INSANE TREE MONSTER!! | Goosebumps: Dead Of Night

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get out get out now whoa okay let me i can't move i can't move wait what sorry you had to see that i couldn't cure her margaret is beyond my help you turned your daughter into a tree monster [Music] hey everyone it's your friend thick noodles and welcome back to goosebumps dead of night and slappy looks like he's staring directly into my soul there anyway you guys selected this for fan choice fright day and i loved it and you loved it so uh let's just continue let's see how long this is i'm i'm just hoping hoping that it isn't as long as around the clock of bikini bottom because that was another game from fan choice friday that i really enjoyed you guys liked and i thought you know what i'll continue playing and see how long it is and it was like 27 videos so so anyway maybe it is who knows uh but let's continue so we we got out of the house and we ended up like in that well whether that like pagoda let's take a moment to stop and smell the flowers twist come a little closer i'll be making a nice spot for you in my garden ah that's right the fart flower okay cool oh also if you're new here please do consider subscribing to my channel supporting me i really do appreciate all of you have subscribed and right we got the carrara virus from subnautica in this as well why not uh okay so i think we're supposed to go here obviously i mean yeah hello we have both been poisoned and are mutating at an alarming rate find a microscope if i can see how the poison is affecting you i may be able to devise a cure um just quick question um how are you gonna see through the microscope i have no idea where you are maybe tell me where you are dude okay well that that was easy like i can see through the microscope the plant cells are very active in your case you're quickly taking over oh i'm okay i'm turning oh oh oh is this is this the plant coronavirus what is this wait how do i am i supposed to stop it is it a game i don't know what no what is it blood sample okay wait oh i see it's like part like the top part is re wait no it's empty i can't really tell it looks like yeah it's empty except for the green part my blood is green now there great i still don't see how they understand what the poison is now i will need this blood sample and three additional ingredients to make an antidote but again the pond now hurry wait what bridge oh over there like how are you helping how are you whoa okay oh all right dr brewer i don't see how he's helping at all i'm doing this on myself enjoy is that doctor this looks awful i can't eat that uh i made it especially for you it'll make you stronger better i only want what's best for you okay daddy whoa no marge don't try it oh okay so we're about to i think i think we're okay i think that's just gonna replay i think we're about to find out what uh dr brewer did to his daughter enjoy that uh probably probably it looks like the bridge is broken oh i didn't even know these lily pads will help you get across the pond oh come on really parkour okay fine uh just just gonna go have a little looks around here make sure that everything is uh okay well pretty sure this dude murdered his daughter um wait how do i wait how do you oh no i so i gotta go this way okay so wait i can't oh wait i can't jump though so oh it's not really parkour you just oh what that was some weird like i don't even know what that was it was not a frog it was definitely humano wait what is that um you could find something we need in the west part oh oh it was oh it was just a fish oh man well well sort of wait where where where oh there's like bugs oh are those bees wait i need to see that oh there oh that's not there it's just a fish you idiot i mean it might be a piranha but um anyway okay there's a lot of them okay so i'm in the middle here some of those lily pads aren't very straight usually pads to reach the storage area which where's the where do you think the storage area is i mean i don't okay so there's maybe go here is that the storage area uh i mean we can't use the loop has to go much where much where else much anywhere else okay yes we're gonna go this way and we have to watch out for these like is this thing is this thing gonna bite me it's got spikes on it all right they don't stay up for very long go go go go go okay yeah yeah we're good we're good oh this is easy man come on come on like i thought it was gonna be an actual challenge but it's not all right i'm in wait did i just something just hit me on the head what just happened you seem weak try this food especially with that like ominous like it'll make you uh better now can i not eat the food this just seems like a terrible idea but i don't think it'll advance the storyline unless i eat it what is it oh i'll sit in the chair uh plant food i mean it doesn't say poison so i guess oh wow i'm really green excellent you look much stronger try moving some of the crates behind you to clear a path right okay search for a suitable ingredient for the cure in the storage area so move the storage crates oh dude i am he-man let's go get it out of the way uh what ingredients i can't believe i still can't believe i got jump scared by that stupid fish like oh over there we gotta get over there that's definitely like flashy flashy oh wait what's this what is that what is that what is that why does it have an eye icon you get it [Music] oh that's why so yeah but like i don't even think that was supposed to be a jump scare and it jumps scared me because i'm on edge guys oh bees or one of those tracker jackers things are huge dude wait um yeah okay i know where i'm going i know where i'm going is over here it's over here this thing yeah got it okay throw or drop oh this is like okay up i'm gonna chuck it okay uh well that's gone um right wait oh just maybe that okay maybe that like okay yeah yeah just no no no no no no no no no no no wait wait okay okay stop it stop it get away go away these stupid bees okay what am i supposed to do i'll get this am i supposed to get their hive oh dude dude they're coming back yeah yeah i'm pooped go just eat give me another one what am i supposed to do oh dude dude all right oh oh there's oh there's flowers everywhere okay oh no that's okay i wonder if this is one of the ingredients oh oh no no no go away i'll i'll keep doing this i'll i mean if it were one of the ingredients i feel like it would like it would give me a prompt be like take the new ingredient to the blah blah blah boys leave me alone all right all right i'm gonna go oh oh okay push push push push push push push push oh geez push push push push push go go go go the bee's gonna eat me okay all right i need i need um they can smell my flesh because i'm a plant oh that's why they're well okay also they're stinging me but i think it's because i'm a plant or i have plant blood or whatever it is green blood um oh i can push this aha here we go blue potted plant this is the this is the one right here surely it is i don't know the only blue one the only one that had an icon that i can pick up right because these are like regular ones right yeah we got the blue pot oh my princess i set aside a small section of the storage room for you think of it as your own secret garden just remember to open the door blue goes after red oh man puzzle blue goes after red magenta goes before red yellow goes first okay so how many colors are there i mean obviously there's blue red magenta and yellow so i would say it goes yellow magenta red blue and if there's a green we're in trouble um but i i mean ah ah there's a magenta okay okay search for suitable oh jeez what that thing bit me what on earth is that how okay how do how do i okay drop sure wait okay maybe wait oh oh that's the magenta one wait where am i supposed to put these i i guess am i supposed to go all the way back with it maybe that's what it is okay so i'm suppose search for a suitable ingredient for the cure in the storage area is this not a suitable ingredient for the cure oh haven't oh wow that was weird how did it look back here yet is there anything back here oh that was sort of stupid like i could have walked or wait no no i haven't been back here it opened this up oh okay red wait can i put this like no there's got to be some sort of like experiment like lab table that we have to put these on there's got to be something in here before we place these oh there we go okay there are only four this got to be this right so um yeah yeah okay so let's just oh duh i was like because the note was flashing i didn't see these little like scale looking things okay so let's get the get the magenta one so i i saw the red one too don't buy me don't bite me just leave me alone okay cool um right there and then uh what other there was uh yellow and red right so i i saw red a minute ago that was here right yeah okay cool so i think we can put them except for the yellow one because yellow one was first right what was it was like my uh yellow magenta red blue i think so red blue magenta okay now we gotta find the yellow one there must be another place i haven't explored like i gotta look for like boxes or crates to push or i might have even like just passed it not knowing that's what i needed huh up there it is perfect not too bad all right so is this yeah i got the puzzle right first try let's go um search i know what do you think i've been doing these little like oh there's that pink flower there yes those flowers that's a bellas it'll work perfectly as an ingredient okay retrieve a flower from this tree in the back of the storage area pink flower wait wait who are you get out get out now whoa okay let me i can't move i can't move wait what you had to see that i couldn't cure her margaret is beyond my help you turned your daughter into a tree monster i think i know where to find the next ingredient he's like and he doesn't even see he's just like yeah yeah you know it's my daughter and like i turned her into a tree monster and you know i couldn't save her but hey you know what why don't you go back to the island it's like so casual about it dude how do i get where am i oh oh it might have opened those yeah this is going to say that because there were these vines here that we couldn't get through before yeah it opened up like a quicker quicker route so we don't have to deal with the bees all right return to the island okay got it oh they it was a piranha it was a piranha [Music] okay like i forgot how slow i am um or i tend to forget how slow i am in this game man i thought i was actually gonna beat this level without dying at all well well um here this path to the next ingredient that's a path what path oh okay okay i got it i got it was that there i thought i told you to get marge oh great seems to have altered a few of the lily pads yeah there's spikes on it and it turned into a venus fly trap yeah yeah yeah i got you i got you dude okay hold on all right go i don't know how long i can stand on those it says not too long okay wait i don't want to go that way i want to go this one okay because you can't jump in this game here we go and we're done okay oh wait why did i even stop i can just go through i thought the thing was gonna go down all right we are here in the i don't know which part of the thing this is but oh dude it's getting worse i'm getting scaly now better find a sunny spot to set up roots you should have listened to me when you had the chance wait wait wait what are you talking about you didn't tell me anything why would you trust him i don't know um i don't trust either of you to be honest but uh don't like the green stuff continue to the plant nursery oh lots of bees oh cool cool all right i see some oh this is for the bees i need you to get some of the bees i left the sample in the back of the nursery great i see what your plan is now brewer whoa you call your dad by his last name it is guarded by some very hungry fly traps if you can feed them somehow they'll go dormant what what we retrieve honey from the back yeah i know i know but um wait what where are these fly traps i don't i don't um oh oh all right um here uh eat nah they don't like that too much what am i supposed to feed them like a piece of my body what uh hmm maybe though i don't know what would they i feel like they would want to eat meat huh all right let's do this because were those okay here we go do that now are these flashing oh i can't do anything with those okay get away get away okay wait oh i think i know what i do okay i think i go here and then throw this and then i can grab a piece of the honeycomb from that giant hive maybe how many bees are there there's only a few stuff here we go go grab it white i can't grab it oh man okay that will scratch that uh oh oh boy can i oh here we go okay okay this is wait can i oh no oh wait hold on uh i s can i reach this no okay i don't know oh i thought it was giving me a hint did i oh yeah no this oh yeah there we go so i don't know why we would want to be up here oh i think oh can i grab this though maybe i can grab from here oh why can't you grab any of these i figured that that's what we needed to feed those things do i oh okay oh event system fun where does this oh that's oh no not that one that's how we get around those things we go through the event i don't know how we're gonna get i don't know where i'm supposed to go in here though i don't know how once we get once you drop down the vent how do you get back up i can't i feel like all right that one it didn't seem i'm probably gonna get eaten but it didn't seem like there was a uh like uh see this is glowing that seems like a good sign but then this one just ah there's a door here i'm doing it nope run oh man that was bad that was bad i was bad okay so oh okay i can see the vents so i think i wanted to be oh i wanted to be over there how am i gonna figure that out in the vent system because i'm gonna die obviously um i wish there was something identifying all right here we go i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead yeah yep i knew it i knew it i knew okay it's okay at least we know what to do that's not it could be this one though let's try this one hey i got it okay so wait what is this honeycomb sprinklers am i feeding them what why what do the sprinklers do okay i got honeycomb that's what we need right is that the want to know why i like plants uh-huh they're strong they adapt plants can grow anywhere from arid deserts to snowy tundras they're survivors yeah okay when i breed plants i combine their best qualities they become more resilient more bro can you just get this out of me because it's weird grow and heal humility and even cure deadly diseases okay cool story bro sleep more soundly at night knowing that our children and loved ones are safe okay can you just this is what i strive to accomplish with my research to create a more resilient fruitful and capable humanity fun hey can we can we just stop with the weird weirdness and like get me back to normal because like i don't like this plant stuff oh jeez no no no no okay i was i i was out of breath there go go oh man that fish trying to eat me go go go go go i made it i made it i made it i made uh wait whoops where's the entrance here this new path will lead you to my laptop okay that okay well that's cool new path fun um okay okay i see it wait yeah i gotta go there there there there that's a tricky that's a trick that one okay so down and go go go go go go got it okay cool let me just get full there we go okay we're we're good we're good we're good we're good what is this what is this oh we got groot in oh like oh look like like little groot and then like well i don't know bent up groot which is green and then we got big groot uh i don't know what are we doing here man okay what do you got here espresso machine what is this oh oh that's her that's her that's her oh no i'm growing leaves dude it really reminds me of the carrara from uh from subnautica oh that ain't her sorry nice to finally meet you in person oh i just wanted to get a closer look at you to see how the poison was progressing you jerk dude you did it on i purpose have listened to him the last ingredient is an activated spore pot wait you can tilt back trying to help me be careful the vines will try to grab you marge what am i supposed to do here am i supposed to listen to your weird dad or what well i got no choice okay so wait they go up up up and they go one two three four five okay so just go through them like this oh well that's kind of easy okay one one comes up yep yep thank you all right well that was dumb oh okay those are uh fun um okay there's gonna be another one i don't know where those are okay i gotta look around here so i'm just gonna jump scare me i know it is oh i made it easy peasy that's a sport pod great work thanks you have to finally can you open this thing yeah use the chemistry station next to me to make the cure okay we'll we'll do wait next week you should have a look through my father's research first okay hold on i gotta listen to marge research document oh okay so 10 plus 20 plus 20 plus 20 makes purple or something so 10 yellow and 20 of the rest i guess yeah wait don't don't believe is that's not how you spell disappeared margaret um wait hold on i i need to oh no no no it said don't try i think it said don't trust my father uh hold on grow better missing question someone's not really a phone number um he got fired he hates that guy uh up splicing human implant dna and seeing that side effect don't know what that picture is plant food i ate that experiment 299 side effect oh he's growing plant hair well it kind of looks like it was balding before so i don't i think that might be an improvement oh and then uh look at that economic botanist first prize geez uh oh go this way i mean it kind of looks like oh oh um wait i'm not oh okay that's just the easy way out right wait is it yeah wait uh he said next to him so that would be here yeah okay wait oh there's the thing wait can i okay wait uh oh oh my blood uh okay okay okay so wait the honeycomb turns blue that makes no sense that makes no sense that should be yellow okay so um oh here we go brewer or margaret we have to choose okay so brewer says 10 20 20 30. and then margaret don't believe his lies 10 20 20. and if i didn't get that i wouldn't know oh dude what do i do like he was oh man he did not say that he was infected so i kind of want to listen to margaret yeah i'm gonna trust margaret all right here we go so what is it oh what really you twist it that's super weird oh jeez jeez jeez okay i see i just okay oh man come on okay it did that so put it back all right so we're gonna do ten okay and then we got to go to 30 right oh that noise that oh wait i'm not even closer oh okay i want to get it closer okay there we go um i thought that was just the music but no spilled some there sorry uh dr brewer and margaret there we go and all right nothing blown up yet so far here we go it's still green i feel like it would turn brown at this point drink the potion ah looks good looks like potion of regen right there or maybe even just an instant health all right oh nailed it right all right he was a liar wow my skin's i put a lot of lotion on there man my skin was really oh boss fight [Applause] oh he mad what the road with the cure oh dude we're going to turn him into a normal person wait wait i don't have it and he's called my call him dad all right all right here we go bam get it that's an instant health potion splash potion heal you bro i heal you let's go oh you're tiny now huh wait oh did i come up you're the poison now you need to catch that dog that let brewer out now wait last time get out of here hold on wait but if it mean if it made me into a human how come it didn't cure him it just turned him into like i don't know it killed him it felt kind of bad i had one of those oh that's it okay cool cool oh donna oh dude get off of that thing what are you talking about what language you speaking to slap me shut up i thought brewer would have rooted you out tesla built this tower to transmit electricity oh and i'm going to use it to project my magic across the world smell you later oh says the guy with the fart flower what if that weisenheimer edison sent that automaton to steal my secrets oh yeah tesla and uh who's down there i um nicola tesla yes require your assistance edison spy must be stopped at all i bought your car dude so i i i'm with you but we'll have to say that for the next episode so if you guys want to see me continue playing this and uh figure out i don't know what happens and see how much longer this one is uh click the like button and subscribe i hope you enjoyed the video and i'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 802,848
Rating: 4.9290385 out of 5
Keywords: thinknoodles, think noodles, thinknoodles youtube, youtube thinknoodles, thinknoodles gaming, gaming, thinknoodles granny, app game, app store, mobile game, fan choice friday, thinknoodles fan choice, thinknoodles fan choice friday, spongebob, horror, horror game, goosebumps, dead of night, goosebumps game, goosebumps dead of night
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 15sec (1635 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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