Slow Pitch Jigging Tutorial and Techniques for Beginners | SPJ Guide using Ocean's Legacy

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hey guys just been out fishing with johnny  today hey you can't tell who it is because   he's hiding he's very sunsmart you know we went  out to a little barrier do slow pitch jigging   and kabura fishing and i took the opportunity  to teach johnny a little bit about s slow pitch   jigging basically just to begin this course  showing all the basics so we've recorded all   and yeah you can watch it in this video if you're  thinking about getting into slow pitch jigging   and if you're into watching my tutorial videos  please subscribe to my channel you'll see a lot   of tutorials popping up and lots of value add  content that will help you with your fishing   cheers guys enjoy the video i'll show you these  pliers check out how cool these plies are and the   reason that they're really cool is how  they hold the split ring apart watch that yeah oh nice like these are the HPA  pliers they cost over a hundred dollars   this pair of hooks already has  split rings on it take that off so yeah like the the pliers you have the  more standard ones they definitely do the job   but it just doesn't hold  it open as well as these do   yeah so you might struggle to actually  get the yeah sometimes it doesn't open   up wide enough the other ones yeah and  this one always opens it up wide enough the whole goal of slow pitch   is we want the jig to flutter down right and  this one here it's gonna flutter like this it's just good and the reason we're doing that  is if you think about well how a fish want to   feed right if you're targeting kingfish you  know that they like to chase bait like they're   used to it so your mechanical jigging you're  just getting it like that just going up and up   and up through the water column you drop it where  the kingfish is just work it up but um every other   fish that prefer an easy meal and an easy meal  to them is not a fish swimming away because if   you're swimming up or sideways that's a sign that  the bait is strong but if you're gliding down   or falling then that's the sign that the bait  is dying wounded baitfish for sure and to any   predator that's an easy meal because they have to  use the less amount of effort to go and bite it   so what i'm doing with slow pitch is i'm working  it up and then it just flutters down working   it up and then it flutters down so this reel is  normally really noisy i'm not going to use that   feature it's too noisy for the video but you're  going to you got to set your drag right first   i think everyone knows how to set  drag i just pull it by my hand send it down so yeah get to the bottom lift it  up first you don't want it to snag so with slow   pitch you use the arm and not not have it tucked  under because you get less motion that's this way   so it's really just resting here now  obviously it's a bit harder on the ski   but what i'm doing is i'm using a combination of  the big t-bar yep like i could i could actually   just lift it with this side if i wanted to like  it's actually like my right arm's not doing   anything like i can show you like this right yeah  sort of pivoting there yeah it's just pivoting   so i think the handle is really important that's  why my preference is the t-bar the round ones are   just a little bit harder to hold and then there's  also the the smaller T which is a bit easier all   right so the easy one to start off with is just  lift and let it drop and if you watch the line   sometimes it drops slower like at the moment  you can see it's dropped like see that   see that was slower yep see that oh yeah yeah so  there's a difference between that like that's fast a little bit slower yeah and that's when it's  fluttering down because i've got the video   footage of that yeah to show the flutter the jig  is so well balanced that it just flutters down   and then the fish they see it and they don't  always see like the full size going down yeah   that's why sometimes you get trevelly who feed  on you know they don't go bite big pieces of fish   no they're like little cubes they eat krill  so sometimes they just see that profile   just small flash here as if  the jig is like facing them   front on in a nutshell this is the first  stage to slow pitch you just hold it right   use the right gear and yeah if this fish there  would be catching them this is just holding   it on the same spot so yeah this little gadget  here it's actually it's a rod protector for the   rod holder because you know like these rods are  you know the whole whole rod is sensitive thin   you want to look after it so this one in the  rod holder is what protects it but the second   thing is it's that extra comfort for resting  on my arm so see if you you can wind it around   there's a different shape it's round and it's flat  just put the flat part on your arm because the   round part's got the cable tie stuff as well so it  just sits there so the second second part of slow   pitch you can do is just the reel so this reel's  got a really high ratio you can see it's 7.3 and   then it winds a lot of line each time i think it's  106 centimeters so like that full wide like that's   going up 106 centimeters it doesn't feel like it  but it's doing that yeah and what you'll see is   the rod is gonna load up and it's going to spring  it up a little bit so i might be getting 110   centimeters if i do a full wind yeah but full wind  is quite cumbersome so normally you just get half   and this is the second slow pitch you don't move  the rod yeah so it's just pitching itself like   going up pitch it up flutters down pitch up  flutters down you're still getting a little   bit of fall action maybe like 40 centimeters  and then combining the two is where you feel   like you're doing the most you're getting that  one meter lift and then i'm doing a half wind   so that's giving it another 50 centimetres  so this is 1.5 basically yeah of fall time.   fall time is what i'm going for if you're doing  the bottom 10 meters and snapper will swim up to   20 meters yeah we've seen that happen but it  could be watching it now and just chasing it   up there's also going to be kingfish and kahawai  everywhere through the water column there's going   to be trevally everywhere through the water column  so you could work it all the way up to the surface   and it's supposed to be very low impact type  of fishing a bit hard now because we're a   bit cramped up but you should be able to  you know slow pitch at least half a day   comfortably like this if you're if you're standing  right so i find it really important and slow pitch   especially like see how my rod is traditional  overhead yep and your rod is spiral wrap   or acid wrap with my rod it's really important to  be watching your line and controlling the speed   right so see if i go too fast yeah sometimes yeah  there's a chance of it tip wrapping which yeah it   happened a couple of times so i gotta go like this  and just watch that i let it drop back in time less of a chance on your one in the long  run bit more comfortable using a spiral   wrap rod for slow pitch yeah slow pitch you  just keep practicing it and eventually you   don't need to think about what you're  doing yeah it just becomes a rhythm what type of species have you caught on it?   everything now kingfish snapper kahawai gurnard.  gurnard is normally near the bottom yeah trevally   anywhere uh frostfish was probably my weirdest  catch that's pretty cool also when you're slow   pitch and probably easier on the boat is the boat  motion helps with slow pitch as well and you find   that you tend to do your jigging in time with when  the boat's moving so say if the boat's going up   then you could go up at the same time you get  even more of a yeah like not on purpose but but   it actually yeah it helps a little bit like say if  i rock the ski now and we go up as we go back then   like normally that's what it feels like on  a boat yeah yeah you get a lot of motion   we've got two types of slow pitch rods yeah the  one i'm using now it's called the origin slow   jigging so ocean's legacy origin slow jigging and  this one is the probably the most original of the   slow pitch rods and in that saying that it's  purely designed for slow pitch so it's got the   it has the right motion but when you hook the  fish you can't use the rod to fight the fish   while it's got a lot of strength in the back  end yeah it doesn't have the strength in the   front end to fight the fish because the focus has  been to give it that flexibility to work the jig   so that's what this rod is so when i hook a fish  with this slow origin and if it's a big fish like   a kingie i actually point it down and use the reel  to sort of crank the fish in or yeah use the power   of the reel to wind the fish in and it's fine with  the rod sticking in the water there's never been   any issue with that but on a general small fish  you can you can play it as normal yep lift it high   wind on the way down lift it high on the way down  that's fine with this rod but you can see it's   it's so thin yeah it's so sensitive so designed  to work the jig feel the bite get the hook up   and then there's now also a new design  which is called power slow pitch and it   it's it meets sort of the best of both worlds  you get that sensitivity of a slow pitch rod   at the right lengthh which is about 6.2 feet and  that's what you're using now you're using the new   elementus and the elementus absolutely has  the strength all the way through the blank   for you to fight the fish right so you hook  up a fish today go this high if you want to   when you're fighting it because it's designed to  handle that the the strength of it the PE3 version   when you're using the PE2 it can lift i think it's  31 kilos up to 45 degrees yeah like that 31 kilos   roughly that weight i can't remember the exact  stat so you're using the PE2 version there's   the PE3 and also PE4 which is what i have in the  heavy slow pitch setup i've got with the accurate   that should be a keeper just off the bottom  actually no sign yeah so see like because it's   not a big fish i can lift it yeah like the rods  no problem with that it's got plenty of grunt yeah   but yeah on a kingie don't do this yeah just let  the reel bring it in this is this might be foul   hooked because of the weight just the heavy weight  coming up yeah i can see it's spinning around   it could be a nice one yeah that's the keeper  oh you're right oh it was hooked properly and   then the other hook got him on the side yeah  that's a keeper i'll be like 33 i reckon gut's hanging out all right we're just drifting over nothing  there's no sign in about 50 meters of water   all hope is lost but we're hooking up the  odd fish here and there dave is not me see how strong the reel is  just like yeah good size all right it's good for johnny  to see slow pitch actually works   that i'm not making it up in my videos  there has been some doubts i believe in you that's on the sardine still 170 gram oh that's  130 degrees 130 gram long contact sardine so see   there's dual hooks on this on this jig so it's  safer for you to use pliers as much as possible oh yeah so with these jigs what i do you can  see the setup here so we've got a solid ring   yep yep and then a split ring and then that  connects to the jig and then also the split   ring connects to the assist the solid ring of  the hook so that i find gives it the most motion   because your hooks can pretty much fling  around in any direction nice and free yeah   and also what makes this easy when you need  to change weight or change lures altogether   but normally you're just changing weights and just  keeping the same hooks on there so now i can just   take the jig off changing weight or changing jig and then i can go and pop whatever next jig  on so these are two jigs that we have this is   the ocean's legacy long contact i've got in  130 gram but that goes from 30 gram on the   long contact mini up to 90 grams and then it goes  130 gram all the way up to 270 gram that's the   long contact and this one is the one that sort of  shimmers down it's it's balance weight and it just   goes down like this very gradually which you  know you'll be feeling on your setup this is   called the hybrid contact and this was the the  first one that was launched by ocean's legacy   and the design of this is to move like a squid  so it actually goes like a squid or a leaf   yeah in terms of its movement this one you  really you need to have a very slow drift to   work it because of the extra larger profile it's  going to get a bit more water resistance so we'll   flood it down slower but if the drift is too fast  it's going to carry too far out behind your boat   whereas the long contact you can use that in a  faster drift yeah so we're in a slower drift now   so give this one a go and yeah typically you  just put the hook side the hook onto the side   where the eye is or on the lighter side because  it's it's bottom weighted yep because you don't   want to put it here and it's going to go funny  when it's sinking out it sinks down this way   let's show you the line counter  now so this is quite quite loud   so you just do that to turn it on and that's  zero meters yep and it's basically going to   tell me the depth you can see the jig see how it's  starting stopping yeah that's it fluttering down   now this is actually not the ideal way for  a jig to go down like this is obviously   it's got the action on the way down but it's not  going down as fast as you you know to the bottom   yeah so you actually want to like put a little  bit of pressure to hold the line just a tiny bit   so that it's just going to fall  straight down without it fluttering   and that's one of the slow pitch strategies  to employ when you drop the lure down if   you feel it's fluttering too much hold  the line a little bit and let it go down it's a good way to control it just gets  it down faster get it into the strike zone   so yeah you can see the depth 52 meters so i  can see you know i can stop before it gets to   the bottom tell where the fish is holding if  i hook up if i hook up at 47 meters then i'll   be like oh yeah i put it at 47 meters yep yeah  let's see if we can catch anything at this spot yeah because yeah i keep clipping myself that  thing oh it's decent weight like this fight   would be too boring for you like you want  to you know do the whole lift and wind but   this actually like holds it the hook more steady  yeah you got constant pressure oh just undersized eating lunch watching dave catch fish  i reckon we need the net for this one i'm gonna put this down somewhere it feels  like fishing i found the level of hygiene goes   like way down the hill you handle fish  lick your fingers eat some chips yup have some kfc it doesn't matter   wash with salt water right this is a it's  a bad example of actual slow pitch jigging   but a good example that the lure just works just  hold it there and the fish come and chomp on it what is that what whoa is that like a ling is it a red cod it's  a red cod you've got a red cord are they yum or   yuck um they're okay they're average you can make  fish cakes out of them all right dude that is a   heavy red cod man oh the red cod wow yeah really  good for fish cake okay how do i fish cake wait why is it bad for eating and good  for fish cakes what's the theory there i   think it's just the texture mushy not  very good red cod on the slow pitch when you go to get a slow pitch rod either get  this one which is our higher end specialized like   strong slow pitch rod or get the element which  is the cheaper version yeah it's still designed   to be strong okay i mean like you can get  something like this but you have more fun on   a rod that you can high stick right yeah just  you know fight the fish yeah off the rod yeah must be the kfc yeah now oh yeah that was a good fish fluffing around too much man yeah quick snap that was not a red cod no that was a good fish man do some  donuts johnny do some donuts i'll jump on this side uh wait what are you going  on this side yeah i don't want to stand on that   crap you're right you just spin it you're  gonna reverse it don't blow [ __ ] at me
Channel: FishoDavo
Views: 133,336
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Keywords: jetskifishing, saltiga, fishing videos, daiwa, daiwa saltiga, slow pitch jigging, oceans legacy, jigging, snapper fishing, new zealand, vertical jigging, auckland, fishing, how to slow pitch jig, kingfish, daiwa saltiga 2021, slow pitch jigging technique, auckland new zealand, saltwater fishing, slow jigging, softbait, softbait fishing, kabura, daiwa saltiga 20, snapper, jetski, jet ski, jet ski fishing nz, jet ski fishing, jetski fishing, gopro hero 9, gopro max, gopro max 360, gopro
Id: KxsdktKm9Ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 11 2022
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