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everyone down here welcome back to another video and today we are back inside minecraft I have my headphones on which means only one thing yes we're playing another horror map now this one promises to be very very scary indeed hello and welcome to the horror map no words well there's currently words on here I don't know if you can see that right now but look at this wallpaper oh my goodness I'm sorry if you have this wallpaper at home haha right to the main lobby let's go so there's lots and lots of rules Wow these look awesome look at these custom candles I like those a lot so let me just sell these rules and then we can stop being scared sound check your screen will be freeze let's try this I had to go into this weird mode it's called quake Pro look how strange it is it looks like this kinda like a fisheye lens on the thing right let's see what happens when we press this please wait oh no don't blast my ears please please please subject is starting I can't hear anything is that good or bad I think that's bad a sound check should not be oh something's happening error no joke oh oh successful yes this our check is working now you can play awesome I'm I'm so excited start the horror let's start this in oh jeez see what happens this was a hard day where is Emily Emily kisara who are you look there's a notice on the table oh dear that doesn't look good already um where's the notice so is this my house is this a PlayStation I don't know if it's a PlayStation or not anyway ah we turn the lights on yes we can oh that doesn't look good does it haha starting off with blood on the walls and oh it's that blood or is it just like literally the worst wallpaper made even worse because there's a big hole over here there's a nice looking plant part this view is so weird you can see so much right this is the note let's have a look shall we let's see what's going on Richard's dear Richard don't be scared I'm shopping with Cassandra for our birthday we'll come back a little bit later you know Cassandra is eight years old so it can take a long time love you oh I hope they're two princesses come home soon I think a bit of good music by James be someone could not hurt after this hard day where is the old record okay so my two princesses aren't home yet I don't think that's gonna be a good thing is it right where is that record I need to find a record hello oh jeez no no no dark rooms dark rooms oh wait is this it is this it it looks like Carper record don't be playing me here what's a pleasant room is there anything in here Oh what was that did you see that did you see that guys that was weird that was very very strange indeed oh I don't think it's in here it must be in this dark room but we should be able to turn a light on yes I was gonna say if I don't work who keeps a mug up there that's so strange where is the record is this it no that's not it um it's 8 p.m. okay that out for a very very late shopping trip I honestly cannot buy this record anywhere ah there's more rooms okay whit would it really be in the bathroom huh do you really think it's gonna be in here is this a bathroom or a kitchen hello lights lights no okay I think oh this is a kitchen I see okay there's something going down there I think that's sushi I'm pretty sure that sushi what about oh this is a nice bathroom I like it a lot very nice why would you have these kind of chairs in your bathroom I have no idea but it's looking very nice indeed right I still got buying this record where is it where where is it where's the record I think it's here gimme gimme upstairs maybe anyone up here I need more light switches because this is making me super nervous where is this record I honestly cannot find it how big is this house I just need to find one measly record why would you not keep it near the record player come on is it in here mister record ah there it is but before I will take it I can play a little bit from my new piece of music oh I'm a piano man yes very ominous this is how I play a piano so he's slowing down he's ruined my rhythm okay right we get it you're good at the piano or I'm good at the piano how am i playing the piano when I have no fingers it is very nice I like it can we stop now I don't I don't want to play music anymore come on stop stop and why is there a black page on the floor it's it's it's just making me sleepy are you finishing are you done there was a very very nice piece of music so I like wonderful and now that is some James beach summer in the living room let's that was very nice I like it a lot right let's grab this there we go James B summer let's go okay I that was a bit random wasn't it it was very very talented though very talented young man I am very very much so I would we put this on here boom there we go let me listen is this as good as my piano playing cuz I don't think it's gonna be no no not yet not yet this good old music I love it oh I'm having a great time all by myself oh geez look how far out that is that's crazy um I don't know what to do now I'm not gonna lie sit down I can't even sit down what am I gonna do what am I gonna do with my life now I'm listening to James what's his name ah still wait for Emily kisara then I can work with my music yes what could we not work on it now because you kind of did work on it a minute ago you could work on re wallpapering this whole place because it's not looking great is it oh geez I didn't do that I broke it right let's just put that in there don't even worry about that our apartment looks pretty old oh I was and I did notice to be honest didn't really notice it it looks lovely it's really a really nice place to live haha Emily Cassandra I'm just waiting where are you yep they're probably spending all of my money right now which I am I'm not a fan of at all the music's picking up though yes this is better half no words okay what's not expecting that I was way too into the music then wow that was a nice that was a nice at all whats going on oh oh oh hey d'Or how you doing hot do I need to walk towards you I think I do so you come on here let me open you mister door here we go is this my house sometimes things change ha ha ha some - oh don't get mad Richard am i Richard what's this don't get mad Richard hello oh oh that's weird what's going on no this is creeping me out already I don't like it what's what's behind this door don't be that guy Richard don't be that guy that post memes all the time because no one likes that no one likes too many memes that was all your fault Richard's I know the memes the memes were way too strong for you I know wait where have I been I'm so confused it's like opening different your fault your fault Oh what happened what'd I do it's all real don't you feel guilty for posting the memes it's all real oh it's so blowing my mind that this is happening like seamlessly all these new doors opening oh I wasn't expecting that okay it was all my fault what does this say news 10th of October 90 no I don't like the music this is my own track right 10th October 1954 a car accident occurred in the Hamilton Street 32 a woman and a child were sitting in this car the eight years old child barely survived the child's father and husband of the deceased woman was at home at the time I knew nothing about the accident according to witnesses the man was suffering from psychological problems whether the woman also suffered from problems is unclear at this time is that why my daughter and wife I don't know um what is Oh are you happy now Oh what's happening your daughter is the next you could not say goodbye continue to play Richards Cassandra oh that's creepy oh I've got them chills I got them chills guys Cassandra let's oh I can't even open the door fantastic I'm locked in I'm locked in help me do I have to listen to my own track again was that me what did I do what happened did I cause something bad to happen I don't feel good about myself right now you made me feel bad was I the reason the reason for the memes not stop that now Oh Cassandra thank you door also known as Cassandra how are you doing um bushes they're not dead that is a good sign usually bushes inside these maps are dead we've got these crazy bits of no no crying chilled life being children is this me that's not very nice is it that's not very nice at all oh-ho I'm getting creeped out watch where you step okay which door should we choose I'm gonna choose this door over here let's see let's see what happens I'm gonna open everyone I'm gonna see what happens if we hope them both maybe this one's Lots no it's not locked okay I probably should not go in here no I'm out I'm out I'm out close the door behind me and let's leave okay oh my goodness why why would you do that it's really loud shouldn't you be in bed oh you know I was saying about those bushes they're gone now they're not just dead they're gone oh that's dead be um left all right let's go right this time let's see what happens okay there's books that I can stand on shouldn't really stand on those Oh it's changed it keeps on changing it's freaking me out um where do I go in here sit on this chair turn round then it's changed again nope it's still the same let's go through here I'm ready for a scream don't scream don't scream don't oh Jesus blood fantastic please don't scream don't scream left all right I'm gonna go right again there's wait is this me I thought those my bloody footprints I thought they were like what that was really clever then nope nothin in there water burning mr. little child's oh the flowerpots have moved are you a gardener do you like moving flowerpots around is that it's not your thing oh geez it's the black pages from that room what is it though what do they mean are they pages of music maybe let's go left this time and see what's our cheese I always choose wrong every every single time I'd guess wrong but it's probably best to check each room oh my goodness what was that why why did we get the light bulbs changed around this place Oh what's happened here if Chester jazz I just want to see what's in this there's a chair there okay the chairs are on the ceiling I don't know how helpful that's gonna be to sit down not very oh man that shook me up that got me that got me real good okay ah it's like is that a like a crib like a cot for a baby I think it is let's walk towards it anyway I mean why not let's do it yeah yeah lullaby creepy lullaby music how do we name her Emily like the mother okay there's no childhood know I think Cassandra yes it's it's beautiful what a beautiful name hello little Cassandra I get the feeling she's evil looks like the mother oh dear who are those are those dolls goodness why did you do that to me I literally screamed I almost died then I hope my high is beating out of my chest oh my goodness chat dolls save me okay jumpscares library of course what what would a scary map be without a library huh and another note let's read this dear Richard I know you love your music very much but don't but please don't forget your family Emily told me that you're up all night long and playing music I know it's hard for you to deal with your illness but your family is more important than your music you should go to a doctor he will understand you and can help you if there is something else I've got time for you you're Sam shut up Sam what shut up Sam I don't want to listen to you anymore Sam whoever Sam is uh left all right left all right left the right trust the chairs trust the chairs don't trust the chairs anyone in here what's that there's a big black space a piano ow oh god I almost trapped me inside okay so we're in a room there's now four pushes each side and they're all alive which is a good sign that's good let's see what this has to say please daddy daddy can we can we play a game now where mommy is no longer there for me PS I have written this to you because I don't want to make you angry go to bed Cassandra it's late and stop talking about your dead mother oh my give this dark like really dark I have no idea what's going on but I think I might just want to play the piano or not the piano could disappear yep the piano has disappeared okay this is freaking me out this is really freaking out I feel like any moment that jump-scares gonna happen I could literally pass out at any second it's really creeping me out okay lots of pianos which one shall we play guys which one should we play let's pick a piano no no no I'm looking for one with a blue seats ah or a brown see let's see what this is dot dot dot please daddy only one game I haven't eaten something for a while will you write me again such a stupid letter then I will make sure that you get nothing more to eat shut up and leave me alone so I'm getting the impression I don't like this sound that keeps on making noise I don't better you make sense um so I think we're ignoring our child so that we can play the piano to deal with our mental illness that's what's going on here I think anyway what's vine is the magic door another piano Oh another Wow a lot of pianos let's go this way I'm still looking for one with a blue seat these are all red what's behind the next door another door hello problems will crush you okay i yeah problems will crush you let's turn the light on that's good what about this one depressions death fantastic fear oh those are very dark subjects you oh hey buds father something's gonna happen something's gonna happen so they're gonna have an O 3 0 9 let's remember that Oh III sorrow 903 0 9 Richard's don't jump me skip don't jump-scare me please please don't do it oh 3 0 9 oh 3 0 9 Oh and I ran got that in my head her chair who trusts you this map is scaring the bejesus out of me what's behind this door nothing in this door nothing in that door a corrupt door over here you know what Lucky's are looking too great right now so let's just open this door boom oh it's my apartment ah home sweet home I'm sure nothing is wrong here apart from this light bulb we said we have a serious issue with light bulbs in the minute you can't go in through there can't go through there whoa did you see that their armor stands I understands what's going on what's going on in these this is my brain working isn't it this is I'm seeing stuff hello hey you're cute you're very cute little armorstand oh geez look at that that's awesome but kind of creepy at the same time okay don't jump-scare me please please please please please okay they're sitting down together playing something where is daddy oh that's mom that's that's the baby and I'm daddy so I'm I'm not a very good dad at all oh geez is this me are you okay oh she's got it are you okay and you're okay why are you crying I didn't mean to make you sad it was just a piece of music that I played I didn't mean to make you sad right these black notes oh wait Richard it wouldn't have been better if I had never met you oh geez nobody's caring about your illness you don't care about Cassandra which is our daughter just playing your stupid music and you let me die I hope you will die dying of fear and guilts she just wished me dead well if OD some wack and stuff I'm sorry if you had that well if anything else is to go by I am on the edge of dying from a jump-scare right now anyway so let's see what this chair is saying don't help her okay I might do I'm not too sure you're talking about mr. chair but I'm not feeling too good about it right now continue to play Richards this this is my brain working against myself I kicked the floor I kicked the floor my foot is killing me out out out out out let alone leave her alone you're not making any sense you know making any sense to me I kick the floor really hard that her play your music Richards so do I play my music or do I help her I don't really know this is my two kinds of crazy illness Minds working together or against each other actually don't job scare me again please that was I'm not prepared for this what does this say you've already made a mistake oh man is this amazing oh this is so weird that he's doing this like really weird hello hello oh it's upside down of course it is we're now walking on the ceiling we're now a superhero fantastic look at this this is so weird oh and earth did they do this this is this is crazy could I oh the keys are all gone they're all like blue and stuff it's like a Kitty's piano I've gone down in skill level there's nothing there we always choose all the doors that we don't need to choose hello are we right-side up now the gramophone is back there's another letter let's read what this says hello my name is Richard I cannot talk because of my illness are there for the stupid paper I am pleased to meet you I'm good thank you and you okay so bass we have an illness that causes our brain to be really really strange and it's really working against itself right now and we don't we're not able to speak and the only way we're able to communicate is through music and writing down on a page which is really interesting my hobbies are reading drawing and I love the music that's a great idea oh three oh nine I will be there see you later Emily okay so Emily is the wife maybe I never met her at that time at that date I'm not too sure I think that's the reason so we were playing music when we were supposed to be with her and they ended up dying I think that's it oh dear oh there's someone spilt some ketchup here did you stand on a sachet again Emily Sascha ketchup I think you did didn't you I think you did you should oh dear get out of here I'd happily go the other way but I don't think you're gonna let me are you more ketchup more ketchup more ketchup more ketchup someone really needs to aim this at their burger or hotdog a little bit easier because aa little bit better because I don't want to try you know what I was gonna say I don't want to change this wallpaper but I kind of do all right the big reveal three two one what's I say play for me Richard uh I don't know if I want to is there a piano around here Richard how are we supposed by is this music not great is it my mouth my mouth is really dry ah I don't know if I I just so love is like know is I know something's gonna happen huh okay that was not what I was expecting to happen but we'll go with it gramophone let's play it three two one play as this it is pleasant this isn't too bad last time though last time I listened to the music and going into it it went very very badly we'll just in a room with a gramophone Oh No always corrupting it's corrupting badly but let's let's you oh no this is so weird this is making me feel really strange something's gonna hurt me don't do it don't do it it's going to black we're black we're all black what's up help me oh we're back we're back okay we're good I think we're good Oh we're not good we are not good we've been playing music again wide oh richard why'd you have to play your piano ignore the world because obviously things are going wrong what is that someone was sick or something that's gross Oh something's fallen over here everything's a mess everything's a mess is another one of these oh I can pick them up turn around that's creepy that is creepy I can't even open the door oh oh oh no they're both dead they're both dead hello Richards it's me Emily once you see my face no my ugly face no I don't see it I don't wanna say it I don't understand I don't see it please no no no no I don't wanna say it please sorry Richards but we're gonna see how we ah I forgot what did you forget our anniversary you couldn't speak no that's a shame she's being ready means to me like you know they're gone I don't want to move what does it say dot turn around okay I've already done that one like you something's gonna do something ah you're mister Oh your mistake was that all was that our ugly face to be fair very ugly very ugly indeed a dream oh wait I'm so confused I hurt my neck oh geez Richard we are home emily has a lot shocked we need your help with the shopping so I think I should always equal to make a choice whether he's going to play music or go downstairs I think I need to change something I think he realized that his oh this is deep such a deep story oh my goodness like a really really deep story so basically I think he had that dream where he had all this crazy thoughts and if he carried off being how he was by only by not speaking and playing his piano if he carried on doing that his family would end up resenting him and hating him so I think that's where they were going with a story very good very very good indeed very scary the jump scares got me don't even try and trick me that smiley face I know what you planned thanks for playing if you liked it please give me a diamonds I'll give you a diamonds I'll spin the diamond for you there you go there you go also give me a hug if you want no I don't know if I want to stay tuned for more from us I'll give you a hug there we go the nice oh I've seen inside your brain today go guys that was a very very interesting map indeed I hope you liked it I'm gonna have to put a like a a warning in the beginnings this is very very scary and deep so I hope you enjoyed it if you did please leave a thumbs up that'd be awesome and if this happens to be the first video you seen by me then police who consider subscribing joining team TDM today for daily gameplay videos part from that you can follow me on Twitter in description below if you do so I wish I'll see you guys in the next video yeah
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 10,271,448
Rating: 4.8299456 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, spotlight, showcase, thediamondminecart, minecart, playthrough, dantdm, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, challenge, minigame, mini game, mini-game, 1.8.7, app, free app, free app game, free game, minecraft horror, horror game, jumpscare
Id: 4VpZ38MhjdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 33sec (1533 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2016
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