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hey what's up it's Kit time for another video today I am going to make a video of this topic because I keep on getting asked a lot about this in the comment section uh private messages DMS whatever okay so I'm getting asked this a lot even if there's a video I made about this and people seem to not find it okay so I am going to make this video so that if someone asks me I'm just going to take the link okay put it in the comment and not say anything so all right and uh a lot of people are asking where do you put or where do you tie your leader uh on your jig okay so uh again this is something that's very basic and there is a long video on this that I spoke about like I don't know a year or two or three before uh but people can't find it people don't want to find it or they just you know kind of don't browse the channel they just ask immediately you know it's like uh people these days they they uh kind of uh just don't have the skill to look for the answers so this one is very straightforward okay so uh that's the topic for today and if you're new to this channel this channel talks about the house and wi of fishion uh we cover everything from Big Game ultral light everything in the middle including fly fishing and today we're going to talk about where to tie your leaders on your jigs I can't believe this like I said in the previous videos you know um these are things that for me uh are are so basic that uh I think they're not really a subject of uh of discussion but we making this video so that those that are uh in doubt those that want to verify or those that are starting out have the answers okay so this channel was created to uh send out or uh Supply the proper information so that you improve your fishing that's it all right so um that's why we're doing this now if you already know this that's fine okay this isn't for you um this is for those guys specifically those guys that uh don't know this they first starting out or those guys that just don't bother looking all right so this is like a clearcut boom that's it if uh you're one of those two um yeah here we go all right we have a fast jig and we have a slow jig down here all right um I think what we're going to do is instead of just saying where you tie it we're going to answer why you put it there okay and why the reason is whatever all right so you have your fast jig okay and connecting your fast jig to your solid ring assist Hook is a split ring okay now I always say that the split ring and the solid ring should be about the same size of the eye this gives it a lot of freedom or The Jig a lot of freedom and it ensures that if by chance this happens you see that okay boom it just kind of uh writes itself okay it doesn't happen a lot but it does happen from time to time a smaller swivel or sorry a smaller split ring actually prevents uh this from writing itself so uh the uh what do you call this the uh split ring has to be the same size or very close it could be a size lower or a size uh you can go lower but I wouldn't recommend going higher okay now there are some that have really big eyes Okay uh that's the exception so this is for both slow Jigs and fast jigs that's kind of like the uh the uh uh exception don't go close to that okay again like I mentioned I make these videos right when the dogs are active and when the planes I live near the airport but when the planes are flying around and when the dogs are barking this is when I make this these video so that um when I give you the most important information they start barking it it means that that's the most important bit okay so just just uh what do you call this they have perfect timing when it comes to that so majority of the time you will be faced with eyes that are small okay or smallish that's just perfect for The Jig and what you need to do is just match the eyes of the uh the jigs with your split rings and solid rings and you'd be okay about 90% of the time an example of a jig that has eyes that are just too big with would be this kensaki okay you can choose to um follow that or just a bit smaller like I did here as you can see that's a perfect size for this particular uh jig and it's actually kind of small smaller okay so there are exceptions to the this rule or this guideline it's not a rule it's a guideline um you're free to choose however big big or small your split rings are but if you choose to follow this it will make your jigs swim better now for fast jigs you attach your um leader to the solid ring on your assist hook there are people that make just Loops at the very end and what they do is just Loop it to the eye that usually is okay for smaller jigs but for heavy ones don't do that okay always use a split ring a solid ring connection such as this and your jigs will swim better and when you catch a fish um it's way better okay because what happens is is that so imagine this is the leader okay and it's connected there now what happens as you could see here it's a straight line of pull and The Jig The Jig isn't really affecting anything here so the fish cannot use the jig as a leverage point to pry open the hook and that's a very good thing because if they can do that and use the uh The Jig as a leverage point you tend to lose a lot more fish so with that okay irregardless of what the fish is doing the jig's just going to hang out there it's not going to affect the uh Hook and the fish cannot use the jig as a leverage point and you lose the fish so that's it right there okay can you use a swivel uh unless your assist cord is connected to the swivel no not really I have tried using swivels before the problem with swivels is that they're a bit bulky even like the big ones okay so like take for example you take one of these okay cuz that's technically a uh solid ring right there and you could just put it like that okay this this part right here as you can see the bulk of it it's not going to do you any good and it will affect the swimming motion of your jig okay so uh this configuration is better now what if you have a solid ring and then attached to a swivel great there's some from uh CB1 there's some from owner there's some from uh uh shout I believe uh they're expensive if you can afford that go ahead and do it more power to you okay uh they're they're very expensive so that's uh your your call right there uh do they make a difference in the action of The Jig yes and no okay um having a swivel here actually makes the jig uh roll more okay and sometimes you don't want that especially for some types of uh jigs such as this one right here so this one actually slides okay and the purpose of uh this sliding motion is for the fish to be triggered when it's in the horizontal position and that's when the fish bites it okay if you put a swivel on this it will spin okay it will allow it to spin because it gives it a lot more freedom and and it might be that you know the spinning motion will prohibit it from sliding longer okay so that's kind of creating a disadvantage for you and you don't like that you don't want that so solid ring is always a best uh a good bet okay and again you tie on the solid ring one thing to note about this whole system is that your split ring on Fast jigs is is a non loadbearing component which means you can use cheap solid uh split Rings here and it's not going to affect your fish catching um potential okay so you can use lower powered or thinner um split rings and you'd be okay because when you fight the fish it doesn't have a direct impact on the split Rings okay so that is for fast jigs for slow jigs it's a different story very first thing that you have to realize when it comes to slow jigs is that one of the most important components is a quality split ring and these split rings are loadbearing which means when you are fighting the fish the split ring plays a major part and it should be that these split rings that you're using are very strong and that it won't open okay connecting to a slow jig requires you to have a separate solid ring which you attach here can you use a swivel because kid we don't use we don't see you use a swivel yes like I said there is a video about this okay in the Channel all you have to do is just search for connect uh connection points and you'll see me explaining swivels split Rings you know different types of swivels and all that you connect it here okay and uh I'll do that now what is the most correct way solid ring okay the very first thing that you put is actually a solid ring not a swivel and there are times when you can use a swivel that's up to you but a solid ring here is much more desirable what is the size of the solid drink that's totally up to you you can use the same size as the eye or smaller see when I am talking about something important that's when they start barking that's how you know that I'm talking about something important all right so your leader is there okay so as you can see what forms a straight line still would be the solid ring where your leader goes to your assist cord is attached to another solid ring and this swings freely okay this swings freely like so there's your solid ring you can put a swivel there if you want if you want to know the difference go ahead and look at uh that video that I made uh look it up it's like uh it says connecting points okay so you can do that you can have uh you can tie your leader there can you tie your leader in the solid ring of here of this one here uh it won't it will alter the position of the uh it will alter the position of the uh assist hook as you could see it's going to be on the side and you will tend to miss a lot of fish if you do this okay that's stupid don't do it the correct and proper way is to put another solid ring there and the split ring okay again split rings for slow jigs have a uh very big role in fighting the fish it has to be loadbearing okay loadbearing it carries a load so when you're fighting the fish what happens when you hook the fish on either end this or this what happens is that it carries the load of the fight as the fish moves around thrashes about this other set okay irregardless if the fish is bit this it will be this end and it will snag the fish and you will be fighting the fish with at least two hooks embedded on it so it could be that this is in the mouth and this is going to be snagged on the face and you will fight the fish in a weird angle for the fish okay like that ouch or it could be that the fish is hooked up up here and this snags the fish elsewhere in the body irregardless Your Leader is in a separate point and these two split Rings carry a load so very important that when you are fishing with slow jigs your split rings are of high quality and if you buy the Japanese split Rings it actually marked okay the number the poundage okay so uh very important I don't know about the American ones or the Chinese ones the Chinese ones it it's kind of Hit and Miss uh all the US branded ones okay they're not made in the US they're all Chinese there is not a single supplier in the US that's a US brand that's made in the US they're all Chinese okay they have their jigs made in China they have their swivels made in China they just rebranded basically so uh unless they have a Japanese supplier uh you know or unless it's actually from a brand like shout duel uh what else uh owner of course Gamakatsu all the rest like homegrown us Brands they're all Chinese there's nothing wrong with that but as we know made and China stuff they would always over declare uh strengths so it could be that the solid rings and split rings if they say that it's 200 lb maybe it's not I'm not saying that that's a bad thing but they're less reliable okay so just to be sure um buy your terminals at least your Hardware from like the Japanese brands because we know that uh you know they're kind of reliable so not kind of we know they are reliable I'm not trying to be elitist here or anything it's just you know kind of it's not kind of the truth it is the truth if it's Japanese you know the quality is high and you know that what it says in the label is true uh so yeah all right so very very important again this is where you tie your leader it's a separate solid ring or a swivel on a loadbearing split ring for fast jigs you tie it on a solid ring and you attach your jig via a split ring but the split ring on Fast jigs could be non-load bearing it's up to you I mean I don't use expensive split Rings while I'm fast jigging because I know that I'm using that that's it okay sometimes I even use like a smaller uh uh thinner thin wir not smaller but thin wired uh split rings for for this just because I don't want any any any other weight to affect the uh the swimming motion of the jig so that's that all right now uh if there's still doubts God which is I pray God please know uh write in the comment section if it's clear go ahead and write in the comment section that you know that you've explained it perfectly in a way that I understand it so that I know okay if I miss something out uh drop in the comment section okay if you're new here and you want to learn more click on the Subscribe button if you want your friends to learn share this video or uh share the channel it's up to you and uh if you learned something with this video give it a thumbs up Al righty that's it for now thanks so much for watching I'll see you in the next one classes Miss that
Channel: TheFishingKit
Views: 3,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #fishing, where to tie your leader to a jig, how to attach leader to slow jig, how to attach leader to fastjig, leader attachment in fast jig, leader attachment in slow jig, where to tie leader for slow jig, how to tie leader for fast jig, how to attach leader to fast jig, how to attach leader to slow jigs, where to attach leaders for fast jigs, where to attach leaders for slow jigs, best way to attach leader on slow jig, best way to attach leader on fast jig, attach leader to jig
Id: ZuH6IQL980E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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