Slay the Spire - Northernlion Plays - Episode 576 [One]

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everybody welcome back not great 820 runs so far but I gotta tell you I've been sewing to slay this fire I've been rejuvenated by those 8 20 victories recently it's like Crim's Hemsworth used his body as a conduit to reignite a dying star at the heart of the forge of content I'm ready to go Oh 99 gold for a chosen rare this one's tough for me I love corpse explosion I think corpse explosion is amazing it's it's like the best AOE card maybe in the game honestly next to grand finale actually working but an upgraded glass knife against a single target is also interesting but I think AoE is more dangerous for me the number one thing is the silent that's been a problem for us I actually don't mind this path I think the number one thing that's been a problem for us as the silence this would be it cost us one strike to play this which is well worth it I think the number one thing that's been a problem for us is the silent on floor one has honestly been the knob goblin which again knob goblin sounds like a character from a paul thomas anderson movie but that's fine i had to take one damage there my own opinion unfortunately we still wouldn't quite get you on this one so we got to do something like that and then you should be dead to a single strike or a corpse explosion again for that matter so we definitely want some kind of protection against uh i love this right the cuss to some kind of protection against the knob goblin and just in general i think the best protection against the knob goblin there's two things one of them is obvious and it's just high damage if we could get eye damage I'd be a happy man the other one is honestly like a fire potion or something I'll take a leg sweep but predator it honestly might have been a better choice but leg sweep I think if we make it through the the knob Goblin I think leg sweep is better for us on basically every other fight as my my two cents on the subject at least so for knob Goblin I honestly just getting a fire potion would be helpful I'll take whatever but but that's up there oh I'll take a poison stab just to hopefully augment our damage here early I definitely will not do that it's too risky I will super take a bouncing flask I don't really here's the thing it might seem like I'm in love with the poison deck both of these add three poison look I'd rather have targetable three poison I guess but and this is exactly where you want corpse explosion just for the record but you also need to be able to [Music] I'm just thinking about how I want to do this I think I want to put this on you and we're gonna have to wait for corpse explosion to come back around but that's not the kiss of death I don't want to get seduced by the poison deck every single time but if they give you the chance to take something like piercing whale it's not forcing whale like a corpse explosion is hard not to get sucked in by now this is a bummer but it's okay it's really what we're trying to do rolling the dice now if we draw a corpse explosion and the strike he's basically dead he's literally dead and we did draw a corpse explosion it's okay we'll take 15 damage which is much worse but it's also kind of par for the course on these elite fights it doesn't bother me and you're actually not all dead but presumably we will draw on average one attack per - yes and then just give me two attacks on that turn let's say you know it is what it is fossilized he looks very good by the way well worth it I'm gonna take a skewer because the whole thing about the skewer is well to be honest whether we fight the lack of Wulin or the yo I still think we should rest and maybe we can smooth before the Exodus whether we fight the Lagavulin or the knob goblin and it is the Lagavulin here I think we're gonna be stoked to have something like skewer for super high damage so I like this a lot it doesn't matter whether we hit you or not but I like that a lot because it means that we're gonna get bouncing flasks likely on this turn and I think you know between doing 21 damage or putting 9 poison on you well we can put 9 poison on you and then do 7 damage that seems like the probably the best option now we want to draw neutralize it piercing whale is pretty much you know six of one half a dozen of the other on that one alright so now we'd love I was just gonna say more poison would also be a nice call here so he is dead we took almost no damage our aggressive path is being vindicated for certain and we got good damage potential I don't think we need a second skewer I don't think we need a flying knee I've come to see is kind of a bad card honestly I think we can afford to be slightly aggressive here because we've got hexon ghosts coming up and honestly darkstone the the most important thing for me about dark stone is just remembering that we can give ourselves max HP now so you're gonna be at forty seven I could hit I can take you down to 32 that's terrible we're not gonna drop much in the way of attacks next term you're gonna be you'll be taking 15 minimum I think I do want to hit you a little bit so we we want to hit you for less than 12 that'll take you to 41 why is my math so bad that'll take you to 39 and you're definitely gonna split on this turn so toss you something like this 2 times 19 I hate that you both attack but it's also kind of again is is commonplace basically now we just wait for corpse explosion to hopefully show up next turn and you're both dead I don't know I don't necessarily think we needed deadly poison honestly I think we have enough poison going on right now we don't need a quintuple down it's a very tough choice I think I'm gonna gain the gold let's roll the dice on this one it's a little touchy I won't deny that but I I do think it's also like the right choice this one sucks cuz you're like I I really want to weaken him but we got a good draw on getting defense next turn I mean obviously we'll hit him with one of these but I think you definitely want to put like a course explosion on him early you got to get that damage out there it's exactly what we wanted so we basically got super lucky I figured you know it just didn't seem right to go for the rest in this situation you know resting for the hexa ghost it might actually genuinely keep you alive in some situations however it also it means that you've got more work to do because you're making your life harder for yourself cuz he's gonna get stronger over time but um are we really willing to lose buffer to get another corpse explosion out there I actually think the answer to that question for once is no I think we've got him on a good enough timer that we don't need to play another corpse explosion right away might not seem like it by the way but that's like a that's a big change for me to not immediately go for the extra damage now here we have no choice so we might as well at least block half of them well it'll block all the incoming damage but it does use our buffer and now this is where you want to come in here and be like okay we're gonna hit you for 27 and you need to get hit for literally - to be killed and we've done it although we will take six damage at the end of it still well worth it okay burst afterimage die die die i def always say the same thing here but I think burst is your play because it doubles up on corpse explosion dude I think honestly I think you takes neck oh I I really do I think that's neck oh I it just it's better than an energy relic might be a little bit of a stretch but I think it's it's more than good enough so now we I have to consider what would we even want to upgrade bouncing flask for sure burst for sure so I actually think getting campfires early maybe with a little dash of elite play might be a wise outlet for us one elite though I don't know cuz I still you got to remember like it's not about surviving the second floor you're gonna need something like pantograph probably so it's a little scary but I'm gonna try this heavy question mark path my philosophy 20 damage huh I really don't want to use my buffer my philosophy honestly boils down to like let's throw everything at the wall now that we've gotten through the first floor and try to make this buffer actually happen so I don't like this just for the record but for survival's sake I think a survivor dumping something we can't afford to play to begin with now we've avoided taking 11 damage hopefully we can draw a corpse explosion in time to play it on this guy and kill both but okay I mean you have to play corpse explosion and then you just hope that at least shirt two of them hitting you actually is like exactly the right amount I think so I think we got super lucky there this fight is illuminated mmm something for me though I'm just trying to you're gonna take 50 and you're gonna be at 49 I actually think you might get away I'm not willing to spend anything to make it happen oh because you lose the block first we're actually good all right um I can't really afford to do that spiders illuminated that in my opinion I think we need more defense so I will take ride we have extra card draw on the first turn anyway and this does give us max HP so I figured it was worth a try I'll just take the gold which might be cowardice but we have so many cards of Warren's an upgrade but I think burst is definitely the best right now you can be a big problem bud corpse explosion bouncing flask is a very very good start and we're rolling dude I gotta be honest with you the runs I did last night were garbage and yet like last night off-camera we're just complete trash I was worried I'd come in here with a little bit of a hangover basically I mean he's not quite dead but why not do this anyway just to be funny it doesn't really do anything just hit him once please tell me I haven't put that many days as down here okay all right I mean that's fine at the end of the day he's still dead but um but I think we've apart from being a little zany there for no reason I think we've been playing a pretty good game so far certainly I think a choke with a snake Oh eyes is a pretty easy choice it's a good fight for us we really want corpse explosion as soon as possible obviously I mean you get a zero cost choke is comically good you know why don't we just draw three cards we're already confused yeah I think I think you accept your sacrifice here you play your zero cost cards to hurt him you put corbs explosion on him and then you say you know what I know we're taking 17 damage it's not that bad for an elite fight so you're already dead you have to get hit that'll lead you to death so we'll play bursts bouncing flasks just for just for fun okay art of war not really what we're looking for but a fire potion is very nice looking for more great expensive cards to add honestly don't shoot the messenger upgrading is really useful but I think removing a curse I don't know if it's better that that's not fair to say man I would love to play corpse explosion I think we have to start here and hope that at least one of them hits you all right well this is it essentially this is a wasted turn problem is choked wouldn't have gotten either of them either this is a real scary ish situation I'm much of a point either way this guy we're only gonna get through him with poison more or less so [Music] I think he's stalling we take six but this buys us three turns of weakness which protects us for almost our entire frailty and I mean I'm just gonna level with you like yes I would love to put poison on him but if we don't have the energy if we don't have the economy to play it we don't have the economy to play it right so births corpse explosion kills him we're still doing fine I don't think all things considered on three energy this has been bad for us so far ice cream is a very interesting relic for us um you know like I mean if you don't take shuriken you're kind of inviting evil into your life I think we're gonna have a lot of turns where we can play many attacks nothing else here really appeals to me caltrops is interesting but expensive are they not expensive and cheap quite the opposite with mummified hand though I I actually think caltrops would have been maybe a decent play but I'm gonna take a backflip just because I think DRA does get a little bit better if you have snack oh I know the elite is in a Flex position we can choose to fight them or we could choose to ignore them this is one where you just look at it and you're like I really hope it goes left to right I would love to block the the damage coming from you with my artifact but we could also I don't know do we have we have one free defend I think no matter what you play this for one you know what I think we honestly just do something like that work with me dude that's fine it's not the way I necessarily would have wanted it to go but it's fine um with for energy this turn because of ice cream don't really care about killing you although you're not dead next turn so I think we hit you once that way you'll be dead next to him before you can attack certainly if I could burst to defend and have it do anything I'd be stoked to be cancer so I'll hit you with a piercing whale and then our only like viable move is that in my opinion I mean you might as it didn't matter who weren't getting through his block is actually a function this strike so this guy is definitely going to die and he's going to make me vulnerable which is a scary proposition so you start here and here this is gonna hurt but it's gonna hurt him as well I think we're probably gonna end up not fighting the elite it's just a little too dicey right now I mean this is obviously terrible anything that costs zero gets played early corpse explosion is essentially meaningless thirty-two damage will not kill you but so you're on let's be realistic you have 40 HP you're on 28 this will do 24 but if I add another six you don't even have to crunch the numbers we got you by not by much but we gotcha I am kind of coming to the point where we've added so little to this deck recently yeah I'll go for this one we've added so little to this deck recently that to me it does seem like we haven't really improved it on this floor basically at all 18 damage still huh that's that's a hard one to the stomach for me we can only play a block I think you do this you take your block potion corpse explosion this guy and then you know you take one damage big whoop basically what I'm getting at right now is I think it's it's gonna be a struggle I don't really care who I we can probably you're still the best options it's gonna be a struggle to beat the boss I I really I'm kind of trying to figure out like mentally how we're gonna get the tools we need to defeat the second floor boss here if we defeat the second floor boss hey we can't do it well no I don't think we can do it if we can defeat the second floor boss I'm not gonna say that we're sitting pretty because I don't think that's fair thank you thank you oh that's just a dream come true but if we get energy out of that I do think like that's a huge jump for us choke is like is almost gonna kill you too fast I think you know what I like here we have so many good cheap cards you're you're so close to death no matter what I just have to hit you would like literally anything this this is one you want to think it through hmm oh I mean burst corpse explosion is obviously fine but I think honestly first move I like a bursted backflip and you might be like NL you lost it and you might be right but now we have enough block to stall a little bit we might as well corpse explosion you we still have one energy to work with choke doesn't do anything for us here this is still I'm actually very positive about this believe it or not I think that was not bad at all really and he is that we didn't even lose our buffer that time just any card that's not one or zero energy it's such an easy add to this deck and we can't tell it I mean you it's not great okay I'll level with you but to at least get rid of this guy's negative artifacts and put nine poison on them I'll take it you know what is a big pain in the butt right now no potions so we definitely have to we're gonna have to kill these guys we made that mistake last time of not trying to go for them I think this time we definitely want to go for them to be honest poison would have killed him faster but I don't want to lose a buffer for eight damage that's that's a coward's play I don't mind losing piercing whale as long as it means we still get to keep bouncing flasks around so can we get this 16-block we can get 15 block unfortunately the end that means the answer's no what we can do is get the 10 block I mean it doesn't matter whether we play it or not we'll get the 10 so that we do get to at least take no damage although it does use our buffer which is extremely bad for us certainly you want a corpse explosion here but if we're gonna choke somebody we might as well choke this guy for zero because I think we're gonna get you anyway so the corpse we might want to try to draw real quick we're gonna need block anyway what I was looking for was burst but that's fine it's like a new 14 doesn't really matter much here I think I think that's okay you're not dead which is hilarious as actually funny I don't care who you are okay so you give me bouncing flask back which is like super good play we get a strength upgrade I'm not gonna mess with you on this one it's gonna be close it's a 58 damage turn with a free neutralize and a free leg sweep and a free defense that's just about as good as it's gonna get for us and I will definitely put up a texture block you know we need in this deck is is dexterity so to add like footworks oddly shaped stones for oddly smooth stone whatever the heck is called I'd be over the moon brother okay we need to do we need to do a lot this might be our piercing whale turn let's run the numbers it's worth running so he's doing 30 we need to put up one block okay let's not run the numbers because we're actually gonna be fine always nice when that happens so this is really where things could pop off if you give me an energy relic and to be honest a catalyst would also be like a big help I think malaise is definitely X cards are very interesting in these snake oh I Dex I think malaise could render some of these bosses basically impotent so I definitely think that malaise is is on the list and I think you'd certainly would be like so Zeus to play so we're still we're looking for catalysts ideally and some dexterity in theory corpse explosion bodies the first phase here realistically though I mean we've only made it to the third floor as the silent probably like I don't know not that often on a twenty maybe like five or six times so this is already pretty special I think we have to try the semi aggressive elite path and I'm gonna hit a campfire along there a shop along the way because I want to be able to have a chance to add footwork we do have mummified hand I want to have a chance to I want to have a chance to add a lot of things to be honest but we would like to put up 11 block this turn notice I didn't say need I would like to draw as well is a bursted backflip worth it I don't believe so let's just start with the backflip we got a free neutralize okay so we need to put up well I'd like to put up another 14 block if possible I think the way I'm gonna do this is like that we do get the strength up we're passing we're basically just waiting I mean you know the play we're waiting on corpse explosion and then once we get corpse explosion out that we're waiting for the kill so you got to try this okay you've now become probably priority target number one [Music] I'm racking my brain like is there any way that we could conceivably kill you this turn of the answer is unfortunately no it's not really worth playing a defend because it only blocks the first attack with and I think it's gonna go oink-oink he's gonna go join key link it does matter [Music] and he I'm just thinking basically my philosophy here was get this guy poisoned so he dies the corpse explosion has to be done doesn't really matter what we do with this but might as well put it out there [Music] you know you might think I lost it but it could have been worse honestly I think acrobatics can work in a snake oh I'd deck you're hoping it's risk/reward you know you're hoping to draw and I'll just take that but you're hoping to draw a lot of cheap cards for a low price now you look at your defense here 12 we're lucky because there's a result of that we can take no damage keep our buffer and now we got this guy on a big timer still waiting on catalyst any kind of decks gain I think this is the turn where you capitalize on the existence of your buffer and then you gotta choose I think you just hit him it gave us a strength up to I thought about playing acrobatics you could have drawn a lot of stuff that causes zero I mean it's one of those situations you might have been in the clear no matter what so that was a good play or a good fight at least terror is an interesting card for us all do it is fight Abbas from act 1 please I don't even I'm not gonna run through the numbers in my head of what rare relics exists in the game oh that's the good stuff we're not gonna get three more attacks unless we got an amazing backflip so I'm just gonna catch him with one of those might as well all right again I I don't know boss relic is one step above rare relics so I think I'm not fully sure what you could actually give us but whatever it is oh man it's like a so you're saying there's a chance sort of moment single burst will play a defend for free and then we'll double up on this malaise here and and he's this is what we want to do against the bosses basically they're dead before they can do anything it's amazing hmm definitely that's too expensive I mean this is just a situation where you're like I want to play the right cards just to make sure that we're you know staying in the zone we don't want to get too overconfident here cuz I really don't think there's any reason to be overconfident like we're not necessarily in a position where I would consider us to be like lights out victorious you know I think that we have a chance against the boss incense burner is actually very interesting as well and we have a chance against the boss but there's a long way to go lose acrobatics or neutralize take my neutralize we're gonna rest just to maximize our odds of beating this elite and then we have to choose I in a level with you I don't feel confident fighting two elites I know that's cowardice but it's cowardice with a with a darn good reason in this context here 24 damage and all of our defends are very expensive well no matter what we're taking either 13 or 11 damage there's no getting around that so I think if that's the case you just toss one of these out there and you might as well strike somebody maybe corpse explosion next turn is this gonna sound like sour grapes I don't really mean it like that but this is really bad draw we have five energies so I'll start with acrobatics I think that went very well honestly just thumpa we're never gonna play a 2 cos defend here the question is are we gonna play bursts and for now the answer's no [Music] skewers like it's interesting but for two energy we don't really want to do it I think we'd rather do it on the exploder and we'll play this just to get you choked out here if we don't oh I guess we're guaranteed to draw close explosion oh maybe we're not because we're gonna have so many vases now we obviously want corpse explosion and we're lucky enough to get it we are gonna take nine damage matter what we do there that's okay it's really seven once you consider that we're gonna heal you know after the fact but again Dex or some healing in between fights that isn't just two HP would be nice Dex in particular can't afford a static storm still I actually think it's just pretty bad here all right interesting I feel like desperate times call for desperate measures why do I like this fight right now well a couple of reasons one is we have an artifact or and we have a buffer the other one straight up is that next turn we're intangible I don't know if we have to play this so I'm gonna play it cuz I don't think we're going around that many times you know what I mean so we're definitely taking no damage this turn next time we're taking a maximum of two damage if we play no blocks I'm willing to throw it all at the wall here the whole point is that like in a few turns hopefully you'll be dead to corpse explosion this next turn is the tricky one though I was hoping people couldn't live to see this happen you have two corpse explosion he's dead in two turns your I mean you might just want to honestly do something like that there is no way you're doing better than that so we're taking 28 damage puts us low but they're both dead put those real low can't be weakened that I'm dying with these card rewards it's okay this guy I don't know how you play this guy to be honest certainly I'll tell you it one way or the other you're gonna love a burst I think you love a burst corpse explosion Malaya's is very interesting you should lose eight strengths and have eight weakness will still probably take a little chip damage but maybe not okay so this probably sets us up for what I would hope is essentially a free fight although he is doing 27 damage right away still really bad so we have five energy we're definitely in a draw don't don't dump cheap stuff would love to play legs we've just can't it's a bummer but you know what we'll take our hit on this turn we still get to do five damage to him which is fair he's taking a turn off from attacking which is probably it's positive for us those burns are real dangerous we can only take one damage this turn though okay okay I I'm okay being hit for one the only question is what do we want to do I love the idea of keeping him weak for even more turns I think we'll draw just to see if we can get some cheaper stuff and I mean sure at least throw something at the wall here we get to roll that one energy over to the next turn it's taking another turn off but this is where you'd expect you know maybe some burns to start coming in as the PES the case has proven here it's 24 extra poison because of burst our next skill gets played twice so let's double up on draw we're not taking damage we probably have to survive because he's only gonna take one from the poison on his turn we have to survive this turn basically so we're very lucky we drew a lot of sheep stuff and it's just barely gonna keep us alive I'm very glad we did not fight multiple elites although to be honest we kind of did by fighting for that rare relic earlier sneaky stray it's just not good enough now this could kill us if it kills us I think we could safely feel like we did our part on this run I don't feel like I dropped the ball let's go for 46 just because probably I hope it's obvious but it kills all of them instead of 45 leaving some of them alive maybe with block to work through [Music] well it's too expensive unfortunately [Music] no no okay hit him with the weakness twenty-nine so we're actually taking no damage which is awesome we need if we can only we can play two more attacks so we only need to play one we might as well maximize on this right here this guy still needs to get hit for nine to kill him but that's not bad everything else totally okay I really honestly well they plans a easiest choice in my life I think that we did our are all on this run I think it's clear you know from my commentary my discourse we've put everything that we have into this run and we've in my opinion done a pretty good job it's tough right there's a tough one obviously this attorneys not doing anything I think you rely on the fact you're gonna obviously have poison next turn hit him with the best malaise available he's doing thirty five obviously as some point [Music] we're probably gonna have to use our buffer we want poison on him but it's got to be the right it's gotta be a right situation I don't know man choke it just seems like not that good here but maybe you could choke you get acrobatics you know some zero cost cards that also do damage themselves put up a little bit more block on top of that and we are using buffer this turn we got to survive three more turns and my man's do 150 damage that's rough that's that's not easy to deal with or is it yeah whatever just dump it dude he's doing ten perfect perfect amount of damage you really appreciate that you've done me an incredible service you don't even understand definitely should have bursted that but you know what will burst them on the piercing wail he's doing 48 damage which seems impossible that does not seem possible [Music] [Music] still hangin tough 65 damage I do not at all appreciate what we've drawn here I [Music] don't appreciate it [Music] so he should be doing 38 damage which means there should be no excuse for us to die this would take him 39 he should be doing 26 damage I think you do it like this I think this was our best outcome he should do 12 damage but if the poisons been a little finicky he's doing 22 is bad don't get me wrong this is gonna be it's gonna be real tough please God the good draws okay very closely examine what's coming out here you got a great tournament Ange ability you'd still love the block and we want to purge your d buffs come on come on come on come on send them back okay we could focus on you it's a little scary I think at this point we have to we have to focus on you and it this decision is unlikely to be what cost me the game I know that this guy buffs but we're hoping that this is gonna be done in time that it's not gonna matter so what I would love to do here is burst a survivor you know dump this dump this and then burst amylase we take no damage because of the buffer and then he's doing ten big whoop we can't play choke and defend well maybe we can that made the fend free so we'll just play everything now really appreciate the extra energy honestly because it also gave me it rolls over to the next turn 36 damage obviously scary start with a free acrobatics and you know what we should dump something too expensive to play at this point a three energy corpse explosion is too expensive to play I think I'm gonna I'm gonna shoot they're gonna take a longer tail approach to this fight and I did think about this very carefully to be honest you know if we don't play a strike and the strike has almost no value we actually get extra energy out of corpes explosions so or out of an art of war so I think we try that I wanted to poison him but I thought you know what maybe that maybe it's not the right time so this time we want to get to 14 block it will not be possible life goes on hit him hit him hit him hit him okay well that sucks uh we'll take four damage it's not that bad I think we'll do it like this we really need to stack it once we've committed a stack and poison on you it's kind of hard to bail out of that to be honest still keep you weak because this fight is going on a lot longer than I'd like it to can we get to 30 block we get to 27 I guess we will stack poison forget the bat yeah I forget the bouncy play we needed it to be cheaper to be playable and just I'm begging you dude just stack up some poison on this son of a gun okay we got intangibility this turn to be honest we'd rather have it next turn but I'm not I'm not gonna be super negative about that this is a situation where it's unfortunate because we're just our damage potential is just so slow against this guy but we have to store burst even if this guy's got choke on them 36 damage okay I think you can afford to start acrobatics and we were looking for like a leg sweep for example but we need to stay alive so the obvious one there is just burst defend and I'd rather put 18 guaranteed poison on you then then swing for the fences and we haven't played any attacks yet so let's pass turn and hold a strike we're gonna it's gonna be tight we knew it was gonna be tight we're also gonna have to flawless the next boss I just want you to know I'm giving it everything I have 13 bye I mean we need to draw to live we need to draw or kill him we can't kill him so we need to draw and I think this is the end of our existence but no we will we will live and again we haven't played any attacks so we might as well get the extra energy rolled over I guess if we kill this guy on this turn somehow you will also die but I don't know how we would get there for it there's no question you have to be weakened you're doing 40 damage we cannot get there I feel all the dopamine leaving my body and I'm still like I haven't I haven't given up yet I'm like dude we can get them do we can get them it's easy 44 plus 20 [Music] so you're saying there's a chance oh my god oh is the easiest choice in my life you burst you play survivor and get rid of some stuff that's too expensive by the way everything is too expensive then you hit this guy with the world's best malaise okay let's do it brother do not go gentle into that good night forget well-laid plans for now it's too dangerous how do we live you got a block that's a big one let's just see are we living no are we living no no no no are we living yes we're living we lose our artifact not much we can do about that okay so I think you do play this no matter what and then I think you got to go for this son of a gun right here that's all right next turn we have intangibility we only play one power dude we only play one power so you have to go preferably this turn but to just make sure you die next term would also be fine for one certainly you play this I'm not that mad that's fine what do we choose dude honestly even though it's crazy expensive piercing whale for three could save our lives if this guy does a big multiple attack you're dead you're dead good good good good good good let's just think about this for a second he's doing 13 can we put up 13 block yes easily [Music] I would like to put up 13 block so just store this burst I know we had piercing whale earlier but I think burst is probably a little bit better it's pretty simple situation I think you choke first you play survivor you get rid of this you get rid honestly get rid of this we will store the energy and we will store our 1 cos defend 12 damage gives me a heart attack every time here let's see 12 block 7 turns a weakness by the way is real nice so I'll put 24 poison on you or - sorry 12 poison and then this might be a time where you say to yourself self maybe it'd be wise for us to store our energy we're not close to getting a big attack just keep your defense and and you know we're not trying to stall we're just trying to make sure we have energy if we draw a handful of like 3 cost basic defense you know what I mean like I'll pay 2 for more poison that seems very sensible to me and I'll tell you I wish I could store more cards - I do I like not playing a strike here because we get to roll over even one extra energy on top of art of war so we're building an energy economy that as long as we draw defends we're fine right now we do need to draw another defend to avoid having to play piercing whale I don't really want to burst acrobatics probably should have apparently let's get rid of chalk for now I know we have a big energy economy but still this is a situation where you could play piercing whale and take no damage however this time I might like to gain a strength here so six energy even though we don't have a whole lot of energy remaining I think I would still prefer or not a whole lot of energy a whole lot of HP I think we're basically in one hit we diet territory anyway here's my thinking next term we have intangibility let's end turn hold skewered just in case we can get a lethal kill I'm functioning on the principle that if we get hit once we're dead anyway so who cares about losing half of our remaining HP when our remaining HP is like zero okay so free poison is nice bouncing flasks for two is still a good play and dude by the way how good would a catalyst have been on this deck just throwing that out there by the way for the record just just trying to offer the suggestion how incredible that would have been skewer will hit you for 54 it's not that it's not good enough it's just that well let's see we would get 11 we get 99 damage next turn I think if we end turn and a hold skewer we can kill you you know what I'm thinking I'm like dude if we really stall what if we could get 230 energy and then just play skewer for lethal is that the play [Music] just live long enough to get a 40 energy skewer out there I'm gonna be honest with you I don't see why we wouldn't try that right now so we're just keeping the weakness going here now I'm not a holding skewer because this guy's gonna be dead in a couple turns anyway let's hold backflip we only need to do like 20 damage to him anyway I'm thinking this big skewer play could do it I'm just you know don't get overconfident don't make dumb moves more or less this whole thing might be a dumb move but he's dead next turn we're coming into the second phase of this fight with like 21 energy this is probably a situation where I think we end turn cuz he's gonna die to poison we hold this incredible one energy leg sweep see what we draw he's doing 40 damage which is way too much certainly a leg sweeping and he's doing 30 certainly you play at the fact now he's doing 30 certainly you Playa Playa Pearson whale he's doing 25 and we get to 26 and then they use Stalin for one more incredible turn this is definitely a birth situation so you're definitely gonna burst backflip oh my I mean this is obvious you're gonna you're gonna toss him a corpse explosion I know what you're thinking NL you had burst why do that it's a very valid point honestly but we're still we're probably gonna lose some energy to get it done but [Music] still worth it so I do think this is where we would like choke him obviously bounce it we have to play this defend I just want to make sure I know that for a fact I think you hit him we have played attacks already so and then this would give us one extra strength which I think does make it worth playing also makes the math very simple we're gonna be doing like a hundred and seventy damage to the next third and we have ability which means we can stall for one more turn this is where you crunch the numbers next turn if we play a survivor just to take no damage and live hold skewer will roll over sixteen and get five energy will do 210 damage and we will finish ascension 20 on all characters 200 damage just in case there are those who said it would never be done never give up and here we are Oh with five HP and a 20 damage skewered ascension 20 is done it's over my brain in my skull hurts as my brain expands like a hear the cracking and the micro fractures the flesh required between my ears to get that done good God thanks for watching hope you enjoyed if you did click the like button helps out a great deal subscribe if you want to see more in the future and I'll see you next time see you
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 201,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Slay the Spire, Slay the Spire gameplay, Slay the Spire video, Slay the Spire steam, Slay the Spire let's play, slay the spire walkthrough, slay the spire guide
Id: SPjt19fa0tA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 58sec (3538 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2019
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