Roast Shoulder of Lamb - Richie's FoodGasms

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hi guys it's a lovely sunday morning and today we're going to do roast shoulder of lamb we've got some nice british lamb shoulder there we've got some cloves of garlic and some rosemary and some seasoning and we've got some garlic infused olive oil over here we've got some lovely king edward potatoes which are perfect for roasting we're gonna roast them up we've got some nice young fresh spring greens there gonna chop them up and boil them as our vegetables so let's get started right we're going to start by pre-setting the oven we're going to go with 130 degrees now so electric fan assisted so we're going to let that warm up in the meantime i'm going to season our meat i'm going to drizzle a bit of this garlic infused oil over the lamb you want to season it really well because it's going to cook for quite a while so plenty of freshly ground black pepper give you a lovely crust on the top a nice crispy skin on top of a lamb and then we're going with some sea salt and be frightened to put plenty on all right i'm gonna get our rosemary just chuck that in here and there you can cut slits into the meat and stuff it in if you like but i'm not doing that today i'm just banging cloves of garlic around a bit here bit there and we're going to leave it as that right we're now going to put this in the oven middle shelf saving the top shelf for me roast potatoes so i mean that goes 130 degrees and we're gonna do that cook that for about three and a half hours and that should be perfect well i landed in the oven we're now going to start peeling our potatoes as i said king edwards you do get a few little eyes in king edwards you can just take them out like that like that there's our peeled king edwards i'm going to cut that in half i'm just going to leave that in some water while i carry on with the rest right that's our potatoes peeled and cut they've had a good rinse to get rid of the starch now i'm just going to sit them in cold water until i'm ready to roast them in the meantime we're going to do our greens so this takes quite a while now you could chop them up with the stalks and everything but i don't do it that way i like just the leaf you get much much more tender mouthful of greens and um it takes up more effort than cabbage cabbage you can just chop up quickly chuck it in the saucepan and it's done with the greens it does take more effort but i think it's worth it i prefer greens over cabbage so what we do we cut down the spine of the leaf discard the spine you know you can get your leaf cutting down the middle again fold them over and then you just want to cut them into strips and then you got a big pot here so put them in a big pot and then carry on down the spine down the spine discard that and there we go and i'll see you in about half an hour when i finished all these okay okay that's our greens all chopped up quite a bit there no stalks just pure leaves i'm now going to put some cold water on them so they can clean leave them soaking in cold water while our lamb is cooking and then we'll rinse them after before we boil them so they have a good soak and then a good rinse gets any dirt off the greens by the way i'm cooking for four people today just in case you thought this was all for me i'm not that greedy i've got these soaking cold water there's lots of greens there they're very good for you wine and vitamins right stick a lid on those that's heavy we'll leave that on the hob next to our potatoes they're just sitting in cold water we'll be part boiling them soon getting them ready to be roasted right our lamb has now been in the oven for about three and a half hours just over we're now hot boil our potatoes we're going to bring those over to the sink get rid of the cold water cover these boiling water out the kettle we just need to bring those up to the boil high heat shouldn't take long right potatoes are just starting to come to the boil a good pinch of sea salt in there i want a gentle boil we're going to do about seven minutes for those you don't want to overboard them you just want the edges to become soft so that they can um soften up and take on the oil so we're going to leave those on a gentle boil like that for about seven minutes all right that's our potatoes they've been gently boiling for about seven minutes just cut that off all right i'm going to drain them off make sure we drained off and put them back in the saucepan this is very important put them back on a low heat and we leave them on there for a few minutes to dry off give them a little shake keep them on the low heat get rid of all the excess moisture give a little shake you'll notice they start to go rough around the edges this is important so when you roast them the oil soaks in to this crushed up pot around the edge of the potatoes dry it up nicely brush them about a little bit now in the meantime look at our preheated baking tin as you can see they're all drying nicely roughed up around the edges that's about right just spread them out evenly so now we're going to use this garlic confused olive oil again you could just use normal olive oil this has a little bit of a garlic flavor to go with the lamb i'm going to drizzle that over every potato put plenty on there this is going to soak into our rough top edges a nice smell of garlic now add a little bit of garlic flavor to your potatoes all right i'm going to get some of the sea salt and cover all our potatoes in sea salt i seem like a lot of salt but by the time these are cooked some of this salt will be left in the baking tin anyway so right now they are ready to go in and put those in on the top shelf and we'll take our lamb out now that smells amazing that really does we're going to put that there we're going to turn the heat up now to 180 degrees but these potatoes are going to take around an hour 180 so in the meantime in this time we will drain this oil what's left in the tin which we don't need so there is our lovely shoulder of lamb all these little garlic cloves have gone all mushy now what we're going to do cover that tinfoil and let it rest while our potatoes are roasted so that can sit there and that's that right potatoes are in the oven our lamb is resting it's nice and hot we're now going to rinse our greens off they've been soaking all this time i'm going to do probably need two colanders here because i've got a lot of greens get the tap running just wanna just give them a rinse off that have been soaked and rinsed nice and clean so i'm just gonna carry on rinsing those right that is our greens rinsed nice and clean put back into the pot and we're going to leave those over there until we're ready to bowl them they'll take about seven or eight minutes a lot in there our lamb is resting that's nice and hot our potatoes are roasting 180 in the oven after they've been in for about 35 minutes we're going to take them out and turn them over so they cook evenly so we're just going to sit back for a little while now and wait until it's time to turn these babies over all right our roast potatoes have been in for about 35 minutes i'm going to take them out and turn them over spread them around evenly right they've all been turned they're gonna go back in the oven now for about another half an hour and they'll be done so we may go all right our potatoes are almost done i'm gonna uncover the meat which has been resting nicely we're gonna pull this meat apart lovely and juicy inside it's just falling off the bone there put the crispy skin on top you can literally just pull this apart i'm going to carry on and carve that up right that is our lamb we'll cut up pulled lamb what we're going to do now straight off the bank we're going to put this lamb cover it over and stick it back in the oven for about 10 minutes on 180 that picks up all those meat juices off the bottom of the tin it's just going to go in for about 10 minutes make sure it's nice and hot and there's our roast potatoes they're going to come out and they are done so in the meantime i'm going to boil up some water and get the greens on the go right it's time to get our greens on the boil kettle full of boiling water going straight over the top probably need even more water such a big pot a couple of little pinches of sea salt in there not too much about it so we're going to bring those to the boil we're going to boil those greens for about seven or eight minutes until they're tender right our greens have been boiling for about seven minutes so they're almost done our lamb is back out of the oven nice and hot and juicy and picked up all the flavors from the tin so that's ready to go our roast potatoes all ready to go so i'm just going to now drain off the greens knock up a bit of gravy and then i'm going to plate up right greens are drained off meat's ready to go potatoes are ready to go i've got gravy there i've just used instant gravy granules and i use the water from the greens to make the gravy i've got some nice mince sauce with balsamic vinegar and i've selected an old vine ganache from spain very nice wine 14.5 goes good with roast meats so we'll be having that with the meal i'm gonna go ahead and plate up now we have plated up roast shoulder of lamb roast king edward potatoes and spring greens put some gravy on there some mint sauce last but not least a glass of wine thanks for watching hope you enjoyed this video
Channel: Richie's FoodGasms
Views: 53,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roast, Dinner, Cooking, Lamb Dinner, Sunday Roast, Roast Lamb, Lamb Shoulder, Roast Potatoes
Id: I__k5O0l3Ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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