like it's going to be very tight to pack even 29 in there so 33 i think is just going to be as they get better at packaging and making raptors more compact they'll be able to jam more in there but we'll i mean it's it's curious it's definitely curious that there's heat dissipation at all a concern when you start getting so many engines that tightly packed together i think that's a question what do you think dos so yes we've seen some insulation on the falcon 9s the way that the octaweb is sort of put together they do have some separators to sort of separate out some of the engine bays and you don't see that here on super heavy clearly spacex has done the math and they know how much energy that engine puts out it's definitely a guest test revised sort of thing so that's why they do this test program static fires all that sort of stuff they're always gathering data to see how the engines behave when there's other engines nearby being very hot so it's something that i'm sure they've thought of but we haven't really seen any plans for them to put any dividers or anything like that in between the engines at least there doesn't seem to be anything on the thrust pucks or the aft end of the super heavy booster that would sort of hint towards them putting any sort of dividers in we do know that unlike the starships the raptors are just going to hang off the back of the rocket so on starship they're sort of tucked up underneath a skirt and here on super heavy they're literally just going to be exposed that's why we can see them here and at some point we're going to get a little bit closer shot of these just to change the contrast around so we can talk a little bit more of those but that's a really good question and i i guarantee you spacex has done the math yeah that's a fantastic question it immediately gives me kerbal space program vibes like oops i packaged too many engines too close together with a solid booster on the side yeah it's just gonna immediately overheat whoops look you don't go ahead we we say kerbal and we sort of joke about it but that's another thing if you've ever built a rocket in kerbal kerbal space probe is a video game where you get to build your own rockets right and in kerbal kerbal doesn't care if your engine bells phase through each other it's like some sort of quantum multi-position phase state i don't know the engine bells can touch each other and the game doesn't care and in real life if you crash two engine bells together not only do they make a huge bonking noise they break and don't work very well so they don't want as these engines are gimbaling them to hit each other so packing 29 or 33 engines up underneath the bottom of the super heavy booster it takes some planning because it's not just okay the circles fit we're cool some of those circles actually need to wiggle back and forth and if they wiggle back and forth and hit each other you're not going to have a good day yeah i don't think we know even at this point how many are going to gimbal maybe there's an elon tweet from the last couple days that i've missed but i think just the center cluster or maybe just the middle cluster or that's something that's is it cutting out yeah we get it it sounds like we got that hotel wi-fi it's really not bad though jack it was just one little hiccup there let me know if it uh if it keeps happening my bad it just hold still and try to put a little tin foil around the side of your cell phone does that work on my computer i was hoping the bigger antennas on the computer would uh do me doing well yeah you need some tin foil on the computer it seems because you're sort of phasing in and out a little bit but see if we couldn't can we grab a question and just toss it over to to the class here maybe out of the panel jack if you got that do you think militaries will use starship for point-to-point troop deployment wow you're just going to start with that one yep jeez i don't know matt what do you think starship military uses a heavy topic typically in a military situation countries get really antsy when you're launching giant missiles at each other that's a good point i mean it's one thing to have a c-130 flying into your airspace it's another thing entirely to have a sub-orbital rocket coming in hot to deploy the troops that's uh in the communication of that you don't want to be deploying troops somewhere over on the other side of the world and have somebody wonder or get spooked out that maybe something else is going on that's definitely there's an established protocol yet i know i don't i mean who do we do we post up on the internet hey by the way we're deploying troops and they're coming in a suborbital rocket like that seems like it's not a nuke we swear it's definitely not a nuke it's just troops it's just troops yeah that sounds like a very sticky situation so i think there's a lot of stuff that would be i mean hey let's be realistic um that's something that may happen at some point it may be that the department of defense we know that the department of defense funds spacex operations um they hire spacex for missions spacex deploys satellites and stuff like that for the dod so will at some point starship um become actual starship troopers i don't know i don't know a lot a lot to think about there of course we're super interested in the peaceful uses the exploration we want to be able to live and work in space we want bigger space stations we want to be able to go and put a moon base that's actually sustainable not just boots and flags um so that's what we're really interested in elon's plan all the way out to mars one day right so uh i know that that is elon's goal for the program however pragmatically it has to be funded things have to be paid for and that's elon's call y'all that's something that's going to be up to spacex my understanding anyway after the last jurassic world was that the military is more interested in the raptors anyway so uh yep you have a good news on technical end i need you to proceed with the robot swap all right stand by jack and matt you all hold it down i got some tech stuff to do okay oh hopefully my voice doesn't cut out too bad um let's see ort cloud asking if they think we will see the hot gas thrusters being tested today that's always a possibility we've seen a number of static fires where during that same window they did a test of the thrusters or what have you so that's always a possibility um sorry matt didn't really have a way to bring you in on that one let's see i hope we get to see it anyway yeah i mean more testing is more better right uh let's see mr gonzoneter asking uh what do we snack on during a long live stream i mean i've just got some soda here maybe some chips or something not really relevant to the to the booster thing but you know sometimes we like to have fun do you have any live stream snacks of choice matt we're building a rapport here we're getting the audience to know you i have lots of topo chico hobo chico we're immediately best friends yes we're immediately best friends it's the best drink of water yeah that's a space flight not sponsored by topo chico but it's delicious have you ever liked to be yeah [Laughter] right oh man let's see what else we got here uh asking how many raptors are installed there are three currently installed right matt yes that's correct cool the three raptors the thrust correct that is correct go do do the work things you're not allowed to make jokes i can still make snide remarks okay fine uh let's see now asking the raptors are off center uh or aren't the raptors off center yes they are they are not installed on the central um or the center part of the mount i forget should we tell spacex [Laughter] maybe they maybe they won't static fire then we gotta be quiet quiet uh no was it what stream the other day i saw michael uh like annotating a a uh a diagram of what engines were installed but it is not it is not the center engines only it is they are they are in fact off to the side why would that be i don't know that's a very good question um you know just just uh spitballing here perhaps they're confident in the plumbing for the central portion given as there's there might be some commonality there with with starship and its engines that which are centered um and which they have static fired three of them many times maybe they wanted to get a test of you know engines further out on the mount and see what that would be like that's a that's a really good question i'm not quite sure why they would mount them like that and not just because it's too much of a concern there right because they gimble uh well i mean i don't think it's a matter of you know they they need they would need to install them centered so that the weight on the booster is uniform and i don't think they'll be gambling at all during the test i'm just i'm i'm not sure why they would it's a static i'm sorry yeah no worries i wait i wish it was flying today uh let's see but yeah i don't know that's a really good question why they might not be mentioning kerbal earlier wait but that was me no exactly let's see here's a question that we don't really have a concrete answer to um but it's a good question either way spacex gamer asking what is the maximum amount of engines that can be static fired on pad a simultaneously well the maximum that we've seen so far is three and they sort of fire them in a couple milliseconds apart sort of scheme so they're not necessarily all firing with full intensity all the exact same moment is my understanding but we don't know how many engines pad a can handle maximum and i do wonder you can sort of see pad a and pad b in this shot pad b has the uh the thrust ram installed there for for pressure testing ships yep but pad a you can see between pad a and the booster there is sort of that adapter that the booster is sitting on i do wonder even even though it's not too much it's maybe six feet or so that extra height i wonder if that gives them the ability to fire more than three at once on that pad since the engines are further off the ground but i maybe you know maybe that's not uh not a big factor but there was a time that where back in the uh and forgive me i'm i'm not sure if you like if you've been following this stuff for super long or what um but there was a time last year i think where there was there was scuttlebutt there was talk of oh they're not going to be able to fire um do many more static fires on pad a because the concrete under the rocket is just absolutely fried by being blasted by raptor exhaust over and over and over again and i'm not sure what they did there to mitigate that but that seems to clearly no longer be a problem because they flew multiple starships since then but i do think uh there's certainly going to be a limit of a number of raptors that can fire on pad a we don't know that limit yet that's a good question there from spacex gamer i mean if you want to go engage in any wild speculation matt feel free uh so right now i just want to take a moment just for to appreciate this shot and have some scale appreciation uh that little truck up front in the middle with the booster in the background and the booster is way further back yep it's a big boy it's like a little toy truck there in the corner yeah and in that same vein when we're slightly more zoomed out with this same shot and you can see the launch tower and the booster knowing how huge the booster is it looks tiny next to the launch tower which just tells you how freaking massive the launch tower is which yeah we're really we're playing game a game of scales here which it's cool that we have that little truck there every now and then you'll see obviously when the pad is not clear which it is clear right now but when it's not clear you can see uh some people walking around and that's always a good way to get a sense of scale too it's just like oh my gosh this thing is utterly massive some school buses once uh i found some footage on the beach cam where literally kids from brownsville go on a field trip like i went to the dinosaur museum which was awesome by the way but uh they took a field trip out to starbase and i had footage off the beach camera of these school buses because school buses are huge right big yellow bus and it looked teeny tiny it was next to landed sn15 in the background they did like a little turn right in front of it so you gotta love little opportunities like that for i mean so many times with rockets the cameras are far enough away for safety that uh having a sense of scale can can you know be hard i mean falcon 9 first stages are what like like a 15-story building or something like that i mean they're not tiny it's insane that they're able to land those and it's just you know one of those things where anytime you can sort of get that context it's extremely useful so good call there matt um let's see princess jules asking what the name of the intro song is it is a new way out by dennis um good luck finding that online i really should just put up a full version of the song in a video on our channel so people that want to listen to it can but a new way out by dennis um super good i've actually tried to reach out to that artist multiple times and just crickets i would i would love to reach out to them and be able to be like hey can we get a this version if we go to that version um but i digress we are 15 minutes behind on the super chats so i've got them i've got them up oh perfect nice yeah i've got access you want to go through some of them go for it sure take a break and sip some soda here calmly shield thank you so much for being a new member here uh jack carpenter asked knowing what the right place is and well i guess not asking no one the right place is and when is the right time is the skill all on its own props jack thank you to taranis cygnus for being a new member here as well as fabzi welcome uh chinenator chin says hi that's another one of those names that pops up a lot what up channelator uh jack moore says it's work night at 11 p.m uk late tomorrow then what is this a jack meeting there's like four jacks so far in the super chat memo jack fight jack fight a jack fight nice atl tom says hashtag team flappy things i like that music that was happening in the 24 7 stream apparently there was a flappy thing meme that was going around and everybody caught it so that's where the flappy thing is coming from well i love you 24 7. i popped into the 24 7 chat earlier and everyone was like jack what do you think about the flappy things and i was like i i have to go what did i miss you just frantically scroll up to try and see what the heck they're talking about yeah exactly uh musical wolves asked guesses on time from clear to sf for super heavy uh yeah how long between pad clear and static fire i have no guesses i'm sorry i'm not exciting well you're gonna go home empty-handed musical wolves and i hope that this appointment is not too bitter martin thank you for being a member two and a half hours let's just go with that two and a half hours just so that they have a guess for their trouble thank you musical wolves for the support uh keep going yeah yeah all right charles shutrick uh says here's to hoping for some time to kill for b.a.d booster after dark nice um pedmits i know it's late in the game but the more engines they keep adding i cannot help but think srbs would not be a bad idea which is less dangerous 33 engines or srbs which have been enhanced i don't like srbs on crew vehicles that's me that's my personal preference maybe i'm dumb but yeah that's that would be my response to that is no no srbs on crude vehicles please roughrider show how can jack read this while driving will they test s20 and booster 4 on the sub orbit pads before stacking them on the olp well jack didn't read this he heard it also i'm not driving i'm in a hotel room yeah yeah upsetting uh and then the second part of the question is yeah i mean it would make sense that they would test booster 4 and ship 20 uh before stacking them that would make sense to me yeah i mean in in spacex's test facility in mcgregor texas they test second stages right and they definitely test first stages so oh we have a good question here uh dean batha by the way thank you for being a new member chase lang asks how do you manage all the remote camera data needs that's a dos question yeah well let me tell you i get up early and i don't uh go to sleep until i've used a lot of mobile data you've got a big shovel and you shovel data from sunrise to sunset and yeah he just downloads more when he needs it i download more data yeah when i need it um no like in in all seriousness we did do the math on it we have some special tricks uh behind the scenes the system's actually really intelligent and one of the cool things we do is it goes into sleep mode so if you're watching the 24 7 stream the star base live cameras we have up all the time at a certain time das will pop in and say good handoff and i'm watching the system go from broadcast quality mode to sleep mode and we get to watch what the robots dream of at night as the cameras all spool down there's like a central control server and it commands all the cameras to spool down to a lower bandwidth mode because at night there's not as much going on and the sky is black we don't need a bunch of bit rate to do that so we spool down to sort of a lower bandwidth mode at night and then before the sun comes up the auto control system comes back online and tells all the cameras the wake back up again and we go back to full broadcast quality on all the robots automatically from central control before the sun comes up so that you can get the high quality shots of the sun rising all the colors in the sky and that sort of stuff so a big part of saving on data is we're not just being dumb about the type of data that we use just oh i don't know just make it do that 24 7. the system is actually it can be smart to help us minimize the data we also have the ability to turn individual feeds on and off and change bit rate qualities and stuff like that like here today since this is a big event we've actually boosted the quality on all the cameras we've bumped it up to a much higher bit rate so that a big event like a static fire a lot of detail a lot of motion plumes of smoke fire probably from danger cam um hope we will have more bit rate to capture more detail in those whereas 24 7 a lift crane is moving around you don't need to be broadcasting at 20 000 kilobits per second for that right 4k for the crane moving not really needed there so just trying to be smart and we did the math to figure out how it works what do we mean i mean 4k not needed when is it when is it not needed though well that's the trick though right because i could make the stream say 4k but it wouldn't actually be a 4k stream because it's in the field and the camera doesn't really have the bit rate there's a difference between something saying that it's 4k resolution and actually having the instantaneous bandwidth to support a four quake quality picture i don't know about it watch the 4k picture on my 1080p monitor see exactly the human eye can only see 60 how many hertz can it see i forget what the joke is five frames a second five frames per second yeah anyways it's always we're always always improving um but we do have a couple intelligent things that we use to manage the data needs and i will say one way that we manage the data needs is by paying for it with super chats so thanks yeah i mean and it's a lot having seen it firsthand oh god it's a lot of data uh so thank you everybody for enabling that 24 7 stream here's sort of a follow-on question just really quickly sorry matt uh sam adams asking do we use h.265 which i think we do right das uh it depends that's one of the options that we have is 265 is interesting i won't go into the details on exactly what's good and bad about 265 but certainly that is an option that we have on a lot of our cameras yes well uh we are still pretty behind on the super chat so i'm just going to keep going through him if that's okay yeah please we're 20 minutes behind and i'll stop i'll stop interjecting every time there's a there's one that i will i'll just let you run through them dale kaufman comments largest cool queer scan does it turn blue though when it gets cold but we'll see play the planet uh brought everybody marshmallows let's toe some light the fire uh ben sis asks how will starship protect passengers from radiation 3mm steel seems awfully thin and there doesn't seem to be space for a solar shelter unless the crew is way less than 100 people thanks for the coverage jack uh i mean you point the engine compartment towards the source of the radiation right and just the sheer bulk of all of the engines and all that metal i think is is is part of the mitigation plan um and all the propellant as well uh i think that is part of it i also i am not a scientist and i am not an expert on this matter so feel free to tell me i'm completely wrong in the comments but uh the idea part of the mitigation for radiation for starship flights to mars i think is just get there fast get there fast and don't spend a lot of time um on the transit and if you do that then you minimize the exposure right there and then i've also heard a lot of people say uh it's really not that big of a deal it's it's it's an overblown concern obviously if you're on the trip and a coronal mass ejection occurs and there's a wave of of uh radiation coming your way that's a different a little bit of a different story but everything nominal i i don't think it's too too big of a deal but again i could i could really be wrong one of the interesting things is we don't exactly understand exactly how big of a deal it is we haven't been there yeah how much time how much time have we even spent out of the van allen belts earth has literally a foreshield around it it's got a magnetic force shield around it that protects us from radiation the van allen belts and this you know when we went to the moon the only time we've been out of the van allen belts is when we went to the moon i don't think even i don't think a shuttle mission even ever approached the van allen belts we'd have a shuttle expert on for that right um fact check can hit me on that one but we don't have a lot of human experience outside the earth's natural radiation shield so we've got to get out there living and working in space we need to go out and hang out at the moon and say well here's what happens to a human being who's gotten a year's worth of radiation in cis lunar space without that big shield and we just we don't have the ground truth on that yet we can guess we can send out instruments or sensors all the space truth thank you um we can send out all the sensors that we want but we don't know 100 because a very very small number of human beings have spent a very very small amount of time outside of our natural shielding that just exists on the earth so i think that's one of the important things here just not going all the way to mars on the first shot but let's get out there let's get around the moon let's hang out in cis lunar orbit right the or the space between the earth and moon that sort of stuff and let's get that information and i don't think that on the first star ship that goes to mars with crew even it's going to be 100 people you got an awful lot of room for activities in there and i don't think you just stuff it with seats like an economy airline and then just ship them to mars you're gonna have a small crew you're gonna have a lot of equipment and then you have room for things like radiation shielding and uh that sort of thing you know solar storm shelters etc etc because you're not you're not trying to be ryanair on the first flight to mars okay that's an airline isn't it i think it is an airline yep okay aren't they famous for like crushing like tons of people into like a little small plane i don't know i hope so bathroom and the safety card is printed on the back of the seat in front of you not a separate actual card wait for real yeah i've it's been a long time but i have flown on ryanair and it was hilariously cheap and hilariously like it's just every single thing they could cut they cut it was like a pound to use the bathroom they didn't serve drinks there's no wi-fi of course there's no tvs or anything it's just and if you want to read a safety card just look at your seat back i don't even think there was tray tables it was it was a lot they give you a bungee cord to strap your knees to your chest when you sit down you know what i'll take that over spirit anyways anyways okay not talking about specific brands here but moving right along all right robbie's 315. thank you for being a member welcome dave wolf asks do we think that maybe they have an engine in each of the three rings center middle and middle and outer i don't think so i think it's center one center and two outer or sorry one center and two middle no outer but i could be wrong mr jail who says all hail michael download next spackle fight which i assume is about interior renovations what it's a spackle fight that's a different live stream that's like the nasa space flight home renovation channel where we just constantly find load-bearing walls and lament about it that's what i'm getting out of this so i'm imagining like a battlebots style thing with the robotic cameras are fighting each other with home improvement tools anyways uh jonas next next flight it's a great yeah it's a great app michael develops it if you want to know when things are going to happen and any kind of space flight next spaceflight is the app for you download next space flight jonas can jack do a tongue twister nope oh jeez nope is a valid answer i think okay moving along there is quickly there is some grass venting i know that's not a concrete sign but it is a sign we usually see before they test so that is slightly promising excellent the grass vent would be on the lower left hand side you see jonas's name right there here you go jonas you know you signed up for this right above jonas's name the little white bar super chat jonas you can see some venting coming out of the grass right now i'm gonna i'm gonna move that camera around a little bit so we can look at that but that is the grass vent it doesn't really mean anything we can't really gain any timing numbers or anything like that from the fact that the grass is venting but it is a good sign if the grass never vents um that might be a sign we certainly don't want them to go back to the pad but we can't tell you oh good look t minus 45 minutes the grass minute came on ask adrian he'll tell you yup it is meaningless it is completely mean well mostly meaningless it is that doesn't mean they're doing something in terms of propellant conditioning in the tank farm but uh the first indication that we know from starships anyways is the recondenser that's something we can actually time stuff off of but grass vent no yeah and i'm gonna edit that camera real quick let's see if we can't show the grass mint pretty clearly here there we go you see a little just a little bit of vapor again that atmospheric turbulence down there in texas you can literally see the energy in the air that air is like roiling and jumping over itself makes it a little bit fuzzy at this range but there is a little bit of vapor coming out of the grass there that's why we call it the grass vent it's so literal it is we like to keep it simple around here i mean it's not rocket science rocket engineering and the good news is this is going to push as the more just pushes into the window yes the cleaner the air is going to get with the sun setting so i don't know about you chet i know we want to see a static fire but if this pushes towards six seven eight i'm not going to be complaining personally yeah the image will definitely clear up a lot as we get uh later into the afternoon later into the evening here we all know they're waiting for magic hour they should it'd look fantastic i feel like sometimes they actually have uh all right so we're when we started we were 20 minutes behind now we're 23. i'm just gonna make this my baby now it is uh invisible says if starship will go military we will have starship troopers we must be ready for the clandestine invasion which i agree which is why here at a nasa space flight we're doing our part you want to know more that's why you're here gun fox moving military point-to-point supply-wise sure likely personnel highly unlikely rockets are too obvious than a plane with that okay yeah i'd love to see it for a humanitarian aid too like disaster areas if you could you know get a get a bulldozer in there and clear off a flat area maybe prep a landing pad and then use a starship to bring in however many tons of of aid not the easiest own load in the world but they could figure it out we've seen some renderings for things like that so you know personally i'd love to see peaceful purposes first um but i'm also a realist you know what i mean yeah i mean if it pays the bills for for exploration that's that's one way to do it i suppose but you're right peaceful use is good to an extent you know to an extent i wish we could just do everything peacefully but i live in the real world maurice asks how would rocket flight between usa and russia work and das i know we spent about 40 years trying to avoid that i think we did it's the same sort of thing i mean i think we're a very long way between now in starships taking either payloads or people um on suborbital trajectories and i there's going to be a lot of discussions that have to occur i i will tell you that i think that humanity is probably it would restore some of my faith in humanity if you could board the noon rocket from dc to moscow and that wasn't going to make us all end up in world war three you know what i mean like that would show maybe maybe the world has hope i have i have faith in people you know david says thanks for all the great coverage let's light this candle uh spotlizard03 thank you very much for being a new member as well as snake pliskin welcome i like the reference uh vinsmoke says still here since frank and crane first tried to lift the eighth oled section uh glad to have you guys back live so soon good deal hey let me point out something on the on the camera right now there's a small war happening in our back channel um those raptors aren't centered but i can see that michael has centered them in the frame he was telling me that the camera wasn't centered and i'm like well michael the raptors aren't centered so i sent it on starship and michael has centered it on the raptors here but you can actually see the numbers painted on the sides of the raptors look i got 62 and i think that's c there you go now he's undoing the crop there's the comparison yeah that's starship centered versus the raptors centered so we need like a hashtag team centered and hashtag team uncentered oh god i mean we can do a poll there's a new poll there's a new pool feature on youtube oh no you can't just miss see the good news is we're a quasi professional team so michael was able to work it out even though i went for the accurate starship centering he was able to get the centering he was looking for by just adjusting the crop a little bit there so we we all work it out nice uh nicholas williamson thank you so much for being a new member monty arnold do you think at some point they'll install a mass simulator on booster 3. oh wow um no i don't think so we saw here uh back before we had starships and we just had the back ends of starships so basically the fuel tanks the locks and the methane tanks and then the engines on the bottom and they actually hopped it that way with no nose cone on it right we saw them install some mass emulators 20 something tons worth of steel that they just put on top of the thing like a huge cube of steel so that uh the center of mass would be a little bit different more like it had a nose cone up there and to provide something for those raptors to push against since we have not heard plans for any uh what is the poll from a booster oh jeez i don't know what happened was i i made a poll i did hashtag team raptor centered and hashtag team booster centered and i guess the youtube new feature only had a hashtag t and hashtag t for both options so i made a new poll the new poll is now up um t is no longer an option but team raptor centered and team booster centered are now an option and i can see that i am off to an early lead toss [Laughter] i've seen anything yeah but i haven't seen t's in chat before so that's your bug right there we always have to have one bug in a live stream the other one occurred before the stream happened so you can't count that one um so that's our bug we should be good to go for now i just say it's absolutely wild to see the number of votes just skyrocketing as like it's already over a thousand eighteen hundred votes i mean holy cow you guys are awesome can we convert some of those into likes for the stream maybe like can we skyrocket some likes i won't come back we've got we've got 17 000 watching we've got 3.3 k likes so hit that like oh 3.7 now thank you everybody wow all right somebody must have mentioned i mentioned it out loud huh yeah good call gator thanks for being a new member appreciate you janine and carl barter hi from australia watching as they work uh shininator uh if you only need someone to move to starbase to help out bogachika gal hit me up i'd love an opportunity to be part of the documenting history uh space nerd what is the deal with the stairs being removed and some being added on some of the tower sections after stacking going back to yesterday i think that's part of the construction method that they're using there they need the stairs for before it's stacked but then when they're going to stack them they remove the stairs because then they're going to have the elevator there um i think that's what that is chalk up a bull if that's even a phrase too um um but i'm not quite sure that's a good question speaking of questions if you guys have any questions you don't have to super chat to ask them just at nasa space flight in chat and that will help your question pop up uh in our software that michael wrote thank you for writing that software michael let's see uh so let's see tony ortali is saying uh after sn-15 static fire a few thermal protection tiles broke considering the amount of vibration created by 33 super heavy engines is there a risk of tiles breaking again well i don't know we can take that question two ways though right because the booster we don't think we expect to have tiles right i don't think so actually yeah huh booster is not gonna have tiles as far as i know but but there still could be a risk of tiles on whatever ship is on top of the booster um breaking but it's one of those things where like you said dos i bet spacex has done the math and the when it comes time to orbit a ship they will have that taken care of that's a good question though um i mean definitely going to be a significant amount of vibration coming from from those 33 or 29 raptor engines yeah they definitely that's why they do the test program you don't just put together a rocket and and ship it there's a lot of testing that has to happen and that's why we're seeing a static fire today because they're going to do the static fire they're going to get you know they have sensors all over this booster and uh you know that they're going to be recording the data from that sensors and i would not be surprised if there's not vibration sensors in there to show forces that are acting and resonating throughout the body of the thing when the static fire occurs spacex knows what they're doing they know what they're doing yep let's see wig nasty asking if they'll fill the launch tower legs with concrete i don't think so but what do i know i think the weight of the tower itself is going to be plenty you know a lot jack i've been wrong plenty of times um and thank you slayer let's see and says uh have any of you been there to watch a starship flight i have uh mary has of course um das you have not right nope you've been there a bunch for robots and other other things but uh see this is the this is the peril of my position right like i go to boca chico when there's no testing happening because that's when you should be upgrading all of your infrastructure so you don't go out there when they have an active test happening because then i can't get to the robots to upgrade them and work on them so my my unfortunate uh situation is that i only really should be going out there when nothing's going on because that's when i have access to all the robots yeah right michael i am going to start to stop the poll because i'm assuming that new people coming to the stream are going to be quite confused by it but for the record team raptor center take it take it with 56 percent so gosh your framing skills need work well no you just did it correctly by cropping it and using the feed that you were provided well done let's see fireworking asking how often are martian transfer windows is that what every 16 months or something like that 18 months i roughly two years is what i've the number right here but is it 16 or 18 months in kerbal or in real life that's why i'm confused googling martian transfer every 26 months there you go so a little bit more than two years is what a quick google is leading me to believe yeah just joining us quickly we're waiting for the tank farm to come to come to life that's why we keep showing these wide shots we are trying to see when we see vapors from the tank farm that will be the sign that they have entered the countdown so keep your eyes out for any sort of venting activity from the tank farm how long does it take to grow a tank well the early tanks back when tanks first uh crawled forth from the primordial goo of boca chica um it took a while to build a tank i'm not actually able to to say a number but it seems like they're getting better at building those tanks every day you see new ring sections you see these massive rolls of stainless steel i'll tell you i was driving down to starbase and i was coming from corpus christi i was born and bred up in corpus right and i was driving down the interstate and i saw a truck big flatbed truck and it had a huge roll on it and i'm like i know where that's going all the way to starbase so you can tell some of the raw materials that are going in there because they are really banging out i mean in some cases quite literally banging out the rings and sections and starships and flipping domes and all sorts of stuff there remember part of the program is not just learning to fly starships or designing a starship that can fly part of the program for spacex is learning to build starships how do you build them how do you build them reliably how do you build them quickly how do you build them in such a way that they can be reused that's something that nobody's really done before for this sort of aerospace rocket equipment right so just learning how to build something at this scale to the speeds that elon wants if they're going to have fleets of starships colonizing mars that's part of what they need to learn here and even we've seen we've seen them go through and build a dome or build some rings or build a tank and then just throw it out to the scrapyard all right good we learned how to weld that get another one absolutely we got some vending yup i think uh even elon has there's been elon tweets where you know he's saying aiming for a ship every month or something like that where they want to build one ship a month one booster a month or i forget what the exact numbers were there but yeah it's like you said das building the machine that builds the machine that classic elon ism that he said and i think he said that in relation to both tesla and spacex's activities there in south texas where um you know testing is testing and design are relatively easy but production is the hard part getting a a assembly line and conveyor belt of rockets coming out of a factory is extremely difficult so very good very interesting there um did you say we might have some venting no that's what chad was saying the grass i don't know well we saw the grass venting a little bit but that doesn't really mean anything what we're really looking for on the skyline beach view here in the tank farm we're looking for some venting to come from the tank farm itself so we know about the grass vent but we what we really want to see here is some venting showing that the tank farm has spooled up we may also hear this we're piping in a live microphone that's literally it's in this shot it's right across the street from danger cam and we might start to hear the tank farm activate a bunch of noises and stuff like that i was trying to decide whether i was going to make the noise or not but we may also hear some signs that the tank farm has come to life but right now i'm not really seeing anything in the tank farm that was significant that would really make me excited about venting are you able to tell us straight right now dust and sort of draw an arrow to where the recondenser is right now no i'm sorry i always put people on the spot with that i should stop no so so this it may be tough to do in this stream because we're juggling we keep the 24 7 stream up so i'm making sure the 24 7 stream is good while we also do the commentary while we also manage these cameras and um i don't have that set up right now that's that's maybe for a future thing okay so basically the recondenser if you guys don't know if you're relatively new recondenser is the thing that takes the propellant from the vehicle as it warms up and uh recondenses it and makes it cold in the appropriate temperature again and that is one of the items in the tank farm that we are able to sort of gauge um fueling progress by and that's one of the things that adrian who we always talk about with his spreadsheets is able to track oh when recondenser starts we know we're roughly 50 58 something like that minutes away from a starship static fire who knows if those timings will hold um for a super heavy but if you're if you're looking for where that is you can see that sort of that little truck oh never mind oh sorry jack i was not there i the little tanker truck that we were talking about earlier uh if you look above that and to the right of it sort of there's those white horizontal tanks and the black vertical tanks sort of that left most black vertical tank in that region right there sort of uh that's where the recondenser is and so that is where we will are looking for vapor from right now go ahead michael switch your fancy angle so i was just i'm doing too many things at once so my bad but uh yes good description on the re-condenser jack we'll keep an eye out for that that is usually first but not always first sometimes the rest of the tank farm spools up first so we'll keep an eye on it but either way whatever spools up first is the sign we're looking for i guess i shouldn't decide to go i guess i shouldn't say the recondenser is first but it's the first thing that we have historically been able to time things off of yeah yeah yeah like clockwork like the recondenser fires up and we're like up now we know where they are um that's a huge deal for us unlike the grass vent which means nothing yeah i mean so much so that we have a t-shirt with a course testing corridor uh design that uh that adrian has put together so that you know it's crazy how much we're able to or we're able to track starship testing at a certain point hopefully we get to that point again with boosters we literally have a t-shirt that has a spreadsheet and a graph on it like it's literally the best it's the best piece of merch that we have and i i practically demanded it in our merch channel i was like please make this a thing and everyone was like i don't know but i hear from people that they really like that shirt so i'm glad that we made it i'm glad that adrian is tracking the data and i know adrian is tracking today's test as well so any sort of information that we can glean from uh from today's testing you better believe it will be spreadsheeted and adrian will provide that to us and he oh breaking news he says he's wearing his spreadsheet shirt right now which is hard it's like a band member wearing the shirt of the band they're in i love it let me let me share it before oh yeah i've got some i've got some purple academy shirts and stuff i think it's a legitimate strategy plus if he needs to reference the timings he can just look down at his shirt and be like oh yeah 20 minutes okay that makes sense it's like an extra monitor that only displays one spreadsheet bit of a stretch there hey let me do this um folks we are standing by to hopefully witness the first static fire of three raptor engines on a super heavy booster this is the spacex starship program that big massive rocket they've been putting down there putting together down on the beach in south texas and right now you can see that's booster 3 on the screen down underneath there's three raptor engines installed and hopefully we see some fire come out of the bottom of those here in just a bit however we can't tell you exactly what time that's going to happen that's what we keep talking about spreadsheets and venting in the tank farm we're trying to watch what happens on the screen but unfortunately spacex doesn't publish an exact time they don't put out a press release that says like okay yeah 6 42 p.m central time we're going to try a test basic says all right people sometime between noon and 10 pm we may start a test and that's all the information we get it literally says if you hear a police siren come out of your house so you don't get showered with broken glass it's an overpressure event and they recommend for safety reasons you come out of your house in case something happens that breaks windows but they don't tell us the exact time and as of right now we don't have any information for you on the time i can tell you that it's 5 43 p.m there window goes all the way to 10 p.m so they still have four hours and just over 15 minutes before to perform the test but unfortunately i cannot tell you that it's going to be in 45 minutes or it's going to be in an hour or anything like that um maybe what you should do is follow nasa spaceflight on twitter at nasa space flight because chris b who runs that account he's the founder of nasa space flight he'll give periodic updates and if we start to see some venting or we start to see ice freezing onto the side of the fuel tanks i guarantee you there will be bandicam like flames coming out the side of bandicam as he uh puts together little video clips and lets you know so at nasa space flight on twitter is where you want to be if you can't sit around and run this of course you could just put this up on your tv in the living room and subject the entire house to our commentary you may not be allowed back in your own house but you know what you're going to do you would do some more chats i think so yeah there's no way we're going to keep up with all of them like it's impossible but uh we don't want the entire stream just to be reading super chats but we do appreciate you let's grab a couple more of those and see if some questions come out of there okay darion craig says speaking of srbs and crude did the baron settle avoid any of the fatal issues with shuttle especially heat shields each shields well it was still side on the stack right so that's got to be a problem i mean i i think the interesting thing is brand didn't really go anywhere yeah so they didn't really get a lot of actual test data out of it were the russian engineers trying to learn or glean anything from the shuttle program i'm sure right i mean i think the entire design was gleaned from the united states shuttle program but in terms of any details on that i haven't heard anything specifically not sure but i can tell you i know that the spacex engineers who are working on the heat tiles for starship have definitely taken a lot of education from nasa folks folks that worked on the shuttle program dealing with tiles there in all the lessons learned with ceramic tiles on the sides of ships that go to space and how do you seal them and how do you replace them and what are some pitfalls and stuff we've definitely seen some improvements on starship in terms of that maybe the biggest one being most of the tiles are the same hexagons for days instead of having so many very specific shapes and you know tile one eight three four seven six five it goes in position whatever um a lot the majority down the side of starship of the tiles are that same hexagonal shape so an improvement already just making sure you don't have as many little artisanal boutique pieces you have a bunch of interchangeable hexagons instead of you know this one tile that only fits in one place on the complicated bottom of the shuttle how's that i turned it back around to starship yeah i think even with shuttle the the boot each individual orbiter had special tie like you could swap from discovery to atlantis like each individual orbiter had had oh my god anyways a lot and really quick i know we're trying to do this fast but i will fight anybody that says buran is better than shuttle it is it was not it is demonstrably worse go look at the farewell dossier farewell dossier bye boom did you just reference on a live stream yes fair we did the farewell dossier is crazy we fed russia uh known bad designs in order to mess them up it's like reverse technical espionage and one of the known bad designs we fed them was used on brian at least according to a former nasa administrator anyway farewell dossier oh my gosh thank you jack that's a little bit of tinfoil for your hat there let's keep on going with uh some of the super chats there matt i'm gonna say hello to some new members martian brotherhood hello thank you so much for joining john doe dubker i'm gonna say it wrong but thank you so much again for becoming a member doc watson as well appreciate you game game cage game game 2001 there we go i messed it up but i still like it jason dulong thank you for becoming a member and yorkshire phaser as well welcome and thank you uh going back to the little notes here civilian space says thanks chris b for appearing on the podcast uh gudgeon bjordson says little help with the stream sitting my tent on a camping trip watching the stream here from south norway uh just after midnight when light uh no commentary are you guys sure there's gonna be a static fire no well no we can't we can't guarantee but we know that spacex is moving towards a static fire the road's closed the tank farm is clear the pad is clear we know that they are setting up oh look at that handwriting what is that what happened here it's hard to write with a mouse i must say [Laughter] when tablet that's actually floating in the air in boca chica yeah there you go mary got an alert notice too right das yeah mary got an alert notice as well that said between noon and 10 pm they were going to be trying to uh to do a test today and when she gets that specific type of alert notice it means it usually means they're going to try to light an engine a cryo test they won't do an alert notice that that warns about an overpressure anytime they're dealing with fire they'll put out a specific notice on a specific type of piece of paper with information in it that has that over pressure warning and that's an indication that spacex is interested in lighting a candle today so can we guarantee it's going to happen absolutely not i can't even guarantee the sun's going to come up tomorrow much less whether or not spacex is going to static fire today but we'll be here we're watching and it i feel like we're hearing some more sounds from the tank farm there somewhere starting to get venty and that is the approximate area of the condenser we can't actually see the condenser from this angle but that's that's a general area that we're going to be looking at to see that venting start good deal see sergey thank you for the super chat either thank you for the super chat there for the support uh logan thank you for the support there what happens if b3 blows will they need to test b4 and b5 for the first orbital flight uh yeah they'll i think they're still gonna even if b3 doesn't blow i think they'll still test b4 and b5 um but if if it does something bad does happen to b3 i mean we've seen test anomalies occur in the past they clean up the pieces and keep on keeping on uh invisible kinkajou thank you for the support let's see suggesting we were talking about radiation earlier move around at maximum speed don't go through the maximum flux zone yep that makes sense draga darga carol thank you for the support talking about ryanair saying they should buy a fleet of starships i mean it's not completely out of the realm of possibility hopefully you know in the next 10 20 years i don't know hopefully what we're seeing is we should buy starships or the airlines should buy starships i thought they meant ryanair should buy starships okay i mean ideally we get starship point to point and that's a thing i mean sign me up although i know uh i know how you feel about that dos you know you know john thank you for the support saying his daughter victoria would like to know why they're using 30 small engines instead of just a few big ones like saturn v well they are still fairly big and they produce a lot of thrust i think part of it is it's harder to make a bigger engine than it is a smaller one right like i remember the f1 engines on saturn v had a bunch of problems with flow instability um and also if you lose an engine uh out of 30 it's a sort of a less big of a deal than if you lose one of four or one of two um does anyone else have any input they want to throw in there yeah it depends on how small the engine is because if you make it real tiny that's pretty hard you ever tried to make a like crude ship in kerbal with just uh electric engines it's hard yeah i i mean there seems to be there's some economies of smaller scale i guess that's not really the right way to say that but once you get to a certain point the engine gets a little bit more complicated to make and make power out of so there's sort of a sweet spot based on your application and i think what they're doing with the raptors is they're sort of trying to go for that sweet spot i also know that uh they want a lot of commonality so you don't want you know oh this type of raptor on the bottom and then a different type of raptor and then a different engine a completely different thing on the top and then the fourth stage is going to be completely totally different so they're trying to design an engine that sort of fits all their needs for starship and we know there's a couple yeah there's a couple variants of of raptor so we know there's like the big bell raptor the vacuum optimized raptor and you have the sea level raptor right but that's not a totally completely green grass different engine design that's a lot of it's the same and they make some tweaks to optimize it to be more efficient in space where there's a vacuum there's no air and a different type to be more efficient down where there's atmosphere around so i think they're sort of split in the difference here the size of the engine the mass of the components how you can use it in more than one way in more than one place we everybody likes to say oh yeah engine out engine out um certain phases of flight the starship might be able to starship or super heavy might be able to actually lose an engine like an engine flames out and as long as it's in a nice controlled manner it may be able to keep on going with the mission right yes yeah so uh there are a lot of different considerations that you take into account when choosing this but i i i think that they're looking for that sweet spot they don't want one big massive sea dragon engine underneath it or anything like that but they don't want a bunch of teeny tiny rocket lab engines like that wouldn't work very well so they're shooting for the sweet spot yeah i mean that commonality thing it really makes a lot of sense because there are rockets that have a completely different set of propellants and engines for the second stage and that is not what we want here we want everything to be as common as possible for economies of scale and for simplicity and for weight savings and all of that so there's a lot of follow-on effects that occur there and in that case you don't want a giant engine on the second stage that is way oversized for it or what have you so very very good thinking there yeah and i'm still listening michael uh what level are we at there are we at nominal audio level or did i mess that up um i think it i can turn it up more if we want we just have to balance the wind noise versus the actual exciting noise i'm not hearing on my preview i'm not hearing much ambient noise in the past right now but i can try turning it up more i'm going to try to bring it up more and we'll see if chad complains because it is kind of quiet right now yeah i'm just trying to because we have to we have to boost that mic a certain way and if i clicked on it wrong i may have removed the boost and it would be too quiet but uh everybody says okay yeah it's okay it's good i hear the ambience three decibels so if chat let us know if it spills sounds good if you can hear it clearly um if it needs to be louder or quieter i can change that more questions really quick thomas ryman asks how do they get one of those alert notices it's a little bit tricky you have to live in boca chica village which at this point not a lot of people do but mary does and so she gets those notices uh dj plath asking has mcgregor ever tested a raptor vac yes they have they have tested at least two i think it was what we've seen from gary's aerial photos on the forum which if you don't know there is a member of the nasa space flight forum named gary who does flyovers of the mcgregor facility and provides those amazing images to the forum so check those out if you're curious what's going on in mcgregor that's probably the best resource out there uh and tj moore asking isn't b3 basically the same as s20 but with bigger tanks no it's very different i mean the tanks are bigger but the plumbing involved and the aft dome aka thrust puck whatever you want to call it the part where all the engines attach is very different and presumably the plumbing associated with that is very different that said it wouldn't shock me if they basically ran a starship fueling and countdown for this you know loaded a starship amount of fuel or a starship static fire amount of fuel and conducted it in that way because there are three engines that is what they did with starship was fire three engines for their static fires at least they got to that point so uh interesting question but no i would say b3 is significantly different um i'm going to run through a couple more super chats if there's no objections put him to work put him to work whip crack whip crack horse money whip crack horse winnie um let's see jim says has there been any discussion about using the boring company to help with construction on mars i think building underground would be a lot cheaper than above ground i i think subterranean is probably an idea they're exploring i don't know if they're doing it with the boring company yeah haven't haven't heard anything specific about that but they may not just not be there yet right um certainly yeah they could learn some things in in underground boring and utilize that on mars i don't see why not chris thanks for the support uh method it says would super heavy have to be fueled before stacking starship to prevent something like sn3 happening what are the safety implications of yes i think pressurized yes fueled no um let's see steven says are we gonna have to keep a poll to see if we keep baron no oh wow what is it it's like a it's like an episode of big bo kachika all of a sudden i don't want to vote him we vote him off the sandbar or something i'll give you cookies you're mjk uh here's something for a 4k gear upgrades what do you think will be the next big milestone after a successful first orbital hop first operational mission another orbital hop that actually goes to orbit for some sustained amount of time that too yeah yeah it index could that could certainly be some sort of mission like they could send a cyber truck up or something like that right yeah starlinks they could put some starlinks up i i think that this next test that's not next test but this suborbital hop or this orbital hop the orbital flight test they've been talking about that's gonna be good but that's not a starship in orbit for like five days or anything like that and they're gonna have to get into testing sending a starship up leaving it in orbit putting solar panels on it getting power positive being able to control it for a couple days time and then bring it down in a controlled manner and that may not come back down to the landing pad it may not come down to bokuchika it may also target the pacific ocean again just installing a new stainless steel reef or whatever um i just uh i think that that's definitely not going to be the end-all be-all and that is a very very first step towards trying to make the starship program a reality that this orbital hop um is just the first step lots more test to stream i could even see them doing you know like a a in orbit that was really a really really really high apogee so that when they come back in they have a lot of energy so they can really stress test the heat shield something like that too might might be on the cards who knows yeah universal thank you for the support appreciate you uh r4 thank you very much for becoming a new member uh jack asks is it possible to one day see multiple production facilities if they can nail the production right uh ss from bc to ksc is a logistical nightmare yeah interesting interesting there yeah i can see that our ship in more than one place yeah i think once they get it down they could certainly build in more than one place but i i have to say you said starship from boca chica to ksc is a logistical nightmare well it's just gonna hop itself it's super easy they build it they put it on the pad and they just fly it to ksc and land it there uh starship you joked us but honestly what do you think is a bigger hurdle getting highway 4 fully buttoned up and nice and because you've driven on highway 4. you know there's like a 12-mile stretch there between the launch site and the uh and the port connector road which they could in theory use but that huge 12 or 18 mile or whatever it is stretch of highway 4 is not in the shape that you could transport a self-propelled modular transporter down that thing with a with a super heavier start i don't think that's you know there's going to be a lot of work so what's more work fixing up 12 18 miles of highway 4 or the logistical nightmare of hopping a ship to ksc i don't know i think the biggest logistical nightmare is going to be 120 tons of stainless steel coming in hot over universal orlando that's going to be the trick there what if they go retrograde and then it comes in over the atlanta okay i'll stop i'll stop it's going to do a dog leg like it's going to go past the keys down south and then dogleg up to the cape starship's crazy y'all um all sorts of ideas we'll see what pans out very serious question here from james asks what's the giant pringles can for love you guys uh the answer that is so many people complained about not being able to fit their hand inside of the pringles can that elon said i got you there i was just gonna say it's for pringles duh uh-huh somebody calculate how many pringles you could put inside of a starship i'm not doing the math but it will calculate if they will volume of a cylinder volume of a pringles can do the math if you're super complicated figure out the wasted space in between cylinders then take the chips out of the pringle can and just crush them up and put them into the starship like you know dean has a project dean has a couple questions here uh about the environmental study is it true that they didn't get the environmental study before building a tower the faa says that the tower has to be torn down no i don't think they have to tear it down did you click on it did you click on that news article i don't i think though me or dean no everyone the class i'm just i'm asking everyone if they clicked on that news article remember that letter that was cited was months old this was sort of a much ado about nothing certainly spacex is continuing to proceed you'll also note in the letter the faa didn't say stop work halt everything until this is done they did say spacex was proceeding at their own risk but they did not say stop everything so i think it's going to get figured out i think it was the faa saying you know something there's process there's procedure maybe we need to update our process and procedure to keep up with you elon but uh i think it was the faa reminding people back months ago when they first sent that there is still a process and a procedure that needs to be followed you can't just say i'm saving the universe by building starship and then just ignore all the rules but i think it's a matter of paperwork i think it's a matter of spacex dot in the t's and crossing the eyes and they might get sort of looked at like a disappointed father but in the end i don't think that tower is coming down it was the faa just started going you may need to make changes to it because you're jumping the gun a little bit right i think the the flood factory or the or the click bait factory kind of got out of control on that one and i don't think anywhere they said it needs to be torn down they just kind of said hey this might complicate your environmental review or you might need to make some changes but uh just heads up maybe something you know not that's a far cry from you need to tear this down which obviously he didn't say but compounded right made a little bit worse by the fact that the faa is a favorite punching bag government organization been around forever spacex is new and hip it moves fast and breaks things and stuff um so there's gonna we're gonna have to land somewhere in the middle between the two but i know that people like to give the faa some grief i don't give the faa that much grief i mean i don't think they're in the wrong for telling spacex hey we got to make sure this paperwork's good i don't think that the faa has significantly delayed the starship program they didn't come in here and say shut everything down for nine months you know what i mean i i i think that the faa is a little bit of a whipping just whipping away i guess yeah you know what i mean just like an easy somebody to to bag on a little bit because they just have the government agency thing going against them but i don't think that the negative impact of a couple little delays from the faa is really the impact that people want to make it out to be you know maybe that's an unpopular opinion but i want it to be done safely i want the faa to also evolve i want to see starship fly and i hope that everybody comes to the table and works together to make it happen you know yep that couldn't have said that better myself and i don't think any of us wants to see the faa just rubber stamp things because that's how you get the 737 max anyways rockwell points out that we're on the e with the 52nd anniversary of apollo 11 moon landing got speed b3 it's the lens uh kathy says making another drink and settling in you and spacex are the best entertainment going great job team mary needs a t-shirt design t-shirt design well i know that every now and then a box that shows up at mary's house and she's like what am i gonna do with another 20 t-shirts i don't know i think i think what you mean though yeah like it's like a specific merry shirt uh that's something to think about lots of cool t-shirt design ideas huh i'll put that over in the store and see what they think uh no c says shout out to felix's space time and great interview with das uh leslie thank you very much for becoming a member let me jump back real quick um yeah i know a lot of people are super interested in our robotic cameras and felix spacetime is a young person over in the uk who does his own sort of space podcast and interviews some space people right and i'm the very edge of a space person there i mean i think he interviewed tory bruno after me so that's a little bit of a scale to stay within but uh he did an interview with me while i was out at starbase working on our robots and if you're interested in learning a little bit more about the behind the scenes of how the robots work no secrets or anything i'm not going to tell you how to solve the icing problem but uh you could head over to felix's video i'll get a link to that and put it in chat so you all can check it out it's it's some cool information and he was a cool kid to talk to so good thank you for the super chat there yeah he's asked me to do an interview multiple times and just hasn't worked out yet but i definitely want to because he rules mark davidson hashtag one orbit equals 20 21. mark got a fancy pronunciation of his name he got he got he got the extra spice on there uh nick salve what are those towers around the launch pad what are they do if only we had some sort of visual that could identify the towers no there's no towers it's a running joke matt about at the at the other launch sites that we commonly stream from there are lightning mitigation towers that you know but it's basically giant lightning rods and on every every single one of those streams somebody asks what are the towers what are the time it's now it's got another point where people know that we kind of roll our eyes when we're asked that and so now people ask that even more so that's i think they were talking about the tanks and the the hover lettering that we had above there earlier the telestrator i've got no sense of history yeah well you'll catch on quick you're learning the memes yeah there are no bad questions for new people we do not roll our eyes come on okay that's fair but okay we don't roll our eyes at the question when it's posed genuinely i think at least i when it when someone asks in a joking manner i'm like oh geez they're asking about the towers it's like you know it says like a joke but when someone's asking in earnest no that's not a bad question you're right you're good to clarify correct yes i agree concur send in your questions folk we we we don't make fun of questions every now and then uh we have like a funny meme or a joke or something about a question and that is that is sort of a joking question that's memed around here a little bit but please please don't hesitate to put your questions and we can't get to all of them for sure but no such thing as a silly question if you're interested in space you're interested in starship you want to learn about what's going on we will try our best to talk non-stop for five hours while we wait for a little fire to come out the back of this thing you know next time the towers are on i'm gonna ask about it right yep it's it's true as you should consistently um but speaking of of uh of questions here don't forget to add nasa space flight and we will see your questions and potentially answer them um here's one there are a few yeah here's one are they using the old tank farm the suborbital tank farm or the new ground support equipment which is the new orbital tank farm they're using the suborbital one same one they used for all the starship testing previously i do not think the orbital tank farm is ready to go even close um let's see is the faa in charge of all orbital launches on the globe like we have a world ship rescue center in norway that covers the world no faa is just in charge of u.s companies right isn't that how that works guys um so here's the deal this is something that everybody likes to say so i'll address it i'm not scared of addressing things like this um oh elon's just gonna go to a different country and launch his rockets from there we'll never guess where spacex is gets an awful lot of business from nasa if you run off to an oil rig or another country and you think that you're going to just thumb your nose at the faa that's not going to happen because spacex works with nasa i don't see that changing anytime soon and uh you're not going to thumb your nose at the faa and expect that you're still going to continue to launch nasa missions or department of ed defense missions or missions for other american companies so i know people like this because it's sort of a stick it to the man thing right oh he's got an oil rig and he's going to go out in the gulf and nobody can tell him he can't launch there's a lot back home with spacex the spacex is an american company they do a ton of work for nasa and also when shotwell's around i do not think that spacex would just drive across the border to mexico and launch a starship um don't foresee that happening you know how it works like uh rocket lab for example has a launch site in new zealand but they are a us company and so are under the jurisdiction of the faa and so like you said spacex is a u.s company therefore under the jurisdiction of the faa regardless where on the globe they launch yeah so i know people like that because they want to root for elon and they want to stick it to the man but you got to realize this isn't just we're going to take our ball and play elsewhere because most of most of the play that spacex gets is with nasa and u.s missions and department of defense and and all that sort of stuff and that's not happening i'm not scared to say that out loud um certainly you know 20 years in the future maybe elon owns an island somewhere and it's a different situation because he owns a hundred thousand starships or something but right now nasa and spacex work together you're not going to see spacex they forget you us government oh oops sorry nasa you're involved with that um that's not a thing y'all so i i don't mind saying that out loud here's a good question why aren't there lightning towers i had a tweet for that there is a lightning tower there it's shaped like a poster why aren't there more it's uh we've actually got some footage a tweet the other day of lightning it really did look like lightning struck either sn15 or sn16 over from our river cam angle and i had tweeted that out a couple days ago um i can maybe find that tweet but they can handle it i guess is the headline right so spacex has designed them in such a way certainly they know that it's a possibility that they may get struck by lightning and it's something that spacex has thought about um does that mean there would be zero impact at all they certainly go and check it all again right but it's something that spacex has thought about and uh they just have the booster sitting there they also have the big tower off the side we don't see the big tower right now but that orbital launch tower is even taller and the craziest thing is we've got footage off of the cameras of a lightning bolt hitting the ground not choosing the booster not choosing the massive tower but hitting the ground somewhere behind them and look lightning how does it work i don't know that i can predict exactly where lightning will strike but it's got to be something spacex has thought about you know absolutely and uh yeah i mean you just it's one of those things where i'm trying to make a joke here let's see you know how people always say the orbital launch site doesn't need a flame diverter because there's no flame diverter on mars but dust there's there's they don't have lightning towers because there's no lightning towers there's going to be no lightning towers on mars so i butchered that i wonder how much lightning there is on mars that was the joke anyways here i i got you there you go jack moving along yeah much needed um martin's saying can you please talk about the raptors being lower placed and showing the raptors are placed lower and they are showing um does anyone else have anything to add there good job i mean it's just it's different the the way that the booster is laid out is different than starship um that's why it has to have that sort of adapter between it and pad a which we didn't see on starship but uh yeah that's just uh down to how the booster is constructed it does not have an aft skirt that covers up those raptor engines they wanted to flex the muscles a little bit i mean i'm for for one i'm i'm glad for it because we get to see so much more detail in terms of what the raptors are doing the other day when they were doing a cryo test uh we could see a little vent off the side of one of the raptor nozzles just blasting out condensation it was just or gas gaseous whatever i assume liquid nitrogen um but yeah it's just it's it's really cool that the booster is different in this way um looks like we have a pip going on the roadblock that's the roadblock booster is getting arrested pulled over do you know how fast you were going uh mach 24 or zero it's just it's more likely that it didn't have the right paperwork like it's not registered do you ever give a license yeah um michael what are we looking at is there changes there are we just checking out the roadblock oh just the longer this goes on without venting the higher the probability it is that they are working issues of course we don't know with working issues but the longer it takes for the countdown to start the more of the odds their working issues increases so if they are working an issue that requires them to return to the pad people see that happen first on that camera pointed at the red block because obviously they will move the roadblocks so some cars can pass so we put that up on screen a bit so we can keep an eye on that i won't have it on permanently but we'll keep an eye on the roadblock as well as we wait to see what's going to happen here if they if they do go to the pad it's not the end of the world right because they we've seen them go to the pad work a thing and then come back and get all that done within the test window before that's not a big a big deal and thank you i was just about to ask what the window was today and oh look at this photo this is one of my favorite photos i've ever taken oh star hopper anyways window looks like it goes till 10 p.m local tonight so they have what uh another four hours or so three hours 45 minutes yeah at 6 15 local time central daylight time there go until 10 so they've got 3 hours and 45 minutes excellent um really quickly let's see emily asking when they are testing booster 4 could they static fire all engines without the booster lifting off um i don't think we know but if they're static firing on the orbital launch pad something tells me the hold downs on that pad will be robust enough to hold down the booster but then again it probably wouldn't have a starship on top so maybe we would see a mass simulator in that case question mark i don't know what do you guys think do you think we'll ever get to a point where they do a full up booster static fire maybe when the orbital launch pad is done oh um a full up static fire on the orbital launch platform i mean my gut says yes but i honestly who knows maybe maybe that's not a good idea for various reasons no flame diverter yeah so the reason the reason i sort of like about that is you see these big test stands right i know people love to say oh nasa built this big massive test stand and yet in spacex just lights it in the field well that's because nasa can do a full duration burn on four rs-25s and all of the energy gets handled correctly and distributed out so they can do the full duration burns in here going fast on the beach spacex hasn't built any of that energy management any like a flame redirector to make sure that the energy of the engines isn't bouncing back up and hitting them because that's a massive concern you see the rain birds like the shuttle taking off and you see this water start to spray under some other rockets do that as well managing the reflective energy of a rocket launch is super important if you just light your engines pointed at a flat piece of ground the energy has to go somewhere it's not all going to neatly go out to the side a significant portion is going to bounce off the ground and come right back at you and the engines put out so much power that you can actually destroy parts of the engines by reflecting that energy back at them so we we have all sorts of mitigation tactics there pieces of concrete that deflected off to the side throwing water like rain birds or some sort of water deluge system it's called where you actually put water in there and you suck energy out of literally out of the fire because it has to flash that water to steam helps dampen out some of the energy reflecting as well and we don't have a lot of that energy mitigation even on the orbital pad biggest we've seen really is lifting it up higher so just getting further away from the ground so the energy can spread out some more before it hits the ground and reflects back up and i'm sure they're going to have deluge systems and stuff like that as well um so could you could you do a full duration burn on a full complement of raptors on that pad i don't think you could do full duration maybe a static fire like a three second you know what i mean yeah that's kind of what i was thinking is not full duration but maybe all of all of the engines but not full duration and maybe even um you know staggered by a couple hundred milliseconds a piece or something like that but uh but def i don't think full duration i think a full duration static fire of the booster is the equivalent of that that they're going to do is they literally just fly the booster yeah it's important because one of the biggest problems with a big multi-engine rocket is getting all the engines to light at the same time and making sure they're all stable before you take off right um the russians had a problem with that on the massive rocket that they made that big in one it didn't go so well and there were problems with engines so if you certainly being able to light up all the engines at the same time in static fire configuration for a few seconds maybe that's going to be something they need to make sure they can do on the flip side sort of my opinion on that this is my opinion i think that some of our systems and controls our electronics how quickly sensors work how quickly computers can make decisions we may be a little bit better off than when the russians tried their big rocket and so it might be that you could just go for launch uh uh sorry look at that that's okay that's very exciting computers are fast maybe that's okay yeah also they couldn't test the engines on the end one they could batch test them but they couldn't actually test the individual engines yeah so so we'll see on that that's up to spacex but you see there behind the three tanks there's a little bit of uh vapor coming out you'll see little wisps happening that is the area of what we call the recondenser we never actually confirmed with spacex that's exactly what it is but that's what we call it that's what it is i have i have worked on getting that right okay okay that is that is the recondenser so you can see some plumes of vapor there that is an indication this is a good indication that spacex is preparing that tank farm to start put to start putting those cryogenic fuels liquid oxygen liquid methane into booster well you got to fuel it before you can light the engines so this is what we've been waiting to see who's excited i'm excited future history future history i'm just kidding i'm hyped yeah here we go again uh you can see from that angle some condom some vapor happening in the middle of those tanks that should get more and more and more and more valves should open up so what they're like literally think about this picture right here the cryogenic fuel the liquid oxygen super cold oxygen super cold methane is in the tanks over on the right hand side don't ask me which ones but it's in those tanks and what they need to do is start moving it over to the booster so you're gonna see some venting start to move in that direction and at some point we're gonna start to see some venting happening at the bottom of the booster itself if you watch really closely sometimes you can see the progression of the super cold liquids going from the tank farm over to the booster not because you can see the liquid itself but because you can see evidence that something there is really cold so now is the time that we really like this angle we can watch from the side and see as spacex continues to hopefully push towards what may be the historic first static fire of a well i don't want to say full up because it doesn't have all the engines but a full-sized super heavy booster we'll see can't tell you the exact time but we're going to keep watching more and more vapers go ahead although we do have an estimate which i'm not comfortable sharing at this moment from adrian but adrian is tracking this and like i said earlier recondenser is one of those things where back in the starship testing days uh it was a very good indicator of how things were going to go timing wise so if the previous countdown holds we have an indication of when it would be but i don't think we should necessarily broadcast that time because this is a completely new vehicle completely new test so who knows exactly how it'll go but maybe uh it will put it in a sealed envelope and open up that envelope and see if adrian was right uh if and when we get a fire yeah but it is a good sign that's what we want to see go ahead matt in terms of fuel would they would they top it up or would they just partially put it in there yeah we think they're just going to put a little bit in it not fill the entire thing up we're not even sure um somebody that spacex probably chuckles when we say this we're not even sure this little teeny tiny tank farm is big enough to fill up a booster there may not be enough volume there just look at the booster compared to the tanks i mean i just there's no way this tank farm has enough volume to fill the booster and even if it did um matt we saw with starships they would sort of minimally fuel them with the minimum amount of fuel that they would need to do the static fire and only the only time they ever really fully fueled starship was when they were going to launch and i think part of that is a safety consideration because if you snap your fingers and detonate that much fuel you have a pretty significant explosion so if with these kind of tests you want to fill it up only as much as necessary good question though i feel silly with that question after looking at the tanks after asking it no no no no no we've had people we've we've thought about that a lot and just looking at the volumes there it's just not a thing especially especially when you get a shot that shows the size of the orbital tanks that's not even completed yet and the size of this tank from michael you mind if i bring that up real quick like if i back beach off and show the orbital tank farm in comparison to this wee baby tank farm [Laughter] yes you don't even have to ask but thank you for the heads up and we'll take a look at that but all i will say is that orbit launch tower is tall i had a preset uh for it so there over on the left hand side that's the full up orbital facility and look at the size of the tanks there that's not even their final form they're gonna put there's gonna be more of them too yeah they're gonna put more more tanks over there and they're gonna be too deep and then look at the size of this little wee baby tank farm over on the right hand side so that's the real deal to go to space on the left on the right hand side that's their test facility that's where they test the engines do static fires but not looking like enough to completely fill that booster up i i think that's a pretty confident thing to say yep and before we cut away that same truck the tanker truck that we were using for scale with a booster is visible in this shot oh yeah it just further gives you a sense of scale good call on that matt that is a a really cool thing to point out i almost feel like we should frame the camera like this with a static fire it looks so cool it's a fantastic shot it does look super cool you know what i'm gonna do michael right i'm gonna put more cameras out there so we can frame them multiple ways hey if you need someone to carry cameras you know who to call of course don't worry folks we have many cameras we will show a tighter shot at a static fire no matter what but as one of the cameras that might be off air i think this shot could be cool but don't worry we're not going to show this shot live i probably yeah yeah yeah we have all sorts of cameras one of our things is we throw so many cameras at it that if one has a problem while we're live we just switch to the others and sometimes you're no none the wiser that there's a problem with the camera um until it's t-minus 10 seconds and danger cam's not up and we'll all have our hair on fire even though knows that expire has occurred yet broke up the wall and keep what sticks there you go [Laughter] uh matt do you want to do some more super chats before we get too far behind here uh dad fat dunky says for parts with the complicated heat tiles like the flaps do you think they might just replace the whole part if there's a damaged tile then send it off to someone to fix it um i think it depends on the installation method but i think it's always less work to replace a tile than it is to take off an entire elana ron or flap or something like that i hate that beam you hate that name i'm not a fan i'm sorry they're flat out already sorry i'm gonna call them that twice how wait say it again elanaron ilana um elona ron runner on the laundromat all right got it you got it okay good yeah yeah yeah jack you can call him flaps thanks jack is gonna like go throw up now go ahead uh actually says go internet wrote wait wrong rocket go star wait no go super heavy go here you go more memes thanks axey we appreciate you g forbes joining late are there more are there three raptors on this test turtle yes there are three raptors on this yes you can see right there um two engine belts yet yeah two engine bells really obvious you can actually see the stenciled numbers on the side and the third engine bell is right there in the middle you see the big uh v-shaped adapter and then just at the bottom right of that you can see the side of another engine belt sort of blocking that i think it's 62 isn't it i should probably can we type that out so i get it right the next time i think it's 57 59 and 62 and i think 59 is partially obscured yeah that's the one we can't see so this is a this is a really interesting shot as well apart from the three raptors underneath the pad that the booster is on is actually the starship suborbital test pad it's tespate for starship but they had to install an adapter so that you could put a super heavy on the top of it and i think it has to do with the number of hard points like the structurally sound points where that carry the load of the rocket i think there's 12 points on the bottom of the booster and the starship pad only has six points around where the landing gear are so y'all correct me like fact check me on that but i think what they've done with that adapter the sort of rusty bit in the middle right is they took one starship hardpoint and they turned it into two spots for the booster to sit on and transfer that low to that massive booster down and look at the venting now by the way on mars i do wonder if if part of that uh part of that adapter's use is to keep the raptors from being too close to the ground um because they would be hanging down lower than they would be if a starship was on that pad so this is kind of a key point this is kind of keeping them at the same elevation as we saw them for starship testing and just really quickly it's a dongle it's a space dongle because it's an adapter in the bottom left from one thing to another anyways yo oh wow look at that yep and i've got that up uh closer on the beach where you can really see the grass venting going as well from the side need to back it off just a hair don't i but the lower right hand corner you can oh michael's got it look at that so there's our toy truck again and there from activity yeah look do you remember how i said you were gonna start to see things going from sort of the tank farm over towards the booster you see the vents that are happening right above our toy truck there it's a real truck it's a toy truck that's what i'm gonna call it those things start to vent and that's another good sign look at that yeah i wonder if we'll be able to see on danger cam the feed lines going into the booster um getting all frosty and goodness yeah we'll definitely again right now we have this super uh super in on the raptors so we can see that but i think what we're going to do is crop this a little bit differently so we can see some of those feed lines because you could literally see ice forming on the feed lines you can just barely see them on the right side of the frame right now so if you didn't change it i think it would be fine but a little bit more a little bit wider might be a good call there in context yeah either way this is looking great we are progressing towards a three engine we think static fire of super heavy and uh yeah this is this is looking great i think the next thing we would look for after this is condensation around those raptors correct i think so yes check i think i think we'll see some vapors start to start to come out from the booster and then we'll really see that condensation start to form so very cool [Laughter] they look good kevin is visiting boca chica next week what should he do and see you all there go to uh sea turtle inc go uh get a surf lesson from june rachel space padre um definitely go see starship trying to think of what else i mean get some beach get some beach time i don't know where you're from where you're visiting from but there's some nice beaches out there could always just be a beach bum for a little bit even just there in boca chica hang out on the beach with starship that's always cool um pick up some trash why not pick up some trash on the beach because that's always a good thing i know that might not sound super fun but hey it'll feel good in your heart indy asks do you think sls will be the last nasa built rocket probably not i don't know that's a good question yeah i hope i kind of hope so nasa's so good at building missions right i want to see more mars rovers i want to see more deep space probes that outlast their their mission time frame by decades like nasa is so good at those things i almost wish they didn't have to worry about the rockets and they could just get the rockets from the providers ula you know what i mean and let them focus on building more of those crazy mars rovers or a hell like a bigger helicopter for mars nasa does such a good job at that stuff and i'd love to see them freed up from a budget and a focus perspective so that they can uh rely on some other providers now sls not going anywhere in the meantime but it may be the last nasa designed rocket is sort of where i'm going with that you know yeah uh here's kind of a fun one george asks what here will the first enterprise style starship be operational based on the leaps and bounds we're seeing here 2500 no 20 24 27 in january i think at the latest nice win 24 20. lynn thank you very much for becoming a member here uh glenn says the towers point to direction to the future they point towards the future they're upvotes every rocket starts with four upvotes and uh okay moving right along nice comment from uh from taylor who says hi guys hope you all are having a great day keep up the good work uh when load bearing leds did i miss the led talk on a previous stream what is with that the lift stream spacex is actually developing new load-bearing leds to clad the tower with so that they can put awesome designs on the side of the orbital integration tower and uh help hold up that's all right that made most of that up okay we just wish there's we will use all the targets they put in fuel it fills up along the side of the tower yeah like the tower leds light up as starship fills up with fuel that's what i want to see actually do the thing where they like used to do on the duracell batteries or whatever where you like press the sides of the bag yeah like different colors red it goes into yellow yeah yeah the preset size of the tower you'll see how okay i'll stop duke asks uh how the heck are they gonna get the starship on top of super heavy probably a ladder um crane i'm gonna go with crane uh i don't know that they're going to stack the first one using any sort of infrastructure on the tower itself i think they're going to use a crane um i'm just going to carry it up yeah just just pick it up this is a step ladder put it on top it's pretty heavy you need a big ladder uh estimates on the on how many pringle cans can fit inside that thing from evan did we get that oh he says 21 316 i feel like that's shy is that is that a single is it a single stack or is that like filling the volume i think the volume could carry more than that yeah i think you're right but i am notoriously bad at estimates of weight and distance and time and all that stuff so like it's like that game at the you know you go to the little thing and it's like guess how many things are in here to win a prize we've got one better though from from uh assuming chips are kept in their cans and cans optimally packed into booster oh my wow how many is that can you read that number i can't i can't even parse that number in my head in one wow that's a lot more than 21 000. that is a lot oh look there's all sorts of different answers though folks not a one of you dad dos here not a one of you have shown your work show your work if you're giving us an answer i see three different answers over here and i want to see the work um yes yes ryan's like 345 million this is like the time that we people were asking how many bushels of corn or whatever would fit in the but with pringle i mean i'm this is what we're here for we're answering the important questions uh kelsey's asked how do you know which way to point the super heavy booster since there's no pointy end oh well there is a there is a flaming end though there's a flame down so thanks to tim for that very critical uh uh mnemonic there thanks to ula too fred would like to point out that according to there's weak and rare lightning on mars especially during dust storms oh cool so yeah no lightning no lightning towers here because no lightning towers on mars test as you fly uh okay keith thank you very much for becoming a new member uh are we doing shout outs to people um hey sure why not why not shout out to robin and justin watching from work in detroit diesel in michigan good job justin hey robin justin how you doing that was that was a very shout out voice as well matt nice yeah it's really good i like i'm i feel excited for that shout out like a sincere shout out on occasion i'm okay with we don't want to make it like shout outs or us or anything like that so like you just read every every super chat in the shout out voice yeah exactly david asks how much fuel will it hold oh my gosh jack do do we know like i don't know off the top of my head like a volume number or anything like that do you know that one i don't know that one i am going to just stall for time stall for time put that back in the queue i'll get back to you okay cool yeah we go to go to our help and see if we can find it okay uh would the booster get fts or is it just starship from chris k fts is a flight termination system [Applause] look at that we've got venting under the skirt or i guess there's no skirt but we've got we've got aft venting and look at the the feed lines those are just steaming with the with with coldness i can't even talk i'm sorry awesome yep definitely active there you could you could see the vapors i'm not kidding you y'all we sort of know what we're talking about you see the vapors coming out from under starship and that is a sign that they're starting to put those super cold liquids into the vehicle itself very cool that's neat if elon ever asked me that's what i tell him neat neat and i'm i'm gonna be working a technical issue real quick here y'all so jack and matt y'all just keep on keeping on is there anything more immediate going to happen or you want to go back to the uh the questions i mean this is this is really something here yeah yeah right so uh for anybody who doesn't know can you explain the the fuel composition yeah it's what they're loading it's liquid oxygen and liquid methane and uh methane is the fuel oxygen wow wow nice and uh yeah that's that is the dragon thomas saying approximately 3 400 tons of propellant and super heavy when fully fueled also known as 7.5 million pounds of propellant so that is a lot as a technical term a lot look at this what a sight a booster 3 is coming to life for its first ever static fire hopefully soon here i mean we're progressing down the timeline rapidly i think the next thing we would look for if this follows the starship flow would be the methane vent which is a small vent from that upper tank the bottom tank is liquid oxygen and you can see sort of that row of corrugated metal looking thing those are stringers that are strengthening the portion where the liquid oxygen tank on the bottom and the liquid methane tank on the top uh sort of meat coming to life is such a good way to describe this yep yeah it's like it's taking its first breath like i'm gonna fire my engines yes wow i like just don't even want to talk anymore because it sounds so cool inevitably talk over some of this stuff but this is like the uh the same as talking over commentators like when we're using an official stream yeah you feel like you need to be quiet every time in vince how how many excitements do you have quantify them uh lots uh three wait no 100 no wait uh you know what that vent that from the bottom of the booster right there it kind of looks like one of the trivents obviously there's only one right now but i'm getting i'm getting a chill down an engine chill down vent vibe from that that lower vent there but who knows if that's actually what it is it might be that skirt vent we saw on starship because i think people i wish i could remember who told me this it was a good thought so i would like to credit it but somebody said whose name i i've forgotten that on starship they have to have the engine 12 vents go outside the vehicle because there's the interstage was super heavy so they have the vent that drill down liquid oxygen outside the vehicle but on super heavy because the engines point out after the full stack they can just basically vent that engine still straight down through the raptors we're outside the vent on the side of the raptor so it might be that the engine shall vanish on super heavy is just simply right next to the engines themselves and the tank farm is just going absolutely bonkers clearly they are loading propellant into the vehicle and progressing towards a historic first ever static fire of a super heavy booster how exciting i hope you all are excited as as we are so i i'm up in in dallas but i am curious if you were there since they're loading methane would there be a methane smell no yes like if you're at the pad should there be a strong methane smell or wafting the vapors which you wouldn't want to do but i don't think they add mercaptans which is the thing that makes you know like natural gas or whatever in your home smell into rocket fuel but i will say having been there after static fires and after flights there is a distinct smell um i mean i remember i watched uh serial number six top alongside gene from space padre and the wind was blowing at us and a few minutes or a few seconds after after the launch we just got hit by a an entire wave of smell and i think that was more the smell of um of um combustion from the raptor rather than methane itself but that's a really good question i i wonder if they add mercaptans into rocket fuel just for safety or no chad's informing that methane has no natural smell when it's when it's pure which is something i didn't know thank you chap yeah that's but they add in a stinky smell into natural gas like when the gas comes into your home like a stove or a heater or something they add that smell in for safety so you know when there's a leak and i don't think um i don't think someone just messaged me something terrible uh i don't think that they they do that but that's a good question i would really like to know the answer to that just a little fun fact here from luis who says an explosion of a full starship plus super heavy stack would easily surpass that of the soviet n1 moon rock at the second test yeah and that would be bad and we don't want to see that happen because windows would break on south padre island i bet even though it's five miles away and that's just not that's not good we don't want any test setbacks if we can avoid it yeah i wonder how many kilotons that would be equivalent to like one or two or something who knows if you know comment and show your work and i guess one problem here is we have seen the starship timeline and we notice supposed to be a siren at t minus 10 minutes but the siren has been hit or missed in the past so hopefully we'll get a 10-minute warning but there's a non-zero probability static fire could just happen without any warning because again our timeline is based on previous static fires but those static fires were with starship not a super heavy so so far it's gone about how we expected it to go with starship but with a super heavy booster perhaps there could be some changes so just be aware of that and we will do our best to not talk over the static fire but we need warning for the static fire hopefully would the venting calm down before that happens no yeah it just it keeps going like we want to mention the estimate that we have from adrian that depends on y'all's level of confidence i mean if adrian is is confident saying what that is it seems like things seem to be lining up that's why i ask okay i'll ask people and see what he okay so he has consented our current estimate based on data from starship testing which is a totally different vehicle although so far everything has lined up to what we expect our current estimate is a static fire at what is that as minus two military time darn it uh 707 707 is our current estimate based on previous starship static fires and adrian's tracking spreadsheet so far everything yep that's 20 minutes from now isn't it just 20 minutes from now yep we're getting there getting real close so we'll keep our eyes on the data and if anything changes with that um we will let you know and of course as we always like to say one it's an estimate based on previous data two that data is from a different vehicle and three there could always be any number of planned holds or unplanned holds on the part of spacex it could be the case they hit an issue and have to hold at a certain you know hold point uh or you know they could just plow right through and hit 707 right on the button so who knows yeah mary says there already was a siren so wait we're under 10 minutes there was a siren already yep it happened around 6 45 so about seven minutes to the static fire if the siren was accurate i just said just please delete from your brains wow well that's going to be different looking at 6.55 then all right well we'll just have to wait and see and definitely so we don't talk over the sweet sound of static fire wow by the way we're getting close we're getting real close here and it's it's history it's a historic moment and it's a stepping stone on the road to the future that's why i like to yell history and future alternately let's see totally not andrew roblox asking do you think b3 well in future boosters will have a different tri event i think we're seeing that now i think there is no trivet on the booster i think sort of like what michael was saying the engine chill vents are on the engines themselves um if we are indeed less than 10 minutes away then we would already have seen the trivent but uh yeah that's a good question there getting real close here this is awesome i should check what my heart rate is on my watch yeah i'm gonna say out loud real quick michael do you want that wider shot on beach like do we do we actually want that whole facility shot just i think that the tower is going to give some context to how big the plume is so if you want to go for it please yeah i can do it i'll go ahead and pull that one back again we have lots of different angles and stuff y'all and uh sometimes close end angles are awesome but wide shots of exactly how big this plume is it's going to be smoke and dust mostly dust that you see come up but that's how we know that it's a static fire a static fire should produce thrust from the engines the thrust goes down and hits the ground and it blows this huge cloud of dust around the dust sort of blows off to one side so i will handle that and this is this is cool that is an understatement what an amazing thing to see after so much speculation and so many starships on this pad now we have a booster on the pad ready to go potentially just moments away from its first ever static fire i mean imagine being at stennis when they first ever fired a f1 engine or something like or an rs25 i mean oh my gosh how cool is that my my heart rate is at 120 bpm and i'm sitting still i might be having a heart attack you know i really enjoyed all five hours of the uh the section stacking yesterday in the tower but this is cooler yeah no question michael i am frantically working okay super cool oh sorry i see the problem okay good you should've just told me change the scene sorry i am trying to get something else working no worries you do your thing michael pull the steampunk levers and make the things work while we flap our gums effortlessly do the real work look at that amount of condensation that is significant you can see like a crane on the very right side of the screen like hiding like please don't hurt me oh and there you can see it even better there so we're estimating about three minutes from now based on the siren potentially but there is the siren is a less um is a less precise indicator sometimes the siren's early sometimes the siren's late so it could be any minute now it could be 10 minutes from now um it's just sort of they say they're supposed to do it 10 minutes before the firing and we've seen a lot of variability in when that siren goes off so it's not like it's one of those data points that we can track and put in the spreadsheet and reliably estimate stuff on but i mean even with those data points obviously since this is the first time they've ever done this with a booster we can't really estimate too well off of that either as evidenced by the early siren so we shall see really any any second now i think is a is a appropriate guess because there's got to be some amount of time between when it is communicated to the law enforcement officer hey do your siren thing and the time where they go okay and turn the car on and turn the siren on and start driving right even if it's just 30 seconds or a minute there could be some lag time so it could even be you know static firing right now who knows but no cool if you pull that off i am thinking we should all stop talking because i don't want to talk over to static fire so yeah i'm down and matt you joke but i did do that once within like two seconds and then he continues the talk really quick uh there is a you can see that camera on the right is having some instability i don't know what we're gonna see from that but we have mary's camera on the left on four modems uh so we'll we'll watch the experimental feed we have near the site but worst case mary's gonna get it for us all right so we're going into quiet mode yes okay what if nothing happens for like five minutes though shut up some people would probably be happy with that that's what the 24 7 stream is for like so okay you looking any better what do you know we're trying to go see if we get a static fire here y'all we're being quiet because there's no countdown we will see the flare of the engines the plume of smoke before we would hear any noise but it could happen at any moment that's what we're standing for standing by for here oh sure you get to talk i gotta explain the library shush it's a rocket library it's like a rocket church um i think now we're past that 10 minutes from the siren well past yep yeah so we don't know specifically what's going on but if their t-minus zero was ten minutes after the siren sounded they've now passed that mark which might be an indication that something's up completely expected we would absolutely positively expect this being the first time they've done this them to have a hold or potentially a recycle that would make perfect sense to us don't get any official word from spacex but if this is uh if they did do that siren 10 minutes in advance we're now past that 10 minutes i should say right now we're on mary's microphone so we can talk we will have warnings pay attention when you are talking right yeah watch the screen and if it flashes then everybody be quiet it takes how many it takes like five or six seconds to travel the distance yep i just heard cheering and clapping yeah interesting yeah a lot of times there'll be a spacex employees out there watching these tests so that could have been could have been them maybe applauding something you just point out the bird thank you chad that was heard yeah it's important to do uh so do we want to answer questions or do we want to keep shutting up that is a good question if i answer it i will also answer your question so i think at this point we probably can't let's just let's just keep talking about what's going on let's not do questions or super chats or anything let's just explain to people what we're looking for here um i know that a lot of people get really sort of keyed up right around t minus zero like this but uh we're gonna watch and see what happens again we don't get an official countdown or anything like that unlikely that they'll redo the 10-minute siren so we may not have all the information that we would hope we would have we shall see we are coming up on 707 702 local right now almost 703 so just something to point out who knows maybe adrian will be right but yeah looks like uh i mean to your question earlier matt you asked if the venting would sort of calm down a little bit before static fire and it does look like the tank farm has chilled out oh god i hate myself for the pun it has calmed down right so um it would seem to me that whatever loading of propellant they did they have done and the vehicle is in a steady state at this point um sort of waiting to do its thing more people cheering in the background i wonder what that means it's the confused media button is what it is they're doing giveaways there's a t-shirt cannon out there they're firing bm3 t-shirts into the spacex crowd 705 local coming up hopefully on the first ever static fire of booster 3 or any super heavy booster down here in boca chica texas at spacex's south texas facility again this is a feed from mary boca chicago oh there we go hey we got something all of a sudden there was definitely a static fire oh that's one camera i'm going to come on technology but that was awesome that was super awesome that dust it kicked up that's the plume of dust that we're looking for that means that the uh some number of raptors i'm not gonna say three yet but some number of raptors actually produced thrust that force hit the ground underneath them and we got that big plume of dust and a drone it sounds like it sounds like a drone going over mary right there but that is what a static fire is supposed to look like um for the booster that's the first time they've lit up engines on that are actually attached to a booster out there at the pad so if that was three in 29 imagine 29 yeah there's some clapping i i wonder i wonder if the clapping that we heard wasn't somebody hearing on the radio that they're proceeding again or something like that like they went into they had a hold or something like that and then you heard clapping because somebody heard on on one of the spacex radios that uh that some good news came over the radio right that wouldn't shock me at all that seems like a very logical uh conclusion there t-shirt cannon was a good guess though yeah you know man could always be a t-shirt cannon you never know very cool well first ever static fire of a super heavy booster it's been done three engines i mean that's what it looked like anyways a huge amount of dust getting kicked up i don't think that was just one uh we will have to check the uh check the feeds there and see if we can glean any information off of uh any of our extra cameras that we have but thank goodness mary was out there with her camera and got that all set up i mean it's not like she wouldn't be right she's uh all eyes on all things in boca at all times so thanks to her for that chat throw thanks mary in chat because hey we had these views thanks to her bending on the side of it now yeah look at that now it's venting see if we can hear it that would be the depress elon tweeted full duration test firing of three raptors on super heavy booster well now we don't have to analyze any footage because we know how many rappers it was wow that was fantastic look at the venting there yeah i mean we were talking about scale earlier this thing is huge and those vents are not small i think there's something like 10 or 15 meters we did an estimate on a previous unlike cryopress stream they're huge huge very high pressure vents it's super cool to see super cool to see this thing fire up for the first time that is a pit that is a bit of history history has been made in south texas i mean hooray i don't know about you guys but i'm super excited by that i think it's a step it's a step in the right direction they need to keep going forward with the test i know it's been a while since we've got a static fire like that and there's got to be people watching like oh my gosh what that's what it was like really that's why we were sitting here watching it that's that's important the fact that they actually it is that's a big deal that they got those engines they've tested the engines up at mcgregor they've tested the engines over and over again they know that the engines are going to light but then you get down here to boku chica and you have to integration test the engines you actually have to see if you can get those engines lighting on the booster so that is a whole other step in the fact that the spacex team sort of almost first try when they're going for it here was able to get the static fire happening that is a huge testament to the amount of work that they've put in so that is that's rather impressive honestly i'm just thinking back at all the starship tests that they did and the number of times where they had to send some people back to the pad to tweak an igniter or this or that or the other thing i mean first attempt of a super heavy static fire went off without a hitch as evidenced by elon's tweet that it was full duration i mean really really really excellent stuff and bodes well for the future of testing and for an orbital flight attempt hopefully before the end of the year speaking of i wonder how uh our member and good friend andre is feeling right now about his bet with a number of people who i know regarding this thing flying by the end of the air i imagine he's feeling pretty good right now i mean i certainly am jack look at this danger cam has survived the static fire it got stage fright during the static fire i'm very mad about it but the good news is danger cam is alive and hopefully the next static fire it will not freak out at 2-0 put it this way if i was where danger cam is i would be freaking out as well so so so there you go kind of understandable a little bit disappointing but understandable and like you said hopefully for the next one it will have improved its metal a little bit and everyone please say thanks to mary and chat because without mary today she held down before with that audio and super stable awesome video that the robot apparently uh freaked out about it's probably my fault by the way this is this this actual problem is probably going to be my fault so don't blame dos blame me but we'll get it right there's going to be a lot of static fires with this booster at least that's what it sounds like so i mean plants can always change they originally were going to start with a single engine static fire and they apparently went straight to the triple engine static fire so we'll see how it goes but there is a good chance this is not the last static fire and we'll we will pull obviously the footage was recorded locally now the camera survived so stay tuned to the daily video and we'll have all of the different angles from our bots actually daily video is going to be events from today but there will be a static fire video as well okay so the static fire video and a daily video two videos thanks right yeah yeah what uh i mean just so cool michael you said we think there's gonna be more static fires of this booster do you think they'll test the same engines in different positions or do you think they'll add more engines on or what do you think i'm hoping they're gonna add more engines but i don't know for sure i haven't seen any elon tweets yet but if elon tweets and somebody wants to ask elon maybe you can get a reply from him on how many rappers you should expect to get installed in total if i was going to be asking elon a question on his current tweet right there uh that would be the question i would be asking is what are you gonna how many engines are you gonna go up to what's the plan because i mean oh my gosh three is a lot three is a lot by itself imagine any any number higher than three is going to be something really special to see and that'll be the first time more than three raptors have ever been fired at once somebody just really quickly somebody in chat i see a lot of people saying thanks mary i see somebody saying who is mary she's a boca chica resident she lives there in bokuchika village she's who shoots all the daily videos she's the one with boots on the ground that catches the deliveries of the cool things arriving in starbase and catches all that stuff and that is going on there all the testing as you can see today so yeah if you don't follow bokeh chicago on twitter you really should uh because she is the best source of breaking news there in boca chica so that is who mary is you should know if you watch the stream and you should if you don't know anything you should definitely know who mary is so bokeh chicago on twitter boca chica resident hello i see scott manley in the chat what up scott hello well it almost sounds like scott i'm like wait scott didn't join did he let's go manly here that's that's good that's actually really good jeez i just got uh yes i'm just i'm just jazzed over here i can't even think i can't collect my thoughts to think words um do we want to thank some people here sure absolutely i'm uh i'm just checking everything and uh trying to figure out if we still have all of our cameras online and stuff it looks like everything has survived right now um we're gonna be of course pulling footage i know that we had that one that sort of got taken out shouldn't exactly get taken out but we'll work on that and see what the deal is with it um looking over here it looks like mars cam is okay [Music] what is that michael hang on a second can you go to mars cam real quick for us i am not getting stable video from ice cam now we're not waiting for stabilizer oh okay yeah what well wait a second it isn't stable video completely it looks like it's a little hiccuppy but it seems that someone has left not quite a crop circle for us um there seems to be some sort of message left in the field mysteriously here what is this this is one of our cameras it is it is we've been doing donuts on mars i guess and we have some sort of message that's been left out here in the field on mars let me see let me see if we can enhance and see what this is everybody knows that uh oops they wonder when starship was going to hop but these days a little bit shaky on the video can anyone translate that do we have anyone who can translate this for us matt the class come up with the answer before you tell them i was just gonna let him let him say what it is when moon arrow i mean we have a question mark that clearly someone's curious about something and then space pointy thing face donut pointy thing you know what i think this is i think this is a sign from our guy in the merch shop i think that he has released a new design we're moving on from win hop and we now have the win orbit starship merch in the shop check this out over in chat i'm gonna put the link in it's like scrolling like crazy but click on the shop link that that case space gotta be that's me is doing and if you head over that way you can see we've got some new t-shirts we've got some new hats and stuff like that michael you can go back whenever you want the gags the jig's up we have some mugs moving on from win orbit or from win hop we now have win orbit starship and no one will know no one will know what your shirt means if you have on that shirt or hat there's long sleeve shirts there's hoodies there's the hats there's the mugs and everything head on over to the shop continuing our trend of esoteric shirts that almost nobody will know but every now and then you'll pass someone on the street and they'll go hey starship and you'll be friends with them because they pass the test again i'm going to put that link in the chat one more time a little bit of a gag funny story didn't tell anybody i was doing that yeah i had no idea you were doing that that's hilarious no no one knew that uh there is a print shop in brownsville that printed out that design and mary actually went into town and picked it up and nailed it to a post and we put it out last week and then we were worried about it so we pulled it back in because static fire didn't happen and we mary went out there and put it out again today literally so that i could pan the camera to it live thanks mary i didn't i didn't clear that with anybody i almost forgot to mention i got stephen out in the field there too and he just posted up some sweet photos on twitter excellent he was racing down there together in time so i'm glad he got to see it that's been fun let's uh let's get that those tweets and stuff like that linked up as well for stephen who's made it out there hey y'all the merch store it's a little bit of a gag like a little bit of a funny thing there but the merch store really is another way that you can support what we're doing um we have a lot of fun with this and if you want a cool t-shirt or a mug or something like that that is another thing that you can do you can buy a cool little design or something money that like that that we get goes back into bandwidth and more improvements and all that sort of stuff out at boca chica so funny funny thing there putting the sign in the field but it really does mean a lot with this when you y'all do a little bit of shopping and buy a t-shirt that is a huge way to help us out so thank you all so much for the support whoa we have a tweet from elon get it elon says depending on progress with booster four we might try a nine engine firing on booster three nine times okay take your time yeah right i just wanted to say nine times ferris bueller but yeah nine nine engine firing is put is possible with booster three based on elon's tweet no kidding nine engines nine engines go big or go home i'm trying to do a ferris bueller here nine engines nine times all right nobody laughs it's okay i still like it nine engines nine engines thank you yeah thank you just remember that conversation we had yesterday about potentially needing a backup danger cam uh-huh yeah that yeah you want to back up danger cam i think the current one might be in danger oh i got all sorts of diagnostic information off that michael and and we'll see oh no no i mean for the nine raptors not for the problem today you mean for nine directors yeah i thought you meant you just want to put two cameras in harm's way huh i guess i mean i just i just want to make sure that we're prepared for when danger gets absolutely obliterated by nine raptors [Laughter] we'll uh we'll work on it how's that sounds good but yeah thank you all for the super test because clearly we have upgrades we need to do and we appreciate all your support so i hope you don't mind us plugging a store in the super chats but believe us it goes a long way we have spent a lot of money on getting 24 7 online in particular and all of that would not be possible without your support literally nothing we do would be possible without your support so thank you and we're i'm looking at the super chat queue and we are 54 minutes behind do you want to run through some of these or matt do you want to run through some of these sure i would be happy to uh do we have time for questions or don't we just go through and thank people um we made it unless it's a really quick question um we may just need to sort of run through let's just let's just do some intent thinking how's that sound okay octavian thank you very much we appreciate that very very very much as well thank you jesse c thank you very much for supporting the channel uh thank you to musical wolves who says the world's largest lightning rod maybe they don't need to tower uh wolfram thank you for becoming a new member bart hepler thank you very much for your support uh bill reads thank you as well dr j gaming thank you for becoming a member of the channel jordan egliston thank you so very much for supporting uh don frederick has become a member as well and db explorer thank you for becoming a member as well as joseph stark uh evan cook i think is still trying to figure out pringle cans uh tj cutie what kind of pizza would you eat on your first starship fight flying pineapple pineapple pizza just just to watch the world burn thomas mayer with a very very big support there thank you thomas wow thank you so much thomas incredibly generous thank you uh james powers thank you for your support as well assuming the tanks are empty you can fit 42 gallons of feathers in the tank that's that's something that they would absolutely do richard hiley thank you and what is the status of s20 anybody know they build it they're building it yep okay they're building it uh david thank you very much for your support as well uh stephanie says hi from oregon and thank you for the streams thank you how's it going um shiny bad guy thank you very much for supporting the channel chris dalaire do all the successful starship tests make this static fire more likely to be successful or is this like starting from scratch well it was successful it's it's all stepping forwards i mean this is uh they've learned a lot on the raptors they've learned a lot on the test infrastructure out there so this is like one more step forward now they've got raptors that have actually fired on this vehicle like the booster itself there now remember boosters three's not gonna fly b3 is not going to fly intentionally um but these are all important things just like elon said they may go to nine engines can you imagine that was three engines they make all the way to nine so it's all stepping forward towards a full stack that tries to go most of the way to orbit and even that's stepping towards uh going all the way to orbit 20 from space and dawg says thank you for this uh says uh keep up the good work and thank you very much for doing that uh evan burdette uh says that this is the biggest stick of dynamite in human history uh sean howard thank you for supporting and a new member in anthony thank you very much anthony uh john doe keeper dopeker sorry uh victoria wants to know why starship isn't insulated like delta four and what makes his installation orange uh so starship yeah sorry um do you mean what makes the delta iv insulation orange that's the the sophie the spray on foam insulation and that's just the natural color of it they don't pay it to clean it to save weight and stuff like that um but that's just the natural color that it turns especially after it gets a sun tan like uv light hits it it changes it that orange color right now starship doesn't need to be insulated um because it's well i want to say because it's stainless steel but i know that that's not the exact correct answer i just think that they they don't think that it needs it like it's not dealing with liquid hydrogen which is temperature sensitive it's dealing with the liquid methane and the liquid oxygen but i don't know that i can would it get more performance if it was insulated maybe would it be more complicated and more to deal with if it wasn't insulated maybe maybe spacex could insulate it but they just don't think that they would get enough performance increase for the additional complexity uh if they had actually insulated i don't know that's just that's a guess on what i know that's not like an authoritative answer did anybody else jack you want to take a guess at that nope nope burning through some more big thank yous to roger smith to jeff lower lowell to mr hockey thank you very much uh invisible thank you as well jared e.s have you ever tried to get elon on the stream i mean i think we'd probably be happy to have him i mean did you know you know where to find us our dm's are open i guess i don't know what to say to that even just go knock on mary's door i don't know he watches or has watched in the past so you never know it'd be really cool to ask get to ask him some of the questions that you know we would love to know the answers to i think he said we were mostly accurate but that's about the same as mostly harmless so he also said we were pretty funny where the commentary was pretty funny yeah like mystery science theater yeah i don't take it vernon thank you very much for the support as well as chris schwab uh mark dodson asked why are there no frost wings on the booster when it uh when it fueled up there i probably just didn't put enough fuel in it super short static fire engines don't have to operate for any more than a couple like a second or two there so they didn't really need to put very much fuel in it or oxygen so you're not going to see a lot of a lot of frost on the side and i don't know exactly how much they need to put in but remember the bottoms of the tanks are also dome-shaped like they're shaped like a bowl and so you can get a pretty good amount of liquid oxygen liquid methane in there before it's even touching the side walls so it's possible that the amount that they put in just wasn't enough to even really cool down the stainless steel it was up a ways and create the icing and the frost like we see that would be my guess big dragon says you guys better be good or elon will ground you talking to the raptors i laughed at your laugh which really got me good russell have you all spotted anything that looks like a trivent 50 bucks from russell thank you so much yeah thank you uh what is a trivet so uh we used to have a thing where there was a very clear vent coming out of the side of starship and there were three vents and so we called it a tri-vent and we thought that the venting coming from the side was each engine had one vent right so it was three engines on the starship there were three vents and we said oh the trivent and the trivent was a very obvious sign when they were at very specific parts of the countdown you'd see the trivent and then it would like surge out and then the trivet would sort of back off for a second and then like a huge poof and then the static fire would happen um huge proof that's a technical term this is this is why my t-shirt says roadside rocket scientist it's like armchair quarterback but uh the trivent we didn't see anything like that today and we did surmise that that may be different when you get to super heavy because what are you gonna have like a 29 vent you can have one vent for each of the 29 engines we thought that they may be routing that differently aggregating engines together having vents that come out from other places so we weren't too surprised not to see a trivent on the booster even though we used to see a trivet on the starship how's that got it dominic thank you very much for your support liz mcquade as well thank you so very much for supporting the channel uh andy law 50 pounds awesome coverage thank you this is why we watched these water towers can fly streams that's heavy dock 50 pounds grace great scott you like that two references in one go ahead mr heavy mr hockey sorry became a new member thank you so very much for that uh joe as well thank you for your support ian glennon says thank you mary 50 pounds it's big thank you mary yeah i think you have a replay of mary's awesome footage and i'm going to try to pipe the audio in so we'll see if this works here we go all right which one's the replay the pip yeah nice wow i think that might be the best town we've got for a static fire that would have put a great audio you know what there was no honk you're right not even not even nothing not even close to a hump just a boom and that's it yeah normally there's like a big noise at the end of it when they shut down the turbo pumps cooling down i think yeah good sounding clean good observation quality i like the way michael's rewinding that he's good you've got to look after the commander what's the command and vlc to go forward one frame somebody tell me there's no command vlc there is no command of the llc command no there is but i don't know what it is it changes every time i install the program like i actually don't know what it is michael yeah button do i click it looks like the the votes are coming in for e oh there we go okay oh man i don't want full screen look at that and this is just a copy of the broadcast footage as well right yeah whatever we're doing this way footage and aesthetic fire video we put up will be uh full res and full bandwidth bandwidth full bit rate all that good stuff so keep your eyes open when it shuts down when the dust clears it looks like there's maybe a little bit of residual fire but that's not necessarily a bad thing it's like some debris went flying as well and vlc has frozen so yes good times we'll come back to the replay when the vlc has been unfrozen just a few more of these supercharged will be clear for the the cue uh five pounds from thomas thank you very much for the support appreciate you a whole bunch uh charles asks for the athletes out there how many t-shirts fit in that cannon can we get a bm3 t-shirt cannon t-shirt in the shop uh mike i want to see somebody actually estimate that mike says thank you to mary uh i'm going to say this wrong but talking thank you very much [Applause] so so you know dangerous him if your audio would have done this 10 minutes for 20 minutes ago mars if you want to look at mars real quick if you're getting a stable feed look at that wow i was in the top as well but look at that each of those plumes is like 15 meters long yeah that is amazing there we go all right i i gotta frame correctly sorry it took me a second there look at that it's mad it's like i wanted to go to space you didn't let me it's five million by five on this microphone apparently when it's just the two little ones it like it looks like has a little like wavy arms wacky waving inflatable vent man tube man wacky waving steel uh yeah we'll work on that stainless steel tube man oh did we we got that one from marcus didn't we yeah hey marcus how's it going there's no like when scott's in the chat we can be like hello but there's i don't think there's anything for marcus that we can mean but you're still awesome marcus you put out great content and we've got uh a 250 tip upgrade to danger cam thanks guys from paul la madeleine no kidding you've got to get it done now i mean we're going to get it done for sure paul 250 dollars is nothing to sneeze at i mean you know my saying that's crazy but that's our kind of crazy thank you so much for being so super generous that we turn that right back around into more equipment more coverage more ways that it doesn't go crazy right before the launch and stuff like that just thank you so much for the support that is a significant amount of support isn't it man that is it it really is that's the thing that always leaves you a little speechless ah it's just we couldn't do any of this without that kind of support and all the different camera feeds we have all the data that we use everything thank you so much paul because without stuff like that without support like that just would not be possible so thank you and not only not only that but not everybody can uh can support us monetarily which is totally fine uh hit the like button hit subscribe that's a huge support too but the people that are super chatting and do buy merch and do become members you guys are helping provide these imagery this imagery to everybody else around the world that can't so super super awesome of you paul there thank you to you and to everybody else that has been doing the super chats today and every time we stream it's so integral to what we do so thanks buddy yeah and we just had a 300 come through from desmo blue fire here's to danger cam wow desmond what's another one of those names we see a lot and if i'm not mistaken we've seen some big super chats from desmos so thank you so much so i mean oh my god what do you even say to that thank you thank you i know right very much what can you possibly say that's that's enough for the level of support that chat puts in and it's thank you yep and not to go unacknowledged dog kruse thank you very much for the ten dollars for nine raptors 9.99 for nine raptors nice i like it laughed about nine the nine times jack your joke was appreciated okay nine engines nine engines nine engines david hyland thank you so very much for supporting the channel as well michael reagan a bit of money for danger cam 2. thank you very much there michael i appreciate you john prescott just became a new member thank you so much uh and gary yerish thank you for supporting the channel as well and then danny archer says whoever is reading the super chats is moonlighting from his radio job i gotta say your your voice is velvety and amazing and i love listening to it so i'm glad you're on the stream i'm on loan from marvel michael williams says when upgrade mike williams aka the sleeve [Laughter] wow so moratorium no more super chats there we finished the list we made it to the end i'm on strike oh folks i i know i mean we never want our broadcast to just be reading super chats i i get it you don't want to come over here and it's like well these guys just they say thank you to super chats for four hours straight we always try to strike a balance between saying thanks to the to the people who support us and financially make this possible and also reading questions from anybody we don't we don't say oh well you have to pay five dollars to ask a question that's not cool that's not how we do it we can't get to all of the questions because at some point there were 40 thousand people watching this and it takes you all 20 seconds to type a question and then we talk about it for 18 minutes um so it's it's really difficult for us to uh get everything to get every question answered we do try our best to at least hit most of the big topics and we thank you all so much for the support it's just we can never say thank you enough what we can do is we can keep showing up hopefully giving you quality views entertaining commentary accurate and information and useful information it's like an educational informational sort of thing as well we try to strike the balance between all three of those and i know every now and then we get people oh you're too unprofessional you know oh you need to you need to like come to work in a suit and tie and be super serious and stuff and hey don't get me wrong we take some things very seriously human space flight safety we're very serious about some of that stuff but you know something sitting here watching these tanks for five hours straight good grief we gotta crack a couple jokes isn't that venting on the rides yeah i mean i put on pants so it's good commute putting on pants this shows how serious you are about this some things matter but uh we appreciate y'all like you all keep showing up you don't even have to do a big super chat or anything like that everybody who comes to the stream whether you're just doing a retweet or something or just in the stream watching hey a really awesome thing you can do is put it up on the tv let your family see it you know make somebody else watch it too subject them to our voices um however you're a member of the community and however you're involved it is a big old team space and we're glad we're able to share this stuff with you and thank you so much for being a part of it how's that y'all how's that you have to put our commentated stream on the big tv and starbase live with the cameras we cannot fit on the screen on your computer that's the rule yep not a rule by the way that's the idea that you should take up because trust me it's cool i have all the cameras on my computer as well and seeing the static fire happen from all the different angles is awesome yeah abs absolutely we're rapidly approaching the point where it's like the dude from the matrix with all the screens is it the architect or something that's been a long time it's the architect yeah the architect that that is a thing to talk about the 24 7 broadcast um when we're doing the live commentated broadcasts we also keep that 24 7 stream up and we put it in sort of a fixed mode but a lot of times you can see the other camera angles that we're not using here we're bringing that video in and we'll show them over on the 24 7 stream star based live if we can get that link into chat so you could definitely watch both streams at the same time you'll want to watch the angle from the beach but we have the angle from danger cam full screen right now over on starbase live we've even got a roadblock cam so you can see what the status of the roadblock is or whatever so that stream stays going we do sort of change the cameras around a little bit but a lot of times you can see cameras there that we're not using on the commentated broadcast or you could just go over there and mute our audio and pipe in the calming sounds of waves and stuff pointing out we are very close to 500k subs no kidding yeah whoa four thousand away four four thousand away if we had plugged in a little bit more today we could have gotten there there is there's a plug for that you know if you like the stream you know how to get back to it right like and subscribe et cetera et cetera i won't i won't be too cheesy on that i think i've used up my recommended daily allowance of cheese just in case you forgot you're on youtube so normally here we stay live until the road opens again we don't know exactly how long that's going to take um but that is our usual plan to stay live until they open the road is that our plan for today michael what's our what's our deal um well i don't think another static flyer is likely um i don't know i don't really care if somebody wants to keep commentating i'm perfectly happy to keep the stream going until the road opens if somebody wants to go eat some food i'm fine with that too we do have starbase live so we're not stopping being alive we're still going to be live but it's just a matter of if you want to keep commentating or not i guess i will say that uh i have to be on a shuttle bus to van horn at midnight oh lucky you so i probably want to get some food and not be on stream for some period of time before then but i'm good for a little bit longer and i know we have other people we can tag in if we want to keep going i mean what the window closes at ten so they have like two more hours in the window you never know but if we did spool down we could always pull back up again if it became obvious they were going to static again something else yeah yeah huh can answer a couple more questions here i also got the replay again jack i'll just show it one more time quickly and then we'll save the rest of the replays for the actual video that we're gonna put together with mary's footage and all of the robots as well but really quickly here is one more replay of the static fire in case you're just joining us not to give you too much work but can we have the replay big in the live in pip i still like the woe ah that's like a punch in the face i feel like it sounds different it just sounds like war i don't know if it's because the raptors are higher up or just it's been a while or what but it just really feels like that was an extremely loud static fire i'd be curious what mary thinks if uh that sounded normal or louder or quieter or what i'm just gonna do this once this is a replay we're gonna go full screen but this is a replay if you're just tuning in so here is the full screen replay nice good grief and back to life and we did not miss anything luckily yeah man we have come so far in just a year's time where were we at a year ago we were probably somewhere around sm5 or sn6 right and now we're on booster 4 and ship 20 and booster sorry booster 3 and ship 20 and booster 3 just fired its engines for the first time it's just pedal to the metal here bokeh chica joe asking does anyone seriously think the tower can catch this gigantic booster or is elon just messing around and suggesting it seems scaled up falcon 9 landing legs would be simpler uh well then you add mass to the booster is the problem with legs on the booster you're adding mass and there's a mass penalty for that uh i don't think elon is messing around although i do think a lot of us thought that initially right but it does certainly seems like the tower can catch the booster uh my question is can the tower survive if the booster has a bad day and uh and hits the tower and of course that's why i keep going back to tower versus booster and i say tower wins but that's just me i think so i think that thing's got to be built to last right as much as possible i would agree tower wins otherwise that puts significant delays any every time there's a problem i mean more than more than usual they'd have to rebuild that entire tower and it took some time indeed yeah that's a good observation um j-s-p-s-f-s asking will bn4 it's actually b4 bn has nomenclature has been depreciated will b4 do a static fire with all 29 or 33 it will be 29 uh raptors before its historic flight we don't know it certainly would be cool to see though and perhaps the orbital pad could sustain that as we talked about earlier not a full duration firing but uh static fire really quick i do not know how to pronounce your name i sincerely apologize but they are asking how many static fires will booster 3 conduct we also don't know but elon did just tweet depending on how booster 4 goes they might uh they might throw 9 engines on booster 3 and do that so at least one more potentially at least one more is that enough weasel words i hope so well done uh let's see conan asking so eventually the plan is to get as many star ships to orbit using the super heavy boosters then at the optimal point send them all to mars yeah i would i wouldn't be surprised if we would send them all at once you know like a fleet sort of arriving at mars and you know because there's a one transfer window and you're probably gonna have multiple ships at some point at least you know in the far future if not the near future so yep that certainly seems like the plan edwin asking will orbital flight happen before september um total yes total speculation on my part but i'm going to say no why not necessarily because of hardware or launch site readiness but because of faa readiness however on the launch site side it certainly seems like the orbital tank farm has taken a long time to to get put together there so i think the two long poles right now are probably orbital tank farm and faa permitting so make sure to subscribe to the channel so that we can wake you up in september ends yes i audibly groaned um let's see fisheye saying after lots of math my estimates say that an explosion of a fully fueled b4 will be around 7.6 megaton megatons do you know what a megaton is no way well it always it always comes down to the mix there like you you can calculate the amount of methane you can calculate the amount of oxygen and if it's just the methane by itself yeah exactly exactly do you have like a mix so you get like an airfield detonation or do you just have a big fireball of methane and those are two very different things the reason no way though is because a megaton is like a nuclear bomb a kiloton is probably more in the range that that is plausible right like a not a fully fueled yeah or not a uh what do you call it like a thermonuclear like fission fusion crazy like yeah no that's not going to be in the range of megatons but interesting math there fisheye thanks for the comment uh i mean i bet it's somewhere around a kiloton or two something like that we're just all sort of hanging out now like yeah look at that shot with the sun the sun's behind the camera here and those billowing plumes coming out of the bottom the road is still closed for sure um but i think we're gonna keep on hanging out here it seems right i would imagine that the camera jockeys on site had a good day today oh yeah did we link up the the tweet from steven i know i saw it in there but did anybody get that link and put it in the chat because oh there we go excellent well jack why you put it why do you give it to me put it in chat oh duh [Laughter] there i'm going to paste that over there space ghost steve actually got some still shots of it there over here yeah paste fight paste fight nice he's he's normally out there in a florida down at the cape and does a ton of photography for us out there and this is his first trip to boca cheeky he's going to be out there for a week sort of helping out with things i know i've got some concrete that he can be carrying around but he's going to be out there and he was able to get a shot of the static fire there is the link that we put in chat if you want to check it out super cool i'm happy for steve to have gotten to see this historic milestone in boca chica yeah excellent somebody i'm just going to say it somebody please do a gif of the nine-time scene from ferris bueller but put elon's face over the principal's face and caption it with how many engines are they gonna put on super heavy nine nine like just please do somebody make that i don't have bandwidth to do that right now but please somebody i know there's lots of people that have editing software and the capability to do that i just want to see it exist okay come on read it hop to it read it yeah facebook's master race please go do you want to post up screenshots of our streams and stuff like that you owe us you owe us this get it done [Laughter] oh good stuff let's see bum bum bum here's a question i think you might have a good answer for dos um this is so out of my wheelhouse um why would they put the gimbal engines on the inner rings rather than the outer ones where they would receive more radial torque that's a good question maybe they just don't need the radial torque um so there's not really a reason to have to do that but it may also be that you can stuff more in so if you have more of you you don't need all your engines to gimbal right and if you have a large circumference that has a bunch of engines in it and you can put those as close together as possible because you don't need them to gimble maybe just utilizing that additional space in the outer ring makes it easier for them to put the bells closer together and make them not move um i also think that there may be something to do with landing an engine out and stuff like that you need engines turned on whenever you're landing right and you also use those raptors to gimble and get a little bit of thrust vector control while you're coming for in for a landing if you're having those engine if you have those engines on the outer ring and you have an engine failure or something like that your differential is a lot bigger because there's a big lever arm from the outer ring to the center of mass but if you have the center engines online maybe that's a little bit less of a differential you could have the gimbaling happening and if you need to do the the starship mode choose an engine thing where you light all three then you choose the best two or something like that um maybe that's better to do when you're gimballed engines that you need gimbaling to land you need thrust vectoring to land uh maybe it's better for them to be closer to the center of mass for that reason as well i'm spitballing here and literally i'm not trained as a rocket engineer i've never been employed as one um i've just played a lot of kerbal space program so maybe there's other reasons but that's what i would guess which honestly is tribute to how much you can learn from gerbil good point now i may be totally wrong if i'm totally wrong nobody say that because that would be a tribute how wrong you can be does it you sounded like you knew what you were talking about that's half the battle that's half the battle i like it anybody anybody agree with that that sounds pretty close right it's good enough for reddit good enough for reddit just hanging out it's like it's like the calm after the storm here the roadblock is still up i'm looking at the 24 7 stream and i still see the roadblock cam the sheriff lights blinking and that sort of thing the static fire was about 50 minutes ago i think so clearly with all that venting they're still saving the vehicle but that's quite a bit of time yep about to just say this is a long vent i pulled the footage wait how much camera from danger at least that exists do we want to look at it i'll get it i'll get it to the editors um michael i don't know how complicated your setup is but i i did pull that footage i don't know if we want to do that on the daily or or what we want to do here but i'm going to set it to upload right now okay yeah that's what i was being quiet because i was i was sneaking the footage off danger cam i went and found it and uh the camera did just fine it recorded it locally it was just an odd signal encoding thing we had there at the end but uh we did get the footage of it so i you know i don't know about other people's opinion but if you're all okay with it i think since there are 10 000 people still watching and the camera did not work during the launch maybe we make it up by showing it all right i get it uploaded right now i'm working on it we can do that i can it won't be a problem to do it so but for the reward for sticking around with us as you watch the tank you will be the first 10 000 people to see the footage from danger cam and then if you have to go or if you've already left the date the daily video will obviously have or the static fire video excuse me we'll absolutely have that footage but it seems like chad is excited so we will i can't wait we'll make that happen for the royal supporters who have stuck in with the stream after the static fire somebody do another merch plug for that shirt while i'm while i'm doing this make them sit through a merch plug at least you've seen the stream now get the t-shirt and there's a space flight's coming to a torso near you what did you just make that up yeah that was amazing that was amazing torso it's my lobby to stick around here that's that's i'm not even mad that's amazing um jack do we have a new video a new folder for that or is it uh should we just use the july 19th folder probably should do a new folder copy i got it yeah just for just for sanity sake on brady's part because he's gonna be the one editing this all right on it steve austin in chat says woohoo danger cam replay i agree michael how how well can you seek that do you need me to trim that exactly because i sort of have like two minutes before and two minutes after i can find it that's fine okay all right good deal looks like somebody watching our 24 7 feed says there's a crane moving down the road i do not have it up right now because i only have the one screen as i'm there yeah looks like it's waiting at the roadblock yeah i love those i love the dishes when the sun's going down like half the days i want to hijack this camera and point it at those dishes because those dishes look so cool i just i'm a sucker for for radomes and for satellite dishes i don't know why but when you get that that evening golden hour or morning light uh and it kind of gives that like wrap around like you get a nice little side light in the shadow it just looks so cool and i love that the one is just pointing directly at the camera right now which is uh something they do during testing if you didn't know that's uh that dish is being used to communicate with the booster at the launch site we need more doses so we can deploy cameras faster i mean i'm not saying the dot to be clear dos is putting in so many hours into this you can't even believe it but our project list is like 10 000 things long but it's true one day we will have so many cameras you cannot even believe it at each at each site and there won't be a debate as to what we should point at [Laughter] ah yes very cool i'll need to leave that camera there because when the dish goes back to the upright position it looks really cool in time-lapse it's like it points back up at the sky it's really cool yeah the footage is not bad yeah not bad not bad it's pretty decent all right gonna take a second to get it set up right but uh yeah well michael's got the footage now i have seen the footage i watched it myself first because i'm like that because i'm like that okay here comes the full screen replay again replay yep this is a replay there's no audio on this but we'll in the actual edit we'll have all that amazing audio that mary picked up because mary's camera rocked that audio but without audio here is the replay at regular speed as seen from danger cam do you want me to do audio effectively yeah how about the second time i was i was really kidding but the way the wave had immediately said yes made me oh look at that look at that look at the fire [Laughter] like the fire just continues to even after the thrust stops the fire and then look isn't that cool yeah little piece of debris flapping around there where's that yeah just beautiful like the flappy did the flappy thing survive i'm sure people in the 24 7 chat want to know well we have a zoomed in view you tell us was this some debris that just fell in front of the camera yeah wow black smoke does it look like black smoke to anybody else maybe it's just the lighting it's it's dark but it may just be in the shadow yeah it's looking wider as the exposure changes it's also dissipating go ahead yeah the the vent steam on the on the side looks pretty dark too so i think it's just exposure yep yep it's also dissipating really quickly uh like a thick particulates mode smoke i would expect to the plume continues right um and if it was a vapor of some sort i'd expect it to dissipate sort of like we're seeing there that was my best rewinding sound so this is a replay again y'all this is a replay from danger cam ignition roar engine sounds honk that's a cop there wasn't a honk are you disappointed man i am it's like narration oh man all right wait for the for the piece of debris to fall in front of the camera hang on just any second now yeah whatever that was what was that i wonder if that was some of that thermal uh thermal insulation blanketing that we've seen come off before i don't know it definitely looked light yeah look at that i bet you that's some of that thermal that shiny metal and black thermal blanketing we've seen before huh as long as it's not a dead bird which it was not a dead bird i don't think it was no that was my concern oh my reaction time is not fast enough deposit the right spot but there you go not sure what that was but it's interesting because you cannot actually really see the engines ignite due to all the venting but afterwards after the static fire is where you can really see the result of the engines you can see the residual fire and whatnot but beforehand i mean that venting is pretty much obscuring the view it really looks like each engine sort of does a post-firing burp like all right i'm gonna clean out everything from my lines i'm purged and i'm clean now i'm good to go like there's it seems uh i mean just so cool so cool to see there you go yeah a little bit of fire right there coming down but look at that lighting too off the sides of the even above starship you can see it reflecting off the ground all right super heavy thank you my bad a couple of times earlier and i didn't i didn't correct him and i felt bad yeah no that's fine it's we've watched so many starship tests and we need to change gears to super heavy tests you know see a booster test i gotta say right before uh right before a static fire happened a plane took off and i heard this now well i wasn't looking at the screen and was like oh god i missed it and then it happened so i'm glad that uh i'm glad that i didn't actually miss it but this is back to life of course in that static fire video we'll have all of the slow-mo and every single variation of the static fire footage you can imagine from all of our different cameras including beach i still have not even seen the wide shot from beach that's going to be cool as well the wide shot from beach is definitely going to be like shuttle vibes or you know where a giant plume just comes up and you can really see the scale of things about the about the tanker truck and if it survived or has any damage or anything i don't know if we want to throw a camera tight on the on that tanker truck but that might be fun to do if we're looking for something to do it was on beach it was on that one that we were just looking at um and the tanker trucks looking fine yeah it seemed fine grab a couple we cleared out the super chat queue then a couple more came through um cg fly one thank you so much there saying no commentary on the raggy pipe clamp just to the right of center the orange rags commentary on the pipe clamp i think we'll have to do the frame by frame and see what lived through that like did the orange rag survive there was like a flappy bit like we were talking about um i don't think we've done the analysis of exactly which of everybody's favorite ground surport infrastructure had uh survived there so thanks cg fly one for the support i don't know lighting towers anymore spacex tweeted a photo oh yeah look at that that's a cool shot neat here's another one from james the rosar says thanks for being so real no con no cronkites but the team covers the base as well um i am definitely not a walter cronkite that's for sure i'm just a normal guy with no broadcast training who's excited about this and wants to share it with y'all i think a lot of us are that way um and then and then there's matt who sounds like he should be doing this it's gonna i was gonna say i apologize for my my voice first off and second off if anybody here is gonna be cronkite it's gonna be matt something tells me matt might even have a good cronkite impression hello it's 8 p.m do you know where your rockets are i don't think that's a good one i didn't even think that was a cronkite reference but i still failed at all did you know something you took the shot like we appreciate you taking the shot there [Laughter] no risk no reward yeah hey here's one from a w4w raker says how do i donate without having youtube take a big chunk out of it i also want to donate to the danger cam 2 fund there are other ways to support nasa's space flight and chris bergen is the person to talk to there we can certainly get you in touch i don't know if you're on twitter but if you are you could send a dm to at nasa space flight that's one way to do it or you can get in touch with me i'm case based academy on twitter i know twitter isn't usually the most useful things i think there's also an email on the main website like if you go to there's a contact email there and if you're not on twitter you could get in touch with chris that way but there are a couple different ways to support and he oh he's also right there in chat so i'm going to say head over to nasa and there should be an email address there if you're not of the dm'ing variety but there's a link to twitter and that sort of stuff as well thank you so much for the support there and uh either way we appreciate it thank you so much lindsay abrams 9.99 thank you there lindsay we got proto quark from canada canadian five dollars love the content keep it up gang alrighty proto clark we will y'all keep showing up we'll keep doing this and then grant hugstad from australia at least those are australian dollars grant thank you for the support as well it's from australia they're dollary dues they're australian dollar reduced dollar-y dues yup yeah for yeah all right renting stopped i'm gonna stick with my curly elves and y'all can have your dollar dues okay hey man agreed with me so we'll see if the road reopens with uh then to stop at the pad but i also do have that tweet from spacex so that was a fair that spacex tweeted of wow fire which is pretty cool yeah cool that's gorgeous yeah the sun the sun like glinting off the side of it that's cool that it it looks like a hollywood production yep like it's just almost it's almost too perfect it's gorgeous that's yeah this is one of those things where the cg it looks like it's cg but it's not it's just real life crazy like sometimes i tweeted about this the other day but uh sometimes or not sometimes spacex is very good at doing things that make you suspend your disbelief you're like what is that that doesn't look right like two falcon heavy boosters coming back and landing next to each other heck one booster coming back and landing like what that looks like cgi just because it's something you don't process you're like i've seen so many sci-fi movies and action movies and crazy stuff like certainly that's computer generated but no that's spacex doing things in the real world they're remarkably good at it you know they say das practical effects are always better than cg there you go when starship uh came back down and uh they had the camera looking back up at it and it was just flying at the camera and then it reoriented itself and then flew off screen it looked like a perfect tracking shot just just cinematic yeah yeah and those particular shots where it's like you're looking up at it as it comes down on top of you it's just we just don't and haven't seen stuff like that up until those were shown like it's just completely new imagery which often is is i mean rare or hard to come by i mean we all know what rocket launches look like right but we've never quite seen anything like that which was really special fun fact i think i think the camera that shot that is basically the same camera as mars cam right depends what it was yeah not sure marth cam does not look that good so if it was mars cam they have done some serious color grading on it yeah exactly you can still hear the pad i think yeah the road is still closed huh this was going to date me but you know what that sound sounds like to me like this it sounds like the scooby-doo like just generic machinery sound does anyone it sounds like a jet idling on the runway like you're walking out there to the regional jets and there's not a gate or a ramp or anything like that like a jet bridge you have to go out and walk across the tarmac and then climb the little steps it sounds like the airport when you're you're walking across the tarmac to the regional jet that's going to take you on the 25-minute flight from houston to corpus christi yep sure enough that's the vibe that i get from it so this is again one of those things where we don't know the exact timing um spacex knows the safety status of the pad right and we usually just go through we hang out we read some more questions we talk about some stuff i i can't get over the sound at the beginning of that static fire it sounded really punctuated like i'm gonna get off my broadcast headset and i'm after the stream i'm gonna listen to the daily video like whatever we put in the daily straight from mary's camera but it was like a like all of a sudden a really a really staccato yeah that's staccato just a sudden noise whenever the raptor's fired up it seems like they've roared to life a little bit more in the past and this was very much like it it sort of hit you all of a sudden i wonder if that has something to do with the lack of a skirt like was that skirt actually directing some of the focusing some of the sound in different directions and now that we fired raptors at the ground but without a skirt the sound dissipate or or propagates a little bit differently i don't know that would be a good guess i think yeah hey jack there's a super chat there for you oh looking uh-oh aha raven rose thank you so much for the support there they were asking me on twitter where to go for tomorrow's new shepard launch and unfortunately the answer is don't go uh because they're closing the road yeah like like an entire like i don't even know 16 miles okay so i'm going to tweet about this in a minute here once i'm not on the stream but texas department of transportation tweeted a little while ago they're literally closing the road uh at guadalupe like north of of the entire it's like the entirety of highway 54 from van gaal it's like it's a huge and it's good they say close to through traffic so that would be in starship nomenclature a soft roadblock and then it sounds like there's a hard road block for about 12 miles um around the actual site itself so if you watched our footage of new shepard 15 that was from highway 54 an area that will not be accessible to anybody for new shepherd 16 tomorrow so unfortunately the answer for that is is if you want to go see it watch our stream or watch blue origin stream or both um and don't don't waste your time and try and get out there because you're just gonna you're just gonna be disappointed unfortunately and that's not what i would do if i wanted to get the public excited about my space flight but hey that's what they're doing what a sort of a bummer yeah tiny little comment but that was to jack from rose yep thank you so much raven rose absolutely this is it's sort of a sort of a bummer because i imagine people want to see it but there's no real public viewing area it's not like there's stands or bleachers or anything it's just the side of a road and it's sort of the thing where if you just leave it open and you let anybody there it may be sort of unmanageable amounts of traffic i don't even know that it's a security like a safety thing they've launched that rocket so many times and it's landed well right there on the landing pad after its fashion hover so many times i don't even really feel like it's a safety thing i almost feel like it's more of a security and crowd control thing that they're closing down that road um because even the road itself jack is what five miles away from the launch site yep it's a couple miles it's fi it's like 5.3 miles and yeah it's not it's not a bad view it's it's you know but it's it is kind of comical to me given that you can watch a starship flight from five miles away on south pottery island uh and starship is such a much much much bigger vehicle and arguably i'm okay i don't want to say it's less safe but starship is a test vehicle right whereas new shepard is basically coming into an operational state so you would think that they would be okay with that but who who knows all of the southwestern ireland right five miles away south padre island is literally built for this it's built to have ten thousand people there it used to be a massive spring break that's just a very very good point yes like there's no infrastructure out there yeah it's designed for it at south padre and it can easily handle um large numbers of people for a starship launch in texas this is literally desert west texas it's just the side of the road there's not even like a shoulder or anything like that really so it's not really a safe place for any large number of people you know when we went out there before we could do it because it was four trucks or something like that it wasn't 200 people trying to park their vehicles all over the highway and i i don't think it's a safety thing i think that it's more of a crowd control and security thing than it is a keeping people safe i just don't think that the infrastructure exists there on the side of the public road to support any real number of vehicles you know yeah that's a really good observation i mean it is the desert it is the summer temperatures will be extremely high during the day there is no infrastructure out there in terms of anything you know yeah so the yeah you don't want i guess that makes sense you wouldn't really want a lot of people piling up and then if there's an accident or if there's a you know a bunch of people get heat stroke or who knows i mean yeah that's that's a very good observation and sort of unfortunate that there isn't a public viewing area out there but that's a really you know south padre island like you said it is made for an influx of a large number of people whereas by the highway 54 there in texas is not but anyway back to starship and super heavy thank you again raven rose sorry you're not able to uh to make it out there yeah we're doing the uh we're doing the that stream tomorrow actually jack is gonna travel out there we don't have ground truth on our equipment yet so we've never streamed from there and we do have permission to operate our equipment but we have no guarantee that we'll have enough signal to get a video feed it's way out in the middle of nowhere and imagine we're going to be dealing with tower crowding and stuff like that because journalists and stuff will be there trying to upload their videos to the whatever you know what i mean so to be clear give it a try and we are going to try and stream but i am only going because we were given media access by blue origin so yeah i won't be doing what i did last time i will be on blue origin property uh with uh you know with their permission and all of that so official permission even our gear like i had to send a list of the gear that we were going to operate to get safety approvals and stuff like that so uh we are going to try to do that tomorrow morning but we have no guarantees that our signal will be stable enough to actually bring you a feed so if we cannot bring you a feed from jack's camera of course jack will record locally um but they'll be doing their stream as well their blue origin stream and i'm sure that'll be a just a regular hoot yeah and the upside there is i will be closer than i would have been able to be off the highway so a little bit of a win so that should be cool stay tuned for that if you haven't already hit subscribe yeah just a couple more john thank you so much for the support says b3 at sunrise sunset with the tower and tank farm new poster idea just saying mary is definitely out there getting shots so we will see if we can get some cool sunrise sunset shots that sort of stuff not a bad idea to add the posters in the shop we've got some some prints that you can put on your wall if you like those sunrise sunset shots but thank you john for the support uh travis cecil is there enough time and is there enough time to and support to get you an imax camera before the bnss launch one can dream um i don't know jack could certainly come up with his wish list of what he wants but the one of the one of the big deals with it is even if you have a really fancy camera you're shooting across miles of atmosphere and sometimes having a really super fancy camera is just going to get you better resolution on all the atmospheric turbulence that keeps you from seeing a clear picture um so again we definitely love covering it from all sorts of different angles we'll have more cameras out there but our thing is we don't spend as much per camera but we try for all sorts of different angles and like we did with danger cam today backups and that sort of stuff so we can bring you cool shots and live feeds as opposed to dropping a huge stack of bills on one camera that has to stay so far away that it's just gonna see a bunch of turbulence um that's sort of my thinking on it but i know there's lots of different schools of thoughts there in any event appreciate the support i mean thank you so much travis for that one chris stone as well 20 bucks chris thank you no message just appreciate you rob says the raptors have sounded like that since mark two also don't have to honk at the end of it since then i i just i don't remember i could go back and i'm sure you could analyze it and be like dude das you're making stuff up that's just in your head it just for some reason it sounds to me more punctuated like more pop all of a sudden and you get noise as opposed to like like like a ramp up or anything like that you know i don't know maybe i'm just not remembering it correctly but rob either way thanks thanks for the support um let's see here chris stone says cheers to the ground truth but where's my dude tim dodd well if anything flies i'm sure tim will be down there and i know cosmic perspective that tim works with uh was out i'm sure ryan got some fantastic shots of the test there today but uh i i'm not his keeper krista oh geez i'm not sure i imagine that you'll get some really cool footage out of them as well yeah you can guarantee that ryan got something good and gosh i love everything he shoots what's up ryan absolutely cosmic perspective is really cool um in the last one here enzo what's the plan or any idea what the plan is for the copvs towards the bottom of super heavy there's no skirt to hide them in that's a good question what is the copv oh wow i'm gonna get it wrong composite closet overwrap yeah composite over at pressure vessel uh on this shot here they're the two vertical black tanks on the left hand side near the bag of popcorn there whatever that is on the side um those two black tanks with the white label across the middle or whatever that is white in the middle those are copvs and they're used to contain other types of gases for pre-pressurizing things or purging lines or running different systems on the rocket they're just like smaller tanks that can hold really high pressures think of it as an extra burly scuba tank there you go an extra burly scuba tank i like it jack good one he was happy because i got to use the word burly uh and so i asked i asked mary um how the sound was for this static fire compared to others and she says the raptor sounded so good so clean and refined so thanks to mary for being out there and getting us some ground truth ground burn i don't know you got it thank you mary what's the it's gotta be like a shutter thing or something but what the heck is going on with the the roadblock camera right now i looked over and i'm like is that on the same in the same time zone like look at this i think i i might have messed up a shutter setting or something but uh that it looks like the sun's already set i've i'm getting mars vibes here i know mars are blue don't at me i'm getting mars vibes here turn the lights off time to go home yeah apparently you're still here go home huh there's one more super chat from chris stone saying a smarty like comments are just a sarcastic way of saying we can't wait to support y'all getting on the ground there chris we appreciate you thank you uh thank you for the support another another 15 bucks there so it is definitely sort of hanging out um and a lot of times we stay open we keep the nasa space flight stream shop open not like the merch store but the stream until the roadblocks so that people can continue watching on watching what's going on but now we've got the 24 7 stream should we be maybe spooling down our commentary here so we can get all the footage pulled and stuff like that and we can let people who want to continue watching what's going on head on over to starbase live where we have these same cameras still going does that sound like a plan here you could eat yeah more importantly i think my wife could eat i'm cooking tonight you're cooking tonight oh geez it's like 8 30 over there um i'm in the same situation my wife has come up the stairs a couple times and she sees like 18 monitors filled with video of starship and she knows what's going on but uh she may be getting hungry as well for dinner yeah no really anyways oh here or matt you you go first oh i'm making tacos nice taco monday yeah break in the mold look at you you don't have to follow any taco tuesday calendar i'm a rebel you're gonna have it on a monday nice um i have no clue what i'm making probably salads oh fancy healthy man make some bacon i did no i already made some oven bacon yesterday actually so i've successfully converted you to the oven bacon master race sundae oven bacon man what a treat if you all don't know cold oven 400 degrees single layer of bacon on tin foil about 20 minutes you will be thanking me later it's the best possible way to make bacon all right i think at that point if i'm talking about food it's probably time to wrap the stream up huh it is michael you concur there yes let's wrap it up all right uh i'll go ahead and run with it i guess folks thank you all so much for joining us today let me go around the horn and introduce the team i know you know something we don't really use a lot of screen real estate for faces or anything like that we're sort of disembodied voices floating in the background because we want as much screen real estate as possible for rockets and fire in tanks and that venting and that sort of stuff so we don't have we don't have faces here but with you on the broadcast today of course you were just hearing the voice of jack buyer jack you're awesome never change no you're awesome thank you for everything that you do for all the streams it's insane the amount of work that you have put in and i just goes to show all the awesome views that we have thank you i'm i'm a fraction of as awesome as you but it's not a competition thank you everybody for watching the stream today thank you preemptively for tuning in to our hopeful be a new shepherd 16 flight stream tomorrow and thanks for putting up with my annoying voice and annoying jokes have a great night everybody history future history future well jack get you some rest before you have to roll out super early down to the blue origin site tomorrow you can find jack on twitter at the jack buyer also he's got an instagram and a patreon and all sorts of other ways you can support him because he's not just a voice on our broadcast he takes photos he has a ton of really awesome aircraft photos as well chasing down rare planes so head on over what's what's your website jack where do they go there you go so head on over there and maybe support jack keep him going with what he's going if you want to do some of the playing plane photos and stuff like that also on the broadcast a voice that you've heard for the second time here we had matt anderson that's what i'm supposed to call you right matt yeah thanks no is that cool yeah like matt thanks so much for joining us thank you very much it's been a pleasure to be here again i really enjoy getting to hang out um this this was fantastic i love i love watching these things and it's great to be a part of these and thank you again to chad for uh for again being so welcoming and kind to me today it's been it's been nice absolutely matt's a long time friend over from twitch uh we were both twitch streamers sort of paying the bills by playing video games 12 hours a day for many years and we've had the chance to hang out in person on many occasions as well but you can find him over on twitch slash bad news baron still has the time to play some games over there unlike me um at bad news baron on twitter as well now see we're never gonna let matt actually tweet stuff for us because we don't want the tweets to be coming from bad news baron every time there's a scrub or a cancellation we'll have you cancel it how does that sound oh he excuses my static fire yeah our main account retweeted it oh well i can't put the word out for the static fire you've got approval that fire went well so that's not bad news maybe maybe bad news baron should disseminate our good news i guess if you set the expectations low from the beginning then it can only go up all right so well uh folks head on over if you want if you're on twitter you follow mattbad news baron on twitter put the outside in front you know how it works matt thank you so much for joining us good times we'll see you around more often thanks doss have you ever done a desert bus stream either of you on twitch oh my gosh i've done an equivalent in star citizen where it just drove for hours an hour amazing if you could link that somewhere i would love to check it out okay if you want to do a desert bus stream i'm putting an actual camera on your rover and you're going to drive across the actual desert live for hours all right that's how we do desert on the nasa space flight channel i'm just going to do a members a member's only stream of that please please please yes like 15 cameras on the rover and just drive for 12 hours straight or something i will drive to las vegas and i will drive back and it will be hilarious because by the end of it i will have lost my mind anyways i'll shut up like cannonball there hey also pulling all the levers and dobs and knobs and dials and stuff like that in the background michael baylor michael thanks for everything you do dude glad to be a part of the stream today super exciting to make some progress on super heavy it had been a while since we had a static fire at starbase in fact this might actually be no i think sm15 was before elon renamed it the star base but first super heavy static fire very exciting to see that happen i'm looking forward to a nine engine static fire hopefully nine nine inches nine that's what he said i was doing the mean come geez on we see it that could be a final deep breath right on yeah yeah i love i love the setting sun reflecting off the booster there like it's just such a it's such a cool cool view yeah photographer this is absolutely the best time to photograph these ships because there's no bright hot spots from the sun and it just they look so amazing with that gorgeous wrap-around lighting gosh hey folks you know we've done it a couple times over the course of the stream but massive thanks to our folks in the field as well mary bocachika gal out there every single day one of the reason all of this got started is because mary was out there taking videos helping people keep up to date with what was at boca chica one of the few remaining residents does it work for spacex she actually uh lives there in the village there's her twitter make sure you head over and toss her a follow at boca chicago you want fresh information on what's happening high quality daily videos our editors go through and give you a little bit of a 8 to 22 minute summary of what happened over the course of the day close up shots and labels and which booster is what she is a fantastic follow out there for sure especially with all the video that's coming in there mary i don't know if you can hear us right now but always always always thank you so much for everything you do it doesn't matter if it's hot it doesn't matter if it's raining mosquitoes dust bad weather mary is out there other people sort of show up on occasion and mary is out there all the time so massive thanks to boku chika gal the original out there in boca chica sharing what's going on that's what i like to see in chat mary is a legend chad says so always always always thank you so much for what mary does and then also visiting this week stephen maher stephen mars going to be out there i've got about 20 metric tons of concrete he's going to carry to robot installations that's why we sent him down here we didn't tell him that though he's just going to learn that when he opens the envelope that has his instructions in it but steve's over on twitter as well at space coast steve he hails from the space coast does a lot of rocket photography out there actually quit the day job recently and is it is chasing rockets full time here with nasa's space flight as a way to pay the bills so make sure you head on over to him he's got if i'm not mistaken somebody correct me if i'm wrong and then i'm pretty sure that's what it is at the top right of the screen where this is facebook oh there we go okay i just want to make sure yeah it's right there that highlighted in the middle of stream so he will be all photos from steve go go check out his website buy some prints from him enjoy them thoroughly because they're awesome yep and then uh lastly over here y'all as we shut down our commentary stream we will keep that 24 7 stream up and running so let's get those links into chat if we could my name is john galloway for nasa space flight you know me from twitch you may know me as das but i want to say one more time thank you all so much for showing up it's it's flabbergasting to me that we can get a live stream going and we have even one thousand two thousand three thousand people show up five ten forty thousand of you tuned in today for us i don't even know how to process that but i take it as a vote of confidence i'm glad that you all enjoy our commentary you like the views that we're able to give and that really does mean a lot to me so thank you so much for watching the show if you're looking for more stuff i'm over on twitch mostly it's just restream nasa space flight stuff but i'm also on twitter at kspace academy because long ago and far away i played kerbal space program for a living literally live streamed for many years over on twitch and massive thanks i'm going to say real quick also to the folks over on twitch who got us up to this point everything that i learned i didn't learn from college or school or anything like that about streaming or how to get these cameras running it was all because the folks on twitch came around came around with me for kerbal streams and virtual field trips and all the different stuff that we've done um it's because of the folks over there on twitch who are sort of chatting in the secret back room right now thank you all so much for supporting me getting up to this point but like i said we're going to keep that 24 7 star based live stream going you'll be able to see the camera angles and everything over there but for now that's going to bring our commentary to an end here on the nasa space flight channel you know how to get back like and subscribe whatever the kids are saying these days i don't know i'm too old for that but uh you know how to find the stream again and we hope that you do in the future but for now we'll see y'all next time successful looking static fire there for booster 3. we'll see you nerds later thanks for [Music] watching [Music] [Music] we have pressure looks good [Music] yikes you bet we don't need any more these
Channel: NASASpaceflight
Views: 900,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spacex, starship, boca chica, testing, bocachicagal, live, SN5, hop, launch, success
Id: _Cl5wrUffk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 231min 15sec (13875 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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