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Hey guys, Dan here. Welcome back to Slendrina. I am NOT looking forward to this game (Laugh)So these games, if you didn't know, spawn from the granny game, which is super popular Which I thought was the most popular game, but it turns out this one in particular which is Slendrina The second game. It has 10 million downloads That's actually insane. Find eight old books and run to the exit door to escape from Slendrina tap on doors to open them pick Up keys and unlock locked doors books and keys can be anywhere so look thoroughly turn around as soon as you seen Slendrina, otherwise the (different voice) game is over Okay. Alright, let's hit play. There's three sellers and we do something with STC points I don't even know what those are Let's go easy Just to start off because I don't know what I'm doing But um, okay. It's definitely a seller with creepy creepy doors Which way do we go? Is this a maze? No, it's a maze I hate mazes, (i'm gingerbread Dan btw) I mean, it's a cellar so it's bound to be some kind of maze but a maze with Slendrina in it. Oh Jeez, that's not fair. Are we good? Oh, it's literary. Very very similar to the first game I believe this is the second one in the series out of like ten different games and then granny came out We're still kind of learning Who's Slendrina is. Granny's daughter? Granny's granddaughter, who knows. I don't think we have any confirmation of each just yet But we need to find eight books. Some keys would be nice and oh speaking of keys, thank you very much But keys would be handy as well to unlock the locked doors, which luckily we haven't come across yet, but I'm not Sure. Oh man. Oh man. Oh, man. I don't like this Why do I play these games? I don't know why. Secretly I like them But they're still kind of terrifying, right? Ah, oh yes. Yes. Yes they are! Let's go. (Laughing/crying) She's so like... why is she red as well I'm not looking backwards. I'm not looking backwards. I'm not looking backwards, please. Don't be a dead end Okay, it's dead end, but it's got a book, but that means you have to turn round Slendrina Was that you? I couldn't quite tell I've spat on my lip. That was horrible. That was really horrible it was so loud. Ha ha. Oh, I don't knock the door I didn't realize that one was locked There's a book in here. I'll take the book and I hear footsteps Okay Slendrina. AH! AHHAHAH UHHUHHUH! This one's not nice What is this? A closet? Okay, I take the key. I don't even know where I turned around to. Oh my goodness That was horrible. I just like flicked it round so fast. I think that's where we came in My goodness, that was horrible! Six more books to find. Oh, I'm so excited The books better contain a good story. Otherwise, I'm gonna be upset they need pictures They need to be signed by Slendrina as well Because it doesn't seem like she's too friendly. Do I need to use a key here? I do. Oh, oh Hello. Uhhhhh Can I go in there? Is that something I can do? Hello (laugh). I don't want to what's wrong with her back, what's on it? Was that really you? Okay she's gone, that's fine (laugh). Yeah, there's nothing in here There's literally nothing in here. Why would you make me come here and make me use a key? Oh, that's not fair That's really not fair. It was just a Slendrina in here. Oh, no, no, no, no, no No, let's go back in this room. I feel like we might actually be safe in here. Close the door Close the door The door won't close. I seem to remember as well from the trailer that we watched last time that there's like There's a Slendrina that walks along the floor and he's really quick. I Don't know if we're gonna meet her But I'm just gonna keep on going around and see what happens Even the door sounds are creepy. Give me this key. I wasted my other one before. Wait that one I did not open that one just now. I did not open you Yet you are open How? How is that possible? Is there nothing in here? Man, I thought I'd be finding more books. Oh great. Yeah. Yeah, that's a good sign (laugh). Ohhhh, why do I get myself in these SITUATIONS. Turn around, look into the corner, close your eyes. It'll be fine It'll be fine. Right? I think she's gone. So you just have to turn around Do I want to go in this door? I-I-I don't think so, but I'm gonna do it anyway Three, two, one. I had to use a key for it as well. Oh, man There's nothing in here again. Why are you click baiting me with these doors, especially when they have red smudges on the floor Wow, well Slendrina keeps her... you know what? Someone's cellar in their house USUALLY What was that?! Did it kill me?! Is that a joke?! We good? What on earth was that? Hello? AH! AH! AH! What is happening, why is there a door there wherever... where has it taken me? I feel like it's taken me somewhere else There's another book here so I guess I'm not, I'm not too worried. I Don't even know what that was. I have no idea but it's giving me the shivers. You know the shivers, everyone gets the shivers Was it this way? I want to go back to where I was going. Oh, yeah. Here's the door So I went out of this door and then... oh I have no idea. I think I need to go back. Dunno why she took the door off? She must have been pretty angry at that door for one... for-for some reason. Oh (weird noise)! Turn around! Turn around! Turn around! Turn around! This ends a dead end Why? Why Slendrina, why? I only came here because I met your granny and I thought she was pretty cool and I wanted to find a Little bit more about you, but it doesn't seem like we're actually finding that much out about you, are we. We're just kind of... searching through your house, but as I was saying earlier most people that have a cellar in their house, just has like one room. Like a basement just one room underneath but this, this is something else right now. I'm going to take this. Can I-Can I take the bucket as well? Anything inside? I Don't want to stick around and find out. What could you need so many buckets for, are you a keen gardener? Do you collect things? There's a key here. I'm gonna take this. Anything inside No, can we hide in there though? We might be able to. That's what we have to do in granny, anyway. Right. We need to find where this key goes AH! Why are you there?! Why are you there twice?! Why why why why why why?! That's so loud, so loud you need to pipe down. Just-Just take a chill pill, please I just want to try and find my way out. Or we could just have a sit-down chat, you know? Talk about where you came from What your relation to granny actually is because no one knows for sure And just have a little, you know Just hang out. Have some fun Play some games, but no. You want to play games with my life instead. Okay we've been here. AH! You've been here, too. I Don't care. I don't care. It's not even funny anymore. You ugly. You're so ugly. I don't think we've been down here yet There's only one way to find out. If there's open doors I've been there, if there's closed doors I haven't been there It's a very long corridor though. Are you kidding me? It's a dead-end. Fantastic. Oh great Now I've got to make the dark walk back. (laugh) Found myself back at the start. How did I do that? I should have probably closed these doors. I shouldn't have left them open from the start I've actually-I think this is new territory Slendrina. I'm here to find your books Wait a second. Oh Hello. Uh (laugh) What are you doing? You trying to prank me bro? Is that what you're trying to do? Hello. Oh She's not even there. She's behind... oh what a prank. She pranked me! Oh My goodness, there's a book down here as well almost missed it. Right. We've already got three books left I think she's gonna get more aggressive the more we try and read about her story Maybe that's why she gets so angry at you finding the books Because she don't actually want you to find out what's going on. Yeah, this is a start room, I think Yeah, this is new check this out. Oh, I didn't mean to do that. I did not mean to do that But I used a key. Anyway, oh And I got punished for it, please don't need any more keys Okay, please have a book. Yes! Two to go No keys, though. Oh, man (laugh). This a dead end too?! How? How is this a dead end? I feel like... I feel like I'm missing something Oh actually, maybe I was This is down the (freaking out) Just-Just stay calm Stay calm. She can't hurt you if you stay calm Yeah, this is in the-the section. We were just out which I said was really small Who are you what are you even trying to do? You're just like a Slendrina face with arms. The worst kind, and I think she teleports you, which is always Inconvenient. Oh doors, doors, doors. Bam. Oh This looks like a big section. We've got another book guys Are you crying Is there a whale in here? That legit sounded like either a dolphin in pain or a whale (laugh). I probably shouldn't laugh That's not funny. One book to go, and then we've got this Slendrina will be defeated once more. I-I guess defeated Ok Ok Ok, a key. sweet. That means we're at least gonna need one more - ha What's in here? Ok, ok Lots of spooks lots of crooks. What are you guys doing to me? Noo, dead end. Why?! I feel like I just need to find one magical door, and then I'm out of here. Oh, it's literally just laying here! I Will take it. Now run to the exit door. I mean, I'm gonna try my best She's probably gonna be pretty angry of me now that I have her whole autobiography just in my collection She's not gonna be pleased with me I can't remember the way out Why did your cellar look the same around every corner?! Oh I hit another dead end. Are you serious? I even (scream then laugh) Everytime. I feel like I'm close Wait, is this it? I think this might be it Exit door. Yes! I made it. I escaped. Let me out. Let me out. Oh she mad (laugh) Get back inside that wall where you belong (laugh) That was so random. So what I'm actually gonna do now just to save these getting too stale because there are so many Slenderina games I'm gonna play the cellar two. I don't know what's different about it, but we're gonna try it. Oh the child of slender inna The school Slendy Tubby's Okay, there's a lot that this-there's so many secrets to this family, it's insane. So now I know there's um there's granny Slendrina and-and Slendrina has a kid as well. What? Okay, this one doesn't seem to work for some reason. So let's do the house of Slendrina instead. We've been in her cellar So let's do this and then we'll save the- the school the child of Slendrina until another video. This is gonna be crazy Okay, this one works Perfect. Find eight pieces of a picture to open the key cabinet. Go down into the cellar to find out the truth about Slendrina Oh Pick up things by touching them, pick up keys and unlock locked doors, tap on doors to open them. Pieces of the picture and keys can be anywhere Turn around as soon as you seen her. Right, let's go. I need to figure out the mystery of Slendrina. Who she really is Yeah, I kind of want to know that too. Oh Okay, wait, what's this? There's a map This place is huge, you kidding me? It's massive. Find eight pieces of a picture to open this key cabinet. Okay, fine Let's find 'em. Even the doors open in a creepy way. Oh jeez This is definitely gonna be creepier What are these, books? Yeah, it's all the books! One, two, three, four, five six, seven eight That's creepy that's even creepier. You can get away from me. Thank you. All there's a key on the floor Let's grab that. That was sneaky. Grab you thank you. Oh man. Can you open things? Oh you can Hello?! Who's that? I've got one piece already. Who are you? Granny? Granny, was that you? Hello Okay another piece. Let me grab that let me grab it. Thank you. Okay, someone was in here Not sure who it was. Kind of looked like a young granny. A young hipster granny. One key is used. Welcome to... somewhere. It's just a side room. That's literally it. Umm Nothing in here though. I don't, yeah, I don't think there's any keys or anything. So that's a wasted key. Great. Let's explore more of Slendrina's house How does she afford such a big house? Can we put the pieces in here? No, you have to find eight at the same time. Okay, that makes sense This... ewwwww Cockroaches, I was about to say how ugly this wallpaper is. I mean, look at it. There's the stairs Those are the creepiest looking stairs I've ever seen mind you this is the creepiest HOUSE... that I've ever seen What is going on here? Look at these horrible pictures stick figures Oh man, horrible piano. Who's playing the piano? If-If there's someone out there playing it, please stop. Ooh! No, no, no, no, no, no! Oh- she almost killed me. She almost killed me then. Wow. Wait, is there anything behind these? I don't think there is. That would be annoying. That would be so long to check everything. Okay. This looks like a bedroom That's definitely a young granny. Come on That is young granny. She's so beautiful. So Beautiful. Look at her, what happened (laugh) Got any pieces for me. Nope. Whoa, okay Who's this? Okay, I don't-I don't care, it's fine. I-I don't want to know who you were Wait, what? Bro, she just locked me in. Oh Granny! You... that's actually granny Okay Okay We're learning things. I think we're learning things Things are definitely getting, a little bit more story behind them, which is good because that's exactly what we wanted. Oh Man What a horrible wallpaper! Of course there's a cellar. Oh. Yeah cellar door. There's an upstairs as well. (sigh) Let's go! Oh wait, I might need a key Yeah door is locked I need a... oh, I need the cellar key! Wait. Do I need that? Do I need all the pieces to get to the cellar? Maybe that's right. Where are the stairs at? We need to go right and then left Door locked here as well. Ooh (weird noise) Up we go! This doesn't look weird at all. Uhhhhhh I didn't realized the...the toy from Toy Story was here There's not many rooms up here, but what do we do about you? I'm just gonna WALK this way Okay Squish between two very extremely freaky human beings, if you can even call them human beings. I'll take that Thank you. Okay, I need some more keys up in here. Do you guys have any keys? Let's go ask the lady spider Do you have a key? I don't think she has one. Oh, maybe she did.(laugh) There we go. Thank you. Oh, where did she go though, in here? The toilet. Beautiful. Is there anything inside the toilet? No, not even poop could fit down there. Hey another piece awesome Okay. Okay. I was just... do you- do you normally peep on people in the toilet? Or are you- are you good? You're still there. Why? Don't capture me No, go away. Go away. She really stayed for a while to see if I was gonna take a poop, right? Disgusting behavior Yeah, I got another one. I wonder what it says Like what the picture says? We've only got- oh man I used the key. I don't know if I wanted to do that There's another key over there though, so that's fine Nothing in there. This is another bedroom This has the other amazing picture of Slendrina here. Look at her. Beautiful. No granny, though. No granny spiders either. Okay there's a couple doors here we haven't tried yet Is this like a dressing room? Please have a piece No, what about this door? These doors are very wide. I used a key. I don't know if I wanted to do that So I need another key for somewhere downstairs...okay! That's good, we've got one here Go away. Just fade away that's fine. There's one locked door downstairs. I'm just gonna go and find it Actually there might be a few. What about this one? We haven't been in here yet This is one ominous wardrobe With a key in it, okay another key. That must mean there's two locked doors, right? Is this one? Yeah, yeah, that was one We're in the office With a creaky floor, but someone's already open this drawer... and it was you okay. Okay. Okay Yes, I picked a (another weird noise) Piece of painting. Right. We have one more door to unlock and I can't remember where it was. Oh it was this one. I thought this was the front door. There's another key?! What? How many places can we unlock here? This is a massive kitchen! It's kind of dirty as well (laugh). I would never eat here. Look at this, disgusting behavior. Oh, I think this is the last piece Yeah, this is the last piece. Let's see if we get the cellar key now Welp, she wasn't happy about that. So dirty. We just need to go straight. I'm glad there's a map otherwise, I'd be ridiculously lost. Here we go Pop the pieces in here, bam. Oh it's literally a picture of a key Grab the cellar key now find the cellar door. I found it before It's up, left, right, left. Up, left, right, and then left But what happens when we go in the cellar? It's never a good idea to go into a cellar in a horror game. Is it. Like ever? (another another weird noise) Don't follow me. I'm gonna find out your secret, once and for all. Here we go. I I swear we've just come from the cellar (laugh). We just completed the cellar now you're sending me back down Hello, what am I trying to find here? There's a treasure chest With nothing in it Okay, okay there's nothing in it it's okay no secrets have been revealed yet There's scratches though, I'm a little bit worried Hopefully this cellar isn't a maze. I just want to find out what's going on. That's all I want to know How are you guys related? What are you being up to? There's literally NOTHING here, oh (laugh) Hello, barrel monster Where you going? Oh this is a maze as well, isn't it? It's kind of like the cellar and the house combines But- but I don't know what I'm trying to find It said the cellar will reveal secrets, I ain't seeing no secrets down here WHOA! Why do you make a cow noise? Is there something wrong with you? I mean, of course there's something wrong with you. You're a spider with a woman's head It's like granny spider is here again. There's literally nothing here. Like nothing at all Where is the secret?! The only secret we found out is granny's actually a spider Okay. Get out. What are you... no what are you doing in the chest? Is that one of the clues? Why would she be in a chest? That's weird. Dead end, great. More mystery doors With Again, just shelves. Maybe they just oh wait there's another door. Wait a second "The door is locked. Find something to to break it with!" Like an axe? My hairs are standing up on end. I'm a little bit worried about this one. Another dead end. Okay! (laugh) She does that every time. This is the only way we've got left to go. Hopefully we find something we can use There's literally a dead end here, too. What? Oh, wait a second. What's that? That looks like a crowbar to me. That was it's near the door we came in Wow, that definitely wasn't there before, was it? I mean it was behind. No, don't kill me now. Don't kill me now Oh my goodness. I almost lost, geez. I didn't even read what it said cuz I was distracted I think the door is right and then left. Oh We do have a map No, it's not. Yeah it is right! Yeah, right then left. Time to find the secrets of what is going on here We've seen Ghost Granny. We've seen Slendrina of course and ghost granny spider Let's see what happens. Oh Oh man Oh, my goodness there is literally a spiderweb in there Hello? No, okay, I'll go in I'll go in I'll go in it's fine. I know you want me to go in Why... this is not what I expected at all! Oh No, I have to open this three, two, one, go! Sculls? A note Is that Slenderman? Touch? Slenderman, Granny, Slendrina. (Ahh) the secrets. I'm gonna die, aren't I? She's gonna wet me up I Found the answer to the mystery of Slendrina. Guys, I didn't expect that Whoa Confirmed. Confirmed she's not the granddaughter. She is the daughter guys all of you All of you said in the previous one that you thought she was the the granddaughter to know she is granny's daughter Granny Slenderman had a baby which is Slendrina but now, there's also the child of Slendrina Which I am pretty interested to play the graphics. Oh my goodness. Look at this. Oh Slenderman is in here too Look! That looks insane. No more spoilers. Guys If you enjoyed this video, please leave a big fat thumbs up that be greatly appreciated Also if this happens to be the first video that you've seen by me Please do consider subscribing to join team TDM today full of daily videos. We found out some more back story today I love the games have a little bit more story to them and that surprised me. I didn't expect that Everything confirmed about Slendrina's family tree. If you want me to play the child of Slendrina next, please leave a like That would be greatly appreciated subscribe if you're new and I will see you guys next time have an amazing day, good bye!
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 4,977,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dantdm slendrina, slendrina dantdm, granny, granny game, dantdm granny, granny dantdm, granny horror, horror mobile, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, app, thediamondminecart, scary game, scary app, slendrina secret, slendrina family, slendrina cellar, house of slendrina
Id: sk7McjYPRYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 42sec (1482 seconds)
Published: Sat May 12 2018
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