Slow Pitch Jigging Technique by BENNY ORTIZ | Offshore Fishing Secrets Revealed | Deep Sea Fishing

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all right guys i'm headed offshore again with uh and if you guys are watching my channel i'm pretty sure you know who this guy is mr benny ortiz um if you don't know he is i'll let you know um benny is like one of the uh pioneers i would say of slow pitch jigging here in the united states um he was doing it before anybody was doing it if you think it's frustrating getting slow pitch tackle here now you should imagine when when you started doing it it was it was a lot different seven years ago it was a lot different so now i mean like we do have tackle shops that are starting to stock slow pitch jigs on the regular and the rods and stuff like that so we could really get it and there is more information available to us than whenever you started what was like eight years yeah it was about seven eight years ago when i first started slow fix jigging and most of the information was all from japan so and it was all in japanese there was no shops in the us that were stocking and stuff so it was a very expensive game of trial and error yeah trying to you buy the wrong stuff and then and then having to figure it out it's nice to have somebody who's uh figured it out for you and you good yeah it's a lot better now especially with the information that you guys are putting out so it's a good environment [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so we started on a few spots in under 300 feet of water and really you know we're targeting bottom fish when we go out um slow pitch jigging is deadly when it comes to bottom fish and really that's what it's designed to do granted you can catch pelagics and the toothy critters and there are some tactics and techniques that you could use to do that but as far as what we set out for this day was we're looking for grouper we're looking for snapper um on the bottom and we started out in under 300 feet of water and we had a couple nice hookups right off the get-go [Music] let's go boy what do you got oh scamp it's a little baby yeah it's all right these guys have to be 20 inches that's that's that's probably keeper mutton or a keeper or something for something feels good johnny guys if we want to narrow it down this is a keeper something to keep or something [Music] all right guys so we're in about 300 feet of water we're off of uh boynton beach here in south florida and i get a lot of questions um almost daily you know about can you make a video about proper technique what technique should i use you know there's a lot of misinformation out there a lot of folks think that you know that the rod does everything and i just want people to know that that's not really the case you know it's actually a very active style of fishing first of all you want to stay as vertical as possible right notice that the arm the the butt end of the rod is under my forearm right that lets me use it as a lever so if you can see very slow even recoil of the rod you know when you can change it up you go faster you always want to keep bottom contact like i'm doing right now get that slack output and you really are the person who manipulates you right a lot of folks have the rod under their arm like this they think he's making these little turns to get the the rod to move that's not really going to help you know you really want to move the rod in the water let that rod slowly unload that's what's going to flick the jig to the side and it's going to come down to the level you're going to get 90 of your bites on the fall [Music] parking you'll see i'll change my my handle turns i'll go quarter turn sometimes i'll go full turn always on the up very rarely on the down because you don't want to reel that slack out if you reel the slack out when the jig's supposed to be falling then doesn't do what it's supposed to do got bit let's see if he's still there i guess he had benny dropped back down because he knew he's there might have scared him off got a little guy just like that huh just like that let's see there he is a little mangrove let this guy go that's the second little mangrove that i've caught today and both of them he's going back down both of them coughed up a bunch of shrimp so it's like they're keyed into something like we decided to go out for a deep drop for a little bit and something interesting is that i was trying out the new dia seaborg 200 i had that match with the johnny jigs pro power 4 and it was very interesting to be out there with an electric reel instead of the manual crank and now i know how some of you guys are and you're like no you gotta crank manually and this and that but let me tell you when i was watching benny and puffing and reeling up you know from deep deep water and i'm just pushing a button and this thing is reeling up it was fantastic because i was not tired i was able to to reel up and and drop again without over exerting myself and it was really it's an ideal setup because if you look i have this like almost like a satchel around me and it's a lithium ion battery pack so i'm completely mobile i can move freely around the boat um without being glued to you know a battery pack with alligator clamps and stuff like that and i was able to get down in 900 feet of water uh with 10 pound test on the 200c board now [Music] marking good fish right now [Music] yeah you do you do rocky fish i got one [Music] now here's a little bit of nugget of information that i'm going to share with you guys that i had to figure out the hard way by spending money um if you're going to get the seaboard i would go with the 300 if you plan on fishing 800 plus feet and you want to jig i found myself having very little line left on the seaborg 200 even with the 10 pound test in 800 to 900 feet of water and i wish i had something just a little bit bigger on the other hand though the seven foot pro power 4 was perfect um i like the fact that i have that seven foot on the rod and i'm able to really get a long pitch on the jig because for the most part really at that depth you're just pulling the scope out of your line now you'll find it much easier to use a shorter rod but the thing is is that you're not actually moving the jig like you think you are you're going to have this big scope in your line and you're not going to actually move the jig the way you think you are um by having a longer rod yes it is more work but you're going to actually move the jig through the water all right guys we are about 300 feet of water we have a really low current day so we're able to use i'm down to about 250 gram jig johnny what jig you got on 200 200 grams so we're getting down pretty easy just kind of altering our shapes trying to see what the fish are keyed into but overall today's been really good for keeping up and down right now there are massive marks on the screen from about five feet up to 15 feet up so what we're gonna do is keep counter handle turns here each turns about three feet right so we know the fish in the first 20 feet of water we don't want to be more than about six cranks up otherwise we're outside of there oh where they are let's always keep checking the bottom you gotta mix up your cadence these are just kind of traditional movements third turns quarter turns and you can speed your cadence up check bottom change your actions maybe do what they call more of a punchier action what that'll do is it'll make the jig kind of swim long ways in the water most important thing though is just keep contact with the bottom stay as vertical as possible i really know where that jig is at all times still really good marks on the should bottom be a matter of time before we get a bite a lot of people ask me you know how do you fish from a drifting boat right now we're free drifting you see my line's kind of scoping a little bit away from the boat really what you want to do is you want to pull and pull in the direction of your drift what that'll do is we'll get the jig to go up in the water and then fall up and fall so sometimes you can get a little scoped still kind of maximize the amount of time that you're on the bottom ideally though you do want to be straight up and down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so i've been asked about what am i looking for on my screen or what spots am i looking for when i'm out there slow pitch jigging and essentially i'm looking for structure you know i'm looking for good bottom um the bigger the the you know structure the better but let's be real you know a lot of our bottom fishing and reefs are over fished so i really look for like little nuggets that are out in the 100 to 400 foot range and this guy lee shepherd actually builds these artificial reefs they call him the wreath man because these structures that he builds um will protect game fish give them a safe haven you know as they get bigger and the reefs are really cool looking and if you look at you know it's almost like a dome shape and that is exactly what i'm looking for on my screen so you know i've spent a lot of years you know out in the water looking at my screen and dialing in numbers and trying to find you know spots that look exactly like what lee has so as far as like giving out my numbers um those are sacred to me there's a lot of um numbers that are common knowledge that you know everybody has them they're public numbers that are still great to fish it depends on what time of the day and what time of the week you fish them and they're still great to fish but whenever you find these little nuggets that look just like the structures that lee makes those are the ones that you want to fish so lee salute to you man for making these things super cool super cool what you've done for our fishery [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] it was an awesome day and i always learn so much whenever i'm out fishing with these guys being just an excellent captain and really understanding um what it takes to get on fish for a guy who loves to slow fish jig and then as well as fishing with such a skilled angler as denny ortiz there's a reason why you know benny has the notoriety that he has when it comes to slow pitch jigging he's been doing it longer than anyone here in the u.s as well as he has a very good understanding of the gear and the tackle and what it takes to really um reel in that fish of a lifetime and be prepared to catch that fish of a lifetime every time fellas thank you so much for taking me fishing had a great day don't forget to like and subscribe you can also follow us on facebook and instagram and don't forget jig on you
Channel: JohnnyJigsTV
Views: 153,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Slow Pitch Jigging Technique, slow pich jigging technique, how to slow pitch jig, slow jigging grouper, slow jigging, slow pitch jigging florida, slow jigging snapper, deep dropping, slow jigging fishing, slow jigging rod, fishing videos, slow pitch jigging grouper, slow pitch jigging setup, slow pitch jigging seminar
Id: vGML52Oa8ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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