Roast Irish Lamb with Rosemary and Garlic feat. EntertainingWithBeth

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happy st. Patrick's Day as a proud Irishman I love to celebrate st. Patrick's Day and this year I'm going all eight because I'll be teaming up with youtubers across the world will be cooking recipes from Ireland's wonderful food heritage tasting treats from the land of leprechaun and of course proving to you that we don't just eat potatoes today I'm teaming up with Beth from entertaining with Beth and we're both coming up with our favorite lamb recipes did you know that in Ireland there is over three million sheep nearly as many sheep as there are people there you go fun fact of the day Beth's channel is full of great recipes and entertaining ideas so let's go over and check out what she's got up her sleeve hey Donal readings from Los Angeles I have to say Americans get very excited for st. Patrick's Day mostly because a lot of us can trace our family's ancestry back to Ireland including my own mother whose family immigrated back in the 1800s from County Cork and settled in Boston so for that I am half Irish and always looking to celebrate every year so your roast leg of lamb looks fantastic what a great idea for st. Patrick's Day so I thought I would rip off that lamb dish and show you my take on a deconstructed lamb stew now I say deconstructed because this dish is a little bit easier a little bit quicker than a traditional lamb stew and I thought that was a good idea since st. Patrick's Day this year is on a weeknight so anyway you can head over to my channel the recipes over there and see how to make the deconstructed lamps do and in the meantime Donal I am excited to learn how to make your roast leg of lamb I think that sounds like a great idea not only for st. Patrick's Day but also for Easter I might just take you up on it and make it for my family then all right so let's get to your recipe and happy st. Patrick's Day such fun collaborating thanks for having me fight how good does that lamb stew sound so our bet is making that I'm gonna crack on with a brilliant roast leg of lamb it is a classic roast and it is so easy to make I'm gonna stuff mine with a bit of rose wheat and some garlic and then serve it up with some braised baby gem some peas and a brilliant little gravy so it starts off with a knife with your leg of lamb you want to make little sharp incision keep them in about like one centimeter apart take your time with this you want to make sure that you get a complete covering of that wonderful garlic and rosemary all the way over your land so I've got some wonderful little garlic clove studs and all I've done is just slice them up and kind of made them into nice little kind of studs these now go into the lamb and stop them all the way over rosemary is a brilliant Hardy herb and it's one that grows in my garden pretty much all year round it has this wonderful kind of aromatic fragrance and it goes so so well with lamb they are flavor friends so it's time to get our lovely sprigs and you just need to show of little sprigs of these in amongst the garlic and take your time with this because once this goes into the oven it's gonna slowly cook and all those flavors are gonna infuse into the lamb so it's worth just kind of taking your time as soon as you have that rosemary and garlic stuffed into the lamb it's time to drizzle over a bit of oil I'm using some rapeseed oil but you could use canola oil you could use sunflower oil you could use olive oil it's totally up to you just give it a good drizzle over the top trying to get all over the counter like I have be generous here just so that it kind of crisps up the eight side and then what are those two important parts of a good roast lamb is some sea salt rubbed over the top so be generous with the sea salt here so I'm just going to finish it off with a sprinkle of black pepper over the top and this now goes into the oven and 180 degrees for 40 minutes per kilogram of your lamb now if you're worried about that you can use one of these cooking temperatures and you're looking for a hundred and forty degrees Fahrenheit for it to be cooked all the way through at its thickest part so this now goes into the oven to roast off and by the way top tip if it does start to brown and black and a little bit too much just cover it with some tin foil oh yes my Irish lads and lassies we have a beautiful smell in the kitchen and there is one reason check out this wonderful lab how beautiful does that look okay so I'm gonna get it out it smells it's just one of those amazing smells in the kitchen there's nothing better than the smell of roast leg of lamb check that it's come out and look at all that beautiful lamb its juicy its golden it looks absolutely incredible so now I'm gonna stop talking for a moment and we need to transfer this egg because what I'm going to do is use the juices that are in the base of the pan to make a really nice gravy so just try and transfer this across to another chopping board and then leave this under some tinfoil to rest completely so while that's resting come over here and check out all these lovely little brown bits this is where the beauty of our wonderful lamb gravy is going to come from so I'm gonna take this pan put it on the heat and deglaze it with a bit of red wine get in a good glug of any old red wine you have get a spatula and just push out all those wonderful brown bits and they'll come off the pan really easily once you're confident that you have all those lovely brown bits down and off the pan I'm gonna transfer this kind of carefully into a little saucepan now that we have the bones of this really great gravy ready I'm going to stick the saucepan back over the heat and turn off this little one we're going to bring it to the boil and we're going to simmer this down and reduce it with a little bit of beef stock but before I do that and to make sure that this thickens up nicely I'm going to take a few tablespoons of that mixture and mix it down with some flour this will basically form a roux and this will help to thicken our gravy once you've got a really nice smooth roux get it straight back into the pan and give it a good whisk up as soon as that comes to the boil it's time to get in there with some boiling hot beef stock and this will just really intensify the flavor if you have lamb stock by all means use that but most people will have beef stock in their store coverage my gravy is looking really good now it's reduced right down and it's become nice and thick so I have my gravy I have my lamb and to serve this up I have the most beautiful braised baby gem lettuce leaves with some peas and some spring onions and this is a great little springtime dish to serve alongside that lamb which I just can't resist but to take a little scalp off and try it because this is just the best part of cooking lamb you just get that nice little bit of slippery lamb dipped with a nice bit of sea salt this is possibly the cooks treat this is if you wrote it off the lamb this is what you get to look forward to ah oh so good that just instantly reminds me of my granny's kitchen she used to always make a roast leg of lamb on Sunday with garlic and rosary and that is just an instant reminder of it so tasty so delicious if you want the full recipe it is in the box below on my website and of course make sure to check a best channel where she's made a fantastic Irish stew with lots of lovely lamb make sure to check out a full st. Patrick's Day playlist which has lots of great Irish inspired recipes subscribe like comment do all those wonderful things and have a great st. Patrick's Day see you soon guys
Channel: Donal Skehan
Views: 264,813
Rating: 4.8318286 out of 5
Keywords: donald skehan, donal skehan, homecooked, food, food ideas, food tutorial, how to make, homemade, Lamb And Mutton (Food), Cooking, Roasting (Culinary Technique), Recipe, roast lamb, lamb recipe, roast lamb recipe, easy roast, Rosemary (Food), rosemary and garlic roast lamb, lamb, rosemary and garlic, Donal skehan, food tube, happy pear, donal irish chef, kitchen hero, recipes for kids, step by step, how to roast lamb, How-to (Website Category)
Id: 17azTj1GFV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2015
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