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[Music] what's up it's Kip time for another video today we're going to be rigging the maxel dragonfly kind of an exception actually I'll show you later it's very tricky but uh a few things to look for um when you're rigging these things a few reminders actually just Good Housekeeping and then we'll talk about hooks all right I have a example of hooks here and we're going to be talking about hooks with ice and hooks without ice okay so have a bit of an example actually two good examples in that category we're going to be talking about slow Jing hooks versus Fast Jing hooks all right just so you don't mix things up okay and we'll we'll do this while we're actually rigging this jig right here so uh if you're new to the channel just Channel talks about the hous and wise of fishing we cover everything from Big Game ultral light everything in the middle including fly fishing and lately we have been doing a jig rigging library and uh just to kind of spice things up or you know just be different from the rest of the videos uh there will be some videos wherein I would actually have a discussion about one particular thing and in this video we're talking about hooks okay so not just about how I rig this but also about the hooks and uh basically why I chose this hook over that and why most importantly why so you need to understand now a lot of people obviously fastest thing is that you just look at a credible Source see exactly what they're using and then use that uh problem there is that you don't know exactly what the reason is and and uh you wouldn't know the difference you know if some some guy who's selling his Wares or you know whatever actually just uh randomly says that oh this these are the hooks that I'm using and this and that you wouldn't know the reason why if you don't know the reason why and uh if he's doing something wrong then you know especially if you ask him why that hook and he doesn't have an answer then you know that's a if his answer like oh it's a good hook but yeah why and then he's not able to answer that big question mark and then you'd be smart enough to know that okay this guy let's not follow that right now first and foremost a reminder there's a huge difference between fast jigging and slow jigging because of the nature of each of them all right so with slow jigging remember that it is a finesse technique it is a finesse technique finesse because it was actually invented with a mind that it will be used in situations where fishing is tough so it's a finesse presentation light line and with light line you need your hooks to be thin wired your leader to be thin obviously everything is scaled down not necessarily in size but uh in diameter okay so in the case of your line in the case of your leader down to your hook they are thinner all this because you want to maximize each and every single strike that you get because remember it was invented so that you don't stop fishing in times where fishing is difficult so it wasn't invented to actually replace fast jigging or any other type of fishing for that matter when you're fast jigging you're using thicker line uh possibly heavier jigs your motion is faster and the strikes are abrupt explosive thicker uh line the rods are different they're meant to pull and it's not a finesse technique so your hooks are actually thicker because they can stand all that force that you're generating you're you're pulling you know whereas with slow jigging you're not pulling okay you're actually pointing the rod to the fish now remember the rod is also different the pure slow jigging rods are not meant to fight the fish they are 100% manipulation tools that is it okay and uh I think I explained this in the rod uh video that every time you actually put something in fighting you're taking away from the manipulation so it's a kind of like a sliding scale you put a lot on the fighting you take a lot from the manipulation and yeah I mean you know you'll catch fish it's just that when it really matters when the when the fishing is really really kind of difficult and you want that jig to move to attract the fish uh the the fighting rods are not there okay the fighting rods are not there um proven time and time again okay uh also I'd I'd like to point out that if you're fishing in a place where it's easy to catch fish none of this matters you know none of this matters uh what do I mean by places where it's easy places where conservation is actually practiced uh it's as simple as that you know if you have in your area if you have conservation fishing is easy period you know you go to places where there there's zero conservation fishing is difficult because it's a free-for-all you know so law of supply and demand if there's conservation there's going to be a lot more fish easy so in places like in in those places it's kind of hard to actually um justify and say that hey you know what you're doing is uh not entirely what this is and all that this is this basically explains America whether you like it or not they just have a lot of fish you know and uh even if they rig the The Jig backwards and uh upside down or whatever just because there's a lot more fish there's a lot more catch simple but take those guys take them to some place where it's difficult and then you'll see different story but there's always a merit to actually doing every everything correctly because even when the fishing is easy there would be times when fishing is tougher and that's where you see the techniques actually shine so it's really up to you to actually you know kind of wait for that time or just do things properly so that when that time comes you're already doing something proper done okay now two schools of thought when it comes to Hooks and generally hook manufacturing you'll see that this one in particular okay we actually zoom in okay so you can see here that this one and this is an excellent hook this is uh a um vmc uh 7269 I love this hook you can see here when you tie your line okay when you tie your line on this what happens is that it's uh like that okay so it's from here going here and your line of pull is basically straight with a shank whereas now notice that that one has an i whereas with this one you'll see okay that your line of pull with the with the uh assyst cord there and this points down straight to your line of pull now wherever your origin of pull is that's where your Hook's going okay that's it okay now um with hooks that actually have a straight uh line there's there is no conclusive research saying that that configuration is better than this however there are there's been research done for uh the hook Point pointing to the hook eye and why it's better okay you'll find this with uh actually you go to paula. comom you'll find that there's a lengthy discussion about this now which one's better I'll tell you what I lean to towards this okay data is data and this actually doesn't have a lot of data so for me I'd rather go where the data points okay either way I've caught a lot of fish in with these hooks all right so actually today that's exactly what we're going to be doing we are going to be rigging this jig with this hook now how do you size it again very straightforward especially for uh slow jigs I put the hook in the middle of the jig and then I look for how much it sticks out now if it sticks out a bit that's the start that's the start of what I would say is a compatiable hook uh until to about that much much okay so this is kind of like the maximum that I would go with this jig for fast jigs I take the hook put it where it's supposed to sit and it should actually from the one side it should actually stick out by a little bit out here okay or stick up by by uh that much okay especially when I'm using just a single hook and that's kind of like my formula okay now for slow jigs even for single hooks I measure it like that okay just as long as it sticks out by a little bit or by that much okay this is the maximum and if it sticks out by that much that's kind of like the minimum okay very easy straightforward now don't let the manufacturer tell you you exactly where the uh the hook should go it's a very good example right here hooks are always on the flat side okay and this is the Deep Side Of The Jig okay very simple you see here you just see it always it always goes to where it's heavy and sometimes you're faced with a jig like this wherein the both sides would sort of be around the same okay and the easiest way is to actually just go exactly that okay you can see that it actually turns to this side which is supposed to be the top okay because as you can see see and this is supposed to be the flat bit so don't let the manufacturer tell you where it is you check for yourself okay some sometimes what happens is that from jig to jig to jig size okay size it could be that the smaller versions of these actually roll exactly where it's supposed to roll like that okay however when they get to the bigger sizes there's some inconsistencies and you get something like this so right now we're actually going to rig this jig with this on top and there's nothing wrong with that okay the alternative of course is just to not use it all right but I have this I like this jig and I'm going to use it there's no reason for me not to okay so um I have actually decided on this assist cord this is the varivas SS kind of difficult to work with but this is uh practic Al one of my favorites and for slow jigging um not too commonly used okay so we're going to be using this we'll cut a length here I'll show you why I'm cutting this long okay and uh I'm going to be using this as the the one for the front actually and I just need like a lot of uh of uh line for this for me to like do whatever I want but at the back here's one that's short so let's start with the back because it's easier okay uh okay all right so you have a choice whether to actually put uh a core on this or not now remember after a while this becomes really really soft okay be cognizant of that this becomes really really soft and uh part of the reason why people hate it because at first it's stiff and then later on it's not and this is more popular as a uh uh fast jigging assist cord more than it is for slow okay so just a bit of a warning so just uh an overhand I'm going to zoom in so that you guys can see exactly how I rig it all right so so just an overhand like so just like that and that's already very very very secure and what we want to do is pull on that and then we tie it our thread is as usual fishing braid and we're binding this right here there we go we're binding that so that when there's pressure applied on this this knot tightens up even more it's as simple as that that's basically why you're binding for this one in particular because there's a knot right here and that knot tightens when there's pressure applied on either hook it keeps everything from unraveling okay I will Super Glue this whole thing later what's important now is to just put both hooks on so that we can put the uh solid ring okay that is it again that knot is what's keeping what's keeping this thing together the uh The Binding here is basically just a way for us to help this not tighten when the fish puts pressure on the hook so it makes the hook even stronger okay now again okay very easy okay in make a loop okay like so tighten and you want a short tag there just like that okay now I will pull this to tighten the knot like so then I will take my flat uh pliers flat nose pliers and pull okay that will make it even tighter there we go use a puller here so I'm using this so I can pull tight just like that okay this is a bit too long for me so I'm going to cut a bit of it there we go because I want that to be matching this so you just put the cord like so and you would be able to wrap a few times tight there we go okay the bobin holder that I'm using this one has a drag mechanism so it makes it tight now in Europe there's the brand stonfo and then in uh America there's right bobin and both of these Brands actually [Music] have uh bobin holders that have drags now I am taking off the winds because this one right here is not as flat as I want so what we do is take our pliers okay and then flatten that up so that your wraps are going to be cleaner okay there we go you can see there we go that's it again we will we will super glue that later on I do my gluing in batches that way I I kind of use up a whole tube at least if I'm doing you know my personal stuff go through several dozen of this and then I just glue them up all at the same time okay so now we have this guy right here what we need to do is to pull this so it sets and yes if you're curious I make these videos videos I wait for uh I wait for the dogs to get really active you know and then I say like okay it's time airplanes are the same I actually make this videos I wait around the whole day and as soon as the dogs start uh barking and the planes start buzzing overhead you know just in case you're curious or just in case you've actually kind of thought about it and just said like hm maybe yeah just to confirm your suspicions just so everyone's you know kind of uncomfortable all right so I will use a GP ring for this and the GP ring is a very very strong ring now this is a number four or five okay as you can see it's a pear-shaped ring not a round shaped ring okay it's just so that when you put your split ring it doesn't move around it stays in place and it's that it's uh quite nice now with this what I want to do is just uh one Loop and then from that one Loop I'm going to bind it okay so like so just one that's it because if you double it it doesn't really give you any value and that's the truth you know if you if you double this up it doesn't really give you that much value so I'd rather use a single and then bind it so all I'm doing is tightening it up make sure that it doesn't move so from there what I can do then is bind it okay so how I do it is just take my hand like so it just makes it easier okay uh using the same thread okay here we go and then wrap a few times okay that ensures that this will not go anywhere now I tighten this that way I I know each wrap is actually quite tight okay and then I proceed to that okay so when I do that and this actually kind of flow uh flies out okay I know that the tension isn't enough so I tighten it even more now what happens is that each and every single turn I do is super super tight and see it hardly spins which means that that thing is super tight okay that's what I want okay now a few turns take it and tighten like so and that is it right there cut the line okay now I know there's tag ends there I just take a lighter touch that bang done deal and then that won't go now if you find yourself having this all you have to do is I mean you can do it with your fingers I'm going to do it with my uh thing here okay pressure okay let go and you'll see that it kind of uh straightens up this one pull okay A bit more there we go and that's the back assist hook Okay so so this goes like that okay sits right there now again I'd like to tell you uh I know that it's not supposed to sit there it's supposed to sit here okay if you just joined us review you'll see the reason why so we have one done I like uh a longer piece here because the last time I didn't I did this uh it didn't really happen my the the way I the way I wanted it to so I want a lot more now uh I want this to be stiff so I'm going to take some mono and this is stiff mono 50 lb test and I I I want the uh shape to be retained okay so I take out the core and replace it with the mono now we cut this so here goes my length now take my hooks if I can find them okay my hooks are here right now I'm going to zoom you guys in so you can see exactly what I'm doing here okay all right so uh put it here okay and you know when when I put this in a box it's kind of hard for me to actually identify which one's which and this is one of the identifiers okay so just see two instead of one two okay I could do three let's do three because we have a lot of line anyway and they look really beautiful also so take that like so okay and then tighten so at one look I I could tell because it's three I go like oh okay so these are the front hooks as far as strength is concerned it's actually the same one two or three it's actually the same not much difference there okay there we go another thing that I'm going to do is actually just cut this another thing I'm going to do also is just cut this and not actually tie not not bind it okay I will not bind it so I'll take care of that later but now I want to tighten this make sure that's tight tight as can be all right so we take this and then we actually measure we want to end up just just a bit like that okay so we have all that to work with okay okay now we have those three three Loops what you have to do is make sure sometimes it becomes so annoying okay there's definitely easier ways to do this which I'm just complicating my life here all right so okay that is in uh yep tighten that now what we want to do is actually pull this okay and at the same time also pull this and we take our puller here and tighten everything okay there we go now we pull everything like that okay it will stretch it's still going to be uh we're taking out basically we're taking out all the slack on this okay like so okay that is it so one way for me to identify which one is is which is that even if I'm cutting this really close let's say I'll cut this here okay and then cut this as well and I have very little stubs there which I will just burn off now with the uh with this obviously I like this because I don't have to do anything extra that is it I don't have to do anything extra no gluing you know no gluing no binding and uh see it's uh it actually has a spring action because of the mono that's on there now same thing I'm going to bind it and then we are or we're going to put the uh the ring and then we're going to bind it however this thing is going to be kind of tricky because of the mono that's in there so one identifier for me if I put this in the box and kind of forget about it one identifier for me is that this is knotted and when it's knotted like this I know that it's going to be kind of like the front hook so kind of easy to remember you know okay so we tighten just like that make sure it's tight as can be because we don't want this to be kind of flopping around and make sure that it's also centered when you're doing this you don't want one length to be longer than the other okay ensure that okay all righty then we bind it so it doesn't move okay make sure that it's tight and then once you bind it it's pretty much set and the knot won't [Music] move okay that's that's it's that hard when I'm tying these I'm going to have to well where I'm tying bindings I'm going to have to loosen it up but when you are doing your PR for this it has to be tight that is how tight it is it actually Cuts itself which is fine because uh that was the finishing knot anyway it actually cut when it crossed over on itself make sure that it doesn't unravel if it unravels then you're going to have to do it again but this one's fine okay and then you just adjust it so it lays flat just like that okay and there's your front hook all right so uh let's see how it all ties up and then we will take a lot of people are actually asking me why aren't you using a swivel Okay so we'll use a swivel for this one all right so uh do the back hook first I actually have a lot of those uh SS uh uh cords so I want to use them up okay here we go so that's the back hook then front hook okay now with this with these GP Rings Your Hooks are always going to be in that small Notch okay uh let me zoom in so you guys see okay so you could see that it's always going to be on that Notch see big Advantage so you go how's that for the measurement huh I'm pretty sure you guys noticed that I didn't measure I just went by feel because I've rigged quite a few of these okay now we're putting a swivel because a lot of people have been asking like hey why don't you use a swivel you know this and this and that but I do you just don't see it okay I have a whole video talking about those things you know swivel and all that all right there we go so see that see that see this even wants to roll see now if by chance I make a mistake okay and uh drop this down and see that this is actually leading the way it's supposed to be that's fine fine all I have to do is just switch this over you know I take the swivel flip this over to this end and then put the thing again but we already know that this for some weird reason you know see that is actually heavier you know see it doesn't want to flip it doesn't want to flip over see doesn't want to flip over so so for now this is going to be the top all right so yeah just as a reminder if you have to go through all of your Jigs and check to see exactly which one's the top don't let the uh the manufacturer's recommendation actually lead you to just do whatever you have to check each and every single jig especially if you have a lot of Chinese jigs cuz the inconsist distes will actually cost you a few um a few strikes and uh if you don't hook those up guess what it's not going to be the jig's fault it's not going to be the Hook's fault it's your fault right not checking all right now if you haven't yet and you want to learn more click on that subscribe button especially if you're new to this channel if uh you want your friends to learn don't give keep man you know don't share okay share uh fishing is fun while you're doing it as a group all right and uh give it a thumbs up if you learn something all right so that's it for now if you have questions drop some comments below and we'll start the discussion uh and that's it for now thanks so much for watching I'll see you in the next one class is missed
Channel: TheFishingKit
Views: 4,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #fishing, slow jigging hooks, slow jigging hooks - what you need to know, tandem assist hooks for slow jigging, how to choose the best hooks for slow jigging, best way to choose slow jigging hooks, choosing hooks for slow jigging, best way to select hooks for slow jigging, how to select hooks for slow jigging, choosing the best hooks for slow jigging, slow jigging hook, selecting slow jigging hooks, how to choose slow jigging hooks, slow jigging assist hook, hooks for slow jigging
Id: TJElkZwe_xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 32sec (2792 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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