CHEAP Full Body Tracking for Quest 2 users! [ HaritoraX ]

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holy crap that's actually i'm really impressed i have been waiting to make this video for a long time now but it's finally here this is the haratora x a full body tracking system for vr that solves a lot of problems finally making full body tracking far more accessible affordable and just easy to use i was given a very short demo of the hartour x at ces earlier this year but unlike most products shown at ces this is a product that's actually shipping and straight from japan here it is allowing for full body tracking on any vr headset without any extra gear and in a way that doesn't break the bank but the question is is it actually good well i'll be testing it directly against the flagship of full body tracking the vive tracker 3.0 as well as a similar system slime vr to see just how good these things really are this is about to be a good one so i'll just give you some quick background on full body tracking and where it's at right now just to give some context as to why these are a really big deal full body tracking is awesome in vr obviously enabling vr applications to track your full body it massively increases immersion and interactions within the virtual world but right now it's pretty prohibitively expensive the current king of full body is the vive tracker but in order to use vivetrackers you need laser base stations something that only comes with more expensive vr headsets like an index or vive pro 2. and it turns out that more than 80 percent of all vr headsets sold in the past year are quest 2s a headset that doesn't use laser base stations at all and of course you can buy these base stations separately but all in all after two base stations and three vibe trackers you're talking about spending as much as seven or eight hundred dollars just for legs in vrchat or bladen sorcery plus laser tracking has its own downsides especially when you consider having to run additional software to get two types of tracking working together like with the quest 2. so enter horotora x for less than the price of three trackers you can have full body tracking that works all on its own of course still requiring a pc but back on the hardware in the box you get a set of ethernet cables some straps and the five imus and i ran into a weird problem pretty quickly all of the instructions to set up the haratora x as well as all the software was in japanese but this was only because this is an early us unit luckily i've watched enough subbed anime to figure it out or maybe i just used google translate but this isn't a problem that most people will run into the software and instructions certainly will be translated by the time the us units ship but i will say given the fact that i literally couldn't read the instructions the setup was pretty easy it's just a matter of attaching the imus to the elastic velcro straps plugging in the ethernet cables one quick video tutorial and i had everything put together then it's just a matter of connecting to bluetooth installing the steamvr driver and calibration and it's all set everything was made really easy by a single hardcore calibrator application that does it all for you and you even get a cute steam vr icon to go along with it and i did run into a few weird problems like i couldn't get the unit to connect but turns out i had one of the imus turned upside down on accident and the haratora x knew it and it blinked its leds to let me know not letting me connect until it was all properly set up really this just took a few translations for me to figure out and shouldn't be a problem if you could you know read the instructions so the setup was pretty darn easy and even better the whole thing charges by a single usbc which if you're a current vivetracker or slime user i think you'll understand how nice that really is but let's talk about tracking performance i don't want to sugarcoat this i want to be as real as possible here but also be fair the horotora x isn't using cameras or lasers to track your legs it's using an array of imus and software to approximate their position and to emulate three points of tracking very similar to slime vr so inherently the tracking isn't perfect but it's pretty damn good when compared to vive trackers they really hold their own from an accuracy standpoint which by the way i'm just using five truckers here in the comparison rather than tundra trackers because the tracking accuracy is basically the exact same but back on the hard torus whether moving quickly laying down sitting dancing dabbing the haratora x relatively accurately tracks the position of my legs and the difference between the vive tracker and hardware x isn't that far away even though the price is plus you can do something with the hartour x that is literally impossible with vive trackers since you don't need to be in the line of sight of anything you can be under a blanket for literal chilly nights in vr chat and still have your body fully tracked in vr this is something that was just impossible before you can't occlude five trackers with anything or else you'll lose tracking whereas if you really wanted to you could even wear haritor x under your clothes and still be tracked however not everything is perfect in my time testing i did notice slight drift and i had to recalibrate a couple times to get everything set right again it was quick and easy but i had to do it and the actual quality of the tracking just isn't as good or foolproof as vivetrackers i noticed a slight latency in my movements and it wasn't by any means severe or terrible but it was slightly distracting and while the accuracy of tracking is pretty shockingly good the quality of it is just lacking relative to five tracking there's also a bit of stutter or maybe even softness in the tracking that just isn't there with laser tracking you can really tell that the imu data is going through a separate software before steamvr gets the emulated data it's not as clean or detailed so if you're wanting to be a high-octane detailed vr dancer the hardtorx just probably isn't the best choice for you but for everything else like walking or club dancing or mirror sitting let's be real or even kicking in something like blade and sorcery it does the job surprisingly well when put up directly against the king of full body the vive tracker and this is amazing for anybody that doesn't have base stations which is most people i can legitimately recommend the hartour x as a good full body tracking method it beats webcams xbox kinect and many other methods out there vivetrackers still of course beat it in most ways but if you're a quest 2 owner and you don't want to sell a kidney for a pair of legs well here you go and this is really interesting for me personally because well i use an index with base stations tundra trackers and vive trackers all the time sometimes even daily and i think i'm gonna end up using the haratora x quite a bit actually there are quite a few benefits if i'm having a chill night in vr chat watching a movie or something and i want to be under a blanket it's no problem and i still have good enough tracking it's all bluetooth directly to my pc so no messing around with dongles or wi-fi and the biggest thing for me for the first time ever i have consistently well working full-body tracking on the go beforehand if i was traveling for any reason and i needed full body tracking with me i'd have to lug around base stations and tripods but not anymore just throw the hardware x in a bag and a quest 2 and a laptop and i can have full body tracking anytime anywhere with no external setup and that's amazing also the straps for hardware x are pretty comfortable and stay put i was able to wear them for a couple hours with no problem the only gripe i have is the chest strap slowly sliding down over time but i don't have any other complaints on comfort they'd work their straps and now is where i would be comparing this directly with slime vr at home slime is a very similar setup to the haratora x except it's all open source and you can just build your own created by an awesome builder aaron but since i last made my video on slime vr my slime trackers have unfortunately completely died the battery on them is just toast and so is the other set that we have here and this is totally fixable it's an open source project for pete's sake but this is a remarkable example of what sort of audience slime is for and what sort of audience the haratora x is for slime vr is a fully functional tracking method and from my testing a few months ago and more recent videos of people showing off slime it works and it's pretty good in my opinion the tracking quality is slightly better with the hardware x as the slime vr is a little floatier but like i said slime vr is functional tracking it does work and it's constantly getting improvements from the community and aaron since it's open source but on the flip side slime vr is an open source project that you have to build or wait to buy it's not a commercially produced consumer product and there's a lot of weird fidgety things you have to do to make it work it's certainly not perfect from a general consumer standpoint at this point in time paratorex on the other hand is a little more expensive but the software just works and the whole system was easier to use in general of course i have no clue how the hardware x will last over time but it is already a consumer product in japan so it's been relatively stress tested plus slime is wi-fi based versus hardware as bluetooth 5 and personally i just prefer the ease of use of hardware x what i'm trying to say is i definitely support slime 100 it's an amazing project and if you have the means definitely go and build a set but the haratora x is just a little more of a complete product as of now and it's something that i'm personally going to use over slime because the tracking is simply a little better and it's easier to set up and easier to get up and running plus the injection molding is just a lot more robust than 3d printed parts but this isn't all regarding the haritour x like i said this is already a product in japan but its roots are very similar to slime vr initially a project called haratora you can essentially build your own hara haratora as well and the originators of the product welcome people hacking their project but i still recommend just buying a haratora x or building slimes from a cost and community perspective another interesting thing is the future of these trackers a really cool benefit that har2x has is its proximity sensors along all of the imus this allows for micro movements of the feet although this firmware update was not yet available for my unit to take advantage of this feature but it is coming and it was on the demo unit at ces so i know it works and it works really well also the slight latency that i did notice is something that can be adjusted on and improved upon at this point software is doing 90 of the work to make hardware x function and we're already seeing better software updates for the unit improving on its functionality the product as a whole will likely get better and better but of course we gotta talk about it unfortunately the saddest part of the hartour x it doesn't function with standalone vr on its own you still need a pc in steamvr i don't know if standalone function will ever come and i don't know if it's even technically possible but it should be and it's something that i think we'd all like to see if i have one request it's to get this working i mean the unit just uses bluetooth at this point it's a matter of just getting the software to work with each other and of course having big meta approved but in general the hara torah x half the price for 80 to 90 percent of the functionality of laser tracking it's not perfect and tracking quality could still be improved upon and laser tracking and viver tantra trackers are still the kings of full body tracking if you're going for the highest quality tracking but all things considered the specific benefits of hartour x make it really exciting and even though i have laser tracking it's something i'm likely going to use a lot under blankets away from home when i don't need super precise hyper accurate tracking paratorex is going on plus as a full believer in full body tracking i can't wait to see more people have access to this technology for all of the 50 plus percent of steamvr users that are on quest here you go it's it's here and i think we're about to see a big jump in full body users and maybe even full body app support plus i i'm just going to mention this hardware x is probably the absolute coolest set of vr gear i have ever seen it's literal techware that actually looks like techware anyways i should be streaming with the hardtorx later on my twitch so you can see firsthand what the tracking looks like and if you have any questions just ask below in the comments or join my discord and ask me directly i want to say thank you to all of my patreon supporters i couldn't do any of this without you don't forget to like this video if you loved it subscribe if you want more of this and hit that freaking bell if you just can't live without it much love thrill out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: ThrillSeeker
Views: 375,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VR, virtual reality, quest, quest 2, Oculus, Thrillseeker, full body, vrchat, tracking, fbt, full body tracking, haritoraX, haritora x, haritora, Valve, Valve index
Id: aZ4EnAgDA9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2022
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