Trust Ranks in VRChat

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if you're new to VR chat and you might only be a visitor or a new user you have probably seen people running around with that wholly trusted user rank but what do these ranks even mean and why do seemly everyone want to be a trusted user well first what do these ranks even do depending on the safety settings set by a player a higher trust rank will show more features of your avatar for example a play could have it set that if you're a new user your avatar audio will be completely blocked but if you're a trusted user you can blast that music and annoy everyone around you and if you want to upload custom content like an avatar or a world you need to reach the new user rank so how do you progress through these ranks there are multiple factors that can influence your progression uploading your first world and your first avatar gives a big boost to your trust level getting friended by other users and spending time on public instances will also increase your trust V plus also gives a huge huge boost when you first purchase it but now why does everyone find that trust user rank so appealing there's a simple reason it's the highest rank you can get if you compare it to games like CS2 or valerant people want to have the highest rank to show that they're really good at that game but in VR chat you don't get trusted by being the best of the best it simply just shows how much time you have been spending in VR chat personally I don't think that the trusted user rank doesn't really matter at all and no one should be left out just because they're a lower trust rank as I see often with with visitors and new users new users often have that stigma of being annoying because of the huge population of kids who got a VR headset on Christmas and just downloaded VR chat but most people know that these ranks don't really mean much and just show how much a person has played the game so in the end no one should really care about what drank there are most importantly is the fun you will have in VR chat that's all I had to say till then bye
Channel: Gomme_EXE
Views: 15,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trusted Rank, VRChat, VRChat Trusted Rank, VRChat Trusted User, How to become a Trusted User, VRChat Ranks, VRChat how to get Trusted, how to get trusted, VRChat Trust Ranks
Id: zBv3cKkU5g0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 0sec (120 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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