Slow Jigging Shallow Water - HOOKS AND JIGS

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and there's not a lot of info on on slow pitch you get in shallow water what you'll find is that that search will take you on YouTube straight to micro jigging um which we talked about before but that nobody talks about fishing these you know 60s and 80s and even 30s in uh in in shallower meaning from 35 40 foot out to um out to 100 foot what's happening everybody this is Captain RL bottom fishing 24 7. and those are the same zigzag and stuff but what we're doing today is I just got some jigs in and uh some slow pitch Jigs and we're gonna we've already tied them up here we'll show you what we did because a lot of people just tie they'll just go ahead and you know snap ring on their assist hooks right out of the package you know it'll look like this it'll look kind of like these when you get them these are Japanese assistant sport but what people do is they'll tie their leader off right to the right to the Eye Of The Jig and you you can do that we used to do that a lot you know and still will in a hurry but what you really want to do and I'll get this right here where you can see it that there's a ball bearing swivel right here and that is hard to tell but that is that that Barbara swivel is is uh slid onto the um the split the split ring so what that's going to do it's going to keep the jig from spinning up your leader in your in your brain because you're attached from an FG or or PR not straight to your braid so you need a swivel there to keep all that from twisting up on you just so it doesn't look bad make a mess and it weakens the leader every time so you know it's hard to get a better view but we're going to try and get it okay if you took this belt this ball bearing swivel and you snap ringed it right onto who else is good at this one right on to this you can do that you can use a small split ring separately from this a cyst rig and you can snap ring a tiny little snap ring on with your micro 80 or whatever whatever snaps whatever you want you can do that um the reason that we usually don't do that anymore is because we found out that it's just better to put the uh ball bearing snaps will our ball bearing swivel straight onto the um to the split ring of the assist hooks not the welded ring so you want to buy quality stuff because you're attaching that that's that's holding all the way and this is pulling directly on the fish so you're tied off here with your leader going that way you're tied off to it now it's pulling directly on the hook when you hook a fish up in US leaving The Jig out of the equation but when you do this you just really got to have variability in your Rod a very parabolic rod and you have to really work the drag sometimes because what it will do these hooks are so sharp and small it'll pull the hooks out so you really gotta you gotta think about where you want to put that ball bearing swivel because you got you really need it for presentation and for line twist you really got to have that you don't want no big brass piece of junk wraps will you you know you want a good quality small micro ball bearing swivel is what you want and 80 pounds is plenty for anything we're going to be doing we're fishing 100 foot or less now these are 80 gram jigs real quick these are 80 gram jigs they don't when when they're Japanese jigs they normally don't come with hooks so you have to get your own assistance and these are Japanese systems now they're smaller in comparison to not showing this before look at the difference in the wire size this is just a regular vertical GXP jig which we use regularly also but not near as much as the slow pitch but look at the difference in everything okay look how much heavier the hook wire is look how much heavier the string is look how much bigger that string is on that vertical jig down on the slow pitch jig this will soak my water up it takes away jig action but when you're fast jigging who cares because you're you're trying to make a fish that's already feeding chase this thing as we've always talked about it doesn't matter really what this thing even looks like they just see something taken off haul and asked from whatever it is trying to try to catch this Bait fish which is you grilling this now with the slow pitch jig we're doing a very slow presentation normal yeah normally so he needs to have a lot of action therefore the smaller you know quote unquote terminal tackle which this is thermal tackle from this jig we want a lighter we want the hook Sharp and again back to this these hooks are very sharp so when you're tied to that ball bearing swivel that uh that's lashed straight into these hooks via snap ring you're pulling on the hooks so you got to be really really careful and and in the jigs the jigs actually you know flopping around at that point so should be out of the equation but it still could be a fulcrum point so you have to be careful and uh like I said parabolic Rod you gotta be careful working your dragon when you thumb your reel and when not to just a feel you'll get for it okay as far as the colors go you know you guys already know I don't believe in colors too much The Flash boil of this jig is what's important and this particular jig has a holographic multi-color on this side that goes from Blue to Silver to Pink and so the Flash at any depth they're gonna see the flash off the off the natural sunlight through the water if they don't see the colors so they're gonna see this jig or the other so I love the striped jigs because and all it is is wrapped with foil holographic foil so they work really well so and you'll notice even eating these other jigs same deal it's just it's the same thing so I don't really more than glow The Flash really matters especially on a sunny day or any day light's going to penetrate through the water and get it as but even in three four hundred foot The Flash is as important as the glow if not more The Flash from this foil on these stripes or or or your holographic side um you get a good Flash from that too so but anyway that's the reason for the smaller hooks in the micro the micro uh the micro ball bearing swivel is this thing to be slow pitched correctly and presented correctly when vertical okay that's that's the biggest part of it and then we have we also have smaller Jigs and I've chosen these because these are slow pitch Jigs and these have uh number one hooks on them um these are 60 gram here and we've chosen these because it's got the silver flash on one side and then it has gold and pink on this side and this is a 60 gram so and then we have the flashers on on the assist hooks here so depending on the depth we use that I'll even drop this 60. they say a gram per foot of water so we're fishing an 80 foot you know according to rules so to speak with this system of slow fish chicken that you would need if you were in 80 foot you need 80 grams okay I won't do that I'll go as light as I can because we usually got a knot not to have a current and I can get vertical by working my trolling motor having it on one or two three something like that two or three speed working against the current will keep the boat I'm still drifting but backward so to speak it still won't move but I can still stay vertical I'll drop the lightest jig I can fly because more action so the action for this jig is way more than this jig and not to mention the size of it is smaller and there's a lot of small minutes down there even the biggest fish that you'll catch you'll often notice they're spitting up minnows that are half the size of this jig so in our area and in most areas I mean yeah there's bigger Bait fish they eat but a lot of times they'll be spitting up stuff that's you know that big you'll still spit it up all over your boat so they pretty much eat anything but we don't want to go way too big is what we don't want to do not in shallow water and we mainly fish 50 to 80 foot so these are the size jigs that that we're using and again the deeper I can go with a with a lighter one I will if the current allows it okay if the courage is crazy you have to go to something long and slender in the same gram range just making a longer slender jig but they give them more diving action these leaf-shaped jigs like this give more of a fluttering action they're rolling action on the way to the bottom during your pitch and your slow pitch I mean your long fall so so I like to use them all but this this was mainly about about your assist your assist hooks and um really the size depends on what you're after of course and yeah we could probably go to a three on here but I know that there's some medium-sized grouper and for our area in Northeast Florida a medium-sized grouper is a 15 to 20 pound gag in those depths and tons of Snapper from three to 22 pounds you know this for all is going to be better suited for that doing that the only problem is we fish a lot of snaggy bottom which again is why we're not putting rear assist hooks on it because depending on how this jig is fluttering the fish could think just because there's an eye there doesn't mean he thinks that's the head it depends on how the jig's fluttering and sinking and Diving whatever side he decides to bite so you're taking you know you're losing a little bit of a little bit of possibility of catching him because he may hit back here and miss it but all you can hope is you'll feel that but hopefully you know you can get him to hit it again it's diving differently and he'll finally grab this because these go back you know a little ways you know not crazy far they do go back you know almost to halfway not quite halfway because I could add that another set of hooks here and these two wouldn't connect you don't ever want your rear and forward uh assistance connecting or you got a mess you don't even really want them to touch so anyways that's it um do you guys have any questions about assist Hooks and uh how we rigged the ball bearing swivels just leave it in the comments and I'll be glad to have you guys out 24 7. I hope you got something out of it you gotta take care and be safe on the water the show
Channel: Bottom Fishing 24-7
Views: 17,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slow pitch jigging, shallow water jigging, assist hooks, jig hooks, slow pitch jigs
Id: fy-OlIhG3fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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