"SlimeVR Sucks" - An Overall IMU Full Body Tracking Overview

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s VR horor and mopi all of these have many things in common but one thing that Bridges them all together is the fact that they're all IMU based tracking this type of IMU tracking is seen as some of the best budget friendly solutions for full body tracking but I keep hearing the same phrase over and over again and that is that slime VR sucks and I've always wondered is it actually as bad as people say it is ever since I first saw shift doll's announcement for the harur X and then the for the US release I was really hyped and I always wanted to get my hands on one I've always wanted to answer the question does it live up to the hype and honestly should you buy One shiftall hardore X is one of the many mass-produced IMU tracking systems that come to Market and it mainly competes with the other mentioned systems and in practice it works almost identically to how Sime VR trackers work though unlike Sime VR this system is one that you can buy directly from the manufacturer right now and not through a Community Marketplace such as the one the Slime beard our Discord $300 total for a base system which gives you Five Points of tracking $100 for the elbows and $50 for a hip so you're paying a bit extra for the large company backing software ease of use but after a whole 6 months of using it and a whole bunch of trial and error there is just a lot to cover let's start with the setup and just the general software it's honestly pretty good and it has an Animal Crossing Nintendo type feeling to it and I think it looks really good after getting everything installed the connecting was as easy as turning it on changing bluetooth settings to advance for some weird Windows 11 thing and connecting it but it really took me no time to get this thing up and running which is pretty good but getting into a game with this stuff is where it can kind of get a little bit ugly whenever I first got into VR with it it was kind of dreadful but mostly annoying partly because of the metric ton of wires which for wireless versions of slime VR and harur shouldn't exactly be an issue but for me it takes notably longer than just slipping on some Vibes and calling it a day but it was still pretty easy to get it calibrated all I had to do was point my controller down pull the trigger five times squat put my hands forward and pull it five times again and it was fully calibrated and ready to go just like that and it took some time to get it just right but I much prefer doing this over the Slime VR Auto Bone Dance after doing all that the tracking was all right but it could definitely be a lot better so I decided to dive more into the actual software settings and change up a few things and learn a bit how the Imus worked and understand them more for the software and it actually improved my tracking quality a lot so let me edicate you real quick the way that these Imus work is with three different kinds of sensors a magnetometer a gyroscope and an accelerometer and they all work in unison in order to get your positional tracking you can get higher quality Imus or lower quality ones and they're pretty noticeable in the difference in how they work however one of the things things that is very important in an IMU is the magnetometer the magnetometer is basically a unit that will detect the magnetic field in your room however if your environment is very magnetically unstable it can completely get thrown off since my environment is very magnetically unstable I decided to do some Home Improvements and it did actually improve the stability after tuning the settings there are a few key things I noticed about the tracking specifically the ankle tracking latency and most of all drift which I will touch on in a second and when it comes to latency it's partially due to it being a Bluetooth connection and isn't nearly as much of an issue on slime VR as it's connected with Wi-Fi another key difference between slimes and the harur x is mostly in the feet as your ankles can't really roll since they are trct with a laser distance sensor which leads to some Mis rotations of the ankle which isn't the worst thing in the world because it's hard to spot this issue in most circumstances es however there's one other thing I couldn't help but notice which is how floaty the feet can get sometimes alone with no expansions having no hip tracking can make your feet drift around a lot and when walking around it's very noticeable however the hip tracking expansion does help a lot but foot sliding still happens and one of the things I of course need to bring up though is the one upside that's unique to IMU tracking which is being unbothered by occlusion you can fully olude these trackers and they will work hell you can probably even take these things to a McDonald's drive-thru with these on and they will still work especially since you can literally pair these trackers directly to any Quest headset directly and yes you can use these things without the computer which makes imy tracking the ultimate portable VR setup you no longer have to Lug around base stations while traveling which for someone like me is really convenient however the biggest elephant in the room is drift it is one of the unavoidable things when it comes to any IMU based tracking system and there's no way you can really avoid it the only way to make this easier to digest for any user is improving the ease of calibration to make getting back on track a lot smoother which I can say that shiftall honestly did a great job on this the calibration process is super quick and takes less than 7 seconds but you can also recalibrate while laying down just a week ago I was complaining about the fact that you had to get up to do this until one of my friends told me you can do it while laying down which is just so cool to see speaking of friends shockingly I have a few so what do they think of it well I brought my good friend boneless over to try on the horor A and give his own personal thoughts on it and for him it was very inconvenient and super convoluted it took a whole 20 minutes to get up and running and into VR chat for having them to somewhat learn and get the recalibrations down which for the sake of a point of view from a new user if this is your first experience with a full body tracking system it can just be really demoralizing and plain tiring however how about someone who does use it every time they get in VR do they recommend it I would say yeah it's really it's really um for what it is very compact like from the space I have it's it's really helpful how honestly I'm not surprised at all he's quite literally a perfect candidate for this thing he has a small play Space a low budget and uses a non-base station track hmd but for the most part for any VR user full body tracking is still considered a pretty decent investment whether it's $30 or $1,000 it still has a price to pay and when it comes to IMU tracking systems you pay half or a third of the cost but in turn you have to do twice the work I got it when I was just an average Quest 2 user so I understand what it's like to basically double and almost triple my personal investment into VR just to move my legs around and stare at myself as an anime girl all the time but after all my hours spent in VR I could honestly say I feel like full body tracking was worth it and when I got it it genuinely made my VR experience so much better for $450 for 11p Point tracking and just $300 without the expansions I couldn't say it's the worst deal a system like this is made for a specific of buyer and from what I can tell from just using it it requires three things to make this worth it a small or awkward play Space because no clusion no base stations you don't have to worry about it literally not owning base stations already because if you already have those you can quite literally just get 3.0 trackers for just as much anyway and you would also need a will to get this thing to work you pay half the cost of vies for double the amount of work just get it right Imus are initially a major learning curve even for my friend who's been dealing with VR Hardware longer than I've even been into this it takes time to understand it behavior and requires your time and effort every time you put it on and for many that's just simply too much and for some it's a challenge worth taking up however imuse will continue to get better and better and honestly I'll just be sticking with my vibes for now but overall IMU tracking is no longer a complete garbage write off and it's finally a viable option for many to choose and it has a place within the industry and it's only continued to get better and better and honestly I think it has nowhere to go but up thank you for making it through this video and thank you to many of my friends especially boneless for motivating me to finally finish this video and starting my YouTube Journey with many more videos to come I could not have done it without them and I hope you all enjoyed the video thanks for watching
Channel: SeenoVR
Views: 13,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ODKt-cl8nqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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