SLAPPY'S HEAD POPPED OFF!! | Goosebumps Dead Of Night

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don't worry they're actually quite sweet um build up enough energy in those things oh let's go popping gummy bears dude they look delicious hey everyone it's your friend think noodles and welcome back to goosebumps dead of night slappy's uh put us through what a mansion like some weird like conservatory where he turned this in well a dude turned us into a tree and now this one's like electricity-based we got like a tesla tower so uh let's see how long this is if you guys are enjoying this series please do click the like button and also subscribe support my channel i really do appreciate all of you guys who subscribed and uh and just thank you for watching my videos i really appreciate it uh so let's go i think oh good good okay cool mari yeah oh donna loma not even notice those witches yeah he's doing some weird incantation brewer would have rooted you out [Laughter] i but i'm going to use it to project my magic across the world may not smell you later guys obsessive farts weisenheimer edison sent that automaton to steal my secrets mm-hmm outrageous yeah so we're gonna you down there i i yeah nicola tesla require your assistance you're a statue edison spy must be stopped at all costs got it yeah well i i'm with you on the stop and slappy part but i don't think he's a spy for thomas edison but okay if you say so nikola tesla truthfully was known as a little bit a little bit uh out there so i'm not surprised oh we got zombies now wait hey what do you i don't think you should do that take a hint already you can't beat me twins why do you can call me twist [Laughter] your stupid minion just get the book and go to the basement keep it away from that dummy i'll come get it well he's fast my preparations by the way stop me this time twist it's really rich must be of great import yeah yeah behold this case contains my greatest creation but first oh it's a gun all right wait it wait it it spawns me in this room what how did i get in here okay but i just gotta say it's rich a ventriloquist called a dummy calling me a dummy okay red tube amplifier all right let's do it i got that okay what uh where do i okay the case is still locked shut it tesla investigate further wait i got the wait i got the wait i thought i thought i could put the red one here okay wait red so we'll follow the red ah okay i see it i see it i see it okay so oh all right so it's going to open this door here and put the red tube that's cool to the door's lock push the small white tower closer to the door the small way this thing oh oh closer to the oh okay that's cool all right so we move this we move the the tesla coil here and then it'll it'll connect there we go oh that's that's pretty cool but you can only have one open at a time i oh wow this is ah yeah this is where i began to truly understand the nature of energy and how it moves through the world okay that's cool um all right so this looks like something we need to rotate or oh yep obviously point it toward the tower there okay hmm right okay so that cable okay oh oh i think we pushed this i see it i see it so it's just like the other one okay it's probably gonna open that door or maybe i don't know so we push this over here and it'll light that and that's the energy on the floor yeah they can be overwhelmingly informative yeah yeah i got you oh i see so this thing wow that's my energy towers are still functional yeah yeah rotate it to change its output direction got it i did it uh and then this has to accept it yay oh i i did oh pick up i thought it said i picked it up okay okay this is easy there's no monsters either three locks okay you mustn't forget to pick up the tube amplifier for engineering yeah i know i know i know i know time to do the blue one wait supply power to the red lock on the gun case what oh yeah well i mean yeah okay that's cool but i gotta i gotta move this thing okay here we go hey yeah that's what i do this is what i do just what i do go go go wait what how close you got to put it there we go let's go oh so the power oh when you supply the power from that room it's permanent i got it i see your disco this is engineering i fabricated many a device in this room are those yours okay so we uh okay okay nurse kill the one called twist on sight oh okay what a fat good thing i'm not called twist you idiot what a terrible use of technology you should break one apart to see how they work how about now how about i just like oh man okay wait oh boy all right i'm gonna just i'm gonna crouch over here can i get behind this oh i can't i kind of can okay where's it coming where's it going where's it going all right yeah okay okay keep going dude keep going all right oh okay go go all right i got to do this quick go go there it is there it is okay got it got it got it okay so we got power moving so now oh dude this is like a long thing isn't it all right so that goes to there then that accepts and repeats oh i gotta get out of the way yo what wait um can i what if i rotate that what happens there we go there we go there we go oh and then we need to rotate this so it accepts and then repeats wait where is it going where does it have to go oh it's gotta go this oh it's gotta go over here um you know sometimes the best place to start is the destination hey smartypans eh that's actually very smart okay so we wanted to go here right he's probably bro you're taking really long and i'm like getting bored but that's actually good advice so let's do that so we'll work backwards so we want that to go there right and it'll go there and that'll supply so then here then this goes back that way so we need this to go this has to be that way yep fires to that okay and then we need something to fire to that oh come on man why why why okay there okay then this has to shoot there but then how okay so that goes to there see i would not have gone this far around okay so then this shoots to here but then what oh wait that one gets it oh wow okay so then that goes to there so then i gotta go back this way ah this is this is this uses all of them this is not yeah i think if i hadn't listened to his advice just now there's no way i would have figured that out okay that goes that way then this one goes here this one points at that yep i mean i thought a bunch of them were like fake ones but no they're real okay so that goes there that's ah well that's that makes some sense i moved the thing to the wrong thing all right that'll be good here we go this will do it oh man this guy's in my way why you got i i was just about to like have my aha like achievement moment and this stupid little robot toy there it goes we're about to unlock this ball man come on why there too come on man stupid robot toy let's go let's go let's go all right i'm doing this no wait hold on come on go go go go and there it is that's it that's it that's it isn't it there there come on dude that had to do it right that did it right i i worked back wait what hold on i did the thing what wait a second what i it what hold on that doesn't oh well i can just rotate it i was gonna say that doesn't line up there it is okay there it is there's my moment that's the second lock only the one to go oh okay oh man is this last one you'll be harder uh so oh do i do i wait i apologize for the excessive security but mustn't steal my research okay mustn't it that's not how you spell muslin uh right okay now oh wow this is a long way to push this thing we're good all right so now oh man all right so obviously work work this is my control rule the knowledge you've gained so far should help you gain access to the coil gun yeah let's go all right all right so working backwards working backwards so this okay all right uh what shoots at this this one right here is it wait no this one does it though i mean um no it's that what where am i where can i where because this i could twist right so here it could be here yeah maybe it is this one like that right and then we go straight like that and then this one and if we do that that gets out of the way so that can do that okay so let's let's keep working on this okay all right this we need to shoot at that got it okay this way these guys are dumb um this goes here got it um hey you could just walk like right beside them as long as you don't get in the light they're easy okay so this one starts to get a little bit uh i don't know because like i don't see anything that can shoot at this right it doesn't seem like it so we gotta twist this one more and then that's gonna shoot at that and also that okay what can hit this it looks like it's gotta be something oh all the way there well that might be it actually yeah this might be is this one we can push near to get it lit up oh no oh yeah it is it that's it that's it i think that's it if i just push this here it'll power that thing that was easy bro excellent thank you thank you thank you thank you i'll take a bow now thank you thank you yes i appreciate all the kind comments wait do i i don't have to get the i don't have to get the coil because donut oh i see okay hook me up dude let's go this device you can power whatever you like simple oh aiming and shooting this dumb man ain't even a weapon you could open the gate next to you what are you yeah how oh okay there okay that's kind of cool but i'd rather shoot the stupid dummy yeah you this is my mechanical room okay it can be a bit of a maze keep your wits about what don't worry they're actually quite sweet um build up enough energy in those things oh let's go popping gummy bears dude they look delicious oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait they reform no do they i don't what oh no yeah they reform oh no no no no pop the gummies let's go that's cool man i like that it kind of makes me hungry um oh i hear you i hear you okay what is idiot what is he doing okay what oh that wasn't amazing at all oh hey give me the book no i left a few friends wait what's he doing oh oh oh okay all right oh wait wait how did he get huh wait oh dummy the faraday cage is made of a superconducting material i'm not afraid of it okay to retrieve the book you'll need to raise the cage by restoring power to the system idiot okay all right so that guy's gonna wake back up so i definitely need to have oh oh that was so close dude i got him right in the eye okay hey i'm working on it bro okay i'm killing all the harbors oh this is a double oh dude no no no this is bad this is bad this is really bad oh dude they they do not mess around all right let's let's actually go for i think i think the red one might be the hardest one let's go for let's go for blue here the problem is i feel like it's going to light up that trap and then how do i get past that okay oh no the traps are already lit i've seen lab rats get through oh my goodness dude give me a second okay this is a long way you know you could have built this a little shorter man what is it shocking [Music] okay here we go first one is that is one of the power sources no kidding for the cage mechanic don't say be on the lookout for the other two i'm working on it what do you what do you think i've been doing this whole time bro oh this is not ideal oh okay wait oh can i oh no that's bad that's bad that's bad oh all right oh man at least the fat gummies are slow oh yeah here we go bam that was actually shorter run than the then the blue one was all right so nope so we need to just find the gr i think green oh man this is not good okay oh no no this is not good not good not good come on come on come on charge that was a swarm of gummies no dude does it oh thank goodness oh whoa whoa whoa whoa what hey where'd you come from bro oh wait can i oh no i can't go that way can i oh i can well i wonder what's the point of going this way oh it's like a shortcut okay yeah oh look you can just freeze them you don't oh jeez oh geez well that was dumb that was dumb yeah you don't have to actually kill them you can like freeze them and then like kill one and then freeze oh geez hurry hurry oh jeez no that that oh what's heck of the gummies dude this is all right i gotta stop messing around let's get this oh we're close we're close because i can see it there nobody to block me right yeah ma'am all right let's go accomplish while you were dilly-dallying i'm getting to the faraday cage hey where'd you come from dude okay anyway i feel like i'm gonna have to shoot that zombie like we're gonna have to use this gun against it right surely we're gonna pop him please tell me we're gonna pop a zombie all right we on it oh i see okay so now we have to do this huh let's go pop in zombies let's go whoa get it dude all right got the book that's all i had to do i can't pop them knight of the but my preparations are finally complete dude little puppet and bring me my book why you keep calling me a puppy you're the puppet look at that wait what where am i huh uh the technology is foreign to me but perhaps the coil gun will weaken that puppet spy oh yeah we get to shoot slappy with the gun let's go wait why why why are they attacking me these guys look like they're in some sort of like music video dude oh well there we go take the now powered elevator up to the next level what where's the elevator though i i mean oh geez i just shocked both of them i didn't kill either one that's bad be nice if i could get uh like a little pointer oh maybe here oh this looks nice and open here this looks better is this yeah found it let's go hurry that elevator will take you to the top of the tower what take the final elevator to the top of the tower okay that one how am i supposed to get up to it though or can i be careful i wouldn't want you to fall down no wait hey oh come on i didn't know that i was in control oh okay so he's talking but you can keep going right is that the deal so you gotta okay when do i get you to fall down so wait no okay there okay that's exactly what i want all right so you got it you just got to keep moving this is unacceptable you know you know oh i see so you know he sounds quick oh yeah that's a rumor by the way he doesn't actually have one like tesla never really i don't know they say he never invented the earthquake you remember my friends from earlier right um you know he whoa good hood look at me trying to tell like historical um like but uh yeah anyway i just wanted to say slappy laughs like he's winning be careful he wants you to fall down doesn't he like listen listen no wait that's exactly listen listen listen come on tell me that does not sound like winnie the pooh okay okay you can't go that way when that thing goes you just can't hey okay so i've gotta like i gotta keep moving across that's close i gotta sh do i have to zap this thing or do i have to get out of here you remember my friends from earlier right oh i can go that way so it sort of directs the way that you have to go i really don't oh dude okay go uh like you don't want it you don't want to you don't want to run out of sprint oh man cause like you just cannot get across if you do all right come on go go go go go oh that was close to running um yeah okay uh which way oh dude i don't i hope this is the right way oh wait it stopped all done we're good nope we're not oh dude oh that's went the wrong way um please don't start me oh of course you do oh that's annoying all right here we go we're going this way whoa okay i'm just going to let her i was going to say i was going to let her go but i shot her anyway but i i feel like you can just dodge them by just well i don't know how long you want to wait though because the thing could drop on you all right this is this is going this is going okay we're up to the next level so wait we're taking we're climbing trying to steal my work to the top of the elevator to take it back down nowhere close to my brilliance i swear this has nothing to do with thomas edison i know you have a rivalry with him dude but pretty sure that slappy stupid slappy has nothing to do with thomas edison oh dude okay i was gonna say which way to go uh okay no no we want to go that way yeah all right i see it we're almost there okay okay it's it's not as bad as i thought because i was thinking i was gonna have to like do this like four or five more times but no we got it here we go um let's go i didn't press anything oh wow this goes there's a tall building this goes way up huh ah coming up to say hi oh we're going to the top of the tesla tower if i weren't ready to greet you all right slappy let's go i'm going to shoot you in the head let's go come on you brought the book yep how thoughtful it's the last piece i needed now hand it over in your dreams oh are they all here wait now they're gone or oh that technology he uses as shielding him and my coil gun will be ineffective okay shoot slappy's magic with the gun what are those flying orbs above you uh perhaps you can disrupt the shield by destroying them okay did i did i did i do it okay what does that actually do oh these hit the ground okay wait how did i not hit that like i nailed that i guess it's got to be closer up oh i see these yeah let's get rid of those they're they're throwing fireballs i think they're not really hard to deal with there we go oh i did it my friend we'll use earlier was easy wait oh okay so he's quick so i gotta i gotta kill these wait what okay you can only kill things that are like in range like i don't want to do that too far away uh oh and oh i see the red orb is what i've got to do okay pop pop okay i don't know what that is but i don't want to go near it i think that's from there we go here we go oh whoa i did not see her at all dude does it start us over or is it or does it start us in the middle okay yeah it starts us over okay that's not so bad whoa that thing shot past me fast dude where'd it go all right here we go there it is yeah all right there we go that makes me does it angry than anything else you've done whoa oh i see so now we've got like okay so there's just more of his dudes there we go got one more of his dudes coming after us got it too oh she almost got me oh oh man i wish that there we go got it that's three bam die twists stop calling me then what um i missed am i oh wow that's kind of cool so wait dude wait i i thought i was supposed to shoot that i think i'm supposed to dodge that please don't start me over from the beginning ah i see you okay that was stupid i thought it was something that i was supposed to do i need it now the other orb is i just have to dodge that i guess time to die twist all right so this is the final hole so i'm gonna i'm gonna dodge this oh there oh okay ah no i did that oh his head popped off let's go [Music] oh no he ain't dead though wait oh is that it did i just win hey that's it i'll pop this stupid head off yes all right cool so we'll wait the credits out just for a second see if anything else pops up yo jack black played the voice of r.l stein like the jack black i'm impressed yeah that's it we did it all right so there you go at least it wasn't 27 videos like around the clock a bikini bottom video's not bad if you enjoyed it if you enjoyed this game uh i almost wish it was longer but uh it's pretty cool you enjoyed the game click the like button and subscribe if you want to see more of my videos and i'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 375,845
Rating: 4.9417839 out of 5
Keywords: thinknoodles, think noodles, thinknoodles youtube, youtube thinknoodles, thinknoodles gaming, gaming, thinknoodles granny, app game, app store, mobile game, fan choice friday, thinknoodles fan choice, thinknoodles fan choice friday, spongebob, horror, horror game, goosebumps, dead of night, goosebumps game, goosebumps dead of night
Id: TJGjS-lPvR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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